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Sleepy Ranger 08-10-2004 12:37 PM

Someone do me, please :D

Gelmir 08-10-2004 01:04 PM

Yes master.

Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Note the thread title, its Barrowdowner-related.

Don't Contradicted us, we're on a roll! Lol, Okay here's one.

Me (yep, again): I hate green,
That's about the forum, is it? Okay here's another.
Frodo: Come here cute little barrow wight. You're soo, cute, yes you are, yes you are.

That much better :D Oh, the joys of obeying things, I think I'll obay the crab, or Me, that's a good idea...Humm lets see, M-O-V-E L-E-F- Argh! I'm not very good at reading my mind :(, give me pity, peas!

Gelmir 08-10-2004 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
Someone do me, please :D


Sleepy Ranger: I'm not tired!

Well, you are a sleepy ranger, are you?

Son of Númenor 08-10-2004 01:11 PM

re post #682

Hookbill the Goomba 08-10-2004 02:43 PM

What an Odd fellow.


Ouch .... look sweetie .... I somehow manage to combine internet addiction with abject techno-idiocy I'd have an avatar if I knew how .... bear in mind when I was a child we thought, to quote Douglas Adams, "digital watches were a really neat idea" .....
Sorry Mithalwen, was running out of ideas and was presured by a sybling to make a coment about your non-avatarness, and Digital Watches are a realy neat Idea, as was most of the Hitchhikers guide serise. :p

back on topic;

Gelmir 08-10-2004 02:47 PM

Mr helpful

Originally Posted by Son of Númenor

Spock told us to do something about Barrow downs. And Sleepy person posted While I was writting. does that explain it? I hope so. And also, I went mad as well. :rolleyes:

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-10-2004 03:46 PM

Don't worry about it Elennar, I just think it's a bad idea to be giving answers based on nationality. For one, it's got nothing to do with Tolkien and secondly it might offend someone for no good reason. Your Cheeky Brit post was different, being one of the designated Barrowdowner species according to Lush.

Morsul the Dark 08-10-2004 11:52 PM

Morsul: I hate the Downs I almost never some here because you all know next to mothing compared to me!

Morsul: Im never going to post here again

Perky Ent: Ents should die

Barrow-Wight: I have a confession I hate LOTR I mad this site to parody its popularity unfortunately the plan backfireed and Im stuck in this living He--


Mithalwen 08-11-2004 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
Sorry Mithalwen, was running out of ideas and was presured by a sybling to make a coment about your non-avatarness, and Digital Watches are a realy neat Idea, as was most of the Hitchhikers guide serise. :p

Don't worry ..... now I have noticed howe unusual it is I shall keep my avatarless state.... to maintain that air of mystery :) LOL and not feel insecure about my ignorance .... siblings now they are a BAD idea.... mine has ridiculed me for years about my love for LOTR .... now shehas discovered Orlando Bloom and suddenly it is all not so stupid.... :rolleyes:

Hookbill the Goomba 08-12-2004 10:29 AM

Hum, perhaps I should make it clear that when I posted this;


Any American: War? Hate it...
I was making very little reference to any recent wars, more expanding on the stereotyped American that has become popularly known here in Blighty, that is a warmonger. Indeed, it was mostly in retaliation against this;


Any cheeky Brit: Tea? Nasty stuff
But you just try being English! You Americans may think your misinterpreted and viewed as evil in other countries. You should try being English; there are people who hate us living up the road! We can drive to hatred!
Scotland: You English… (Insert many curses and swear words here)
Wales: English morons!
Don’t even think about going to Ireland!

Hope that's clear.
No hard feelings? :(

Sirithheruwen 08-12-2004 11:16 AM

No hard feelings. Sorry. :)

Mithalwen 08-12-2004 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
You should try being English; there are people who hate us living up the road! We can drive to hatred!
Scotland: You English… (Insert many curses and swear words here)
Wales: English morons!
Don’t even think about going to Ireland!


Try being English in France -even your FRIENDS end up seeming to hold you personally responsible for every blip in trans-channel relations since 1066 .... :rolleyes:

Hookbill the Goomba 08-12-2004 12:11 PM

Thanks Sirithheruwen (Offers a special cake as a sighn of peace.)


Try being English in France -even your FRIENDS end up seeming to hold you personally responsible for every blip in trans-channel relations since 1066
Only because we beat them in almost every war ever! ;)

Anyway, here are some more;

Any one: Did Balrogs have wings? No, they were magical and flew around on unicorns... that had wings... Its true!

Any one: Who is Tom Bombadill? He's tree beard in disguise!

Meneltarmacil 08-12-2004 09:18 PM

The Barrow-Wight: I've had enough of this black and green death-related stuff. From now on, the background will involve pink fluffy bunnies.

Sharku: Cool, another thread about a topic we've discussed already. Let's open even more threads about it!

Would somebody please do me?

Diamond18 08-13-2004 01:50 AM

"I would never post my picture on the internet. I don't believe in letting strange people see my face. I mean, who knows what kind of perverts hang around Tolkien forums, you know? Just by letting this mug out of the bag, I could end up face down in a ditch somewhere, dead. That's right, dead. You can never be too careful. I don't even want people speculating on what I look like. And you there, stop forming a mental image of me right now. This face is not for viewing!!!"

THE Ka 08-13-2004 02:23 AM

Oh, this will be easy. This is sort of a secret between me and those who dis-favour my work and effort put here, but. Oh well! :D

1. (this is something your might want to copy down) Never give your name to me when you leave rude and uncalled-for comments in my user cp. I tend to send you a request-an-apology message in your in-box. :eek: yes, i know you might be thinking "eek! that's- that's stalking!". :rolleyes: Quiet differently reader! I am reminding a select few on manners and proper civilized ways to address me. I don't inquire to be mean... I didn't tell who those people are! That would be rude, and utterly worthless.

ok, another more wide-ranged never-would-be-caught-doing...

2. Disagreeing that Boromir is the Disco King, when his posse (i'm not the only one) spends a moment or two in a boromir-related tread to observe this commonly forgotten fact... The casualities will be utterly horrorific.

Lhunardawen 08-13-2004 05:32 AM

Thanks a lot, Economics class
Thenamir: Profit-schmofit! From each according to his ability to each according to his need!

paavo 08-13-2004 07:17 AM

Morsul the dark in the quiz room: I give up! I can't think of anything! please give a hint!

Hookbill the Goomba 08-13-2004 09:18 AM

Any downer: I don't know, Tolkien's stuff seems a bit farfetched for me.

Gelmir: I think I’ll be serious.

Morsul the Dark 08-13-2004 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by paavo
Morsul the dark in the quiz room: I give up! I can't think of anything! please give a hint!

Indeed I would never say that...

Encaitare(sp?)- Balrogs had wings of course they did why wouldnt they?

Elennar Starfire 08-13-2004 07:17 PM

Morsul: I'll just give you all a nice easy question now!

Morsul the Dark 08-13-2004 09:05 PM

i dont give hard questions....i thought my cryptic clue was blantanly obvious lol I thought someone would get it in 3 secoonds

Elanor :Morsul questions are too easy
:p lol

Firefoot:I hate fire

NightKnight 08-17-2004 05:31 AM

Firefoot (on a brand new20 Questions thread): Any other question than "Third Age?" . ;)

THE Ka 08-17-2004 10:40 PM

Just Realized...
This is going to be a really, really ,super-saliorific long thread... i'm going to have to agree with BW on this... (Something I never do...)

Oh, what the heck, here's another:

Anyone discussing tolkien's or other Oxford fantasists' work: "I just HATE Anglo-Edwardian retromedieval culture!!"

and if you understand any of that, then you have some sense of humour ;) ...

I'm Out! :p

Maeggaladiel 08-18-2004 05:21 PM

The Barrow Wight: HeE hEee! I LyK bUttrEd ToStE!!

Sorry. I just had a mental picture of the BW saying this in a "Mr Gumby" voice. People around me (I'm posting from a library) have cleared the area and are probably calling the looney bin to collect the hysterically snickering psycho that is Maeggaladiel. Heee heee... bUtRed ToStE!!

PS- Sleepy Ranger, I love your avatar! Just thought I'd add that.

*Maeg gets dragged off in a straight jack*

Hookbill the Goomba 08-19-2004 03:59 AM

Barrow Wight: We'll now be making a musical version of The Barrow Downs!

(The Camelot theme from Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

We’re Wight of the round table!
We dance whenever able!

Evisse the Blue 08-19-2004 05:07 AM

Morsul: I am pleased to announce you, my fellow Downers, that from now on my posts shall be free of any grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Firefoot: My New Year's resolution is to stay away from the Quiz Room for at least a week!

Encaitare: This Grima character is totally uninteresting. He's only a witless worm. I'll focus on Aragorn from now on.

Sapphire Flame: I live for slash.

Sleepy Ranger: Video games are so boring *yawn*


a musical version of The Barrow Downs!
What a great idea!

BW: In this new musical version of the Barrow Downs I shall be playing the Phantom of the Wight Opera! Bwahahahaha!

Hookbill the Goomba 08-19-2004 06:06 AM

The Wights of the round Table
The opening song; (sung by all downers)

We're Wights of the Round Table.
We dance whenever able.
We do routines and chorus scenes
With rotting corpses and lots of beans
We dine well here in Cardolan.
With Firefoot and the saucepan-man.

[dancing by Firefoot and saucepan-man ]

We're Wights of the Round Table.
Our shows are formidable,
But many times we're given rhymes
That are quite unsingable.
We're opera mad in Cardolan
We sing from the diaphragm when we can.

[tap-dancing by The Barrow Wight]

In war we're tough and able,
Quite indefatigable.
Between our quests
we sequin vests
and impersonate Clark Gable.
It's a busy life on the Downs.

We live under the mounds


I couldn't think of a better one to replace "I have to push the pram a lot!" Sorry.

Sleepy Ranger 08-19-2004 07:12 AM


PS- Sleepy Ranger, I love your avatar! Just thought I'd add that.
Long story how I got it and if I narrated it here, people would um, 'do something not nice' to me. So if you wanna know, PM me along with a promise that you'll not tell anyone and will restrain from doing 'not nice' things to me.


Sleepy Ranger: Video games are so boring *yawn*
I do tend to say that after finishing the same game 1,000,000,000,000 times and believe it or not I haven't turned on my PS2 for 5 minutes, can you believe its been off for 5 whole minutes. :D :D

My turn to pick fun at Evisse....

Evisse the blue- I am not blue, from today on I am officialy a pink bunny.
Evisse the 'pink bunny' blue- Video games are a breeze, why it took my just 5 minutes to finish RoTK

Evisse the Blue 08-19-2004 08:07 AM

Touché, Sleepy! I'd never say those things... :D

Sleepy Ranger 08-19-2004 08:15 AM


Touché, Sleepy! I'd never say those things...
Precisely why I said them for you, Miss Pink Bunny.

Hookbill the Goomba 08-19-2004 08:22 AM

All right break it up you two! Break it up! Hand bags at 30 paces.

BW: I shall take up the swanny whistle and play the entire score of "Living on the Downs, The musical."

Look at the poster that I made for it here

Evisse the Blue 08-19-2004 12:18 PM

Very cool poster, Hookbill! yep, that should definitely play with a full house!Confused about the tagline man's journey to death. Shouldn't it be hobbit's?

Hookbill the Goomba 08-19-2004 12:29 PM

It says "Staring The Barrow Wight as himself". The Barrow Wights were men, so it’s about a man. An easy mistake to make. :smokin:

Morsul the Dark 08-19-2004 02:25 PM

Morsul: I dont think Im going to change my Avatar any more

Sleepy Ranger 08-19-2004 02:36 PM


Morsul: I dont think Im going to change my Avatar any more
How ironic, you posted what you were never supposed to post.

Morsul the Dark 08-19-2004 02:42 PM

indeed but i would never say it seriously

Elennar Starfire 08-19-2004 07:54 PM


BW: In this new musical version of the Barrow Downs I shall be playing the Phantom of the Wight Opera! Bwahahahaha!
Perhaps that should be Wight of the Opera... Phantom and Wight are sort of synonymous...

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-20-2004 10:56 AM

Hookbill, that is absolutely fabulous. I only wish I had come up with it. Brilliant job.

On topic:

The Barrow-Wight: Hookbill, that is so inspired that I plan on putting the tune on The 'Downs as background music so all the 'Downers can hum along to it as they browse.


Evisse the Blue 08-21-2004 02:01 AM


Perhaps that should be Wight of the Opera
Yes, you're right. I thought it sounded a bit wrong... :p

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