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Farael 08-07-2006 03:18 PM


Q: Why didn't Tolkien draw anything to the east of Mordor and the Sea of Rhun?
A: Because his pen ran out of ink. As a matter of fact, that sea was to be called "The Sea of Rhum" a clear reference to Tolkien's favourite drink, but his pen failed half-way through the m.

Q: Why did Elrond send only EIGHT* walkers with the ring bearer? Couldn't he send a bit of a bigger dettachment at least half-way to Mordor to keep them well protected?

*It said eight all along, it never said either instead of eight. No, not at all, no, never

Boromir88 08-07-2006 04:45 PM


Q: Why did Elrond send only either walkers with the ring bearer? Couldn't he send a bit of a bigger dettachment at least half-way to Mordor to keep them well protected?
(Slightly confused do you mean eight walkers? A mind lapse there?) Anyway...

A: Elrond actually had a lottery system to decide who would join Frodo on the infamous quest to Mount Doom. It was supposed to be the First 50 winners, but only 8 signed up.

Q: Why is it called The Lord of the Rings?

Mirkgirl 08-08-2006 10:13 AM


Q: Why is it called The Lord of the Rings?
Because 'The Fiery Eyeball' got rejected.

Why do hobbits drink ale?

Kitanna 08-08-2006 10:56 AM

Why do hobbits drink ale?

A: Because Middle-Earth wine coolers are too expensive.

Q: Why wasn't Saruman a bearer of one of the Three Rings?

The Elf-warrior 08-08-2006 04:32 PM

Q: Why wasn't Saruman a bearer of one of the Three Rings?

A: Because Cirdan only trusted Saruman as far he could throw him, but Cirdan was too weak to throw Saruman more than a few inches.

Q: Why was Smaug so smug?

Meneltarmacil 08-08-2006 05:56 PM


Q: Why was Smaug so smug?
A: Because he was snug as a bug, of course. :p

Q: Why did the Valar seal Morgoth in the Void instead of just killing him?

The Elf-warrior 08-08-2006 06:04 PM

Q: Why did the Valar seal Morgoth in the Void instead of just killing him?

A: Because you can't kill the soul.

Q: Why was there no trace of the Wargs who attacked the Fellowship the next morning?

Naria 08-08-2006 06:12 PM


Q: Why was there no trace of the Wargs who attacked the Fellowship the next morning?
A: Because they liked eating on the run ;)

Q: What would the child of a Dwarf and a Hobbit look like?

Gil-Galad 08-08-2006 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Naria
Q: What would the child of a Dwarf and a Hobbit look like?

A: congratulations! you've solved the mystery of Tom Bombadil!

Q: Why do Rohirrim Calvary Charges not work againest a rampaging Balrog?

Farael 08-08-2006 07:35 PM


Q: Why do Rohirrim Calvary Charges not work againest a rampaging Balrog?
Because they couldn't manage to produce enough charge to turn their balrog-defeating light-sabres with a cavalry charge... they needed the charges of a couple batteries but they were fresh out of those

Q: Why was Gollum so ugly?

Celuien 08-08-2006 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Farael
Q: Why was Gollum so ugly?

A: Because he went to a really, really bad plastic surgeon.

Q: Do Hobbits go bald?

Nogrod 08-08-2006 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Farael
Q: Why was Gollum so ugly?

A: Because he had no daily papers to check his style from and he left his mirror of the underground lake too early...

Q: Why didn't Gollum strike at the time he had a chance?

Nogrod 08-08-2006 07:47 PM

X-posted with Celuien...

Q: Do Hobbits go bald?
A: Of course! Think of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins without a bald on the top of her head!

So making the question again...

Q: Why didn't Gollum strike at the time he had a chance?

Valier 08-09-2006 01:39 PM


Q: Why didn't Gollum strike at the time he had a chance?

A:He is surprisingly good at Baseball, and the word strike is not in his vocabulary! ;)

Q: Do you think Peregrin Took hates his name? and if so why?

Hookbill the Goomba 08-09-2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Valier
Q: Do you think Peregrin Took hates his name? and if so why?

A: Hisname, Pippin's neighbour, was pretty much hated by everyone. Mostly because of his enormous euphonium he insisted upon blowing at three in the morning.

Q: Why did Gandalf not just kick the Balrog in the shin and run away?

The Elf-warrior 08-09-2006 02:26 PM

Q: Why did Gandalf not just kick the Balrog in the shin and run away?

A: Because Pippin stole his flameproof shoes and buried them in Rivendell.

Q: Why was Lobelia so nasty?

Farael 08-13-2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by The Elf-warrior
Q: Why was Lobelia so nasty?

The Professor was, as we all know, a master of words and meanings and he played a very clever trick on us. As we know, lob is an old word for spider (or something like that) and Lob-elia was female.... a she... SHELOB!!!!

Indeed, when Shelob (aka Lobelia) attacked Frodo and Sam in Cirith Ungol, it was just the latest episode of a long-lasting hatred between the family.

Now, wouldn't you be nasty if you were a huge spider in a hobbit town?

Q: Why did Frodo hang out a lot with Merry and Pippin who were several years younger than him?

Brinniel 08-13-2006 10:32 PM


Q: Why did Frodo hang out a lot with Merry and Pippin who were several years younger than him?
Frodo never chose to hang out with them. No matter how much he tries to get rid of them, Merry and Pippin just keep tagging along. Annoying little buggers....

Q: Why did Frodo choose for the Fellowship to go through the Mines of Moria?

Volo 08-14-2006 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Brinniel
Q: Why did Frodo choose for the Fellowship to go through the Mines of Moria?

A: He thought there would be an underground death metal band playing there.

Q: Why did Boromir have hair?

The Elf-warrior 08-14-2006 03:48 PM

Q: Why did Boromir have hair?

A: Because young military leaders are rarely bald.

Q: Why did Pippin cross the road?

Brinniel 08-14-2006 06:22 PM


Q: Why did Pippin cross the road?
Because there were mushrooms on the other side!

Q: Why did Tom Bombadil wear yellow boots?

Celuien 08-14-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Brinniel
Q: Why did Tom Bombadil wear yellow boots?

A: Because they were on sale at Penney's.

Q: How old was the Old Forest?

Volo 08-15-2006 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Celuien
Q: How old was the Old Forest?

A: Older than the Young Forest.

Q: What did Merry use to clean his ears with?

Valier 08-16-2006 12:19 AM


Q: What did Merry use to clean his ears with?
A: Merry doesn't clean his ears silly.... :p

Q: Why are Hobbits afraid of water?

Farael 08-16-2006 07:48 AM


Q: Why are Hobbits afraid of water?
They dissolve (same reason why movie Aragorn doesn't ever take a bath)

Q: Would it be possible for Eru to make a popsicle so big that not even a hobbit could finish it? :p

Hookbill the Goomba 08-16-2006 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Farael
Q: Would it be possible for Eru to make a popsicle so big that not even a hobbit could finish it? :p

A: Theoretically, yes. But it would take so much energy that he'd have to destroy half of Arda. And you wouldn't want that would you?

Q: Why was did Gollum... erm.. gollum?

Volo 08-17-2006 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
Q: Why was did Gollum... erm.. gollum?

A: He took too many Giggle Calming Pills.

Q: What was Gandalf's pointy hat made of?

Kitanna 08-17-2006 06:24 AM

Q: What was Gandalf's pointy hat made of?
A: Cheese.

Q: Why did Denethor make his own pyre?

Glirdan 08-17-2006 07:23 AM


Q: Why did Denethor make his own pyre?
A: Because he wanted to be the hottest steward ever.

Q: Why did Faramir let Frodo go?

Kitanna 08-17-2006 07:40 AM

Q: Why did Faramir let Frodo go?
A: He was really trying to catch Merry.

Q: How come Sam had so many kids?

The Elf-warrior 08-18-2006 08:12 PM

Q: How come Sam had so many kids?

A: He adopted all of Pippin's kids after Child Protective Services took them after a certain incident involving illegal fireworks.

Q: Why did Smaug leave Lake-Town alone for so many years?

Glirdan 08-18-2006 08:45 PM


Q: Why did Smaug leave Lake-Town alone for so many years?
A: Because he (literally) turned into a chicken near water.

Q: Why did Eru create Arda?

The Sixth Wizard 08-22-2006 09:24 PM

Q: Why did Eru create Arda?

A: His psychiatrist suggested it as a way to channel his (strange) emotions.

Q: Why do people hate Denethor for killing himself, and yet love Aragorn for 'departing from the world'?

The Only Real Estel 08-22-2006 09:28 PM

Q: Why do people hate Denethor for killing himself, and yet love Aragorn for 'departing from the world'?

A: Quite simple - Meela has turned everyone towards Denethor & away from Aragorn. ;)

Q: Why did Aragorn carry around a broken sword in The Fellowship of the Ring?

Gurthang 08-22-2006 09:38 PM

Q: Why did Aragorn carry around a broken sword in The Fellowship of the Ring?

A: He had decided to become a pacifist.

Q: Why did Shelob live near Cirith Ungol?

HerenIstarion 08-23-2006 01:52 AM


Q: Why did Shelob live near Cirith Ungol?
A. She could not afford rent anywhere else, poor gal...

Q. Why was the Carrock called Carrock?

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 08-23-2006 06:36 AM

I remember this game. Let's see...
A: It isn't. Its real name, long since corrupted, is car-rock, because it looks like a 1983 Ford Granada.

Q: What was the name of Eorl's horse?

The Elf-warrior 08-23-2006 03:42 PM


Q: What was the name of Eorl's horse?
A: Muttonhead.

Q: Did Gandalf take Shadowfax to the Lonely Isle?

Rikae 08-25-2006 01:42 PM

No, because Shadowfax dumped Gandalf when he fell for the Balrog instead. (The Balrog being so hot & all)

Why doesn't Eowyn love Grima?

Gil-Galad 08-25-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae
Why doesn't Eowyn love Grima?

A: Because she also fell in love with a Balrog, Johnny the Stinky Balrog to be exact.

Q: If the Mearas are so great, why didn't they make their own nation?

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