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Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 06:11 AM

The girls Rose is watching seemed to be waiting for somthing. This gave Rose time to think.

'Alot has happened. This isn't really a party anymore. It goes deeper than that now. I like it. I hope I get more involved in these RPGs. That REG is somthing. I guess my best course of action is to try and get it to Mith. I hope Sind dosn't miss his dagger too much. I might need it. I should have brought my knife but I didn't know this would happen. And besides. (Rose looks at the dagger) this is a really cool knife. And that red headed person. I don't like what she stands for. I like newbies.'

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Kuruharan 05-24-2002 06:59 AM


Note to self, thank Kuruharan for bringing the dragon."
I knew that he would come in handy! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

(Gathers up his belongings and disappears into the woods to bury them, protecting them from klepto hobbits.)

Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 07:57 AM

We interupt this RPG to make an anoucement:

PAGE 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOOHOO!!

You may now resume play.

Frodo Baggins 05-24-2002 09:19 AM

Frodo still has a headach from being dropped by the troll "ow! Hey! Just exactky what is going on here?? What happened to the party?" *Frodo begins sobbing uncontrolably* "Please!! Please!!!!! Don't kick Sam out!! Or Prim, or Stace!! NOOO!!"
[img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Losthuniel 05-24-2002 09:35 AM

Celeaewen awoke with a splitting headache and reason to kill. LAst she remembered the dratted wizard had hit her AGAIN with whith that evil stick. she dragged herself up, shook her head at the evilness of wizards, and found poor Belin lying as Unconsious. Celeaewen shook her awake, explained her intent to find and kill Veritas. SHe looked around and discovered that evil Veritas had Stolen the REG and scarpered. knowing the REG far too well, Celeaewen and Belin ste off to the sound of Jazz music, not doubting that the evil Conspirators would be behind it. They reached the clearing where C7A, Veritas, Birdland and Poisenniel were drimking and listening to the jazz band. unbeknowest to them the REG, having a mind of its own, was now flashing and sparkilng with green lighting.
the REG was obviosly not happy, and unhappy REGs were highly dangerous. especially when the caretakers were drunk. all of this escaped Celeaewen, because she was seeing red, and at the center of it, Veritas.
she lunged, at the same time belin went for the REG, which seemed to be rather tempermental. Celeawen tried to throttle Veritas. Belin, unnoticed as chaos regined, had the REG upside down, and was trying to pry the lid off.

Rosseiliantiel 05-24-2002 09:39 AM

In that instant, Rosseiliantiel, a close friend of Celeaewen, enters the clearing. She surveys the scene with a mixture of confusion and amusment. Then she joins the fray & attempts to clonk Veritas in the head.

Veritas 05-24-2002 09:43 AM

Veritas was thinking about her past: stealing al repetitions for school and more of that sort of things. "I thought I bettered my life, but this is more fun than on school." The big smile on her face lasts long...
She dicided to take just on more look at the laptop to see if she programmed it right. Power on, lets start up... No responce...
"F*ck!" Veritas knows already what it is. "Has somebody in coinsidence brought a reloader with? I think the power is up."
"O, nice, but wait a minute, the REG, there must be enough power from that to make it work." Birdie sais.
"Yeah, great idea, that REG thing must have some power over, were did we put it... ah, here it is." Pio gives the REG to Veritas, who makes a little cable between the REG and the laptop. *Flash*
"Power's up again. Now lets see if BW, Princess or Mithadan already send something back." Veritas is typing with about 220 ticks a sec.
"One message: Mithadan I suppose." Child lends over the laptop and reads the e-mail.
"Could you tell us what's in the letter, cuz your head is in our sight." A bit sarcastic, but true, and Child begind to tell what's in the e-mail.
"Hmm, nothing serious, only... what the hell's that!" Suddenly the screen lights up and there is another REG to be seen on the screen, another one, no the one that had just a minute ago!
Child almost falls over the laptop by seeing the image.
"Why's that thing always lost!" growls Pio, "quick, we must find him before the others are coming, or find him themselves!"
"Why is nothing always working the way she wants?" Veritas sais to herself, and goes after the rest.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Veritas ]

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Veritas ]

Cimmerian 05-24-2002 09:46 AM

Free Lembas and Fish in the corner shop!
Hurry !

piosenniel 05-24-2002 10:16 AM

The REG had vanished in a puff of oily green smoke, knocking out Belin (who falls very nicely. 'just like elijah wood', remarks C7A to no one in particular). The power cord link between the REG and the laptop stretched out into a smokey void, but did not break. Pio held onto the laptop for dear life while her co-conspirators gathered their wits & gathered round her to give her a hand. Veritas was the last to join them, having deftly deflected the swordplay of a very angry elf. 'Sigh!', said Veritas holding the elf at bay. 'Don't you know we wizards line our robes with mithril? And with that she tapped her on the top of her lovely head and sent her to dreamland.

Veritas joined the group and assessed the problem. 'Ok, every one put your finger on a point of that 5 pointed star icon on the screen, fingertips touching, now hit the *enter* key,and hold on!'

Nothing happened. After a few seconds, pio cracked open one tightly shut eye and asked 'Now what's the plan?'

'We need another finger to complete the link,' said Veritas.

Birdie stepped a few feet to the side of the group and snaked her arm quickly into a quivering bush. Out came a wide-eyed Rosie held fast in Birdie's grip. 'Here's a hobbit with itchy fingers I'll bet, but she'll do nicely I'm sure!' Rosie's expression looked like a hamster confronted by a wickedly smiling cat.

Five fingers covered the star, points to center. Veritas pressed *enter* and the now five companions followed the laptop into the darkening vortex, stretching out like wraiths called home to Minas Morgul.

Pio's las thought as she entered the spinning void was, 'Very cool!'

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Birdland 05-24-2002 10:22 AM

Birdland listened to the smooth riffs of Charles, Miles and the Roach drifting through the chaos of party field, a soothing balm in the midst of menace of the red-headed stranger who was wracking her vengance on all things "newbie".

Birdie briefly considered telling Piosenniel that her Mama had only named her "Birdland" because she thought that the name was "cute", and that the closest Birdie had ever come to listening to jazz was the theme for "The Rockford Files", but decided to let it go.

Veritas has discovered a mysterious missive from Mithadan (clever Mithadan, communicating with the theives through his own laptop). Suddenly, Losthuniel and Belin burst into the clearing, vengance in their eyes, and descend on Veritas. Belin scoops up the REG and starts to make off with it. It admits a firey stream o green sparks. The drummer on stage immediately become a 6-foot insect and scuttles off into the bushes. The Sax player turns into a pink flamingo and flaps squalking into the air. Miles starts riffing on "The Road Goes Ever On and On." (Sorry: only pun I could think of that went with "Miles".)

Child and Piosenniel rush to defend Veritas. A strange elf named Rosseilantiel strolls into the clearing, quickly assesses the major cat-fight between the four combatants.

"Ooooh, a lovely fight!" Rosseilantiel dives into the fray.

Birdland stands on the edges of the donnybrook, chair raised over her head, wondering just where in the jumble of arms and legs she should strike first. But when she see Belin tampering with the REG, all thoughts of former alliances evaporate from her head.

"Nooooooo!!!" screams Birdie. She charges at Belin, chair raised high...

Veritas 05-24-2002 10:51 AM

In a heavy struggle with her atackers, Veritas sees Birdland raising a chair above her head. She trows all her attakkers off and wants to run to Birdland, but struggles over her clothes and falls on Belin. "Why don't I wear jeans?" She asks herself. She sees just the chair come done and then it's all black...

(I make a few edits in this post, to make things more fit in the story)

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Veritas ]

piosenniel 05-24-2002 10:56 AM


Birdland stands on the edges of the donnybrook, chair raised over her head, wondering just where in the jumble of arms and legs she should strike first. But when she see Belin tampering with the REG, all thoughts of former alliances evaporate from her head.

"Nooooooo!!!" screams Birdie. She charges at Belin, chair raised high...
With a !WHOOSH! of air screaming past her ears, sounding like Birdie yelling 'NOOOO!' C7A opened her eyes to a greyish twilight. It was hard to tell where the REG had pulled them. The gradation from sky to land was non existent in this place, and no sounds livened the heavy air. C7A went quickly to the side of her friend and knelt beside her, jiggling her arm gently. 'Birdie, you can open your eyes now. It wasn't real what you were seeing. It was a weird trip, but it's over now . . . sort of!' C7A recalled her own visions of stepping up to accept a very prestigious award for a paper analysing the moral dilemmas of the main protagonists in the FOTR with a definitive section on one Frodo Baggins.

She looked around, checking for the other companions. pio was up and listening with full attention to any sounds she might pick up in the area. Veritas was hunched over the laptop, trying to get a fix on their position with the MEGPS. Rosie's eyes were fixed in anger on a spot just inches from her face and her hands spasmodically tightened around something at a point just below her gaze. 'Take that you red-headed newbie hater! Now say *welcome to the downs, newbies!' . . . or die!!!!!'

'Where are we?' asked Birdie. 'I don't recognize this place.'

'Well neither does the MEGPS', said Veritas in frustration.

'Oh oh, Toto, we're not in Kansas any more', quipped pio, who had not a serious bone in her body.

Meanwhile, the REG sat benignly in the midst of them, an almost palpable feeling of anticipation and satisfaction exuding from it.

Sindacuion 05-24-2002 10:57 AM

Sindacuion looks at the ladies fighting. "Ladies! Settle down! No fighting!" he says and gets hit by a chair. "When will I learn to keep out of other people's business.." he mumbles and crawls to his tree..

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Sindacuion ]

Belin 05-24-2002 11:02 AM

"AAGGGGHHH!!!!" screams Belin, as Birdie charges toward her. She holds up the REG to fend off the attack, but the faithless device vanishes in a puff of smoke, sending her sprawling. "Help!" she cries, sticking up her feet instinctively, since she has to have something to ward off the chair, but Celaewen and Rosseiliantiel pay no attention, lost in the frenzy they're aiming at Veritas. Belin is sure that they and Birdie have taken on a similar, terrifying expression, but she can't say for sure since she can't see anything but the legs of the chair. Spending time with half-crazed questing-elves is beginning to seem less and less like a good idea. She looks for a way to escape, but she's caught between the chair and the spinning vortex, neither of which is terribly comforting to her at the moment.

And here comes the chair, but fortunately for Belin, Birdland's fury is interfering with her aim, and she misses. Belin thinks frantically, but "I'm getting the worst of this..." is all that comes to mind. "I have to talk to her! Maybe she'll understand if I--" races through Belin's mind, but the only vocalization that accompanies it is, once again, "AGGGGHHHH!!!"

And then, suddenly and without thinking of it at all, she blurts out a sentence that she's sure to regret:

"I found out how it works!"

Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 11:37 AM

(Rose's view of events)

What were they doing with the laptop. There was so much Rose didn't understand.

Birdie came towards Rose and she had no time to run. Birdie caught Rose by the arm and she tried to look brave but could only register fear.

Then before she knew it she was sent into a vortex with the other four.

They came out somewhere. But where? Rose stuggles to get her witts about her and brought out her elven dagger.

Than there was that red headed newbie hater. Rose pounced on her. "Take that you red-headed newbie hater! Now say *welcome to the downs newbies!* or die!!!!"

Then Rose backed away. She felt her last words before her like a thretening darkness. What was she doing? Why was she making death threats. It totally wasn't her. It must be the REG.

Then Rose heard someone shout:

"I found out how it works!"

Rose spun around to see Belin cowerding as Birdland came at her with a chair. But she stopped at these words.

Rose ran over to Belin.

Birdland 05-24-2002 12:02 PM

("eeeek!" thinks Birdie wildly. She missed Piosenniel's first post, and now seems to be in two places at once. And I gotta go to work!. Oh well...)
Just as Birdie raises the chair over Belin's head...POOOF!!! She disappears!
[I]Sorry, guys[/I}

Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 12:14 PM

Rose runs up to Belin.

"Are you o.k.? Where's the REG?"

Rose tried to make sence of the last page of posts but things are getting very confusing now. She figured she'd wait for somone to do somthing.

VanimaEdhel 05-24-2002 01:21 PM

Menelduliniel comes running.

"A fight? A fight? Where? Where? Can I join?"

She sprints over and tackles Rose Cotton for the fun of it.

"TACKLE!" she shouts.

She immediately feels sorry for tackling the little hobbit and gets off...

"Err...sorry...very sorry...erm...sorry..."

She gets up, brushes herself off, and looks for her next victim. She sees her husband, Legolas, going to pick up a mug, so she sprints over, and tackles him. She pins him on the ground.

"Haha! Gotcha!"

She immediately gets flipped and pinned by Legolas.

" can get off now."

As Legolas gets off, she grabs him by the legs, and pulls him over.

"Your fault for not seeing that one coming!"

She pins him for the count of three, then gets up and goes back over to the conversation.

"I let you win!" shouts Legolas as she leaves.

Menelduliniel tackles him and wrestles with him until she has him pinned.

"Owow! Let go!" Legolas says.

"Okay!" Menelduliniel says, climbing off.

She goes over to the others:

"Anyone else want to wrestle?" she asks hopefully.

Losthuniel 05-24-2002 01:28 PM

Celeaewen awoke very confused, and twice as murderous. it seemed that five people had dissapeaered, leaving her, Belin and Rosseiliantiel. and a spinning vortex. seeing as her brain has been fried, she's been knocked unconsuis three times, Celeaewen's judgement is obviosly not very good, and in a fit of madness, jumped into the vortex, intent on having Veritas's head

VanimaEdhel 05-24-2002 01:42 PM

Menelduliniel shakes off her strange tackling fit (hey: I was wrestling with my friends on the Quad of my school this afternoon...I still have bloodlust [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ).

She gets up and goes to see if she can help her friends get out of the Vortex...

"What may I do?" she shouts.

Veritas 05-24-2002 02:11 PM

After a few minutes (and after a lot of posts who all tell a different story) Veritas tries to make up what happened:
First they had the REG;
Then it dissapeard, and after a few tricks she had done, didn't even know what kind of, wathever, they had it back;
Again in the Bar-room, Losthuniel and Belin hit her down and a heavy fight began.
Then the turning point: Birdie rises a chair, Veritas stands up and falls down again, and is a little while not on Middle-Earth.
Then suddenly Rose was full of anger, not mentioning the reason. O yeah, something with a newb.
It seemed that Belin wasn't hit at all, but used the REG to telleport.
Untherwhile this all, the REG seemed to be first in the middle of all this, until Belin takes it to defend herself.

"What are we going to do?" Birdland seems to be very confused.
"My head is spinning, and I see tree Piosenniels, two Childs and five Birdies, and about thousand other people. O, and I got fourthy fingers." Veritas is a bit dizzy.
"Maybe we must forget about the REG, don't you think, Child?" Pio's the most clearly of all people involved in the struggle. "Child???"
"Gone, just gone, impossible" thinks Veritas.
Suddenly the here a yell from outside the room...

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Veritas ]

VanimaEdhel 05-24-2002 02:17 PM

Menelduliniel gets offended:

"I am NOT a newbie! I have been posting since the beginning of the party! Can I help it if it is sporadically, as I have school and such?"

She goes and tackles Veritas (also: check out the number of posts: not a newbie, darling).

Veritas 05-24-2002 02:30 PM

Suddenly Veritas is tackeled by VanimaEdhel, and lies on the ground again, for the second time a day.
"Hé, can we stop now, the struggle is over, and the REG is lost!" Veritas is a bit annoyed by this unexspected tackle, and climbes up again, wich is not easy, cuz Vanima lies on her.
"O, stop, you stupid idiots!" Birdie sais, "We were looking for Child, who seems to be lost, and somebody outside screems 'HELP!' So lets found out who.
"Wise words..." Pio is already moving outside.
"Bye, Vanima! We're going to look for Child, see you later!" And Veritas runs after the other two, our four...

Samwise 05-24-2002 02:44 PM

*Stacey is at work. How in blazes did she get there? A child yells something in Spanish, another says something about someone hitting him, while she tries to decipher another sentence in Spanish, yet another child comes charging behind her, head down, and slams her in the back.*
Stacey: Wha.....?
*A little person is leaning over her, but the language coming out of his mouth is not Spanish.*
Sam: Miss Stacey, you fell asleep! How could you sleep at a time like this! Primrose's run off, and everything's all crazy, and....*he looks as if he is about to cry*
Stacey:*Sits up* Okay, Sam, okay...we know, however, that your daughter can take care of herself [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] *Remembers what happened with Mithidan before she nodded off*. Let's just find her....*looks around* And wheredoes Frodo keep disappearing to?

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

Rosseiliantiel 05-24-2002 02:45 PM

Rosseiliantiel i gradually edging over to the vortex.
"Hmmm...might as well, i guess!"
She shrugs & dives in.

Samwise 05-24-2002 03:03 PM

*At that moment, Primrose comes running over. Sam's jaw drops as he notes the array of jewels around her neck*
Sam: Tiny Rose, where'd you get those jools?

Primrose: *Shrugs* An elf gave them to me for knocking down a "nasty thing" that was chasing him. *Looks around* Where'd Mister Frodo go?

Stacey: *Shakes her head* I don't know, but he generally always finds us again...what's going on?

Primrose: Eh...not sure.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 03:23 PM

READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(There has been some confusing plots going on so I'm hoping this might get us all straight again)

Whether the people at the party have, wanted to or didn't want to go through the REG created vortex is not an option anymore.

Because suddenly the vortex expands. It swallows up all the parters and throws them into passages of time and space. All activies are interupted as it is hard to do much when you are spinning through space.

But where will we all come out?

What will happen when we do?

Where is Child?

Where is the REG?

Veritas 05-24-2002 03:29 PM

(This message is not in th story-line)

Yeah, I don't understand it, I was in a Votrex, whatever that's supposed to be, and I thought we were back, but Sam said not and AAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH! I'm going crazy! Please, please help me us everybody, this is realy f*cked up!

Samwise 05-24-2002 03:32 PM

I did? OOP. Didn't mean to....Never mind the message above! Pleasee go about your general buisness, whatever that may be! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

(A minute later) Okay, message edited. Hope that helps.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]

Losthuniel 05-24-2002 03:38 PM

Celeaewen was walking through a timless space between worlds, looking for Veritas, so she could relive her of the burden of her head, when a rather heavy something fell on her. it was Rosseiliantiel.
" welll that wasnt very smart, Cel, jumping into a big dark, spinning vortex."
Celeaewen looked at her " yet another case of you not being able to talk"
" thats my line!"
Celeaewen smirked " i know"
they wandered aimlessly through the void, looking for any sign of intelligent life, seeing as the elves considered each other not of that highly priveleged category. they wandered for some time, until they came upon a group of people. there was on thing that was slightly odd about them-"there sitting on nothing!" Celeaewen was indeed, right.
" so are we, dumb@$$"
they regonized many people from the party (well, Celeaewen did. Rosseiliantiel wasnt there for very long) there was a great shouting match going on, at the center seemed to be the issue of a missing hobbit, and the wayward REG, which no doubt, was very pleased. the elves, seeing nothing for it, joined the fray

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Losthuniel ]

Losthuniel 05-24-2002 03:40 PM

*message not part of storyline* explain to me xactly wat is going on, and xactly WHERE the bloody H*ll we are. plz. cuz i just went to all the trubble of the above post [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Rosseiliantiel 05-24-2002 03:48 PM

*<not part of plot, this is a message 4 Celeaewen> Basically, we've all been sucked in2 a void, but u knew that, didn't u? frankly, i don't really know*

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Rosseiliantiel ]

Rose Cotton 05-24-2002 04:33 PM

(Not part of story)
What I tried to do was no matter where you were in this messed up story you are now all, including me, in a vortex being pulled somewhere. Make sence?

Belin 05-24-2002 04:37 PM

This much is clear to her, anyway: Belin lies on the ground, gasping in relief. The terrifying, chair-wielding manifestation of Birdie is elsewhere. Rose is here, also lying on the ground after being knocked over from out of nowhere by VanimaEdhel, who seems to have gone elsewhere.

Rose is asking questions.

Belin groans, turning her head to stare blankly at Rose. She hit her head in the fall and isn't at her most lucid (however lucid that may be), although the chair seems to have hit Veritas instead of her. "Ughhh," she says, thoughtfully.

Celeaewen, at any rate, seems to have forgotten about her, for which she is grateful. Irritating as it is to be put to sleep by Veritas, there are more important things to worry about.

For instance, the void seems to have sucked everyone in, or at least, that's what she thinks Rose is saying. "Good," she thinks vaguely, "that means I don't have to stand up." She wonders briefly what it is that she's lying on--she must not really be lying down at all-- but gives this up for an unworkable conundrum.

Rose is still asking questions.

"I don't have it," Belin mumbles. She thinks about the REG and its recent activities. "Good riddance," she decides. "No wonder everyone's confused." Hopefully Child can explain all this once she gets rescued.

She decides to add another question to the bristling legion of them: What, exactly, has happened to Mithadan?

[ May 25, 2002: Message edited by: Belin ]

VanimaEdhel 05-24-2002 04:57 PM

Menelduliniel looks around, not in the Vortex.

Suddenly, she sees something. She pushes her husband, Legolas, out of the way and sprints through the woods, and stops in a clearing.

"Yrch!" she whispers, "Would I that the others were here, but...they are not, so..."

Menelduliniel prepares for battle...

VanimaEdhel 05-24-2002 05:37 PM

Menelduliniel gets out of her party dress and into her mithril battle armor. She gets out her daggers, Tinuithil and Tinuanar (the burning blade: burns flesh other than mine when it touches it) draws them and prepares for battle. She also grabs her bow and quivor of arrows.

She slips through the woods, and fires a few shots into the orcs. As they look around, she sneaks up and fights them.

She gets slashed across the leg, but keeps fighting.

Soon, 30 Orcs lie on the ground. Menelduliniel looks around, seeing Legolas in the tree with his bow and arrows. She nods to him, not too happy that he helped, but...putting up with it, and stalks towards camp, happy that she got to fight.

Samwise 05-24-2002 05:52 PM

Primrose:*Looking around at the swirling vortex* Eh--what happened?

Sam: I--DON'T know, Tiny Rose...

Stacey: Ai... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] *Pulls up her sleeve, revealing an odd-looking communicator/teleporter thing on her wrist that looks like it came out of an old Sid & Marty Kroft show (which it did). *Reaches out and grabs Sam's hand* Sam, grab Primrose.
When he does, Stacey pushes a red button on the side of the device, and the three disappear from the vortex

Child of the 7th Age 05-24-2002 06:05 PM

Child stared about in disbelief. Things had become very confusing. She had a clear mental picture in her mind--every single soul from the Barrow-downs had been sucked into a vortex. Now this vortex did not look too good. It looked like something she had once read about.

Now, Child was still carrying her annotated copy of the Silm, and when she looked at that volume something in her mind woke up.

Oh, no, this can't be, she sobbed. This isn't the vortex, it's the void. THE VOID!!! Now, she had not been very attentive when she had read the Silm, and, to tell the truth, she hadn't understood a lot of it. (We don't have to tell that to anyone else!) But there was one thing she did remember.......

Someone else was in the void, and that someone was not a creature you would care to meet up with......MORGOTH, MELKOR, whatever.....She was so scared she couldn't even remember how to spell his name.

Child's brain began to click. There were many things she was not good at, but she was good at understanding stories. Think, Child, think. Why are we here? Maybe the red-haired Princess was just an agent of someone like Morgoth? Maybe the newbies were just a plant to get us here?

What would Morgath want with most of the posters? Probably absolutely nothing. But wait, there were one or two he might hold a grudge against. Oh, oh, Sauron was the chief assistant of Morgoth, right???? Now, admittedly, two villains like that would never completely get along but Morgath still might not be thrilled to have seen Sauron go up in smoke.

Oh, dear, I am afraid some of our posters are in big trouble--if your name is Legolas or Gimli or Galadriel, you'd better look out. And if your name is Frodo Baggins or Samwise, you are in even bigger trouble. And if you happen to be Primrose Gamgee, you may be in the biggest trouble of all. The easiest way to attack a father and an honorary uncle is through their little one.

Child felt sick to her stomach. But what happened to me? I'm not in the Void, so where am I? Child had no idea until she turned around and saw the strangest site she had ever seen. For striding up to her, with stars swirling and golden aura, was the figure of Elbereth.

Oh, no. I can't be here. Mortals aren't supposed to be here. I'm gonna die. Wait a minute, I'm already dead. Maybe that's why I can come here .......What am I going to say to her? Child faints dead away!!

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]

Samwise 05-24-2002 06:21 PM

Thud. Boff! Ugh!

Stacey: *At the bottom of the two hobbits* Erg--could you two get off of me?

Primrose: *Rolls off of her father, who in turn climbs of off Stacey's back and helps her up* What in the name of Middle-Earth is going on here!?!?

Stacey: *Straightens her glasses* Y'got me, Prim.

Sam: *Looks up into the dark sky. Most of it is full of a slowly twisting purple mass, assumedly the vortex they just fell out of. He looks at Stacey's wrist.* What exactly is that contraption, Miss Stacey?

Stacey: *Covering it up again with her sleeve* Ah--to tell you the truth, I forgot what it's called. Let's just say it's what they call in my world "technology"--granted, 1970's technology, but... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Losthuniel 05-24-2002 06:22 PM

Celeaewen wandered around the Vortex, trying to find someone intelligent to talk to, who was not already engaged in a shouting match. all of a sudden, a burst of colour appeared. it seemd to be the party ground. Celeaewen leapt, thinking it was a way out. how wrong. her nose connected with something solid, even though nothing appeared to be there. she shook her head, and backed up. it seemd to be showing an image. it was of an elf maiden, she was dressed in a beautiful party gown, and was walking through the woods, when she came upon a band of orcs. five minutes later she magically reappered, fully clothed in Mithril armour that would have cost King Elessar his treasury and something besides. Celeaewen shrugged it off, and the fact that the elf maiden had reappered in full plate armour in five minutes, when really the orcs would have had time to lay waste to the enitre party field before she arrived. Celeaewen continued watching with mild interest. she heard the mithril- clad maiden yell something to Legolas, who climbed upa tree as the battle began. he looked uncertain as to wether to shoot the amromued maiden or the orcs. she drew her daggers, and seemed to be laboring under the delusion that they were magical weapons, when Celeaewen, who had learned a bit about magic in her centuries with Galadriel, could see that there were absolutly no runes on them, and that they were ordinary, as ordinary as her own throwing daggers. by some strange Virtue, the maiden managed to sneak up on the orcs, even though she was wearing plate armour. somehow, the elf managed to shoot orcs, knife them, and not get killed, even though they have scimictars, and she hasd 2 knives. yet stranger, the elf got slashed across the leg, EVEN THOUGH she was wearing armour, and did not twich. Celeaewen was shaking with silen laughter when a snort came behind her. it was Rosseil.
" thats an MS and no mistake" Celeaewen nodded. the thing she had seen definitly had the makings of an Mary-Sue. H*ll! it WAS a mary-sue. Celeaewen's train of "thought" was innterupted by a very worried hobbit walking around muttering about "voids"as Celeawen and Rosseil's eyes met and they blached. if child was talking about wat she thought she was talking about, they were all worse than dead.

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