The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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Eorl of Rohan 03-03-2004 02:13 AM

I know I'm addicted....

Simply becuase I spend every second of my free time on the barrow-downs.

Finwe 03-03-2004 10:10 PM

Ooh... Elennar... I'd sell my soul to be part of a movie about the Belgariad!

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-04-2004 12:01 AM

I'd give part of my lembas sandwich to be part of that...
...wait, what's Belegaer? Belegost?

Belgariad, stupid.

Yeah, something like that. What's that?

Elennar Starfire 03-04-2004 09:08 PM

It's a series of books. The first is Pawn of Prophecy. After the Belgariad there's the Mallorean, a sequel-series. And after that there's Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress.
I have read them all.:smokin:

Anyway, you know you're addicted when you spend two hours on the incredibly slow school computers, which used to be fairly fast until yesterday, on the 'downs, despite the fact that due to the slowness of the computers you don't even have time to post anything. (I swear it took 5-10 minutes to load a page!)

Vuelve 03-04-2004 09:13 PM

When you get bored you start writing down all the names of fellow Downers you can remember for absolutely no reason.Then you can't wait to get home so you can post about your latest BD withdrawl.


elfearz1 03-06-2004 08:50 PM

Is it just me or does anyone else associate a certain smell with the 'downs? I don't know how,but I do. (It's good luckily.)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 03-08-2004 12:22 PM

A certain smell? How about pineapples? They have a nice smell.

Lhundulinwen 03-08-2004 05:40 PM

Pineapple? ok.

You know your addicted when you-

1. Sign your check accidentally using your user name

2. Can name at least five Bders but less than 4 cousins, other non-imediate relative

3. You cannot stand to get on a computer whose homepage is not the bd, so you of course change it (your doing them a favor!)

4. When in emotional distress, you grab a gallon of ice cream and read all 12 pages of Top Ten Signs You're Addicted to the Barrow Downs

5. The last date you had, your side of the conversation revolved around the last chat you had with your friends on the bd

6. You have ditched at least three weeks worth of aerobic class because you were inbroiled in a heated debate in the chat room

7. Your last resolutions involved getting to bed earlier or sleeping in longer because you have had less than six hours of sleep repeatedly because you had to prove that you were right whether elves could dream or some other equally obscure topic

8. The last pen you bought had to write in green ink because your eyes will now only read green letters

9. The last time you HAD to leave the Bd was because of a bodily function, so you now are considering buying a hand-held computer (forget the cost, you'll sell all books except LOTR and all other editions-wait, you only own 4 other books) so as to never be seperated from the Bd

and last but not least

10. You own at least five Bd shirts so as to never have to wear something else (not that you don't, it's just easier to corrdinate green when that's all you own)

Vuelve 03-08-2004 08:14 PM

When you think about the Downs at the oddest times.

When your away somewhere your first thought is 'I can't wait to get home to see whats going on at the Downs!'

When you start to tell your friends something funny from the Downs then quit because they give you "that look".They just don't understand :( .


Elennar Starfire 03-08-2004 09:32 PM


Is it just me or does anyone else associate a certain smell with the 'downs? I don't know how, but I do.
Yes, I do that! I don't think I could explain the smell, though.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-09-2004 08:23 PM

April 1, 2003
You know you're obsessed when you make unrealistic goals, like having a thousand posts before your D-Day (Death-Day) anniversary.

Vuelve 03-10-2004 05:28 PM


8. The last pen you bought had to write in green ink because your eyes will now only read green letters
I have a pen that writes in green and I use it more often now after reading this.


You know you're obsessed when you make unrealistic goals, like having a thousand posts before your D-Day (Death-Day) anniversary.
And there's something wrong with this??See my Sig..


Amariden Ravenhill 03-10-2004 06:47 PM

I am not quite a serious addict yet.....but I probably will if I join an RPG :D

[edit: don't attach pointless stuff.- Sharkû]

Miriel Undomiel 04-02-2004 10:34 AM

~when you use your friends computer -to get to the 'Downs- in her birthday party.
My stupid computer's got a virus :( :( :(

Firefoot 04-02-2004 02:57 PM

- When you change the color of your cursor to match the green font.
- When you are constantly just "checking in" to see if there is anything new.

Sirithheruwen 04-10-2004 07:15 AM

My sisters were playing "Who am I describing?" and I cought "really bad eyesight" and immeadiately I said Maeggaladiel (sp?) and The Nearsighted Elves Foundation! Needless to say, they looked at me blankly. :rolleyes:

Eomer of the Rohirrim 04-13-2004 09:47 AM

When you're chatting to your friend about the Downs, he mentions that doug*platypus had responded to his post and agreed with him, and you congratulate your friend like he's just got married or something.

Lhunardawen 04-14-2004 09:40 PM

When you're watching TV and suddenly saw this commercial of a cartoon, and one of its characters was named Starfire...and instantly one person pops into your mind...

Elennar Starfire!

Yep, you guessed it.

slotff 04-15-2004 11:41 AM

:rolleyes: I have hanged around the site for quite a while... but just joined yesterday... DOSNT MEAN IM NOT ADDICTED

Maeggaladiel 04-15-2004 11:48 AM

*sniff sniff*

My sisters were playing "Who am I describing?" and I cought "really bad eyesight" and immeadiately I said Maeggaladiel (sp?) and The Nearsighted Elves Foundation!
You... you remembered ME?

I'm *sniff* so touched!!

And yes, you got the spelling right. Kudos for you!

Maeggaladiel 04-15-2004 03:42 PM

You weep because nobody on your campus is a Tolkien fan. *sniff sniff* I'M SO ISOLATED! HELP ME! HELP MEEE!

You get angry when you wait more than two hours for someone to answer your post in an Inn. (Green Dragon, White Horse, it doesn't matter.) *Maeggaladiel checks her watch.* "Come on, people, I'm WAITING!")

You cry because you drew a wonderful avatar on Paint and it was too big to use. CURSE YOU, PAINT! CURRRSSEE YOUUUU! Making it smaller warped Boromir's face.

You get envious of other people's avatars. *folds arms, pouts* Why can't I have nice things?!?!


Lhundulinwen 04-15-2004 07:15 PM

Oh, you poor thing, Maeggaladiel! the only other Tolkienite on campus is a Senior and is graduating in two weeks!!! Oh, the horror! I have three more years. Oh well. At least I've got the Downs. :)

Lhunardawen 04-15-2004 09:41 PM

It's equally tough when you know there are other Tolkienites in your campus other than you, but nobody's as open to discuss it as you can't even speak Tolkien with anybody in your school... :(

Maeggaladiel 04-16-2004 11:43 AM

We should create a support group for isolated Tolkienites!

Anyway, You Know You're Addicted to the Barrow-Downs When:
Your fingers type faster than anything else. Every time you get on the internet, your hands start into the two-second motions and you have to hold yourself back before your fingers click "ENTER." Why hold back? because you were supposed to be looking up research for homework!

Mwa ha haaaa!

Sirithheruwen 04-16-2004 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Maeggaladiel
You... you remembered ME?

I'm *sniff* so touched!!

And yes, you got the spelling right. Kudos for you!

Of course I remember you! Your Nearsighted Elves Foundation is a valuable contribution to society! Why, I too was once nearsighted, though I am, in fact, not the slightest bit elvish (Ent, I be). I have discovered a wonderful thing called by the name of "contacts" and now I never have to worry about glasses falling off again! (Yes, I read your post in the "Deaths" thread. Elvis impersonators on squirrels gave me nightmares. *shudder*).

Anyways, back on topic...

...When you constantly roll your eyes, stick your tongue out, wink, grin really big, and pretend you're smoking a pipe! :smokin:

NightKnight 04-16-2004 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund
You know you're obsessed when you make unrealistic goals, like having a thousand posts before your D-Day (Death-Day) anniversary.

What's unrealistic with that? I have over 900 posts, and I've only been here for less than six months. :rolleyes:

Elennar Starfire 04-16-2004 06:22 PM


When you're watching TV and suddenly saw this commercial of a cartoon, and one of its characters was named Starfire...and instantly one person pops into your mind...
*big grin* :D

Everdawn 04-16-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by NightKnight
What's unrealistic with that? I have over 900 posts, and I've only been here for less than six months. :rolleyes:

waves hands franticly** Its not about how many posts you have people! Its whats in them that counts! :)

NightKnight 04-18-2004 06:03 AM

Everdawn, they may not be the most intelligent posts on the forum, but I rule the Quiz Room. :D

The Saucepan Man 04-18-2004 06:56 PM

Quality not quantity

I rule the Quiz Room
*ahem* ;)

'Tis indeed true, however, that active participation in the Quiz Room bumps up the post-count. After a year here, I had well over 2,000 posts, and many of those were courtesy of my extended and active participation in the Quiz Room shortly after I first arrived.

But Everdawn is right. It's not the size of your post-count that matters, but what you do with it. :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 04-22-2004 06:31 AM

You know you're addicted when you spend so much time here that the moderators let you off when you make ridiculous posts. Also, when you chuckle sadistically when some cruel Downer (not to name names :D ) refutes another's point without mercy.

Maeggaladiel 05-05-2004 03:16 PM

You know you're addicted to the Barrow-Downs when you find yourself writing "President, Society for Nearsighted Elves" on your scholarship applications and it feels so normal that it takes you five minutes before you realize what you've done and start looking for the white-out. Good times.

You also know you're addicted when you start hallucinating that you see your or your friends' screen names on street signs. I thought Maeggaladiel was written on a bilboard. Then I saw that it was actually "Megabucks." Hey, they both have a capital M, an e, and a g!! Close enough.

Another sign... You accidentally spelled 'billboard' like "bilbo" with "ard" on the end. (see above) :rolleyes:

~Maeggaladiel of the Four Eyes

The Saucepan Man 05-06-2004 07:23 PM

You know you're addicted to the Barrow-Downs when ...
... you have been here for little over a year and you have only 5 fewer posts than the guy who started the place four years ago. :eek: :rolleyes:

Saraphim 05-06-2004 08:48 PM

You know you're addicted to the Barrow-Downs when your Tolkien-obsessed friends tell you to shut up about that stupid web site.

It's happened three times in the past month.

Lyta_Underhill 05-07-2004 07:01 PM

...all your free time is spent trying to catch up on the Canonicity thread and your entire evening is ruined when you realize that you're only on page 6 and the thread is now CLOSED! It's like running a marathon only to find the finish line roped off and barred! AAAAAGHHHH!!!!! :mad:

Sorry about that; I just had to vent when I refreshed page 6 and the whole thing was CLOSED!!!!!

OK, I'm better now; I'll just keep catching up in case it gets re-opened anytime soon...

Lyta the slow reader

Sirithheruwen 05-10-2004 05:50 PM

*hums to self* Happy Death Day to Me! Happy Death Day to Me! Yay! :D

...When you celebrate your Death Day! ;)

Orcrist 05-12-2004 09:15 PM

You know you're obssessed when...
You make 14 posts on your first day
On your second day, you have about 10 more posts than someone who has been their for almost a year.

Maeggaladiel 05-18-2004 01:38 PM

When you look at the list of the newest posts.... And they are all your own.

Guilty as charged.

Sirithheruwen 05-27-2004 03:02 PM

When the little white dots are hunting you all over the 'Downs. ;) :p

THE Ka 05-27-2004 06:09 PM

Hmm... i cannot really define if i am addicted... i think i'm addicted to Middle Earth Mirth...

No wait! I AM! everynight that "Canoncity" was on and before the Barrow wright closed it :mad: i spent 6 hours reading, discussing and dishing out some of my best wit and philiosphical fast pitched moves anyone who is lucky will ever read...(due to the fact i'm a devious scorpio.. :( )...

Here's another way to tell: If you are like me and have gotten into so much trouble with the barrow wright that you refer to him as : "BW" or "The Big B". I do it often in the chat room to avoid painful memories...

Still, i am not sure... I leave this choice in your hands, or i should say, fingers fellow members. Is the Ka Addicted to one more thing than Boromir or Isis?

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