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Feanor of the Peredhil 06-27-2005 06:26 PM

Okay, you'll never believe the dream I had the other night. I'll explain the components first:

I went to a graduation party where I was playing with a big handsome Golden Retriever named Noah.

I made an attempt at Saucie's latest Cryptic Clue.

It was way hot out.

The new Harry Potter book is coming out soon.

I was going to go swimming with a bunch of friends, but decided against it.

So Saturday night when I finally got to bed, I had this nutso dream where I was playing with Noah, only in reality, Noah was Saucie in Animagus form. My friends wanted me to go swimming, but I had to stay and make sure Noah/Saucie didn't overheat.


Lhunardawen 07-01-2005 05:53 AM

I finally had a dream. I don't know how I realized that, but I'm sure of it.

It was in a forest-like place. SoN was narrating to a few BDers a (Werewolf?) story written by Formendacil, then the BDers acted the story out. While celebrating the success of the 'play' Oddwen popped in out of nowhere and said hi to my brother Nilp. I was looking at them as they talked and suspected that it was a fake Oddwen my brother was talking to. Then I woke up...almost an hour after I intended to.

That's just senseless.

the guy who be short 07-01-2005 06:08 AM

Yet another werewolf dream...
I dreamtthat on the first day of WWV, I had some unexpected RL business so I was away all day. When I got back, I found that the entire game had finished in a day, and people were obviously upset at me.

Then I dreamt that the Mod for WWVI would be Celuien instead of Feanor. I can't remember Fea's reaction, but I guess it would probably be shock and sadness masked by humour.

Lhunardawen 07-01-2005 06:15 AM

I think we all need to lay off Werewolf for a while. :D

the guy who be short 07-01-2005 06:19 AM

Surely that would kill this thread! :eek:

And it is such a wonderful thread too.

I just remembered, I also dreamt that one of tp's posts got deleted for being too egotistical.:D

Lalaith 07-01-2005 06:30 AM

The night after the first WW IV day, I dreamt that everyone was trying to lynch Evisse but I knew she was innocent and was trying to talk them out of it.

That very next day, Evisse voted for me, and never stopped suspecting me until the end of the game....ironic, eh?

THE Ka 07-01-2005 10:31 AM

I had a dream this wednesday, where I was in a parlour room with Leny and we were talking to a gnome (or nome if you like variety). Then we had some tea and coffee, but when the gnome took a sip of their cup they dissappeared... :( Then Leny and I just sat there for about five minutes or so and the dream ends.

~ Ka

the guy who be short 07-02-2005 04:39 AM

Ah, a non-werewolf one
I dreamt I was at davem and Lalwende's wedding. Just before it really got started, they mentioned how they wanted to give special thanks to Beren87. I looked around, but couldn't see him - until I noticed Beren87 was a small pile of porridge in Lal's hands.

I offered to take Beren87 from her so she could go and get married, but the porridge quivered, and she explained he was afraid of me. So we got some more porridge (Computer-porridge) and mixed it with the Beren87-porridge so that Beren87 could talk through a computer's speakers.

I have a strange subconscious.

Lhunardawen 07-03-2005 04:20 AM

That's strange indeed, tgwbs. :eek:

I had another dream, and it involved Bęthberry using Filipino, my (other) native language, to rep me. (Lhuna, are you trying to imply something? *raises eyebrows* ;) ) That's all I remembered when I woke up.

Hookbill the Goomba 07-03-2005 07:25 AM

I had a dream last night that The Barrow Wight closed Down Crazy captions! I remember saying "Where am I going to get my reputation points from now?"


The guy who be short should not eat cheese before sleeping. :p

the guy who be short 07-03-2005 08:26 AM

No cheese - honest. The weird thing is, I don't even know any of those three Downers well at all; especially Beren87 who I've only vaguely heard of really.

Lalaith 07-05-2005 03:20 AM

Love the porridge dream tgwbs.
I seem to remember someone on here dreaming about making a fantastic post which got hundreds of reps. Was it Eomer?

Eomer of the Rohirrim 07-05-2005 09:03 AM

Don't think so. My dreams aren't usually interesting. Well, there are exceptions; last night, for example.

Now I was having weird dreams anyway. In one I killed a lion by administering chloroform and then cutting it's throat with a huge knife. In another, I was at a disco in my old school gymnasium, winning terrible prizes and dancing like a lunatic.

But here's the relevant Barrowdowns dream:

I dreamed that Firefoot assumed the form of my friend Kiraz, and we started dating! :D Now I don't know what Firefoot looks like so she had to 'become' someone I do know, but I knew it was her; because the real Kiraz had been picking on me just before and that led to Firefoot's sympathy. We were playing football at the time, and then we went for a walk in the hills. That's all I remember.

Why Firefoot? Hmm. Maybe the strong relationship between Eomer and Firefoot in the books is permeating to the Downs and thence to my dreams! :D

Interesting, yes?

Lhunardawen 07-06-2005 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer
...and dancing like a lunatic.

Like a lunatic? :D

A strong relationship in the books, huh? You have to realize, of course, that Firefoot is actually a horse. The idea of a man and a horse dating is quite disturbing, you know?

Bęthberry 07-06-2005 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lhunardawen
That's strange indeed, tgwbs. :eek:

I had another dream, and it involved Bęthberry using Filipino, my (other) native language, to rep me. (Lhuna, are you trying to imply something? *raises eyebrows* ;) ) That's all I remembered when I woke up.

Heavens, Lhundardawen! How did you know I know a word or two of Tagalog? None of them, though, are quite the right words for repping--not that they are naughty, now, mind.

Just so you all know, three times in the last week I've had my hand slapped by the repping warden for giving out too much rep! Why, it's enough to give me BarrowDowns nightmares!

Firefoot 07-06-2005 06:09 AM


Interesting, yes?
Fascinating. ;) :eek: :D

Hm... it's at least somewhat circumstantially accurate in that I do play football (American soccer, right?)

And the namesake thing is extremely uncanny.

Lhunardawen 07-06-2005 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bethbęrry
Heavens, Lhunardawen! How did you know I know a word or two of Tagalog? None of them, though, are quite the right words for repping--not that they are naughty, now, mind.

:eek: *gasp* That's all I can say. Why bother learning a word or two from that language? :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 07-06-2005 06:47 AM

Dating a horse? Hmm. Imagine the strange looks you'd get in restaurants.

Yeah, American soccer. May I congratulate you Firefoot on being one of the minority of enlightened Americans who have discovered this true sport. :D The number is growing all the time, I am glad to say.

But in all seriousness, I had a similar dream. That's two nights in a row:

I dreamt that Oddwen was my sister (so innacurate, yes Lhuna? ;) ) and she had assumed the form of this girl who went to my school whom I haven't seen for years. I had been flicking through my yearbook that day, you see.

I wonder what's going to happen tonight? :eek:

Lhunardawen 07-06-2005 06:50 AM

That teaches you, Eomer, not to flip anymore through your yearbook.

I dreamt that Oddwen was my sister (so innacurate, yes Lhuna? )

the guy who be short 07-06-2005 07:25 AM

I can't remember my dream properly, but I think we were all in a small sort of autonomous village-sized nation with the B-W as our leader. Due to a lack of income, a lot of us had to indulge in illegal lumber-selling. This lead to the B-W becoming very angry.

His authoratarian reign became much stricter and much worse. Food was rationed ridiculously. Anguirel (a royalist, so to speak) guarded the toilets with a sword - apparently, we weren't allowed to use them.

This resulted in a subtle civil war, with a resistance movement developing. Of course, we couldn't come out in the open or B-W would simply kill us, but the illegal lumber trade increased, and food was illegally produced (I think B-W had made cooking illegal).

Unforunately the resistance movement was discovered. I can't remember much else.

That was a very weird dream. I do like good old B-W though. Really! :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-06-2005 07:49 AM

I had a very short dream this morning (I'd woken up when my brother left for work and then fell back asleep, as it was about three hours before I wanted to be alive). In it, I signed onto the Barrowdowns with my usual quick typing of Fea-- *arrow down, enter on feanor of the peredhil, hit tab, password* and when the screen loaded up, I saw that I had a PM from Mithalwen. Very short, it was highly reminiscent of the one I got Sunday asking me to cover Lhuna's role in WWV. The PM said:

"We've had another member drop out. Can you ask ____ if he'll register and cover the role?"

The space is the name of a friend of mine that I'm quite certain I've never before mentioned on the forum. I thought about the request and then responded with:

"He's a movie fan, but I doubt he'd be interested. Try _____ instead."

That name was one of an actual member, but I can't remember who it was. It was then that I woke up because my dad was leaving for work. I swear, it's impossible to sleep soundly after 6:00 AM in my house.

After that, I had an actual game dream, but I don't remember anything from it. Because it was just then that my mom woke me up because she was *about* to leave for work. :rolleyes:

Orominuialwen 07-07-2005 10:05 PM

Two nights running I've had BD dreams. The night before last I had some sort of dream about W-W. For the life of me I can't remember what happened in the dream, but I know it was W-W-related.

Last night I had one of the most bizzare dreams I've ever had. I was in a kind of suburban neighborhood. It was on a hill with a sort of woods at the top and a street running down the hill, with houses and large lawns. About halfway to the woods (from where I was standing) there was a path running perpendicular to the street and parallel to the edge of the woods. I think I've had another deam before that was set in this place. Anyway, I was standing in the grass (under a tree, I think), looking up at the woods at the top of the hill. Suddenly, Feanor comes dashing along the path. At this point I'm a little fuzzy about what happened in the dream. At some point, Feanor comes up to me and shows me how she weas lipstick on the bottoms of her feet (she was barefoot.) I thought that was kind of odd, but then some random person comes up and tells me that this is a custom in Japan, and I decide that it's okay then. (I think I figured it had something to do with how medieval Japanese women painted their faces white. Ah, the things you learn in AP World History ;)) I believe this was one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had, second only to the World War I dream I had in seventh grade, but that's another story...

the guy who be short 07-09-2005 08:06 AM

Just for the record, two nights ago, I dream about Holbytlass and dancing spawn - I can't remember anything, except we were at a swimming pool, with Holby in the water and me and dancing spawn outside.

My dreams have now included:

Barrow Wight
dancing spawn of ungoliant

Holbytlass 07-09-2005 01:01 PM

So what did I look like? That's pretty funny, I do love to swim!

the guy who be short 07-09-2005 02:23 PM

Well, as I said, I don't remember very well, but I think you had long brown hair and were fairly short. I don't remember what spawn looked like at all.

Estelyn Telcontar 07-09-2005 02:27 PM

I'm moving this thread to join a similar one on the Mirth forum. Please continue reading and posting there!

Holbytlass 07-09-2005 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
I think you had long brown hair and were fairly short.

That's me!! It's odd I haven't dreamt of any one yet, with the werewolf games that I'm into.

the guy who be short 07-10-2005 06:19 AM

I dreamt about Enca's long-anticipated return today (well, long anticipated for me; the Quenya club can finally get started!). I can't remember much, but I think we had a Barrow-party to celebrate her return.

Kath 07-10-2005 06:32 AM

I dreamt that TGWBS succeeded in getting me lynched yesterday. I was so cross with him that I refused to learn Quenya with him for a week so he started a campaign against me to get me thrown off the Downs. This became a major argument with some BDers on my side but most on his. There was a thread going where people put points of view for why I should go or stay but every third post or so TGWBS would appear and post that I was mean and should be got rid of.

I woke up before I found out whether I had to go or not but I was slightly worried all day because he cancelled Quenya on me!

the guy who be short 07-11-2005 01:52 PM

Hehe, Kath, I'd never do that. ^_^

I can't remember my last dream well, but I was onthe BD and arguing with mormegil and Orominuialwen. It was probably MM related, as they were both werewolves... the painstakingly obvious and the painstakingly concealed.

the guy who be short 07-14-2005 05:22 AM

Just thought I'd report with my last two nights' dreams.

Righto. In one of them, loads of wolves were attacking my house, swarming through the ground floor. I was staring down in fear when... through the door walked a gigantic, 8 foot Snoopy! Snoopy was a werewolf! And, of course, Snoopy is obviously one of my mental images of Eomer of the Rohirrim.

Last night I dreamt that the Downs had another update. That would be annoying. :rolleyes:

Is it just me or do I have more BD dreams than other people?

*TGWBS goes on a quest to find a life*

Orominuialwen 07-14-2005 10:53 AM

You do seem to have more BD dreams than the rest of us, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. At least they're not nightmares!

I'm curious. What did I look like in the dream you had of me? I'm always interested to know how other people picture me.

The Only Real Estel 07-14-2005 10:53 AM


You do seem to have more BD dreams than the rest of us, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. At least they're not nightmares!
Yeah, that's true, he hasn't had one of me yet. ;)

the guy who be short 07-14-2005 11:24 AM

TORE, a dream about you would probably involve a madly-waved sword, so I guess that would be a nightmare... ;)

Oro, in the dream about you, I was simply on the BD with you, so I didn't visualise you. Sorry. Oh, and some of them are nightmares. 8 foot tall Snoopy? Argh! :eek: I won't be able to sleep for weeks... :p

THE Ka 07-14-2005 12:41 PM


Oh well. t was probably something to do with SpM and the Barrow Wight killing one another.
That's strange. I had one recently where SpM and Child were arguing in some game-show room and every other BW member were sitting in the audience, except a select few, who were on a panel rating certain comments from the two like at the Olympics... It was... Strange...

~ Ka

Oddwen 07-15-2005 07:49 AM

Hmm...I dreamed that I was modding a Werewolf game, and I had got three deaths done, but I was stuck on the fourth (TGWBS's, I think) so I started going killing Werewolves by sticking cherry bombs up various, um...crevasses. (It had to be cherry bombs, because anything else that would have been of use is illegal in Michigan.) There were something like fourteen Wolves, and they all looked like strange armored Star-Wars-esque dinosaurs. ż:confused:?

Eomer of the Rohirrim 07-15-2005 09:39 AM

I had a dream in which I received around 20 different rep comments overnight, including one from Hulk Hogan! Only thing is, it wasn't for my posts; all the reps were for various Simpsons jokes, and I was being given the credit. :D

Hookbill the Goomba 07-15-2005 10:19 AM

I remember dreaming that I got a reputation point from the Barrow Wight and instead of it being a green blob it was gold! I remember staring at it and saying "ooohhh!" over and over again. In fact, so convincing was the dream that I woke up at 2:00 in the morning and switched my laptop on to investigate the Barrow Downs, but found no gold blob. :(

If there had been, I believe it would look something like this;

Durelin 07-19-2005 10:03 AM

I had a dream where Firefoot was evil and tricksy and led a bunch of people through some desert to find something that didn't exist or something like that.

And I had a dream where HerenIstarion was in fact a jester named 'Josh' or something along those lines.

Don't ask me...

Orominuialwen 07-19-2005 03:40 PM

I've had two BD dreams lately. The first I had several days ago. I had gotten up early to post in WW, spent some time on the 'Downs, then turned off the computer and gone back to sleep. When I was sleeping I had this dream. In it, Mithalwen was an elementary school teacher who looked exactly like Eowyn in Lhunardawen's avatar. She was teaching a bunch of very unruly kids, and she was outside on the playground supervising recess. The children were constantly writing annoying little poems about her and reading them aloud to her. Anyway, she made a costume of Eowyn's shieldmaiden dress, but was too nervous to wear it to schoool for a while. Somebody finally convinced her to wear it, and she did, but the neckline of the vest was too high and the sleeves of the dress were wrong. (I think this part was influenced by the fact that I had been reading the What LotR Costumes/Clothes Have You Made? thread.) Anyway, one of the male teachers at the school apparently had a crush on Mith, and her students were the first ones to figure it out. They wrote an annoying little poem telling her this, and so the other teacher finally confessed his feelings to her while they were standing in the parking lot. My apologies Mith, for my bizzare subconcious!

Last night, I had another LotR dream. I was at a robotics competition, and somehow the Barrow-Wight was working with my team. He found out that I was a BDer and wanted to talk to me then. I don't remember too much of the dream, except that there was an all-girl team who had black shirts with Burrahobbit's avatar on them. Also, there was some girl on my team who I'd never met before who turned out to be a BDer, and I had a conversation with her. I seem to recall that we all ate cake and ice cream (with caramel sauce) and that there was also something that people called "15 hour sauce" (which turned out to be pure caffiene) that they were putting on the ice cream too. 'Twas a very strange dream!

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