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Regin Hardhammer 08-03-2005 05:20 PM

I changed the dry goods store into a pottery and hermetics store to agree with LMP's post.

What exactly is going to happen in the game now? When should we proceed and enter the dungeon with Inzillomi? Once we get it, what is the next step?

If anyone has ideas about what generally is the direction we are going, it would be appreciated, since I am somewhat unsure.

- Regin

littlemanpoet 08-04-2005 03:56 AM

Thanks, Regin. I forgot having read about dry goods in your post. Sorry about that. Um, what are hermetics, anybody know? :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-04-2005 08:33 AM

There's a reason Inzillomi left it up to Azarmano... I have no clue. :D

I think that a Mabalar post would be good to come next, but that's not necessarily a must. Give him some time to be duly distressed that his wife is about to be killed with him. That sort of thing.

As for what we should do... we need to meet up with Soph and TB12. Are we set on coming upon them (still captured) while escaping with Mabalar? That would simplify the actual rescue some, while still allowing for all kinds of stress ("Where is my daughter?" "Um... we're not sure. Haven't seen her since we ran away.").

What say you guys to a bit of nerve-wracking? If the "guards" get "the prisoner" into the temple and run into more guards? Then perhaps Inzillomi would get tossed into a cell for awhile while Azarmano, Thoronmir, and Abarzadan have to I dunno... have a drink... or something... with actual King's Men. Wouldn't that be neat?

I just got a real deja vu thingy... The image of our "guards" getting their guards totally pasted and stealing the keys to the cells. Does it, perchance, remind you of Bilbo in Thranduil's caves? But it's got the underlying stress of knowing that you could be caught and killed any second. 'Specially Thoronmir who's pretty well known. Thoughts?

littlemanpoet 08-04-2005 09:52 AM

Okay, we can celebrate Bilbo with a theme and variation on the drunken guards' keys. Sounds good to me.

I'll try and get up a post this afternoon after work.

Meneltarmacil 08-08-2005 08:01 PM

I've got another vacation coming up on Wednesday and may not be able to post from then until Saturday. I was going to post something on the RPG but was waiting until everbody figured out what was going to happen regarding Inzillomi and everything, so if Regin's save is filled in by tomorrow, I'll post then. If not then, I'll post when I get back.

littlemanpoet 08-09-2005 09:33 AM

How much drink to get a Temple Guard drunk?
I'll take a stab at Regin's query, even though it was posted on the story site.

Simply put, a lot of drink.

We're talking military men here, and big men, even in comparison to your average Numenorean, I would think. So if it takes two 20 oz. ales to buzz me (190 lbs & an "aler" enough to stand a few), a third to slish me, and a fourth to slosh me. But I'm still with it, and that's the most I've ever had at a sitting. Double that to get a Temple Guard to the same point. Render him unconscious? Double it again. So that would be 16 x 20 oz. of ale, or 320 oz., which is how many gallons? I never was good at figuring that part out. So at any rate, a lot. Hope this helps. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-10-2005 07:08 AM


So if it takes two 20 oz. ales to buzz me
Also bear in mind the potency of the drink. If you're drinking "good" stuff, you'll doubtlessly get pasted quicker than if you're drinking the lesser quality stuff Guards would have. And remember than not everybody's tolerance is the same, and it's not necessarily based on weight. I've seen a 6'4" muscular guy really truly drunk after only a few, and a 6'0" even rail-thin one still lucid after twice the amount.

The Guards need not all keel over at once, and certainly not early on into the drinking.

Regin Hardhammer 08-10-2005 05:07 PM

The Big Ale Party post is up. Whoever thought that getting a bunch of gaurds drunk would be so much fun. :D

I particularly liked the small ale barrel, medium ale barrel, large ale barrel section.

I hope I didn't get them too drunk (or not drunk enough). I had about 5 flagons of ale each.

Let me know if any other changes are needed.

Himaran 08-11-2005 04:37 AM

It appears that only Azarmano is with Inzi - in that case, Thor and Abarzadan are doing something else. I think that this would be a good time for me to put in my long planned "touring the city" post. Let me know if this messes up the plot.

- Himaran

Regin Hardhammer 08-11-2005 08:54 AM

Actually, in my post I had envisioned the group coming with me.

Azarmanô untied Inzillomí’s chains from the bar and led her, along with the rest of the group, down the corridor which ended at a set of stairs that he hoped they could follow to the north tower.
I also refer to "the rescuers" and "the group" a couple of times.

Of the six mugs from the store room, three are for the soldiers and three are for the rescuers (Azarmano, Abar, and Thoronmir).

I'm sorry if I didn't show that clealrly enough. I will edit my post if more explanation is needed to clarify that the rest of the group is there or if I actually am alone.

But why would Thoronmir join Abarzadan?

Any clarification regarding this issue would be appreciated. I'm confused.

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-11-2005 08:54 AM

Hey Him, when you fill in your save, can you shift it to after my post? I had Inzi suggest a way to get rid of Abarza and Thoronmir. In the best sense, of course. T's too well-known and after all, we need to find the fastest route out of the city, so who better than scouts? If anybody objects to this line of thinking, say something (and provide a change for me) and I'll go cuddle with my beloved edit button. It should work though, to allow for A to explore the city like he wants, yes?

Edit: cross-posted with Regin. Does my idea of sending them off as scouts now, instead of pre-drinking party work to clear things up?

Meneltarmacil 08-13-2005 03:39 PM

I would actually prefer to be with Azar and Inzi, though maybe I could be doing something like hunting around for Mabalar.

Yeah, actually, I think I'll split off and try to find him if there aren't any objections. I'll try to get in a post tonight.

EDIT: I now have everybody going in search of him together, minus Abarzadan, following the part with the drunken guards.

Regin Hardhammer 08-14-2005 09:47 PM

It's obvious that something here needs to be edited. First, Inzi suggests that Abar and Thoronmir be sent off as scouts for escape roots. If Thoronmir is staying, then I think that either Inzi needs to edit her post so as to just suggest that Abar leave or Thoronmir needs to put in his post some rational as to why he does not want to go.

At the end of Inzi's post, she asks Azarmano for approval. After we get the first part of the situation sorted out, then we can deal with this. It seems strange for Azarmano to give approval after Menel's post because they are all ready continuing on the search for Mabalar. I'm not sure if Azarmano needs to approve, but if so, it should, I think, come before Menel's post.

With regards to Menel's post, I think that being told the exact spot of Malabar's cell seems too easy. Perhaps we could arrive at the designated cell only to find that he had been moved, perhaps to something like a holding cell that prisoners go immediately before sacrificing.

I'm not sure exactly how things need to be tweeked, but they do seem slightly jumbled at the moment.

Meneltarmacil 08-15-2005 06:42 AM

I was thinking that they would find Mabalar, but then Herugor would show up with a bunch of armed gaurds. Or is having everyone taken prisoner just digging this hole too deep to get out of....?

Himaran 08-15-2005 05:22 PM

I agree with Regin - something does need to be edited.

I personally would like Abarzadan to go figure out an escape plan, and if Menel wants to keep Thor with Azar and Inzi that should work out fine.

Someone mentioned a while back that Sophie/TB12 had some sort of plan - does anyone know what it is or is it already in motion?

- Him

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-15-2005 05:47 PM


Someone mentioned a while back that Sophie/TB12 had some sort of plan - does anyone know what it is or is it already in motion?
Right... Let's see if I can remember (or see if it's still in my inbox). Right... not in my inbox any more. Regin, if you remember any more than I do, please chime in.

Basically the idea was that not everyone in the city is power-hungry, cruel, and ready to slay all Faithful. There are obviously the down-trodden who aren't going to be all that happy with the King. So part of the idea was that when we (Inzi, Azarmano, Abarzadan, Thoronmir) were trying to get into the city, the guards who'd captured the others (Kathaani, Tiru, Marsillion) would get to the gate also (or one nearby). Enter, stage left, deux ex machina in the form of one of those very angry Valar induced storms. In the midst of the ruckus, the down-trodden help all the good guys out.

So at this point, all are together again (except, of course, Mabalar) AND we're in the city.

After this, my memory (which may be a little faulty in any case) trails out entirely.

BUT... Soph hasn't been around (due to the insanity of real life, if I remember correctly, and never answered my last two PMs to her, sent over a month ago) so we went on and got ourselves into the city.

So the current state of things:

Mabalar: distressed that his wife is captured, near sacrifice, imprisoned

Group A: wandering the dungeons with the keys

Group B: in the hands of the Guards

The Shopkeeper and Tarik: under the eye of pre-Mouth (will they be coming with us in the end?)

Right now we need to tweak a few things. Since Abarzadan wants to explore the city, I recommend sending him out for escape routes. If agreeable, I think it would be good for him to spot Group B and be the one to relay the news.

Thoronmir obviously stays with us, but I do agree that it seems a little too easy to just find Mabalar. I like the idea of that having been his cell, but he's been moved. Which would possibly turn us against whatshisyap ;) because he gave us wrong information on Mabalar's whereabouts?

What better than distrust to spice up and already spicy situation?

Obviously Inzi continues the role of prisoner, since her wandering the dungeons when That Guy (pre-Mouth) knows she's there is a bad idea.

Any how, I hope this post made some semblance of sense... I was thinking of quite a bit and now... I'm getting a birthday surprise but she won't tell me what it is... :( :D It's got my mind racing in such a fun way.

littlemanpoet 08-25-2005 09:29 AM

I'm giving this a pound in the posterior. Any protests may be lodged here.

Child of the 7th Age 08-25-2005 09:58 AM

Himaran and Littlemanpoet,

Please check your pms.


Feanor of the Peredhil 08-27-2005 09:37 PM

Regin, would you be so kind as to incorporate a small out-of-character moment for Inzillomi in your post? Perhaps a quiet curse or two at discovering the empty cell met by perhaps disbelieving looks. Hard to be stoic when you realize that your quest just got even harder.. and when it's your husband's life on the line.

Regin Hardhammer 08-28-2005 06:50 PM

I put up my post. I ended it in such a way that other people can join in the fight before we skiddaddle. It shouldn't be a very long fight, since we really have to get out fast, but everyone who wants to can do a post.

littlemanpoet 09-01-2005 07:28 PM

Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I had no intention of Mabalar being found in any cell the group could easily get to.

Here's what I was thinking (Let me know what you think.): Mabalar has been taken from his cell to be brought to the temple for sacrifice. Tarik didn't know this because he has been left out of the loop, having been found out by Herugor. Herugor is the one who has instigated the current situation. Mabalar exits from the dungeons into the central chamber of the temple only to discover that his daughter, Marsillion, and somebody else (can't remember off hand) are already being held there.

That leaves Azarmano, Inzillomi, and Thoronmir, to come up behind and discover that the jig is up. Meanwhile, Tarik has head the same clang that they had heard, and rushes back to find that Mabalar's cell is empty. Either the group has released him that quickly or they have also been taken captive. He decides the latter, and gives chase, finding them looking through a small window into the great chamber, their hopes virtually crushed, watching Mabalar, Marsillion, Kataani, and ? being led to Sauron's altar by Herugor and his henchmen.

That leaves three individuals unaccounted for and free agents: Himaran, Tar Miriel, and the guy who sells stuff whose name Mabalar would never forget (:p) but I did.

So, what do you think?

Meneltarmacil 09-01-2005 07:57 PM

Sounds good. I was also thinking that Mabalar would be taken to the temple to be sacrificed. I'd like to suggest that since Herugor was the guy that had gotten Thoronmir kicked off the council and forced to become a fugitive, he and Thoronmir should face off against each other at some point (though of course Herugor can't die here).

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-01-2005 08:11 PM


So, what do you think?
I think that means my post must be deleted? Which is fine. Just say the word. Quite frankly, I prefer the added pressure of LMP's scenario.

littlemanpoet 09-02-2005 09:39 AM

I like it, Menel. It's about time we had some character confrontation that fleshes out some more of the characters.

Before you delete your post, Fea, let's give it the (long U.S.) weekend to hear from everybody about the alternate direction we're talking about to get approval and input before we take any action, okay?

Himaran 09-02-2005 07:09 PM

At some point in the near future, could someone (anyone) have their character notice that Abarzadan is gone? I see that the game is winding down, and I need to complete his personal story in the city before we leave.

littlemanpoet 09-03-2005 03:19 PM

Far from winding down, Himaran, the release of Mabalar from Sauron's dungeons only starts the beginning of the end. It's sort of like Frodo and Sam entering Mordor, I think. The group still has to get away from Herugor & Sauron, meet up with Miriel to receive the last palantir, flee the city and reace wholesale to Romenna, take ship, and endure the sinking of Numenor .... not to mention that it would be interesting to write an epilogue of sorts of the various parties' life a couple months after they've landed on the shores of Middle Earth (can you tell that I have a hard time ending stories?). :P

As for Abarzadan, I'd love to see things come to a head such that Abarzadan is faced with a moral choice between a "Gollum" (selling the Hobbits to Shelob), or a "Boromir" (going for personal glory and gain at the expense of the quest), or a "Saruman" (trading in former friends to their enemy in order to 'move up' in the ranks of the powers that be), or a "Theoden" (giving up because the cause of good seems hopeless), or whatever. You know Abarzadan better than the rest of us, Him, so you know what kind of moral choices make the most sense. Just thought I'd mention it.

Regin Hardhammer 09-03-2005 06:50 PM

These ideas sound good. I'll lbe glad to work on editing my post.

I do have a question. Would you prefer we simply come to an empty cell, and have the post stop there, or should we come to an empty cell and tangle with a few guards as we make our way to the altar? Anything particular in mind?

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-03-2005 09:58 PM

I like the idea of reaching the empty cell and tangling with guards. Perhaps they were set to watch the cell for unusual activity whether the prisoner remains or no? When the "new guards" show up with their "prisoner" it qualifies as unusual, and so a tangle begins?

It would keep us from having to dock our work quite so harshly, not to mention I just sort of like that idea.

littlemanpoet 09-04-2005 02:29 PM

I'd also like it if you could work in Tarik coming upon the altercation late, and the good guys afraid he's going to help the guards, and the guards being surprised/stunned that he actually turns the tide against the guards in favor of the good guys ... this would serve as a turning point for Tarik himself, who until this point has been secretive (at least he thought so), and by helping out this group, he declares himself. Of course, he doesn't know that Herugor and Sauron already know, but he still is forced to commit . . . . a great foreshadowing to laying down his life later on in the story for the good of Mabalar and friends.

Oh, and one more little secret that I shouldn't keep from the rest of you: Monôizindu's shop (and home) are very close to the Temple, and therefore to the Temple's dungeons. This seems to suggest to me that he and his secretive Faithful would be industrious enough to have secret passages underground that connect to the Temple dungeons somehow. Tarik wouldn't know of this, unless Monoizindu has told him, and he hasn't. But Monoi has ways of keeping tabs on the dungeon (through cronies no doubt), and is at the ready to slip into the dungeon at just the right moment and help the Faithful to escape right from under the nose of Herugor.

But before that can happen, Miriel must get the palantir to Mabalar.

Ah, the plot thickens..... :)

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-04-2005 05:43 PM

Where will we find Miriel, or will you take care of that? And how should I revamp my post?

littlemanpoet 09-04-2005 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Where will we find Miriel, or will you take care of that? And how should I revamp my post?

I'll take care of Miriel.

Glad you asked about your post, because I think you should save/hold some of it for later.

Seems to me that you could save just about everything (in one fashion or another) except the bars getting inbetween husband and wife. Who needs 'em anyway, right? :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-04-2005 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
I'll take care of Miriel.

Glad you asked about your post, because I think you should save/hold some of it for later.

Seems to me that you could save just about everything (in one fashion or another) except the bars getting inbetween husband and wife. Who needs 'em anyway, right? :D

Allright... I'm just going to delete Mabalar from the post for now and leave the rest pretty much as is.

EDIT: I changed my mind. I've pulled my post for now. Once Regin tweaks his I'll put back what feels right.

Himaran 09-05-2005 09:28 AM

LMP - those are interesting possibilities indeed. I suppose I can put my own selfish sideplot on the shelf for now, seeing that there may well be more interesting possibilities in the future. However, I can start infusing doubts into Abarzadan... what if the person he is helping to escape from prison is really an evil enemy of the state? What if his companions have blinded him with touching stories and blatant lies? Ah... the sweet smell of controversy.

- Himaran

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-07-2005 07:46 AM

I knew I forgot something... I filled my save.

Himaran 09-07-2005 08:43 AM

I'm not sure how much of a time-lapse there is between Fea's post and mine... it probably took about thirty seconds for Abarzadan to send the guards off and return - in a battle, much can happen in that time. While I'd love to get back into the battle, I will wait until Regin or Menel puts a piece up.

Dimcollowen 09-07-2005 09:00 AM

Do not post to this discussion thread - check your Private Messages, please

~*~ Piosenniel, Shire Moderator

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-07-2005 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Himaran
I'm not sure how much of a time-lapse there is between Fea's post and mine... it probably took about thirty seconds for Abarzadan to send the guards off and return - in a battle, much can happen in that time. While I'd love to get back into the battle, I will wait until Regin or Menel puts a piece up.

Not long. Abarzadan could effectively be just around the corner and on his way back when Inzi looks around and can't find him. I'm just a sucker for extra tension. After all, the mysterious one disappears just as the group gets attacked by guards that were informed of their arrival? Of course we have to take full advantage of it.

littlemanpoet 09-09-2005 07:42 PM

I shall be vacationing in England for three weeks, and will be back October 1. During that time I doubt that I will have the desire, time, or urge, or whatever, to check in here. You understand, I expect.

For that reason, I have devised a plan such that Tar Miriel is going to use the first distration available to render Mabalar unconscious for an extended period. A potion, I'm thinking. Longer lasting than Feanor's idea with Inzi. And no, I thought of this independently. Great minds think alike, they say. ;) Think of Bombur in The Hobbit, and Frodo in the tower of Cirith Ungol. Tar Miriel will have humored Herugor, with her charms, into giving her a spider venom potion to use as she would. She will use this for Mabalar's sake, for Sauron wants his victims awake and aware, so as to enjoy their conscious agony. Mabalar unconscious, that can't happen. So the group will be forced to carry him away. (snicker) He will wake up when I get back, a little the worse for wear.

Tarik will die for the sake of the party. I think I said that, but I want to reinforce it.

Moizandu also will die for the sake of the group. But later than Tarik. I hope to write my Miriel post tomorrow (9/10).

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-09-2005 08:11 PM

So I guess that means Mabalar will just be a carry-along character until you return. *snicker*

Do we know that he's called Mabalar yet? Or are we still calling him Abarpanaru (with accents appropriately placed)?

Also, are we killing off Tarik and That Guy? Or are you?

And how are we going to find Soph and TB12's characters? It looks like we're going to have to pick them up without their consent if we mean to get the heck out of the city any time soon.

littlemanpoet 09-10-2005 05:47 AM

Questions answered
Feanor, I'm glad you're here to carry this as more than a cameo, considering the forced absence of some chief writers.


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
So I guess that means Mabalar will just be a carry-along character until you return. *snicker*

Hee hee! Enjoy.


Do we know that he's called Mabalar yet?


Or are we still calling him Abarpanaru (with accents appropriately placed)?
Yes, sorry.


Also, are we killing off Tarik and That Guy? Or are you?
You have the option. Just remember that Tarik will prove handy as a go-between in any final dialogue between Mabalar and Miriel, which has to do with the palantir. It would be cool if Tarik sacrifices himself for the sake of the palantir's safety.


And how are we going to find Soph and TB12's characters? It looks like we're going to have to pick them up without their consent if we mean to get the heck out of the city any time soon.
The way I see it, they are already in the Temple, in danger of sacrifice. I'm about to write the Miriel thing, which will include an earthquake (it's about time for more of the signs of doom, don't you think?) which will be a good distraction point for all the stuff that needs to happen to get our group out of the immediate clutches of Sauron and Herugor.

Menel, I'm really glad you thought up having Herugor involved here. I'm loving that part of it.

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