View Full Version : Resistance Discussion Thread

08-08-2003, 12:02 PM
Lyra Greenleaf invites you to play:


Historical Background: During the war of the ring, while the Shire is under the control of Sharkû (Saruman)

Basic Storyline:

Under the regime of Sharkû and Bill Ferny the Longbottom Leaf is taken away to be sold, and the Tooks are guarded in Tookland. The problem is that Paladin’s supply of leaf is fast dwindling, and he wants more. He sends a group of young Hobbits out by secret paths to the Southfarthing to try and bargain with a tobacco farmer to get a new stash. On the way they bump into a group of the new Shirriffs. They try to convince the Shirriffs to come with them. One does, but the other two go to find Bill Ferny’s henchmen.

These will waylay the Hobbits on their way back with the Leaf. When they get to the farm they have to convince the farmer to break the rules and sell them the Leaf. On the way back they run into the two evil men and have to fight them to escape. As they reach the Smials with the leaf, Pippin turns up riding his pony to call everyone to fight.

[ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

08-08-2003, 12:03 PM
The purpose of the story is to: Bring the tobacco and any new recruits back to Paladin at the Smials

This means we will know the story is over when: They meet with Pippin back at the Smials coming to call everyone to fight.

Starting Location: Great Smials

Likely destination: Great Smials



This game takes place in the _3rd___Age at around year ___1419___.

The storyline itself or plot covers _1 week____.

This game requires a time commitment of _6 weeks____ from me, the game owner and from the major players.

08-08-2003, 12:04 PM
Characters needed:

Main character types are:

4 Hobbits sent by Paladin from Great Smials- maximum of TWO female characters.

3 Shirriffs- male. 1 of these will join with the “resistance”; the other two will go to find the men

2 of Bill Ferny’s henchmen. OR could include Bill himself if you want a ready made character.

Secondary character types possible are: Farmer/Farmers wife- could be RPd but not necessarily

Character types which would not belong: Elves, Dwarves, any other men.

08-08-2003, 12:05 PM
The game owner will play _2__ character(s).

Character Description Form for owner’s characters:

NAME: Paladin Took

AGE: 86

RACE: Hobbit



APPEARANCE: Rather tall for a Hobbit, round wrinkled face and curly dark brown hair, tanned skin. Good quality clothes, often green. (His favourite colour).

HISTORY: Has been Thain for only 4 years, and didn’t really expect to be- expected his cousin to marry and have children. Now he has immense pride in his position and does his level best to live up to his own expectations. Has four children (the youngest being Pippin) who he loves, and two grandchildren.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Usually a jolly, grandfatherly type but has a famous temper when crossed. Or when he hasn’t had a smoke at his pipe. Close to rage almost constantly thanks to Lotho, Bill Ferny and Sharku- feels the Tooks’ place is being taken. Also very worried about Pippin, his heir, who has, after all, simply disappeared. Has a lot of pride in his family, and Hobbits in general- annoyed that none of them are doing anything to help themselves. Very determined and single minded.


NAME: Josias Brandybuck (Known more usually as Josh)

AGE: 28

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS: Small curved bow.

APPEARANCE: Short and stocky (even for a Hobbit), unusually fair hair, wildly curly and messy. Rumpled clothes- it’s not that he rumples them, it just seems they get near to him and become dirty and creased. Never seen without a smile, which gives him a dimple.

HISTORY: Son of Paladin’s sister Emmeline (Emmie) and Zachius Brandybuck, born and brought up in Buckland and the Smials with his older brother and sister. He came to the Smials with many other Brandybucks to help the Tooks in their opposition of the new regime. Has always had a taste for Bilbo’s stories and a thirst for adventure, and has always idolised his cousin Pippin- wishes he could have gone adventuring with them.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Kind, usually gentle and always trying to be helpful. He has an infectious laugh which is often heard. Dreams of adventure and has a secret wish for glory. A good sense of humour. He has a righteous indignation about the trials the Shire is facing and wishes to see the old ways restored. Childish in many ways. Secretly nervous about fighting.

08-08-2003, 12:07 PM
The first post for the game:

Lyra's post

Paladin gazed with ill-concealed annoyance into the little container half full of the best Longbottom Leaf.

“Eglantine!” he called towards an open, round door.

“Yes Paladin?” His wife answered as she bustled cheerfully into the room.

“My tobacco box has not been filled. It’s less than halfway full.” Eglantine fidgeted with her gown, eyes suddenly fixed on the floor at her feet.

“Eglantine?” Paladin asked in a commanding voice, irritation growing.
Why in Heaven’s name is she acting like young Pippin after one of his scrapes? he wondered grimly.

“Well, my love…You see…” her voice trailed off.

“Come, Eglantine! Surely you don’t think I will bite your head off?” Once again she shifted uneasily.

“No of course not.” She replied doubtfully. “You see Paladin, the thing is- you’ve run out”


“It’s those ruffians. They don’t allow trade of tobacco. We’ve haven’t had any new supplies for quite some time. For the last few weeks you’re the only person who has actually had any.”

Paladin sat slowly onto his old chair. That’s all there is left? he thought disbelievingly.

There hasn’t been a shortage of Leaf since…there hasn’t been a shortage of Leaf! And they have been going without, for me. Even Adelard, I suppose! Anger bubbled to the surface. Those...men. We have to get rid of them. Coming in, changing things. Setting up that Sackville-Baggins as chief. Sackville-Baggins! I ask you, what’s wrong with traditions? The Thain has always been in charge, if anyone has to be. And the Master, in Buckland, I suppose. Sackville-Baggins. It’s not even a proper name! Baggins, yes, and even Sackville is a respectable-

“Paladin?” His wife’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked up. Her cheerful face was creased in worry.

“Eglantine. This has gone on for quite long enough. It’s time we showed them that Tooks will not stand for this nonsense, whatever Grubbs or Hardbottles may do. We need more Leaf. I’ll lead a party to-”

He broke off. Eglantine had, if anything, become more agitated.
“Paladin” she began slowly “Are you sure? You were always very adventurous, but don’t you think you’re perhaps…a little old?”

He looked at her sternly, then sighed. “Maybe I am at that” he admitted with a sigh, then squeezed her hand. “Well, then. Let us find some younger volunteers. Where is everyone?”

Eglantine gave him a very pointed look. “Most are eating Elevenses, Paladin.”
”Of course, of course” Paladin murmured absently “Good, good. I’ll announce it in the Dining Hall.”

Paladin walked to the front of the great dining hall slowly. It was almost completely full, and yet he knew many Hobbits were not there. There had always been many Tooks, but now they were joined by huge numbers of Hobbits who had come because only the Tooks were doing anything against the enemy. The enemy of ALL Hobbits. Paladin had had to make some hard decisions, not least the order to kill trespassers. It was always hard for a Hobbit to kill. He could understand why others had decided to put up with the occupation, but it was not in him to accept it. Everyone had to make their own choices.

The noise had died down a little on his entrance, which simply meant that Paladin could hear himself think. Speaking was another matter entirely. With a smile he picked up the heavy bell that had been lying on the top table for centuries. As long as anyone could remember it had been rung to give the news of births, deaths and marriages in the Took family. He could still remember picking it up the first time to present himself as Thain. Recently though, Paladin had used it in more serious ways- announcing his intention to oppose the invasion, giving permission to raid the dwellings and holds of the men, and ordering the death of trespassing men. It was rumoured that it had been given to the Oldbucks by the King himself, and in those days it had certainly been used for purposes like to the ones Paladin now put it to. He was proud, in a way, to be upholding the traditions of his ancestors. Yet he would swap it all to return to his previous quiet life. And the return of his son. And a batch of good Longbottom Leaf. Deliberately he rang the bell, and silence fell.

“By the sounding of the bell I call to the notice of the Took clan a matter of grave importance.” Paladin began with the traditional words. “Listen well and tell anyone who is not here, that all will hear my words.”

Here tradition ended. Paladin was grateful that his ancestors, or the Oldbucks, had had as little desire for speeches as Hobbits of today.

“My dear Tooks” he began, from his own head “and all honoured friends. I will not make a long speech. As you all know, I am an old man” He looked significantly at Eglantine, who was standing near the entrance smiling. “and all old men have certain…caprices. Friends, we have run out of Leaf. I would call upon a number of our young Hobbits to go and get some for me and my fellow old men, who, I understand, have been going without for some weeks. I ask this not only for my own gratification, but also because the interlopers have no right to disrupt our traditions. Will any volunteers please come to my study this afternoon.”

Paladin waited for the reaction. There was a few moments silence, then a thunderstorm of clapping. There was even some cheering. He smiled a satisfied smile. Yes- you could depend on Hobbits, in the end.

The first young Hobbit into his study was a lad Paladin knew very well, his nephew Josias. The name still made Paladin smile, for this scruffy lad hardly seemed to suit it. He had lived at the Smials for some years, being taught with young Peregrin and Pervinca. Finally Emmie, the sister next-older than Paladin and the tattle-tale bane of his childhood, had taken him away for fear that he was being corrupted by his cousin’s influence. Paladin very much feared that the damage had already been done, and felt it served Emmie very well. Josh had always been in awe of Pippin, and done his best to keep up with his, and young Meriadoc Brandybuck’s, pranks. Indeed, Emmie’s taking him back to Buckland could only have brought him into more contact with Meriadoc, who could have had very little as a stabilising influence. Still, Josh was a good lad. He impressed Paladin talking of his desire to rid the Shire of those men and his wish for adventure. Paladin could remember feeling similarly himself. No doubt it was inspired, at least in part, by Pippin’s going off for adventure. Paladin nodded briskly: yes, the lad would do very well. He had excelled himself in some of the raids.

“Very well lad” He cut off Josh’s flow of speech. “I will entrust you with charge of this expedition, but make sure you listen to advice. I have found that to be the secret of leadership. I want you to go to Longbottom- you know the way by the Shirebourn do you not?”

Josh nodded eagerly.

“Good, good. I want you to try to keep out of the way of everyone. No attempted heroics. I think there will be time enough for that soon. Well, go and prepare. Send in the next, won’t you”

“Thank you very much, Uncle Paladin” the lad answered, his eyes shining.
I hope you will be as happy afterwards, Paladin thought with a sigh, knitting his hands together as he watched the boy walk out. Hard decisions…

08-08-2003, 12:09 PM

All character descriptions not accompanied by a First Post will be returned to their writers.

Players will NOT be chosen because they submitted their character earlier than the other players. The Game Owner, Lyra, will read each post and character bio and then make the choice for players accordingly.

08-08-2003, 12:13 PM
It is a requirement that all potential game players will either have posted in one of the RPG Inns (preferably in The Green Dragon) or have played in an RPG on the Barrow Downs.

Please use this form for creating your character to post on the discussion thread.

Those who have not played before in a Barrow Downs' RPG will be given preference. Final preference, though, will be at the discretion of the Game Owner.
__________________________________________________ _________

Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES/NO - Which one?

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? Please note you may play in only 3 games at one time.

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES/NO – Which one?


For your character please include:





WEAPONS (No magical, super-hero, mithril weapons. Just good solid Middle-earth weapons and armor only that is appropriate to the race of the character and the time period.):


PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: (No half-Elven characters. No mixed-type characters. No super-heroes. No assassins. No one all powerful, martial arts proficient, or having any magical traits. Just regular characters with normal abilities for their races only):




It is a requirement for this game. Character Descriptions without a First Post attached will be sent back to the writer. They may be submitted again, once there is a First Post to go with them.

08-08-2003, 12:13 PM
The Discussion Thread is now open to take on characters.

Please read the proposal carefully, see what characters are needed, and craft a well thought out Character Description and a First Post for the Game.

Should be a fun game!

~*~ Piosenniel, Shire Moderator

[ August 09, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-10-2003, 02:17 AM
Hello! Wow, I'm so excited- so come on people, join!

I'd just like to point out a couple of things about the game.

Firstly that there is a lot of freedom, especially for the evil characters, to develop their own storyline. So if you want to be evil you'll get to use your imagination!

Secondly, I'd like to highlight the fact that there is a space open for at least one possible cameo role as the farmer/ farmer's wife (or other member of his family!) which would require perhaps one post to set the character up and two or three for negotiation. Anything else would be up to you, so a good part if you haven't got much time.

08-12-2003, 09:46 PM
I don't know if Hobbits play chess or not, but here goes. Hope you like it.
Character Description Form:
Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – NO

Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES - The Green Dragon

For your character please include:

NAME: Olo Underfoot

AGE: 56

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS (No magical, super-hero, mithril weapons. Just good solid Middle-earth weapons and armor only that is appropriate to the race of the character and the time period.): Olo carries a short bow which he can shoot fairly well.

APPEARANCE: Standing at 3’6” He has dark brown curly hair to match his dark eyes. He is a fairly well dressed hobbit with brass buttons upon his yellow vest. Though rich, he is nearly always dressed in plain brown breeches and a white cotton shirt along with the bright yellow vest He is fat, even for a hobbit, and he loves to smoke. He is always seen with a pipe in his mouth, even if he is not currently smoking it. The course hairs upon his feet are always neatly brushed, and his hair is always carefully combed so that the tops of his ears are framed with a delicate fringe of curls.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: He is very clever and loves to play chess. Strategically minded, he has no scruples in making himself richer and others poorer when an opportunity arises. Often times, he will switch sides in an argument/situation if circumstances are turned on the side he is currently on. Olo Underfoot is, of course, aware that this is a dangerous game, but he thrives on it as his quick mind always rescues him out of political scrapes. Proud and egotistical, especially after becoming shirrif, he does not have many friends and many wondered how he ever managed to become shirrif. He is very persuasive when he wants to be and is very popular among Bill Ferney and his southern friends.

HISTORY: Olo is the son of Esmerelda and Polo Underfoot, where they had an isolated hole in the country several miles from Hobbiton. They were the last of the little known Underfoots and their family was also one of the poorer ones. Though not anywhere near poverty, Olo always looked with envy upon the Baggins of Hobbiton, where he would occasionally journey to when he was a young lad. Early in his life, he determined that he would make the Shire remember the Underfoots for all time, and that he himself would be rich, maybe even richer than Baggins himself! Little by little he rose to the top, until he moved to Bree, where he opened a bakery to please his mother. It was while he lived in Bree that he became friends with Bill Ferny, if friendship it could be called. Because of his wits and clerverness, he became shirrif when he was 50 years old.

FIRST POST October 27

Two men, pipes hanging from their mouths and heads wreathed in bluish grey smoke, studied a light brown board checked with black intently; carved chess pieces of mahogany stood in military array upon the different squares. Well, at least one of the players was technically a man, the other was a fairly wealthy hobbit.

Snickering slyly, the man, Bill Ferny by name, smoothly threatened Olo Underfoot’s king with a queen. Rotten yellow teeth revealed themselves in a gloating sneer as Bill leaned back in his chair and blew a cloud of smoke into the sky. “Check, Olo.”

Olo grimaced slightly at the board and blew a smoke ring from his fat lips. Rubbing his pudgy tanned hands thoughtfully, Olo considered Bill with a pair of rich brown eyes. Ferny was a clever man, but Olo knew that he was smarter than the sallow faced man that crowed in early pride before him. With a shrug, Olo said, “You are not lackin‘ in brains, Billy. Though I must admit ye had me worried when ye took up with them southern men. Thought ye was a fool and I imagined that ye would loose everything you possessed, even though that was precious little. I see I was wrong.” He fingered his brass buttons thoughtfully before he added, “Thanks to ye, I’m richer than I ever thought possible. Technically, o’ course, it was all because o’ Sharkey. ’Twas a happy day for the Shire when he came.”

Bill Ferny laughed scornfully and said, “That’s not the tune you were dancing to when he first came. You were all afraid that Sharkey would ruin the Shire, and look at ya now: one of Sharkey’s best men.”

“That’s because ye opened me eyes, mate. ‘Twas ye that showed me that Sharkey really meant to improve the Shire, this poor land that wallowed in its unchanged state and that plodded contentedly on in ignorance of great mechanical advances. If it weren’t for ye, I’d be starving in some dank cell, becoming thinner and thinner and yearnin‘ for a bit o‘ smoke.” Olo jiggled his fat stomach appreciatively and patted a leather tobacco pouch which was stuffed so full with Leaf that it threatened to burst its seams. Glancing at the board, he countered Bill Ferny’s move with his knight and watched in unrestrained glee as Ferney’s smugness faded and was replaced with irritation.

Swiftly moving a pawn, Ferny said, “Not all the Shire folk think as we do.” Nodding towards Tookland, he said, “Thain Paladin is making plenty of trouble. Tomorrow, you and two of your fellow shirrifs are goin' to have a meeting in the morning.”

With a disdainful scoff, Olo replied, “I’m goin’ over with two o’ my fellow shirrif to see to him, try an‘ convince him to our side, if ye know what I mean. If they refuse,” he said with a careless shrug and a forefinger swiping at his throat, “Sharkey will see to ’im, Under his finger, the Tooks will bend an’ bend ’till they snap.” With a flourish, Olo maneuvered his queen to a black square and peered triumphantly into Bill Ferny‘s yellow face. “Checkmate.”

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Imladris ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-13-2003, 04:01 AM
Imladris, that seems brilliant. Just one thing- you've written Bill Ferney, but it's Bill Ferny. Apart from that...you're accepted!

08-13-2003, 08:30 AM
Thanks for the correction, Lyra, and I'm sorry about that. Thank you also for accepting me and, as if you couldn't tell smilies/rolleyes.gif, Olo's one of the bad shirrif's. smilies/smile.gif smilies/evil.gif

08-13-2003, 05:06 PM
Hello Lyra,

would you care for a little wanderer? Have a look!

Name: Tim Bracegirdle
Age: 25
From: Orginally Hobbiton, The Shire
Race: Hobbit
Gender: Male
Weapon: Crossbow- and his charm. Try to say no to him, you will fail, fail, fail.

Short physical description: A Hobbit- Hunk! (wouldn´t that make a neat PT?) Anyways. Yes, he´s very attractive, with crystal-blue eyes, sun tanned skin. He has sensual lips, darkbrown eyes and a face that´s very, very hard to forget. A smile to die for, and quite muscular. Tall for a hobbit, long legs he has a kind of lazy- elegance hard to find around of hobbits.

Backround/Motivation/Character: Every heard of a hobbit jock?! Not only is Tim too cute to be allowed, he´s also very, very popular. He can be found on every party between Michel Delving and Bree, and he just loves it. He lives with the impression he can have whatever he wants- and every girl he wants. With winks and smiles, he just flirts and flirts. “The world is a stage- and the lasses are MY audience.” He doesn´t have a tad for responsability, and no interest whatsoever in founding a family (“Marry? Kids? End my life? Are you kidding??") Needless to say, this atitude makes him appear rather immature, and especially elder hobbits tend to not take him seriously.
He´s the youngest child of the family, and his mother spoiled him rotten. He never had to take any responsibility, but he also never bounded with any of his –much older- siblings. Even now, that they´re grown up, they´re not really close- exept for Tim and his next-oldest sister Melody, who he trusts boundlessly. But Tim´s also found a kind of new family in his aunt Hilda Brandybuck née Bracegirdle and her children. His cousin Doderic is one of his few close friends.
Tim values fun and laughter, but he has few close friends he really trusts. He tries to be as invincible as possible, always cool and funny, but it´s hard to get a good, true impression of him. In truth, Tim sometimes finds himself longing for much more than ale and dancing. He wants love and friendship. Long talks with more sense than pointless rumors and wide open spaces, where he can be free and do his own thing. But he hardly ever lets these thoughts take hold of him, mainly because he´s happy with the life he has, and sees no need to change it. Besides, there´s so much to do- like charming other people. It´s not only girls that go crazy over him- mothers blush and smile, and strict farmers will only grumble fondly before letting Tim take their princesses of to dances.
Right now, he´s accompanied his cousins Doderic and Ilberic to Smials, and, in the two weeks they´ve been there as ceased to be everybody´s darling. Well, not quite everybody´s- Laura Grubb, a young lady with quite a head has slipped herself in his dreams. He´s crazy for her, but she doesn´t let a moment pass without letting him know she thinks he´s a blown-up idiot. Consequently, he´ll do anything to grab her attention. Anything......

First Post

“Oh my gosh, there he is!” Tim Bracegirdle lazily turned his head towards the voices and winked, smiling pleasantly. He was sitting on a little stone wall just out side the Took residence in Great Smials. Behind him, he well knew, two or three lasses of barely fifteen were spying on him. The usual. Tim squinted at the sun and, calculating it was about time for lunch, strolled inside the house. The girls followed him, much like a very gigglelish shadow, but Tim didn´t mind. On the contrary, he loved it. In the large hall, he turned around as was about to say something, something cool, when-

“Tim, there you are! Have you heard?” Melody. Of course. Tim gave a his sister a half-annoyed look as she pulled him away from hall and fanclub into a little side-off room.

“What??” He asked, curiously. “Any distant relatives? Bad news?!”

“No, no, no. There´s a shortage of leaf, and Paladin wants to send a group of youngsters off to get some. People like Doderic, and Ilberic-”

“-and me,” He finished the sentence for her. She nodded, anxiously. “You seriously think, I am going to go to through half the Shire, get myself roasted by one of those ruffians, stabbed by a shiriff and drowned in a river to bring old Paladin his leaf?” He peered at her, impatiently. Adventures, that weren´t his kind of thing. No parties on the way, and it became so boring after a while. He liked it here- lot´s of food, good ale, pretty girls...

“Tim, please! They need you! You´re such a good bowsman, and someone needs to convince the farmer to give you the leaf. You´re made for something like that, you like the outdoors, walking- and if you succeed, we´ll all have our leaf back. Please, Timmy! Please! Your brother´s can´t go, they have to stay with the farm, but please, do this! Please!” She fixed him with a pleading look, her eyes tight on his. After a pause, she lowered her voice, then added: “ Paladin´s awaiting young adventures in the study. Miss Grubb would be so impressed....”

Melody winked and left the room.

He stood there, staring. He didn´t have to go. Nobody forced him. He could go into the hall, talk a word or two with those girls, make them blush... He could make himself a nice time here, find a fishy excuse to silence his sister....he could.

You just want to save your own little bum

The voice came from the back of his head, small, defiant- disgusted. He´d never would hsve thought it was there, but it was. And Tim new, it would stay there and make his life living hell if he didn´t do anything about it.

Tim pulled up his shoulders and walked into the study.

“Hello, Tim!” Paladin smiled at him, his face round and kind much like a ripe apple.

“Good day, Sir.” Tim shoved his weigt from one foot to the other. He could do this. It wasn´t hard. He just had to say something. Appear smart and winning, so Paladin would accept him on the quest. But did he want to be accepted?

“Tim? Can I help you?” Paladin asked. Come on! Tim thought. This isn´t that hard! His mind was made up: he would go. Now all he had to do was convince Paladin of his perfect skills for this.

“Sir, it´s been a pleasure for me to stay at your house for all this time. I- I´ve been wondering if there was a way for me to return that kindness to you. And... there appears to be one indeed!” Tim smiled, and dropped his head slightly, enough to appear bold, but not enough to look silly or down-putting. “Sir, it would be a great pleasure for me to organize leaf for you.” He continued, his eyes fixing Paladin with a winning smile. “I´m a rather good bowsman, if I may say so- and as I said it would be a great pleasure for me. Would you- would you consider me? I´d be honored, Sir. It would be something I could still tell my grandchildren about.” My grandchildren! Like I even want children in the first place!

But Paladin seemed charmed. He got up and put his hand on Tim´s, his eyes shining with affection. “Thank you, Tim. I´d be happy to have you. I will not forget it.”

Tim smiled and left the study. In the hall, he turned to the livingroom where, sure enough, he found cousin Doderic. “Hey, Dode! I´m going on adventure!” His voice was casual, and only Doderic could tell it was raised above normal standards. Laura had just passed by.

[ August 18, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock
08-13-2003, 06:15 PM
Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – NO

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in?one (hopefuly)

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES–The Green Dragon Inn

For your character please include:

NAME:Falco Proudfoot




WEAPONS:walking stick and a sling with 7 smoth rocks for ammo

APPEARANCE:A Hobbit with Dark balck hair, Brown eyes, and about the size of Frodo Bagins.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES:He is genuinely nice and always welcomes strangers in his home if they are in need of shelter. He dose not take criticism to lightly. He loves going for long walks and loves his family dearly. He is very handy with a walking stick and he can sling a stone as far as the eye can see or so he says. The only thing that really set him off is when someone steals something from him. He loves his walking stick like it was a pet he keeps it very well and shines it every day. His parents are a little worried about that.

HISTORY:Falco was raised well in the shire he never wants to leave for any reason what so ever. He loves the peace and the tranquility of the open fields and that nobody bothers them. One day he was tending to his garden when he thought he might go to his friend palidin's house.

First post

It was a fine day in the Shire. So Falco decided to go to his old friend Paladin’s house for a good smoke and some gossip. Falco walked up to paladin’s house and he was sitting outside but he looked very puzzled.

“Hello good friend how are you today,” said Falco to his good friend
“Oh, hi Falco why have you came to visit me on this fine day,” said Paladin, but Falco noticed that he seemed a distracted.
“Why are you distracted Paladin” asked Falco
“Well I have a favor to ask you?”
“What is it old friend.”
“Well I would like you to help some young hobbits to get to Longbottom and get Gaffers such as us some of the Leaf that those ruffians keep form us. I need a wise hobbit as yourself to accompany them.”
“OK when do we leave?”

[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock ]

Arvedui III
08-13-2003, 07:43 PM
Yey! A Hobbit RPG.

Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? YES, The Road to Erebor, Reclaiming the City, Truth in a Dark Place

How many RPGs on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? -None

Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan?- NO

NAME: Olbard "Brass" Stonetoe

AGE: 23

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS: Brass carries a stout club given to him by Bill Ferny.

APPEARANCE: Standing about 3'7", with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Brass makes a very respective figure among the Hobbits under Sharky. He wears a leather jerkin a tad to small for him, a sacrifice for the only proper amount of girth he displays, loose clothing direct from Bywater, if you please, and his sheriff's cap and feather stuck at jaunty angle.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: The nickname Olbard Stonetoe carries from his friends is "Brass", the key part of his trade, but the nickname he earned from his family, and those who know him very well is "Gullible". Brass is perhaps one of the most trusting hobbits in the Shire, and there's something to be said for that; But there's also something to be said for the fact that he blindly follows whoever barks an order first, making him the perfect aid for Sharky and his Ruffians. Brass has no ambition, very little ego, or daring, preferring a good plate of fish and chips to scheming and adventure. Complacent and hungry, the lad in his tweens has only one useful skill: his hands. Weather it be eating, drawing; working with either metal or wood, Olbard Stonetoe can do almost anything with his hands. He would go very far if the same could be said of his wits.

HISTORY: Born the son of Fastred Stonetoe and Eglantine Hill from Whitwell, Olbard Stonetoe grew up in pleasant times, if not in the lavish comfort enjoyed by some hobbit families. He came to Hobbiton as a apprentice locksmith, and his subsequent visits to the Green Dragon Inn earned him some friends and the nickname "Brass”, in honor of the type of metal he cast and the color of ale he consumed.
At the coming of Sharky, Olbard was recruited for the sheriffs after his aid in building the large mill and now works for Bill Ferny as a jack-of-all-trades.

First Post:

The guardhouse, comfortably warm in the thickly cold night, made Brass Stonetoe inadvertently smile. "Ahh fire." He muttered as he pulled on the iron knocker. A shadowy man twice his size gave him a black-toothed grin and waved him inside. Even two weeks ago the sight of this behemoth would have been enough to send him into a stuttering ball of fear; but now he only nodded stepped inside. A great "Hoohhh!" washed over him, and Brass ambled over to the table where Bill Ferny and Olo Underfoot were playing chess. He blinked, Horribly bothersome game, chess. Straining to see what the big to-do was about.

Olo, beaming as though his birthday had come early, declared so all the cramped guardhouse could hear, "Checkmate." Brass clapped automatically along with everyone else in the room, it wasn't really important; but everyone else was doing it, so Brass figured he should do it too. He was just about ready to sit down for a good after-supper when, "Olbard!" An imperious voice made Brass turn, his blue eyes looking unfocused around the room. "Behind you." The voice corrected, pointedly.

"Oh." Brass turned and ogled at Olo Underfoot. "Sorry, I- how did you do that?" Olo's sharp brown eyes were alight with mirth. "Never mind, listen," He lowered his voice conspiratorially, "Tomorrow, you want to come with me to Tookland?" It wasn't a question, really. It was a statement. But still Brass furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" "'Cause we're gonna straiten them out." That seemed fairly straightforward. "Okay." Olo broke into a wide grin, and handed him a hunk of cheese. "Then be at the usual spot in the morning, and not after elevenses, mind you." The other hobbit added shrewdly. That stung, but Brass looked at the wonderfully warm cheese in his hand and chose not to complain. "Sure, I know the score." His fellow sherif chuckled as he turned and walked away. "Sure you do."

He shrugged. Olo was planning something, he always was. But Brass was indifferent to it. So long as the good food kept coming, whatever he had to do, he'd do it. No sense in causing any bother, but as Brass sat down to revel in his cheese, he wondered why the Tooks didn't know that.

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Arvedui III ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-14-2003, 04:58 PM
Manan I'm glad you remembered enough of your bio. Tim is accepted. smilies/biggrin.gif

Arvedui Nice to see you! "Brass" seems a great character, he's accepted. smilies/biggrin.gif

Dragon Elf Check your PMs, please! smilies/biggrin.gif

So... There are still two spaces for Hobbit adventurers left. (One or both could be female, if anyone wants. Could your first posts talk about, or at least mention, interviews with Paladin and a reason why you are at the Tookland.)

We also need one Shirriff to join the resistance and two evil men.

The cameo is being held for Sophia, assuming she's going to show up sometime... smilies/wink.gif

Elven Warrior
08-15-2003, 11:04 PM
Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – NO

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? None

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES Which one?The Green Dragon


For your character please include:





WEAPONS (No magical, super-hero, mithril weapons. Just good solid Middle-earth weapons and armor only that is appropriate to the race of the character and the time period.):Longsword

APPEARANCE: He's tall and well-built with greyish blue eyes and dirty blond hair that covers his ears. He wears leather gauntlets and a long coat which he uses to conceal his sword.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: (No half-Elven characters. No mixed-type characters. No super-heroes. No assassins. No one all powerful, martial arts proficient, or having any magical traits. Just regular characters with normal abilities for their races only): He hardly does a thing unless he's paid for it and shows mercy to no one. He has a short temper and beleives fighting is the solution to all life's problems. His love of battle often puts him in danger, though, as he will back down from almost nothing and will continue to fight until he wins or is killed.

HISTORY: He was born in a Gondorian village and his parents died when he was young, leaving him to fend for himself. He eventually turned to a life of crime and when he was older led a gang of highwaymen who waylaid and robbed travellers. When some Men of Gondor came to try and stop them, however, he fled until he reached Bree. There he became a regular at the Prancing Pony and met Bill Ferny, which leaves us about where we are now.



Assiram threw open the door of the Prancing Pony and walked towards Bill Ferny's usual seat in the dark corner across the room. As he briskly walked across the Common Room, Assiram never took his eyes off Bill's table, and pushed past anyone in his way without a second glance, for there was money to be made this night.

When, he reached the corner, Assiram noticed Bill sitting with his back in the corner, as he was apt to do of late, and one of Bill's many southern friends sitting on the opposite side of the small round table. Assiram stared down the southerner, his gaze seeming burn a hole through the man of the south. Finally the southerner looked stupidly at Assiram, who said simply,"Get up. You're in my seat." The southerner disregarded him and turned back to Bill. Assiram's arm suddenly lashed out and put the southerner on the ground in a heap.

Assiram then calmly took his place at the table across from Bill and said," So you're back in Bree, eh, Ferny. What kind of a job have you got for me?"

"I'm only back for a short while," Ferny said. Then switching to a businesslike tone he said,"There've been a few hobbits who won't quite submit to Sharkey. They're not giving him all they owe. I need you to find them, and if they still won't follow the Rules, then make an example of them and I can guarantee you'll be well paid. Here's a list of them." Ferny slid a piece of paper across the table to Assiram.

"I'd better be well paid, unless you'd like your head to roll,"Assiram replied, standing to leave.

"We'll leave in the morning, then," said Bill, knowing this meant "yes".

[ August 16, 2003: Message edited by: Elven Warrior ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-16-2003, 07:20 AM
Elven Warrior- That's great! Just one thing, Bill Ferny was in the Shire long before the time our story is set, so could you either make Bill ask for a specific job (eg going after a certain troublesome Hobbit, collecting food, somethign of the sort) OR make it so he's come out of the Shire to recruit, so it's clear he's been in the Shire himself for a while, although Assiram will be new. Once that's done, welcome to the Downs and welcome to the game!

[ August 16, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

Elven Warrior
08-16-2003, 09:56 PM
Alright, I've done some editing. How's that look?

Lyra Greenleaf
08-17-2003, 04:26 AM
That's great! smilies/biggrin.gif

Lyra Greenleaf
08-17-2003, 04:28 AM
That's great! smilies/biggrin.gif

08-17-2003, 08:46 AM
Character Description Form:
1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – Yes (with Lyra actually smilies/biggrin.gif)
2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? one (I hope)
3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – umm…* nope
Character Description Form:
Name: Niluial Brandywine
Age: 25
From: Originally Hobbiton, The Shire
Race: Hobbit
Gender: Female
Weapon: A pocket knife and that is about it
Short physical description: Niluial had always been the outcast in Hobbiton, she was nt like other Hobbits; she was very beautiful and thin (weird for a hobbit), she had brown hair and sea blue eyes and she was rather tall, for a Hobbit that is! She had a very neat look to her and that might be because she was a complete perfectionist. She also has a very sophisticated look to her which is also unusual for a hobbit!
Backround/Motivation/Character: Niluial is a very serious person and usually has no time for fun. But when she is in that playful mood there is no telling what she will do. She loves to work and is a brilliant cook. She is sensitive and often takes things the wrong way which often irritates other hobbits.
She was never really close to any member of her family. So she didn’t have much to do with them! Her family left when she was only 15, and they left her rather wealthy. Her family never did care for her and look after her, that is where she got her sense of responsibility. But To this day no one knows where her family has gone.
She runs her own little farm… and she really has green fingers. The only problem is she hates getting her hands dirty. She comes across as a Tom-boy and many young Hobbits find that intimidating. Boys? No, not interested well… that isn’t fully true she always did have her eye on Tim Bracegirdle!
Many hobbits flirt with her because of her beauty. Niluial was often a trouble maker when she is in her playful mood!
First Post
Niluial sighed as she opened the door to her cottage. She didn’t want to admit it but she felt very lonely often and wished she had some more company. She liked to visit Melody Bracegirdle for the exact reason that she was Tim Bracegirdle’s sister. She looked at the clock… my time does fly she thought.
Niluial sat on her couch and watched out the window. Little hobbits were picking berries, others were singing and some were playing games. “Oh get a grip of yourself Niluial! Please you are strong and though. Stop sulking find something to do!” she said to herself in an irritated voice. She fixed her hair and picked up a basket on her way out "picking flowers might be fun" She said to herself.
On her way back she saw the Took residence. A grand tall, rather beautiful building. In the distance she saw Melody looking rather irritated. She decided to walk up to her but before Niluial knew it Melody was inside. She saw a window open and decided to go see what Melody was doing. She snuck up and leaned against the wall, right next to the window and listened to what Melody said… “No, no, no. There’s a shortage of leaf, and Paladin wants to send a group of youngsters off to get some. People like Doderic, and Ilberic-”
“-and me,” a young mans voice said.
“You seriously think, I am going to go to through half the Shire, get myself roasted by one of those ruffians, stabbed by a shiriff and drowned in a river to bring old Paladin his leaf?” Melody said again.

Niluial always did want to interact with Tim more… this was her opportunity… so what if I go through half the shire, so what if I get myself roasted by one of those ruffians or even get stabbed by a shiriff… at least I can be with Tim… from that moment she decided she also wanted to go with the group of youngsters to bring old Paladin his leaf!

A few hours later Niluial found Paladin talking to an old friend. "Paladin... Paladin" Niluial called waving her hands up high.
"Niluial, what is?" Paladin said. Niluial watched his face brighten as he spoke to her.
"I want to go..." Niluial demanded.
"To get my my leaf? But Niluial... you are a young..."
"I dont care I want to go please" Niluial said as she interrupted Paladin.
"Oh, well if you wish. I dont understand why"
"Well you dont need to. Thank you and keep safe!" Niluial said kissing Paladin on the cheek and running off.
"Oh bye" Niluial said in the distance. She was so happy that her heart was racing. "I always wanted to go on some kind of adventure" Niluial exclaimed knowing well that no one was listening!
Lyra I really want to do another RPG… if this character is not ok I will change it with pleasure… sorry if it seems rushed I just am in a rush! I might make some changes

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: Niluial ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-17-2003, 12:32 PM
Nil- Yay! I'm really glad you're back. I will be delighted to have Niluial as a character, but you're right the post does seem a little rushed. Just sort out the punctuation and it'll be great. But could you make her a couple of years older please? 20 is a little young for a Hobbit considering they aren't of age until 33.

Nil and Manan- Could both of you add a paragraph of talking to Paladin to your first posts please? It can be as short as you want. Make sure you convince him of your worth!

08-17-2003, 02:29 PM
Hey Lyra! smilies/smile.gif

Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? Yes. Which one. Too many. Wolf Run, Search for the Lost Messenger, Quest for the Ainereg, Truth in a Dark Place, Dark Seduction, Corsairs and Corsets...did I forget any?

How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? Uh, two...yes, two...I think... (Dark Seduction is going to end soon, you know)

Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? Yes, the Green Dragon

Name: Dury Greenhand

Age: 38

Race: Hobbit, married into both the Brandybuck and Took line

Gender: Male

Weapons: his father's old short sword

Appearance: Dury stands at the shorter end of average hobbit height and is quite prickly about it. His light, rosy brown hair always pokes out in various directions, sitting atop his head as a mass of messy shaggy curls. He is a bit pudgy around the waste, and would be much more so if it were not for his wife. Mirda's cooking was excellent, of course, but she has a strong arm and a very hard wooden spoon. She has also threatened to purchase a small, cast iron pot. But, this is Dury's biography, after all, so we will continue with his usual apparel. He most often wears a bright yellow or dark green shirt with his light brown or light gray trousers. But sometimes he will wear a light brown or off-white shirt with his green and blue plaid trousers or with his red, blue, and green plaid ones. He always wears his suspenders, though, to match his shirt. Whenever he travels (which is almost as rare an occasion as his own marriage) he adorns his stained, once green traveling cloak. It is now a mix of green and brown; the one-time dark green faded into more of an olive green. On this unbelievably uncommon event, he also belts on his father's old sword (then he doesn't wear suspenders), passed down from generation to generation, purchased in a time when it was actually needed, and now more than a bit dirty and rusted. The scabbard is so full of holes from moths that Dury just shoves it into his belt.

Personality/Strengths/Weaknesses: Dury has always been a fellow to grow peevish at some of the smallest things, upsetting any number of people. He is fairly bold for a hobbit, one of the few reasons Mirda, as both a Brandybuck and a Took, married him. Though he can be considered bold, he is in no way adventurous like some of the ancestors of the enormous families he has married into. His personality is but bold, making him one to speak up at something he dislikes, many times, or to say something to someone's face that no other person in their right mind would say. So, he is also very opinionated, I guess, very sure of his footing, and not in the least bit meek, though judging him while with his wife, one might say so. Dury has plenty of common sense, and though he lacks in any true wisdom or intelligence, he knows what is valuable in life. He is also a good, faithful believer in morals and virtues, often shaking a finger at wrongdoers, though when he does wrong, it is much different. Even though he is not in any way book-smart, he can be cunning if need be. He has much practice stealing and stowing away all manners of pies, cakes, and sweets behind his wife's back. Oh! Did I not tell you! He has a sweet tooth the size of the Shire! And, of all things, Dury enjoys fine leaf, good ale, a warmth hearth, and a comfy chair, as do all hobbits.

History: Dury was born a Greenhand in Frogmorton, and raised a family there after marrying Mirda. He now has two children, with a third on the way. Dora is the elder of the two at four years of age and Mirdy is younger at only two and a half. Dury was much dismayed when Mirdy was born, giving him two daughters and no son, but he isn't nearly as disappointed since he has raised Mirdy these two and a half years. Still, this next one better be a boy, he says. Mirda is now close to four months with child, though, unfortunately for Dury, it has slowed her down none. With the coming of Sharku, Dury has been very loud among his family in friends, as he is a very opinionated person, complaining readily about the 'oppressment' of the Shire. Still, though he can be considered bold, it is a very big thing, going against the 'government.' So Dury has shown his face in many a meeting of protesting hobbits, but he has done nothing but talk, and plans to do nothing but talk. Still, he decides to go and check on part of his wife's family (he still can't call them his family, as they get into far too much trouble), traveling to the Smials.

First Post:

"But honey-cake!" cried Dury, trying his best to look pathetic. His wife only stared at him. Her fists were planted on her hips, and she wore a scowl, but her eyes glittered with a certain fondness for her husband. Dury had always hoped that that fondness would come through in her actions, but he was fairly sure that his hope was in vain.
"Honey-cake?!" Dury winced at her angry shout. "Is your mind always a'lying in your stomach, Dury Greenhand?"

"Why no, muf-…uh…my dear wife. I just wanted to make sure you made it right and all, you know tha--"

"You quit worrying over whether I make my plum cakes right or not, my dear husband. Worry isn't any good for the soul."

Dury mumbled something incoherent and stalked off, as much as a hobbit can stalk, to go sit in his cushioned chair. "Play with Mirdy while you have your smoke!" came Mirda's voice from back in the kitchen. Dury sighed heavily, plopping down in his chair to stare dejectedly at his feet. Mirda came hurrying into the doorway of their little parlor, hands folded at her waste, now, and her eyes no longer glittering, but looking worried, sad, and sympathetic all at the same time. She frowned at the back of her husband's chair. "I-I'm sorry, dear. I always forget, and…but it has been over two months hasn't it." She said the last part under her breath. There was no use reminding her poor husband that they had been out of any leaf at all for such a long time. "Its alright dear," Dury answered her half-heartedly.

Shaking her head sadly, Mirda turned to go back to the kitchen, ignoring the little thing with dark curls that brushed past her skirts. "And dear?" came Dury's gloomy voice. Mirda stopped but did not turn around. "Did you hear?"

"Yes. The Tooks are being guarded."

Dury grunted. "Perhaps…no."

"Yes dear. Perhaps you should. Do something."

He grunted again, though this time it was more of a groan.

Ah! It feels good to be a hobbit again!

EDIT: I forgot. I have one question: could Mirda possibly be a fairly close relative of Paladin's? That way, I believe it would go a little smoother, for me at least, because it isn't likely that Dury would be good friends with Paladin! He isn't very impressed by his Took relatives, and he doesn't like the Brandybucks much better. But, even so, I can just make the fact that Dury will get a share in the leaf (plus, it is his wife's family) an incentive. smilies/biggrin.gif

[ September 28, 2003: Message edited by: Durelin ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress
08-17-2003, 06:23 PM
Lyra- I am here, and I am still interested in your farmer cameo. Bio is on the way, but I thought I would leave a note saying I am indeed coming.

smilies/smile.gif thanks for bearing with me.


[Edit] Lyra- do you need a first post with my (nearly complete) bio? If you do could you pm me with what you want the farmer to be up to during his first post and approximately when you expect to encounter him? Thanks a bunch.

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: Sophia the Thunder Mistress ]

08-17-2003, 09:30 PM
Nil- Yay! I'm really glad you're back. I will be delighted to have Niluial as a character, but you're right the post does seem a little rushed. Just sort out the punctuation and it'll be great. But could you make her a couple of years older please? 20 is a little young for a Hobbit considering they aren't of age until 33. Thanks Lyra smilies/biggrin.gif ! All is done and I edited my post (look up smilies/wink.gif) thanks again!

08-18-2003, 12:24 PM
Upon your request, m´dear Lyra...

*~Edited First Post for Tim Brandybuck

“Oh my gosh, there he is!” Tim Bracegirdle lazily turned his head towards the voices and winked, smiling pleasantly. He was sitting on a little stone wall just out side the Took residence in Great Smials. Behind him, he well knew, two or three lasses of barely fifteen were spying on him. The usual. Tim squinted at the sun and, calculating it was about time for lunch, strolled inside the house. The girls followed him, much like a very gigglelish shadow, but Tim didn´t mind. On the contrary, he loved it. In the large hall, he turned around as was about to say something, something cool, when-

“Tim, there you are! Have you heard?” Melody. Of course. Tim gave a his sister a half-annoyed look as she pulled him away from hall and fanclub into a little side-off room.

“What??” He asked, curiously. “Any distant relatives? Bad news?!”

“No, no, no. There´s a shortage of leaf, and Paladin wants to send a group of youngsters off to get some. People like Doderic, and Ilberic-”

“-and me,” He finished the sentence for her. She nodded, anxiously. “You seriously think, I am going to go to through half the Shire, get myself roasted by one of those ruffians, stabbed by a shiriff and drowned in a river to bring old Paladin his leaf?” He peered at her, impatiently. Adventures, that weren´t his kind of thing. No parties on the way, and it became so boring after a while. He liked it here- lot´s of food, good ale, pretty girls...

“Tim, please! They need you! You´re such a good bowsman, and someone needs to convince the farmer to give you the leaf. You´re made for something like that, you like the outdoors, walking- and if you succeed, we´ll all have our leaf back. Please, Timmy! Please! Your brother´s can´t go, they have to stay with the farm, but please, do this! Please!” She fixed him with a pleading look, her eyes tight on his. After a pause, she lowered her voice, then added: “ Paladin´s awaiting young adventures in the study. Miss Grubb would be so impressed....”

Melody winked and left the room.

He stood there, staring. He didn´t have to go. Nobody forced him. He could go into the hall, talk a word or two with those girls, make them blush... He could make himself a nice time here, find a fishy excuse to silence his sister....he could.

You just want to save your own little bum

The voice came from the back of his head, small, defiant- disgusted. He´d never would hsve thought it was there, but it was. And Tim new, it would stay there and make his life living hell if he didn´t do anything about it.

Tim pulled up his shoulders and walked into the study.

“Hello, Tim!” Paladin smiled at him, his face round and kind much like a ripe apple.

“Good day, Sir.” Tim shoved his weigt from one foot to the other. He could do this. It wasn´t hard. He just had to say something. Appear smart and winning, so Paladin would accept him on the quest. But did he want to be accepted?

“Tim? Can I help you?” Paladin asked. Come on! Tim thought. This isn´t that hard! His mind was made up: he would go. Now all he had to do was convince Paladin of his perfect skills for this.

“Sir, it´s been a pleasure for me to stay at your house for all this time. I- I´ve been wondering if there was a way for me to return that kindness to you. And... there appears to be one indeed!” Tim smiled, and dropped his head slightly, enough to appear bold, but not enough to look silly or down-putting. “Sir, it would be a great pleasure for me to organize leaf for you.” He continued, his eyes fixing Paladin with a winning smile. “I´m a rather good bowsman, if I may say so- and as I said it would be a great pleasure for me. Would you- would you consider me? I´d be honored, Sir. It would be something I could still tell my grandchildren about.” My grandchildren! Like I even want children in the first place!

But Paladin seemed charmed. He got up and put his hand on Tim´s, his eyes shining with affection. “Thank you, Tim. I´d be happy to have you. I will not forget it.”

Tim smiled and left the study. In the hall, he turned to the livingroom where, sure enough, he found cousin Doderic. “Hey, Dode! I´m going on adventure!” His voice was casual, and only Doderic could tell it was raised above normal standards. Laura had just passed by.

08-18-2003, 12:34 PM

I have moved your edited post beneath your Character Bio.

All those who are editing posts or Character Bios

Please do so on your original post, so that the Character Bio stays with your First Post - it makes it easier for me when I am moving the First Posts to the game to have them there and not have to look through the entire thread to make sure I have the most recent one.

Thanks! ~~ Pio

Sophia the Thunder Mistress
08-19-2003, 01:05 PM
Farmer (& Wife) bio... First post will follow if you want it.

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES – Quest for the Ainereg, Reclaiming the City, In the Footsteps of the Grey Company, Truth in a Dark Place, Dark Seduction, Corsairs and Corsets, A House Divided.

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? Currently three… although Dark Seduction should end before this one begins.

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES- Both
For your character please include:
NAME: Bertram Fairbanks (aka Bert) and Tansy, his wife.

AGE: 57 (52)

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS: A pitchfork for use on intruders, Bert finds it necessary to be more cautious these days, with all the Big Folk mucking around in the Southfarthing where they don’t belong. He also keeps a big dog, Beeky, who looks large and threatening, but is really quite tame and the special pet of Bert’s wife, Tansy.

APPEARANCE: Bert is the typical hobbit farmer in that he is around 3’4”, roundish, rather ruddy and good natured in countenance, and sporting a full head of dark brown curly hair. His skin is rather tanned and weathered, with laugh lines around the eyes, though he doesn’t smile as much of late.

Tansy, Bert’s wife, is slightly younger looking, with dark tanned skin, dark eyes with laugh lines even more pronounced than her husband’s, an ample bosom and an ampler waist. Her hair is light-colored for the hobbits of the Southfarthing, an ashy blonde shade, and the combination of her light hair and dark eyes made her quite a beauty in her younger days. Seven children and twenty years later later she presents a homey motherly figure.

Both hobbits dress in simple homemade garments in bright colors and with large eccentric buttons. Both wear leather moccasins when tending the beehives to avoid getting stung on their feet.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Bert is quiet and reflective, he loves his wife and laughs frequently when in her company, though otherwise he is usually fairly shy. He enjoys simplicity, doesn’t like anything that requires much forethought, and acts predictably without much consideration. He values hard work and honesty above learning or courage and has taught his children similar values. Bert has a great love of farming (even though he isn’t very good at it) and considers a good pipe of his home-grown weed reward enough for what he does.

Tansy is a little sharper of tongue, basically good hearted but inclined to gossip. She is the one of the two who looks for bargains, as she has a good head for business. She is usually conventional, but not above acting unpredictably to get what she wants. Bert’s hasty marriage and long stay in Longbottom are evidence of Tansy’s influence. She is strict with the children and lenient with the animals, often babying the dog, Beeky, more than Daffodil (age three).

HISTORY: Bertram Fairbanks grew up in the small town of Hopsbury in the Southfarthing of the Shire. His father, Bultro, was a smalltime farmer and beekeeper, and his mother Lily was renowned for her pastries. Bert was the fourth child of six, and the youngest son. His parents were never well-to-do and Bert learned to fend or himself at a fairly early age, going to the town of Longbottom as an apprentice to a rope-maker there just before his twenty fifth birthday.

His relations were shocked when he met and married a local girl, Tansy Hornblower (born and bred in Longbottom, no unusual life events until her marriage at the unconventional age of 28), just after his coming of age, and settled in Longbottom. Even more astonishing was the fact that Bert chose to grow pipeweed and keep bees instead of taking over the old rope-maker’s shop.

Tansy and Bert have now been living on their own small farm for over twenty years. They have no great reputation for quality in either weed or honey, which is probably why Sharkey’s men have largely left them alone. The couple has seven children, Berton, Maisie, Rosemary, Rosco, Ferrin, April, and Daffodil, all of whom still live at home.

08-19-2003, 01:46 PM
Here are the applicants for characters so far:

Character List + Characters Still Needed

4 Hobbits sent by Paladin from Great Smials- maximum of TWO female characters.

1.)Manardariel - Tim Bracegirdle
2.)Dragon Elf - Falco Proudfoot
3.)Niluial - Niluial Brandywine
4.)Durelin - Dury Greenhand

3 Shirriffs- male. 1 of these will join with the “resistance”; the other two will go to find the men

1.)Imladris - Olo Underfoot
2.)Arvedui III - Olbard "Brass" Stonetoe

2 of Bill Ferny’s henchmen. OR could include Bill himself if you want a ready made character.

1.)Elven Warrior – Assiram

Secondary character types possible are:

Farmer/Farmer's wife

Sophia the Thunder Mistress - Bert and Tansy Fairbanks


1 Hobbit Shirriff - Male 1 henchman of Bill Ferny (or Ferny, himself) _____________________________________________

08-19-2003, 11:03 PM
1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? –Road to Erebor, The Summons

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? None

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES Which one?The Green Dragon

For your character please include:





WEAPONS:An elven longbow and a longsword

APPEARANCE:Helios is a muscular young man, standing around 5'11". His slight tan adds the same mysterious effect as his chin length black hair. The black cloak that surounds hims conceals his sword that hangs at his side. Helios' only armour is a worn breast plate, and bits and pieces of armour on his arms and legs.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: (No half-Elven characters. No mixed-type characters. No super-heroes. No assassins. No one all powerful, martial arts proficient, or having any magical traits. Just regular characters with normal abilities for their races only):As an orphan, he has only known survival. He lives by his sword, and works only for money. Helios has a need for battle, that most likely comes from his unknown father.

HISTORY:Helios' parents left his after he was born, and he has had no family all of his life. When he was sixteen a man named Assiram raised a gang of highwaymen to rob travellers and live life off of the earnings. His initiation was to ambush a wealthy elven prince, thus taking his longbow. The young orphan joined, and eventually followed their leader to Bree. Helios lived down in Bree until he met Bill Ferny at a usual trip to the Prancing Pony.



Helios sat at his usual corner seat, on the other side of the room from Bill Ferny. He had just started to doze, when Assiram came into the Prancing Pony. The young man watched the meeting as it came to be. As soon as Assiram left, Helios walked over to Bill Ferny.

"Ah, back in Bree, eh? What's the job?" Helios asked before his boss even spoke.

"I'm only back for a short while," Ferny said. Then switching to a businesslike tone he said,"There've been a few hobbits who won't quite submit to Sharkey. They're not giving him the respect they owe. I need you to find them, and if they still won't follow the Rules, then make an example of them and I can guarantee you'll be well paid. Here's a list of them," he said as Bill handed Helios a paper, "I told this exact same speech to the man that just left. Assiram is his na..."

"I know who he is. So how much does this pay? It better pay well."

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Burzdol ]

Lyra Greenleaf
08-22-2003, 12:46 PM
Before I get on to the sad stuf, I just have to say that all the characters submitted since I was last here would have been fine...

...Sadly I have to leave the Downs temporarily (I hope), as I don't have the internet at home anymore. I really hate to do this, and it serves me right for putting this game off, because now I won't get a chance to play it.

This looked to be shaping up as a great game. So I hope that one of the players who've been in a previous Shire game will take over from me. I think the game is pretty self explanatory and it wouldn't be too hard to cut out Josh and make another Hobbit the leader. Would this be OK Pio? I really hope so.

Goodbye, and sorry again.

Child of the 7th Age
08-22-2003, 01:04 PM
This is such a clever game, and I am so sorry to hear your news. I also would like to see this game played.

For now, I'm going to close this thread until Pio and I get a chance to talk and decide what is best. Either way, we'll let you know what happens.

Hope your computer problems are solved and you return quickly.


To all those who posted profiles:

Just hang on tight. We'll be back with you as soon as possible.

Cami, Shire Mod

[ August 22, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

08-29-2003, 10:02 PM
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ smilies/smile.gif HURRAY! smilies/smile.gif ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Lyra is back - she will be on the game on Monday, 08/25.

Can everyone please indicate with a post on the Discussion thread that they still intend to play in the game.

Thanks! Pio

08-30-2003, 02:43 AM
How could I ever say no to such a great game... count me in! smilies/biggrin.gif

08-30-2003, 04:50 AM
Lyra? Back?
*does crazy happy dance* Count me in, sweety!

Arvedui III
08-30-2003, 06:57 AM
Yay!!! Welcome back Lyra!!! smilies/biggrin.gif

And without a doubt, count me in.

08-30-2003, 08:57 AM
Welcome back, Lyra!!

Am I still in? Most definately!!!!! Lookin' forward to playing.

08-31-2003, 02:00 PM
When is everything starting again?

Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock
08-31-2003, 03:17 PM
count me in to this fine game

[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress
08-31-2003, 05:04 PM
I'm still with you as well, Lyra. Welcome back! smilies/biggrin.gif


09-01-2003, 10:00 AM
Yay!! *hugs Lyra*

smilies/biggrin.gif Welcome back!

Lyra Greenleaf
09-01-2003, 10:27 AM
Hooray, I'm finally back properly! Thanks to everyone for bearing with me, by the way. Now- to business:

We're still waiting for Elven Warrior and Burzdol to confirm they still want to be involved in the game.

Sophia: Bert and Tansy are great. I will need a first post, but since it doesn't necessarily have to be at the beginning of the game, you can take your time if you need to.

Durelin: Dury's great, you just need to add a conversation where he convinces Paladin to let him go on the mission.

Elven Warrior and Burzdol If and when you're both back, you need to start discussing what you'll be doing for the first half of the RPG. You have plenty of freedom in that!

Imladris, Arvedui- Same for you.

Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock - I was wondering, would DEOR be OK with you as a shortened name?

Anyone who's browsing- We still need at least one character so come on! Also, if you fancy being evil, you could make up an "evil man" character in case one or both of Elven Warrior and Burzdol don't come back. Or a trio of bad guys would be great, anyway!

I'll be back later! (Today smilies/wink.gif )

[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

09-01-2003, 01:10 PM
I was thinking that Olo and his buddies could have a few more conferences with Bill Ferny to discuss Paladin and the troubles he's caused and maybe have them go to the farmer before Paladin's people do. Maybe show them looting "legally" the other hobbit holes, etc.

Btw, I'm also in another game, the Lingering Darkness. I wouldn't have mentioned it except the character description asks for it.

Lyra Greenleaf
09-01-2003, 02:22 PM
Imladris, that would be great. There's no reason to go after Bert and Tansy particularly, but you could go around all the farmers in the area or something. You should contact Sophia if you want to interact with her because she chose to do a secondary character- it's up to her if she wants any more interactions than the main trading one.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress
09-01-2003, 02:26 PM
I can't make much more of this part than a cameo, Imladris (and Lyra), because of right now my comptuer access is limited and I am in two other games. I would prefer keeping Bert & Tansy's appearances rather limited, but I could do a post early in the game interacting with the Shirriffs, so long as it doesn't turn into a large subplot.


09-01-2003, 03:19 PM
I am happy to be an evil badguy, but can someone send me a PM saying roughly what i am supposed to do as a badguy. This is my first RPG (if I get it) and i am a bit worried.

Thankyou for your help.

09-01-2003, 03:28 PM
I didn't mean particularly Sophia's farmer family...well, that is what I had in mind originally but it could work with other farmers that weren't played. Actually, it'd probably be easier that way.

Cheers. Imladris

09-01-2003, 07:20 PM
Hey, welcome back, Miss Greenleaf. I am also a bad guy/henchman, and I am wondering also what I am supposed to do.


09-01-2003, 08:02 PM

Please read the proposal for the game on the first page, very carefully. It tells you what is happening in the game and what sort of charcters Lyra wants. Then read the character descriptions and First Posts that others have submitted to get an idea of what you need to do.

Pick a character type you want to play - do a character description for it and then a First Post that fits in with the other First Post of similar type characters (for you that would mean looking at the 'bad guy' characters that others have done).

~~ Pio, Shire Moderator

Lyra Greenleaf
09-02-2003, 03:12 AM
Great to see you back, Burzdol. Basically what you want to do is up to you and your fellow evil doer. You can come up with some sort of plotline based around either who you are (personality clash in a simple storyline, for example) or an action, such as hunting for a certain Hobbit/ family of Hobbits/ some other task of Ferny's. Right up until the Shiriffs find you to tell you of the pipeweed mission it's completely your choice!

09-02-2003, 04:57 AM
Well here you go – one evil henchman!

NAME: Ahriman

AGE: 22



WEAPONS: Longbow and two ordinary knives (one in his right boot and the other in his belt)

APPEARANCE: He is a tall man (about 6’0”) and he is well built. He has a mass of dark hair down to his shoulders and very dark eyes. He has a small scar on his left cheek. He is wearing a dark brown tunic, tied at the waist with a piece of rope, and black trousers. He is wearing a long black coat and grey leather boots. He does not wear armour.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: He is a very cunning man and so rarely every gets caught. But, when in a battle situation, he sometimes doesn’t think before he acts.

PHYSICAL STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: He has very good senses and a very good aim with his longbow, he is also very fast. He is not as good at close combat as he is with his longbow but he can manage.

HISTORY: He never knew his mother and his father was a henchman. He was killed when Ahriman was very small. He gets most of his fighting skills from his father who used to teach him ever since the age of 4. His father died when he was 6 and a half. He spent most of his life as a thief and often killed for money. He was employed by Bill Ferny a year ago to help will a job and hasn’t seen him for over 3 months. This is his first meeting with him since then. He first met Ferny during a fight outside the prancing pony where Ahriman won and Ferny called him aside to ask him to join them.

25th October

Ahriman slowly slid out from behind the tree and crouched in the undergrowth as he watched Helios leave. He hadn’t seen Helios since the day he left Ferny either, I wonder what Ferny is up to?
He waited until Helios had disappeared into the darkness before he slipped out and into the darkness of the building. He could see the figure of Ferny in the corner and wondered whether he had seen him yet.

“Ah, Ahriman, I wondered when you’d be getting here.” Ferny turned and grinned a yellow-stained toothy grin.
Ahriman stepped out from the shadows,
“I see you haven’t changed a bit Ferny, still as sharp as ever.”

Ferny gave another of his grins and beckoned Ahriman over. He came obediently; it was not a good idea to get on the wrong side of Ferny – especially when he has positioned himself between you and the door.

“What up then Ferny? Why have you called me here?” Ahriman tried to stay control of the situation. He was not going to let Ferny walk all over him, not like last time.

“We seem to have a few hobbits that won’t submit to Sharkey. I really need some help to control them. I have already sent Helios out to find them and I would like you to join him. You two are my best – I know I can rely on you.”

Ahriman sneered, he had never liked Helios.
“What about the pay? It was really rubbish last time. I’m not working for that little money again!” Ahriman was starting to feel good. That would show Ferny.

“Do not worry my lad, just take this list and go.”

Ahriman sneered and grabbed the paper.

“So its just me and Helios?” he asked, he wanted to be sure.

“Actually, no. There is one other man. His name is Assiram, do you know him?”

Ahriman remembered vaguely hearing the name from someone, might have been Helios.

“Don’t think so.” He said, pushing the crumpled paper into his pocket.

Ferny turned around to pick up another piece of paper that had fallen of his lap.

“Ok then you can….” He began and then stopped, Ahriman was gone. Ferny leaned back in his chair slowly, a smile forming on his lips. This was going to be good.

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: *Arwen* ]

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: *Arwen* ]

Child of the 7th Age
09-02-2003, 06:39 AM

Hi! I'm Cami Goodchild, one of the moderators in the Shire.

As game founder, Lyra will look over your profile and assess it, deciding whether or not to accept your character into the RPG. However, there was one point you need to correct even before that.

In a relatively closed world like Middle-earth, you can't describe a bandit from Bree as having Corsair parents in a purely local tale such as this. Umbar is simply too far distant from Breeland for that to happen without an extensive backstory and explanation which wouldn't be practical in a short Shire game.

Please revise your bandit to have local roots and heritage. Lyra will be in touch with any other comments and suggestions she has.

Also, as part of the profile, you'll need to answer the following questions:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs?

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in?

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – Which one?

Many thanks for clarifying these points.


[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-02-2003, 09:23 AM
*Arwen*- The character is great, and you're accepted pending answering the three questions that Cami put up. smilies/biggrin.gif One thing (and this is completely up to you) is that his name is very similar to Assiram. That's fine if you're happy with it, but could possibly get a little confusing.

09-02-2003, 10:06 AM
*Arwen* and Lyra

Please check your PM's.

~~ Piosenniel Shire Moderator

09-02-2003, 12:26 PM
Sorry about forgetting there smilies/biggrin.gif

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? No

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? None

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? Yes – Which one? The Green Dragon Inn

I am really glad you like Ahriman!
(I choose the name Ahriman for its meaning 'evil spirit' but if you would really like it changed i will)

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: *Arwen* ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-02-2003, 12:52 PM
If you're happy with the name, I'm happy. I suppose I could ask what such a ruffian is doing with an Elvish name but I think that's just nitpicking! Welcome to the game! smilies/biggrin.gif

Child of the 7th Age
09-02-2003, 01:18 PM

If it's possible, I'd like to play one of the Shirriffs. As you can see from my profile and first post, Hob is not quite as friendly with the "newcomers" as the other Shirriffs who'll be playing in our game. Hob's situation falls in line with how Tolkien described the bulk of the Shirriffs: "most if them were in it against their will." Hob dearly hopes that, by the end of this tale, he will find a way out of his predicament.

Also, could you clarify the specific time frame of this story? One of the posters alluded to Sharkey's presence. Since Saruman came to the Shire in late August 1419, that means the RPG would take place sometime between that date and the end of October when Frodo and his band returned. Lotho (the Chief Shirriff) is probably dead, eaten by Grima, but most hobbits (even the Shirriffs) wouldn't know that yet.

Is that right?

Also, Hob would be my main character, but he may make brief references to his fiancee Cami or even do a cameo scene or two with her, if that fits in. (Their relationship was established in the original Star RPGs.)


Character Description Form:

1.) Have you ever played in an RPG at the Barrow Downs? – YES - Which one? Voyage of the Lonely Star, Castle Maladil, Hobbit's Gift, The Long Winter, Hunt for the Dragon, Revenge of the Entish Bow (cameo), etc.

2.) How many RPG’s on the Barrow Downs are you currently involved in? Please note you may play in only 3 games at one time.

1. Corsairs and Corsets (ends 9/20)
2. Shadow of the Star (three more posts to go once the thread is fixed!)

I am involved in planning for Breelanders All, but this will not go up until the Star RPG ends.

3.) Have you posted in The Green Dragon Inn or in The White Horse in Rohan? – YES – Which one? Both


For your character please include:

NAME: Hob Fields

AGE: 40

RACE: Hobbit - Harfoot



As an experienced farm lad, Hob wields a mean cudgel, or stave, to ward off attackers. Growing up with a passel of Tooks in the wilds of Tukborough, he also learned how to handle a bow. However, he is far more accustomed to hunting animals like deer or coney than shooting at men or hobbits.


Hob is in many respects a typical hobbit. He has an open and trusting face, and stands about 3'9" with shaggy brown curls and big brown eyes. His skin is nut-brown, as is true of most of the Harfoots. He is of medium build, but with a bit of a paunch about the waist, the result of too many good dinners served to him by his mother and by his young fiancee Camelia Goodchild.


All in all, Hob is a mild-mannered fellow who likes to spend his time enjoying his pipe and chatting with friends rather than being asked to enforce a whole series of preposterous rules that the Chief Shirriff recently set down. He is too frightened and confused to challenge this situation, although he wishes he had the courage to do so.

Despite his everyday appearance, Hob is actually quite a bright lad. He'd better be! He has the unenviable task of convincing those about him that he supports the dictates of the Chief and Sharkey.


Hob is one of the rare Shirriff holdovers from earlier times who's trying to adapt to the new regime. The younger son of Larkspur and Robin Fields, Hob grew up on a small farmstead on the outskirts of Tukborough, a member of one of the few Harfoot families amidst a sea of neighboring Fallohides. His parents made their living by raising pigs and mushrooms in the wooded groves of the Green-Hill Country.

Upon turning thirty-three, Hob decided it was time for a change. He moved to Stock, a village in the Northern Marish, just south of the Brandywine Bridge, where he'd served as Shirriff for the past seven years. The first six were happy ones. The position gave Hob a chance to walk round the countryside, start up conversations with any number of good folk, and learn where the finest beer was. Even better than that, he had been just a stone's throw from his beloved Cami Goodchild, a young lass who worked as a nursemaid at Buckland Hall. Cami had kept Hob coming and going in recent years with her inability to decide exactly when the couple should get married.

But in the last year, his situation had worsened. The Chief Shirriff--Lotho Sackville-Baggins--had made endless lists of rules and employed a network of "sneaks" who made life miserable for many of the Shirriffs. Worst of all, Cami as a long-time enemy of Lotho (see Hobbit's Gift RPG) had now laid down the law to Hob, threatening to cut off their engagement unless he resigned from his job as Shirriff. Hobb would happily comply, but he does not want to end up in the Lockholes. So he is truly at a loss as to what he should do.


First post:

Hob crouched lower in his seat as he saw Bill Ferny pick up the paper with the names of the Shirriffs who were being sent to Tookland to "put the Thain in his place". He could not think of a worse assignment than this. All his old friends from home would see what he was doing in the employ of the Shirriffs and give him a mighty earful.

Plus, he couldn't imagine standing up to the Thain. It would be downright rude and ungrateful. On any number of occasions, Paladin had graciously extended a helping hand to his parents to get them through the tough times. He remembered being caught stealing a chicken out of the Took's henhouse when the drought was on, and his little brother was so hungry. Not only had Paladin agreed not to punish him; he'd actually had the missus roast the bird in the oven with that nice, savory gravy she made so well and send it home with a little note for his mother that didn't even mention what he'd actually been doing. It made Hob's mouth water even to think about it.

But that was not the worst of it. If he went to Tookland and harassed the Thain, his bride-to-be Cami would certainly learn what had happened. And she would not be pleased. Cami had practically grown up in the hallowed halls of Bag-end, learning her letters and numbers at Bilbo's kitchen table. She had been friendly with Frodo and his friends before they'd gone away, and was sure to complain about any ill treatment of Pippin's father, the 'mighty' Paladin II.

Hob crouched lower as the names were read off to the assembled Shirriffs, groaning quietly under his breath: Olbard Stonetoe....Olo Underfoot. Those hobbits were great admirers of Ferny and his crew, the sort of Shirriffs who might even be snitches. Whoever went with them would have to watch their back.

Hob closed his eyes tight and clenched his fists around the arms of his chair. Then he looked up in shock as Ferny read out the final name on the list....Hob Fields! Hob Fields? Hob moaned inwardly, then plastered a smile across his face and hastily jumped up. "Oh, yes sir. Thank you, Mister Ferny. I'll be pleased to help carry out this important duty." Inside he was screaming a loud 'no', but that would get him nowhere except the Lockholes. If he valued his neck, he'd better play along with Ferny and the other Shirriffs and try to see where all this was leading.

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-02-2003, 05:40 PM
Child- You are most certainly accepted. And any cameos will be fine. smilies/biggrin.gif As for dates...

There's been a few logistical problems resulting in minor changes. I'm sorry but I'll need one or two people to change little bits of your posts. This is the outline of the whole game, I hope it's OK...

25 October- this is when Burzdol, Elven Warrior and *Arwen*'s posts are set but before the actual game will start.

26 October:
Bill meets his men in Bree, gets them to start walking to the Shire and sets off on a horse himself.

I will write a very short post for Bill setting this up. One very short paragraph. The evil men will NOT being writing for this period of the game- this is still prequel.

27 October- Imladris and Arvedui's posts are set, in the evening.

Paladin's announcement
Paladin's interviews- Nil, Durelin, Manan and DEOR's posts
The Shiriffs are briefed- Child's post
The men reach the edge of the Shire

I'll do one more short paragraph for Bill as he instructs the Shiriffs- including telling them to go and watch the Tooks (covert surveillance) and wait for the men who will meet them there.

29 October:
The Resistance mission pack
The Shiriffs travel through the Shire, camping near Great Smials in the evening
The men travel through the Shire, but don't reach the Tookland

30 October:
The Resistance mission set off in the morning, heading through Green Hill Country towards the Shirebourn
The watching Shirriffs are sure they're up to no good and follow
The men continue their journey- wreaking as much havoc as they so wish. They reach the Tookland and can't find the Shiriffs. It's up to Burzdol and Arwen what they do!
Both the resistance and the shiriffs camp near to the Shirebourn for the night

31 October:
At some point in the day the resistance spot the shiriffs. They have a confrontation, during which Josh tells them what they're doing- he wants the shiriffs to join them. Only Hob does. The others dash off to find the men.
The men do whatever it is they're doing. Perhaps terrorising the Tooks? That would be the right area.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Everyone else camps wherever they are (?)

1 November:
Trading day for the resistance and Sophia.
The shiriffs find the men. They set off after the resistance.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Perhaps on Sophia's farm? The men don't let Olo and Brass camp. They walk through the night (which serves them right smilies/tongue.gif )

2 November:
The resistance know that Olo and Brass will come after them and decide to set off straight across country.
However they've only gone a few miles when they meet the men (and an exhausted Olo and Brass). They are forced to fight, but manage to escape.
They continue to the Tookland- the men and shiriffs can do as they like from now on!
Since they're keen to get home, the Hobbits keep walking and reach Great Smials at the same time as Pippin- about midnight

November 3:
Pippin, with Josh and Hob (Falco, Dury and Tim will have to decide), go off to fight the battle of Bywater at dawn

CHANGES (Sorry):
- ARWEN- Please could you change Bill saying that he wants you to collect money to saying that he needs help controlling the Tooks.
- BURZDOL- Could you please change this line: "They're not giving him all they owe" to "They're not giving him the respect they owe".
- ARVEDUI- After the word "Okay" could you please add that Olo says "Meeting with Ferny tomorrow at the usual place" or something similar.
- IMLADRIS- Could you also add that Bill mentions a meeting in the morning.

Elven Warrior- If this is OK (mods?) I thought we'd keep Assiram as a character and Burzdol and Arwen can carry him- just use him in your posts, but stick to his personality of course! That way if Elven Warrior comes back there's a character waiting.

EVERYONE- I hope this is OK? Can you tell me any problems or mistakes please?

Pio or Child- Will I need to do a bio for Bill? Perhaps a secondary character type of one?

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

09-02-2003, 06:04 PM
Lyra - just do a very brief secondary type character bio. including what you think his age is, what he looks like and dresses like, any weapons, any quirks you want in his personality that aren't in the books.

When would you like the game opened?

And what will be the order of the posts you want placed on the game when it does open?

Just leave a list here on the discussion thread.

~~ Pio


Final List of Characters

Hobbits sent by Paladin from Great Smials

1.)Manardariel - Tim Bracegirdle
2.)DEOR(Dragon Elf) - Falco Proudfoot
3.)Niluial - Niluial Brandywine
4.)Durelin - Dury Greenhand


1.)Imladris - Olo Underfoot
2.)Arvedui III - Olbard "Brass" Stonetoe
3.)Childofthe7thAge – Hob Fields

Bill Ferny’s henchmen.

1.)Elven Warrior – Assiram
2.)*Arwen* – Ahriman
3.)Burzdol - Helios

Secondary characters:

Farmer/Farmer's wife

Sophia the Thunder Mistress - Bert and Tansy Fairbanks

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Arvedui III
09-02-2003, 06:08 PM
That's fine, Lyra. As per requested, my first post has been edited. Can't wait for the game to start.

09-02-2003, 06:26 PM
I have done the change you wanted.


Lyra Greenleaf
09-03-2003, 05:53 AM
Here's a bio for Bill:

Name: Bill Ferny

Age: 42

Appearance: Swarthy, yellowish and scarred skin; dark greasy hair; small dark eyes; a semi- permanent leering grin is fixed on his face; he is quite short and skinny and wears dirty stained clothes.

Weapons: A stout cudgel, belt knife and a bow he only half knows how to use.

History: Bill was born and brought up in the Breeland. His father was a lazy good for nothing- his mother (who was relatively normal) made a big mistake marrying him. Originally she tried to change her husband and bring her son up right, but eventually she gave up and Bill became everything his father was and worse. Both parents died when smallpox hit Bree, when Bill was 16. He survived with scarred skin. Since then he has lived by doing the least possible, mostly illegal, in a sort of “wheeler-dealer” role. He hates Bree and everyone hates him. Envoys from Sauron (mostly half orcs) found him eager to make more money by doing even less, and score a point back on certain party of 4 Hobbits who humiliated him…

Character: Greedy, lazy, driven by revenge, loves to see people suffer, manipulative, cowardly, ruthless, disloyal… Everyone has to have at least one good point- but Bill’s is not going to show up in this RPG!

These are the posts for him-
26 October
“Well, will you tell me the pay now?”

Bill smiled in a way that had nothing to do with amusement. Here was Helios, and he could see the shadowy figures of Assiram and Ahriman approaching too. Waiting until they had reached him, Bill named a figure.

“Are you joking?” Ahriman asked, without amusement.
“You’ll be going after the richest family in that rich little land” Bill added lazily. “You might not even want to claim your pennies”

He watched as one by one the men in front of him nodded or grunted assent.
“Very well” he said with a vague approximation at haste. “I’m off on horseback, Sharkey’s orders, to get a few of Sharkey’s little feather-capped stooges to help you out. It’ll take you four days to get to where you’re going. Known as the “Tookland”, right?”

After a few more mumbles of comprehension Bill repeated his hollow smile and walked off to get his nag for the journey back to the land of rich pickings.

28 October
“I need to talk to the chosen Hobbits” Bill announced after the usual duty postings and reprimands. “The rest of you get back to duty”

He watched the three who remained in their seats as the rest filed out silently. Two were of the new order, the future of Hobbits. One still seemed to resist. His loyalty would have to be tested or his spirit broken.

“Well” he said with a leering grin “you’re all very lucky. Them Tooks have had far too much freedom to disrespect our Chief, but you will at last get to put them down. You’ll set off tomorrow morning and watch them. There’s a few men who’ll meet you there. And when all the Tooks are… gone you’ll have the chance to fight it out with my men over who gets the booty!”

He watched the looks on the Hobbit’s faces. They all looked a little uncomfortable. Might be fear, could be that they didn’t want to do it.
“Any problems?” he asked, leaning down threateningly.
“No no” they all said hastily.
“Go on then” Bill answered, and watched them scurry out the door.

Lyra Greenleaf
09-03-2003, 06:05 AM
Pio, the order for posts is:

25 October:
Elven Warrior- Assiram
Burzdol- Helios
*Arwen*- Ahriman

26 October:
Lyra- Bill Ferny #1

27 October:
Imladris- Olo
Arvedui- Brass

28 October:
Child- Hob
Lyra- Bill Ferny #2
Lyra- Paladin
Manardariel- Tim
Niluial- Niluial
DEOR- Falco
Durelin- Dury

Imladris and Arwen haven't changed their posts yet though. Also, would you be able to put the dates on them please?

Child of the 7th Age
09-03-2003, 07:10 AM

I just wanted to say what a tremendous help that detailed outline is. I've never done an RPG before that covers just 7 days! That will be interesting. And I can see why we all have to be on the "same page" so to speak when the time frame is so condensed.

One comment about my character. Cami will agree to set a wedding date near the very end of this RPG, either in a letter or in person. Hob will be delighted and decide to step forward bravely and go off and fight at Bywater. It will eventually turn out that he is one of nineteen hobbits who dies that day. smilies/frown.gif

I've also dropped you a pm with a plot question.


09-03-2003, 08:46 AM
Dude! I check the Shire all day yesterday (which was rather slow) nothing in the world happens until I'm asleep. First post has been edited but what do you mean by the dates? The date of the meeting? I'm sorry.

The edited version is in the paragraph where Bill mentions Tookland I think when Olo threatens a horse or something. Towards the end.

Lyra Greenleaf
09-03-2003, 10:17 AM
Imladris, I don't know what it is about the dates that's confusing you but I hope this helps... There are two reasons why it has to be so specific. Firstly because it has to fit into the Battle of Bywater, for which Tolkien gives a date, and secondly because of all the travelling involved- especially from Bree. And of course, like Cami said, because the action is so condensed. If you're still confused, could you be a little more specific?

09-03-2003, 11:40 AM
Okay. I understand why it needs to be so specific; I understood that from the outset. I was wondering what dates you were referring to (Shire Reckoning, human dates,...?) I suppose you mean the October 27 one, when my first post will be posted. I have edited it in and if that is not what you want, PM me. I am sorry if I'm being really stupid.

09-03-2003, 11:42 AM

Take a look at the closed Game Thread and see if that is how you want it done.

GAME IS HERE (http://forum.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=19&t=000110)

Then - just let me know here, when everyone is done editing their posts, and I will transfer them.

~~ Pio smilies/biggrin.gif

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

09-03-2003, 12:05 PM

Look in Appendix B of 'The Return of the King'.


The year is 3019 (Steward's Reckoning) or 1419 S.R. (Shire Reckoning) for this game.

Tolkien lists November 1st as the date Sharkey is dispatched and the ruffians driven from the Shire. November 3 is how he lists The Battle of Bywater - which is the endpoint for this game.

All the action for this game takes place in the week just previous to this battle - focusing on the rousing of the Tooklanders to join in the fight when Pippin returns and gives the Call to arms.

"Winterfilth" would be the Shire name for October.

Here is a fun interactive calendar to play with:

INTERACTIVE CLAENDAR (http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/dates.html?dn=298)

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-03-2003, 12:11 PM
Pio: Thank you, that's perfect! The only person still to edit is *Arwen*.

Imladris I think I understand you now (as Faramir did not say smilies/wink.gif ). The dates I meant were the ones like October 27 (as you said), but it was meant for Pio. Sorry for the confusion!

09-03-2003, 01:17 PM
ok. what would u like me to edit? just put a date on it?

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: *Arwen* ]

09-03-2003, 01:22 PM
ok i understand...is the edit ok?
Is that the only post im gonna need to do?

09-03-2003, 02:45 PM
It's okay about the confusion and thank you Pio for the link and info. I know what happens it's just that I am horrible with dates (even with real history!). So thanks again for the info! smilies/biggrin.gif

Lyra Greenleaf
09-03-2003, 04:41 PM
Arwen that's fine. All the posts are ready Pio!

09-03-2003, 10:06 PM
Bringing this forward:

Outline for the Game

25 October- this is when Burzdol, Elven Warrior and *Arwen*'s posts are set but before the actual game will start.

26 October:
Bill meets his men in Bree, gets them to start walking to the Shire and sets off on a horse himself.

I will write a very short post for Bill setting this up. One very short paragraph. The evil men will NOT being writing for this period of the game- this is still prequel.

27 October- Imladris and Arvedui's posts are set, in the evening.


Paladin's announcement
Paladin's interviews- Nil, Durelin, Manan and DEOR's posts
The Shiriffs are briefed- Child's post
The men reach the edge of the Shire

I'll do one more short paragraph for Bill as he instructs the Shiriffs- including telling them to go and watch the Tooks (covert surveillance) and wait for the men who will meet them there.

29 October:
The Resistance mission pack
The Shiriffs travel through the Shire, camping near Great Smials in the evening
The men travel through the Shire, but don't reach the Tookland

30 October:
The Resistance mission set off in the morning, heading through Green Hill Country towards the Shirebourn
The watching Shirriffs are sure they're up to no good and follow
The men continue their journey- wreaking as much havoc as they so wish. They reach the Tookland and can't find the Shiriffs. It's up to Burzdol and Arwen what they do!
Both the resistance and the shiriffs camp near to the Shirebourn for the night

31 October:
At some point in the day the resistance spot the shiriffs. They have a confrontation, during which Josh tells them what they're doing- he wants the shiriffs to join them. Only Hob does. The others dash off to find the men.
The men do whatever it is they're doing. Perhaps terrorising the Tooks? That would be the right area.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Everyone else camps wherever they are (?)

1 November:
Trading day for the resistance and Sophia.
The shiriffs find the men. They set off after the resistance.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Perhaps on Sophia's farm? The men don't let Olo and Brass camp. They walk through the night (which serves them right smilies/tongue.gif )

2 November:
The resistance know that Olo and Brass will come after them and decide to set off straight across country.
However they've only gone a few miles when they meet the men (and an exhausted Olo and Brass). They are forced to fight, but manage to escape.
They continue to the Tookland- the men and shiriffs can do as they like from now on!
Since they're keen to get home, the Hobbits keep walking and reach Great Smials at the same time as Pippin- about midnight

November 3:
Pippin, with Josh and Hob (Falco, Dury and Tim will have to decide), go off to fight the battle of Bywater at dawn


The Game is now open for play! smilies/biggrin.gif

Please remember to DELETE your signatures for every post to the Game.


[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

09-04-2003, 11:08 AM

I have started the game and now you two posts need to get the 3 men to the border of the shire ok?

And of course we need to meet up with Assiram.

We are gonna have some fun with them i think smilies/biggrin.gif

Lyra Greenleaf
09-04-2003, 01:42 PM
*Arwen*, I'm not sure whether or not you understand this but by the time the game starts (ie now) you've already been travelling for two days. You should probably be only about 10 miles from the edge of the Shire.

Everyone- Just to clarify, it is currently late afternoon (perhaps 3 or 4 PM) on the 28th. Both the Shirriffs and the resistance mission have free time at the moment, perhaps to get to know each other, or do anything alone that you wish.

Manan, Nil, Durelin and DEOR- If anyone is unhappy with being included in my post tell me and I'll edit you out. smilies/biggrin.gif

[ September 04, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

Child of the 7th Age
09-06-2003, 08:49 PM
My first post is up. I've asked Olo and Brass if they want to join me for some weed and ale. Imladris and Arvedui -- you can respond or not as you see fit....

Lyra -

Can you tell us when there is a change of days? Maybe with some kind of note in bold either on the game and/or discussion thread. I think the hardest thing may be coordinating people's action so the different groups are on the same day at the same time in the game!

I am also putting the date at the beginning of my own posts as Pio did. Don't know if that will help or not...

I can imagine a situation where someone will need to respond to a particular situation on a given day, and the game will already have moved forward to the next day. Maybe in that case, Pio or I could paste the post in earlier?

We have six and a half days to cover in the story: Oct. 28 (Half day), Oct. 29, Oct. 30, Oct 31, Nov. 1, Nov. 2, Nov 3. The game is about 6 weeks long. So, should we be aiming to do a single day (game time) in 6-7 days (real time)?

If that's the case, we could even put some tentative dates for finishing sections into your great outline. Of course, the dates would probably need to be revised a hundred times but that's to be expected.

Don't know if anyone else would find this helpful or if it would just be a headache for you! You can decide what's best.


[ September 06, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-07-2003, 05:00 AM
It's a great idea to put dates on the outline, even though they're unlikely to stick. Also I can't believe I forgot to put the date on my post! I was going to.

Yes, notes for the change of day will be crucial with such a tight schedule. Plus I always prefer them anyway as it helps to know whether you should be talking about dark sky, or bright sunshine, or going to sleep or something!

Pio, what's the actual real life finish date of the game please?

09-07-2003, 07:17 AM
Lyra- can you check your PMs, please? And I agree with the detailed outline...would make sense!

Child of the 7th Age
09-07-2003, 07:32 AM

Pio is away on a very short trip. I don't know if she has computer access but she should definitely be back by Monday.

I checked the list of Shire games, and the ending date isn't up yet.

However, I know the game was slated to run 6 weeks from the opening date. Since it opened on September 3, that would make the ending October 15.

But you do need to check with Pio before finalizing your deadlines. (Not that anything is ever 'final' in the Shire!) This is only a estimate based on eyeballing the calendar. There could be some slight variance to that.


09-07-2003, 10:50 PM
Hi Guys

I am having a bit of a family crisis and I am rushing off to England tonight! I’ll only be back on Friday but then I am going on a camp for that weekend. I am going to PM me post to Lyra or someone sometime in the week… just telling you all!


09-08-2003, 12:26 AM

I generally like to let games close on a weekend.

So, this game started on 09/03. It is scheduled to end on Sunday, 10/19, midnight. Pacific Time, U.S.

Lyra Greenleaf
09-09-2003, 06:28 AM
Nil (when you come back) I hope you don't mind me using Niluial a little in my post!

Durelin (if you're out there) this would be your cue... Don't make me start calculating your toh!

09-09-2003, 06:40 AM
Hi I just popped in and taking a break. I have almost finished my post (too busy right now). Lyra go ahead use me in your post, I love being mentioned smilies/wink.gif… and that goes to all of you lol!


09-09-2003, 07:37 AM
Ok I posted my reply. Lyra just PM me if there is something wrong with it. I am a little stressed at the moment and it might not be my best but I did try!

Oh and what’s this 28th of October that everyone has on the top of their posts?


09-09-2003, 09:22 AM

Here's the outline of the game that Lyra made. Since it happens over the course of just about a week, she'd like the date put at the top of your post to indicate what day of storyline you're posting for:

25 October- this is when Burzdol, Elven Warrior and *Arwen*'s posts are set but before the actual game will start.

26 October:
Bill meets his men in Bree, gets them to start walking to the Shire and sets off on a horse himself.

I will write a very short post for Bill setting this up. One very short paragraph. The evil men will NOT being writing for this period of the game- this is still prequel.

27 October- Imladris and Arvedui's posts are set, in the evening.

Paladin's announcement
Paladin's interviews- Nil, Durelin, Manan and DEOR's posts
The Shiriffs are briefed- Child's post
The men reach the edge of the Shire

I'll do one more short paragraph for Bill as he instructs the Shiriffs- including telling them to go and watch the Tooks (covert surveillance) and wait for the men who will meet them there.

29 October:
The Resistance mission pack
The Shiriffs travel through the Shire, camping near Great Smials in the evening
The men travel through the Shire, but don't reach the Tookland

30 October:
The Resistance mission set off in the morning, heading through Green Hill Country towards the Shirebourn
The watching Shirriffs are sure they're up to no good and follow
The men continue their journey- wreaking as much havoc as they so wish. They reach the Tookland and can't find the Shiriffs. It's up to Burzdol and Arwen what they do!
Both the resistance and the shiriffs camp near to the Shirebourn for the night

31 October:
At some point in the day the resistance spot the shiriffs. They have a confrontation, during which Josh tells them what they're doing- he wants the shiriffs to join them. Only Hob does. The others dash off to find the men.
The men do whatever it is they're doing. Perhaps terrorising the Tooks? That would be the right area.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Everyone else camps wherever they are (?)

1 November:
Trading day for the resistance and Sophia.
The shiriffs find the men. They set off after the resistance.
The resistance camp near Longbottom. Perhaps on Sophia's farm? The men don't let Olo and Brass camp. They walk through the night (which serves them right smilies/tongue.gif )

2 November:
The resistance know that Olo and Brass will come after them and decide to set off straight across country.
However they've only gone a few miles when they meet the men (and an exhausted Olo and Brass). They are forced to fight, but manage to escape.
They continue to the Tookland- the men and shiriffs can do as they like from now on!
Since they're keen to get home, the Hobbits keep walking and reach Great Smials at the same time as Pippin- about midnight

November 3:
Pippin, with Josh and Hob (Falco, Dury and Tim will have to decide), go off to fight the battle of Bywater at dawn

Lyra Greenleaf
09-09-2003, 09:32 AM
Nil- You're post is fine. It clashes with what I said, but I'll edit mine. I can't do it right now- so for the next couple of hours could everyone please ignore the fact that Niluial is in two places at once?

09-09-2003, 11:05 AM
Oh Lyra I am so sorry about that. I didn’t even notice! I edited my post and tried to make it fit in, I hope it is ok. You might want to change your post a bit but I am no longer in two places at once (well kind of).

Thanks Pio I understand now smilies/biggrin.gif

Niluial (I'm not all here, troubles take you to a different place, dont they?)

[ September 09, 2003: Message edited by: Niluial ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-09-2003, 01:18 PM
You didn't have to change it Nil, I didn't mind editing smilies/biggrin.gif ! Anyway, I'm going to change what I have to now. I hope everything is OK soon.

Child of the 7th Age
09-14-2003, 06:31 AM

Shall we move the action forward to October 29? Or are there still folk who need to post for the 28th?

Are we still waiting on Burzdol and on Arwen's revised post?

I'm assuming we'd normally wait for you to tell us when to go forward on the discussion thread itself...is that right?


[ September 14, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

09-14-2003, 10:54 AM
Sorry I haven't been posting, but high school is *insert profanity here*

So, I will hopefully get Dury to talk to Paladin so we can move on...

I'm so sorry!!

Lyra Greenleaf
09-15-2003, 01:59 PM
I'm really really sorry everyone. I've just started work and I get so exhausted that my bedtime is getting earlier and earlier... On the plus side it's only for another two weeks and then I'll be a student. And from what I've heard they don't seem too exhausted!

Yes, moving on would be good. In fact I think we should make it official that a game day lasts a real week. So on a sunday evening the new day will start. Does that suit everybody? That means that this day will last 6 real days instead of 7 but I think we could deal with that, right?

I'l;l put up a save spot on the thread, if there's any loose ends for the 28th they can go there. Just put up your posts on the discussion thread. I'll do a sort of vague ending to the resistance meeting but if anyone wants any details changed that'll be fine.

Just to add: I promise to be around properly in future! Plus, where are our evil men? Come on! Post!

Any posts for the 29th can start now, or anything from late at night would be fine too.

NILUIAL: I hope that's OK. Perhaps Josh could see you at breakfast?

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

09-15-2003, 03:19 PM
sorry everyone, my computer has been so messed up lately. i couldn't get on the internet, and i apologize deeply for that.

could someone fill me in on the dirction of the game?

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Burzdol ]

09-15-2003, 03:59 PM
NILUIAL: I hope that's OK. Perhaps Josh could see you at breakfast?
No problem smilies/biggrin.gif! Just a question but do they have lights in middle earth? If not I’ll fix it up in my post lol

[ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: Niluial ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-16-2003, 12:54 PM
Nil, bedroom lights does sound a bit odd... could you say the windows were lit up, perhaps?

BURZDOL: It is the morning of the 29th of August (in the game). You are travelling through the Shire with Assiram and Ahriman. Feel free to do what you like about going after Hobbits, meeting Bill or anything else evil that you choose... Please see the detailed outline if you haven't. smilies/biggrin.gif

09-16-2003, 01:00 PM
Nil, bedroom lights does sound a bit odd... could you say the windows were lit up, perhaps? Hmm… I thought it sounded odd! Windows were lit up it is…

09-16-2003, 09:43 PM
Will the evil hobbits and bad guys have at least one post to seal their fate? I ask this because on the last day you have it as the good guys going bravely and nobly going into battle and not a word about the bad guys.

Lyra Greenleaf
09-17-2003, 09:56 AM
I only put that because I didn't know what to do for you. The Shirriffs could have a change of heart and become good. Or not, up to you! The evil men could go off to fight too, or run off. It's completely up to you, basically! smilies/biggrin.gif

09-17-2003, 11:06 AM
I was thinking more of a poetic justice for that disgusting Olo. I think I'll have him killed. <grins evilly> smilies/evil.gif

"Of course, it wasn't until after that we knew we need Bootstrap's blood to lift the curse."

"That's what you would call ironic."

Something to that affect, like being slain by the bad southern men. Bwahahaha

Lyra Greenleaf
09-20-2003, 04:32 PM
DEOR: Could you take out the word store? I mean they probably had some sort of shops in the Shire, but I don't think that really fits!

Burzdol: You're supposed to be in the Shire. Could you change the Prancing Pony to the Green Dragon please. I'm going to post as Bill saying they're there. I've decided Bill is going to come with you for at least part of the time as you seem to be on your own now.

Nil: I hope that's OK. You choose if you want to find Tim. What do you think, Manan?

09-21-2003, 04:54 AM
Well as most of you know I am a Law Student. I am finally writing my final exams and then I’ll get my degree (finally a Lawyer). This next week I shall be writing my final exams. They are very important to me and I feel going on the internet will distract me from my studying and I might end up not passing. So I shall not be on for about a week and a half.

Lyra Could you maybe just include me in your posts and maybe just make it as I am still part of the game.

And could other people maybe just add me in your posts... Niluial can’t just suddenly disappear smilies/wink.gif. It would be highly appreciated!

Thank You

P.S. Wish me luck!

Child of the 7th Age
09-21-2003, 06:51 AM

Good luck! If you get a chance, check your pms.


Lyra Greenleaf
09-21-2003, 12:57 PM
Good luck, I'll do that and hurry back... smilies/biggrin.gif !

Lyra Greenleaf
09-22-2003, 09:25 AM
OK everyone, it's about 5PM on the 29th. Later I'm going to post for nightfall. I'll put up a save post again, if anyone needs it. Then we'll go on to the 30th.

Child of the 7th Age
09-22-2003, 11:21 AM

I did a save for the Shirriffs arriving in Great Smials before you turn the clock forward. If any other shirriff wants to paste something in that box after the game moves on, just leave it on the discussion thread and I'll put it up.

I expect to write a post to Hob late tonight.


Also, Niluial and I exchanged pms and I will be posting at least once this week for her character. You're still welcome to include her in your own posts.


[ September 22, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Child of the 7th Age
09-22-2003, 11:25 PM

In order to set up camp, I had to use Olo and Brass. If you'd like me to change anything, let me know...


09-23-2003, 06:02 PM
I don't know who the other henchman are. Could someone please tell me?


09-24-2003, 12:05 PM

I am going to take over the missing writer's (Elven Warrior's) character, Assiram, who is one of Bill Ferny's Henchmen.

Please note that I took that second post of yours - where you talk to Bill Ferny in the Prancing Pony - and I edited in to your First Post because it fits in better there.

I will be doing a series of posts to get the Henchmen where they need to be. They will be up by tonight very late. Please take a look at them tomorrow:

--- September 04, 2003 11:51 AM - under *Arwen*'s blank post

--- September 17, 2003 10:11 PM - under your now blank post that I moved as I said

--- September 22, 2003 05:01 PM - under Lyra Greenleaf's blank post

Please feel free, Burzdol and *Arwen* to write posts for those saved places also if you wish. You can put them on the Discussion Thread and I'll put them up for you.

These posts in the SAVES will bring us up to the "October 30th" series of posts that need to be done - and I will do a post for that day tomorrow.

That post will be about finally reaching Tookland, roughing up Hobbits on the outlying little farms we pass through, trampling through gardens, throwing newly washed clothes on the clotheslines down in the dirt and trampling on them, letting the pigs and goats out of their pins, killing a few chickens, etc.

The henchmen are getting madder by the minute because those stupid Hobbit Shirrifs aren't there to meet and help us.

Can each of you start working on a post about terrorising the Hobbits who live just west of where we're camped? Maybe each of you describe one of their little farms we've come to and how we wrecked it.

You can put those posts up right after my post I will do for "October 30th" (I have a Save up for it now on Page 2 of the Game.)

09-24-2003, 12:19 PM
Elven Warrior

This is to let you know, since you have not posted to the game or responded to my PM's, that I will be taking over your character, Assiram, and posting him for the Henchmen in the remainder of the Game.

An questions you have concerning this - please PM me.

~~ Piosenniel, Shire Moderator

Child of the 7th Age
09-24-2003, 12:56 PM
Lyra - Your mailbox is full.

Please clean it out as I need to contact you on a number of things.

Cami, Shire Moderator

09-26-2003, 05:58 PM
Yo, ho, me hearties! I'm going away for a week next Monday. I'll try and post for Olo during the week but I make no promises.

09-27-2003, 01:16 PM
I am SO SORRY! You have my undying apologies, but I am only just getting settled into high school. Yes, I'm a stinky little freshman. Still, I think I can start posting much more often, hopefully starting this week.

Here's a post to go in one of the 29th saves. I hope it works.

Fingering his empty pipe, Dury unconsciously stroked the curly-haired form curled up in his life. Mirda watched him with a frown. She had been overjoyed that Dury was willing to aid her family, but after she had heard the dangers…and after she had seen her husband's face… She watched him with a sympathetic frown. In the hearth, the fire was burning low. Mirdy should have been in bed hours ago, but if Dury was to leave the next morning… Soft but firm footsteps announced the arrival of Dora. Even at only four years, the little hobbit took being the oldest seriously, and was constantly wishing to help. Most times it was quite helpful, though she could go too far. Dury looked up to smile at her. Dora flashed him a smile back, though that quickly turned into a yawn.

"I'm sorry, muffin. I'm keeping you and Mirdy up."

Glancing down at the two-year old on his lap, Dury's smile widened.

"Well, I'm keeping you up. Off to bed now, I'm only to be gone for a few days."

"Five, da!" Dora exclaimed indignantly. She really was a lot like her father, though her mother was doing well in straightening her out.

"That's not so long. You know very well your mother can take care of you, and I expect you to take care of Mirdy."

"O' course."

"Off to bed now." Dora began to move, but then hesitated. "Give me a hug then."

She threw her arms around him, though careful not to jump on Mirdy. Then she picked up the sleeping hobbit-babe, and went slowly to their room, constantly looking back at her father. Dury could have sworn he saw her wiping her eyes, and he frowned.

"Will she be alright, Mirda, dear?"

"You know your daughter."

Dury grunted. "I suppose your right." He paused to put his pipe down, finally, and then looked up at his wife. Her eyes glistened, but not with their usual happy light. "But will you be?"

"Of course," she said, then laughed. Dury was glad to hear that. "I sound just like little Dora."

Dury smiled once again. "I'll be back soon. I know you girls can manage five days."

"You had best, Dury Greenhand, or I'll give you a reason not to!"

Dury rose from his chair to embrace his wife. She did not cry, and he was proud. He was much relieved, too. He felt a lump rising in his throat. Why had he even insisted on returning home for the night? He had said his good-byes before, hadn't he? Now he had a long way to go in the morning, and was going to cry and make a fool of himself. A hobbit had to be strong in front of his wife. Grasping for control over himself, Dury let go of his wife. Looking her in the eyes, he forced a smile. When he finally got into bed, he felt tremendous relief at having gotten through his farewell. Little did he know that the next morning would be as much a struggle.

Thanks! And, again, I am really truly deeply sorry! smilies/frown.gif

09-27-2003, 02:30 PM

Thanks! smilies/biggrin.gif

Your post is up in one of the '29th Oct SAVES' smilies/smile.gif

09-27-2003, 02:43 PM
I hope nobody minded the references to Lotho and Lobelia. If it's too much a problem just let me know.

Child of the 7th Age
09-28-2003, 09:38 AM

Sounds good to me!


Thanks Manardariel! I've just pasted up your post in one of the open October 29th spaces.


Child of the 7th Age
09-28-2003, 11:36 PM
Durelin (and everyone),

Since we need to get the game rolling this is what we've done after speaking with Lyra:

1. I've edited my own two posts so Durelin's discussion about Cami possibly coming fits in just fine. Cami does end up going off on her own to find Hob... We shall see what happens with that...

2. I've edited the meeting place in your own post. The Three-Farthing Stone lies north of Tookland and the band is heading south. I substituted an imaginery landmark just east of Tukborough called the "trysting tree", not far from the main roadway.

In my own post, I also said their route will be through Pincup and then south to Longbottom. (Lyra, If this isn't right, I will edit.)

3. I also erased Durelin's OOC notes since the questions were dealt with.

4. The hobbit band has is now on the road, heading east and then south. Any of the hobbits can and should post about their journey on November 30.

5. Once Hob and Arvedui quit arguing about women, the Shirriffs will be hot on the hobbits' trail.

6. According to Lyra's outline, both the Shirriffs and hobbits will camp near the Shirebourn River tonight, which is slightly east of Pincup.


Arvedui III
09-29-2003, 03:55 AM
I am really, really sorry, but since my computer's being encredibly stupid, it's goin into the shop tody, and my posting powers will be limited at best for a week. Could the sherrif just keep mentioning Brass in their posts, or better yet, if someone would be willing to post for Brass, I would be very grateful.
Child: Just forget my post reguarding the conversation with Brass and Hob. Sorry about that.
Thanks and sorry,

[ September 29, 2003: Message edited by: Arvedui III ]

Lyra Greenleaf
09-29-2003, 05:31 AM
Hey everyone. Sorry I've been a bit lax recently, but I should be OK now. I'd like to welcome yet another mod to the game smilies/biggrin.gif .

Arvedui: Just do your best.

Child: They'll be going around, not through Pincup but the route's OK. Could you please either put your post after mine, or mine before yours, since yours will have the Hobbits already on their journey. Thanks smilies/biggrin.gif .

09-29-2003, 01:29 PM
Greetings All!

It is great to be back! To fill you in I wrote my finals and passed as honour student (as I said I would) I am to graduate tomorrow and finally get my degree… but back to RPG’s thank you everyone for involving me in your posts and keeping Niluial alive but most of all thank you Child of the 7th Age for taking your time to include me it is highly appreciated!

Niluial smilies/biggrin.gif

09-29-2003, 01:58 PM
Everyone please remember to remove your signatures from ALL posts to the Game - even on the 'SAVES'.


~~ Pio

09-30-2003, 02:14 AM
Sorry Pio I just realised now that I didn’t remove my signature… I will do so!


Child of the 7th Age
10-01-2003, 04:09 PM
Just received word from Manardariel on another RPG that she will be gone until at least next week with family obligations. I'm assuming that's true for Resistence as well and will erase her save in the game that was put up several days ago.


Manaradariel -- if you decide you need to place a post, just put it on the discussion thread, and I'll paste it up in any box you want.


10-02-2003, 05:27 PM
I did get time to post during the week!

Really, I'd have plenty of time if it weren't for cross-country! (they don't expect us freshmen to be so well-prepared for high school!)

I have posted the expedition on the road, so if I jumped the gun or anything, just let me know. I can save the post for later, if need be, or whatever. Just let me know.


-Durelin smilies/biggrin.gif

Lyra Greenleaf
10-03-2003, 04:23 AM
Durelin: It's perfectly fine as to the stage of the journey, but the Hobbits are walking, not riding. Glad you're still around! smilies/biggrin.gif

10-03-2003, 01:54 PM
It's early night now of October 30th. I've left a 'SAVE' in case anyone needs a spot to grumble about trudging along the road during the day. Just put your post(s) on the Discussion Thread and Child or I can slot them in.

Can the Shiriffs and the Resistance Hobbits both put up their camps now near the Shirebourne as Lyra has in her Game outline?

Tomorrow game-time - the Resistance will spot the Shiriffs and a confrontation will ensue.

The Henchmen will proceed on to Great Smials and attempt to get in. Cami, however, will already have brought a warning to Paladin.

[ October 03, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

10-03-2003, 04:12 PM
Please note that Dragon Elf Odin Ragnorock has been grounded and will not be able to get online for a week. He sends his apologies.

Lyra Greenleaf
10-05-2003, 05:32 AM
Could this go into one of the saves please?

It had been a hard day's walking. Josh was suddenly aware of how little he'd been doing recently, and his legs seemed even more aware of it than he was. There was a dull ache running up the backs of his shins, ever since early afternoon. When they'd had their lunch he'd been fine, he hadn't wanted to stop in fact. It was a lovely bright day for autumn, and the Green Hill Country was more beautiful than he'd remembered.

Then gradually the pains had started, and he'd stopped chatting quietly to Niluial about their gardens. He'd walked alone, trying to ignore the pain by thinking about the past, the times he'd come here before. Many Hobbits believed Merry and Pippin were dead, along with Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee but Josh couldn't imagine it. Pippin had always been there. At a more mature age now Josh could laugh at the hero worship he'd lavished on his cousin, but he still couldn't see him as anything but indestructible.

Lost in the past trying to escape the pain of the present Josh only grunted at frequent "Are we almost there?" and "Can we stop here?"s from Dury, even though he would have loved to stop where he was too. Pride was the only thing that made him continue to the campsite Paladin had chosen, as Josh thought that his uncle's caution was ridiculous. This was the Shire, and more than that it was the Green Hill Country. The Tooks' back garden. Aching legs were the worst you could expect here, Josh thought, sighing with relief as he finally spotted the edge of the marshy land around the Shirebourn. Finally.

Child of the 7th Age
10-05-2003, 09:28 AM
Your post is up. If seemed to fit in well in October 3, at 3:38 pm, right before the bandits' night post that Pio did.

My intention is for Cami to ride through the night and arrive exhausted at your camp by early dawn, but I probably won't get to that post today.


[ October 05, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

10-05-2003, 01:16 PM
Niluial - your post is on board.

Durelin - How about a post on Dury's perspective of camping out near the marshes of the Shirebourne. Should be plenty of bugs to bother the poor Hobbits and make them miserable! smilies/evil.gif

If you'll put the post on this thread - I'll place it for you.

It is now October 31st. The Henchmen will probably sleep most of the day - having stayed up all night on their futile search of Great Smials.

Cami will be putting up a post where she meets up with the Resistance in the very early dawn hours of October 31st. I'll put up a save for her to do that in.

In the meantime - the Shiriff's and the Resistance should be breaking camps later that morning and be getting on the road.

The Resistance is heading toward Longbottom and Sophia's/Bert and Tansy Fairbank's farm where they will camp the night of October 31st.

The Resistance will meet up with the Shiriff's and have a confrontation. Hob will join the Resistance, while the other 2 shiriff's race off to find the Men.

Child of the 7th Age
10-08-2003, 10:51 PM
Everyone up and at 'em! It is the morning of October 31. The henchmen have been tossed out of Great Smials. Cami has come galloping into the camp of the Resistence hobbits. I suspect the Shirriffs are not too far behind.

We need to get this game moving!

I will try to do a post as Hob tomorrow, but I will be quite happy if one of the other Shirriffs beats me to it!


[ October 09, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

10-09-2003, 10:47 AM
Sorry I've been gone so long. I'll get a post crafted now.

Lyra Greenleaf
10-10-2003, 03:33 PM
I'm sorry everyone! I could give you a hundred excuses (all true) about why I've been away, but the fact remains I've been a terrible game owner...again. Sorry.

Before I post, is Cami coming with us or do we leave her to sleep?

10-10-2003, 03:52 PM
Lyra - I believe Child had Cami coming with the group, after a rest of a couple hours along with breakfast. We're on the move right now.

Ah, Lyra, I have found something we have in common. Well, another thing, actually! smilies/biggrin.gif I welcome you into the BGOA, Bad Game Owners Anonymous.

-Durelin (who just loves to sign her nick today)

Child of the 7th Age
10-10-2003, 04:19 PM
I'm coming! I'm coming! Just throw me slumped over my pony and I think I can make it!


10-11-2003, 05:57 PM
Hi Guys,

I am So sorry to do this to you but I must quit the game! I thought I would have time but unfortunately not. As you all know I recently started my new job as a Lawyer and things are really busy. Money is very important at the moment! So please could I be killed off or a better solution everyone includes me in their posts and I pop in when I can, either way is fine with me. Lyra, Pio, Child of the 7th Age & everyone ells I am really sorry!

Best Wishes,


P.S. Lyra congratulations on such a excellent game!
P.S.S. I doubt you will be seeing me on Barrow-downs a lot anymore!

[ October 11, 2003: Message edited by: Niluial ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-11-2003, 06:13 PM

Congratulations on the new job! smilies/smile.gif But I am very sorry to see you leave the Downs in general and this game in particular. smilies/frown.gif

I'll be glad to help carry Niluial along, since Cami knows her from Hobbiton. Perhaps others can also mention her.

You've been a faithful poster for the hobbit resistence group, and I thank you. Your presence will be sorely missed, since we've had trouble keeping the plot consistently going forward.

Drop in sometime to the Green Dragon Inn, if you get a chance!


10-11-2003, 06:16 PM
Thank you Cami for being so understanding! I will drop in every now and then! At the moment I am still trying to figure out things and you know get into the routine of my new job. I am sure that I will get used to it and be able to spend more time in this wonderful place!

Kind Regards,

Child of the 7th Age
10-12-2003, 09:09 AM
Hob has made just a "little" mistake. He's made a clatter and Cami has seen that they are being followed. Please feel free to react with suitable alarm, those on both sides of the bushes....


Child of the 7th Age
10-12-2003, 09:15 AM

Your last post was fine except for the reference that we're returning to Tookland...

Could you change that to tracking the hobbit resistence band? I believe you and Olo will be returning to meet the Men, but that will be after we have our run-in with the hobbits.

Many thanks.


Child of the 7th Age
10-12-2003, 09:26 AM
Arvedui III,

Don't know if you're out there... But, if you are, this may be the place for that heated discussion between Brass and Hob regarding hobbit lasses!


10-12-2003, 10:29 AM
I am happy to say that the time consuming case has been cancelled! I can carry on with the RPG…Alas I am going away for a week…But I will be back, so sorry for all the trouble, but Nilly is back.


Lyra Greenleaf
10-12-2003, 11:38 AM
OK I promise I'm back for good now. My horrible siblings haven't been letting me on, but I'm not going to let them get away with it anymore.

I hope that my use of characters in my post is OK for Cami, Hob, Olo and Brass? Tell me if you want anything changed...

10-12-2003, 03:52 PM
Sorry about that, Cami. All fixed now.

Arvedui III
10-12-2003, 04:58 PM
Hullo all,
I am really sorry for my exstended absence. I grossy underestimated how wicked my computer could be, and have been staring at the blue screen of death for the past week or so, but I got it fixed and should be back for good now.

Pio and Cami: Thank you for PMing me about the game. Now I don't feel completly lost.

[ October 12, 2003: Message edited by: Arvedui III ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-12-2003, 06:44 PM

I think these posts really "zing"! You can almost hear the computer sizzle. smilies/biggrin.gif

Lyra - Using Cami and Hob is fine.
Niluial - I'm glad you'll rejoin us in a week.
Imladris, Arvedui - great posts

OK, Hob has tried to act as the peacemaker to keep us hobbits from killing each other. Now, I think Josh or someone from the Resistence better spill the beans about the pipeweed. And those two Shirriffs better scurry back to meet up with the Men.

I hope someone is gonna' ask Hob to join the Resistence. Feel free to saw on his ear and complain about him acting as a Shirriff. Otherwise, he's in a heap of trouble with Cami and Olo!

Lyra - check your pms.


[ October 12, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-13-2003, 12:01 PM
Whoa! We've made lightning speed over the weekend. I am bringing the outline forward so it will be easier for us to refer to it.


Still to do:

31 October:

At some point in the day the resistance spot the shiriffs. They have a confrontation, during which Josh tells them what they're doing- he wants the shiriffs to join them. Only Hob does. The others dash off to find the men.

We are here now: The confrontation happened in the morning so the Resistence at least needs a generic post to continue treking towards Longbottom....

The men do whatever it is they're doing. Perhaps terrorising the Tooks? That would be the right area.

The resistance camp near Longbottom. Everyone else camps wherever they are (?)

1 November:

Trading day for the resistance and Sophia.

The shiriffs find the men. They set off after the resistance.

The resistance camp near Longbottom. Perhaps on Sophia's farm? The men don't let Olo and Brass camp. They walk through the night (which serves them right)

2 November:

The resistance know that Olo and Brass will come after them and decide to set off straight across country.

However they've only gone a few miles when they meet the men (and an exhausted Olo and Brass). They are forced to fight, but manage to escape.

They continue to the Tookland- the men and shiriffs can do as they like from now on!

Since they're keen to get home, the Hobbits keep walking and reach Great Smials at the same time as Pippin- about midnight

November 3:

Pippin, with Josh and Hob (Falco, Dury and Tim will have to decide), go off to fight the battle of Bywater at dawn.



Looking ahead, I do have one question. You might want to check with Sophia and see if she is still playing the farmer and his family, or if you need to make other arrangements.

I checked on House Divided over the weekend and haven't seen her posting recently. I do know that she had computer problems at one time plus a heavy schedule.


[ October 13, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

10-13-2003, 01:23 PM

The Men are camped between the Shirebourne and Pincup, about halfway south to where Longbottom is (though it will be west of their position.)

The Men are lazy and won't get up til late morning of Nov 1st. Assiram will get up the earliest and have a fire going.

Can the Shiriff's see the smoke of it and come on them at the camp?

We can head toward Longbottom where the Shiriff's know the Resistance are heading.

How does that sound?

[ October 13, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-17-2003, 12:40 PM

I received a polite note from Sophia indicating that, with her continuing computer problems, she will not be able to play in Resistence.

Lyra - let's use them as carry-along characters. That's the easiest thing to do.

Please check your pms as well.


Lyra Greenleaf
10-19-2003, 10:49 AM
Yes, I PMed Sophia as well. I liked Bert and Tansy so I guess we'll stick with them. I'll just be writing a post now...

EVERYONE: Just to tell you in advance, if you want to wrap up your character by giving their reflections of the Battle of Bywater it might be helpful to start writing it now, as I doubt we'll have time towards the end. It would be good if it's prepared in advance, and I think it would be a nice place to finish the story. Thanks to Child for the idea smilies/biggrin.gif .

[ October 19, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

10-19-2003, 11:26 AM

There are new rules in effect for all the forums which will be enforced by the administrators and moderators. Please familiarize yourselves with them here:

NEW POLICIES (http://forum.barrowdowns.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=19&t=000124)

10-19-2003, 01:05 PM

Lyra has set it up so you have arrived at Bert and Tansy's farm, and are camping there. I put a number of SAVES up for your use about being at the farm.


I have done a lead in post for the night of November 1st - The Shiriff's have finally found the men's camp, and are in a thicket just on the perimeter of it. The men don't know who you are and have challenged you to come out or be skewered! smilies/evil.gif

When the men hear where the Resistance has gone they'll want to hurry off right away. No rest for the Hobbitses!!


Once we move to Nov 2nd - there will be a confrontation between the Men/Shiriff group and the Resistance.

Resistance - feel free to do in by any manner, gruesome or comical, two of the Men - Ahriman and Helios.

Assiram, craven that he is, will run off . . .

Child of the 7th Age
10-19-2003, 06:15 PM
Good posts, everyone! Durelin, very touching. Lyra, good job pushing us forward. I look forward to battling those nasty Shirriffs and the even more nasty Men.

The deal for pipeweed has been struck; Cami and Hob have had a serious discussion. There are still open saves underneath if any of the Resistence want to make further comments or observations. We need to turn in early for the night and set out early the next morning cross country to try and elude Brass and Olo.


10-20-2003, 01:36 PM

Can one of you now move the game on to Nov 2?

The Men and Shirrif's are riding south to find you.

Some one needs to get the Hobbits up and moving.

And if one of you, then, can also set up the sighting/or confrontation with the men and Shiriff's then we can have our little fight.

Lyra Greenleaf
10-21-2003, 06:15 AM
Ok the Hobbits are up, if someone hasn't posted the next bit before I come back I'll continue my post.

Is anyone very keen to kill the men? I'm not sure. I'd rather not have death, but we need to get them out of the Shire, so does anyone have any tricksy plans...?

Child of the 7th Age
10-22-2003, 12:24 AM
OK, the two bands are in view of each other. Let the rumble commence. And I do have something appropriate in store for those nasty men if you can't bear to see them killed!


10-22-2003, 11:27 AM
The men and Shiriffs are within yards of the Resistance . . . someone start the melee!

Child of the 7th Age
10-22-2003, 08:04 PM
Please check your pms: Lyra, Manardarial, Durelin, Arvedui, Imladris, Dragon Elf, Niluial....

You get the idea! smilies/biggrin.gif


[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Lyra Greenleaf
10-23-2003, 02:09 AM
Well, the fight has started! I would have written more but I'm leaving for uni in literally 5 minutes!

10-23-2003, 10:21 AM
I killed Olo off -- the little weasel. I hope I didn't screw anybody up.

10-23-2003, 11:34 AM
The Men are now on foot and advancing toward the Resistors - fell free to maim and humiliate the oafs in any fashion you wish! smilies/tongue.gif

Child of the 7th Age
10-23-2003, 02:09 PM
The plan is to surround the Men and get them down without killing them. Then the fun part comes -- a little humiliation.

As agreed, Pio's character will slip away, but not before Assirim takes a little of that himself!


10-24-2003, 12:28 PM
I would like to see this game wrapped up by Monday or Tuesday of next week. Counting today, that gives us 5 days.

Niluial, Durelin, Lyra, and Cami – please get posts on which finish the battle between the Men/Shiriff’s and the Resistors. Use Tim and Falco as you wish, as they have defaulted from the game by not posting within a 2 week time period.

I will then have the Men hightail it away from the area – going to join Sharku’s group directly, I think, in hopes of wreaking more havoc on the horrid Hobbits. This should take one wrap-up post from me.

Arvedui – feel free to put a post on about what Brass is going to do, since Olo is now dead.

Cami you should then probably due a wrap up post that gets the Resistors on their way back to Tookland and has them meet up with Pippin.

Lyra – can you then due a final post for the game – where Josh and Hob (You may use Tim and Falco, too – see my note above).

Durelin – let Lyra know if your character should be mentioned as joining in the Battle of Bywater. Or do a post where Dury says he wants to go – even better!

[ October 24, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-24-2003, 12:49 PM

Please check your pms.


Done! ~*~ Pio smilies/smile.gif

[ October 24, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-25-2003, 07:55 AM
Dragon Elf,

Please check your pms and repost in the same space as soon as you get the chance.

It's good to see you back before the end of the game.


Plan of action:

This morning, I will be putting several save spaces on the game, and will then do a post where the hobbits tie up the last of the bandits and pull a mean trick.

I need people to put posts on the discussion thread where that last bandit is injured and/or made captive, and dragged up the hill to where the other one is. You can make it nice and humiliating.

Dragon Elf -- since you already have a space saved on the thread, you can do this on your own without my help.

I will then take those posts on the discussion thread and paste them up in the "save" spots. Let's get this baby home!


10-26-2003, 10:56 AM
We need to have this game finished by 10/29. I will be closing it midnight, Pacific Time, of that day.

Dragon Elf – please fill in your post about Falco fighting against the Men. Put it on the Discussion Thread if you are unsure of how to put it back into your SAVED place on Page 3 of the Game.

Durelin – please do a final post of Dury at the battle (put this on the Discussion Thread and I will post it for you). OR – do a post for Dury after the battle like Niluial did and post it on the Discussion Thread.

Also – do you want Dury to be mentioned in Lyra’s post about going off to the Battle of Bywater, or will he stay home?

Lyra - please do a final, wrap-up post that gets all the Hobbits back to Great Smials by Midnight of Nov 2nd – as per your outline. You can mention in this that Josh and Hob are going to go off to the Battle of Bywater.

You can post directly to the Game with this

Cami/Child will then do a little epilog for the game.

Everyone get your posts on the game please by 10/28 preferably or 10/29 midday at the latest.

I will leave the Discussion Thread open for a few days after I close the Game.

~*~ Piosenniel, Shire Moderator

[ October 26, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

10-26-2003, 12:28 PM
I am sorry...I haven't posted in far too long!

Dury will fight, and he will have given his letter to Niluial, figuring that harm won't come to a young woman, so she will be able to deliver it.

Does that sound alright?

10-26-2003, 12:33 PM

Sounds good! Looking forward to seeing it.

~*~ Pio

10-27-2003, 07:30 PM
Here it is! Finally! I hope it's alright...I was having trouble finishing up Dury...felt like I lacked enough creativity... Oh well! smilies/wink.gif

It felt as if several overweight cats were pouncing around in his stomach as Dury took a step forward. His legs wished to give way beneath him, but he locked his knees and tossed his head, shaking it clear of countless unwanted thoughts. So many eyes were on him, more than had been in quite a while. And one set belonged to a very certain hobbit: Peregrin Took. Dury had heard the stories of this hobbit, and knew he had been gone a year from the Shire, suddenly returning alive and well with Meriadoc Brandybuck, his cousin. And Dury had seen what Pippin wore, what he still wore: metal and fine clothes, with a sword at his hip. A sword! And here he was, rallying all these crazy relatives of his and Dury's to fight. It was just more proof of how the Tooks and Brandybucks had so few brains! All these crackpot ideas...the whole resistance had arose from them, and now...now it went so far as...

"I-I..." he stammered hoarsely. He paused a moment to swallow. His throat burned. "I'll need a...a sword or any...weapon. But I don't think I'd be read to manage a bow and arrows..." He glanced around, feeling strange standing there, and feeling strangely confident. When had he felt confident before? When had agreeing with his forgettable relatives felt right? That hobbit, in his shiny metal and his wonderful clothes of Men, smiled at Dury. Peregrin's face had always looked so cheery, but now it took a smile to make it look so. Dury was not the only one who had changed on his adventure. And surely the Took had experienced so much more. Dury wished he could sigh. Why did everything have to change?

"Dury Greenhand." The smile had faded, and Pippin had returned to solemnity. "You are a hobbit of honor, of valor, of a good, strong heart. You will save your Shire, resisting in a way never done before. For your bravery, all will be rewarded."

For a moment Peregrin looked at Dury with that severe, but calm, face. Then all starkness was broken by another smile, and he continued, "Now that that little speech is over, we can see about that sword." He called to someone and that hobbit went running of. Then he turned back to Dury. "I truly meant all that, but..." he paused searching Dury's eyes. "...I believe you know that." Dury was taken aback, and his eyes widened a bit in surprise. That Took spoke of more than just his 'speech.' But what else did Dury know? His thoughts were interrupted by the return of Pippin's errant. Pippin took a sword from the hobbit, examining it. It looked much like the one belted around Pippin's waist, with a white tree embroidered onto the sheath and a black handle and pommel. Dury was handed the sword ceremoniously, and he pulled it from its sheath. Down the center of the blade ran a twisting vine, which sprouted into a star formed by eight separated points.

"It is a blade of Gondor. I believe you will be worthy of it."

Will be... This hobbit's words had been scrambling his brain, sending his thoughts into a maze of confusion, much too often. There were so many things that could be meant by what was said, and so many things that were brought to mind by them. Things that did not necessarily have anything to do with the original thought. Will be worthy of it? So, he was not now? Then why was he being given this blade?

"For now, you are borrowing. After you fight, you will be keeping a gift. That is why you have been given it. Soon you will have need of it."

Dury looked at Pippin, realizing he must have spoken his last thought aloud. "Yes, I'm afraid I will." He was not truly certain to which 'will' he spoke. Perhaps it was meant for both.


Sitting in his favorite, cushioned chair by the fire, bouncing a happy little Mirdy who screeched with laughter, Dury puffed happily on his pipe, laughing with his two-year-old daughter. Waves of sweet smells floated from the kitchen. A loud clatter brought a pause in the little hobbit's laughter, but it quickly started up again after "Dora!" was heard.

Dury glanced around the room at surroundings he could see without his eyes. All was where it had been for years, where it should be. All, except for what now decorated the mantle. That had been there for just three days, as it had been three days since he had earned his sword of Gondor. He could no longer hear the laughter coming from what bounced upon his knee, as it blended into a peaceful silence. He was all too aware of the comfort of his cushioned chair. He felt so at peace, even as he looked upon what he had earned. It surprised him, but surprises such as that were always pleasant. Soon the laughter and the silence were separated.

Mirda, her face flushed red from the heat of the oven, bustled into the parlor. Perhaps she had a purpose to bustle, but Dury knew his wife had come to move quickly most anytime she moved. Dury was not disappointed. Mirda came over to he and Mirdy, smiling down at them, basking in the bright happiness of others. His Mirda was a beautiful person. Dury stopped bouncing Mirdy, and managed to quiet her. Removing the pipe from his mouth, he smiled back at her. For a moment they seemed to share thoughts, then Dury spoke, "There is something I'd like to read to you, Mirda." Niluial had kept Dury's note, doubting with all her heart that she would have to give it to Mirda. Her doubts had been true, and Dury's hopes had been fulfilled.

"My Dearest..."


Child of the 7th Age
10-27-2003, 11:35 PM

I decided to go ahead and do both these posts tonight. You can paste them in at the end....

The first one is short and sweet. The last one.....I couldn't resist.

Child's post

Seeing Assiram turn tail and disappear over the horizon, Helios jerked the reins to one side and whirled around, intending to run straight through the circle of hobbits, head down the hill, and make a run for it on his own. But his horse had different ideas. Faced with a phalanx of small but threatening figures who were each brandishing a stave or short blade in an agitated fashion, the animal lashed out kicking and squealing, rearing up on his hind legs and refusing to go forward.

It was Hob who slipped in underneath and sliding his dagger under the girth managed to cut half way through it before leaping over to the side. A minute more of bucking, and the saddle gave way, causing Helios to lose his seat and pitching him forward over the horse's head. The Man landed with a thud in the middle of a circle of angry hobbits.

Within a very short time, Helios had been trussed up like a turkey and dumped beside the other bandit, with one rib cracked and a lump on his head. He was barely half conscious.

[ October 28, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Child of the 7th Age
10-28-2003, 01:00 AM
Cami's epilogue

Cami and her mother Honeysuckle stayed with the other relatives of the slain hobbits in the common room of the Dragon, which had only just been reopened. The room was as dank and grey as their own spirits; the old boards on the windows had hastily been removed and a few shingles hammered up over the holes in the roof to try and make the place presentable.

Still, it was better than remaining home alone. In accord with custom, they wore stiff black dresses and bands of mourning, as they lined up to receive visitors and condolences. Folk milled quietly about, talking and drinking cups of hot camomile tea.

Nineteen hobbits had been killed at the Battle of Bywater; another thirty had been wounded. Not a large number by any means, but for those who had the misfortune to fall, any number was too large. Samwise and Frodo had arranged for those grievously wounded to be taken in by local families where they could recuperate before returning home. All the hobbits in the original Resistence band who'd chosen to fight had survived unscathed and had already left for Tukborough to tell their stories to neighbors and kin.

The Shirriffs had not shared this same good fortune. Olo had died outside of Longbottom. Brass had been wounded at Bywater and was being nursed by a local family, although he was expected to recover and live to see the old ways return for which he was not sorry. Prior to the actual battle, Cami and Hob had exchanged promises, and made their final plans to wed. With help from Paladin, Hob had secured an intricately fashioned betrothal band for Cami to replace the one she had tossed away in a rage. Engraved on the silver ring were soft green leaves and tendrils gently intertwined. The two hobbits had shared their announcement with friends at the Smials just before Hob had ridden off to Bywater. But the fortunes of war had not been kind. Hob's body had been laid with the others in a common grave on the side of the hill, with a promise that the community would soon set up a fitting memorial.

Just a few days later, the families of all nineteen fallen hobbits had come together at Bywater within the confines of the Inn to share a little of their grief and bid their relatives and friends goodbye. There'd been stirring songs of bravery and sacrifice, and lilting poems that spoke of lives cut short and empty places at dinner tables. Flowers appeared on the hillside. No cut arangements, but living bushes and plants so that the empty, scarred earth would once again bloom with life.

Now everything was behind her. Cami had packed her few belongings for the long trek back to Buckland. Her heart was not in it, but she did not know where else to go. Although too ill from his imprisonment to assist her in person, her old friend Fatty Bolger had arranged for a cart to transport the women back to Brandybuck Hall. Honeysuckle did not look or act well, and Cami was worried about her mother's health.

Hitching Dandelion up to the traces, and making sure that her mother was as comfortable as she could be, Cami climbed into the front and took up the reins. She felt a tear slip down her cheek and hastily wiped it away, hoping that no one else was looking closely. She felt as lonely as she'd ever felt in her entire life.

Everything was changed. Hob's death, the years of unrest, and the Scouring itself had swept away much that Cami had always taken for granted. Even the people were different. The Samwise she knew, the young hobbit who'd been a childhood friend, had somehow turned old and wise, seeing and understanding much more than Cami. Merry, the gay young lad from Buckland, still had the gift of laughter, but spoke of places and people of which she knew nothing. And Frodo.... Frodo, she couldn't even talk to. He had always been quiet, and she had struggled for words. Now he looked as if he barely even saw her. And worst of all, the one hobbit she most wanted to see was simply not here. He had vanished from Hobbiton and was not coming back. She'd best accept that.

Everywhere Cami gazed, people looked happy. They talked about starting life anew, and making things right. Cami did not feel like that, and, right now at least, she would rather avoid those who did.

Grimly flicking the reins over Dandelion's back, the pony trudged forward. Before they'd gotten more than a half dozen paces down the lane, she was halted by the sound of a raised voice, "Cami! Mistress Goodchilde! Wait a minute. I've a message for you."

She turned around surprised to find Frodo staring at her. She'd already heard rumors about strange happenings abroad and, unlike the other hobbits who'd been with him, he did not look happy. His face and eyes were shadowed even more seriously than her own. "A message?" she repeated.

"Yes, from Mister Bilbo."

Cami's heart lurched up, then down, at the mention of her elderly teacher's name.

"I saw him in Rivendell," Frodo continued, "Not long ago. He was worred about you....he wondered what you were doing and how things had worked out..."

Cami kept silent, as she didn't think there was much of anything she could say that would be an acceptable answer.

Frodo smiled gently, almost as if he could sense what was bothering her, and then went on to explain, "He says you're to keep reading and learning." She nodded blankly, then sighed and muttered a thank you before sitting down again. Dandelion shifted and tossed his head pawing the ground, impatient to be off. Just as Cami picked up the reins and the cart rolled forward, Frodo spoke a final word, "One more thing. Bilbo told me you are to 'keep chasing after Elves.' It's very important!"

Cami pulled back startled, as bitter words spilled out of her mouth, "All well and good, but there are no Elves in Buckland..."

Frodo looked at her and then spoke deliberately, "Well, then, if I were you, I'd think about moving somewhere else...."

Her thoughts ran together in confusion. A tiny light beckoned her forward, glimpsed but for a second, and then it faded away. Still, she reasoned, it must be there somewhere. She impulsively leaned over planting a light kiss on Frodo's brown curls, before urging the pony forward. Somewhere else? But where? It would be another two years before she began to suspect that the answer to that question might lay hidden in the pages of a book.

[ October 28, 2003: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

10-28-2003, 01:35 PM
Since no one has come forward, I am writing the last scene to wrap up this game. Assiram will be one of the ruffians who try to break through the barriers set up by the Hobbits on the Bywater Road.

Anyone wishing to place a post concerning this battle can put it on the discussion thread, and I will put it on for them.

Please do so by tomorrow mid-day Pacific Time - I will be moving the game to Elvenhome on midnight of that day.

Child of the 7th Age
10-28-2003, 01:38 PM

I'm not sure if you copied my post from before; I know you are well organized.

However, I've revised the language considerably now that I'm actually awake and would prefer that you use the latest version.

Thank you.


10-28-2003, 02:09 PM

Done! smilies/biggrin.gif

And I must say, if I were a Hobbit male, I would, despite the charm and pretty smiles and curls of Ms. Cami, avoid the woman like the plague! smilies/eek.gif

Trouble and Angst swarm about her like bees around a fulsome flower - too easy to get stung!!!!! smilies/wink.gif

10-28-2003, 02:09 PM

Your post is now on the game. smilies/biggrin.gif

10-28-2003, 04:14 PM
The Battle of Bywater is now complete.

Assiram is dead - brought down by the combined efforts of Hob, Brass, and Dury.

Brave Hobbits of the Shire - all!

Poor, sweet Hob . . .

10-28-2003, 04:18 PM
That is soo sad! About Hob. Sweet, too.

Child of the 7th Age
10-28-2003, 05:14 PM
WAHHHHH! smilies/frown.gif


Lyra Greenleaf
10-29-2003, 12:57 PM
I'm so sorry, I know I've been terrible. Then again, you try and come up with a new Treaty of Versailles and see how much time off you get! I hate uni.

Anyway, thank you to everyone for making "my" game work, you've been brilliant. Sorry again, believe me it upsets me lots that I was so bad as a game owner.

10-29-2003, 07:16 PM
~*~ To Elvenhome ~*~