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The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum: Members List
User Name Posts Last Visit Reputation Reverse Sort Order Avatar
Laconic Loreman
7,519 N/A Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes. Boromir88's Avatar
Cryptic Aura
5,999 02-12-2025 Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Bęthberry is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn. Bęthberry's Avatar
Reflection of Darkness
2,983 N/A Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Brinniel is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell. Brinniel's Avatar
Blind Guardian
Guardian of the Blind
899 02-06-2024 Blind Guardian is a guest of Tom Bombadil. Blind Guardian's Avatar
Playful Ghoul
1,251 N/A Beregond is a guest of Tom Bombadil. Beregond's Avatar
208 04-21-2018 blantyr is a guest of Tom Bombadil. blantyr's Avatar
Shade of Carn Dűm
462 11-04-2021 Belegorn has just left Hobbiton.  
Bom Tombadillo
222 N/A Bom Tombadillo has just left Hobbiton. Bom Tombadillo's Avatar
Newly Deceased
6 05-07-2021 Barandiun has just left Hobbiton. Barandiun's Avatar
Animated Skeleton
42 N/A Bes has just left Hobbiton. Bes's Avatar
Beanamir of Gondor
Shade of Carn Dűm
276 02-25-2011 Beanamir of Gondor has just left Hobbiton. Beanamir of Gondor's Avatar
Boo Radley
145 02-11-2020 Boo Radley has just left Hobbiton. Boo Radley's Avatar
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
1,751 10-07-2008 Birdland has just left Hobbiton.  
Newly Deceased
2 05-03-2021 bin has just left Hobbiton.  
Hidden Spirit
1,424 04-28-2023 burrahobbit has just left Hobbiton. burrahobbit's Avatar
Newly Deceased
1 01-24-2014 Blindlyleaping has just left Hobbiton.  
Babidi Buu
128 04-09-2018 Babidi Buu has just left Hobbiton. Babidi Buu's Avatar
Haunting Spirit
87 11-12-2020 Balfrog has just left Hobbiton.  
Beleg Cuthalion
181 08-26-2008 Beleg Cuthalion has just left Hobbiton. Beleg Cuthalion's Avatar
Shade of Carn Dűm
275 04-08-2010 bilbo_baggins has just left Hobbiton. bilbo_baggins's Avatar
Brian Sibley
Haunting Spirit
54 03-16-2010 Brian Sibley has just left Hobbiton.  
Shade of Carn Dűm
330 03-06-2006 Belin has just left Hobbiton. Belin's Avatar
Pile O'Bones
24 05-22-2012 BGreg has just left Hobbiton. BGreg's Avatar
Newly Deceased
6 Yesterday Bingo has just left Hobbiton.  
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
493 01-04-2010 Balin999 has just left Hobbiton.  
Bard the Bowman
Newly Deceased
9 06-04-2014 Bard the Bowman has just left Hobbiton.  
Barrel Rider
Pile O'Bones
11 N/A Barrel Rider has just left Hobbiton.  
Pile O'Bones
13 03-17-2018 Barrel-rider has just left Hobbiton. Barrel-rider's Avatar
Animated Skeleton
32 03-01-2004 BeeBombadil has just left Hobbiton.  
Ben K.
Newly Deceased
7 02-02-2013 Ben K. has just left Hobbiton.  
Showing results 1 to 30 of 143

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