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Encaitare 05-12-2005 02:24 PM

Sounds like an interesting game that I would like to try sometime in the future, but I won't have internet access for the next few days. I'd like to see it in the works, though, so I'll have a good idea of what to do the next time around.

bilbo_baggins 05-12-2005 02:48 PM

So we have the 12 players, I think. When do we start, Barrow-Wight?


The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 02:55 PM

Werewolf starting in 1 hour
With 12 players signed up, I will randomly select roles and send out PMs before 6PM tonight. It's already 5 PM, but I'll waiting another 30 mins or so to see if anyone else wants to join in this game.

the guy who be short 05-12-2005 03:04 PM

Hmm... I'm interested, but I have my final day of school tomorrow so I won't be able to play this time. I trust there'll be more games after the first?

Evisse the Blue 05-12-2005 03:18 PM

I'd like to join in the next game too, I think.
This looks like a fun game. :)

The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 03:25 PM

Assuming that people enjoy Werewolf here as much as they seem to on other sites, we will probably play several games.

The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 03:27 PM

Last call for anyone wanting to get into this game. I have to go out for a bit, starting at 6PM, so I am going to assign roles and send out PMs to everyone in just a few minutes. It is 5:26PM now, and I will close the enrollment at 5:40PM.

The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 03:51 PM

Let the game begin!
Enrollment for the first game of Barrow-Downs Werewolf is now closed.

Players for this game are:
  • mormegil
  • The Saucepan Man
  • the phantom
  • Primrose Bolger
  • Anguirel
  • Firefoot
  • Oddwen
  • Feanor of the Peredhil
  • Shelob
  • bilbo_baggins
  • Kuruharan
  • Mithalwen

All players should look for a PM shortly to show your roles.

All werewolves have until 6AM tomorrow morning to decide which one villager will be killed.

The seer has until 6AM tomorrow morning to name a player to dream about.

Good luck!

The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 04:12 PM

I've sent PMs to all players notifying each of their role in this game.

Remember that people can see who you are sending PMs to by looking on the WHO'S ONLINE page, so make yourself INVISBLE (See Edit Options in your User Panel).

Only the werewolves and the seer should be sending PMs in the game.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-12-2005 06:44 PM

Quick question: will we be playing on this thread, or will there be a new one opening to accomadate the actual game?

The Barrow-Wight 05-12-2005 07:30 PM

All DAY discussions can occur right here in this thread.

Mithalwen 05-13-2005 06:12 AM

So.... is someone already dead.... should I be tripping over a corpse?

Anguirel 05-13-2005 06:29 AM

Who knows...
...perhaps you are a corpse!

Mithalwen 05-13-2005 06:37 AM

That thought did occur but it is so hard to tell seeing as we are all dead on the downs anyway... I could just be pottering around wondering about the rumours of lycanthropy in the village ....... however if I am the corpse and you know I am the corpse that must mean eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!

Careless talk costs lives Anguirel... ;)

Anguirel 05-13-2005 06:39 AM

Innocent, guv'nor
I don't have a tail. Honest. It's just, ah, very hot, and I'm wearing my best fur coat...

Mithalwen 05-13-2005 06:48 AM

A likely story... furs in May tsk tsk..... how do you feel about full moons... ?

However if there isn't a corpse...where is the justification for the lynching? Or do we assume a 13th NPC villager?

And is ther any significance that today is Friday the Thirteenth?

Anguirel 05-13-2005 06:55 AM

It's just too early for the Barrow-Wight to come and announce if there's a kill, I think, as it's something like 7:00 AM EST. Let's be patient...the events of the night will be the talk of the village square all too soon...

The Barrow-Wight 05-13-2005 07:04 AM

Day 1
Alarm! A horrible discovery awaits the villagers as they awake. A trail of blood and gore leads to a corpse so badly mangled that it is almost impossible to identify. Only when someone recognizes the dead parrot beside the body does the crowd realize who has been slain - Shelob!

Perhaps she's only stunned. No, she's not stunned'! She's passed on! Shelob is no more! She has ceased to be! She's expired and gone to meet 'er maker! She's a stiff! Bereft of life, she rests in peace! 'Er metabolic processes are now 'istory! She's off the twig! She's kicked the bucket, She's shuffled off 'er mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-SHELOB!!

How terrible for poor Shelob , but life goes on for the rest of you. All players now have until 6AM tomorrow (14 May) to discuss publicly (here on this thread) suspicions and ideas, and to cast a bold vote for who will be hanged. There are 11 players remaining, so 6 votes = automatic lynching. You may change your vote anytime before a majority is reached, but once I count 6 for one person, it's all over!

Let the fun begin!

  • mormegil
  • The Saucepan Man
  • the phantom
  • Primrose Bolger
  • Anguirel
  • Firefoot
  • Oddwen
  • Feanor of the Peredhil
  • bilbo_baggins
  • Kuruharan
  • Mithalwen

  • Shelob (Villager) - killed by werewolves during Night 1

Werewolves: 3
Villagers: 8

NOTICE: Though the DAY/NIGHT cyles may change at 0600, I am unlikely to be functional until 0700 or 0800 on my best days. Please be patient. It often takes a while for my morning miruvor to kick in. Thanks. ~BW~

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 07:27 AM

The Saucepan Mandid it! I swear, I heard pots clanging around last night. I was simply minding my own business, dreaming away the night, and wishing that I had a nice big pot of tea to wake up to, and what do I hear but clanging and banging! I swear it! Let's burn 'im! I'll bet he even weighs the same as a duck! Come on all and let's get lynching!

The Barrow-Wight 05-13-2005 07:30 AM

A reminder: You can discuss people and mention their names all DAY, but when I see a name in bold , that's a vote. Just checking to make sure you all understand this.

Anguirel 05-13-2005 07:59 AM

Hmmm. The question has to be asked, who among us is famous for molesting innocent spider-things? bilbo_baggins comes to mind. I'm not formally accusing him, just declaring a very slight suspicion.

But the Saucepan Man could be quite near the truth, as well. If Feanor heard pots in the night...I always knew his eyes were somewhat close together...certainly, he will have to have a convincing alibi...

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 08:09 AM

And besides... The Saucepan Man... Sam Gamgee anyone? And who can tell us who stabbed Shelob in the books! Bingo, you've got it, thanks very much, and have a nice day.

bilbo_baggins 05-13-2005 08:13 AM

Though I can definitely tell you that we can find nothing out for real, we can have a lot of fun lynching...

And, anyway, Sam was the one who hurts Shelob, not me. I'm comatose in Rivendell by then... :)

Does everyone realize that the werewolves are going to be the one who will speak the least! (Now how many are going to speak up after I say that?)

I might add that Feanor did cast the first stone...


Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 08:18 AM

Who says the werewolves will speak last? They could be among us right now, listening to us betraying each other! Nevertheless... I think you might have done it. Comatose in Rivendell when I know perfectly well that you were in town all night last night when poor dear Shelob was murdered. You're lying already! It could very well be you the werewolf, and would I ever know? No! Not until you attack me in my sleep, interrupting such wonderfully informative dreams of flowers and llamas and many other things of that nature. And I would be dead. D. E. D. Dead.

Anguirel 05-13-2005 08:25 AM

My conclusions
Nevertheless, I have been swayed. We must unite, villagers. The textual, contextual and environmental case against...(dramatic pause)...++The Saucepan Man is extremely strong. Unless he defends himself adequately, I say we hang him by the neck until he is dead, as is compatible with the Village's 122nd Constitutional Decree. Who is with me?

EDIT: This vote has been reconfirmed! Ha!

The Saucepan Man 05-13-2005 08:28 AM

Alas poor Shelob ...

The Saucepan Man did it! I swear, I heard pots clanging around last night.
Well, as I slept soundly throughout the night, it cannot have been me that you heard. Perhaps it was the wind rattling my pots and pans where they were hung for the night. Or perhaps it's a stitch up ...

I say we search everyone's kitchen for signs of recently disturbed culinary equipment!

Then again, how are we to determine whether Feanor of the Peredhil is to be believed. It seems to me quite possible that the person who committed the foul deed would be the first to rush in and hurl wild accusations about.

And what about the phantom? He is of course a creature of the night and so quite at home prowling about during the hours of darkness.


I always knew his eyes were somewhat close together...
That's rich coming from someone whose eyebrows meet in the middle ... :p ;)

Anguirel 05-13-2005 08:32 AM

Quite an eloquent defence. Just as you'd expect from someone who learnt his powers of rhetoric from Sauron himself! Hang him, hang him I say...

bilbo_baggins 05-13-2005 08:44 AM

FEAR! FIRE! FOES! Awake, Awake! FEAR! FOES! Awake!

I think that we must needs discuss this at length before deciding because we have until nightfall (6 AM tomorrow, EST) before we will be hunted again.

Why are Feanor and Anguirel so bloodthirsty? I think they didn't get to drink enough last night when they killed Shelob!

Fear! Foes!

Rise, villagers. I call you not to hang anyone, but to decide in a council of gravity what we are to do. Shall we ask the eldest members of our brethren to lead? Or shall we all have equal say? What say you?


Kuruharan 05-13-2005 08:57 AM

I do have to admit, I kind of agree with bilbo and Saucepan Man that it is at least a little odd the way Feanor came galloping up from out of nowhere and started throwing accusations around like they were going out of style...

Oddwen 05-13-2005 08:58 AM

Aye, and what of them that hasn't shown their faces yet? Still in bed, tired from last night's ravening?

It's as plain as the warts on yer faces that ++FIREFOOT's been rather flaky lately! And even the name...'Fire-Foot'...sounds suspicious to me! Draw and quarter 'em, I say! Hangin's too good for scum like these!

mormegil 05-13-2005 09:24 AM

I am in agreement with Oddwen. I think Firefoot is the culprit. Notice how tired Firefoot is today. That tells me that we have our werewolf.

The Saucepan Man 05-13-2005 09:30 AM

Rash votes cost innocent lives.

I think that we must needs discuss this at length before deciding because we have until nightfall (6 AM tomorrow, EST) before we will be hunted again.
Quite. Every innocent villager hung represents a victory for the dread beasts of the night.

Like others, Feanor and Anguirel are top of my suspect list at the moment. But I intend to reserve judgement until I have heard more.

Anguirel 05-13-2005 09:55 AM

The spirit of calm is prevailing. I suppose you're right, even if you have been a bit tricksy of late. We need to discuss the situation rationally. I retract my accusation.

Mithalwen has been strangely quiet after her initial inquiries...but could not be her...after all, she is of the Quendi...isn't she? Still, still, some say they skulk in elf form as well. Let a swift rider be dispatched to Nargothrond to see if the rumours are true.

In the meantime, there is no place for name-calling and prejudice in this village, and, though it pains me to say it, Oddwen's ridiculous and ill-founded lambasting of our friendly neighbourhood warhorse would seem to hint that she is either dangerously rash...or not one of us.

I believe Feanor acted in good faith, out of grief at the stricken spider, who was very dear to her. Accuse her not. She merely tried to do her duty.

What of the phantom? A dread spirit of darkness and wrath; 'twould be no great surprise to find him a visitor at Tol-in-Gaurhoth...

Primrose Bolger 05-13-2005 10:11 AM


. . . and what of them that hasn't shown their faces yet?
We sleep the sleep of the innocent!


Does everyone realize that the werewolves are going to be the one who will speak the least!
'Twas bilbo_baggins who came up with that reasoning. To throw us off the track, I think.

They'll be yammering away from the first, those shadowspawn will. Though, I'm thinking they'll let the innocent raise the alarm, then they'll stick their wolfish noses in . . . and all the while laughing at us, and licking their lips at the prospect of taking another down.

It's bilbo_baggins who bears watching in my mind.

The Barrow-Wight 05-13-2005 10:21 AM

To make things even easier for your poor, blind moderator, please post votes in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. Thanks!

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 10:30 AM


It seems to me quite possible that the person who committed the foul deed would be the first to rush in and hurl wild accusations about.
And since when does being an early riser mean that one is capable of murder? I slept badly last night, plagued by bad dreams, and then when I wake to find one of my friends of the village murdered in her sleep, you blame ME for it? Your evidence is circumstancial at best, and you must believe me... I would never hurt a spider. Just ask Bokkie in the chat room... I have my big brother do things like that for me. Not that I would in this case... Shelob was such a nice girl, and now *weep* she's gone. Can't we all just get along?


Like others, Feanor and Anguirel are top of my suspect list at the moment.
Don't you all see? The suspect tries to cast blame on the suspicious! To tarnish my good name with calls of "werewolf" and "murderer"... You may as well just lynch me and get it over with.... Trying to kill a good and honorable person such as me... How dare you?

mormegil 05-13-2005 10:34 AM

Well dear Fea if you slept so poorly certainly you must have heard some commotion in the village. Pray tell us who you heard.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-13-2005 10:38 AM

What did I hear? I heard a scream, which I assumed was simply a bar fight. I heard snarls and growling, which I assumed to be my neighbor's dogs, and I heard the sound of pots and pans, which I assumed to be a dream. Now, I've gone and woken up and discovered the body of my dear friend, and am being accused of the wrong-doing by those who might have well done it themselves!

Anguirel 05-13-2005 10:42 AM

There, there, Feanor. It's all right.

Saucie, you blackguard. You've really upset her now. You're trying to play the wise mediator, but that sly lupine cruelty just keeps slipping through, to my mind.

I think the good, rustic sense Primrose is showing does credit to us all. She defends the innocent and helpless, and assaults the sophists. I say bilbo and The Saucepan Man, spider molesters the both of them, could have teamed up against the defenceless Shelob. But the bearer of pots is the ringleader, based on my analysis hitherto. Also, the phantom still hasn't tried to defend his character. Does that prove his honesty? Or darken his name?

Alack, there are so many miscreants in this blighted village that I cannot yet decide who to condemn outright. Interesting to note, though, are the frequent duels we have all witnessed between the Saucepan Man and the Phantom. Is this antipathy a cover-up for their blood drenched schemes?

Mithalwen 05-13-2005 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Mithalwen has been strangely quiet after her initial inquiries...but could not be her...after all, she is of the Quendi...isn't she? Still, still, some say they skulk in elf form as well. Let a swift rider be dispatched to Nargothrond to see if the rumours are true.


I have been in gainful employment in those hours which correspond with those I declaredearlier.Now Imust digest both the news of an innocent spider's death and these wild accusations...

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