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lathspell 11-07-2002 05:36 AM

U is for:
Ulfang the Black: leader of the Easterlings who followed Caranthir, faithless at Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Uldor the accursed: son of Ulfang the Black, slain by Maglor the Mighty Singer

Ulwarth & Ulfast: sons of Ulfang, slain by the sons of Bor

Ungoliant: Giant Spider that usurped the light of the Two Trees

Uruloki: another name for 'dragons'

Utumno: first fortress of Melkor in the North of ME

Uruk-hai: orc-bread of Saruman

Ugluk: leader of the Uruk-hai

Udun: something like the 'hell' of Me

Ufthak: the Orc that Shelob had forgotten to eat, after she had tied him up and placed him in a corner

Well, this is it now...

Alatariel 11-07-2002 10:52 AM

Valaraukar - The Quenya name for Balrogs

TolkienGurl 11-07-2002 01:22 PM

W is for Winged Beasts, the Nazgûl's new steeds after their horses were drowned.

TolkienGurl 11-09-2002 11:07 AM

X is for... Xauron, Sauron's evil twin... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] there isn't anything evil for X!

Y is for... there isn't anything evil for Y!

Or Z!


TolkienGurl 11-09-2002 11:12 AM

The next sequence can be cities, landmarks, or countries in Middle-earth.

A is for Adorn, a river in Rohan.

[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: TolkienGurl ]

Catherine 11-09-2002 03:03 PM

B is for Boromir, part of the fellowship.

mordor136 11-09-2002 05:11 PM

C is for Celeborn lord of Lothlorien

TolkienGurl 11-09-2002 06:59 PM

Umm... I said cities, countries, or landmarks. Not people.

[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: TolkienGurl ]

Orual 11-09-2002 07:29 PM

B is for the Brandywine...does that count?

TolkienGurl 11-09-2002 09:29 PM

Yes. Rivers would fall under landmarks.

C is for Cair Andros, an island in the middle of the Anduin.

Gwaihir the Windlord 11-10-2002 03:35 AM

You like this game, don't you?

D for Doom. Mount Doom.

LePetitChoux 11-10-2002 05:48 AM

E is for Edoras, the city of Theoden.

Alatariel 11-10-2002 09:46 AM

F is for Field of Celebrant, a battlefield near the river Anduin

lathspell 11-10-2002 11:06 AM

G is for Gladden Fields: Swamp territory near the Anduin, where Isildur was ambushed and betrayed by the Ring. And where Deagol many years later found the Ring and was murdered by Smeagol.

burrahobbit 11-10-2002 01:58 PM

H is for the Hilly Tombs, Tyrn Gorthad

Diamond18 11-10-2002 05:15 PM

I is for:

The Ivy Bush, a tavern on the Bywater Road

Ithilien, the Garden of Gondor

Isengard, the fortress surrounding Orthanc

The Iron Hills, hills east of Erebor where the Dwarves of Durin's Folk after they deserted the Ered Mithrin


Orual 11-10-2002 07:59 PM

There's nothing that starts with J. How wrong is that? I even looked it up...there's nothing...

But for K (forgive my lack of accent marks):

Khand (as in, Variags of)
Khazad-dum (Moria)
Kheled-zaram (Mirrormere)
Kibil-nala (Silverlode)


Eruhen 11-11-2002 10:45 AM

L is for Lorien, both the forest in ME and the dwelling of Irmo in Valinor.

Precioussss 11-11-2002 10:48 AM

Morgoth-a bad guy

TolkienGurl 11-11-2002 11:36 AM

Morgoth is not a landmark, city, or country. PEOPLE: read the directions!!!

Gwaihir the Windlord: Why do you say that? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

lathspell 11-11-2002 01:41 PM

M is for Misty Mountains, greatest Mountain-range in the West of M-e. And it's also for Mount Mindolluin (the mountain of Minas Tirith) and Meduseld, which is the Golden Hall of Theoden.

TolkienGurl 11-11-2002 02:17 PM

N is for Nimrodel, a river that runs through Lothlorien. You can still hear the elven maiden Nimrodel's beautiful voice singing in the waterfall.

Amanaduial the archer 11-11-2002 02:34 PM

O is for the Old Forest, where the hobbits were rescued from our very own Barrowdowns by Tom Bombadil

Rumil 11-11-2002 02:57 PM

P is for Pelargir, the port of Gondor liberated by Aragorn from the Corsairs

piosenniel 11-11-2002 03:57 PM

Q is for Queens' Tombs in Noirinan, Númenor

Child of the 7th Age 11-11-2002 04:24 PM

R is for Romenna, a port in eastern Numenor, from which the last ships of the Faithful left to make their way to Middle-earth and escape the great wave.

TolkienGurl 11-11-2002 05:01 PM

S is for the Shire where the Hobbits live! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Túroch 11-11-2002 05:24 PM

T is for Tol Sirion where Finrod Felagund heroicly died and:

Tol Galen: Where Beren and Luthien dwelt after there return

Tol Brandir: The island at the falls of Rauros

Orual 11-11-2002 06:37 PM

U is for...

Uttermost West


piosenniel 11-12-2002 02:32 AM

'V' is for Vinyalondë, a harbor founded by Aldarion at the mouth of the Gwathló.

Gwaihir the Windlord 11-12-2002 03:36 AM

W – Wethrin, Ered Wethrin, the mountains of mist in West Beleriand

piosenniel 11-12-2002 10:03 AM

e - X - ile, Realms in - Arnor and Gondor [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Elana 11-12-2002 10:11 AM

I don't think there are many words in LoTR that begin with x....maybe we could move on to the next letter?

piosenniel 11-12-2002 10:39 AM

Yale - lowland area in Eastfarthing

Diamond18 11-12-2002 11:35 AM

Z is for Zirakzigil, one of the three Mountains of Moria. In its pinnacle was Durin's tower, and here Gandalf threw down the Balrog.
(Complete Guide, Robert Foster).

So that means I get to the pick the next theme. How about things that were in the Silmarillion but not the Hobbit or LotR?
(A hard one! But don't you love a challange?)

piosenniel 11-12-2002 03:37 PM

'A'is for Andor, 'Land of Gift', Númenor

Beren87 11-12-2002 10:39 PM

B is for Beren, a Man, lover of Luthein. Recoverer of a Silmirilli. Elf-friend.

I actually went and looked it up to, then I smacked myself in the head.

[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: Beren87 ]

Túroch 11-12-2002 11:49 PM

C is for Carcharoth the Red Maw, dread wolf of Angband.

piosenniel 11-13-2002 01:26 AM

'D' is for Draugluin - the werewolf slain by Huin and whose form was assumed by Beren when he entered Angband.

lathspell 11-13-2002 05:34 AM

E is for Echoriath; the Encyrcling Mountains, around Gondolin. Also the place where Thorondor housed with his Eagles.

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