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Gwathagor 10-22-2007 05:27 PM

I think it'd be swell. Having an old feller would add a whole new level of interaction to the group, since he'd have a very different perspective on life than a bunch of (mostly) younger folks. Different ideas, experiences, weaknesses, strengths, etc. I am all for it. An old guy would be seriously amazing.

And thanks for clearing up that Fourth/Fifth Age business.

piosenniel 10-23-2007 04:07 AM

Here's what we have so far:


1.) ValierBella (Bunny) Took

2.) Thinlómien - Tansy Bogsworth

3.) Boromir88Rufus (Rudy) Hilldweller

4.) Finduilas - Mira Hilldweller

5.) Gwathagor - Browning (Brown) Barrabury

6.) Kitanna - Peony Chubb

7.) Legate of Amon Lanc - Michael (Mishka) Smallburrow

8.) littlemanpoet - Hugo Chubb

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-23-2007 04:57 AM

And here's mine.
NAME: Michael (Mishka) Smallburrow

AGE: 28 (born 16th Astron)

RACE: Hobbit


WEAPONS: Staff of cherrywood, pocket-knife (used mainly against mushrooms)

APPEARANCE: Light brown wavy hair, (very) dark eyes; he's not much tall for a hobbit of his age, but he is quite stumpy (but in fact, he is muscular rather than fat). His favourite color of clothing is yellow, generally along with brown (boots and/or breeches). He's got also an old, worn-out red hat that belonged to his grandfather, which he does not normally wear (but carries it along with him).

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: In general, Michael is rather quiet and some could say shy. Avoids conflict with others; if he were to voice his opinions aloud in front of someone who does not agree, he'd rather remain quiet. He is not very good at lying and does that very rarely. He loves mushrooms, even for a hobbit maybe too much. He knows all kinds of mushrooms and knows which ones are edible. Whenever he can, he makes trips with his basket; searching for mushrooms makes him forget everything else - it often happened to him that he got lost while picking mushrooms. If there is anything he loves more than mushrooms, then it's snow - Michael dreams that one day he's going to travel somewhere far, far away, where snow is plenty (he's got a naive impression that there must be fields full of snow in the North. He also has the naive imaginaton that lands outside the Shire look totally alien). Although he is almost in his thirties, sometimes he catches the mood when he is very childish and playful. "Look at him," his father says always when he's displeased by Michael's behavior, "he's in his tweens, his wit is one of a teen-ager and he behaves as if he was not more than ten years old." That's quite fitting description, indeed.
Michael has little other practical skills. He cannot swim and is horrified by water. He can cook, but only as well as every hobbit can. He is a good and tough walker, though, and he is also quite strong for a hobbit of his size.

HISTORY: Michael's father, Bartholomew Smallburrow, is a postman. There is a sort of family aversion to their members becoming Shiriffs for several generations; Michael's uncle (younger brother of his father) Richard Smallburrow is a "black sheep" because he became a Shiriff at the Eastfarthing. Bartholomew Smallburrow, his wife Rosamunda (both 63 years old) and their children Michael, Gilly (21) and Theobald (18) live in Hobbitton. Lately, Michael is spending more time at his grandfather Sam who lives in Frogmorton/Budgeford*, because the parents don't have enough time to care of all the children and Michael is not the one who would be of much help to them. There is a hope and expectation by both the parents and partially Michael himself (the grandfather does not think of that much) that he's going to find himself a further job there. This far, nothing like that happened; but instead sometimes uncle Richard appeared to visit his father, which concerned Michael's parents. This far, their concern was baseless, for Michael has no aim to become a Shiriff - although while at his grandfather's, Michael is spending quite a lot of time wandering around (and looking for mushrooms). At least, as his father says, this could make him a good messenger if there was no other job for him. As it was said, Michael is a good walker and when he was younger, he sometimes made even two-day trips from Hobbitton, but after one horrific experience, this ceased: When Michael was 18 years old, he got lost in the Rushock Bog and believes he saw a Mewlip there; from that time, he is very scared of the place.

*Will be decided depending on the course of the journey. If possible, I would like to pick the place where the company is NOT planning to pass through in the first place.

Valier 10-23-2007 10:05 AM

I just love all the Bios they are all just wonderful!! Thank you Littlemanpoet for clearing up the Age.

Littlemanpoet has graciously agreed to co-own this story with me.:D

I am just waiting a wee bit longer to hear from Nogrod and Valesse, if they cannot play we shall be fine with 8 players I am sure.

Oh and I just noticed....Pio can you switch Bunny's name to Took not Cook LOL

Any ideas for a name yet? Or shall we keep the one we have?

Valier 10-23-2007 08:19 PM

Ok so Nogrod informed me that he just can't make the time to play at the moment:( I hope to hear a yes or no from Valesse soon too.

Thinlómien 10-24-2007 02:22 AM

Valier - I think the name is fine. :)

LMP - I'm so glad to see you playing! And having a gaffer with us is going to make this hilarious. (Yesterday, I spent all the way from school to my friend's place thinking about what Tansy would think about having an old man with them and I must say this seems very intriguing! ;))

Boro and Gwathagor - would either of you like your character to be Tansy's little brother Fredegar's friend? I think it would be nice if Tansy knew some of the other adventurers beforehand and that might provide a way for Rudy or Brown to know about the adventure. Your character needn't be a close friend of Fredegar's, just someone who had visited him in his (and Tansy's & their parents') house. Fredegar is 36 years old, so about your characters' age, and you might want to see what I wrote about his physical condition

Originally Posted by Tansy's character description form
Fredegar, a lumberjack, had been in an accident and his legs had been paralysed. His hands had been damaged as well. Some days, they were shaking so much he couldn't hold anything in his hands. Sometimes, they seemed normal yet even then they were weak and his fingers stiff.

So he does not work and is maybe quite bored but is always delighted when some friend of his visits him...

Boromir88 10-24-2007 08:39 AM

Val, the name is fine with me too. :D

LMP, I also wouldn't mind having a ole gaffer for a grandpa.

Thinlo, that's a nice idea. I'll give the way to Gwathagor, if he wouldn't like to, then Rudy would love to have Fredegar as a pal. ;)

Gwathagor 10-24-2007 09:22 AM

That's fine. Where does Fredegar live?

Gwathagor 10-24-2007 09:25 AM

Wait...Buckland, right. That's good. Brown has friends and family in Buckland, so it would be natural for him to have made the acquaintance of Fredegar at some point.

Valier 10-24-2007 10:14 AM

Ok so I think I've worked out how we know each other, let me know if I have it right.

1.) Valier – Bella (Bunny) Took (knows Tansy)

2.) Thinlómien - Tansy Bogsworth (knows Bunny)

3.) Boromir88 – Rufus (Rudy) Hilldweller (sister is Mira, Grampa is LMP)

4.) Finduilas - Mira Hilldweller (Rudy's sister, Grampa is LMP)

5.) Gwathagor - Browning (Brown) Barrabury (friend of Tansy's brother Fred)

6.) Kitanna - Peony Chubb

7.) Legate of Amon Lanc - Michael (Mishka) Smallburrow

8.) littlemanpoet - Old Gaffer Hobbit - CHARACTER BIO NEEDED (Grampa of Rudy and Mira)

I think I got that right. So we need a way to know or find Peony, Micheal, Rufus,and LMP, any ideas? I am sure one of you can supply us with more food and supplies and decide to come with us that way. Perhaps Peony would be a good character for this.... Now how are we to meet the little family of Boro, LMP and Findulias?

littlemanpoet 10-24-2007 10:16 AM

Maybe it's too much interlocking, but I was thinking it might be nice to have one of the mothers of the protagonists be a daughter of the Gaffer too. I hope to work out an intro and post today. Wish me luck! - tired and overbusy. :p

Valier 10-24-2007 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by LMP
I hope to work out an intro and post today.

No first post is required just yet, but if you want to write one up now, that's ok. As long as your Bio is up I'm cool. Then once we figure out relations we can work out the best order of first posts to make the story work best.:D

littlemanpoet 10-24-2007 08:42 PM

I have a name. :p Hugo Chubb, born in 1447. How about he and his wife, Ruby Gamgee (youngest daughter of Samwise & Rose Cotton), 11 years his senior, had many children, two of whom were Rosemary Chubb (1474 - 1527), and Sancho Chubb (1480 - 1534). Ruby Chubb has past on a few years ago, leaving Hugo rather lonesome, having lost a wife, a son, and a daughter, and so he makes the most of his grandkids, including Rufus, Mira, and Peony.

I'm hoping for a grandfatherly role. Storyteller, good for a joke, jolly, amiable, along for the ride. "Somethin' I've always wanted to do but could never find the way." Always trying to smoke a pipe, is miserable at it - most unhobbitlike! Typically bears tobacco stains and black scuffs on his chin, cheeks, and hands. Can't keep the durn thing lit. But can't give it up either. Spits more than he'd like to admit for always getting a bad taste in his mouth from the Old Toby. Likes his ale very much as a way to get the bad taste out of his mouth. Doesn't try to be comical but can't really help it. Okay, there's a start.


Sorry this is so slow abuilding, but I'm just not finding the time to put it all together really quickly.

Gwathagor 10-24-2007 08:53 PM

This is great; it even provides us with a character that has a closer proximity to the Ent stories, since Sam would doubtless have told them often.

Kitanna 10-24-2007 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534593)
I think I got that right. So we need a way to know or find Peony, Micheal, Rufus,and LMP, any ideas? I am sure one of you can supply us with more food and supplies and decide to come with us that way. Perhaps Peony would be a good character for this....

That sounds like a good idea. It would be a good way for Peony to hear about the adventure and join up with the rest.

littlemanpoet 10-25-2007 05:56 PM

littlemanpoet’s character
NAME: Hugo Chubb

AGE: 100

RACE: Hobbit

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: Pipe, walking stick, and a spanking new corn cob pipe.

APPEARANCE: Thick gray hair, though thinning on top. Eyes are blue-green, a little milky with age. His face is not much wrinkled, for he like any sensible hobbit has stayed in love with his vittles. His cheeks are red as apples and are quite as round as apples when he smiles. He tends to have black soot smudges on his hands, fingers, and face from his pipe. He is 3'6", which is not as tall as he once was, having reached a height of 3'9" in his hayday. He wears a maroon waistcoat complete with gold pocket watch inherited from his father, Hillebrand (Hilly) Chubb. His shirt is yellow and his trousers are green.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Hugo has a weakness for Old Toby, and has been trying to smoke a pipe ever since he turned 20 ... with no success. He can't keep the thing lit. He hates bitter juice that collects in the stem after a good try at a puff but he just can't give it up. He is quite serious about his pipe smoking, and can't make sense of why everyone else thinks it funny. Other than in matters of the pipe, he is a jolly old soul, given to laughter, likes a good story especially when well told, and is good for a joke; even at his own expense. He has had his share of tragedy, having lost his son Sancho thirteen years ago, and his daughter Rosemary twenty years ago, and his wife, Ruby Gamgee, just ten years ago. Since then he has doted much on his grandkin, not playing favorites but delighting in the particularities of each one.

HISTORY: Born in 1447, Hugo Chubb led a typical hobbitish life as a drover. By this means he got to see much of the Shire, satisfying his mild wanderlust while having a secure home base to return to in Frogmorton. There were always many goods to be carted from one place to another, and lots of interesting talk to be had along the way, not to mention many good alehouses along the way where Hugo Chubb became known and liked by most every goodhobbit. It was as a successful drover, passing through Hobbiton, that he caught sight of the beatiful blonde haired Ruby Gamgee, still unmarried and out of her tweens, youngest daughter of the Mayor himself. Two good families were joined, and the issue therefrom were many and healthy: eight in all. Six survived into the year 1547, taking up their lives in various farthings of the Shire. It was the deaths of his son and daughter before their time, and the death of his wife (11 years his senior) that turned him a bit wistful - melancholy, some call it. So for the last ten years he has been wandering from son to daughter to son as the whim took him, and thus kept up with his grandkin whom he befriended, in spite of them laughing at his pipe.

piosenniel 10-25-2007 08:30 PM

So, here's the final roster of gamers:


1.) ValierBella (Bunny) Took

2.) Thinlómien - Tansy Bogsworth

3.) Boromir88Rufus (Rudy) Hilldweller

4.) Finduilas - Mira Hilldweller

5.) Gwathagor - Browning (Brown) Barrabury

6.) Kitanna - Peony Chubb

7.) Legate of Amon Lanc - Michael (Mishka) Smallburrow

8.) littlemanpoet - Hugo Chubb


During the game, you can always access the Character Bios through Post #5 on this thread.

Gwathagor 10-25-2007 08:34 PM

Hurrah! When can we start?

Valier 10-26-2007 09:55 AM

Great to see all the Bios done. I was thinking of how we should have the first posts ordered.....I think myself and Tansy should be first so that we meet and start to get ready to leave, then I think we could meet the little family, which is Hugo, Rudy and Mira correct? What about Michael? will he be visiting with Tansy's family as well? Or was it Brown? LOL sorry getting a little confused.... Then Peony will be the last? I may have mixed up Michael and Brown, who is the family friend and who will we be meeting a bit later? Once this is worked out we can begin.

I am having a Halloween party tommorrow so I don't think I can get my post done till at least Monday, but I figure we can use the weekend to get this straight and start the week off with our starting posts.

Let me know what order everyone thinks they should go and where they will be in order for us to meet them. Also I think we may need to do the posts one by one at first to make sure they all fit and we don't use another character unless we have to. Then after we all meet and get going, it will be free posting.

Gwathagor 10-26-2007 10:08 AM

Brown could meet up with you all accidentally later on, or he could join up while visiting Tansy's lame brother Fred, or he could arrive at Fred's house and have to follow after. Or anything really. Whatever is needed, I'm flexible.

As has been said in his bio, Brown is quite the outdoorsman, and has travelled the Shire a great deal. Those two facts might provide some motivation for taking him along...?

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-26-2007 03:05 PM

Gwathagor - I believe someone who's travelled a lot is definitely very useful for the party; having a map is one thing, but with Brown as a leader they could have the feeling of safety - when he has been at certain places.

Concerning the joining of my character, Michael, I have certain draft in my mind, which can be altered to fit the flow of the events. As I said before, I would like to introduce him some time later, let's say after the party crosses the bridge. So there is a long time still to talk about that unless you really want to know that; I can just tell you for now that I have a good idea about why and how he is going to join the party. Maybe the only question that could have some impact at the beginning will be why the party should want him.

One thing I thought about was that if the party lacked anything important (equipment...), Mishka could get it for them from his grandfather. It could be anything from supplies to a pony - just if you think there is something that the characters could not be able to obtain, but wanted to, you may keep their problem open for this occassion. If I use the pony as an example, then it is a thing the party could utilise when they leave the "civilisation" if they don't want to carry all the supplies themselves. But it's a thing that is quite expensive and maybe none of the characters can afford it; either do not have it at all, or those whose families have a pony cannot take the pony because the rest of the family need him etc. Michael's grandpa is old and does not need anything, so he can lend it to them. Something like this could be the reason for the party to accept Michael, so what do you say? If you think it's good, then you may "reserve" something the company lacks for this purpose.

Gwathagor 10-26-2007 03:16 PM

Brown has been to the borders of the Shire many times, but that's as far as he goes typically. So he could be able guide the party at least that far if necessary; however, his general familiarity with living and traveling out of doors and his understanding of weather and geographic patterns would still be useful beyond the bounds of the Shire.

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-26-2007 03:27 PM

I believe most of the characters have not been even in the remote parts of the Shire itself, if they even were ever outside their home village (some, as it seems to me, never were), so someone who knows even the Shire and knows how to take a shortcut (to mushrooms ;) ) through the fields etc. will be largely appreciated. Maybe Fredegar or Tansy could advise to take Brown along since they know how well-travelled man he is, so they could write him a letter or something and they'll either arrange a meeting in some village or inn or they wait for him and he arrives to Brandy... whatever... (I have total blackout, I forgot how the place is called in English:rolleyes:)

littlemanpoet 10-26-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 534752)
... he arrives to Brandy... whatever... (I have total blackout, I forgot how the place is called in English:rolleyes:)

Brandy Hall of Buckland? :)

Hugo Chubb is visiting his grandson Rudy or granddaughter Mira, whichever works best.

Hugo being a "semi-retired" drover (if there is such a thing in the Shire), he may still have a pair of horses and a wagon for travel on the roads of the Shire.

Thinlómien 10-27-2007 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 534752)
Maybe Fredegar or Tansy could advise to take Brown along since they know how well-travelled man he is, so they could write him a letter or something and they'll either arrange a meeting in some village or inn or they wait for him and he arrives to Brandy... whatever... (I have total blackout, I forgot how the place is called in English:rolleyes:)

That'll be great! Tansy herself has travelled quite a lot for a hobbit (but probably less than Brown). Fred could advise Tansy that they should take Brown along. Tansy would think she knows the places well enough (if you remember, she was a proud person), but wouldn't want to displease Fred nor say that Brown can't come since it's never a bad thing to have more people with them, especially if they're people who would be useful to have around... :D This is going to be fun! *smells a conflinct in the air*

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-27-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 534772)
That'll be great! Tansy herself has travelled quite a lot for a hobbit (but probably less than Brown). Fred could advise Tansy that they should take Brown along. Tansy would think she knows the places well enough (if you remember, she was a proud person), but wouldn't want to displease Fred nor say that Brown can't come since it's never a bad thing to have more people with them, especially if they're people who would be useful to have around... :D This is going to be fun! *smells a conflinct in the air*

Hooray! Seems the story's beginning to unfold. I can't wait to see it start.:cool:


Originally Posted by elempi
Brandy Hall of Buckland?

I meant Buckland :)


Originally Posted by lmp
Hugo being a "semi-retired" drover (if there is such a thing in the Shire), he may still have a pair of horses and a wagon for travel on the roads of the Shire.

Are you sure about horses? Is that not a little too... big?

Concerning the eventual reasons for taking Michael along, if the idea of lacking equipment was too problematic to realise, then I got another idea, kind of drastic, but maybe in the end it would be more interesting... That would be because he wants to go with the party, Michael is going to lie (!) and (after learning where they are heading to) he says that he was at the North Moors once and saw a walking tree there. This could be a good reason for the others to take him along. "I-if you take me with you, I-I could, erm, I could show... I mean, show you the place." Either way, I'm counting with that he's going to encounter the party the way that he sees them and follows them (out of interest) to the point that it starts to seem suspicious (and some of the more active characters can come and interrogate him).

littlemanpoet 10-27-2007 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 534774)
Are you sure about horses? Is that not a little too... big?

Hmmm... now that I think about it, ponies seem to be more typical in the Shire. Farmer Maggot's cart is drawn by them. Okay, make it ponies.

Valier 10-29-2007 08:15 PM

Nice to see the ideas flowing, however you choose to meet up as the story goes along is fine with me. I will let you all work this out amongst yourselves as we go. So I guess Bunny would be the first post we need up, sorry about the delay. This weekend was a little hectic for me and I have been forced to work more hours at work. I will however write up my post tomorrow, between clients. I will have Bunny arriving in Buckland to meet with Tansy.

Lommy do you want to be expecting Bunny, or do you want her to just show up there? I think it may speed things up a little if you are expecting her but have no idea what she is planning. I can have my post end when I arrive at your door and we can have a few small posts between us, then we can meet up with the little family, since I assume they will be visiting your family at this time? Then we can go from there.

piosenniel 10-30-2007 02:58 AM

So, Valier, since I have to work tomorrow, I'll go ahead now and open the game thread for you - HERE.

Please let your players know when they can begin posting.

~*~ Pio

piosenniel 10-30-2007 03:01 AM

All Players:

Reminders for an RPG in play:
  • Please remove your signature from EVERY post to the RPG thread - including SAVES

  • Don't use smileys in your RPG posts or icons - e.g., etc.

  • Don't highlight any part of the RPG text.

  • Don't use the 'Reason for Editing' function on your RPG posts. If it's critical that other players know that you've changed something, then put a post on the Discussion Thread about your edit.

  • No OOC (out of character comments) on the RPG thread - use the Discussion Thread.

  • SAVES should be filled within 24 hours/48 at the latest and may be removed from the game at the discretion of the moderator.

  • Swearing, sexual conduct, or obscenity of any kind are absolutely prohibited. There are no exceptions.


    . . . I always ask myself if any of these words or euphemisms for cursing would be found in Tolkien's works. So I always say no to cursing and to any 'pseudo-cursing'. They need to keep it clean. -- per The Barrow-Wight

Thinlómien 10-30-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 534860)
Lommy do you want to be expecting Bunny, or do you want her to just show up there? I think it may speed things up a little if you are expecting her but have no idea what she is planning. I can have my post end when I arrive at your door and we can have a few small posts between us, then we can meet up with the little family, since I assume they will be visiting your family at this time? Then we can go from there.

Whatever, do how you will and I'll just follow, captain... ;)

Valier 10-30-2007 08:56 PM

Ok I've posted. I have made it so that Tansy knows that Bunny is coming and lets say Bunny wrote her a letter asking her to come with her on her adventure. I have made all of my supplies get all muddy, so now we really do need more supplies, so this can open up more possibilities for us all meeting. Take it away Lommy.... the thread is yours.:)

I am SO excited about starting!!!!:D

Gwathagor 10-30-2007 10:22 PM

Where does Bunny live?

Valier 10-31-2007 12:01 AM


Where does Bunny live?

Thinlómien 10-31-2007 03:39 AM

I'll write something later today. :)

Thinlómien 10-31-2007 02:42 PM

I'll fill in the save as soon as I can.

Valier 11-01-2007 09:13 PM

Great posts!! I will get a post up as soon as I can, which will be in the next two days. I'm a little busy with work lately. I encourage you all to do small intro posts like Gwathagor did that can give us a little head start.

Lommy I am going to go ahead and assume that Tansy gives Bunny, dry clothing and is making some tea. Is that ok? I figured it would sped it up a bit instead of doing too many posts between us.....unless of course noone minds. either way I'm fine with it. I will lead us up to Bunny asking Tansy if she is still in on the little adventure , then Lommy, you can answer and then have us off to bed for the night.
Then we can perhaps add the little family, or perhaps Brown the next morning as we make preparations. Whichever works.

Thinlómien 11-02-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Valier (Post 535152)
Lommy I am going to go ahead and assume that Tansy gives Bunny, dry clothing and is making some tea. Is that ok? I figured it would sped it up a bit instead of doing too many posts between us.....unless of course noone minds. either way I'm fine with it. I will lead us up to Bunny asking Tansy if she is still in on the little adventure , then Lommy, you can answer and then have us off to bed for the night.
Then we can perhaps add the little family, or perhaps Brown the next morning as we make preparations. Whichever works.

That is alright. Go ahead. :D

littlemanpoet 11-02-2007 10:17 AM

Hugo is visiting Rufus and Mira. Where do they live?

Finduilas 11-02-2007 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 535179)
Hugo is visiting Rufus and Mira. Where do they live?

Meh. I have no clue.... Boromir, had you given this any thought? If you haven't.... I'll leave it to you...:D

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