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Folwren 05-16-2008 03:13 PM

Yeah, I'm behind. I'm sorry... I'm going to try to post this evening sometime. I'm badly behind.

-- Folwren

Gwathagor 05-18-2008 01:15 AM

Alright folks, that's all. I'm gone.

So long Golden Perch.

Forest Elf 05-25-2008 08:53 PM

Bye Gwathagor.

Gwathagor 05-25-2008 09:02 PM

Hey, who knows? Maybe Gwathagor will come back to visit again. Watch out for me, especially at unlikely times.

Folwren 05-26-2008 09:27 PM


There. I finally caught up. I am leaving tomorrow for about two weeks. And then when I return, I'll have very little time to write anything. For the next eight or so weeks I will only be around on the weekends, from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, so don't expect too much activity on my part. :)

Have fun, but don't do anything too crazy. Remember, even if I am not around, Dick is still there!

-- Folwren

Eönwë 05-27-2008 01:43 PM

I am so so so sorry Gwath.

And I am sorry for neglecting the thread.

But I think I might take up old Songo again, just for a while before he leaves.

Tiffany Aching 05-31-2008 08:13 PM

I haven't been on the Downs in ages and apparently my account has disappeared during one of the reincarnations of the site :eek: . . . . . so, I'd like to repost the character I'd designed for the Inn.

& piosenniel, would you please link my name to this post and not the previous one. Thanks!!!!


NAME: Miribelle Rushybanks

AGE: A respectable 65 or so

RACE: Hobbit, mostly of the Fallohide strain

GENDER: Female

WEAPONS: She carries a rather large carpetbag she made herself - one with a variety of necessary objects, large and small, tucked tightly within. ‘One never knows when a mathom might be needed!’ is her thought It could hardly be called a weapon, but were she to swing at someone and her bag connect soundly, the poor ‘someone’ might feel as if they had the stuffing quite thoroughly knocked out of them.

APPEARANCE: Tall and slender, carries herself with a certain authority. Fair skin, pale blue eyes, graying honey blond curls held back from her face with a dark blue and green striped gross-grain ribbon. Favors dark green skirts with a navy vest and crisp white blouse beneath.

PERSONALITY: Reserved; appreciates good manners and all those sorts of things that make easy a social interaction. Respectful of others; she expects the best of others and for the most part is not let down. Has a good sense of humor, loves a good joke or even the good-natured prank. She’s a gentle-lady Hobbit with sure sense of herself, of her expectations, her strengths, and of course her short comings.

HISTORY: She is a spinster, both by the fact she has never married and because her life long occupation has been centered about the spinning of wool and the weaving of fabrics. Her fabrics are much prized by the local community of Stock.

She has a little sandy colored, brown eyed pony named Cookie.

She ran a Dame School for many years for the neighboring children. But these later years she has devoted herself fully to her spinning and weaving and has opened a small fabric shop in the village where she offers for sale or barter both her fabrics and those of other weavers in the community.


LINKED ~*~ Pio

Arry 05-31-2008 10:17 PM

Hello Tiffany! Welcome back to you and Miz Rushybanks!

Will is seeing to Cookie..... :)

Elfchick7 05-31-2008 10:21 PM

Hey all, I've been reading the posts at the Inn and I can't tell what time of day it is. I apologize that I'm so thick. Can one of y'all catch me up to date. Thanks muchly.

piosenniel 05-31-2008 10:26 PM


I think it's evening, growing dark. At least that's what folwren's post implies - HERE. & the posts following it seem to indicate evening time/late supper time.

~*~ Pio

Tam Lin 06-01-2008 09:32 PM

My Elf has bumped into some unspecified someone.

Please feel free, anyone, to speak back to him.

Tiffany Aching 06-03-2008 01:36 AM

Right, then, Tam Lin - my Hobbit has replied to your Elf.


piosenniel 06-05-2008 05:09 PM

The errand rider from Gondor dismounted quickly and strode purposefully into the thread. He unfurled a parchment and nailed it to one of the walls:


Come one, come all, you denizens here and in far lands!!
All those who enjoy the reading of a good tale and the playing out of one.

A new name has been added to the list of storytellers in Gondor:

~*~ littlemanpoet ~*~

Come and give your congratulations to this wonderful wordsmith!

~*~ Free drinks/ free food/ & plenty of good company ~*~


Come to The Seventh Star Inn in Gondor and lift a glass to littlemanpoet.!!!

Folwren 06-07-2008 09:08 PM

ARRY! You're back!!!!! Oh my GOODNESS! I was never, ever expecting you back, and I very nearly was going to attribute Will's lack of appearance to the wolves attacking and having a hobbit casualty. :eek: Your arrival has absolutely blown me out of the water.

Anyway. I am currently back home for my 48 hour break from between camp weeks. I return to camp tomorrow afternoon. I am not caught up on the game thread and will not be posting before I leave again tomorrow. Next time I'll be home is next Friday afternoon, and I may or may not post then, I don't know.

Glad to see things moving. :) Welcome, Tiffany. Welcome back, Arry. And welcome, Tam Lin. However...I have just seen that you do not have a character bio up for your elf, Tam. Can you do that before posting again? Thanks.

-- Folwren

Tam Lin 06-07-2008 11:22 PM

Hmmm . . . actually I do have a character bio - see HERE.
I first posted to the Inn a long time ago - 2 years, actually!!!! So, no wonder you have forgotten me!!!! :eek: :p

Arry 06-08-2008 12:12 AM

Well, Pio can be quite persuasive :rolleyes:

Anyway, like Sam - 'I'm b-a-a-ck!'

Would you mind, while you're gone and as long as the present writers are alright with it, if we move the Inn ahead to the next day?

- Arry

Folwren 06-08-2008 07:23 AM

Yes, definitely. If it's time and if everything's battened down for the night, you may move on. (Battened down means, all active writers are alright with it. ;) )

-- Foley

Tam Lin 06-08-2008 09:36 PM

Moving ahead is fine with me.

Undómë 06-08-2008 11:08 PM

I'd like to make one more post before we change to the next day.

Tiffany Aching 06-08-2008 11:14 PM

Me, too. :) That is, I'd like to have my Miribelle make a reply to to Tavaro before she goes off home for the night. I can do that tomorrow.


& hmmmm, what's Tavaro hiding from the old gal, eh?

Envinyatar 06-09-2008 02:57 PM

I've brought the Ranger back and gotten the poor injured fellow to mash the taters for supper.


- E -

Tam Lin 06-09-2008 08:26 PM


I just threw in that hinted at 'mystery' . :rolleyes: Haven't actually thought what it might be as yet.

Anyway - we're eating. You can finish us up for the day at your leisure.

Envinyatar 06-10-2008 12:16 AM

And Hithadan has limped off to his room for the night.


Tiffany Aching 06-10-2008 01:15 AM

& Miribelle's gone off home in her cart now, too.

I mentioned both Will and Tavaro in my post and used them as lightly as possible.

Mithalwen 06-10-2008 06:28 AM

Given the mass ressurection....
I will take the opportunity to join it - time to get the twins to make peace and more mischief .... Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath..... ;)

Fantastic :D

Elfchick7 06-10-2008 07:00 AM

Luriniel and Nienna seem to be in great need of a LONG sleep, so they're out for the night, again. ^_^

Arry 06-10-2008 09:12 AM


I've put the Inn to bed.

Can you write an opening post for the new day?

Undómë 06-10-2008 10:18 AM

I know this is generally a no-no, BUT I've got a bunch of stuff to do the next few hours - SO, I'm going to put a SAVE up on the Inn thread.

When I get back, I'll write an opening post for the new day and set up a little mystery.

Thanks! ~ U

Undómë 06-10-2008 06:15 PM

So, a new day has dawned at the Inn - HERE :)

Here's the scene I've set up, my fellow Perch Players -

Rowan and Prim have straggled out of bed much later than is usual. And on arising have discovered that Cook is nowhere to be found.

Prim's done a quick search of the obvious places, nothing thorough by any means, and has drawn the conclusion Cook may not be gone, she may have been kidnapped. It's a wild guess on her part. but as good as any.

Here's the back story to this plot twist:

Firefoot, who was playing the Cook (Celandine "Cela" Brandybuck) is leaving the Perch RPG. Another player will come in after a bit to take on that position at the Inn. (I'm working with this player on getting Cela out of the inn, and setting it up for the new Cook writer to come in)

Firefoot has given us free rein to exit her character as we like.

So - let's play around with this on the RPG thread. Find clues, come up with theories, perhaps even find Cook actually kidnapped and dead at the hands of some sinsister group. Or then again she may have simply run off without telling anyone anything because we discover some horrid secret in her past . . .

How does this all sound?

Arry 06-10-2008 10:49 PM

Oh this looks like fun!

Will see about getting up a post tomorrow. But don't wait for me - anyone who wants to go ahead and post.

Gwathagor 06-12-2008 08:41 AM

This is great...everybody starts posting again AFTER I leave...:rolleyes:

Rose 06-12-2008 10:20 AM

Well, since the old crowd seems to be posting again, I've brought back Granny Greenhill.


& Gwathagor - I see your Elf has departed, but you could always bring in another character, couldn't you?

Gwathagor 06-12-2008 06:47 PM

Aye, and I very well may after we finish Treachery of Men.

Envinyatar 07-05-2008 10:59 PM

Alright - so, I've moved us ahead just a bit. Brought Shiriff Rusty Smallburrow to the inn, fetched by Will. I used bill_n_sam's character which I noted Pio has assigned as one that can be gently used by all now.

Undómë 07-05-2008 11:44 PM

Rowan and Prim have pulled together a breakfast for the hungry horde. & Rowan's remembered something she saw yesterday.

I earlier mentioned a letter Cook had received from the postman (I named him Hugh - no bio done for him). I have no idea what the letter might have said - other than it upset Cook quite a bit.

Anyway - carry on!! :-)

Arry 07-06-2008 09:42 AM

Hurrah!!! We're moving again! I'll try to get something up a little later today.

Will's hungry; he needs a bit of breakfast first :p Then maybe he can go find Hugh the postman and bring him back to see what he can add about the letter.

Lilly 07-06-2008 10:20 AM

Maybe I can work up a little bio for Hugh and play him. How's that sound?

Rose 07-07-2008 12:34 AM

There, Arry --- now will has a portable breakfast of sorts and can go on his way. :p

Lilly --- sounds good if you could write for Hugh.

Lilly 07-07-2008 02:18 PM

Here's my little bio for Hugh, the postman:

NAME: Hugh Mossytoes

AGE: 61

RACE: Hobbit; Harfoot


WEAPONS: Carries a sling for birds and conies and is a fair shot

APPEARANCE: Curly brown hair kept close cropped, tanned features, brown eyes; sturdy breeches, plain spun shirt, hooded cape as needed for the weather. A large stained leather mail sack which he wears across his chest or ties to his pony, Jolly. Loves to smoke and eat.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: A cheerful countenance, loves to sing and whistle as he walks along. A very good listener. Picks up all sorts of tales and bits of news and gossip as he travels about his mail route. And, he loves to share these new learned tidbits with his customers. Has been known to embroider upon the originals quite freely at times, but will laughingly admit his editing if challenged.

HISTORY: Born and raised just outside the village of Stock, a little ways to the north. Inherited the postal route for that little section of the Westfarthing from his Uncle Hal. Never married.


LINKED ~*~ Pio

Lilly 07-10-2008 02:14 PM

I've put Hugh on the way to Gardenia Boffin's place.

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