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the phantom 08-13-2009 06:04 PM

By the way- those of you against Hakon, what do you think he is? Villain, Bear, or Cobbler? From my point of view if he's anything bad he'd be the Bear, because I seem to recall him making more than his share of Bear accusations (if he's looking for the Bear, he can't possibly be the Bear, etc, you know the drill). His reactions to the other stuff don't seem very Villainous, nor does he scream Cobbler.

I think there are worse choices than Hakon, but he's under Day 1 noob protection currently. But if it comes down to him and Pitchwife... I've never played with either of them. *sigh* I suppose I could always cast a Fea vote and make myself look terribly suspicious. :D

Originally Posted by Durelin
Not surprisingly, you think too highly of yourself and your impact on others.

Not surprisingly you like to believe that what I say isn't true. :p

Shastanis Althreduin 08-13-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606976)
That settles it for me. Shasta is a wolf-voting machine (he votes for wolves even when he doesn'twant to). I don't agree with his reasons, but as I have reasons of my own and Shasta is psychic (and therefore doesn't need reasons) I'm pretty much sure Pitchwife gets my vote. ;)

Oh, um, er... you were following last game, were you? :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 606978)
Is that seriously your reasoning for voting Pitchwife? Other people displayed that same exact attitude far more than he did, so I have trouble believing that's your criteria.

Phantom, did you completely miss the part where I said "I have six pages to read"?

Anyway, I think I'm all caught up now, though I probably did skim a bit due to wanting to get caught up. :rolleyes:

Shastanis Althreduin 08-13-2009 06:09 PM

Ah, see, I did skim a bit, missed this -


Originally Posted by Durelin
Not surprisingly, you think too highly of yourself and your impact on others. You can check my track-record on this sort of thing if you want to look through games. Doesn't matter what I am, I have standards.

:D :D :D My heroine!

Pitchwife 08-13-2009 06:10 PM

Oh, Shasta... *sigh* I said I wanted you to come back, but does it have to be like this?

I agree with Form to keep morm, Rikae and tp around for a little longer and give 'em enough rope. I suspect morm somewhat, but need more to go on. Same for Sally.
Rikae's starting the suspicion against me irks me somewhat (not that it hasn't happened to me before - remember I was lynched on Day 2 my last time around), but that's not enough for me to suspect her in turn. What worries me a little more is a vague notion that her asking for everybody's general feelings earlier looks like an attempt to catch somebody acting contrary to the feelings they had before, for whatever reeson...

So out of my 4 candidates, that leaves alona and autume. Not comfortable with voting for either, I must say.

(x-ed with lots)

Nienna 08-13-2009 06:12 PM

Hi I am here. Sorry I haven't been around but I could only get away with reading a little at school. I am now home (we stopped at a shelter and looked at a kitty we get to pick up on Sunday!) and have read through.

My reasoning for saying we should vote Fea would be that only one person dies today instead of two considering we are most likely going to loose two people tonight. I'm not saying that we shouldn't try to lynch a baddie but the odds are greatly against us.

I'm thinking that Hakon doesn't look like a baddie and the people who locked in their votes for him are making me the most suspicious right now.

I should be around until deadline so I won't need to make my decision right now.

Edit: x-ed with Pitchwife

the phantom 08-13-2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. E
Phantom, did you completely miss the part where I said "I have six pages to read"?

Yes I did, laddie.

And since that is the case, I can only say- Hurry up, you slacker! :p

Macalaure 08-13-2009 06:13 PM

Let's throw something new in here:


Didn't post any substance apart from her vote post (266), which, apart from fueling the then-fresh Hakon-waggon, is very agreeing and vague.

Formendacil 08-13-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 606983)
I suppose I could always cast a Fea vote and make myself look terribly suspicious. :D

phantom darling, you're one of those "suspicious until proven guilty/innocent" types. You're not demonstrably anything until you're dead and your role's come out.

Don't worry, we love you anyway.

the phantom 08-13-2009 06:16 PM

Wow, you sound like Fea. If I hadn't seen your name next to that I would've thought she was playing again.

Formendacil 08-13-2009 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 606991)
Wow, you sound like Fea. If I hadn't seen your name next to that I would've thought she was playing again.

No, sorry... I'm afraid I've just got entirely too familiar with familiar forms of address this summer--I blame the English novels--and somehow, online, everyone seems somewhat flirt-worthy.

It'd be an interesting game, though, wouldn't it, if I were to try and play ala Fea.

I couldn't do it--I'd break down about two posts into Day 2 and turn back into a pumpkin. :p

the phantom 08-13-2009 06:24 PM

I've got to run. I'll try my best to pop in from time to time, but I have a heavy task in front of me. I won't forget to vote of course. Cheers!

Nienna 08-13-2009 06:25 PM

And really just because I haven't had time to do this yet. The narration is ready to be analyzed.

Nienna 08-13-2009 06:31 PM

And Brinn is the biggest of all the people... not sure what that says if anything... just mentioning.

Durelin 08-13-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Form
phantom darling, you're one of those "suspicious until proven guilty/innocent" types. You're not demonstrably anything until you're dead and your role's come out.



Originally Posted by Form
Don't worry, we love you anyway.

I was under the impression he only had fan-girls, and that they were pretty quiet or non-existant this game. I guess I was wrong.

It's way too hard to be 'productive' in this game.


Her posts #151, 154, and 159 are particularly unnerving. Maybe it's just that I disagree with her plain and simply, and that her personality rubs me the wrong way (which of course I kinda how I feel about Hakon... >_>). Basically she seems to be trying very hard to be agreeable and to discuss *something* and ends up commentating on the situation and making really weird generalizations about Day 1 and voting.

But one more musical number out of phantom and he's getting my vote the rest of the game.

Boromir88 08-13-2009 06:36 PM

Highlight your vote Durelin...I gotta be a stickler. :)

Pitchwife 08-13-2009 06:44 PM

OK, I've already staid awake much longer than I should. Time to vote.
I hate to vote a fellow newbie on Day 1, but for reasons given above, it's either alona and autume. Can't really make up my mind, but -
Oh, well.
for what Mac said. Sorry if I'm wrong.

And Rikae, please be indecisive some more. If you really are.

Lariren Shadow 08-13-2009 06:49 PM

Not sure what to think about whats been happening. Nienna is seeming slightly more innocent. But not much more than before.


Rikae--> Rikae
Form--> Mira
Morm--> Hakon
Alona--> Hakon
Sally--> Hakon
Brinn--> Morm
Autume--> Hakon
Shasta --> Pitchwife
Mac --> Alona
Durelin --> Nessa
Pitchwife --> Alona

So Hakon 4. Alona 2. Morm, Nessa, and, Pitchwife 1.

Rikae 08-13-2009 06:51 PM

Mac, hm, I can't really see the suspiciousness of that post. It looks like best-friends-with-Lari-ishness followed by a sort of placeholder vote - plus, alona won't be around to defend herself until later, as she said. Nah, on second thought, I'd better vote for someone else.

Rikae 08-13-2009 06:53 PM

Dury's points about Nessa are good, too, and make me more inclined to vote her (Nessa).

Lariren Shadow 08-13-2009 06:54 PM

I am off for a little, will hopefully be back before deadline(as in stealing a computer). I don't see where the Alona suspicion is coming from, but Mac's ideas seem innocent enough.

Nienna 08-13-2009 06:59 PM

I agree that Mac's vote for Alona seems fine while Pitchwife's seems a little desperate to join a bandwagon. I'm still trying to find out how he narrowed it down to Tum and Alona... but that worries me a bit.

Inziladun 08-13-2009 07:25 PM

This is a lot of bloody posts for a Day 1. I suppose in a way that's good, but nearly the first two pages were posts of banter and backwards/upside down/unintelligible characters. :rolleyes:

Rather than make lists of my impressions of eveyone, I'll zero in on what I find noteworthy at the moment.

I don't know about the Hakon bandwagon. He's acted oddly, sure. The piling on seems wrong though.

The push for Alon sure came out of nowhere. If you just don't want to hop on the Hakon train, there must be a better option somewhere.

I've pretty much agreed with tp, until he started the 'vote Fea if you can't think of anyone else' idea. I don't see that as helpful, at least not to innocents. Which leads me to....

Rikae. I'd already thought her argument with tp about his comments to the Bear overblown. She was initially against him regarding Fea.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606768)
I'd generally advocate voting for the doomed player to prolong the game and allow more time for discussion on which to base our lynches, but in this case, it seems like a bad idea. The baddies have two kills per night (unless Fea is the werebear!) so delay is going to set us back more. We need to try and get the number of Night kills down asap, and we won't do that by lynching Fea.

But then:


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606803)
Hmm... you know, you have a point there, phantom. On second thought, I believe you're right - lynching Fea may be our safest option. I'm not going to cast my vote just yet, but Fea is worth considering.

All right. Swayed by tp: it's happened to many, no doubt. However.....


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606869)
However, come to think of it, Brinn and Nienna are also rather suspicious for the Fea-voting talk - I would say Nienna more than Brinn, since she's more low-key about it, as if trying to avoid drawing attention to herself. Interesting that Boro found Brinn suspicious for this, but not Nienna.

Then she tries to make a case on Pitchwife.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606905)
There's something about Pitchwife... I read his posts and find myself nodding my head, going "at least someone is making some sense"... but in my past experience, posts like that usually came from wolves. Perhaps it's because of the wolfish tendency to be non-controversial and so on...

So he's suspicious because he makes sense and doesn't cause controversy?


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 606981)
My indecisiveness is really getting out of hand lately - just look at the last game I played. I guess it comes of living with a Libra - it's contagious.

Oh. Well I'm a Libra myself, as it happens. I won't say this is written in stone at the moment, but unless some momentous event occurs:

++ Rikae

Rikae 08-13-2009 07:29 PM

Inzil, before accusing me based on inconsistency re: voting for Fea, look again at the post where I advocate it and read as if you were reading Nerwen - or, more specifically, the part at the top.

Nienna 08-13-2009 07:30 PM

Since Lari has departed:

Rikae--> Rikae
Form--> Mira
Morm--> Hakon
Alona--> Hakon
Sally--> Hakon
Brinn--> Morm
Autume--> Hakon
Shasta --> Pitchwife
Mac --> Alona
Durelin --> Nessa
Pitchwife --> Alona
Zil --> Rikae

So Hakon 4. Alona 2. Rikae, Morm, Nessa, and, Pitchwife 1.

Pitchwife 08-13-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 607003)
I agree that Mac's vote for Alona seems fine while Pitchwife's seems a little desperate to join a bandwagon. I'm still trying to find out how he narrowed it down to Tum and Alona... but that worries me a bit.

I haven't 'narrowed it down' if you mean I have better reeson to suspect them than morm and sally. It's just that I think morm is more useful to keep around if innocent, and sally - I don't know, I'd just like to hear more of her. But I'm a lousy Day 1 voter anyway.
Of course, if I retract now, it'll look like I'm desperate to fend off the bandwagoning accusation. So what am I supposed to do?
Nevertheless, on further consideration...
Third on the wagon, and hers definitely not a placeholder vote. There.

And that's it for now. Good night everybody. Hope to see most of you in the Morning.

Nienna 08-13-2009 07:33 PM

Rikae--> Rikae
Form--> Mira
Morm--> Hakon
Alona--> Hakon
Sally--> Hakon
Brinn--> Morm
Autume--> Hakon
Shasta --> Pitchwife
Mac --> Alona
Durelin --> Nessa
Pitchwife --> Alona
Zil --> Rikae
--Pitchwife -- Alona
Pitchwife --> Sally

So Hakon 4. Alona, Sally, Rikae, Morm, Nessa, and, Pitchwife 1.

Edit: Itallics means Locked In vote

Rikae 08-13-2009 07:37 PM

Also to Inzil: As for the wolfishness of not causing controversy, yeah, that's pretty well known wolf lore. Wolves don't care who is lynched, as long as none of their fellows are threatened - they just want to survive. Innocents should want to actually hunt down the wolves, and that means making some waves, not stating the obvious.

Trap 1. I thought tp had to be advocating the Fea lynch as a wolf-trap. The last line of his post especially made me think he was suggesting it as a safe vote so that wolves would incriminate themselves. I went along with that, but wanted him to know I wasn't serious, hence the "trap" bit. Nienna and Brinn looked like possible victims of the trap.

is really starting to look jumpy, while explaining that he knows he looks jumpy... heh. Methinks the laddie doth protest too much.

Shastanis Althreduin 08-13-2009 07:38 PM

Can I just say that I hate the "voting to keep around someone more useful" reason for voting? It's the main reason I got into it with Nogrod two games ago - it's basically a slap in the face to someone who may not have been able to participate, etc.

Also, Pitchwife backs off his alona vote when pressed? Interesting. My vote stands, for now.

Edit: X'ed with Rikae.

Rikae 08-13-2009 07:39 PM

I'm going to go with my gut feeling on this.


alonariel 08-13-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 606940)
Alona: don't like her vote.

Anyway, this Hakon-waggon is getting out of hands. Who do you think we should put on the rails instead?

Because it came after morm's? I guess that does seem off, but then, I was accused of piggy-backing on your thoughts last game, Mac. Guess I better work on my originality some more, huh? ;)


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 606983)
By the way- those of you against Hakon, what do you think he is? Villain, Bear, or Cobbler?

I'm leaning towards either Cobbler or Bear, but again, it's Day 1, and it's largely a hunch. I will admit to being a little annoyed with Hakon early on, but I still am getting vibes off his posts. I don't want to think it's all newbie mistakes... That said, I wouldn't discount autume, either. Are there any other newbies here, besides myself and the two I mentioned?


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 606989)
Let's throw something new in here:


Didn't post any substance apart from her vote post (266), which, apart from fueling the then-fresh Hakon-waggon, is very agreeing and vague.

Sorry! I've been at work from 12 to 6 and have been playing catch up with all the posts. Is this payback for voting for you on Day 1 last game? :eek:


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 607000)
Mac, hm, I can't really see the suspiciousness of that post. It looks like best-friends-with-Lari-ishness followed by a sort of placeholder vote - plus, alona won't be around to defend herself until later, as she said. Nah, on second thought, I'd better vote for someone else.

I don't know you that well (though I've heard great things from people!), but thank you for that.

Inziladun 08-13-2009 07:44 PM

Ah, Pitchwife. I didn't think you voteworthy before, though your latching onto Alon for no real reason made me a bit uneasy. Now you've retracted just to appear less suspicious? *sigh*

alonariel 08-13-2009 07:47 PM

Rikae --> Rikae
Form --> Mira
Morm --> Hakon
Alona --> Hakon
Sally --> Hakon
Brinn --> Morm
Autume --> Hakon
--Rikae --Rikae
--Form --Mira
Shasta --> Pitchwife
Mac --> Alona
Durelin --> Nessa
Pitchwife --> Alona
Zil --> Rikae
--Pitchwife --Alona
Pitchwife --> Sally
Rikae --> Pitchwife
Nessa --> Rikae

So Hakon 4, Pitchwife 2, Rikae 2. Alona, Sally, Morm, and Nessa 1.

Edit: Itallics means Locked In vote

Nessa Telrunya 08-13-2009 07:48 PM

Oh, wow, so many posts. @_@ Seems I have garnered a vote. I really must remember to congratulate myself. Late deadlines are always difficult for me, since I hit the hay pretty early, and must vote early, if I am to vote at all. ++Rikae If only for my dislike of how you seem to jump down everyone's throats. Night :)

Shastanis Althreduin 08-13-2009 07:48 PM

Rikae - Rikae (Rikae1)
Form - Mira (Rikae1, Mira1)
Morm - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon1)
Alona - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon2)
Sally - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon3)
Brinn - Morm (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon3, Morm1)
Autume - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon4, Morm1)
Rikae - --Rikae (Mira1, Hakon4, Morm1)
Form - --Mira (Hakon4, Morm1)
Shasta - Pitchwife (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1)
Mac - Alona (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1)
Durelin - Nessa (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1, Nessa1)
Pitchwife - Alona (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona2, Nessa1)
Zil - Rikae (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona2, Nessa1, Rikae1)
Pitchwife - --Alona, ++Sally (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae1, Sally1)
Rikae - Pitchwife (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife2, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae1, Sally1)
Nessa - Rikae (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife2, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae2, Sally1)

To vote: Fea, Form, Hakon, Lari, Lommy, Mac, Mira, Nerwen, Nienna, Phantom.

Noteworthy: Pitchwife seemed to freak a bit after suspicion turned to him and jumped on Mac's vote for alona, but why didn't he vote for Hakon if he were evil?

Edit: X'ed with Alona and Nessa, and added Nessa's vote.

Edit2: Removed Nessa from "To vote:" list.

Nienna 08-13-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by alonariel (Post 607016)
Rikae --> Rikae
Form --> Mira
Morm --> Hakon
Alona --> Hakon
Sally --> Hakon
Brinn --> Morm
Autume --> Hakon
--Rikae --Rikae
--Form --Mira
Shasta --> Pitchwife
Mac --> Alona
Durelin --> Nessa
Pitchwife --> Alona
Zil --> Rikae
--Pitchwife --Alona
Pitchwife --> Sally
Rikae --> Pitchwife

So Hakon 4, Pitchwife 2. Alona, Sally, Rikae, Morm, and Nessa 1.

Edit: Itallics means Locked In vote

Rikae's is locked in too :P FYI

Inziladun 08-13-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 607019)
Rikae's is locked in too :P FYI

I thought she retracted hers for herself.

scratch that

mormegil 08-13-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 607011)
Trap 1. I thought tp had to be advocating the Fea lynch as a wolf-trap. The last line of his post especially made me think he was suggesting it as a safe vote so that wolves would incriminate themselves. I went along with that, but wanted him to know I wasn't serious, hence the "trap" bit. Nienna and Brinn looked like possible victims of the trap.

is really starting to look jumpy, while explaining that he knows he looks jumpy... heh. Methinks the laddie doth protest too much.

I've been watching Pitchwife since many were talking about him and I have noticed a few subtle cues that lead me to believe him suspicious. There was one thing in particular though I can't remember where and I'm a bit too lazy now to go find it, that made me wonder. Perhaps I'll go look after I post this.

Lariren Shadow 08-13-2009 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 607012)
Can I just say that I hate the "voting to keep around someone more useful" reason for voting? It's the main reason I got into it with Nogrod two games ago - it's basically a slap in the face to someone who may not have been able to participate, etc.

Also, Pitchwife backs off his alona vote when pressed? Interesting. My vote stands, for now.

Edit: X'ed with Rikae.

For some reason that has been a reason to keep people. Like the phantom. And at times they are useful and at times they are a wolf. But then they get lynched a few Days later.

I really want to have some more time to read through before voting and dinner calls.

mormegil 08-13-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 607018)
Rikae - Rikae (Rikae1)
Form - Mira (Rikae1, Mira1)
Morm - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon1)
Alona - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon2)
Sally - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon3)
Brinn - Morm (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon3, Morm1)
Autume - Hakon (Rikae1, Mira1, Hakon4, Morm1)
Rikae - --Rikae (Mira1, Hakon4, Morm1)
Form - --Mira (Hakon4, Morm1)
Shasta - Pitchwife (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1)
Mac - Alona (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1)
Durelin - Nessa (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1, Nessa1)
Pitchwife - Alona (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona2, Nessa1)
Zil - Rikae (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona2, Nessa1, Rikae1)
Pitchwife - --Alona, ++Sally (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife1, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae1, Sally1)
Rikae - Pitchwife (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife2, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae1, Sally1)
Nessa - Rikae (Hakon4, Morm1, Pitchwife2, Alona1, Nessa1, Rikae2, Sally1)

All I wanted to say is that when I saw this it gave me some nostalgia. Wasn't it SpM that first came up with this format? Nice to see that it still sticks.

Formendacil 08-13-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by mormegil (Post 607023)
All I wanted to say is that when I saw this it gave me some nostalgia. Wasn't it SpM that first came up with this format? Nice to see that it still sticks.

I don't remember, myself... but I think that format's been playing WW longer than I have. Which is saying something.:smokin:

Hmm... I suppose it's time to vote. We're into the final hour, and there's no real point kicking around and waiting.

I'm off to take a last look at the promising bandwaggons list, and whatever posts are new, then to vote. Now's your chance to convince me of your pet cause, if you want to garner my vote. It's going for cheap tonight.:p

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