View Full Version : Was the common fear of Lorien/Galadriel a work of Sauron?

03-18-2003, 10:17 AM
You can see that there is fear in the members of the Fellowship when they enter Lorien (with the obvious exceptions of Aragorn and Legolas).

Everyone has a misconception of both Lorien and of Galadriel. Of Lorien, they think that it is a perilious and dangerous land, where people that enter never come back or never come back unchanged.

And of the Lady of Light, they think of her as a treacherous and terrible sorceress... they are afraid of her "terrible" power...

Was it a work of Sauron? Becuase that misconception only aids and benefits the Dark Lord... So that his foes wouldnt contact and have an ally as powerful as the Lady of the Golden Wood...

Don't you think?

Mornie Alantie
03-18-2003, 11:28 AM
A little bit of Sauron and more of just the fear of the unknown. Most that entered lothlorien were either dinied entry, killed or never wanted to leave.

As for Galadriel, she was powerful, that people knew of her. But no ordinary person knew anything else so rumors and such spread about her.

Most "Men" feared elves in the third age, especially powerful ones. So the fear of the unknown and powerful made the rumors of Galadriel what they were, and so affected Lothlorien.