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ninlaith 07-13-2004 10:44 AM

There are alot of moving and passionate moments in all three of the movies that it makes very difficult to choose and avoid sounding sappy. But I will do my best.

Sam: I made a promise, Mr. Frodo, a promise! Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee!! And I don't mean to.....I don't mean to. :(

Aragorn: What is it that you do fear my lady?
Eowyn: A stay behind bars until use and old age accept come to where valor is beyond all recall or desire.

The extra scene where Eowyn sings a lament for the death of Theodrid. Her voice is so sad and beautiful I can barely watch. :(

A scene from Rohan when a mother is sending her children to Edoras to sound the alarm.

Mother: Eothain! Eothain! Take your sister! You'll ride faster with just two.

Freada: We can't ride him he's too big for us!
Mother: Ride to Edoras and sound the alarm!
Eothain: Yes Mama!
Freada: I don't wanna go! I don't wanna leave you!
Mother: Freada! I will find you there!

When Galadriel swans on screen

Gollem's face when he hears his name for the first time in centuries

Pippin's face and shouts when he has to leave Merry

Grima: Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your Uncle is wearied by your...malcontent...your war-mongering.
Eomer: War-mongering? How long ago was it when Saruman bought you? What was the promised price Grima? When all the men are dead you'll take your share of the treasure?.......Too long have you watched my sista! Too long have you haunted her steps!

Grima: " .........with the walls of your power closing in about you......." "so cold, like the mourning of pale spring still clinging to winters chill."
Eowyn: Your words are poison!

Theoden: No parent should have to bury their child...

These are the ones that pull my heart and soul. If you read all of them thank you for reading. If you read some still thank you. If you didn't read're forgiven because I probably didn't read yours either.

Kitanna 07-31-2004 10:45 AM

The moment that makes me cry every time is when the mother in Rohan puts her two children on the horse so they can raise the alarm in Edoras. Children should not be ripped away from their parents!
When Frodo destroys the Ring I can't even begin to put into words how that makes me feel. I think it's the music that's played that really gets me.
But the most moving part in any of the movies is when the Riders of Rohan arrive at Pellenor and charge down at the Orcs. Theoden's line gives me goosebumps. "RIDE NOW! RIDE NOW! RIDE FOR RUIN AND THE WORLD'S ENDING! FORTH EORLINGAS!" And the music in the background is so powerful. Sigh, so cool...

Knight of Gondor 08-03-2004 08:06 PM

I forgot about the three simple civilians caught up in Saruman's onslaught. I always just get a very slight emotional shudder, the tear ducts just flare up briefly, when she actually does find her children and runs to them.

starkat 08-03-2004 08:30 PM

One for me is probably when Aragorn carries the message to Theoden that the beacons have been lit. And then when the Rohirrim are saddleing up and Eomer says his line: Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan! Oaths you have taken! Now fulfill them all! To Lord and land! (I hope I got that right. I'm sorry if I did not)

dancing spawn of ungoliant 08-04-2004 05:32 AM

You have listed many of those scenes that are very touching and meaningful to me (actually, when I watched RotK, I had teary eyes almost the whole time...).
But the last time I watched RotK, I noticed probably the sweetest thing ever (to me, that is). In the coronation scene when Arwen is revealed, Elrond says something to her before she goes to Aragorn. The words are muted so we can't hear them, but his lips move. I wonder what he said (probably something very fatherly ) but whatever it was, I think it was cute. Like Elrond had finally given his blessing to Arwen and Aragorn! *sigh*

Rimbaud 08-04-2004 07:17 AM

Possibly not as 'powerful', but...
...Ian McKellen's expression after Frodo volunteers at the Council is very well done.

Boromir88 08-04-2004 01:37 PM

All three
Hope no one minds, I'll just list the a scene from each movie that really touched me, or was awe inspiring.

When Boromir dies, ahh the only part of the movie I almost cried (but alas, I had them back).

Gandalf: (telling Eomer): Theoden King stands alone
Eomer: Not alone, ROHIRRIM, to the king!


Now I've only seen TTT EE once, so I'm not familiar with the script. But, the extended clip of Faramir remembering Boromir, got to love that part.

(Right before Rohan spots the Haradrim coming)
Eomer: Ride them to the river!
Theoden: We saved the city.
(Haradrim chants).
Theoden: Reform the lines....reform the lines. Sound the charge. Take them head on. Charge!
(you have to admire a king like that, regrouping his people and charging into certain death).

Evisse the Blue 08-05-2004 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88
Now I've only seen TTT EE once, so I'm not familiar with the script. But, the extended clip of Faramir remembering Boromir, got to love that part.

How can you forget: ""Remember today, little brother. To day life is good!" :D
The scenes with Boromir from the TTT EE are my favourites from the whole TTT movie. This is a good example of well done non-canon scenes. Of course, the very fine acting helped too!
Did anyone else get flashbacks from 'Sharpe' seeing Boromir in these scenes?

ninlaith 08-06-2004 06:45 PM

Thank you so much Evisse! I forgot to mention that one. That scene is so wonderful and heartwarming. I was so happy to se Sean Bean in TTT.

Boromir88 08-07-2004 12:16 PM

Great stuff
Evisse, yes you got to love that quote. My favorite would have to be Boromir: "Leaves more time for drinking."

Eventhough I don't like this part, Gimli says one of my favorite lines...
TTT EE, when legolas is like "uhh I tied you" and all that bull crap.

Gimli, "He's twitching, because he's got my axe IMBEDDED into his NERVOUS SYSTEM!" lol gotta love it.

Rilwen Gamgee 08-10-2004 01:40 AM


In the coronation scene when Arwen is revealed, Elrond says something to her before she goes to Aragorn. The words are muted so we can't hear them, but his lips move. I wonder what he said (probably something very fatherly )
Yes, I noticed that, too, dancing spawn. He might have said "Go", either in the Common Tongue or in Elvish. Very sweet, indeed. :)

I particularly liked the scene when the Rohirrim ride in to save the day at the Pelennor Fields. The music was brilliant; and mixed with King Théoden's battle "encouragement" speech, it never fails to draw tears to my eyes and goosebumps to my arms.

Also, in "TTT: EE", near the very beginning, Sam pulls out his little box of salt. “My box of salt from home… I refill it whenever I can…” I do not remember the exact phrasing, but he knew he would find somewhere with good salt, which showed how much hope he had in seeing the brighter parts of Middle-earth again.

Alakfaithien 08-10-2004 02:24 PM

Sam to Frodo, on Mt Doom: " If I was gonna marry anyone Mr. Frodo, it woulda been her"

Aragorn to the hobbits on top(?) of Minas Tirith: " My friends, you bow to no one."

Arwen to Aragorn after Frodo is stabbed: " Whats this? A ranger caught off guard?"

I have many more but, I can't remember the words that good!

Sandro 08-11-2004 04:39 PM

The first moment that REALLY got me was Boromir at the council saying, "You carry the fates of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done." The music takes a strange and beautiful turn in the background, and sean bean just gives me chills. Plus, during the "my father" speec, the theme of Gondor is playing very softly in the background.

Gandalf's death.

Boromir's death scene, of course. Especially Aragorn's line, "They will look for his coming from the White Tower, but he will not return.

Gandalf's charge at Helm's Deep.

The Last March of the Ents (great music!).

Mustering of the Rohirrim.

Faramir's charge and Pippin singing.

THE PELLENOR FIELDS!!!!! (especially the charge)!

Legolas and Gimli's exchange at the Morannon.

Gandalf telling the Hobbits he is leaving.

And finally, Aragorn's line, "For Frodo."

Knight of Gondor 08-13-2004 08:16 PM

To sew it all together, what is it, do you think, that makes us so emotional about these films? Is it just darn good movie making, or is it because we geeks are already so in love with the world of Middle-Earth and its characters? What IS it about the moment when Aragorn defies logic and feeling to make a death plunge into certain death -- with the smallest of people in stature and spirit right behind? What is it about the horns of Rohan that never cease to give me chills...even writing this now, with the faint strain of the horns echoing in my brain, I get chills.

Any ideas?

Morsul the Dark 08-13-2004 09:32 PM

It is three reasons

Firstly we're geeks :p

Secondly because we are geeks we almost give our minds to the charactors we are absorbed by them we become them We see through their eyes we understand their pain

and three it was excellent movie making

Sandro 08-13-2004 10:59 PM

I was mad into a Tolkien fan when I saw Fellowship of the Ring. I get chills because Tolkien intented these things, and because Jackson and Company knew how to translate Tolkien's work onto the screen.

Morsul the Dark 08-13-2004 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sandro
I was mad into a Tolkien fan when I saw Fellowship of the Ring. I get chills because Tolkien intented these things, and because Jackson and Company knew how to translate Tolkien's work onto the screen.

I too became a fan after the movie
I still remember the exact commercial that made me want to see it

theyre walking out of the shire
Gandalf-is it safe?
Frodo pats his pocket
Gandalf-remember never put it on it wants to be found <------ting interest aw obsession "it wants to be found" i think if Ian hadnt said that line the way he had i would not have been interested or at least as interested in seeing it as i was

Sandro 08-14-2004 02:42 PM

It was the poster that got me interested. And a picture of Boromir blowing his horn. And the preview showing the Nazgul sniffing for the hobbits.

Lhundulinwen 08-14-2004 08:50 PM

Ah, the reasons LOTR (movies) are so dear to mine heart....

I read the books before seeing the movies, because as a general rule, I always read the books before seeing the movies if books are made into movies. Now, reading a book is generally dangerous for me; I absorb the characters, the settings, and general mood of the books. So by the time I watched the movies, I had already fallen in love with ME and its peoples. I have said it before, and I'll say it again- LOTR changed my life. Meeting ME, living in ME through the characters, has made me a better person, I think. (I also think Tolkien would be happy...) So, reasons I love the movies-

1. I'm a geek, yes I admit it.
2. I LOVE the characters. Everyone from Bill the pony to Shadowfax, Sam to Wormtounge- I love ME in general.
3. Its a darn good movie- PJ did a beautiful job, and even if he cut and changed (a little if you really think about it) of the book, it is still a genuinly good movie.
4. I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACKS!!! *sorry to shout... lost control there* Rohan's theme, the Shire, Gondor, Mordor..... all of the music is so beautiful. I don't leave home without it, and I'm not kidding either.

Sandro 08-14-2004 11:15 PM

Oh yeah, I forgot about the soundtrack. The New Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra-something-or-other is doing a Lord of the Rings Syphoney in a month and my dad and I are going!!!!

I love the soundtracks. Every night I'm in a show, I listen to "Amon Hen", "Evenstar", Helm's Deep", and "The White Tree" before I go onstage. It is a ritual that must not be broken. :cool:

haltred 08-16-2004 04:20 PM

I liked the whole movie. All was very affecting
The battle scences were believable .
But for heart tugging moments
Sam & Frodo on the rock in the lava
Sam after he realizes what Gollum has done
The "My friends you bow to no man " scence
The departure scence from Grey Havens
Sam "I'm back"

Sandro 08-16-2004 04:44 PM

I forgot one of my favorite songs! "Forth Eorlingas" from TTT. that really makes me want to pick up a spear and run down a hill yealling at the top of my lungs.

Alas, in a civilized world, that would be legal...

The Saucepan Man 08-16-2004 06:57 PM


Riders of Rohan! Oaths you have taken!
Moving, yes. But why like Yoda does Eomer suddenly start talking? :confused: :p

Kitanna 08-16-2004 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
Moving, yes. But why like Yoda does Eomer suddenly start talking? :confused: :p

Because Eomer knows that Yoda is cool.

Gothbogg the Ripper 09-27-2004 08:48 AM

Aragorns speech in front of the Black Gate, but the most emotionally poignant was the death of Boromir, I never thought that Al Pacino's death in Scarface could be bettered but Sean Bean pulled it off, an absoulutely heart wrenching moment.

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