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Hilde Bracegirdle 11-23-2003 10:46 AM


She chose to dispatch Toby, whose quiet Hobbit feet were virtually silent in the woods, to scout around. Toby had proved adept at such things and had marked the position of those who pursued... two groups.
That is what I was working with. I didn't not mean for the rangers to seem as though they were still in Bree. Maybe I should clarify it?

EDIT: Changed a line. Hope it makes it easier to understand.

[ November 23, 2003: Message edited by: Hilde Bracegirdle ]

Imladris 11-23-2003 06:56 PM

Just wanted to let you know that I will be gone from Wednesday through Sunday...


Ealasaide 11-23-2003 08:30 PM

Okay, Imladris, thanks for the advance notice! See you soon.

Thanks for the edit, Hilde. I guess I was being hasty & obtuse again. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] I think I'm clear with everything now.

Elora - never mind on the mapping business. I got impatient and went ahead and put Naiore on the most direct route across country. If you see anything I need to edit in my post when I get it up there(it's almost ready!) please let me know. I will be happy to edit. Thanks!

[ November 23, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

Elora 11-24-2003 06:30 AM

That's fine Ealasaide.

Sorry I couldn't get an answer to you earlier. Barrow Downs has been down all day until 10:15 pm my time, each and every time I tried to get on.

It makes no difference to any of my plans as to which route Naiore took, so I am happy to work with whatever has been set down. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Ealasaide 11-24-2003 08:13 AM

That's great. Thanks, Elora! My post is now up on the thread, by the way.

piosenniel 11-24-2003 12:10 PM

Great scene, Ealasaide - between Kaldir and Rauthain.

Ealasaide 11-24-2003 11:20 PM

Thanks, Pio! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] It was surprisingly hard to write, so I really appreciate the notice. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-25-2003 05:18 AM

I second that! I was drawn in completely.

Nerindel 11-25-2003 07:54 AM

I completely agree great work Ealasaide. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I have put up a post bringing Amandur and Léspheria to Naiore's camp. The sound they have heard outside the camp is Meathor, I hope!? [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

I am working on Léspheria's post but as it will only show her prospective of what I have already posted, I went ahead and put up Amandurs so, anyone who needed to could continue. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Elora did you get my reply to your last pm?

Elora 11-25-2003 07:01 PM

Add my voice to the chorus! It was fantastic, Ealasaide! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Nerindel, I don't know if I got your last pm.... can't remember. I'll go check now and if not, report back here. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

(me and my swiss cheese memory)

Oh, advance notice of something:

I'll be heading off on an overseas jaunt in 9 days.

From 4 December until 22 December, I will be either hurtling through the air in a metal tube far above the earth, scampering my way through a winter wonderland in Washington, USA, or on my way back.

Likely, once I land, I'll be out for a few days with fatigue and jet lag and then Christmas is upon us.

I'll endeavour to get on-line whilst scampering as I don't wish to abandon my commitments for that long. However there may be long gaps between my posts. I expect to be back in the seat by no later than December 26, at which point I will probably disappear under a slew of unanswered e-mails and to-be-written posts.

Hence, this notice in advance. Also, if you live in the state of Washington in the USA and you see a blonde woman in a SUV with an Australian flg sticker on it's rump go shooting down the wrong side of the road, that's me. Best bet is to maintain a safe distance.

Imladris 11-26-2003 12:16 AM

BTW, add my voice to the songs of praise to your most excellent post for Kaldir.

I got Maethor up and running...unfortunately it is not very good as I'm tired and today has been such a screwy day anyway... I'm sorry it took me so long.

Ealasaide 11-26-2003 08:18 AM

Thanks, all! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Have a good time, Elora! Check in with us when you can. We have some ground to cover in the Lone-lands before we can rejoin Naiore near Rivendell, anyway. There may be orcs about!

Nerindel, Hilde - I have a post ready that takes place primarily in the Lone-lands about five days after the encounter between Kaldir and Rauthain. I am guessing that you have posts you need to get in before that.

Please let me know when I am clear to post mine! Thanks! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ 10:38 PM November 26, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

Nerindel 11-27-2003 10:57 AM

Sure thing Ealasaide [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ok I have finally managed to put up my post for Léspheria, I have edited it to the end of Amandurs last post.

After the meeting of the rangers and Léspheria, I will write a post bringing Lespheria's group within sight of the last bridge.

Elora where is Naiore going to try and waylay Léspheria?

[ 12:02 PM November 27, 2003: Message edited by: Nerindel ]

Everdawn 11-28-2003 01:43 AM

IM thinking of doing something between Avanill and Barrold, i want to have Avanill begin to confide in him that he is having second thoughts etc, you know?

So i was just thinking, i have no idea where Barrold would stand on that. Would he be willing to do anything so he could get paid and get Vanwe or would he have been smart enought to think that the plan was not going accordingly?

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-28-2003 10:23 AM

Nerindel I have edited my last post for Rauthain to go a bit past his arrival among Amandur, Lespheria and Maethor. Here's hoping that this is OK, also that mentioning Lespheria's sadness showed in her eyes is alright as well. I know that she is struggling to not show her feelings in preparation for what is to come. If it is inapporiate, just drop me a line and I will remove it. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Nerindel 11-28-2003 12:57 PM

Hilde Looks great! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] it will take awhile for Lespheria to master her emotions, she is not as mastered as Naiore, Léspheria has always been guided by her emotions, so this will be a tough adjustment for her and it can't be done overnight. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Hilde Bracegirdle 11-28-2003 04:11 PM

Very good, many thanks to you and Lespheria!

Elora 11-28-2003 05:16 PM

Nerindel, I thought to follow your lead concerning Lespheria's encounter with Naiore. AT the time I moved things along, by request, I did not know exactly where other characters would arrive to, by way of precise location.

Everdawn, happy for that to proceed between Avanill and Barrold. Think it best if you write the exchange and I'll work from there. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

As for Barrold, he knows he doesn't like the shape of things and he suspects that all that bounty is going to vanish into thin air. For that reason, Barrold will decide to cash in on what he does have, Naiore and the price on her head. It's all a matter of greed and cowardice.

If he cashes in, he gets out with a haul in the hand plus he's freed of any worse trouble than what he's already found. Being so close to Rivendell, in the company of a woman he fears, resents, loathes and needs, results in a treacherous creature that Barrold becomes.

Hope that helps.

I'm running short on time. I'm conscious that things may only start flying about once I'm flying about. I hope I don't stall things too much. I'll do my level best not to.

Ealasaide 11-30-2003 03:53 PM

Hey, Nerindel, can I post yet? I was thinking that you wanted to get another one in for Lespheria before I posted with Benia in the Lone-lands, but I wasn't sure.

Please let me know when I am good to go! Thanks! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Nerindel 12-01-2003 08:31 AM

Sorry to keep you waiting Ealasaide [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] But Léspheria's post is now up, so post away! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ealasaide 12-01-2003 10:16 AM

Thanks, Nerindel! I have now posted as well.

Imladris 12-01-2003 10:28 AM

Goodness! I had not realized in my skimmings that so much had been accomplished! I'll try and put up a post for Maethor sometime today, more of a character developement post, so to speak covering the journey with Lespheria. Is that all right?

Snowdog 12-01-2003 02:21 PM

Great going with this story everyone! Enjoyed the read!

Um, Elora, surely you will have some computer access while traveling. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Elora 12-01-2003 03:50 PM

Indeed I hope to, but I wonder what post quality will be whilst away. How much of any worth can be done, if one is typing merrily away, only to be distracted by the wonder of snow every 2 minutes, requiring the immediate relocation to the window from the computer to watch the snow?



I just wanted to let people know in case my posts seem scattered or absent entirely.

Imladris 12-01-2003 09:53 PM

I did a little post for Maethor. If I got anything wrong/if anybody has any issues with it, I'll edit accordingly.

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-03-2003 12:17 PM

Snow? Did someone say snow? I am fortunate enough to be able to watch the goose feathers fly from the 2 enormous windows that flank my computer. Did it last night, as a matter of fact.

Just be careful Elora, while shooting down the the wrong side of the road. You don't need snow to have black ice, be it in the Rockies or the Misty Mountains! And you just may end up going down both sides at once ...sideways. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Hilde of the Snowbelt

[ 4:15 PM December 03, 2003: Message edited by: Hilde Bracegirdle ]

Elora 12-03-2003 06:44 PM

Yeah.... it will be a brave new world for this explorer. I have never, ever seen proper snow and the closest I have come to ice is in a really thick, deep frost in the heart of our "winter" here.

Needless to say, I am both really excited about this and harbour considerable trepidation.

Today marks the beginning of my travels. I hope to be able to check back here in a few days.


Hilde Bracegirdle 12-03-2003 08:39 PM

Some of the best travels of my life have started with trepidation. I hope you might find that encouraging! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Do have fun!

I'm off to read what Barrold is up too!

piosenniel 12-10-2003 11:54 AM


Please clear out your PM's

I need to clarify something about your post in the Seventh Star Inn.


~*~ Pio

Nerindel 12-12-2003 11:33 AM

Ok everyone, Sorry it took so long but Dúlrains post is finally up, I kept getting distracted. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-12-2003 06:19 PM

It was well worth the wait. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ealasaide 12-12-2003 06:45 PM

Brilliantly written, Nerindel! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I agree with Hilde - well worth the wait!

Nerindel 12-12-2003 07:08 PM

Thanks Hilde, Ealasaide. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

So you liked Gilly's little act of heroism then Hilde [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]when Dúlrain figures out what happened he will be much in the hobbits debt [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Ealasaide 12-12-2003 10:07 PM

I just posted with Kaldir. I hope my portrayal of Dulrain works for you, Nerindel. If there is anything you would like for me to change, please let me know. Thanks!

Everdawn 12-13-2003 01:53 AM

Dont worry, i havnt vanished, im just in the process of writing a post for Our side, which is prooving tricky with Elora gone. Any ideas?

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-13-2003 07:21 AM


So you liked Gilly's little act of heroism then Hilde, when Dúlrain figures out what happened he will be much in the hobbits debt
Yes indeed! Glorious day, what would Gilly do with an indebted ranger!

Everdawn - Perhaps you could develop the discontent a bit more.

Nerindel 12-15-2003 07:36 AM

Hilde, Ealasaide are we going to hear from Gilly and Benia before I go on with Dúlrain? And what about Rauthain? whats going to happen with him?.

I noticed in Elora's last post she had Toby report that he had seen 3 rangers and Léspheria, I assume this third ranger is Rauthain???

I have been holding off posting for Amandur, till I saw how the whistle senario panned out and that group caught up time wise! Naiore et all and Lesperia et all are still a week ahead of us!

Again I apologise for holding things up, but I would like to try and have us all near Rivendell before Elora returns, if possible, well in the troll shaws at least. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 8:47 AM December 15, 2003: Message edited by: Nerindel ]

Ealasaide 12-15-2003 11:15 AM

Nerindel - you're not holding things up! I know Hilde is planning to post with both Gilly and Rauthain as soon as she can get to it. I was waiting for Gilly (& hopefully Dulrain) before I posted with Benia. Rauthain will be coming to find Dulrain and there will be an upcoming interaction with him before we are able to advance the timeframe to catch up with those already outside Imladris. I will be posting again with Kaldir once Hilde posts with Rauthain.

Sorry if that is holding you up! With Elora absent, the folks outside Imladris are in a little bit of a stall anyway. The Lonelands Group will catch up as soon as we can. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] A few more posts should take care of it. I hope to advance the time frame with my next post from Kaldir.

I hope that works for you! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 12:18 PM December 15, 2003: Message edited by: Ealasaide ]

Hilde Bracegirdle 12-15-2003 12:21 PM

I'm working on it! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Sorry to be a straggler. Ealasaide is right that Rauthain is going to show up with the Lonelands group and after that could be free to join up with Amandur's group if needed. Inthe meantime if they could carry on without him.

But I have been neglecting Gilly, so want to get in a post for her, (not that you haven't been doing a rather excellent job with her!)
Anyway, I finally have had a little time to write, so have begun my post.

Nerindel 12-16-2003 12:25 PM

Ok! thanks guys. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I will post for Dúlrain, once Hilde has had the chance to put up her post for Gilly. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

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