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Coral 12-21-2002 03:30 PM

See what I mean? She just posted something under my name! Find another board Coral!

Arwen Evenstar the Fair 12-21-2002 04:13 PM

COUNT ME IN COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!! TTT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! <BR>Some of the changes were alittle surprising, but they were great!!! The movies can't be totally like the books, otherwise it wouldn't work as movies.<P>But anyways, yea count me in the club!!!!!!! <P>TTT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Varda* 12-21-2002 04:20 PM

Um, I think you've got your wires crossed. Just because people criticise the movie in some ways doesn't mean they don't like it. Loads of people on the site probably do, so don't talk about few.<P>As for me, haven't seen the movie yet (Grr) but will have on Christmas Eve! Can't wait! *does happy dance*<P>Although I must admit, some of the changes I've heard about sound pretty pointless - Haldir's death for one, and I can't understand why PJ bothered to make this unnecessary changes.<P>~Varda

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 12-21-2002 04:24 PM

Thank you Varda. I'm one of those people and I keep telling them that I like it even though there were a lot of things I hated about it. Some people here still classify me as a TTT hater just because I criticise it. And yes, I'm sure there are many others here who feel the same.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-21-2002 04:28 PM

I went to the movies with all expectations of things not being in their right place and certain variations and yadda, yadda, yadda.<P>I too am quite disappointed by the Downers general lack of enthusiasm. It appears that we have been segregated into three parts. The part who disliked the movie. The part who sort of liked it but were still rather unhappy with Jackson. And the part who loved it.<P>People, we still have the books. I always, and I mean ALWAYS, knew that the movies would not be as good as the books. You simply cannot argue against that. However, how many Downers are there?......that's not rhetorical, I really don't know. But the point is that each one of us (well, most of us) had a different vision of Middle-Earth before we saw the films. Hell, some of you didn't like Boromir in the books. (Not me, I loved that guy!)<P>Take a relaxed approach to the films, realise the difference, don't take them as seriously as you take the books. That's what I did, and I love the movies.<P>Count me in as a new member of this club. You guys rock!

Arwen Evenstar the Fair 12-21-2002 04:31 PM

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-21-2002 04:52 PM

What? Are you happy or something?

Durelin 12-21-2002 04:56 PM

If you only post to criticize the members and the movie, please GO AWAY! Start your own club against PJ if you want! Please, do not ruin this club for the people who liked the movie just because you want to tell people you didn't like what PJ did or hated the movie or tell the members that we have it all wrong about those who criticize the movie! Please do not ruin my thread so you can state your opinions against the members! Sorry, but I don't think you belong here! And this is the second time for Willie! I'd like to hear your opinions but please not on this thread, that is not its purpose! I realize you might still like the movie but this club is for those who can not find as much to criticize about as you. Thankyou! <P>mollecon, are you joining? I couldn't tell by your post!<P>EDIT: You can now go here: <P><A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>TTT Movie Lovers vs. movie likers vs. movie haters</A><p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

MLD-Grounds-Keeper-Willie 12-21-2002 05:12 PM

Thank you Durelin. I shall leave now. Thanks for doing it in a calm and civilized manner.

Durelin 12-21-2002 05:14 PM

Thankyou, there is no reason to kill you because you have different opinion from me on a pretty trivial matter! You stopped with the things against the members anyway.<p>[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: Durelin ]

*Varda* 12-21-2002 05:45 PM

I did not criticise the members in any way, nor did I criticise the movie. You should calm down.<P>Secondly, if you post a public topic you can't just tell people to go away, simply because they have an opinion you don't like. <P>~Varda

Tigerlily Gamgee 12-21-2002 06:00 PM

Ummmm... easy now people, no need to get angry at one another...<BR>To get back on topic...<BR>I am a TTT lover, so you can count me in this "club" or thread, or whatever. I have already seen it 3 times ( !!!!), and I can't wait to see it again next weekend with my friend who hasn't seen it yet.<BR>I had anice experience with it last night because I sat next to a mom and her son and daughter, it was cute because she would introduce the characters for them... "Look, it's Gandalf! Yaaayyy!!!!". It wasn't that loud, though, so I thought it was cute.<BR>Anywho, it seems that quite a few people are enjoying the movie. When I was leaving the theatre I overheard a girl saying, "that was a really good four hour movie." Well, 3 hours...

Rose Cotton 12-21-2002 08:28 PM

I have spent hours of time trying very hard to figure out why PJ made the changes he did to Faramir's part. As I racked my brain I came up with a few possible reasons. <P>For one thing, makeing it seem like Frodo and Sam were not going to be able to complete the quest increased the tension.<P>I also didn't think Faramir was completely changed. In the books Faramir did have a hostle air about him generated mostly by the fact Frodo already had to deal with the guy's brother. Faramir had this same feeling about him in the movie.<P>If you look at Faramir's face, at times you can tell that he's not a bad guy. Remember that he wants to be as good to his father as Boromir was. Bringing the One Ring is defiatly a way to advance his status. In the books the tough relation between Faramir and Denethor is protrayed as it should be in a book. But in a movie in order to get points across it is at times nessisary to exadurate the actions the characters take. Making Faramir take Sam and Frodo to that city was a way to show that Faramir was trying to do somthing that his father would consider good. When we meet Denethor next year I'm sure the fact will be brought up.<P>Of course I may be completely wrong but that is somthing to think about and is also a reason why this club is justified.<P>By the way, I understand that if someone critisizes the movie they don't audimatically hate it but there just seem to be too many let downs. And that makes us feel bad because unintentionally bad feelings have a tendincy to spread.

Gorwingel 12-22-2002 12:04 AM

I just have to say, this is my very first post, I loved The Two Towers, it was very different from the book, but it was a wonderful movie and it was just what I expected, so I know I am part of this club

-Imrahil- 12-22-2002 01:38 AM

Definately good ideas Rose Cotton.<P>I don't think changing Faramir was ALL that bad. I didn't especially like Osgiliath but that's my only complaint.

GreyIstar 12-22-2002 01:46 AM

I'm in. I thought Faramir was intersting in the movie. I also agree that his expressions often didn't look bad and quite the opposite. IMO he is more complex in the movie. He is straight arrow in the books and thats great for the book because it gives wonderful chapters of conversation, but youc an't put all those chapers in the movie. You just can't.<p>[ December 22, 2002: Message edited by: GreyIstar ]

Beruthiel 12-22-2002 03:34 AM

TTT RULED!!! I've seen it twice and gonna see it again this thursday!! <BR>I thought Faramir was alright but I would have liked it better if he had been more similar to the books, but he was still good.<BR>Eowyn was really good, just like I had imagined her.<BR>I LOVED HELMS DEEP!!! I nearly died when the orcs came marching up! Seriously, the whole cinema was silent <BR>I realise that the movie couldn't be axactly like the book, but I didn't want it to be, I wanted to be surprised instead of knowing exactly everything that would happen.<BR>I don't see the problem with Haldir dying, I was crying at that part......<BR>Well Anyways the main thing is....<BR>TTT IS THE BEST!!!!!!

Durelin 12-22-2002 12:06 PM

Yeah, 16 memebers! Pretty good! Shove it Willie! We'll out number you yet! Members, start defending the movie with your excellent minds! There is too much complaining going on at the Barrow-Downs! Brace the gate! Love it! Thankyou Beruthiel, that's why I liked it so much, it was a suprise! That's why I couldn't find anything to complain about! Thankyou, you have truly enlightended me!

Rose Cotton 12-22-2002 12:13 PM

Oh, I thought of another reason for the change to Faramir's part. Perhaps PJ thought that if Faramir kept Frodo and Sam moveing (going to Osgiliath) it would be more exighting then just sitting and talking in the cave the whole movie.<P>And am I the only one who thought that part where Frodo was about to give up the Ring to the Nazgul was very cool and exighting. The shot for it was just mind blowing. And the look on Frodo's face. *shivers*

Durelin 12-22-2002 12:20 PM

That makes lots of sense Rose! Good, there are smart people here! I noticed a TTT Haters thing going on, I'm going to check it out. If it is a Hatersmoot (he he) we have to get more people! ADVERTISEMENT! Well, it's not that big of a deal, but it could be fun and interesting!

Nalana 12-22-2002 12:26 PM

<B>Rose Cotton</B>, that's a really good point, I didn't really think of that . I thought when frodo said towards the end "they're here. they are coming" (can't remember exactly what the line was) was very cool. It gaves me the chills with his look and how his voice changed. <BR>But I think that could have been a reason why Faramir kept Frodo and Sam like that. There were some other points in the forum as a whole that I agreed with. Can't think of them at the moment though... lol

Arwen Evenstar the Fair 12-22-2002 02:35 PM

Yea I agree with Rose Cotton, the whole changing Faramir thing was no big deal, I think they did a good job in fact. I don't really mind the changes at all, and as Rose has pointed out, they seemed to have good reasons for doing so!

Nenya 12-22-2002 02:49 PM

Count me in, Durelin!<BR>Though I didn't "just" love TTT, it had it's disappoinments too. Biggest of them the fact that I didn't love it as much as I loved FotR. With that said, how can I still claim myself as a TTT-lover? Easy. FotR was so good, that TTT could've been a LOT worse and I'd still had liked it. So yes, I loved The Two Towers.<P>Rose Cotton: Excellent points! Finally someone who has thought WHY the changes were made and not just how horrible they were. And I too don't think that Faramir seemed like a bad guy.

Durelin 12-23-2002 01:25 PM

Sorry, found out TTT Haters was TealDudes! Thankyou for joining Nenya! I thought it was better than FOTR, but that's just me! Right, gotta find more people! Need more! Only 17! I really shouldn't be complaining, 17 isn't bad! Thankyou everyone for joining, especially Aragorn2002 for being the FIRST member! And joining only one minute after I posted the thread! I thought that was pretty cool. Anyways, I was kinda wondering what you thought of the Ents. I have heard plenty about Faramir, and Gollum, but not much about the Ents. Maybe there wasn't much to complain about them? Well, I LOVED them, they were exactly how I imagined, maybe better! I was glad to see they were not like the Ewoks, though I did love those guys, but that wasn't how they were supposed to be. So, any thoughts on Ents, or anything else for that matter, I'm pretty bored and open to any type of discussion! Man, that post strung on froever...

Durelin 12-23-2002 01:41 PM

I wasn't talking to you now was I Varda! You're fine, I just didn't like what Willie said: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Seems like you don't have many members. Just something to think about, not to offend you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I took offense all the same. He really didn't have to say something like that, that's just mean! And I wasn't in a good mood to begin with that day, so he didn't help! Anyway, hope you enjoy the movie, even though right now it doesn't seem good to you. I believe that Haldir was killed so that the good guys didn't seem "invincible". I don't think people take things as seriously when none of the more major characters die. It makes a story more believable and no story is complete without sorrow. It also makes the enemies look weak or the victories too easy. It's a better stroy if there is a lot of hardships and death along the way. Look, TTT starts to talk about <I>the</I> war; in war people die so PJ probably figured that someone would have to die right? I think those kind of things give a story/movie more flavor. That's just my opinion. You are still welcome to join of course, after you see the movie, if you still believe it is worthy to bear <I>The Lord of the Rings</I> in its title!

the mortal elf 12-23-2002 02:50 PM

I'm with you!

Waenfalathiel 12-23-2002 03:04 PM

I loved the movie. You can't expect them to put everything form the book into the movie.<BR>Count me in! <p>[ December 23, 2002: Message edited by: Waenfalathiel ]

VanimaEdhel 12-23-2002 03:36 PM

*Walks in, still slightly stunned and crying a bit*<P>I just saw I thought it was going to be great, but not <I>that</I><P>Definitely, definitely count me was so amazing. The effects were incredible. How anyone can criticize such a masterpiece, I cannot imagine. Sure, they did not stick to the story, but the got the feel of Middle Earth across completely. That's what PJ always said: that he knew that he could not stick 100% to the story, but that he just hoped to portray Middle Earth as it was.<P>And I get to see it again Wednesday with my dad...I want to see it more. This movie had better win more Academy Awards than Fellowship of the Ring did: it is better, in my eyes, and it's just...amazing...again I say, "wow", as there are no words in any language I know that convey my amazement.<P>Anyway, I am certainly a member of this club.

Rose Cotton 12-23-2002 06:03 PM

It's nice to see there's alot of people who appreciate The Two Towers movie.<P>And look I have a cool pic from it<P><--------------- <p>[ December 23, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]

Miththôlien 12-24-2002 10:11 AM

Hey Durelin, I'm with you. The movie was the BEST!!! Anyway, I thought the Ents were AWESOME!!! TTT was better that FOTR, in my opinion, but thats just me. Where's Ariel, Rachel?? Aragorn rocks!!

PippinSqueak 12-24-2002 10:13 AM

Totally count me in! I LOVED THAT MOVIE! IT KICKED BUTT!

Miththôlien 12-24-2002 10:23 AM

How come nobody is talking about Aragorn? He only is THE BEST!! LOL!! <P>Anywhoo, email me Durelin! I never get any email from you!! Piph you!! Go piph O-Bob!!

Coral 12-24-2002 12:23 PM

ANGELA! You've found your way here, eh? I thought you died! Oh yeah, Only I piph O-Bob...hehe...ok back to the point, The movie is goooooooooooooooooooood! Thats my piece

mollecon 12-25-2002 05:30 PM

Saw it today again - OK, me lub it Count me in!

Coral 12-27-2002 01:33 PM

*Pokes thread with a stick*<BR>Eh? I think it died......... <BR>*poke poke*

Marsyas 12-27-2002 01:51 PM

I'm definitely in on this!!!<BR>I saw TTT at the midnight showing the day it came out!!! It was so awesome. I went to see it again on the 24th. When I've got some money, I'll go again. This was better than any other movies that have come out recently and I can't wait for RotK.<P>*~Marsyas~*

Sword Maiden Of The Shire 12-27-2002 03:01 PM

The Two Towers was GREAT!! I absolutely LOVED it!!<P>-----------------------------<BR>"It's talking,Merry!" "The tree is talking!" -Pippin<P>"Tree?! I am no tree! I am an Ent!"-Treebeard<P>"A tree hearder! A shepard of the forest!"<BR>-Merry<P>"Don't talk to it Merry! Don't encourage it!"-Pippin<P>ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS!

Beruthiel 12-27-2002 07:05 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "It's talking,Merry!" "The tree is talking!" -Pippin<P>"Tree?! I am no tree! I am an Ent!"-Treebeard<P>"A tree hearder! A shepard of the forest!"<BR>-Merry<P>"Don't talk to it Merry! Don't encourage it!"-Pippin<P> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Yeah that bit was sooooo funny! <BR>Oh and welcome to the downs Sword Maiden

Sword Maiden Of The Shire 12-27-2002 07:46 PM

Thanks Beruthiel!! <P>---------------------------<BR>"I think we made a mistake leaving the Shire,Pippin" -Merry when they are with the Uruk-Hai

Rose Cotton 12-27-2002 09:14 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "It's talking,Merry!" "The tree is talking!" -Pippin<BR>"Tree?! I am no tree! I am an Ent!"-Treebeard<P>"A tree hearder! A shepard of the forest!"<BR>-Merry<P>"Don't talk to it Merry! Don't encourage it!"-Pippin<P> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>And Pippin's old self from movie 1 shows through. LOL<P>I loved how they mentioned the Old Forest. <P>And, if you noticed, PJ or someone took the time to realize that Merry aquired a cut on his forehead JUST LIKE IN THE BOOK! <P>If any of you see the movie again or even just trailors or pictures of Merry, look for the cut and what becomes a scar.

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