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WaynetheGoblin 12-02-2005 05:55 PM

--gandalf, the GREY
I much as I want gandalf gone I have to vote for the person that is getting all the votes.

Glirdan 12-02-2005 06:02 PM

Wayne, that is not a good excuse for changing your vote. I will not accept an excuse like that for your vote. So, your vote is still for Gandalf.

On that note, I'd have to disagree with all the Gandalf voters. If they didn't have Gandalf, the Dwarves never would have made it to Rivendell, they would have been squashed by William, Bert and Tom. I say we keep him and once again, get rid of the usless. Of course I am talking about none other than Fundin and Nain. Yes they're old and might provide some good insight, but the bring nothing to the game. They're both old and dry!! They have no excitment in them. I say we send them to be with Durin, in the ground!!!

Boromir88 12-02-2005 06:11 PM

I disagree with the voting off of The Master. So what the guy is a pompous, greedy, jerk. The biggest thing about losing The Master is the Man Tribe is in total disarray because of the constant bickering between The Master and Bard, you know how high ratings for Survivor has increased since these two have gone at eachother's throats? A bunch! No, The Master must stay, he's far too good for the ratings, and that's the only reason you keep people around, is how they appeal to the public. If you keep on the jerks, more people will watch just to see him lose in the end. :p

So, I must vote for ++Fundin, there's still too many dwarves. :D

Holbytlass 12-02-2005 06:29 PM


I don't want to add a new name at this point and I like watching Gandalf get out of chores by boring people with his full of wisdom speeches, and The Master get out of chores by sneaking off (we have a running bet of how long it takes his tribe to notice he's gone again)

arcticstorm 12-02-2005 07:56 PM

Once again, I am going to vote for ++Bungo as he is trying to stifle the entire hobbit tribe

Glirdan 12-02-2005 09:01 PM

Ok, everyone stop voting. I'll have today's cast out post ina few minutes.

Glirdan 12-02-2005 09:11 PM

Day 4
The onslaught against the Dwarves progressed through to Day 4. There was, however, lots of talk about stopping the onslaught and continuing onto the other tribes. The two victims of this onslaught were Gandalf and The Master. However, Fundin was the one whom everyone wanted to see leave. "He's so old and dry" one said. "He's so uninteresting!!" said another. "But what about Gandalf and The Master?" Fundin said, attempting to shift the votes. "Gandalf left the Dwarves and Bilbo so many times!" "Yes, but he did warn them. And he's the only one who can make fire." one said in response. "What about the The Master? He's keeps sneaking off and only cares about himself!" Fundin cried, once again trying to shift the votes. "True, but we'd rather keep him to the finals. We'd have a better chance at winning agaisnt someone no one likes." another responded. The voting of day 4 went as thus:

Fundin - 6
Gandalf - 4
The Master - 3
Bungo - 1

Even though he did manage to change a few minds, Fundin was the next cast out. "Fine!! I shall go, yet this is not the last you have heard of me!!" With that, he sank into the ground, not alive yet not quite dead. He still had revenge to fufill on those who voted him out...

Contestants voted out:
Durin (The first King Under the Mountain)

The remaining contestants:

Belladonna Took
Bullroarer (Bilbo's great ancestor)
Bungo Bagins
Old Took

Nain (father of Dain)
Thrain (father of Thorin)
Thror (grandsire of Thorin)

Chief of Guards
Galion (Elvenking's Butler)
The Master

Bad Guys
Great Goblin
Chief Warg

Eagle Lord

Day 4 has come to an end. Day 5 starts. Start voting!!!

mormegil 12-02-2005 09:51 PM

What Gandalf isn't here to defend himself again?


arcticstorm 12-02-2005 10:25 PM

And again, I am going to try to get rid of the only person who is holding Bilbo back, ++Bungo. As long as he is there, Bilbo will be a big bore. Once he is gone, Bilbo's tookishness can start to come out, especially under the influence of his anscestor who invented golf using an orc's head.

Anguirel 12-03-2005 01:15 AM


Stupid smug Father Christmas/Snow White hybrid. He must be dispatched!

The Saucepan Man 12-03-2005 07:29 AM

Once I get an idea in my head, it's diffcult to shake it.


For all the reasons already stated by those who voted for him yesterday. And not only does he mysteriously sneak off at critical moments. When he is participating he is holding the other contestants back. They simply rely on his magic, and so their ingenuity and skills are not being tested. It's all very well magically kindling the firewood, but I'd like to see them try lighting a fire in the rain without Gandalf to help them. And his tricksy way with words is displaying itself in very sly behaviour. He has already tricked the Trolls into giving him all their mutton rations, and he had Beorn completely confused about the number of contestants left. He is a dangerous fellow and needs to be removed in order that other, more worthy, contestant may shine.

Glirdan 12-03-2005 07:58 AM

I'm going to go after the last useless Dwarf.


With Nain around, we'll never get to see Dain do anything. He's being held back by his stupid (dead), dry old father. I say out with him.

Tuor in Gondolin 12-03-2005 09:47 AM

+ + Gandalf

As SpM points out, Gandalf is really tricksey, precious.
And there is an ethical question which Smeagol the
Half-Wise, granted with perhaps an ax (get it- dwarves! :D )
to grind is going to point out in a future Oprah
interview telling the "real story" of The Ring:

Gandalf unethically dragged an inoffensive hobbit into
a frighteningly dangerous quest against the hobbit's
wishes. And who's to say Bilbo couldn't have handled
three strong (but remarkably dim) stone trolls?
Not only that, it was undoubtedly sly Gandalf who
convinced Bilbo to rewrite the tale of getting the
Ring away from poor Smeagol, who actually apologized
to Bilbo and showed him the way out of the caves!

Perhaps some wise maia, oh, say, Saruman, could lead
the defense against The Necromancer.

Boromir88 12-03-2005 10:27 AM

Hmmm, I like the case that's being made against Gandalf, and I like arctic's argument against Bungo. But for right now I'm going to go with...


Formendacil 12-03-2005 02:17 PM

I've already voted for the old druggie, criminal of many aliases, and uncloaking hazard, but that was yesterday, so I'll do it again today...

++Gandalf the Grey

Glirdan 12-03-2005 07:44 PM

Wow, it's been very silent today. And I see that my vote for Nain was pretty much usless.


His uncloaking is getting rather annoying. Besides, I'd like to see what's going to happen with the Necromancer. Gandalf was the only one who could kind of control him.

Rune Son of Bjarne 12-03-2005 08:18 PM

Remember it is only a game
I can't see how your vote becomes more usefull by useing it on Gandalf. . . It changes nothing!

Before you made a statement about who you found should be sendt home, now it seems like your just going with whats popular. (maybe it is just me who thinks so)

As Glirdan statet before he is useless and has got to go.


I can't remember what time the voting stops, hope I am not to late.

Glirdan 12-03-2005 08:20 PM



I was just doing that because my case was hopeless. But now, someone joined me!! Together, we will bring him down!!!

Meneltarmacil 12-03-2005 08:22 PM

I can't resist attempting to get rid of yet another redundant dwarf, plus I think Gandalf really should stick around.


Glirdan 12-03-2005 09:01 PM

Well, voting is over. Cast out post in a few minutes.

Glirdan 12-03-2005 09:10 PM

Day 5
Today was a very subdued day. Not a whole lot of talking went on, yet almost everyone was thinking the same thing. "Let's get rid of Gandalf" This, of course was met with a quite a bit of enthusiasm. They were getting sick and tired of voting out the Dwarves anyway. "But why me?" Gandalf asked. 'What about Nain? He's such a dry, old, usless, not to mention, dead. Why not get rid of him?" he asked. "Well, because, we could use his insight and experience for a few days. Besides, you keep disappering when we need you. No one in the tribe does anything because they rely on your magic and we want ratings to go up because you're subduing the Necromancer!!" everyone responded. That night, the voting went like this:

Gandalf - 5
Bungo - 1
Balin - 1
Nain - 3

Some people were persuaded in voting for Nain, yet Gandalf go the over-all votes. He was the next cast away. "You'll all regret the day you- AHHHHH!!!!" He didn't get to finish his scentence as he fell into the darkness, with a Balrog falling after him.

Contestants voted out:
Durin (The first King Under the Mountain)

The remaining contestants:

Belladonna Took
Bullroarer (Bilbo's great ancestor)
Bungo Bagins
Old Took

Nain (father of Dain)
Thrain (father of Thorin)
Thror (grandsire of Thorin)

Chief of Guards
Galion (Elvenking's Butler)
The Master

Bad Guys
Great Goblin
Chief Warg

Eagle Lord

Day 5 comes to a close and Day 6 begins. Vote away!!

arcticstorm 12-03-2005 09:33 PM

As I can see I am living in a lonely little world where no one else even seems to pay attention to hobbits, I will move off of them for a while and look to another person who is undesirable on the island. A person who keeps getting drunk on wine, he is vulnerable to the drink. This is none other than the infamous butler to Thranduil. He has been lowering ratings because whenever we get a hot of him, he is either drinking or in a drunken stupor.

The Saucepan Man 12-04-2005 07:53 AM

Back to the Dwarf bashing ...
There are still too many of them.

And, if previous days' voting is anything to go by, the most likely to go is


Another contestant who contributes little, has nothing useful to say for himself and should never have been in the show in the first place. There are a number of worthy contestants in the Dwarvish tribe, but the preponderance of those who add little is holding them back. By getting rid of the useless Dwarfs, we can allow the more intersting ones to shine.

Celuien 12-04-2005 08:10 AM


I agree that he is entirely useless. Worse than useless, in fact. With nothing to do, he's decided to make himself a nuisance by pulling such silly pranks as leaving tacks on Bombur's seat, attempting to pick Bilbo's pockets in an out-burgle-the-burglar contest and writing insulting notes to the Trolls. While everyone is distracted by Nain's nonsense, the important business of working on the challenges is being ignored. He has to go.

Glirdan 12-04-2005 09:08 AM

I'm going to vote for the same person as yesterday. The usless, old, dry and not mention dead, Nain.


His insight and experience is no longer needed.

Holbytlass 12-04-2005 09:27 AM

The dwarves still need thinning out, and I'm sure Nain will go today. I want to draw everyone's attention to Dain.

He is very powerful and a good dwarve, I would consider him to be in the top 5 for he does deserve it but unfortunately, he has allied himself with Thorin whom I don't see deserving to win.

Dain is persuasive and holds to his promise, so I see him getting Thorin to the end. I say vote out Dain and then Thorin will be much weaker so he should go next.


Rune Son of Bjarne 12-04-2005 12:39 PM

If you like Dain that much why not vote for Thorin ?


He is not crunchy enough. . .


Kitanna 12-04-2005 01:18 PM

++ Thorin
All I see is a self-centered leader, who would rather bring down and threaten those who try to help him, when he should be commending them.

Boromir88 12-04-2005 01:26 PM

I can go for another dwarf...


WaynetheGoblin 12-04-2005 06:40 PM

Bandwagganing Time!!!

mormegil 12-04-2005 08:33 PM

I say it's time the little hobbit got his comeuppance


Little heartless thief...taking from Gollum the only thing the poor wretch cared about.

Glirdan 12-04-2005 09:01 PM

Ok, voting is over. Cast out vote in a few minutes.

Glirdan 12-04-2005 09:12 PM

Day 6
After yesterdays turn around vote for Gandalf, the Dwarf purging continued. The one to suffer this time was Nain, who was victim to a few votes yesterday due to Gandalf. Today, everyone thought it best to get rid of him for his uslessness. "Gandalf was right, you really are a dry, old, useless, not to mention dead, Dwarf!" one cried. "It's definetly your turn to go." The voting that night was not at all surprising:

Galion - 1
Nain - 6
Dain - 1
Thorin - 1
Bilbo - 1

To no one's surprise, Nain was the one to go. "Fine!" he cried. " You will lose all the insight and knowledge that I hold!" "Who cares?" they responded. "We got rid of Dain, didn't we?" With that last insult, Nain turned away and started walking away. Then, a strange gust of wind came and he was gone, never to be seen again.

Contestants voted out:
Durin (The first King Under the Mountain)
Nain (father of Dain)

The remaining contestants:

Belladonna Took
Bullroarer (Bilbo's great ancestor)
Bungo Bagins
Old Took

Thrain (father of Thorin)
Thror (grandsire of Thorin)

Chief of Guards
Galion (Elvenking's Butler)
The Master

Bad Guys
Great Goblin
Chief Warg

Eagle Lord

Day 7 starts...As soon as you reach the end of this post!! :D :p

PS: If you guys don't mind, I'd like a little feedback on what you think of the way I'm doing this. Is there anything you want me to add? Anything need to be taken out? Just let me know by posting it or PMing me. Don't worry, I don't bite!! ;)

Holbytlass 12-05-2005 08:23 AM


He needs to be gotten rid of first, because even if Thorin goes (I would be happy) Dain will just allign himself with some other undeserving player!

The Saucepan Man 12-05-2005 09:12 AM

What about that Chief of Guards? Has he made any useful contribution so far? We don't even know his name, for goodness sake. All he seems to have done so far is criticise Bard for being dour and serious. Well, at least Bard is getting on with his camp duties and contributing to the tasks. He made an excellent showing in the archery task. I think that this nameless Chief of Guards is someone who we can happily do without.


Tuor in Gondolin 12-05-2005 09:47 AM

While Galion is deserving (via incompetence,
inebriation, and drinking the king's wine) of
going, what about the Elvenking? Greedy
and probably so much of a control freak that
he'll drive his son to leave Mirkwood for
Rivendell (and start wearing blond wigs).

+ + The Elvenking

arcticstorm 12-05-2005 12:12 PM

I will once again get back to my original fight to get rid of the most boring character on the island, none other than the bad old Bungo Baggins

Eonwe 12-05-2005 12:14 PM

hmmmm. i believe you have a point tehre arcticstorm. with bungo gone, bilbo will lose much of his timidity and retisence.

++Bungo Baggins

Tuor in Gondolin 12-05-2005 12:16 PM

Well, it's hard to argue that Bungo Baggins
is not boring, and with a really irritating
name. So:

- - The Elvenking


+ + Bungo Baggins

mormegil 12-05-2005 01:34 PM

Well since my Bilbo wagon doesn't seem to picking up much steam I will try


Untrusty and dim-witted. I mean he's a shapeshifter living among these others and we haven't gotten rid of him. You know what happens to shape shifters on other games...they are lynched and yet he continues to become a bear and we all sit around smiliing about it.

Also, the dumb characters are fun for a day or two but soon their incompentence begins to get annoying and pull down ratings so it's time for this nincompoop to leave.

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