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The Only Real Estel 01-28-2005 10:43 PM


Do you ever go read your oldest posts and cringe?
Three words: All the time. I hate reading some of my own posts where I was so harshly critical of not only the LotR changes, but also some pretty nasty lash-outs at other BDers :eek:. Ever time I read a post like that, my face goes red... :o.
p.s. dispite the embarrassing posts, I rarely delete them (unless they're offensive & should've been deleted long ago), because they serve as good reminders...

Assasin 02-01-2005 05:33 PM

I had one post that I wrote, like, at 3 in the morning and I was really tired. It was pretty bad. I was really snappy. What was even worse was, people commented on it. (Bad comments.) :o

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-01-2005 06:18 PM

Ah embarrassment... It happens so often. My most recent public one was here, when I was overly-cocky and got put in my place mighty quickly by The Saucepan Man. It was then followed by a private semi-embarrassment when I tried to get the phantom to pity me and he told me not to expect any pity because I was cocky and deserved what I got. Haha. But since my ego got out of control and needed flicking down, I didn't even delete the post. Feel free to laugh at me. :D


Assasin 02-01-2005 06:28 PM

I can't laugh at you when I've done worse. :rolleyes:

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-01-2005 06:35 PM

Yeah, but Assasin... you read his response, right? :rolleyes: Wow... I got a square kick right to the ego.

Encaitare 02-01-2005 07:01 PM

That's not so bad, Fea... at least you dared to hazard a guess in that thread and provided a decent explanation, whereas I just stare blankly and wish I could figure out the cryptic clue. :rolleyes:

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-01-2005 08:32 PM

Ah, but Encai, at least I can get some revenge with the screen name quiz. The phantom and I seem to be dominating currently. Some of those names are just plain mean. I just wish I hadn't been quite so full of myself...

Lathriel 02-02-2005 06:22 PM

Most of the embarrasing moments that were made were back in the day when we were Newbies.
So of course I made a mistake in one of my first few posts.
Since I was still learning about the LOTR actors and other trivia about the movies I wasn't fully informed about some facts.
I don't remember completely what the subject was, but it was something along the lines of which actor is the worst? Or which actor didn't fit in the movie.
I incorecctly stated that Hugo weaving looked like an American lost in ME. One of the senior members immediatly pointed out to me that he was Australian. I remember feeling VERY embarrased because I had been so confident when I had made the statement. Even now I feel extremely embarrassed.
So I made a policy, don't revisit your old posts cause you know you'll cringe. :(

Gil-Galad 02-03-2005 05:51 PM

aye...newbies...but now i'm the slick Gil-Galad

Eomer of the Rohirrim 02-04-2005 11:14 AM

Another confession
I remember when someone had started yet another 'Who were the Istari?' thread and I actually tried to give a good answer instead of ignoring it and waiting for it to be closed and deleted. I felt rather idiotic afterwards.

Come to think of it, judging by the quality of my early contribution, it would have surprised a couple of established Downers to see into the future and note that this newbie would last so long. :rolleyes: How did he manage it?

Captions and bribes. :smokin:

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 02-04-2005 12:47 PM

An Update
Being an interesting conversationalist must help a little, Eomer. :p

Thought you guys might be interested in learning about Sophia's newest self-humiliation. Or rather, what might be called a continuation of the old: See posts 441-444.

Almost three years dead and I still can't do anagrams!*blush*


Eomer of the Rohirrim 02-04-2005 02:13 PM

Lashings with the Cat O' Nine Tails for all of us....

Morgul Queen 02-08-2005 02:15 AM

*blushes* I got slightly drunk one night and posted the 23794629.98th Balrog Wing the Books forum.

I still feel really stupid about that...

Edit: Encaitare, I'm loving your avatar. I use those pictures of Hugo Weaving on MSN to make Luthien cringe. Try it, it's amusing!

BTW, did you know that one of the Priscilla guys is in Electra? I'm not saying who because it'll ruin the surprise.

Encaitare 02-08-2005 02:40 PM

Thanks, Morgy! No, I did not know that.. I have no plans to see Electra however, so I'll just look it up on the IMDb. ;)

To stay on topic.... yeeeeeaaahhh, about some of those older posts.... wow.

And this one time I kind of mixed up these dates, forgetting to convert to Shire-Reckoning or Not Shire-Reckoning, or something, and was corrected by Esty. Not at all meanly, of course, but I did feel rather silly. :rolleyes:

People seem to think I have my uses now, though. *prods shiny jewel*

DarkRose 02-08-2005 03:38 PM

Oh dear. There've been many embarassing moments for me during my stay at the Downs, some more memorable than others..

When I was just a wee newb, I tried to go around pointing out details and bits of info and answering questions when I really wasn't even sure of the answers. :P One such incident was when I mistakenly (and smugly) told someone that Gandalf does not touch the Ring when he throws it into the fire, but rather swats the envelope containing the Ring in. Well, the discussion was about the books and not the movie, and Estelyn graciously pointed out my error. It was embarrassing, but I learned not to answer others so brashly!

Also, one of my first posts on the 'Downs was titled "SHELOB!??!" with content something like "OMG, lyke, is Shelob gunna be in TTT or NoT?!!?!" Needless to say, it wasn't exactly the best way to make a good first impression. Oi vey. The shame!

In retrospect, I see that I've made many moronic posts and generally acted idiotically in some instances, but I can only learn from past embarrassments and act properly from here on out. :P

Assasin 02-11-2005 01:38 AM

Ouch, Feanor! I just read the reply, at least you covered up for it fairly well..... I would probably have just ignored the thread.

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-11-2005 08:51 AM


I would probably have just ignored the thread.
Ah, but what you fail to realize is that even though I've looked in on the thread, I'm generally terrified to try again. Haha. My ego, although stronger than most, can only take so much bruising. :p


The Only Real Estel 02-11-2005 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Fea:

Ah, but what you fail to realize is that even though I've looked in on the thread, I'm generally terrified to try again. Haha. My ego, although stronger than most, can only take so much bruising
Lol, if I did that I think I'd be only looking in & not posting on pretty much the entire forum! :D

Milord Aldagrim 02-16-2005 04:13 PM

I remember one time, when I was here a few years ago as Aldagrim Proudfoot, I responded to the wrong person. They had similar names and I think they were married, but I think I insulted her.

the phantom 02-22-2005 03:10 PM

I believe that a certain false report which was corrected today takes the top prize as the most embarrassing moment for BDers in general.

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-22-2005 03:30 PM

I think you might be right, phantom.

Bęthberry 02-22-2005 04:34 PM

I don't think that anyone who responded to that story with a good heart and honest intentions should be embarassed about his or her part.

mark12_30 02-22-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
I remember when someone had started yet another 'Who were the Istari?' thread and I actually tried to give a good answer instead of ignoring it and waiting for it to be closed and deleted. I felt rather idiotic afterwards.

Come to think of it, judging by the quality of my early contribution, it would have surprised a couple of established Downers to see into the future and note that this newbie would last so long. :rolleyes: How did he manage it?

Captions and bribes. :smokin:

Eomer, sometimes I check out those 'answers to obvious questions' just because it's interesting to see what the newbies who respond, do say. Sometimes it's a pretty quick indicator of whether they are on the ball or not, whether they know M-E or not.

My vague impression was that you got off to a pretty fair start.

Rilwen Gamgee 02-23-2005 01:47 AM

My most embarrassing B-Ds moment(s)? Read my first few...50 posts or so, and you won't have much trouble finding them; most of which were posted in the You Know You're Obsessed with LotR When... topics. (I don't bother deleting them, because some of them are somewhat amusing to read! :rolleyes: ) It was in one of them that I posted a comment that has haunted me for about a year.

In some random post of mine, I wrote that my mom wanted to make a "SAVE THE ENTS!" t-shirt; Ainaserkwen posted that she already made some and attatched pictures of them to her post. Out of plain-and-simple newbie-confusion, I replied by stating that I had not asked to see the pictures, but that I liked them anyway (which I did, and still do; they were quite nifty). I soon realized the rather rudeness of my post. So, I would like to apologize for my actions: I'm sorry, Aina. :( :)


I believe that a certain false report which was corrected today takes the top prize as the most embarrassing moment for BDers in general.

I don't think that anyone who responded to that story with a good heart and honest intentions should be embarassed about his or her part.
Can't we simply be glad that she is now alive, indeed? Why would we be embarrassed if we should be relieved? I, for one, am certainly not embarrassed.

Feanor of the Peredhil 02-23-2005 09:13 AM

Not necessarily for us, but more for Crystal Heart. It has to be rather shocking to come back and learn that you're dead.

the phantom 02-23-2005 09:40 AM


Not necessarily for us, but more for Crystal Heart.
Bingo. That's what I meant.

The poor dear definitely has us beat in the embarrassment department.

I hope the nice "eulogies" people wrote for her are helping her get over it. :p

Eomer of the Rohirrim 02-23-2005 11:23 AM

Thanks Helen! *wipes away tear* :D So kind.

But I think I still have embarrassing moments all the time. Like when I go off on an absurd tangent (usually with Mithalwen :rolleyes: - bad influences on each other) and get told off by a moderator. A ridiculous 'newbie' thing to do, of course.

There are times, though, when you just feel embarrassed for other people. Like when you're reading an old thread and smack in the middle of it you'll come across a post that goes something like "Legolas was WAY better than Aragorn LOLOL!!!!!" That's just a terrible thing to face.

mark12_30 02-23-2005 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
There are times, though, when you just feel embarrassed for other people. Like when you're reading an old thread and smack in the middle of it you'll come across a post that goes something like "Legolas was WAY better than Aragorn LOLOL!!!!!" That's just a terrible thing to face.

You're right, that IS terribly embarassing. Truly cringe-worthy. I mean, come ON ppl, anybody with half a CLUE would know for a fact that Roggie of Morgoth was the hottest of all. Sheesh.

Lalwendë 02-23-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
But I think I still have embarrassing moments all the time. Like when I go off on an absurd tangent (usually with Mithalwen - bad influences on each other) and get told off by a moderator. A ridiculous 'newbie' thing to do, of course.

Meh. I do this all the time too. And let me tell you, it makes me feel embarrassed, and then I go and do it again. :o

But anything anyone posts in their early days is more likely to be slightly embarrassing, so in my eyes, it's not really embarrassing at all. That's why I'm particularly impressed when new members make amazing posts. :)

Lhunardawen 02-25-2005 06:21 AM

This would be confusing...
I feel embarrassed that I felt embarrassed for (privately) falling for the Crystal Heart joke. And even telling my brother Nilpydude about it.

Didn't get it? Read again.

Mithalwen 02-27-2005 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
But I think I still have embarrassing moments all the time. Like when I go off on an absurd tangent (usually with Mithalwen :rolleyes: - bad influences on each other) and get told off by a moderator. A ridiculous 'newbie' thing to do, of course.

Should I be embarrassed because I am not embarrassed by going of at a tangent? I get annoyed when I go widely OFF TOPIC - especially if it is because I have let someone wind me up, but I have no shame regarding Tolkien related flights of fancy eg "Did Bill Ferny die?" and the digressions on Isildur's hair/Hare.. sometimes you come across these quirky little threads that need to be a chance to stretch their wings .... and I think it is a shame we have had our wrist slapped for taking our designations too literally in "Reputations". While, I know I err on the side of froth and bubble, and feel I should make more effort with the serious stuff, ~ I would not come so much, if at all if it were all deadly serious. And with that I am off to change my sig.

The Saucepan Man 02-27-2005 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
... and I think it is a shame we have had our wrist slapped for taking our designations too literally in "Reputations" ... I would not come so much, if at all if it were all deadly serious.

The way I see it, there is a big difference between humorous on-topic posts and banter which reduces threads to little more than an excuse to chat. The Reputations thread, which was originally intended as a place where people could raise questions about the Rep system, descended quite significantly into the latter. I have no problem with the occasional "off the cuff" post, but moderators would not be doing their duty if they did not step in when this becomes execessive. Without the guidelines which have been established here being observed, the on-topic humour and serious discussion would be lost amidst the "froth and bubble" of chat.

Mithalwen 02-27-2005 02:49 PM

Well, OK , but, it is not helpful to be told to run along to the chatroom when timezones provide an insurmountable issue. The Coming of Age club is a more gossipy environment but effectively it means that you can only be sociable with those of your own generation. And so it is harder not to stray. And so once again I go off topic............... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

Estelyn Telcontar 02-27-2005 02:57 PM

There are plenty of other members in or near your time zone, Mithalwen - and some of them are in the chat room... :)

Mithalwen 02-27-2005 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Estelyn Telcontar
There are plenty of other members in or near your time zone, Mithalwen - and some of them are in the chat room... :)

I went there once and they were listing vegetables...I swear.... and it is not really a conscious desire to chat as ....... oh never mind.... I have "a glib tongue which will talk ...(me) to the gallows.." .. I am going to go before I really get embarrassed.....

Bęthberry 02-27-2005 03:02 PM

Mithalwen, the chat room is "open" 24/7. There are many Europeans who hang out there; some younger than you; some older. Do you want to chat during work hours or in the evening? Or are you a nightowl? I'm sure you can find people there. Sauce manages to be there at the most amazing hours. ;) Chat ebbs and flows, but try it out.

Oh, and introduce yourself to me when you come (in case you change your nick). I'm the Op called Bethberry. :D

Lalwendë 02-27-2005 04:01 PM

Like Mithalwen I'm a bit known for going off topic too, (I have to add, I've always been the same, many hours spent in library corner at primary school for excesive chatter only delighted me as I got to read more books). So, the other day I had a 'nose' at this chat room thingy, but it did not seem to have any conversation going at all. So, not just for my sake but for the sake of staying on-topic in future, was I doing something wrong when it came up with just a list saying license type stuff? And do I need to use my screen name? New fangled things like that scare me when they dont seem to work right :eek: . I hope that makes sense, I'm heavily dosed up right now - I have a bad ear infection so am truly like a bear with a sore head. :( davem has dared me to say exactly what symptoms I have but that would be going off-topic again... :rolleyes:

the guy who be short 03-06-2005 10:43 AM

The shame... The shame...

Ahem. Well. Er. How to say this...

This was in a Tolkien and Racism thread and I... er... misguidedly pointed out how I thought everybody evil came from the South or East. I was sent on a one way trip to Angmar and Thangorodrim (in two pieces) for my folly. :p

Holbytlass 08-01-2005 04:40 PM

As my original self, Hobbitlass, I had posted in One thing in common thread which is a game. I didn't know that players had 10 days to give answers, I was so annoyed that I gave the answer after only a couple of days. Rightly, people were annoyed and nicely let me know. Quite a shame really, it was one of my (very few) rather clever questions.

Durelin 08-02-2005 08:04 AM

Something called 'TTT Movie Lovers Club'...

*crawls under a nice big rock*

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