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Saraphim 08-21-2004 02:56 AM

Apologies in Advance...
Eomer of the Rohirrim: I make it my business to stalk people around the Downs, but that is nothing compared to my support of American pop music. I also found PJ's Warg to be the true manifestation of a rather boring beast.

*Surprised at her own audacity*

Eomer of the Rohirrim 08-21-2004 11:37 AM

Fits like a glove in this thread...


Diamond18 08-21-2004 10:09 PM

Those of you who know who you are

"I think it's bad form to post your own 'never would say' quote, and I would never do it."


Son of Númenor 08-21-2004 10:16 PM

Morsul the Dark: "I haven't the time nor the patience to contribute to this silly forum, and I cordially dislike poor grammar."

Morsul the Dark 08-21-2004 10:32 PM

Why would I have time Im so ultimately busy :p

and Im not fond of bad Grammer(look at the essays I write for school and you'd see I'm rather good at grammer and I want to be an English teacher.)

I cant think of a good one Ill get back to you on it

Lhunardawen 08-22-2004 01:11 AM

*walks in*

How incredibly ironic.

*walks away*

Hookbill the Goomba 08-22-2004 02:06 PM

Hay, Lhunardawen, you dropped your wallet... oh she's gone... oh well, (whistles). :p ;) :smokin:

NightKnight 08-23-2004 02:07 PM

Thorongil/Evisse/Me: Nightwish who?


Elennar Starfire 08-23-2004 08:45 PM

Morsul's pretty good with grammar! It's punctuation that's the main problem.

Morsul the Dark 08-23-2004 08:48 PM

;) I dare you to look in the Seekers of Truth RPG and say that, youll notice my puntuation quite acceptable.

Elennar: Morsul has the best Grammar on the Downs :p

Elennar Starfire 08-23-2004 09:07 PM

So why don't ye bother to use proper punctuation in your other posts?

Morsul the Dark 08-23-2004 09:10 PM

Alright, I will attempt to make my posts more Grammatically correct.:p

I think that is grammatically correct.

Please stop making funof my grammar. :confused: It saddens me so.

Anyway on to happier and merrier things.

Eomer: I hate stalkers I hate being stalked I'm glad I have no stalkers.
and currently in Cryptic Clues

Nilpaurion Felagund: Morsul that's a correct answer and on your first try to! :p

Gelmir 08-24-2004 12:08 PM

Sorry Morsul, I couldn't help it.

Morsul, I just wanted you to know when you said ‘‘youll notice my punctuation is quite acceptable." you kind of missed out the Apostrophe next to the u and the l in you'll. So the grammar wasn't exactly perfect.
But! I have a tip: Before you post paste onto a spellchecking and ponctuation program.:D I hope I helped.

I hope that my grammar is alright, I hate being a hippocrite.

Son of Númenor 08-24-2004 12:21 PM

There's no need to make an insult out of my comment, or to point out specific instances of poor usage. I'm sure Morsul is grammatically sound when he needs to be; I was merely playing off the fact that he often chooses to use lax grammar in the forum. ;)

Hookbill the Goomba 08-24-2004 12:27 PM

I just copy my posts into word before I post them. :smokin:

Gil-Galad 08-24-2004 12:29 PM

I can only think of one for now...but more will come!

Morsul: i'm never changing my avatar ever again!!!

Hookbill the Goomba 08-24-2004 12:41 PM

Why is every one picking on Morsul?

Son of Númenor: spelling? Grammar? T'is unnecessary drivel!

Gil-Galad 08-24-2004 03:00 PM

Its pretty easy i guess...though i doubt people will use the ever-lovable Gil-Galad!

Elennar Starfire 08-24-2004 08:01 PM

I'm just very good at spelling, grammar, and punctuation. :D

Lhunardawen 08-25-2004 11:48 PM

You realize it would pay to be consistent, Morsul... :)

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-26-2004 07:08 AM

Yeah... too easy, I know.
Gil-galad: I am forever forswearing Strongbad was an idiot, Trogdor can't burninate worth his consummate 'v's, and Strongsad is incapable of drawing dragons.


Gil-Galad 08-26-2004 07:38 AM

Bah Blasphemy! the power of Trogdor Compels you! the power of Trogdor compels you!

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-26-2004 08:43 AM

Never post, Gil-galad, Never post. It's okay. Breathe man, breathe. :p


Gelmir 08-26-2004 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Son of Númenor
There's no need to make an insult out of my comment, or to point out specific instances of poor usage. I'm sure Morsul is grammatically sound when he needs to be; I was merely playing off the fact that he often chooses to use lax grammar in the forum. ;)

Sorry, I didn't mean any aufence, just seemed like... :rolleyes: well.
I get it, you are slowly getting better.

Sleepy Ranger 08-29-2004 04:22 AM

I'm bored
I'm bored so you get a random post.

The Only Real Estel- PoTC? Whats a PoTC? And Van Helsing was by far the worst movie ever made, I can not believe I wasted my money on a ticket. Sheesh if there was ever a bad movie made Van Helsings it.

Hookbill the Goomba 08-29-2004 04:51 AM


And Van Helsing was by far the worst movie ever made, I can not believe I wasted my money on a ticket. Sheesh if there was ever a bad movie made Van Helsings it.
Erm, sleepy, its supposed to be things people would NEVER post. ;)

Sleepy Ranger 08-29-2004 05:00 AM

Aaah.. Another sheep of the critics.

Imladris 08-29-2004 12:06 PM

Fordim : Tolkien's work is as deep as a puddle of water.

Sleepy Ranger 08-29-2004 12:22 PM


I never read any reviews of it, I just thought it was REALY corny, predictable and the 'special effects' were about as good as a snail trying to juggle.
Lots of folk I know would say otherwise. Some of them happen to be on the 'Downs.

The Only Real Estel 08-29-2004 12:43 PM


Lots of folk I know would say otherwise. Some of them happen to be on the 'Downs
You wouldn't be talking about anyone in particular, would you? :p

Sleepy Ranger 08-29-2004 12:48 PM


You wouldn't be talking about anyone in particular, would you?
Not one person. Lots of people. Oh and FYI you're one of them. ;) :p

Sirithheruwen 08-29-2004 01:00 PM

Sleepy: What's a video game?

Imladris: Harry Potter? Bah Humbug!

Morsul the Dark (chocolate chip): Tolkien should Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never Never EVER be taught in any school! Perish the thought!


Morsul the Dark 09-04-2004 11:55 AM

I like that one I'm going to try to get my teachers and principle to let me teach an afterschool class on Tolkien as an expiriment I hope they let me more importantly I hope its a success

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-04-2004 06:15 PM

Good luck Morsul. If you need any tips, you know where to come! And in honor:

Morsul the Dark [chocolate chip]: I think I'll give away the ending to the books to any newbies I get in my afterschool class! Mwahahahahaha.

Lhunardawen 09-05-2004 03:59 AM

Fordim and all BDers, I presume: davem's got a personal title. Big deal.

HerenIstarion 09-06-2004 04:30 AM

Aiwendil There is no clear distinction, no set borderline between so called Real and Imaginative Worlds. You think goblins and such exist in the books only? huh, try to turn around quickly, when lone in the room in the evening. Yes, the shimmer in the corner of your eye is where six-armed bark-eating fairies just have been.

davem I won't believe anything unless you let me see it, touch it, measure it with the ruler and weight it on the scales, and, when finally I pin it to my wall with a yellow label on it, I will probably admit its existence.

Fodim Hedgethistle I find it hard to start new threads. It's so much easier to participate in already going ones, I'm more to reaction than to causing, if you follow my meaning, sir.

mark 12_30 Of course, I always reply to any old post with prolix discourses which are chewed over for simplicity's sake. No short obscure remarks of self-reflection for me, no way!

Mithadan RPGs where always a thing I never have been good at. That's probably cause I don't like them. And fanfic? Hey all, it's author's world. Why not write your own, instead of falling for the tide of graphorrhea threatening to drown us all?

Hookbill the Goomba I never liked opinion threads. Who cares, which is best of anything, so far we enjoy it as it is?


Hookbill the Goomba 09-06-2004 09:16 AM


Hookbill the Goomba I never liked opinion threads. Who cares, which is best of anything, so far we enjoy it as it is?
Erm, no I don't think Id ever say that... If we didn't have opinion threads, then people would have to work their opinions into normal posts and perhaps be told off for going off topic.

Any Downer: Pride and prejudice? Nah! Seems a bit farfetched to me!
(I don't include myself in this as I actually said it to my Old English teacher!)

Gelmir 09-20-2004 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Son of Númenor
There's no need to make an insult out of my comment, or to point out specific instances of poor usage. I'm sure Morsul is grammatically sound when he needs to be; I was merely playing off the fact that he often chooses to use lax grammar in the forum. ;)

Sorry it was a joke...Waiting to happen, was it? Hmmm..... I'll ask this guy .................................................. ..........

Gelmir 09-20-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepy Ranger
I'm bored so you get a random post.

The Only Real Estel- PoTC? Whats a PoTC? And Van Helsing was by far the worst movie ever made, I can not believe I wasted my money on a ticket. Sheesh if there was ever a bad movie made Van Helsings it.

Wow! We're allowed to talk about bordem, and things you do when your bored? I'm going to start a topic called random things!

The Barrow-Wight 09-20-2004 01:38 PM

The Barrow-Wight: "I love random posts!"

Now that I've gotten this topic back onto its original track, let's stay there!

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