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Feanor of the Peredhil 01-17-2006 09:32 PM

I think I'll be the village manicurist. With precarious temperment and a sharp nail file.

tar-ancalime 01-17-2006 10:24 PM

not that i have a job, or anything....
Well, when I saw the current cast for this game, I just had to sign up. My better judgement (aka Mr. tar-ancalime) notwithstanding. :D

Is there still space?

I'm neither the greenest nor the most experienced in this list; I'm hoping that the middle ground will suit me.

Also I'm encouraged to see that there seem already to be players from various parts of the world; perhaps I won't be the only one posting at odd times and absent at popular times this time around. (My time zone is GMT +6.)

Occupation...occupation...hmmm...I'll be that lady with all the cats. I wear tatty old calico dresses, ravelly sweaters, and sensible shoes. (Embrace the anachronism.) Sometimes I shake my fist at nothing, and I'm always muttering about "those rotten kids."

Anguirel 01-18-2006 01:07 AM

A game with Fea? Haven't had one of those since...Telamarth maybe?

I'm looking forward to this so much...though as I say, I like frills...

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-18-2006 08:47 AM

T'was indeed Telemarth. I've not played since then. Too busy with finals and all that go with that time of year.

We start tomorrow, then? If I remember what I read correctly?

Anguirel 01-18-2006 08:55 AM

Yes, we certainly will now everyone's arrived, I imagine. Which means no Saucey, but there you go...

Here are the current players

Mod - Sleepy Ranger
Mod - Glirdan

1. Garin
2. Eonwe
3. Roa_Aoife
4. Thinlomien
5. Anguirel
6. Eomer of the Rohirrim
7. Mithalwen
8. Kath
9. Gandalf_the_white
10. Valier
11. Shelob
12. Valesse
13. Waynethegoblin
14. Feanor of the Peredhil
15. AbercrombieOfRohan
16. tar-ancalime

Sleepy Ranger 01-18-2006 12:37 PM

I'm so sorry...
I've been punished and I don't think I'll be able to come online at all for who knows how long. I'm going to ask my dad for 5 minutes everyday to check my mail if he agrees I'll still mod otherwise I'm so sorry, this was shaping up so good.

My Apologies,
Sleepy Ranger

Anguirel 01-18-2006 12:51 PM

5 minutes a day?

You'll have to type like a maniac to do write-ups in that time...

Valier 01-18-2006 03:46 PM

That totally sucks Sleepy (If you see this ;) ) Is there any way someone could fill in as mod until Sleepy's return or shall we all just wait? :confused:

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-18-2006 04:22 PM


There's a huge waiting list for Moderators, remember. By the way, I sympathize with you Sleepy. :( ;)

Gil-Galad 01-18-2006 08:32 PM

i am stil lavailble and maybe even for a game?

tar-ancalime 01-18-2006 08:59 PM

I'd like to suggest that Glirdan take over, and Sleepy mod the next game.

Sleepy: I sure hope that whatever you're being punished for was worth it! :D

Glirdan 01-18-2006 09:09 PM

Well, since there isn't really a choice for me, I will start modding the game. If Sleepy comes back before it's over, he can take over, if he wants.

Gil, when are you planning to start your Gang Wars game? If it's after this game, then Sleepy will have to wait.

So, I will proceed and start tomorrow as planned, however, I might have a differnt start time due to computer availability. Does anyone have the slightest idea as to what the villages name is or what the game is called?

And here's an updated list of the players.

1. Garin
2. Eonwe
3. Roa_Aoife
4. Thinlomien
5. Anguirel
6. Eomer of the Rohirrim
7. Mithalwen
8. Kath
9. Gandalf_the_white
10. Valier
11. Shelob
12. Valesse
13. Waynethegoblin
14. Feanor of the Peredhil
15. AbercrombieOfRohan
16. tar-ancalime
17. Gil (unless you want to be my backup mod, which I will definetly need)

Shelob 01-18-2006 09:21 PM

Speaking with Sleepy via IM yesterday he mentioned that the village was called Mejis. The town's apparently from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, so if you've read it that might help, I haven't so it means nothing. Sleepy also mentioned that the town was a farming town and specialized, I believe, in animals -- so livestock. I know he mentioned there were was an inn and some kind of market area.

As for what he had planned as a name, or narative style I can't help you...

Given that it's a village with a market area though I was going to be a shopkeeper. I own/run "Web Head Hats". Where I sell hats (in case you had trouble getting that).

Valier 01-18-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shelob
I own/run "Web Head Hats". Where I sell hats (in case you had trouble getting that).

That's so funny, because TGWBS was a hat maker in the werewolf game that is still currently playing. Not that it matters, but it gave me deja vu :D

Glirdan 01-18-2006 09:25 PM

Thanks a ton Shelob. So, anyone have any preferance for what the game should be called? Unless I get some new info from Sleepy, Shelob or someone who talks to him ona a regular basis, it's open for whatever.

Shelob 01-18-2006 09:41 PM


That's so funny
Thanks, but Sleepy suggested I sell hats...the name and motto I came up with, though the motto almost was "A proud part of the Lycosidae family", since "Lycosidae" is the Family for wolf spiders ('family' as in a step up from Genus/species)...but I figured the Order one was more out there, and made less sense.

Glirdan, I'll keep an eye out for Sleepy, if I see him online before thursday I'll be sure to get information out of him. If I see him after I'll make sure he knows what's going on. Sound Fair?

Glirdan 01-18-2006 10:02 PM

That's perfect Shelob. Thanks a ton.

Ok, I need an occupation from Eowne, Thin, Eomer, Mith, Kath, Valesse and Crombie. I think I'll push the game back to start on Sunday at the latest. We need to figure out the rules and roles not to mention, I need to know if the people who have signed up know that the game will be starting. So, if you cn, just post to tell me that you know we'll be starting soon.

Ok, what should we do with roles? There are 16 people, so, any ideas? I do have one rule, non-retractable votes is a definite. Mass lynches are out. There will be a double-lynches, unless others say otherwise.

I'm also in desperate need of a backup mod, so, Gil, if you're not playing, do you mind being m backup? I have exams that I have to study for, as I'm sure you probably do. But, what do you say?

Oh, my "occupation" will be towm musician, so no one can take that!! :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-18-2006 10:27 PM

I'm here, I'm aware that we've had mod-difficulties and are starting soon, though not as soon as expected.

My only comment is that a no-frills game (three wolves, a seer, and a whole bunch of innocent nobodies) would be greatly enjoyed. However, if I'm outnumbered or if the Mod-God denies it, then so be it.

Valier 01-18-2006 10:46 PM

I am alright with starting when ever. I like the idea of a Ranger as well as the seer and 3 ww's Maybe something else cool....unique maybe? :D

Gil-Galad 01-18-2006 11:55 PM

i shall accept Glirdan, i have only one exam left, Next Wedsneday 1:00 - 3:00 Mountain time

Anguirel 01-19-2006 01:12 AM

I would like the plan Sleepy was heading for-two Seers acting as Shirriffs as well, who get one dream between them, and...

3 Wolves
1 Ranger
1 Hunter
1 Cursed

Márcolië Lamen 01-19-2006 07:27 AM

Oops, sorry for not replying. I was off doing college applications, and just returned to Barrowdowns today, well 10 minutes ago.

Mithalwen 01-19-2006 07:44 AM

Can I be a mysteriously wealthy widow? Or do Ihave to have a proper job? In which case I will be a falconer/austringer if that isn't taken.

tar-ancalime 01-19-2006 08:11 AM

Just checking in as you asked, Glirdan.

I'll keep popping in to see when the game is going to start.

Mithalwen, I haven't got a proper job either! If That Lady with All the Cats isn't good enough I'll be an impoverished gentlewoman who is selling off the heirlooms piecemeal to avoid working for a living.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-19-2006 08:45 AM

It's probably not worth doing a weak version of whatever game Sleepy had planned. Why not just let him do his game (with all his ideas) when he is available to mod?

Glirdan, don't feel pressurized to mod this game if you are too busy. Remember that there are lots of people able to fill in. :) If you do want to mod it, then I suggest keeping it simple. Don't try to copy what Sleepy was going to do.

Does that seem fair?

I'd like a no-frills game too, but participants have been promised razzle and dazzle aplenty for this one. So I think we are to have:

3 wolves
2 seers (working as Shiriffs, having one dream per night)
1 ranger
1 hunter
1 cursed
8 villagers (I think)

And I shall be the village doctor.

Kath 01-19-2006 08:52 AM

I'm still available to play. I would prefer a no frills game and I think it would be fairer to leave the two Shirriffs as the Seer idea for when Sleepy can mod.

But either way, I'm happy.

Roa_Aoife 01-19-2006 09:30 AM

First Timer, here! What are you talking about?
All these extra roles have me a bit confused. I understand the seer and the cursed, but what are the Ranger and the Hunter?

All I'd like is a quick summary, please. Pretty please? With Longbottom Leaf on top?

Thinlómien 01-19-2006 09:45 AM

(Glirdan modding and Fea playing... This starts to sound familiar....)

If we are some kind of cattle village, I think we should have someone with cattle. So I'll be a rich widow, who has cattle.

I'm sorry for you, Sleepy. I hope you can manipulate your dad enough to get back to modding... ;)

And how these seer-shiriffs work?

Garin 01-19-2006 10:42 AM


Roa_Aoife: All these extra roles have me a bit confused. I understand the seer and the cursed, but what are the Ranger and the Hunter?
There is a plethora of info regarding these roles on all the werewolf threads. I f you are unwilling to research for yourself this is not your game, whatsoever.

Anguirel 01-19-2006 10:47 AM

It's clear that the no frills side is gaining weight.

In particular, I've been convinced that the Seer-Shirriffs should be left to another game when Sleepy can mod properly.

Maybe just a Seer, Wolves, Ranger, Hunter, Cursed? That's fairly basic. Nothing particularly flashy. But I do like my Ranger saves, duelling hunters and last minute Cursed conversions...

Mithalwen 01-19-2006 11:32 AM

Are we still having retractable votes?

Anguirel 01-19-2006 11:33 AM

I don't see why not...

Thinlómien 01-19-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
I don't see why not...

Neither do I, though I don't like them too much. (And probably I shouldn't be saying anything because I haven't never tried them.) *shuts her mouth and nods wisely*

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-19-2006 12:57 PM

The Game I Recommend:
Three Wolves: no PMing during the DAY but are allowed to privately plot at NIGHT. One kill per night. We all know this role. Just reiterating that when the wolves were allowed to plot all day, it was a foolish "advantage" as wolves can pick up "hidden" signals in each other's posts far more easily than innocents can, so they don't need extra chat.

Seer: I sleep fitfully at NIGHT and ask Illamatar... I mean... the mod... whether or not a chosen villager is guilty. In the day, I try to stay alive and I try to keep villagers alive and get werewolves lynched.

Villagers: We talk a lot without knowing anything for certain.

This game is the most fun. But since we seem to want "frills" of a sort, I'm perfectly happy to add

Hunter: whenever the Hunter dies, s/he gets to take somebody out with them.

Ranger: Protects somebody each NIGHT and the wolves can't kill the one they're protecting.

Ranger is probably my favorite "extra" role... probably because of that game Thinlo mentioned. Fun time, that.

Cursed is neat too... usually doesn't come into play, but has altered the course of a game once or twice.

Whatever works.

And we're having retractable? I thought that was the one certain thing; your vote is your vote and that's final.

Anguirel 01-19-2006 01:00 PM

Sleepy was planning on non-retractable. I think it might be an interesting experiment leading to more politicking...

Thinlómien 01-19-2006 01:02 PM

I second Fea's model. It's the only one I've ever played, but it worked well. Now we are of course having more players than (I think) we had then, so it might affect the situation. And, I'm also willing to try other models as well.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-19-2006 01:08 PM

From the perspective of a former Moddess, I can say that having too many special roles without enough people causes a lot of PM answering for the mod, a lot of confusion, and by the end of the game, everybody knows who everybody is, so it completely ruins last minute "Omigod, did I make a huge mistake?" paranoia.

WW games really do need a lot of paranoia to be really fun...

Mithalwen 01-19-2006 01:13 PM

Well I signed up because of the offer of retractable votes.......

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-19-2006 01:23 PM

I can handle retractable votes. They tend to amuse me and up the paranoia level. "Is she serious, or does she plan to retract her vote at the last minute??!?!"

Garin 01-19-2006 02:06 PM

If we keep just the rudimentary roles, retractable votes could spice things up.
wolves, seer, hunter, ranger, cursed...
Retracting a vote raises a lot of suspicion.

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