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McCaber 11-12-2008 09:52 PM

Once again, coming back in. I'm not sure I like this trend of representatives voting to lynch each other. If this keeps up all the people the village trust will be dead by Monday. I suppose it is the easiest possibility, though. They were the only people still talking today.

Ilya 11-12-2008 09:52 PM

You may have to, tp. I don't have enough to vote for Eonwe or Gwath.

Edit: Legate has two votes now. I'm giving his long post one more go, and if I'm still as suspicious as I am right now, I'm gonna vote.

Boromir88 11-12-2008 09:53 PM


As far as my choice, I would say that Nerwen and McCaber are both relatively good choices as they did not vote for Reps and haven't said much on anyone. I've got pretty much zero vibes from them.~Nerwen
I won't ever figure out Nerwen, but I would not want to see McCaber voted off yet, for the reasons I stated earlier.

Edit: Jeez oh man the gaffes, I was quoting the phantom, not Nerwen.

Boromir88 11-12-2008 09:54 PM

++Lynch Legate

the phantom 11-12-2008 09:54 PM

Speaking on the matter of Legate- what worries me is that the suspicion that I and others have of him may be purposeful. I mean, that he purposefully gathered some suspicion to protect himself from being killed. In addition, if he is the Seer, he probably dreamed of me given that he chose me as his Rep. Thus you can see why I might be reluctant. If I'm going to lynch the Seer, I'd prefer not to be a complete moron and vote for a Seer who has dreamed of me. :rolleyes:

McCaber 11-12-2008 09:55 PM

Boro, you can call me "the silent assassin" all you like. It is an accurate description of how I operate, after all, and it sounds awesome.

the phantom 11-12-2008 09:57 PM

That's three for Legate, is it not?

Then he's toast. All I could do with Ilya is tie him with someone, which I do not want to do.

satansaloser2005 11-12-2008 09:57 PM

Oh! I forgot we're going by Downs time, so I still have a few minutes. (Just got back.) Unfortunately, not long enough to really catch up. :(

the phantom 11-12-2008 09:58 PM

Please tell me if I have counted incorrectly.

Ilya 11-12-2008 09:58 PM

Phantom, there's a lot of 'ifs' in that argument.

++Lynch Legate

I'm still not satisfied, but Boro is right. The reality of a death may tell us more about our reasoning than keeping someone around and doing more guesswork.

Brinniel 11-12-2008 09:59 PM

12 pages in one Day....that's gotta be record. No wonder I'm exhausted. :rolleyes:

the phantom 11-12-2008 09:59 PM

Well, it's over now. Hopefully our vibes were not incorrect.

McCaber 11-12-2008 09:59 PM

two days. 48 hours.

I've got to be technical here, sorry.

Boromir88 11-12-2008 10:00 PM


I'm also well aware of the fact that a WW could very well be among those still to vote, which is another reason I'm holding my vote.~the phantom
As am I.

the phantom 11-12-2008 10:00 PM

Throwaway vote-

++lynch Shasta

Ha ha! :D

Good luck, everyone.

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-12-2008 10:00 PM

End of Day. Legate shall perish. Shush up and do your Nightly things. I'll get to narrating when I get to it.

Brinniel 11-12-2008 10:00 PM

But in WW terms it is still one Day. ;)

EDIT: X-ed with the Moddess

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-12-2008 10:18 PM

It is undeniably fascinating, the things that happen once you’ve died: for instance, omniscience. A skill that would help a rather lot in life, and you don’t get it until it’s too late. The poetic justice simply astonishes, and drives mad.

Yes, village, I am watching you. You killed me. It’s called being haunted. Get used to it.

In fact, village, I’ve got a few things to say.

Stop looking at me like that, it shouldn’t surprise you that I’m talking to you now, I’ve been telling you things all day. Just because it’s finally dark enough for me to glow properly… everybody knows ghosts are only visible when moonlight reflects off their insubstantial bodies… Sunlight is useless.

What happened?

Tell me yourself, you all are the ones who did it.

Hello, Di, by the way, it’s rather nice to see you here, with me, in the afterlife. I’m rather sorry you didn’t survive… lethal heart attacks never do seem to ask if their timing is inconvenient, do they? Well, at least you weren’t gifted, I’m sure the village is thinking…

You already knew that? Ungrateful village. Fine. I’ll tell you.

Legate was killed directly by Aganzir, Brinniel, Boromir, and Ilya, and indirectly by Shasta, Brinniel, Aganzir, Greenie, Ka, Ilya, Lommie, and Nogrod. Yes, that’s exactly right: in effect, Aganzir, Brinniel, and Ilya got twice the typical amount of decision-making power when some of the village got none today at all, having voted for Representatives people who didn’t have enough support to seal the deal. Doesn’t that just burn your cookies?

And the phantom, you all know, had a rather ill-fated last minute attempt to vote Ralph Nader into office with the power of Boromir and dead-Legate (who I am sure appreciated the fake-effort to save him)…

In any case, I’m sure you don’t at all care about my babbling, which risks (dare I say it) revealing all sorts of secret ghostly things you shouldn’t know about, so I’ll just stop now…

FINE! Stop your yelling.

Don’t you know it’s not polite to yell at ghosts?

Legate was completely ordinary. Utterly giftless. Y’all killed a good guy.

Serves you right for assassinating your President.

Yes. I am bitter.

Deal with it.



Diamond18 (ordo)
Legate (ordo)


The Ka
the phantom

Feanor of the Peredhil 11-13-2008 09:10 PM

Early, yes, yes, I know...
I have a quiz in the morning which I didn't know about until last minute (consequence of missing the class period when he told us about it), so I'm starting the Day early so I can study before I crash. Feel free to post.


Mith, darling, do you not find it diverting to watch these mortals at play?

Do you not delight in watching the evil four scheme? I love it.

Do you think they know we can see everything they're doing?

Rikae, what do you think? Do they know we are privy to their most private conversations? My, how their whispers in the night would be censored if they had any idea-

-that or they have no shame. ;)

McCaber, lovey, so nice of you to join us. Innocent, of course. Werewolves don't kill each other... And ordinary. How was that last day in a village that kills its own members? Twisted, that lot are...






Diamond18 (ordo)
Legate (ordo)
McCaber (ordo)


The Ka
the phantom

the phantom 11-13-2008 09:23 PM

I'm not finished with my complete person-by-person read-through yet, but I will finish before I go to bed tonight.

I have finished with all non-Reps, however. I have four Reps left to read and take notes on. I'll post results as soon as I am able.

After that I'll theorize on the McCaber kill. Right now my only reaction is surprise.

Gwathagor 11-13-2008 09:40 PM

Based on his vote against me yesterDay, I am inclined to think that Nogrod is innocent. It seems unlikely to me that a werewolf, having been voted into power, would proceed to risk alienating half of his constituency by trying to have them executed.

That's all for now.

the phantom 11-13-2008 10:24 PM

Only two people left to read through. :)

Unfortunately, it's Boro and Nog, so it'll take a bit of time.

mormegil 11-13-2008 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 573379)
Based on his vote against me yesterDay, I am inclined to think that Nogrod is innocent. It seems unlikely to me that a werewolf, having been voted into power, would proceed to risk alienating half of his constituency by trying to have them executed.

That's all for now.

I don't see how that qualifies him as innocent. I think your thoughts are too one sided here and you are not looking at other possibilities. I personally still feel Noggie innocent but just because he voted for a constituent doesn't make him innocent. In fact, it would seem that his vote was moderately safe on the whole being that very few, if any other of the reps suspected you. Speaking of votes...

Agan started us off with a vote for Legate
Noggie followed by voting Gwath
Legate follows by voting's nice to know that Legate's suspcion of him was genuine.
After that Brinn, Boro and then Ilya come in and vote for Legate. Boro officially seals the deal and Ilya makes a safe vote ensuring that no double lynchings would happen and makes her look good...right? I'm skeptical of votes like these. If I remember correctly and from what I gathered in my brief review of her posts she seemed to go with the flow. She didn't offer up any risky propositions or suspicions.
Phantom's vote was admittedly a throw away vote to Shasta and I'm not sure what if anything can be read into it and that is what is so frustrating. Phantummy (new nickname or just tummy for short) is very intelligent when it comes to wwing and he knows that these things can be read either way. I see him, now, acting very deliberate as to not give any sort of read which is irritating because I don't know where to place him.

Personally I liked the number of reps we had yesterday. I think it wise to keep it an odd number. That way if there ends up being two main candiates and it's nearly split it's easily possible to not have a double lynching which I'm generally opposed to unless we have a certainty of who the wolves are.

As for my possible reps today those who I trust and have shown enough dedication are:

Shasta has the dedication but I just don't feel I can fully trust him yet. I realize that after I typed this that all four of these were reps yesterday. I'm not sure if that is good or bad. But honestly I wouldn't feel comfortable with any other that is not on that list.

Boromir88 11-13-2008 10:47 PM

Hmm...that's interesting.

But first, I'll say, there was not nearly enough talk and suspicions going on yesterday. I will also take part of the blame for that, because I really didn't know what to think. There were lots and lots of posts, however not too many accusations. There was a lot of game mechanics, a lot of "I don't know what to think about blah blah," and a little bit of bull mixed in there.

So my new proposal is we need change, and I will be looking to nominate new faces for representatives. I will be looking for those who will weed out the lazy, play-it-cautious representatives, and start aggressively going after the wolves

The ones, yesterday, who I believe could fill those shoes are...


I was a little uneasy about morm on the first day because he seemed rather out-of-sinc; a little busy, perhaps a little rusty, but when I actually went back and looked at his posts, there's a lot of stuff there. I mean really he probably posted more stuff about people than anyone else; particularly the second part of the day.

Rune is a pretty good campaign manager. His first couple posts were I would guess for amusement, but then he really gets straight to business. He is the one I credit with moving us passed the Gil-Shasta encounter.

Greenie is business right from the start, right from her first post. And 273 just looks oh so genuine.

(P.S. I can give specifics if anyone asks me, this is just my overall broad ideas of a couple people who stood out as possible representatives for me).

Before I head out to sleep...sally is starting to catch my eye...In posts 305 and 308 she looks to be stirring the pot around between Shasta and Gil, but then in 321 she agrees with Rune about moving on?

Edit, crossed with morm

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:05 PM

It took me a while to get through Nog, and Boro will take just as long.

By that time some of you will be in bed, so I think I should go ahead and post what I have (everybody except Boro). Besides, I supsect I'm going to find Boro mostly innocent anyway. But I'll see later.

I will begin posting my thoughts shortly....

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:07 PM

First things first, before I start posting, know that I simply cannot give all of my reasons. For instance, if someone gives me a Seer vibe, I'm not about to post it.

I will post everything that I feel needs to be and should be posted about my suspicions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nerwen 11-13-2008 11:09 PM

Somebody had to do it...

Here is your collection of all posts made by McCaber, all in one convenient, easy-to-read package:


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572731)
I'm here for the first day. How awesome is that? Very awesome.

[replying to the phantom]

Interesting question. I would have to guess nothing would happen, much like in a state senate.

EDIT: crossed with the phantom

#34. (replying to the phantom)

Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572747)
Not killing, per se, but merely trying to reign it in. Someone's got to think of the Europeans here, you know.

I'm actually in favor of having around seven reps as a target number. As of right now, I have no idea who I will choose to represent me, though. I feel that's a choice I need to make without any hostile influences.

#35. (replying to tp.)

Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572748)
What do you care, you're a ghost? If anything the gun-toting monkey should be afraid of you.

#48. (I can't find what he's replying to here, except to tp (#36) listing him as the Cobbler.)

Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572762)
Just because I'm here doesn't automatically make me a wolf. I mean, I've slacked off as a wolf plenty of times. Not only the last one but the one where Rikae ranted for days at everyone and we pulled off the win for a dramatic finish. I didn't even show up for the last day on that one.

And I find the Cobbler remarks classist.

EDIT: crossed with a lot of people. I think I'm going to stop marking it until it actually counts.


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572858)
Now I'm picturing a filibuster where all I do is talk about the phantom's posts.

I can taste the possibilities from here.

#153. (replying to Fea, who told Gwath he could not vote for himself).

Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 572920)
Good. I was worried I'd have to sidetrack Gwath myself.

I'm not going to make a list of how I feel about people yet. I find that this early on everyone's mostly "innocent-ish" and/or "too quiet to tell." Perhaps during the second half of the Day.

For some reason I also really like phantom's suggestion of non-violence. If any village can pull that sort of thing off, it's this one. Representative republican anarchy.

Day 1 1/2.


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 573042)
So I apologize for not voting. Schoolwork ambushed me two hours before DL-1.

I am confident in our Day 1 reps, though (as far as Day 1 confidence goes, that is). A good mix of talkers and ponderers.

(For the record, my vote probably would have been for Legate.)


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 573174)
Just checking in to see what's happened so far in our little government.

Not a lot, apparently. Anything I would say right now has already been seen and commented on by the actual reps, so I hope they know what they're talking about. I mean, we elected them.

And even after this many WW games, I have almost no idea where people are getting so much Day 1 arguments from. Ah well. It gives me things to think about.


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 573293)
Once again, coming back in. I'm not sure I like this trend of representatives voting to lynch each other. If this keeps up all the people the village trust will be dead by Monday. I suppose it is the easiest possibility, though. They were the only people still talking today.


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 573298)
Boro, you can call me "the silent assassin" all you like. It is an accurate description of how I operate, after all, and it sounds awesome.

#443– last words.

Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 573305)
two days. 48 hours.

I've got to be technical here, sorry.

He's posted more than I realised, but without saying anything much about anyone– no possible Seer-hints. So looked at one way, it's just a classic "no-trace" kill... and looked at another way it's odd, because that very lack of substance could have easily been used against him, given his reputation as a sneaky wolf.

As it is, Nogrod (#375) calls him "the ultimate submarine"; Brinn (#431) lists him as "slightly suspicious"
Boro (#409) calls him "the silent assassin".

EDIT: x'd with Boro and tp.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:13 PM

First, a basic list.

(not necessarily in order of suspicion)

Uneasy about:

In between:
The KA

Feel good about:

Details will follow.

Ilya 11-13-2008 11:18 PM

Thanks for putting that together, Nerwen. McCaber strikes me as a really safe kill. Anyone about whom general opinions have been form would be advantageous to keep around. And I think given the events of Day 1, reputation, or lack thereof, played into the voting of the reps but not into the lynch votes. Reps turned on constituents, and some constituents turned on their reps. I need to go reread, uhm, everything. But Anna Karenina takes precedent tonight, so I probably won't be around until after class tomorrow, around 4ish.

Edit: Will stick around for tp's list, because I want to see an alternative view to the gut suspicious I had of Agan.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:23 PM

The KA- I don't have a clear picture of her. I'm not sure how she usually plays. But I like that some of her opinions mesh with mine.

Kath- Acted extremely innocent (wording, conduct, etc). She either is innocent, or doing a great job pretending, and thus should be rewarded.

Nerwen- She didn't say much, except for stating some critiques in post 266. She'd better step it up today.

Green- Innocent reactions and talk from her. I hope to see more of her today.

Rune- Came in late and didn't do much, but I liked his style. Let's see what he does today.

Gwath- Supported Nog and then was turned on. I need to see more from him today though.

Gil- Strolled in and voted after the deadline. Amused me. I say we all just consider him innocent and call it good.

(to be continued)

mormegil 11-13-2008 11:25 PM

Before I go to bed I had to post this...As I was going to bed last night I turned on The Simpsons and the following quote cracked me up...


Homer: "Will you all stop worrying about that stupid comet? It's going to be destroyed. Didn't you hear what that guy in the building said?"
Lisa: "But dad, don't you think..."
Homer: "Lisa, the whole reason we have elected officials is so we don't have to think all the time. Just like that rain forest scare a few years back. Our officials saw there was a problem and they fixed it, didn't they?"
Lisa: "No, Dad, I don't think..."
Homer: "There's that word again!"
There you have it...whomever I elect will do my thinking for me...:rolleyes: Sadly that seemed to happen a bit yesterday.

Boromir88 11-13-2008 11:25 PM


Besides, I supsect I'm going to find Boro mostly innocent anyway. But I'll see later.~the phantom
Why bother if you're most likely going to find me innocent? You see? All I'm really trying to do is stop you from wasting your time.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:28 PM

Sally- I expected more from her, but what she said seemed okay.

Eonwe- I swing back and forth here. One more day should give me a better idea.

morm- He keeps pointing at me for being different, and yet he was a far cry from usual morm. Busy, WW, or both? Convince me today, morm.

Lommy- Early on I was really finding her suspicious, and thought she was trying to fuel suspicion without stepping forward herself. But as the day wore on I started thinking her innocent due to her reactions.

Shasta- That many posts and I still have nothing. I don't like it. He seems to latch onto Lommy's triangle idea, and go for the easy Gil target when it appears, and fueled Legate suspicion. Let's see some meaty posts today, man. Make me think you're innocent.

(to be continued...)

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:38 PM

Ilya- Is this really her first time? Seems like maybe she's at least discussed WW before (possibly with the WWs before the game?). Overall well-founded opinions which is good. I'd like to give her another day to get used to her style, but I don't really trust her yet.

Brin- I found 225 Wolfish- I think maybe she wanted to lay low and then found herself a Rep. I didn't like her Rep vote much either, but whatever.

Aganzir- I thought her Rep vote was straightforward. Her accusations have good reasoning, and her attack on Lommy was understandable (in my reread, early Lommy looked guilty to me too). And then Agan backed off her (exactly the way I found Lommy less guilty later).

Nog- I can't trust the guy at all. All of his dynamics talk seems like he's talking about that because he sure as heck can't talk about suspects (cause he knows the WWs already perhaps). His support for Boro and I at times reminded me of the way I've treated other loudmouths as a WW. And I want to suspect him for 352 in which it appears he tries to make Legate a Seer target (to keep the Seer's eyes off of him and his buds). But then these things could possibly be due to a difference in thinking and approach between us. Convince me Nog.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:40 PM

Extra note: Brin and morm both received a bump up my list because of them both mentioning the idea of a target amount of Reps right off the bat. It just seems so... weird... to actually think about the number of Reps you want. What does that have to do with anything? It made me feel that the idea had somehow come up in pre-game Wolf PMs or something.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:42 PM

And by the way, there may be people that I'm more willing to lynch from my between list than a couple on my higher suspicion list, for reasons that are my own.

I don't want to lynch anyone today from my trusted list.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:44 PM

I see your point, Gwath. I'd probably agree if it was me you were talking about, but I'm not sure about Nog.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by morm
Phantom's vote was admittedly a throw away vote to Shasta and I'm not sure what if anything can be read into it and that is what is so frustrating.

It's not my fault that my vote was what it was.

I had already announced that I would hang around to prevent ties. This put me in the position of possibly having to decide who was going to die and who was going to live. That would have been extremely telling.

But then everyone before me voted the same exact way, rendering my vote useless.

So while it is true that my vote told you nothing, please note that I did not intentionally put myself into a position in which my vote was likely to mean nothing. Quite the opposite, in fact.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Boro
But first, I'll say, there was not nearly enough talk and suspicions going on yesterday.

I'm not sure I agree. It was Day 1. There had been no WW kill yet, and little time to get reads on people, so I don't think we could have expected anything different.

the phantom 11-13-2008 11:56 PM

Thanks for McCaber's posts, Nerwen.

Originally Posted by Ilya
McCaber strikes me as a really safe kill.

Safe, maybe, but why play it safe?

The WWs need to kill the Seer ASAP. Did McCaber strike anyone as a leading Seer candidate? If they indeed marked him as a potential Seer, his dream would've been for Legate. And with his dream-target dead already, he was a Seer who had little weight, and thus unless he was a clear favorite a different potential Seer should have been selected.

McCaber's selection baffles me.

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