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Oddwen 04-24-2010 03:45 PM

We came, we talked, we CONQUERED LIFE ITSELF

In other words, it was wonderful. We have great talent and it was great fun.

Legate of Amon Lanc 04-25-2010 02:44 AM

I say!
It was once again a wonderful experience of reading, I have been present only for the latter part when we were reading the Voice of Saruman (myself taking the part of Gimli and Merry). A few highlights: Saruwife (as opposed to Saruman) is somebody to whose Voice you could really listen for hours, and we had also a very cool Gwandalf. But also Théoddwen was rather good and Lommy's Éomer too, sort of young and brash. Aganzir Wormtongue should perhaps have had more lines (but she was a good Pippin too). Our poor narrator Kath, unfortunately, could not, after the reading, speak to us anymore because of exhausting her voice.

We had also brilliant sound effects, especially as we were getting closer to the end, with Saruman's staff breaking and then Palantír falling on the stairs, the stair cracking, the Palantír rolling on and at last falling down from there, the atmosphere was getting dense! :D

Later then, we still spent some time chatting as people were one by one leaving to their beds, eventually leaving me, Eönwë (who was present in the first reading, I understand, but not present when I came, and he later came back), Oddwen and Pitchwife. We ended up discussing deep philosophical things and linguistics... all related to Fungoltch and Shcmurt... in my case, it was around 4 AM when we called it over. But it was a very deep and enlightening debate. (as you can surely imagine ;) )

But that said... this only confirmed the decision that we should continue doing this regularly. So, same time next month?

Eönwë 04-25-2010 06:12 AM

It's the first time I've actually talked on Skype to a BDer, and it was definitely amazing. Conquering life itself is an understatement, Oddwen.

The first reading of the troll scene was brilliant, though I assume that, like Gandalf, their "art improved with age."

And next month!? Next week! Though it probably isn't a good idea to do it too often.

There's only one thing left to add:

Pitchwife 04-25-2010 06:46 AM

Hasp grümfwøršt thgint hnus E-moot ? Rofl!
Yeah, it was incredible! As has been said, we started with the Troll scene; Oddwen was our narrator, Agan, Lommy and me were the Trolls, Kath was Bilbo, Eönwë Gandalf, and Gwath did all the Dwarves. When Legate joined us a short while later, we decided this was much too good to stop now and plunged right into the Voice of Saruman.
For the record, Eönwë's voice is very pleasant too, as is Oddwen's. And everybody else was fabulous as well. I couldn't but shrink back from my computer when Gwathdalf dismissed me from the balcony of Orthanc!
The following chat was quite unforgettable. Among other things, we discovered the true nature of the nameless things gnawing the roots of the world under Moria and found out which language Ilúvatar must have been speaking in the beginning (hint: see post title:p). Not to forget we all managed to pronounce Ibrin's full name (brag, brag:D).
Yep, let's definitely do it again next month!

Gwathagor 04-25-2010 09:57 AM

Aye. Twas a grand time had by all.

Loslote 04-25-2010 07:03 PM

I'd like to join in next time.

Username: loslotesnowflower
Role: Either a female or a young person...I have a very high-pitched voice.
Time: The 25th of May should be fine whenever, because I should be done with school by then, but it's a while away so I don't know anything more specific. :)

Estelyn Telcontar 04-26-2010 06:13 AM

Sorry I couldn't respond to your call, since the list included me. I do have Skype now, so that wouldn't be a problem, but I was away at the German Tolkien Seminar and wasn't online to read about this meeting. However, please keep me on the list - I'll try to make it happen next time. Ioreth would have been great fun for me to speak!! Perhaps we could do the Houses of Healing next time? There are lots of roles there.

Aside from that, I'm willing to speak any character necessary or to narrate.

Oddwen 04-26-2010 11:43 AM

The coronation of Aragorn was one of our choices before we changed to Voice of Saruman, we could plan on that next time. Ioreth has a narrative there. :Merisu:

Pitchwife 04-26-2010 11:51 AM

++Esty for Ioreth

Thinlómien 04-26-2010 02:14 PM

It was indeed wonderful. :D The thing I will remember the longest, no doubt, were Pitchwife-Saruman's screams and maniac laughter. :D

And you should definitely count me in for the next reading unless it conincides with something else I'm doing. :)

The Might 04-26-2010 02:30 PM

Hopefully next time will work out for me as well, then again May doesn't look too promising either...

I'm trying to find an easy method to record Skype conversations, however so far I have been unsuccessful. It should work with something like Audacity I guess, by recording everything that your sound card plays out plus what you speak into the mic.

Oddwen 04-26-2010 05:09 PM

Doing the Google, it seems Audacity will only record what you say. The program i-Sound might work, I've used that at my part-time job to record streams off the internet.

Pitchwife 05-17-2010 03:18 PM

That time of the month approaching again...
...and maybe we could try a little bit serious advance planning this time?

So what about next weekend (preferably Friday or Saturday maybe, for those who have to get up early on week days)?
Aragorn's coronation has been on the schedule for a while and is still undone. I posted a roles list for that a page ago (would be great if Ioreth Telcontar were available!). But other suggestions are also welcome, of course.

So, who's in?

Gwathagor 05-17-2010 03:27 PM

Friday works for me if we're doing it around the same time. Maybe even Saturday.

Eönwë 05-17-2010 04:40 PM

I might well be able to be there for this...

Also, I think this can do it, though the free version only works for up to 15 minutes.

Oddwen 05-17-2010 06:17 PM

Saturday would be awesome, or even Friday evening for me, which would be early in the morning for the rest of you.

Loslote 05-17-2010 07:28 PM

I should be able to on either day. :)

Estelyn Telcontar 05-18-2010 02:31 AM

I'm sorry - this is a holiday weekend, so I will have guests here. Alas, Ioreth hath no time! I will not give up hope though - it will work out someday.

The Might 05-18-2010 04:42 PM

Again, I unfortunately have no time at all to spare this weekend... I wonder when I'll finally get some peace and calm here.

Pitchwife 05-20-2010 03:46 PM

Esty, TM, don't worry, your day will come!
I'd prefer Saturday, but Friday would be possible as well. Or maybe even Sunday, as Monday is a holiday (where I live at least - don't know about the US though)? And about the same time as the last one - evening GMT = American afternoon = about noonish for Lottie? Or maybe later? (I don't mind staying up late, but 'early in the morning' sounds gruesome - sorry, Oddwen!*insert yawning smiley*).
About the choice of text - I'd be inclined to postpone the coronation until such time as Esty is available to do Ioreth, but what about other opinions? On the other hand, seeing how the second half of the last reading was successfully cobbled together on the spot, we can decide about that ad hoc depending on how many people actually show up.

Gwathagor 05-20-2010 03:52 PM

It looks as though Saturday may work better for me as well.

Loslote 05-20-2010 06:29 PM

Sunday wouldn't work very well for me, but about noonish my time works for either Friday or Saturday. :)

Eönwë 05-21-2010 12:43 PM

So... when are we doing this?

Laurinquë 05-21-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Eönwë (Post 630725)
So... when are we doing this?

Indeed. I'm interested in joining whenever it starts. My Skype name is robynhalloran.

Eönwë 05-21-2010 01:24 PM

OK, well if anyone is reading this and wants to participate, log onto Skype now and we can start!

If not, there's always tomorrow...

Pitchwife 05-21-2010 01:58 PM

Well, it looks like tomorrow is going to work best for most people... presumably around the same time of day/night/whatever-it-happens-to-be-for-you, unless there are any objections?

Gwathagor 05-21-2010 02:05 PM


Loslote 05-21-2010 02:11 PM

That works. :)

Pitchwife 05-21-2010 02:14 PM

Btw Eönwë, I just find that I unexplicably didn't get you on my contact list last time around. Could you please amend this?

Eönwë 05-21-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 630739)
Btw Eönwë, I just find that I unexplicably didn't get you on my contact list last time around. Could you please amend this?

I have now added my skype account to my profile. Hope that works.

Eönwë 05-21-2010 03:25 PM

Ok everybody, lads and lasses, ladies and gentlemen, barrow-wights and bodyless spirits!

We're doing it tomorrow at about this time, give or take an hour or two either way.

Hookbill the Goomba 05-22-2010 04:10 AM

They talked me into it. So, I'll be there... if I remember. :(
If I open Skype up as soon as I get home, I should be okay. :D

Pitchwife 05-22-2010 05:10 AM

Yay! Hookbill's been assimilated!

Hookbill the Goomba 05-22-2010 07:41 AM

Is anyone going to record these readings, by the way? :)

Oddwen 05-22-2010 09:30 AM

I found a couple of programs that can do this, however my computer is being unreliable and crashing right now so I will share them with you all and someone will be able to make it work.

Recording with Audacity

Additional info with Audacity

Audacity (recording and editing program, it's a good program anyway)

A free recording software, haven't checked it out yet.

Hookbill the Goomba 05-22-2010 10:50 AM

I have recording software, I just can't record from system on this computer. If I set up Skpye on my laptop I could push it. ..

Thinlómien 05-22-2010 12:27 PM

Poke me by PM or something when you're doing something, I should be glued to the computer for the next few hours since there's some essay-writing to do (and if I skip that, I feel like continuing a story I have written here, so I should be around anyway) but I'd also like to go to sleep early, so I might be already offline if you start late... So, actually, in case BD shows I'm online, poke me on this thread or by PM, if it shows I'm offline, don't bother about me because I'm (at least almost) asleep. :)

Pitchwife 05-22-2010 01:27 PM

Oddwen, there's 5 of us now. I'd like to add you, but you seem to be offline on Skype.

Oddwen 05-22-2010 01:45 PM

Skype is updating now, not sure how long that will take. *sigh*

Thinlómien 05-22-2010 01:48 PM

In other words, if someone else wants to join, do it now. :) There's me, Pitch, Oddie, Lottie, Lauri, Eönwë and Hookbill around now. (Start by adding me - skype name: thinlomien - as a friend.)

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