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Boromir88 09-11-2008 08:27 PM

Rikae, you call it flattery, I would call it honesty.


I hate day one and think it's useless.~Fea

I agree with you whole-heartedly on this point.~Gwath

It's Day One. They're downright awful.~Fea
Alright everyone, let's get the Day 1 hatred out of our system. You have nothing but unfound speculations and baseless complaints against Day 1. Let's just get it all out now, forget the pity party, and move on to some other useless topic to argue over.

Fea would admit to wolvishness, but last time she tried that ploy it got her team team lynched in 3 days. And what's funny is she actually hasn't admitted to wolvishness...yet.

I wish there was some sort of empirical system based on the Laws of Science, then finding the wolves would be as easy as creating the loud boom in fireworks. Maybe then people would stop whining about how Day 1's are so unbearable.

Nilpaurion Felagund 09-11-2008 08:43 PM

Sousuke Aizen:
'No one starts on the top of the world.

Not you, not me, not even the gods.

But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over.

From now on, I will be sitting on it.'

Nerwen 09-11-2008 09:31 PM

I sense a great disturbance in the Force... as if a major player in That Other Fandom had suddenly met with a tragic, untimely end.:cool:

(And you'd better not try lynching me for that. I have a lightsaber.)

Now, which of us do I suspect of having started down the dark path, which will forever dominate their destiny?

Those whose mindless babble clouds our judgement? (Standouts: Rikae, Lalwendė.)

Those who appear paranoid? (I sense much fear in Nogrod...)

Those who attack others? Anger, fear, aggression. The Dark Side of the Force are they. (Standouts: Boro, Rikae again.)


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 567436)
So, the question is, what kind of wolf does Rikae play as: bold, or boring?

Now, Gwath, a Padawan learner you are not. Seen an evil Rikae before, you have...

...Which makes me wonder why you're even bothering to ask this question.

This is a good point, however:


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 567445)
It's convenient how this post essentially exonerates Rikae for voting against Sally and condemns everyone else who does the same. I'm using hyperbole, of course, but just enough to make my point.

EDIT: X'd with Boro and Nilp.

Nilpaurion Felagund 09-11-2008 09:51 PM

God of rain's mind not working.

Maybe later, I'll actually post something more useful.


Gwathagor 09-11-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 567454)
Now, Gwath, a Padawan learner you are not. Seen an evil Rikae before, you have...

...Which makes me wonder why you're even bothering to ask this question.

I was thinking out loud - or, rather, on-screen.

Brinniel 09-11-2008 11:28 PM

Hmmmm....looking through the Day it seems Rikae's been getting plenty of attention and might be a possible lynch candidate. And as far as Day 1's go, that probably means she is innocent...

After last game, I can't help but get that frustrated ordo feeling...whoever I suspect seems to turn out innocent. So perhaps this time I should just vote for people I don't really suspect. :rolleyes:

Okay, it's late and my brain is still adjusting to the whole school mode (I just started on Tuesday), so I admit I'm having a little trouble transitioning back into a WW mindset....or maybe it's just Day 1 syndrome. Due to classes, I'm going to have to vote 3-4 hours early. I have no idea who to vote for...we'll see what happens in the next several hours; I might just have to vote completely random. Anyways, apologies that I won't be around much toDay...but I will have plenty of time to devote to WW come this weekend. That is...if the werewolves don't get me first (and apparently they find me quite tasty :Merisu: ).

Night all, I'll be back to post/vote in 7 or 8 hours. And if anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping on the Big Brother set. :cool:

Isabellkya 09-11-2008 11:47 PM

*a flute playing, can be heard*

I think you would say you were an ordo, if you weren't Rikae.
So, if Shasta had voted for you Rikae, you would vote for yourself? xD

I can't help it, but every time I see Omnicon - I think of Necronomicon.. ex-mortis!

I think Fea is just trying to bait a reaction out of someone; nothing was admitted.

*music fades*

Shastanis Althreduin 09-12-2008 12:42 AM


I asked my crystal ball - some guy said it was a cheap Magic 8-ball, can you believe that? I zapped him with a Jelly-Legs Jinx, just like Hermione would - and it says to look in my past.

My past, huh?


Boromir88 09-12-2008 02:21 AM

Shasta, so you fully intend to let our thrilling history effect your vote, eh? Let me ask, are you using the past as a cover?

Macalaure 09-12-2008 02:38 AM


I have to admit that the only thing I found worth remarking so far is Brinniel dedicating half of her last post to making excuses why she won't catch a wolf today:

Originally Posted by Brinn
After last game, I can't help but get that frustrated ordo feeling...whoever I suspect seems to turn out innocent. So perhaps this time I should just vote for people I don't really suspect. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Brinn
I have no idea who to vote for...we'll see what happens in the next several hours; I might just have to vote completely random.

Why would one say such a thing 7-8 hours before the actual vote?


Originally Posted by Brinn
Hmmmm....looking through the Day it seems Rikae's been getting plenty of attention and might be a possible lynch candidate. And as far as Day 1's go, that probably means she is innocent...

She's also establishing the idea of Rikae as a possible lynch candidate while simultaneously distancing herself from it.

Other than that, I don't know. Gwath's points seem a little forced maybe, but everyone else's behavior looks neither very suspicious nor innocent to me. But the day is still young.


Originally Posted by Isabellkya
So, if Shasta had voted for you Rikae, you would vote for yourself? xD

She would have. Without a blink of hesitation. ;)

Rikae 09-12-2008 04:19 AM

Popping in before work. I don't have much to observe, except that Gwath points out the obvious. Yes, my post does " exonerate me for voting against Sally and condemn everyone else who does the same". So?

I've had a bad feeling about Boro, and Shasta seems to as well (unless this is just a traditional sort of thing) - I'll keep watching him. He's too clever to obviously slip up, though, so hunches may be what it takes to catch a Boro-wolf.

Mac's observation about Brinniel is something I noted as well (regarding calling me a possible lynch candidate), however, the more I think about it, the more straightforward and innocent it looks. Nerwen might be worth looking at more closely, though. She's too experienced , I would think, to suspect someone for making a nonsense post as a test/way of stirring the pot.

Oh yes, and so far Macalaure looks innocent to me, if it matters to anyone. I may revise that opinion later.

Rikae 09-12-2008 04:27 AM

Just to add, I don't consider Gwath's stating the obvious to be wolfish. I've seen an innocent Gwath do similar things before.

(By the way, this is an awfully quiet village! The reason I didn't vote this morning was I thought I wouldn't possibly have time to catch up, but there were only a handful of posts... :rolleyes:)

Lalwendė 09-12-2008 05:06 AM

Well I enjoyed a lie-in this morning, and since then I've been attending to Iggle Piggle ;)

However, let's get the show on the road!

Initial Impressions-
Those who are innocent to me seem to be Rikae, Nerwen, Shasta. However right now, Brinniel, Boro and Fea seem fishy. The rest are flying under the radar which in itself is wolfy. I am running off my spidey sense right now so let's see what lunchtime brings...

Meanwhile, Makka Pakka is waiting for me to go and help wash some stones.

Macalaure 09-12-2008 05:24 AM

Awfully quiet today.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Oh yes, and so far Macalaure looks innocent to me, if it matters to anyone.

Yay! :)


Originally Posted by Rikae
I may revise that opinion later.

Naah! :p

Would somebody explain to me what's so suspicious about Boro? I don't see it.

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-12-2008 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by B88
Fea would admit to wolvishness, but last time she tried that ploy it got her team team lynched in 3 days. And what's funny is she actually hasn't admitted to wolvishness...yet.

When did I do that? I really don't even remember any more... In any case, in my experience there are two ways to play as a wolf: against a village of individuals or against a presumed Village. With individuals, you make your wolf choices based on what will cast light in certain directions, and what will exonerate you based on what people know. Against a Village, you make decisions based on hypotheticals which have nothing to do with actual members of the village, just with what ought to happen, in an experimental manner, if Wolf A performs Action B against Villager C. I tend to believe that on the first few days, most wolves play against a Village. Because they haven't yet had time to scope out who their most dangerous enemy will be, and why make themselves suspects by doing things that can actually be traced?

And really, Boro, do you think I'm going to admit I'm a wolf this early in the game, even if I am one?


Originally Posted by Boro
I wish there was some sort of empirical system based on the Laws of Science, then finding the wolves would be as easy as creating the loud boom in fireworks. Maybe then people would stop whining about how Day 1's are so unbearable.

Yeah, well, there isn't. So put up with my whining just a bit longer.

Mithalwen 09-12-2008 06:07 AM

OK Nogrod, I didn't cast suspicion on you then - I merely didn't want you tampering with my genes - NOT the same thing. People misrepresenting me always raises my alarm bells so I am NOW suspicious of you.


As for Boromir .... I am not sure yet - but I know there have been plenty of times when innocent Boromir has stirred up day ones and got himself lynched for his trouble and there is enough History between him and Fea for that not to be an issue in itself (I moderated the Boro-seer game ). However I know they are both capable of being sneaky confident wolves. I am going to hang fire on both til I have heard more.

More inclined to suspect the quiet at the moment .

Boromir88 09-12-2008 06:19 AM


When did I do that? I really don't even remember any more...~Fea
Mith's game with only the seer, dear.


And really, Boro, do you think I'm going to admit I'm a wolf this early in the game, even if I am one?
Yes. Whether you admit it, or not, the question is are you one? No.


OK Nogrod, I didn't cast suspicion on you then - I merely didn't want you tampering with my genes - NOT the same thing. People misrepresenting me always raises my alarm bells so I am NOW suspicious of you.~Mith
But you could be a wolf hiding behind the role playing to look like your contributing. But I've personally experienced the inner working of your mind as a wolf, my dear, and I know you do not hide behind a role, as you know it's a nice wolf ploy on day 1, nice one...but noticeable one. Thus, you are no wolf.

Sorry Mac I think your interpretation against Brin is horribly wrong. Although I've learned through the years that you simply can't be against something, you have to be for something. So, here's what I'm for...Mac, buddy, you are a wolf sticking your paws into the village early.

Mithalwen 09-12-2008 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 567477)
But you could be a wolf hiding behind the role playing to look like your contributing. But I've personally experienced the inner working of your mind as a wolf, my dear, and I know you do not hide behind a role, as you know it's a nice wolf ploy on day 1, nice one...but noticeable one. Thus, you are no wolf.

While I know you have been unfortunate enough to be exposed to the weird vagaries of my psychology more than most, I am not yet discounting the possibility that you know I am not a wolf because I am not in your pack... however if you were a wolf exploiting privileged knowledge of my mindset you would know how I feel about certainty as a wolvish trait.... :p

Mithalwen 09-12-2008 06:40 AM

Well I have work to do ... should be back ina couple of hours until the end... I hope things may be clearer then.

Boromir88 09-12-2008 06:47 AM


however if you were a wolf exploiting privileged knowledge of my mindset you would know how I feel about certainty as a wolvish trait.... ~Mith
And you know that I had to keep reminding myself not to be so certain. :cool:

I kind of like this game of I know what you know, and you know that I know what you know.

Lalwendė 09-12-2008 07:18 AM

Post-Dinner time take:

Rikae - No
Nerwen - No
Feanor of the Peredhil - Possibly
Boromir88 - No
Nilpaurion Felagund - Possibly
Nogrod - No
Gwathagor - Possibly
satansaloser2005 - Possibly
McCaber - No idea
Shastanis Althreduin - No
Brinniel - Possibly
Mithalwen - No idea
Isabellkya - Possibly
Lalwendė - No
Kath - No idea
CaptainofDespair - No idea
Macalaure - No

I'll wait and see before casting me vote :smokin:

Brinniel 09-12-2008 07:27 AM

Oh yes, I almost forgot...I have a tendency to get lynched on the rare Days I'm not there to defend myself. :rolleyes: :p

Seriously, I wish I had more time to think things out but I overslept so I have even less time than I expected. I can't be late to my first class, so I need to vote now. I promise if I'm still around, I'll actually be able to analyse and participate come toMorrow.

So, my vote:

*writes down her vote and shows it to the crowd Survivor-style*


Call it a backlash vote or whatever, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable about someone when they make a case against me based on a few short statements I made...especially when he knows I won't be around later to defend myself. I don't know if there'll be any accuracy in my vote, but I'm out of time and he's the first name that came up.

Sorry mate. And again, apologies that I can't be around for deadline. I hate when that happens.

Boromir88 09-12-2008 07:33 AM


Would somebody explain to me what's so suspicious about Boro? I don't see it.~Mac
Thank you sir for bringing that to my attention. What's funny is I'm kind of in this zone and I really didn't notice this until I took a look for myself. Doesn't mean you aren't a wolf, but I applaud you for bringing this to my attention. Let's see...


Boro's sudden and quick change of mind with Fea is interesting. There seems to be no reason for it. If he was trying something (as an innocent) he would have let time pass and get some feedback but now he turned his tail after one banterish reply. I mean people do have fun and they should. But there are always things behind your rants and turn-arounds.~Nogrod

Boro: His manner of careless and easy accusation stands out. He could be a wolf trying to appear casual and flippant, like an ordo confident of his own innocence. Or, it could be genuine; maybe he's just taking advantage of the relative inactivity of the first few hours of the game to have some fun? I can't decide yet.~Gwath

and Boro is a flatterer. Everyone knows one should never trust a flatterer.~Rikae

Those who attack others? Anger, fear, aggression. The Dark Side of the Force are they. (Standouts: Boro, Rikae again.)~Nerwen


I've had a bad feeling about Boro, and Shasta seems to as well (unless this is just a traditional sort of thing) - I'll keep watching him. He's too clever to obviously slip up, though, so hunches may be what it takes to catch a Boro-wolf.~Rikae again
(For some info, last time I did a awfully (yet wickedly evil) bluff and got Shasta, the real Ranger lynched. Shasta vowed revenge, but I'm wondering if he's hiding behind that cover now.)


However right now, Brinniel, Boro and Fea seem fishy.~Lalwende
That's 6 different people (either jokingly, or not) mentioning some sort of (mostly minor) uneasiness about me. There are 17 people (including me) in this village. That is now a mathematical probablility that one of those people above is a wolf.

Now watch carefully Fea, because you said there is no empirical system, well I'm about to figure one out, so hold on...

Edit: crossed with Brin

Gwathagor 09-12-2008 07:46 AM

I wish I could stick around and participate in the discussion, but I have to run off. I'll be back in time for the deadline, but I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not trying to be extra-quiet and slide under the radar. It's inadvertent.

Gwathagor 09-12-2008 07:49 AM

Oh, wait.

I just checked the DL again and I'm NOT going to be able to make it, which means I have to vote now.


She mentioned that my stating the obvious did not look guilty. Perhaps she's trying to flatter me into not suspecting her?

Macalaure 09-12-2008 07:56 AM

Mildly suspicious:

Brinn - I still think her comments were strange, but apparently I'm the only one. So, yeah... :rolleyes:
Fea - Her tone following Boro's comments is a bit too defensive for my liking. Not much, but enough to make her mildly suspicious.
Gwath - tense

No idea:

Boro - Stirs the pot, which is good. Usually a wolf wouldn't want to step on too many toes right from the beginning on, but since I'm on the receiving side of his suspicion, I'm a little wary.
CoD - *shrug*
Isabell - more *shrug*
Lal - Not sure, could be anything
Nerwen - Throws mild suspicion into each direction. I need to read more of her before I can form any opinion.
Nilp - even more *shrug*
Sally - no hunch whatsoever

Mildly innocent:

Mith - I usually can't get a read on Mith, so I'm careful. So far, however, she seems innocentish.
Nogrod - quite sensible, although he hasn't said much yet.
Rikae - no alarms
Shasta - no red flags


Originally Posted by Brinn
Call it a backlash vote or whatever, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable about someone when they make a case against me based on a few short statements I made...especially when he knows I won't be around later to defend myself.

A case? I just pointed out a few lines that I thought looked fishy, especially since they were the only lines of everybody that seemed fishy to me at the time. Knowing you wouldn't be around at the deadline is certainly no reason not to.

CaptainofDespair 09-12-2008 08:01 AM


Day One, as was expected, has provided nothing.

I am disappointed in you, Day One. Shame on you for performing only up to expectations. I cannot have lazy good-fer-nothin's lazing about at the Grand Opening of Cluny's Con!

You are almost as bad as Cheesethief, except he died to keep me alive...

/end IC Talk...for now

Anywho, other than that nefarious Day One, I've got no real suspicions. I guess I could make an attempt at imagined ones.

Rikae and...umm...Mac...yess...they are suspicious to me. Or maybe...Boromir.

Bah...I do hope Day Two goes better. I've really got nothin'.

I really don't want to go out on a limb and vote to kill someone who, in all likelihood, will be innocent. I've toyed with the idea of voting for Day One, as it is pure evil and will keep a likely innocent in the game at least a night longer. But then again...we could get lucky.

I shall wait a little longer to vote...maybe I'll figure something out.

Edit: Well, I'm sticking to my guns. No random lynchings. I need something of substance.

++Day One

Macalaure 09-12-2008 08:45 AM

Oh, come on. Yes, half-random Day 1 votes aren't great, but not voting at all doesn't get us anywhere. :rolleyes:

Also, those half-random votes often bring some insights with them on Day 2, and you have just elegantly dodged that for yourself...

satansaloser2005 09-12-2008 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Captain
I really don't want to go out on a limb and vote to kill someone who, in all likelihood, will be innocent. I've toyed with the idea of voting for Day One, as it is pure evil and will keep a likely innocent in the game at least a night longer. But then again...we could get lucky.

I shall wait a little longer to vote...maybe I'll figure something out.

Edit: Well, I'm sticking to my guns. No random lynchings. I need something of substance.

++Day One

Seriously? No, really, you're bluffing right? This is one of those 'I'm going to let the Daleks think they can kill me but really my companion is bringing the TARDIS back in five minutes to save my behind' kind of things, right?

I just find this extremely....not good. (Late night, apologies. Off for a nap then I'll come back. And if I don't, as fair warning, it's because my computer's been acting up like none other.)

Boromir88 09-12-2008 09:10 AM


Brinn - I still think her comments were strange, but apparently I'm the only one. So, yeah...~Mac
I'll give you the wording of "lynch candidate," sounds like she's Rikae's executioner or something. But Brin has this "I really don't care what I say, and I don't care how people interpret what I say, so I'm just going to say what I want..." That is more consistent with an innocent, as someone with something to hide typically is a little more cautious.


A case? I just pointed out a few lines that I thought looked fishy, especially since they were the only lines of everybody that seemed fishy to me at the time. Knowing you wouldn't be around at the deadline is certainly no reason not to.
True, if you're innocent and got something to say, then say it, whether the person will be around for the deadline or not. However, whether you want to admit it or not, it was a case against Brin. A flimsy one, with some comments about a few lines (what does anyone expect from Day 1?), but it was a case nevertheless; just like the "cases" I will establish...right now.

Nogrod, get's .5 of a point for assuming I'd do something as an innocent, and that assumption is, well, wrong. And 1 point for his reaction to Mith saying his posting was a "worrying sign."

but making it conveniently just after Boro had called my name, looks interesting as well. Not impossibly ordo-Mith-like but not too reassuring either.
I looked Mith and my posts are 4 minutes apart. Now Mith's post is short, but I wouldn't throw out the possibility of a cross posting. (I don't always go back and edit to say who I crossed with). So, Mith, perhaps you would be kind to share...and be honest?

Nogrod: 1.5 points

Gwath, calm, reasonable, his thoughts are sound analysis. Certainly possible for a wolf, but that provides no reason to find him suspicious on Day 1. 0 Points.

Rikae, .5 point for joining the suspicions against me. .5 a point for telling Mac she noticed the same thing about Brin's remarks. -.5 for the sincerity here:

He's too clever to obviously slip up, though, so hunches may be what it takes to catch a Boro-wolf.
Now who's the flatterer? But seriously, you admit it's a hunch, I again commend you for that.

Rikae: .5 points

Nerwen, 1 point for hiding behind the character while saying who's suspicious.

Shasta, 1 point for hiding behind the vow of revenge. .5 point for what I see as a throw away vote. 1.5 points.

Lalwende, 1 point for posting and being present, yet not giving us any sort of depth as far as her thoughts. Seems like she's got an evil secret to hide. 1 point for being careful and staying out of any sort of confrontation. .5 for referring to me as fishy, then claiming:

Boromir88 - No
Lalwende: 2.5 points

Based on this study, which holds absolutely no biases -


and based on no study, but a gut reaction -


McCaber 09-12-2008 09:11 AM

Checking in here. Sorry I'm late, I had to finish laying the smackdown on a pack of dragons.

Here's my take on all this so far:
Boro seems innocent to me. Like someone said, I don't think a wolf would cause this much controversy early in the match.

Brin seems a little off to me, as does the Captain. Gwath and Mac both look fine by me.

So that's about all I got right now. I'll be back with my vote.

EDIT: crossed with Boro

Shastanis Althreduin 09-12-2008 09:15 AM

Boro, you of all people should know what assumptions do. And you're making a great many of them. :Merisu:

It's a pity Phantom isn't playing. I think you'd be perfect for a new rival, though. :rolleyes:

Boromir88 09-12-2008 09:22 AM

Wow, I have been making a lot of assumptions, yet I don't see anyone refuting them; just a handful of people saying I'm fishy or troubling them.

Feanor of the Peredhil 09-12-2008 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 567497)
It's a pity Phantom isn't playing. I think you'd be perfect for a new rival, though. :rolleyes:

I was going to invite him, but I thought it was too late for him to join. I even started the bribing PM: "You know you want to play, right? Too late! I signed you up!"


Boromir, I'm watching you closely. Oh yes, very closely indeed.

Nogrod 09-12-2008 09:26 AM

Okay. I finally got home. I think I have a couple of things to say at last..

Btw. Boro, you should visit my Spore when it's ready. There the evolutionary mechanism will be trimmed with 100% causality with no errors eg. the mutations are preplanned and will execute themselves as supervised. That's intelligent design... Your empirical machine seems to be a bit rusty & random. :rolleyes:

Boromir88 09-12-2008 09:35 AM


Your empirical machine seems to be a bit rusty & random.~Nogrod
Rusty? no. Random? Yes. The scary thing is I'm actually considering trusting it for my Day 1 vote, but I still find it to be more accurate than a dice roll or a hat pull.

The newer version, Bada Bing Bada Boom 2.0, I will be done with shortly, where I plan to successfully eliminate any randomness.

Fea, stare all you like.

Edit: By the way is spore? I've played the demo, it's terribly addicting.

McCaber 09-12-2008 09:35 AM

I have to go soon, so here's my semirandom vote:


for cryptic remarks and other general nonsense.

EDIT: crossed with Boro .. again

Nogrod 09-12-2008 09:40 AM

First. Boro asked me what I thought of Rikae's declaration of ordinariness. Well, I'm mainly interested in the motive behind that move. I mean making that kind of opening isn't exactly the most hilarious joke or the most ingenious or fresh move. So why would Rikae make it? Also it's hard to see it as a spontaneous reaction to anything (when one reacts spontaneously one may let that kind of banalities out from her keyboard) as she had known her role almost two days altready and she opened her first post with it.

Now I do sympathise with Rikae if she is an innocent indeed as I really felt relaxed and overwhelmingly happy when I heard I was innocent in the last game after a long period of special roles. But to say it aloud in your first post... So why?

I wouldn't like to lynch her for that but the declaration certainly raises eyebrows.


Originally Posted by Boro
By the way is spore?

Never played it as my PC is too old to run it... but I am the Spore anticipator as you know... :)

Lalwendė 09-12-2008 09:46 AM

My vote is cast for

++ Brinniel

For the following:


Originally Posted by Brinniel
Call it a backlash vote or whatever, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable about someone when they make a case against me based on a few short statements I made...especially when he knows I won't be around later to defend myself. I don't know if there'll be any accuracy in my vote, but I'm out of time and he's the first name that came up.

Alright, so she may be being honest, but there's honest and making too many apologies. And the best thing I have to go on during the first day is very basic psychology. Brinniel's behaviour best fits the bill for concealing a little too much.

Nogrod 09-12-2008 09:59 AM

Secondly this one from Gwath discussing Rikae caught my eye and the things he has been doing after it have raised my alarms a bit more. (underlining mine)

Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 567436)
At one point I would have pointed out that such a bold statement would be unlikely to come from a wolf, because it draws attention and attention is dangerous. My mistake was that I assumed that all wolves play the same way I do: low key. So, the question is, what kind of wolf does Rikae play as: bold, or boring?

My first question was the following: are we now supposed to think that as Gwath now plays clearly actively (raising points about people) he is not a wolf as when wolf he (always?) plays low key? Interestingly enough his post began with suspecting Rikae somewhat just on the grounds of her trying to declare herself innocent - and now he does about the same thing himself in the very same post albeit indirectly! :)

But it gets more interesting.

Nerwen pointed out that Gwath knows about Rikae playing a wolf and wondered why Gwath bothered to ask about it? And Gwath answered:

I was thinking out loud - or, rather, on-screen.
Which I find quite a peculiar one as answers go. So his question that he made about Rikae after his own indirect "I'm innocent" is somewhat fishy then? It makes me wonder at least.

But the last one is the one I got worried about.

Originally Posted by Gwath
I wish I could stick around and participate in the discussion, but I have to run off. I'll be back in time for the deadline, but I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not trying to be extra-quiet and slide under the radar. It's inadvertent.

Now comparing this with the other underlining in the first quote really sends shivers down my spine. So when he's a wolf he's quiet and now he has to explain that as he has to go it doesn't mean that he is being flying under the radar... :eek:

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