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Child of the 7th Age 09-03-2002 06:16 PM

Re: the grey peddler

OK, I confess. I did it. You can have the moderator toss me if you want. But, Bird, you can't kill hobbits and expect Child to do nothing. Anyways, I just gave them directions. sharon

Birdland 09-03-2002 10:30 PM

Birdie killed no hobbits, nooooo. Doggie killed hobbits. Bad dog!

Actually, it should have been stretched to two posts, 'Chile. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

It works. I was gonna send the family South, anyway. Hmmmmm, but maybe I should send them North, so Cimm can find some Snow Hobbits.

Susan Delgado 09-03-2002 11:18 PM

It looks like a great RPG, Birdie; can I join, pretty please? I'll be a "lost" Hobbit too. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Name: Amaranth
Race: Harfoot
Age: 34
Personal history: Originally from a northern village, but she ran away when the raids from the nearby village of Men became too frequent and destructive and she started fearing for her life. She's been wandering on her own for about two years now, gradually moving south. All she really wants is a place she can settle down where there won't be raids every other week, but so far she hasn't found anywhere she'd want to stay.

Birdland 09-03-2002 11:31 PM

Sure, Susan! Jump in whenever you think it is appropriate.

Gandalf_theGrey 09-03-2002 11:44 PM

Hey! Hello! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Now that my most recent travels are done, I've sent off to Bethberry some name suggestions for our respective ancestors of Sméagol and Déagol.

While coming up with names, the strangest song popped into my head: * drumroll please * ..............

Ever hear of a song called "Those Two Dreadful Children" by Cruella de Ville, played on the Dr. Demento Show?

* very evil grin *

Gandalf the Grey

Cimmerian 09-04-2002 08:55 AM

Great to have you on, Susan.

Barocas and Dinodas are on their way to get you... heh heh! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

piosenniel 09-05-2002 02:50 PM

Hey Bird! May I join?

Name: Camlost

Age: 7 years

Race: Corvus brachyrhynchos (common crow)

Personality: Gregarious, but wary, as he is often mistaken for a crebain. Intelligent, curious, and given to taking small items which strike his fancy. Was once captive in his youth, and lost one foot to the family dog. Can talk.

Weapons: Brain; swift flight; sharp, strong beak; wicked sense of humor

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Bęthberry 09-05-2002 05:21 PM

Hi All,

Just checking in to see how many messengers are left with the main group.

Ithaeliel and Aradaewen, I'm going to be writing a post which gets the Messengers to Bree. If I don't hear otherwise from you, I will be writing your characters into the post with Erling and Hob. After Bree, they will head south, looking for Stoors across the Mountains. Which way will you be heading? I'm assuming that Dinodas and Barocas will have the north covered.

pio, now, where did I leave Wyrd? *grins* Good to see you!

Susan Delgado, I don't believe we've met. Howdy. *curtsies*


[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Child of the 7th Age 09-05-2002 05:33 PM

Perry's going to the Old Ford. He wants to find out what's up among the big folk. Perhaps the human ranger can share some information.

Susan Delgado 09-05-2002 05:37 PM

Greetings, Bethberry. I've seen you around for a while but never spoke. Nice to finally meet you [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Child of the 7th Age 09-05-2002 05:54 PM

Hi Susan -- I don't think we'e met either. I'm Perry who is a ranger hobbit modelled on Trotter. So techically, I'm a lost hobbit, but I don't feel lost. I'm personally not much for living in a place like the Shire, but if it's good for the kuduk, I could be persuaded to help out and help others get there. I haven't made up my mind yet.

I've lived out here for many years. Right now I'm on the other side of the Anduin and the Mountains from you, but I'll eventually be heading back towards Bree.


Bęthberry 09-05-2002 06:17 PM

I've been scratching my head trying to figure out where we all are. Hob and Erling could get to Perry via Imladris (via Great East Road/ Old Forest Road), but I don't especially want to bring Rivendell into this. I had been thinking of going through the Redhorn Pass, farther south, which is the pass the Stoors took on their migrations. That means the Greenway to Tharbad and past Lothlorien (elves again! *gnashes teeth*). I am trying to use Fonstad's Atlas of Middle Earth but most of that is, of course, centuries later. I'm not even sure we should be talking about Bree. Wouldn't Staddle be more accurate?

Anyhow, this is a roundabout way of asking Susan, Elenna and Cimmerian where exactly their characters are, and Child if she wants to hitch up with Hob and Erling or if she has other plans for Perry. Birdie, where is the fatherless hobbit family? (Sorry, I've forgotten and should go back and read your posts.)

I have the feeling that we have several "grey" areas we can fill in here, since there are "forgotten villages".


Edit: okay, got it; near Old Ford.

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Bęthberry 09-05-2002 10:25 PM


Gandalf the Grey is going to be posting as Erling Greenhands from now on, so don't think he is 'taking over' my character.


Feel free to change Erling's name and anything else about him. I can go back and edit my post. I can't edit him out completely, because the relationship is what draws Hob out, so Erling needs to be there. But he's yours to play with. If there are substantial things you want me to change or add, PM or email me. But remember, Hob is mine, my love, yess , yess, he's my precioussss. *grins*


Birdland 09-05-2002 11:10 PM

Pio - YAY!!!! Welcome aboard. Did you know that my very first RPG character was a crow name Corvu in "Simian Shadow"? (May it rest in peace) Nostalgic tears spring to my eyes.

Bethberry - Post! Post! Post! We are looking forward to your and Gandalf's further participation. Redhorn Pass is doable. I always wondered what Ost-In-Edil is like this time of year. I am also considering the Gap of Rohan, since it would be fun to work Pukel-Men into the mix. I'm still thinking how the misused family will respond to their "Gift From the Maia".

Will your "evil" Stoors be living in Dunland, or near the Gladden Fields?

Child - You're walking into he middle of a "murder mystery". Wanna play "Good Ranger/Bad Ranger" with the miserable Cadda? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Susan - Crack that whip!

Gandalf_theGrey 09-05-2002 11:47 PM


Many thanks for taking me on as your messenger-partner Erling Greenhands and entrusting his character development to me. It is quite an honor, and one I hope I can be worthy of. * bows low in the Hobbit fashion *

Gandalf the Grey

Rose Cotton 09-06-2002 05:01 AM

Ya, and I'm Perry's faithfull sidekick.
I'm there to mess things up. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
I have no idea where my nickname came from.

Perry: Since you handle the bow so well I'm gonna call you Arrow. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
(Rose isn't a very good archer)

Of course Perry probably will make me wait outside and stuff. Oh well. Someday I'll be a big scary Ranger and other people will have to listen to me. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Cimmerian 09-06-2002 09:47 AM

'Crack the whip???' [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Is this that kind... er... nevermind. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Off to bree, and yes, Barocas was a bit drunk and he asumed he was walking when in truth he was seated on the pony. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Birdland 09-06-2002 10:20 AM

An honest mistake Cimm. Could have happened to anyone. (Oh Dinodas, you've got your hands full with this one.)

BTW - Where IS Dinodas?

Elenna 09-06-2002 01:38 PM

Reading books on how to deal with alcoholics, friend Birdie.

And I feel especially bad for Barocas's pony - if he can't tell whether he's riding or walking, that poor animal must be in a living nightmare.

Bęthberry 09-08-2002 08:35 PM

Hey, Ithaeliel,

It's good to see you back and posting! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I hope it was okay that I carried Ardo and Pippin in your absence. Let me know if you want me to change anything. Right now, Ardo and Pippin have reached Staddle along with Hob and Erling and most of the other Messengers and are having home-cooked meals with various hobbit families. I picked Staddle rather than Bree because there are more hobbits there according to LOTR.

One thing maybe I should suggest. I noticed in your last post that you have Marcho riding along with the Messengers on the Quest, but in one of Birdland's early posts she makes clear that Marcho does not accompany the Messengers on the Quest, so you might want to change that.


[ September 08, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Ithaeliel 09-08-2002 08:56 PM

Yes, will do... thank you Bethberry. I will be changing that up.

Cimmerian 09-09-2002 10:53 AM

Birdie, don't be mad at me... I love you and your funny posts. Aw, lemme play here, I'll be nice. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Was that a pony old Barky was riding? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Gandalf_theGrey 09-10-2002 04:32 PM

Hail and Well Met Ithaeliel,

* bows a friendly greeting *

I notice that Ardo Baggins has just met someone named Goodbody. Meanwhile, even as we speak, my character Erling Greenhands is currently a guest at the Goodbody residence where they have a modest hole in Staddle. Is Ardo in Staddle and has just arrived at the hole where Erling is, or has Ardo found another family named Goodbody in a different town? Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide. * bows *

Gandalf the Grey

piosenniel 09-12-2002 10:27 AM

Camlost the crow is in search of the Messengers. Can every one please post exactly where they are at the moment, and where they are headed.

It would save on the amount of wing-flapping the poor, one legged bird has to do if he doesn't have to fly about in circles.


Bęthberry 09-12-2002 10:54 AM

PM sent, Camlost, but here's notice for all:

Hob and Erling are setting out on the Greenway to Tharbad and then over Swanfleet towards the Redhorn Pass. There's Stoors in them there hills.

pp. 74 and 80-81 of Atlas of ME.

Hob and Cob the pony

Edit: BTW, I have edited my last post on the game thread. The Underhills of Staddle are now Mr. and Mrs. Broadbelt, names more in keeping with the characters as they turned out. If you have made any references to "Underhill" please change them to "Broadbelt." Thanks! And I have added more undertones of conflict between the hobbit groups. Bb

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Ithaeliel 09-12-2002 04:15 PM

Greetings, Gandalf,

Indeed, Ardo has just encountered a man named Goodbody, and he is in Staddle with other messengers. Perhaps this Goodbody is the brethren of your Erling's Goodbody. He has a small family, I believe about three children, but no immediate family living with him. I'll make post to state that his brother lives nearby, as I must be composing one soon anyhow. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I seem to be making a lot of errors here, but I'm improving as I go.


Gandalf_theGrey 09-14-2002 12:13 PM

Hey piosenniel ---

Check your PMs. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gandalf the Grey

[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Bęthberry 09-14-2002 12:40 PM

Hmmm. Plots thicken. *curious smile of delight in intrigue*

Gandalf_theGrey 09-14-2002 12:47 PM

Meanwhile, I just felt an overwhelming need to go back and edit my post again (for the millionth time) ... this time, overpowered by the urge to describe that the color of the blanket given to Erling is blue! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Gandalf_theGrey 09-14-2002 02:04 PM


Please feel free to have Hob be the one to first respond to Camlost's grand entrance. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

~~ Gandalf

piosenniel 09-15-2002 04:34 PM

Bethberry & Gandalf

Don't be offended that Camlost called your characters 'simpletons' - the dratted crow has an exceedingly high opinion of himself. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Bęthberry 09-15-2002 05:48 PM

No prob, pio. Isn't part of the charm of hobbits that they are, um, simple? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] *ducks for cover in case Child is around* [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]


Rose Cotton 09-16-2002 04:22 AM

*Wacks Bethberry for Child*
Hobbit's are not simple!

[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Lugbúrz 09-17-2002 12:15 AM

Hallo Everyone,

I'm about to begin reading this role-play. I feel that I shall have time to enjoy the reading. I'm also hoping that I will find a little time to join in for a short while, maybe a cameo of some sort. If this is agreeable with everyone, I shall gladly accept suggestions for such a role.

Bethberry speaks very highly of this Gathering. I'm looking forward to making an acquaintance with you all.

Tower vs. Tower [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Birdland 09-17-2002 08:51 AM

Welcome Lugbúrz! Travelers from far-off web sites are always welcome at the Downs. In fact, you might say they're "dying" to get in here! Mu-WA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA...ha-ha...hehhhh...ehhh...yeah...

OK, enough with the "dead" jokes. Draw yourself a pint, have a seat, fill your bowl with Longbottom, and tell us your part of the tale.

Bęthberry 09-25-2002 01:32 PM

Still waiting for Pio and Gandalf to finish their birding adventure.... (It's not like you have nothing else to do, eh?)

That snow's gonna start ta fall on them high mountain passes purty soon. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ September 25, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Bęthberry 09-29-2002 06:29 AM

So what are we going to do to kick start this, Bird, or shall we wait until AAwtK settles down?

The idea is too great to lose.

A hawk could come to frighten off Camlost, but what about Erling? *waves to Gandalf*


Birdland 09-29-2002 09:24 AM

At this point I've told Mith to go ahead and close it at the two-week notice. Maybe we can return to it later when the "muse" strikes us - or The Lonely Star finally wraps up. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

But it's still open now, so carry on if you like!

Susan Delgado 09-29-2002 01:14 PM

It is a great idea, but AAwTK combined with RL have taken up all my time...I can barely keep my own RPG going. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Anyway, as soon as things settle down, I'll gladly come back to this, just not right now [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

piosenniel 09-30-2002 10:47 AM


Aren't you playing Hob? I thought Camlost directed a question to you. If he can learn where you might be headed he will point you in the right direction.

Barring that he can point you to Mirkwood if you like. Or just fly off to find another group to harass! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

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