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Kuruharan 02-02-2002 09:42 AM

Kewl! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I did not know that. I learned something new today.
I'm not very familiar with Celtic/Welsh mythology so maybe I'll read it sometime.

Elvenglass 02-02-2002 10:58 AM


I have all three of those books, Book of Atrus, Book of Ti'ana, and the Book of D'ni. Very cool, and cool looking (especially the hard covers) books

I love those books! Dinotopia are great books too, and Star Wars(but there are so many of them I couldn't buy them all) Another trilogy of books I like is by Philip Pullman. They're called The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. Ahhhh so many excellent books , so little time.

Gayalondiel 02-02-2002 12:43 PM

Little time, Elvenglass? I have to confess that I bought the first two of Philip Pullman's trilogy the other day and I read both of them in 48 hours. I used to be like that with the Star Wars books as well, I've banned myself from butying anymore until i leave uni as i'd just go straight through my loan!
Also, i have to say it - really sorry those of you who look down on it [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] - I DO like harry potter and I read that really fast as well - book 4 took me 5 hours (nonstop) i think.

Perethil 02-02-2002 03:34 PM

I am a gigantic Terry Pratchett fan...
absolutely hooked on all Discworld stuff, and i suggest that everyone at least read one and check it out. some LOTR refrences too...

Samwise 02-02-2002 05:16 PM

NotHomeYet and Perethil, welcome to the 'Downs!


*Frodo and Sam walking across a feild*
*Sam stops*
*Frodo turns* "Sam, what's the matter? "
*Sam* "If I take another step, I'll be farther from home than I've ever been."
(Yeah, probably just another movie moment, but I liked it.) [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Rosa Underhill 02-02-2002 11:05 PM

Eh... I picked up "The Golden Compass" and got as far as chapter four before I got sick of it. I'm not a big Pullman fan but I figured I'd at least give these books a try before I judged them. I've gotten very particular about what I read lately.

C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" kicks! I'm going to get myself a copy as soon as I can! (I'm reading one from the library right now.)

River Jordan 02-02-2002 11:10 PM

Oh, just thought of another book I really enjoyed - The Neverending Story by Michael Ende! Wonderful fantasy! There are 3 movies that have been made based on the book - the first two following the book, and then the third one taking considerable license and just using the characters, world, etc. The book is great - anyone else read it??

Fenrir 02-03-2002 03:27 AM

I like Pullman's "His Dark Materials" Trilogy but my enjoyment of them is somewhat decreased by the fact that in interviews with the author he has always seemed to be quite arrogant.

I love Discworld too, Perethil! The Tolkien reference is in Witches Abroad, isn't it? I can't think of anymore at the moment.

[ February 03, 2002: Message edited by: Fenrir ]

[ February 11, 2002: Message edited by: Fenrir ]

Ara'rial 02-03-2002 10:13 PM

'The Golden Compass' series is good. 'Everworld' is good too, but I only got up to book three. 'Night World' is the best, if you like romance and horror that is.

Daisy Sandybanks 02-04-2002 12:55 AM

Okay, probley all of these have been mentioned before, but I don't care, im gonna mention them anyway [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
These are some of the books that I have read in the past and have absolutely loved!

By Anne Rice:
Interview with a Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
(actually it seems that as I was reading through the posts on this topic, nobody has mentioned these or anything else by Anne Rice....)

By Philip Pullman:
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
The Amber Spyglass

All four Harry Potter books(yes, i know, shame on me...)

Books I actually haven't read and are sitting on my bookshelf getting dusty which I know I should read and will read in due time:

By Lloyd Alexander:
The Book of Three
(my friend suggested reading this and has been pestering me to read it for a month now, but iv been to busy with other things)

By C. S. Lewis:
The Chronicles of Narnia
(I got this during christmas and actually have seen the movie that The Lion the Witch and the Wardrob had been made into, so now I really want to read The Chronicles of Narnia)

Ummmm... iv probley read more, I just can't remember at the momment.
Also I read in one of the posts that The Last Unicorn is beingmade into a live action movie?? Wow... iv seen the 1984 cartoon version and LOVED it..
Also I am proud to say that I am a loyal Star Trek fan (I just had to put that in... sorry [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] )

If you think that you have a book that you want to mention and that you think I would like, go ahead and mention it.. I am always open to more book reading suggestions.

PS- sorry i wrote so much... i think i got carried away [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Rosa Underhill 02-04-2002 01:53 AM


By Lloyd Alexander:
The Book of Three
(my friend suggested reading this and has been pestering me to read it for a month now, but iv been to busy with other things)

Well, I don't know you well enough to truely recommend anything, but you're friend's right about "The Book of Three": read it! Read it now! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] And after you read it, get "The Black Cauldron" and read that! Then, read "The Castle of Llyr", "Taran Wanderer" and "The High King". And, if you find that that wasn't enough Prydain for ya', try "The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain"! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Hey, does anyone else think that Schmendrik from "The Last Unicorn" cartoon looks a bit like the Hobbits from the hobbit cartoons? Anyone know if the same people made the cartoons?

ElanorG 02-04-2002 01:38 PM

I think I may have metioned this on one of these threads, but The Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake is very interesting - very surreal, lots of elaborate description. It was writen in the 40s I believe. I've only read the first one. The rise and fall of the mightly castle Gormenghast and its inhabitants and its dysfunctional royal family. Sort of odd but addictive in way. There was a recent adaptation of it on British TV that starred (I think?) Bill Boyd. They showed it on PBS in the States.


ElanorG 02-04-2002 01:41 PM

Oh, and I just noticed that Birdland rec'd Gormenghast too!

Telgaladiel 02-06-2002 01:03 PM

I've just restarted Pawn of Prophecy by David and Leigh Eddings. Actually, Eddings is the one who turned me onto fantasy and later -due to his praise- (with the help of a certain movie also) Tolkien.

Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I cannot get enough of that book. Ever.

I happen to really like Pern, especially DragonsDawn, Moreta, and Dragon Flight.

Also,atm, for school, I am reading Hemingway and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof...oooh lord! what a wonderful play! Just finished Miss Julie which is also excellent.

Got to get to work... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Orald 02-06-2002 01:52 PM

The Elegant Universe, USA Today. Although neither are fantasy and USA Today isn't a book, I find them more enjoyable than most fantasy out there.

Mister Underhill 02-07-2002 05:32 PM

It's been many years now, but I remember greatly enjoying Katherine Kurtz's Deryni books. More of a blend of historical fiction and fantasy than most.

Rose Cotton 02-07-2002 08:33 PM

'HIS DARK MATERIALS' is a must, and I've just learned that it is being made into a movie. I also like (you probably hate to hear this) 'HARRY POTTER'. I've read 'NARNIA' which is exelent. I am at this time reading 'THE CHRONINICLES OF CHRESTOMANCI' this is very good especially the story about Christoper Chant. You can also try 'ARTEMIS FOWL.

Fenrir 02-11-2002 11:52 AM

I've just started this message board for fans of Susan Cooper's "The Dark Is Rising" Sequence.

Daegwenn 02-11-2002 03:44 PM

I have some how managed to read quite a few of the books that go along with the game, Magic the Gathering.
-The Farseer books by Robin Hobb

Other than that, I prefer Historical fictions. Marion Zimmer Bradley, Pauline Gedge, and Diana Gabaldon.

Fingolas 02-12-2002 09:32 PM

I'm a bit suprised that no one has mentioned Orson Scott Card yet. His "Ender" series is wonderful.

1 Enders Game
2 Speaker for the Dead
3 Enders Shadow
4 There is another one here, but I can't remember the title [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

Beren87 02-18-2002 08:40 PM

I am a huge fan of Ender, that was my obsession before LotR.
The books are,
1.Ender's Game
2.Speaker for the Dead
4.Children of the Mind
5.Ender's Shadow
6.Shadow of the Hegemon
There is a sixth one coming out in April or May, and a movie in the works.

Someone above mentioned Harry Turtledove too. Though I have not read any of his Fantasy books, I've read almost all the Alternate History. I found these to be particurally enjoyable.
1.The Great War trilogy
2.The World War series
3. The Two Georges (co-written by Richard Dreyfus)

I also really liked Artur C. Clarke's Space Oddesy series, and Contact.

goldwine 02-18-2002 09:03 PM

Thanks for the great reading advice guys! Like many of you, I love the Frank Perretti books, CS Lewis (Just finished the "Screwtape letters" again, Rosa)- have read Lewis' Sci-Fi - Voyage to Venus etcand as others did fount it thought provoking Loved "Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy". I must admit to loving Star Trek series, but can't get into the books. Although I don't call myself a Trekkie anymore after watching the movie of the same title! I found lots of comparisons with Babylon 5 and bits and pieces of Tolkien. Will try out lots of the other authors suggested. Thanks!!

Samwise 02-18-2002 10:19 PM

Fingolas, Beren, and goldwine, greetings from Bagshot Row! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

"Eavesdropping Sir? I don't follow you, begging your pardon. There ain't no eaves at Bag End, and that's a fact."
Sam Gamgee

the_raging_jackass 02-20-2002 08:39 PM

I really like Robert Asprin's "Myth" series. They always bring a smile to my face. I also am a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, and of course, Frank Herbert. (I know, its not fantasy). His son's new trilogy prequel to "Dune" is excellent.

Samwise 02-20-2002 10:58 PM


I really like Robert Asprin's "Myth" series
LOL!!!!I remember those! Boy, those were funny.....

Sam refused to leave his master. He came and sat, curled up at Frodo's feet, where at last he nodded and closed his eyes.

twinkle 03-23-2002 02:44 AM

looks like i got a lot of new reading suggestions in here too....
however, i have to finish tolkien's books before i can switch saddles.....
the fantasy i've read so far includes marion zimmer-bradley, piers anthony, robert jordan, weis & hickman and a few others in times way back when i don't remember....
thx for the headsup on these other authors...


Thinhyandoiel 03-23-2002 05:08 AM

Actually, my favourite fantasy book besides LOTR has always been Urshurak, though not many have heard of it, let alone have read it. Anyone out there read it? Shout out so I know I'm not alone, please!

Tigerlily 03-23-2002 08:16 AM

I read these:

1) DragonLance

2) The Death Gate Cycle

3) Melanie Rawn's series. I can't remember the title right now, but it was awesome.

Belin 03-23-2002 08:42 AM

I'm very happy to find so many other fans of Prydain!... I entirely love it, as you may well imagine. It actually spurred me to read the Mabinogion, which was difficult and in which I found that Alexander had changed many things (which is all right since I love the books), but in which I was delighted to find that there really was a Flewddur Fflam, and that he's mentioned twice in lists of princes they called down to fight for them... So from that came his obscure yet royal status and his swordfighting and Alexander actually took an interest in that.... ahem. Boy, am I off topic. Sorry.
Does anybody like any of his other books? I'm a big fan of Prince Jen, myself, and I'm trying to find the Westmark books so I can reread them.

A new movie of The Last Unicorn????? (cheers loudly). I hope its as respectful of the book as the animated version, and what the heck, better (even though the other was very good.... why make more movies unless you improve them over time?)

I also really like Ursula K. LeGuin's Earthsea and Always Coming Home, and I very much enjoyed the first two books of Lewis's Space Trilogy (I've yet to read That Hideous Strength), and The Little Prince is just an incredible book, and, let's see, there's a million other things I can't think of of course............

Oh, yes, and Coleridge of course!

[ March 23, 2002: Message edited by: Belin ]

Maikadilwen 03-23-2002 09:36 AM

Hmm, many years ago (too many) I read all the Narnia books. In the fantasy section, it's primarily been Tolkien and Dragonlance -Chronicles, -Legends and -Tales. (I have always LOVED Raistlin [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] ) I don't really understand what so many people have against Dragonlance. Some people have even said, that if you're into Tolkien, you can't like DL and the other way 'round. Well I'm into both. Of course there's a big difference, but it's different worlds and different "rules" so what is the fuzz?

[ March 23, 2002: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

red 03-23-2002 11:15 AM

I missed this thread the first few times around. I'm glad someone mentioned Orson Scott Card. I love the Ender books too! He has another series called Homecoming that I also loved. Another favorite author of mine is Stephen Lawhead, especially his Song of Albion series, Pendragon Cycle and Byzantium.

Kalla 03-24-2002 12:15 AM

ohhh, definately Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and also Melanie Rawn's Ruins of Ambrai and Michelle West's Sun Sword series. The rest just seems to be a hodpodge of everything else. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Kalla 03-24-2002 12:18 AM

actually...the more I read your guys' posts, I realized I have read a lot of books in the past few I read LotR a looooong time ago, but Terry Pratchett and the Myst books are definately on my list...guess that's why I have a webpage to keep track of all that

muffin_goddess 03-24-2002 04:18 PM

David Eddings-his stuff is quite brillig

David Gemmel-Eddingsish but more um... explicit in some of the ummm.... personal scenes

Redwall Bookies-Wow cutesie little mousies, squizzels, and moles saving the abbey its sooo sweet (lots of crying involved)

Phillip Pullman-all of them (not quite so much crying but at the end of ruby in the smoke and amber spyglass tears are shed)

Harry Potter-I have just recently "come out" as a fan, books quite good really after severe doubt and negotiation with brother he didn't keep his side but now I am Harry Potter fangirl *sigh*)

Deptford Mice- more mousie books very cute and lots of crying

Just recently (a couple of hours ago) started reading the Hobbit, lent to me by Fran (stubborn friend who refuses to see or read anything lotr) is v v v v good considering I'm 20 pages in, (watching hornblower on TV and have no time to read)

Ahanarion 03-24-2002 04:41 PM

I've read the Chronicles of Narnia, all four Harry Potters, most of the Redwall series, and the Lost Years of Merlin saga. I don't know if this counts but I play the Final Fantasy games alot.

Rose Cotton 03-24-2002 05:12 PM

This is not a fantacy book.
It is science-fiction.
But it is still worth a read. The book is called ENDER'S GAME.
It's for anyone who likes intence edge of your seat action.
Ender's Game is about a six year old boy in the future named Ender. He has a loving sister and a blood thirsty brother. Ender has been chosen to go to a battle school ub space to train with other children. They have to work hard because there is a war against alien insects who must be destroyed.
Can Ender overcome terrible times?
Is he as blood thirsty as his brother?
Will he ever have friends?
Find out!

Nufaciel 03-25-2002 10:03 AM

Tolkien is my addiction (go figure!), but I, too, have read the Chronicles of Narnia, as well as some of the DragonLance books, but right now I am reading R.A. Salvatore's The Crimson Shadow Trilogy (I'm on book two, almost done), then I am going into his Dark Elf Trilogy. You guys have given me some really good suggestions for my next picks. Thanks. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

ainur 03-25-2002 12:27 PM

I've been an Orson Scott Card fan since college. Not only the Ender books, but also the Alvin Maker series.
I read the Chronicles of Narnia in high school and liked them a lot though I haven't picked them up since.
One of my favorites is "The Little Prince" by Antoine de St. Exupery. It only takes about an hour or two to read.
For pure escapism, I used to read a lot of Edgar Rice Burroughs, despite the racism/sexism/every other -ism that he expounds. They're loads of fun and adventure.

Ahanarion 03-25-2002 08:00 PM

I totaly forgot about the Little Prince. I've read it about five times. I'ts very good. I love the asteroid where time is really fast.

ElanorGamgee 03-25-2002 08:32 PM

I like The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.

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