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Lord of Angmar 12-23-2003 07:37 PM

I picture myself as a cross between Saruman and Gandalf. I am akin to Saruman in that I can be very persuasive, but like both Saruman and Gandalf I can be quick to wrath (and, like Gandalf, quick to laugh as well). Like Saruman, I often tend to bite off more than I can chew, so to speak.

Arothir 12-23-2003 07:52 PM

This is from the Silmarillion, but I am like Arothir, the second king of Narog. No one really gives me respect, but I can lead when I have the determination. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

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Enedbelethiel 12-23-2003 11:47 PM

I think that I am very much like Eowyn. I relate to the fact that she was so repressed and withdrawn at first and then slowly came into her own. I've also had the experience of falling in love with someone who couldn't love me in return. I guess I'm just waiting for my Faramir! My mother actually thinks I'm more Elvish and like the haunting Galadriel, and she baught me Nenya last year for Christmas as a surprise. So, I'm an Elvish version of Eowyn - wearing Nenya [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Rilwen Gamgee 12-24-2003 12:51 PM

I've taken a number of personality tests, but I've mostly gotten Sam (YAY! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] ). I've gotten Legolas, Gandalf, and Frodo as other personalities you might have on the BD test. However, the Pippin inside pops out once in a while. But then the serious Frodo/Gandalf side of me kicks in when my friends start becoming little Merrys and Pippins. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] So overall, I'm a mix between Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Gandalf.

Sirithrodwen 12-24-2003 03:16 PM

Well I just took a personality test, and it says I'm most like...Gimli?! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] Err...I don't think so. But Frodo came in second, and I'll buy that. But I think I'm most like Pippin, mainly because I can be very, very curious at times...Okay, all the time. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Foolofatook 12-27-2003 02:58 PM

Balin - I'm undoubtedly Balin. Sure I know he isn't technically a LotR character, but stick with me. I'm happy to sit on the sidelines and be a team player always aiding others, and when I attempt something on my own as a solitary venture it usually ends badly, (Moria). Does Balin count, if not Pippin. He's just that cool.

Arwen Eruantale 12-27-2003 03:33 PM

Hmm..never really gave it much serious thought. My favourite characters are Aragorn and Sam (the Downs test says I am like Aragorn), but also Arwen. Which has become one of my many nicknames.

I suppose I am a mix of the three, with Sam's fierce loyalty, Aragorn's intensity, [mostly [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]] gentle, quiet spirit, and "loner" tendencies (I wish I had a smile that made me seem worthy of honour..but that's impossible with braces.).
The part of me that earned the nickname of Arwen must be subconscious, because I can't figure out where that came from...

But I see myself as mostly an Aragorn-ish figure (film & book), with many similar habits and/or desires; most of which are known only to me... and perhaps one or two others. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Finwe 12-27-2003 04:14 PM

I seem to be turning into Aragorn more and more every day. It's a rather interesting occurrence. I'm starting more projects that I know I'll never finish, I keep carrying my sword around (the sword that I can barely use), I tend to "leap in" to save people when they're in dire straits, and I've become much more selfless lately. I suppose if I see a beautiful Elf-maiden coming after me, I'll head for the hills! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Gayahuaniel 12-28-2003 08:45 AM

Well, if I must say which character I would identify myself with I would say Eowyn.

Her power, her strenght, her behaviour, her lover for her family and the king, the way she reacts on things. The way she stands up againt the Witch-King of Angmar. Wonderfull.

Everyone has his own foes to deal with and well, I think I would be like Eowyn. She's so brave and strong.

Annantar 01-14-2004 09:54 PM

I believe that I would be Legolas. He was one of my favorite characters in the LotR. I think I am like him because he was completely loyal; as myslef I would never turn my back or leave my friends. Also he was fair and always looked at the brighter side of things. I always try not to look at things in a neggitive way, and try to be the best person I can. Another reason I think I'm similar to Legolas is because he was brave. He would have followed Frodo the very end, as a loyal comapnion; As so would I. [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

The Dark Elf 01-14-2004 10:04 PM

I'm a hobbit. probably pippin. im always in trouble at school or with my parents and i like eating

Elladriar 01-15-2004 01:26 PM

erm i think i'm most like Barliman, i think i'm quiet jolly and always up for a good laugh. i'm not the brightess thing on the planet but i know whats right and wants wrong. i'm not too shy and i get on well with different people, both friends and strangers. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Missy Evenstar 01-17-2004 12:31 PM

The LOTR character that reminds me the most of myself I would have to say is Sam. Cause just like Sam I'm very loyal. And I would do just about anything for my friends. And I'm very stubborn and won't take no for an answer just like Sam. And I'm also very loving and worry too much. LOL.

Armetiel 01-17-2004 12:42 PM

well, on the personality quizzes I always end up as either Legolas, Aragorn or Galadriel...however in my own personal view (and I know a lot more about myself than what I put down on those personality quizzes) I'd have to say Eowyn or Maybe Arwen.

Elanor the Fair 03-05-2004 10:10 PM

I ususally get Sam on those Personality tests once in a while I will get Frodo (just because they don't have Sam as an option). Of coarse I am glad to get Sam since he's my favorite character and we do have lots of similar traits- loyalty, bravery, etc. But also he have they same values such as family and friendship. But there are some things like smoking and drinking that I don't do soit evens out pretty well. I think that those tests are pretty accurate but sometimes you can tell which character they are talking about in the answer options.:D

Eorl of Rohan 03-05-2004 10:54 PM

I would say Maedhros the Tall, the son of Feanor and should-have-been High King of Noldor.

Faithful to his friend at the burning of the ships, courageous in facing against the Morgoth Bauglir in The Battle of Five armies, and the last desperate deed to gain his Silmaril and redeem his oath... And his death, valiant but sorrowful, throwing himself into the gaping chasm of fire.

I don't know, seems like myself somehow.

Fingolfin II 03-06-2004 04:00 AM

Well on the two normal tests I took I got Aragorn and Denethor. For the Valar test I got Manwe.

If it were First Age I'd say I'm most like 3 out of 4 of my fave Silmarillion characters- Feanor, Turin and Fingolfin.

haltred 04-04-2004 07:49 PM

Well according to BD's personality test I"m Pippin and according to their Location test I'd live in Rivendell. Personaly I prefer to be like Sam and live in
the Shire ;)

Gorwingel 04-04-2004 10:22 PM

I can't believe I have never posted in this thread!

Well I most definitely have a Frodo personality, but with the greastest of all urges to travel, which makes me kind of different in a way (I can never stay in one place for a huge amount of time). But personality wise I am very much a Frodo. I can be a loner, I am very deep and I spend a lot of time alone, but then I also enjoy the friendship of friends and family. And in addition I love learning from all. He has always been the one that I have related too the most since when I first read the book. Even at the end in Mt. Doom and Mordor, when he had very much changed into a different person, he very much reminded me of myself.

Legolas 04-05-2004 01:04 PM

While those online tests are sometimes fun and amusing, please try to make an attempt to describe why you're most like the character you choose. That was the original question asked, and doing so will keep this thread on-topic and interesting to read. We don't need another "Who's your favourite character?" thread! :cool:

Evisse the Blue 04-06-2004 01:58 AM

I was just thinking recently how much I resemble Bilbo. I generally have a hobbity personality but I share Bilbo's intelectual curiosity. I can see myself pouring over old Elvish scrolls and making poems about Earendil, while at the same time looking forward to the next meal. Long councils (debates, etc) end up boring me. (I am easily bored :rolleyes: ). I selfishly surround myself with bright and interesting people. Sometimes I suprise not only the others but also myself, finding a strength in me that I had no idea I possessed. And lastly, I'm a peace maker at heart.

PoisonIvy 04-07-2004 02:37 AM

I think I am more like Eowyn. I may be a woman but that doesn't mean I am weak. I can fight my own fights, too. And I could be stubborn at times. Eowyn for me symbolizes a special kind of girl power, Middle Earth style. In a world or kingdom dominated by men, she does not let herself get intimidated. Her strong personality is even made more fiery by her heart, the passionate and loving heart of a woman. And that has made her one-of-a-kind! And I admire her. I'd love to identify myself with her.

Firefoot 04-07-2004 09:42 AM

Gorwingel, I think you and me must be a lot alike. I feel like I could have written your post! ;) I am very much like Frodo - I like to travel, learn and read, and I need to have time to myself to think, but I also enjoy being with my friends. I like being out in nature.

starkat 04-08-2004 02:50 PM

I'd have to say I'm somewhere between Eowyn and Arwen. I love horses and prefer technical subjects but I also am quiet adn sometimes determined.

Etharius 04-22-2004 07:54 AM

Most definately myself= Aragorn. (In his time if elusiveness and solidarity, also self-doubt).

Silent Sam 04-28-2004 09:10 AM

A mixture of 2...
When I came out of the movie theatre after ROTK, all of my friends were talking about who reminded them of who in the movie, and everybody told me that they could easily picture me as Sam; carrying my best friend up Mt. Doom on my back, and what not. I just smiled, and told them thanks. :)

But, they also said that I'm an awful lot like Frodo; I want to travel the world when I get older, and family/friends are my first priority.

Galadel Vinorel 04-28-2004 09:20 AM

This a very difficult question to ask. hhmmmm....I would have to say that I am most like 3 character of LOTR. These three are: Elrond, Eowyn, and Sam.

Elrond because my friends say that I seem to have "the answers to everything" and am very wise. :rolleyes: But, I think that I am like him because I think over things before I do them..though I don't always think before I say something. ;)

Eowyn because I am often very sad, though I am not totally sure why, but I can have fun at times, and am sometimes very "silly", as my friends would say. Also, the obvious, I am a girl and a blonde as well.

Sam because I am very simple. I like to cook and like the simple pleasures of life. I also like to do gardening, and I LOVE mushrooms. Just like a hobbit!! :D

So, those are who I am most like, though I do have the a ffew characteristics of some of the other characters of LOTR.



Lalwendė 05-05-2004 02:08 PM

Another good topic!

Well, I am very much like a Hobbit anyway - my 'real' name is even a Hobbit name! And I look like a Hobbit - minus the hairy feet. ;) But I'm most like Bilbo. A bit eccentric, not a very keen adventurer, and I like to sit in the garden and smoke. I'm always saying I'll write a book one day, and I am sometimes a bit too nosy for my own good. And, if I had a ring which made me invisible, I'd use it all the time, too. It's a bit disturbing really, because my father looks like the film version of Bilbo. I can sometimes be just a bit defiant, like Eowyn, but she's more like the younger me.

samwise8504 05-07-2004 08:03 AM

when i took that personality test it come up with Gimli then Bill Ferny then Boromir. None of those characters reminds me of myself, if any character does than its either sam or merry.

Gird 05-07-2004 10:00 AM

I would have to say that I am most like Merry. Adventurous and brave if the ocasion calls, and I also love spending time with my friends, but I'm not quite as curious as Pippin. oh! and I like food! :D

Lhundulinwen 05-11-2004 08:40 PM

I am a hobbit/elf. I love nature and am most happy with a few friends or solitude. (sp.?) But lately, my two best friends have been struggling with their identities ad in general finding out about life. I don't agree with some of their decissions, but I will stick with them all the way to Mordor and beyond no matter what. When I pledge loyalty, I mean it forever, not just for the school year, or a little while; I mean it forever. So, I truely believe I am a Sam. Sure, I like my food (how I got this lovely figure), and nature is really important to me and loyalty I hold above all other qualities.

But then again, I have a sword necklace that I wear always...I am always willing to defend my friends. (maybe with pots and pans... but hopefully a little bit better prepared then that !!)

mark12_30 05-13-2004 10:55 AM

Some primary characteristics:
--merry among a few close friends, very quiet in a large group
--would rather be hanging around with jolly young friends & nephews & neices than doing something "important"
--long walks alone, often in the dark
--love the stars, elves, trees, water
--singing and collecting songs (and every now and again, writing one)
--the garden needs weeding-- where's Sam?

--dawdle and delay before leaving home
--when a big decision is due, I sit and think and think and think while people wait for the decision
--pessimism surfaces during difficulties
--wish someone else had been selected to do the job I have
--tried to give it away a couple of times
--yes, it's a burden; just keep putting one foot in front of the other

--I'm writing the history (of the family) because it needs to be done, including writing down my dad's stories (Bilbo!)


(Frodo started as an extrovert... I wonder if he ended up as an INFP)

Lothiriel94 05-14-2004 10:52 AM

I would have to say that I am probably a lot like Faramir, in that I constantly have to love up to other's expectations, I'm never perfect enough for anyone (or maybe its just myself.) I am a very booksmart person, and am quiet and keep to myself, I have a gentle nature and do give up very easily.
That's probably my main character I'm similar to. I'm kind of like Galadriel too, I guess. Not sure

Quicksilver_Sprite 05-14-2004 12:42 PM

The tests I've taken always say that I'm most like Aragorn or Gandalf. I tend to be pretty serious, though I'll let my hair down if I'm comfortable. Conflict or pressure doesn't make me buckle, but fight harder. I'm loyal, have a terrible guilty consience, and don't mind standing up for what I believe.

Maeggaladiel 05-19-2004 11:55 AM

Hooray for Borro-buddie!
I'm Figwit. LOL!! Unlike Maeggaladiel, my online alter-ego, I'm usually really quiet when in groups and so few people really know me personally. I tend to keep to myself. Also I'm not very attractive. :rolleyes:

Okay, okay, for a REAL lotr character, I'd say I'm most like Boromir. I'm the older child, although I'm not the favorite. (My sister says otherwise, though. :D )I'm pretty cynical and suspicious of things that don't seem "right." (IT'S A CONSPIRACY, I TELL YOU!!) I consider myself very smart and I don't suffer fools. I try to convince people to follow my ideas, and although I'm not as cranky as Boromir, I will sometimes give in and pout if I'm outnumbered. I also get depressed very easily. I don't like working in groups. (The Society of Nearsighted Elves are probably reading this and getting nervous.)

Unlike Boromir, however, I won't try to take things from people. I just get depressed and have the "the world is ending and it's all your fault for not following my ideas" pout. I'm not all evil, though; I am very good-natured most of the time. And I'm not as bad as I just said I was about forcing my ideas on people. Most of the time I'll give in to other people's ideas if I'm outnumbered and I WON'T pout. Unless it's a school project and my grades could suffer from it. Then I'm a little more agressive. :D

Great, I just made myself sound like a big jerk. I'm really not that bad, believe me! I'm kind and good and friendly and fun and... and... stuff! And for all you Frodos out there, I won't try to take your stupid jewlery!!

*Shot full of arrows and sent over a waterfall in a little boat*

Mahal 05-19-2004 02:16 PM

I think im like Sam. Im not much of a leader, and try to be nice to most people. I also love Gardens(that seals the deal right ;)).

Elwe Singollo 05-20-2004 02:29 AM

I wouldn't be able to say which LOTR chacter I'm like. But from the Silmarillion I would say I was like Feanor or Thingol and maybe very possibly Elrond. But I don't know.

Grimkū the Blood-Axe 05-26-2004 04:37 AM

The BD Personality Test believes that I am most like Legolas but am also similar to Aragorn and Samwise Gamgee. Personally, I consider myself to be an Aragorn in regards to personality. Hate to say it, but I do enjoy leading. I am also a fan of long strolls in the wilderness and beheading large Uruks.

Mad Baggins 05-27-2004 07:43 PM

Grimku, you have the potato-head as your avatar? Beautiful.

I think that I'm most like one of the hobbits. Merry or Pippin. I'm good hearted, kind of naive at times. Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me, and sometimes I do downright foolish things, but all in all I try to do the right thing. I'm rather young. Also, I love to eat (heh heh).

Saraphim 05-28-2004 09:24 AM

I suppose I'm most like Faramir. I'm quiet and reserved, but willing to fight for the protection of the things I love. I'm always looking for the approval of the people I look up to, and I'm quite avid about nature.

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