View Full Version : Isengar the Mariner by The Barrow-Wight, First posted February 21, 2004

01-12-2023, 11:25 AM
It is not surprising that Hobbits were a frequent subject of tales posted in our Fan Fiction Forum. This story was written by Barrow-Wight, himself. Barrow-Wight chose as his subject an obscure member of the Took family, mentioned in the family tree in the appendices. Isengar's entry states "said to have gone to sea in his youth," thus the title, Isengar the Mariner.

03-01-2023, 05:16 AM
That's a cute story, and it's a shame it stops so early. I see Barrow-Wight chose to avoid literally calling a hobbit "Barry" - probably a good decision. :D

I had to investigate the runes at the end, of course (R ^ B I Y). In the Cirth they seem to read BOMIN; in the "Dwarf-runes" of The Hobbit, it's probably RUBIX, which is quite funny, but I'm assuming the former. It's a plausible dwarf name, and has the added bonus of looking like RAB(b)IT.
