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Elenna 11-11-2002 05:29 PM

He said the following:


Women are beautiful. They deserve to be cherished and respected.
And if that just wasn't too cute, he added.


They are a handful.
Awwww! Isn't he just precious!

Lush 11-11-2002 07:51 PM

Elenna & Co.: "Silly chit-chat about Orli? Who? Moi?"

Child of the 7th Age 11-11-2002 08:00 PM


Hey, I loved that. Now what was the name of that source? Bay-Oh-Wolf! That's it.

Here's one for my buddy Rose Cotton:

Sam Gamgee! I can't stand that man. He really gets on my nerves. Why doesn't he just take his pans and stuff it?


Lush 11-21-2002 02:55 PM

littlemanpoet: "Advanced discussions of Middle Earth? Meh. I have more fun picking my nose than yapping about this nonsense."

burrahobbit: "Well, the Christ-like symbolism of Gandalf's character is fairly obvious..."

Elenna: "Screw you, guys! I'd have an easier time moderating a bunch of unruly sheep."

Estelyn Telcontar: "Hope? What? What the %$#@ does hope have to do with LOTR anyway? Isn't all about sword-fighting and ring-tossing anyway? *Yawn*"

Rimbaud 11-21-2002 03:01 PM

Lush: Oh, hey, you're married? Great.


[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: Rimbaud ]

Lush 11-21-2002 03:08 PM

The scary part, my dear Rimbaud, is that I actually *do* say things like that every once in a while.

Rimbaud: "Bring on the ladies, yo!" [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Lush 11-28-2002 10:19 PM

Sharkey: "Greatest man of Middle Earth? Elementary, my dear Tooks: it was Faramir! Why? Er...I'm supposed to back that statement up, or something? Nah, sorry, I have no time to rummage through eighty volumes of obscure references. Pah."

Kuruharan: "Hurin? Oh that little loser? Whatever, man, he spent 28 years tied up to some chair, or something. It don't impress me much."

Knight of Gondor: "Keep your religion out of your damn signatures!"

Kalimac: "Boat? What boat? A little too specific, dont'cha think? How about we go back to discussing who the coolest Elf is?"


Beren87: "I was always a fan of Chairman Mao if I may say so myself..."

Zohariel 11-29-2002 10:39 AM

I'd like to know what I'd never say. And what, pray, is wrong with Harry Potter? It is a great novel just like Lord of The Rings, and excuse me if you don't agree but HP is not a childish, uncomplicated rubbish as so many people make out. Just cos it doesn't have 101 layers, doesn't make it rubbish!
Me: *doesn't blow up at an insult*
Me: Elves are cool. Dwarves? Eeeeewwww! (like, I would never say ew.)

VanimaEdhel 11-29-2002 04:07 PM

Me: Double personality? I have no idea what you mean! I'm the me I am on here and that's all it is to it! Yup, the oversensitive teeny-bopper is not me! No siree, Bob! I'm exactly like this in real life! I really do not care about attractive men. I'm perfectly satisfied with just my mental pleasure and not my physical!

Me: RPG? My own? Yaaaaay! Thank you Mithadan! I'll get that right to you! I can't wait to start my own! Nerves? Nah, there are none of those! I WANT my own RPG! And I'll do it really well too! Everything is going to be perfect! Time? Suuuure, I have ages of free time to work on one! Please can I have one? Please, please, please? Please gimme one?

Me: Ego? Naaah...I have no ego...

Gandalf_theGrey: I hate you all! I hate RPG's! I'm never having another RPG unless it's a party RPG! And VanimaEdhel may never join any more RPG's of mine! I hate these stupid RPG's! And Gandalf sucks! Who cares about a stupid Istar? I'm just going to play Elves from now on! All Elves or Dwarves! No more Gandalf! That's it! No more wizards or RPG's! That sums it up! Totally!

[ November 29, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

Mithadan 11-30-2002 12:28 AM

LOL, Vanima! And touche.

Gandalf_theGrey 11-30-2002 12:43 AM

To Birdland, Lush, VanimaEdhel:

Thank you all for mentioning me in the posts you've made in this thread! Wish I could reciprocate, but at this stage in my life I don't feel I'm capable of the right/special kind of talent and creativity it takes to write this kind of humor. Thus please accept this simple expression of grateful acknowledgement, poor a recompense though it be, as you deserve far better. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

* bows *

Gandalf the Grey

VanimaEdhel 12-04-2002 05:54 PM


LOL, Vanima! And touche.
LOL! I couldn't resist!


Thus please accept this simple expression of grateful acknowledgement, poor a recompense though it be, as you deserve far better.
Why, thank you! *Jumps on Gandalf and hugs him*

EDIT: and check out the personal title! *stands proudly and shows it off*

[ December 04, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

LePetitChoux 12-05-2002 01:29 PM

Is this a thread for only members who are quite "old" to this forum? No? Then here is my lowly attempt:

Rimbaud:i h8 typng lots of stuff and capitlising it all and ponctuating [mistake intended] it and using big long words

I'll just go away now... [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

latando angaina 12-05-2002 02:11 PM


I plainly dislike all those "high-brow" movies and small budgeted avanguard cinematography. Some good bloody Hollywood blockbuster for me, if you please...


<font color="FF0013">with the kind permission of the owner, and due to technical problems, LA account is currently used by HerenIstarion


Diamond18 12-14-2002 01:37 PM

Knight of Gondor: "Liv's voice is so @#!**##@!! sexy and my hormones are raging right now! &*$%$ this forum, I'm gonna go watch a Madonna video right now."
(If Knight ever posted that I'd be severely traumatized).

Barrow-Wight: "You know what, Skippy the Nazgul, you are totally right! I think I'll turn over the Barrow Downs to you! Who do I think I am, anyway: the guy who started this site?"

Tigerlily Gamgee: "I hated that stupid movie! They completely butchered the book! I mean, pointy ears on Elves? That is inexcusable! I think I'll go kill PJ!"

Diamond18 (me): "I hate Pippin...he's so dumb. Personnaly I think they made him look too intellegent in the movie."

VanimaEdhel 12-14-2002 04:30 PM

Le Petit, you forgot:

Rimbaud: Iu think thet tyops r awl prt of lif. dun' u? i m leevig (sp?) no. bi.

(just the "(sp?)" part you left

Diamond18 12-14-2002 04:50 PM

Mintyztwin: "From now on I want all of you to call me 'Minty'. I know how hard it is for you lazy wimpykins to type out a ten letter name, so don't trouble yourselves anymore."

Rimbaud: "I can't think of anything witty or clever to say today...and I hate frogs. Nasty, icky things; give you warts and make you late for dinner."

VanimaEdhel 12-14-2002 04:58 PM

Any of the overly-bright members: small words good. i only use small words now. little girls like vanima only know small words, so we will make her feel good and use small words and no caps, so that her little eyes can read the words...

BAH on prolixity! BAH, I say...whereas my history teacher just yelled at me for wordiness in my essays...oh well, no one said I wasn't a is Thomas Jefferson for that matter, speaking of history class, but that's a whole different essay...

Rose Cotton 12-15-2002 12:34 PM

Tigerlily Gamgee: Guess what everyone? I'll be posting the entire TTT movie line by line on a thread where everyone can see all the spoilers! Won't that be fun?

*Varda* 12-15-2002 01:49 PM

*decides to finally take a look at this thread*

Me: Newbies? I just love newbies! Particularly those lovable little newbies who come onto the chat and flood the place declaring their love for Orli...It's just so sweet...

Rimbaud: I hate frogs. Death to Kermit. And throw the flashy suit in the bin. Pfft.

[ December 15, 2002: Message edited by: *Varda* ]

Kalimac 12-15-2002 02:43 PM

Any Barrow-Downer: Tigerlily, please, tell us everything! A pox upon waiting until the movie is released!

Galadrie1 12-15-2002 05:33 PM

Vanima: OH MY GOD! The Silma-what's-it-called is SOOOOO confusing! Someone, please please please explain it to me!

Maikadilwen 12-16-2002 11:02 AM

Helkahothion: Elves are the most pathetic race I've ever heard about in my entire life. They're weak, stupid and ugly! Don't know why I should even waste my time reading about them. Why did Tolkien bother us with them? No no, Orcs all the way! Oh, and by the way, Mandos sucks big time!

VanimaEdhel 12-16-2002 06:47 PM

*Huggles Galadrie1 for being nice*

Skippy the Nazgul: Nazgul suck. They're really the most pointless point of the book. They don't NEED them at all!

Barrow-Wight: More Forums! That's what we need! More Forums! Full of teeny-bopper goodness!

Me: The teenies that sometimes frequent the Chat are the best part of the whole site! I just love when they come in!

TolkienGurl 12-17-2002 03:34 PM

Me, again [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
What the [colorful language] was PJ thinking?!? I HATE what he did to the movies! A purist?!? Yeah right! Oh, and I'm definitely NOT going to sit in a theater for three hours! At midnight! That's CRAZY!!!

Lush 12-17-2002 06:57 PM

mark12_30: "My dear Lush, I have completely forgotten your fetish for men wearing eyeliner. How odd that anyone should bring it up!" [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Gandalf_theGrey: "Bwa ha ha, I'm gonna hack the other Tolkien forums and then I'm gonna sign up all their moderators for 40 porn newsletters each!" *spits on the ground and triumpahntly flips the birdie at those assembled*

littlemanpoet: "All this talk of Faerie is alright and stuff, but it's distracting me from taxes and grocery shopping, so give me a break, will you?"

Knight of Gondor: "Everyone's gone bananas over Two Towers, silly gits! Skip the drama, you can always rent it in a few months, sheesh."

[ December 17, 2002: Message edited by: Lush ]

The Fifth 12-17-2002 09:21 PM

Any Barrow-Downer: WHAT??!~! ORLANDO IS MINE!~!!~!!`1111~~!~!~!~!~!!!~~~!!!!!`111 KEkekekekekek ^_______^ :P~~!~!!!!!!!12@!@!!!!!!! lololOLloll tant isi soooo funY!~!~!!!!!

Me: Lazy? What is that?

Rimbaud: You are all bloody twits that deserve to be spanked repeatedly with a levitating toad. FEEL TEH POWER.

VanimaEdhel: I have no intention of making fun of myself. * sips some tea while holding a pinky out *

VanimaEdhel 12-18-2002 06:36 PM


Any Barrow-Downer: WHAT??!~! ORLANDO IS MINE!~!!~!!`1111~~!~!~!~!~!!!~~~!!!!!`111 KEkekekekekek ^_______^ :P~~!~!!!!!!!12@!@!!!!!!! lololOLloll tant isi soooo funY!~!~!!!!!
Didn't even understand if that said anything except for "What? Orlando Is Mine!" Does that say "lol that is so funny!", or am I just making that up...and what's kekeke?

TheFifth: I'm here! I'm here every day! I haven't disappeared from every RPG I've ever been a part of! I'm right there, every day, just posting away!

And what, praytell, is wrong with tea? I love tea! I'm an American, so I like mochaccino's more, but tea is a close 2nd there!

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

Helkahothion 12-19-2002 01:22 PM

Maikadilwen: I don't want power and I surtenly do no want to kick Melkor and Sauron of their thrones and rule in their places.
You know what I like Hobbits and Mary Sue type character's I just love those. Hobbits are lovly and I am a young beautifull woman and not an old hag.

Now THAT is something Maikadilwen would never say.

(altough she will beat the living sh*t out of me when she reads this)

The Fifth 12-21-2002 12:52 PM


Didn't even understand if that said anything except for "What? Orlando Is Mine!" Does that say "lol that is so funny!", or am I just making that up...and what's kekeke?
Yes. It does say "lol that is so funny!". "Kekeke" is... I don't really know, but I was once a Starcraft nerd and I would always hear those ditzy freaks say that.


TheFifth: I'm here! I'm here every day! I haven't disappeared from every RPG I've ever been a part of! I'm right there, every day, just posting away!
Not every RPG. Sure, I did sneak out of AAwtK, but I actively posted in The Psychotic Elf (one of my favourites) and I am merely waiting for the right time to post in Castle Maladil as Kenelm (preferably when the group gets to the Castle).


And what, praytell, is wrong with tea? I love tea! I'm an American, so I like mochaccino's more, but tea is a close 2nd there!
Do not mock my love for green tea. Oh, and green tea ice-cream. Perhaps a cup of Earl Grey will do. Just make sure to dump 20 pounds of sugar in it.

And my last punctuation marks... ???

Maikadilwen 12-21-2002 03:52 PM


(altough she will beat the living sh*t out of me when she reads this)
Helkahothion you, and everybody else here, know already that I am not a violent person.... [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

LePetitChoux 12-25-2002 06:16 PM

burrahobbit: I never, ever, ever, ever, ever....hey, is that a squirrell? I really love, I wish I had a pet squirrell...sorry, where was I? Oh yes, as I was saying, I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever stray from the point.

Lush 12-26-2002 12:33 PM

Rimbaud: "No coal in this little frog's stocking! Squeaky clean is where it's at, my darlings."

Túroch: "All hail Lord PJ!"

Sharkey: "..And may I add that Mr. David Wenham deserves an Oscar for an outstanding performance. Oh, and an Oscar for Phillipa Boyen while you're at it, for a terrific interpretation of the Captain of Gondor."

[ December 26, 2002: Message edited by: Lush ]

LePetitChoux 01-04-2003 05:42 AM

B-W: You know what? I'm kinda tired of running this website. I'll close it now.

If the above ever happened I would literally go crazy (I spen at least 1 hour here EVERY DAY. It has become my life!)

Helkahothion 01-04-2003 08:09 AM

Hi all,

ME:What do you mean RPG? RPG is so entirely boring. Why would BW even bother to put it in? Man I wish I could run this site, I would make it so much better.

Maikadilwen:Go away I don't want to answer your stupid questions. And I sertainly don't want to help people understand things.



VanimaEdhel 01-04-2003 04:02 PM

Helkahothion: I have one gender and one gender alone! And Elves suck!


(Note that I did not put in a "Greetings, Anuion" at the end either)

LePetitChoux 01-06-2003 08:44 AM

Me: i h8 lort &dis sight ill go 2 da best sight evva cus this sight is so bad.

It pained me to write that.

Amanaduial the archer 01-06-2003 03:36 PM

Maikadilwen: Evil? Me? And my gentlelady character Rhana? Oh surely not. Oh Im hurt, really I am....and I hate angel smileys!

Maikadilwen 01-06-2003 05:09 PM

HEY! Keep Rhana out of this. You know she would never kill someone just for fun... uhm... OK, so she would, and so what? [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

dragoneyes 01-11-2003 03:23 PM

Me: I H8 U ALL!!!!!!

sorry, I had a lot of pent up energy, I had to release it.

Argh! There I go with the apologising again! I'm far too nice.

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