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Sophia the Thunder Mistress 08-15-2003 02:50 AM

Nice both of you,

Envinyatar- there should be fine for Gaeradan's post.

Susan-YAY! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Beruthiel/Shumita... and everyone else: MY PMS DO NOT WORK! Dont send anything to my pm box please...

I got your post, Beruthiel, and it has been edited in, but please don't send anythign there again. If you don't mind me seeing your return email you can send stuff to me at, or if you dont want me to see the address you can post anything here.



Envinyatar 08-15-2003 03:43 AM

It occurs to me, that since Eärnil seems a necessary character for others to use at will, I am going to relinquish writing for the character and let him become an NCE or NCC - Non Controlled Entity/Character.

That way, the other gamers may handle him as they wish.

The post for Gaeradan's return to the palace is now on board.

- E -

[ August 15, 2003: Message edited by: Envinyatar ]

alaklondewen 08-15-2003 04:38 PM

Habeth walked quickly and silently through the King’s apartments to his private kitchen. If the Queen had not been at the dinner, the servant may have been stopped or questioned, but the few guards she came across just smiled politely and tipped their heads. Once she slipped into the kitchen, Habeth quietly approached the cook.

“Habeth!” The large man exclaimed. “Wh…What are you doing in here?” His thick hands delicately slaved over the finishing touches to the dessert that would be served shortly. Habeth had always been amazed at how such a large, and rather ungraceful looking, man could be so fastidious with regards to his work.

“I came to see what’s going on in there.” Habeth smile mischievously at the cook and gave him a little wink. “Has anything exciting happened? Anything that can be passed on that is?” The woman leaned over the counter offering her ear for a secret.

“Well, nothing exceptional, except…” The cook looked around and behind to see where the other servants were before continuing. “The boy’s dog made a fuss ‘bout something. It started barking and howling, and they made one of the guards remove it. Then the boy told the King and Queen that they could all hang…and his dessert too!”

Habeth’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Why, Earnil had seemed so well-mannered…what would possess the boy to speak in such a way to the King and Queen? “What happened after that?”

“Well, the King’s nephew stormed out of the dining room following the hound. He wasn’t dismissed or nothin’!” The cook was becoming rather animated and had forgotten to lower his voice. Two servants walking back to the sinks stopped and gave him a curious stare. “Anyway,” he whispered leaning back over the counter. “The King went and ordered him back into the dining room. Shumita! Take this dessert out!” He broke away giving the pastry covered tray to the young servant who did not look pleased to be serving this particular meal. As soon as the girl was out of the kitchen, the cook became secretive again and motioned for Habeth to come closer. “The King’s going to make an announcement, they say. We’re not positive, but we think he’s going to announce the boy’s right to the throne.” The man backed way and nodded his head enthusiastically with both of his eyebrows raised.

They all knew Earnil would be the King Falastur’s heir, but Habeth knew the announcement would be bitter for Beruthiel’s ears. It would be especially difficult after the way the child had behaved toward her.

“Thank you for letting me in on the information.” Habeth warmly patted the man’s thick arm. “Here let me help you with those.” She picked up several of his utensils from the counter and carried them to the sink where she began to wash up some of the dishes. Many things were running through her mind, and cleaning had a relaxing effect on her, so she was happy to lend a hand.


Your post has been placed on the game in the 'Habeth' space.


[ August 15, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 08-18-2003 11:58 PM

Everyone- Dinner party, check. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

***Tentative Schedule of Events for Finishing the Game***
  • Beruthiel and Tarannon's dinner Party- Done
  • Miaama's meeting with Farucan and trip home- Done
  • Second Assassination Attempt Planned and Exectued- **WE ARE HERE** Finish by 8/25
  • Rescue of Earnil and Resultant Aftershocks- Finish by 8/27
  • Investigation and Discovery of "Beruthiel's" Involvement- Finish by 9/4
  • Tarannon Deliberates on what to Do- Finish by 9/7
  • Tarannon Abandons Beruthiel (& Cats) at Sea, Farucan Escapes, Final Wrap up Posts- Finish by 9/13

I have updated the list of goals due to the power outages and the forum downtime this past week. I think we are still basically on course to finish the game by the new improved [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] deadline (Sept 16).

The second assassination attempt will be by poison as Belin (masterfully [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]) set up in her last post.

Earwen- I think it would be great if you could post something about Pelladal being appointed to Earnil's guard as a reward for saving his life in the square, perhaps Envinyatar could help you set it up, as Gaeradan could put in a good word for him with the King.

Alak- Farucan's going to slip a little something in to Miaama's dish as well... Habeth should be available for averting disaster.

Envinyatar- check PMs.

My PMs are working again!! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] (Many thanks to the wonderful Mr. Underhill) So you all may feel free to send me anything and everything you need.


Lyra your PMs are full. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] I will be in touch though, with a sneaky plan or two. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: Sophia the Thunder Mistress ]

Bęthberry 08-21-2003 12:33 PM

Piosenniel and Child, thank you for your work in moving this game to Rohan.

Cats, humans, dogs ... ie, Gamers

Some of you are already on the list of Rohan writers. Others are not yet. Those who are not yet on the Rohan list have been given a temporary, one time pass to write in Rohan so this excellent game can be finished. Sophia the game owner will be contacting you about this. It should not create any difficulties in finishing the game.

Now, gamers, on the Mark, get ready, give this game the conclusion it deserves.

Moderator for Rohan

Lyra Greenleaf 08-22-2003 12:20 PM

Sophia, I'm sorry but the sneaky plans will have to go unfulfilled. I hate the fact that I have to do this, but I guess that I'd better get it over with. I no longer have home internet access (I'm in an internet cafe), so I'm really sorry but I have to pull out of all my RPGs. There's just no way I could keep up with them. I'm sorry to let everyone down, and I'm disappointed for myself. If I'm really lucky it will get sorted in a couple of weeks, but it might be a lot longer. I've really enjoyed the BDs and this game. Feel free to do what you like with Caeran and Morwen, by the way.

Bye everyone!

[ August 22, 2003: Message edited by: Lyra Greenleaf ]

alaklondewen 08-23-2003 01:31 PM

Beruthiel and elven maiden Earwen - please check your PMs. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Sophia is having some computer related problems, and she asked me to do some errands for her. I have put up two saves on the game thread as she requested. Earwen, I didn't put one up for you, since you had the last post anyway. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Okay, I will have the second assassination attempt completed by tomorrow. If you need a post put in before this, either post it here or PM me with it.


alaklondewen 08-24-2003 10:04 AM

The assassination attempt is complete, which puts us a day ahead of schedule. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Earwen - Caeran will now need Pelladal's help.

[ August 24, 2003: Message edited by: alaklondewen ]

Envinyatar 08-24-2003 12:49 PM


Gaeradan is standing in your outer offices awaiting any orders for the day.

Susan Delgado 08-25-2003 12:41 PM

There seems to be a time discrepency here. Gaeradan is arriving at Tarannon's office at the crack of dawn for instructions, yet Earnil is already having lunch. I believe I could fix it in my post, but I thought I would point it out. I am going to span my post over several hours; if anyone has something they meant to have happen in the morning (before the poisoning of Huan) let me know and I will either A) wait to post, or B) add it to my post in the proper spot with a note. I will hold off my post for 24 hours to allow everyone to see this.

Envinyatar 08-25-2003 01:10 PM


The discrepancy has been eliminated. I went back and edited my post.

Should anyone need Gaeradan he has been in his office since dawn.

Susan Delgado 08-25-2003 07:28 PM

Thanks Evinyatar.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 08-25-2003 07:48 PM

Thanks Alak for helping me keep up. Just warning you guys, my computer has a nasty virus so I will have to be checking in on campus computers as often as I can. Hopefully it will be only a few days, but I will keep you all posted. Sorry. I'll be in and out as much as possible.

Thanks all for being great writers and players (and Bb for patience and so forth [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]).


alaklondewen 08-26-2003 05:51 PM

Earwen - Please check your PMs. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I will delete this once you reply...

Lyra Greenleaf 08-29-2003 04:28 PM

Hey everyone! I’m back! (Well kind of). We restored factory settings on our computer which means we can get the internet again! But we don’t have a virus scan until Monday, so I’m not really supposed to be here… or online at all… But if there’s still a space for me in this game I will be back in three days, for good. (Crossing my fingers!)

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 08-29-2003 08:20 PM

Lyra! Wonderful! So glad to hear it! Morwen likely still has a role to play in all this [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img].

Susan- the ball is in Tarannon's court now. After conclusive evidence is brought to Tarannon of the poison on Earnil's plate, things should heat up eh? Perhaps your healers could examine Huan, or something to verify that it was indeed poison.


Beruthiel 08-31-2003 02:51 AM

Sorry its taken me a while to get this post up, been busy and all. I'm not sure the way I've written things is what was supposed to happen but let me know and I'l change anything.

Shumita nodded as the cook told her the things she needed to do. "So first things first, you need to make some food for the young heir, and you'd better hurry up, I'm sure he's hungry."

Shumita moved to the counter and began chopping up a few things but soon realised that there was still some leftovers lying around that were still alright to eat, some chicken would be fine. It didn't take her long and she was just about to take it to the guests quarters when there was a loud crash and Shumita whirled around.
The sound had come from below in the wine cellar. Shumita walked cautiously to the door that led down into the cellar and she could hear what sounded like someone running away. She opened it and crept inside. A few bottles of wine had smashed at the red liquid was spreading over the stone floor. She heard more footsteps from above but strangely no one else came down.

Shumita ran back up above to get the head cook and as she was closing the door behind her she saw a figure running off out into the gardens. She cried out after the person but when she followed and looked outside the person had dissapeared.

She returned to the kitchen and found the cook. Shumita asked her if she'd heard the crash and the cook said, "Yes, but one of the new assistants was in there so I thought he'd help you, wasn't he there?"
"No I didn't see anyone..."
"How strange, anyway have you made Earnil's food yet?" Shumita nodded, "Well go on then!"

Shumita went back and got the plate of food and brought it to Earnil who was with Caeran. She left quickly and tried drove off the questions in her mind about the strange figure running away from the kitchens...

EDIT : Hope thats better! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Beruthiel ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 08-31-2003 05:28 PM

Beruthiel- great post, I like it. One thing though, could you change what Earnil is eating? Two reasons... 1) Belin specified in her post that leftovers would be poisoned, 2) a dog wouldn't likely eat salad... soup is iffy. Perhaps the leftover cornish hen from the dinner party?

Thanks hon. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Lyra Greenleaf 09-01-2003 08:30 AM

Hey, I thought I'd post this here because I'm not too sure of the order of events at the moment. Also, could everyone (especially Earwen, I hope it fits with what you thought!) check that it's OK. As I've been away I'm still trying to get back into the storyline.


Caeran was shocked by the sound of a voice behind him.

"Dogs know when they've eaten something bad, but Huan is too weak to vomit it out right now. He needs help. Could you get him some grass to chew?"

Caeran listened gratefully as Pelladal explained how to help Huan. He didn't know how or why the other man had entered the room, but he was certainly grateful. He tried to stand, but with the weight of the hound leaning on him and Earnil hanging onto his sleeve it was impossible. He looked helplessly up at Pelladal.

"I'll go" the man said. "Keep him awake, even moving if you can. It will all help."

Caeran watched him turn and leave the room again, then gulped. He was on his own now.

"Earnil..." he began, then trailed off. He sounded shaken and worried, which was not a good idea. He had to comfort the lad.

"Earnil" he began again, forcing himself to not let his voice shake "you heard Pelladal. We can save Huan, he'll be fine, but only if we try really hard."

Earnil nodded, blinking fast. Caeran knew that he would hate himself for crying, especially now he had responsibility both in the kingdom and for his dog.

Huan was breathing shallowly and fast, but there was little sign of life apart from this. Caeran scratched him under the chin and was rewarded by a whine. Huan opened his eyes for a moment and gazed upwards in a way which seemed beseeching to Caeran. Slowly he rolled Huan off his knees, stretching his legs out as he stood. Then he began to pick the dog up.

"Help to support him at the back" he said to Earnil, and then between the two of them they began to lead the dog around the room. He made stiff, uncomfortable movements and kept trying to lie back down, but Caeran knew he couldn't let him. He kept talking slowly to Earnil and Huan in what he hoped was a comforting voice.

Please don't take too long Pelladal!, he thought with the small part of his brain that was still thinking rationally.

elven maiden Earwen 09-02-2003 05:20 PM

I’m sorry everyone. I know I haven’t been posting much, but I am having some problems with my computer so Internet access is very limited. I still wish to take part in this RPG so please put up saves anywhere you feel is necessary and I’ll try to fill them in as soon as I can. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Forever~ Earwen.
[img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Lyra Greenleaf 09-04-2003 02:19 PM

Well I'm putting the above post on the thread. If it is out of order it can get changed later.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 09-13-2003 08:17 PM

Whoa, I'm back from yet another long absence. I apologize, my computer is having a serious problem lately, and the school network isn't cooperating very well either.

Here's what needs to happen now.

Susan- Tarannon needs to react to Earnil's poisoning, this is really a crucial scene. He needs to be upset enough to banish his wife when the time comes.

X- Yawla needs definitive proof that Miaama's food was poisoned.

Alak and Lyra and Envinyatar and Earwen and Beruthiel- An all out search for evidence about this attack should be mounted. Get searching. :P

Lyra- ever suspicious, check out Beruthiel thoroughly. Find some way to suspect... find the note if you can figure out a way how, if not set up a way to find the note.

Aylwen- the aftermath of a tragedy is always a great time for mischief. Arye and Mosi would love to get involved, eh? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Beruthiel is going to react badly to all of this. But I have to get some posts up before I can post again... otherwise I'll look silly.

Sorry again, lets get this proverbial show on the road, eh?! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I'm glad to be back!


Sophia the Thunder Mistress 09-19-2003 02:33 PM

Beautiful work, X, Envinyatar, Alak, and Lyra. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Lyra- could you pm me and discuss what Morwen intends to do with the note? There are lots of options... all suitably nasty.

Earwen, Susan, Aylwen- if you're still with us stick a note up here and let me know, please.

Ibai- what does Farucan think about the misfiring of the poison? It's about time for him to start fleeing the scene before he has another run-in with Miaama... and perhaps an angry queen herself.


Belin 09-27-2003 11:26 AM

Farucan is headed off to the boondocks.

I wanted to let everyone know that there are three more of his, er, assistants remaining in the kitchen to see how things develop. Feel free to use them if you wish. They're probably quite nervous by now.

Susan Delgado 09-29-2003 12:10 AM

I'm sorry! I got very busy all of a sudden and didn't mean to leave so long. If I'm still welcome to play, let me know. I'll write a post for Tarannon tonight, before I go to bed.

Again, Sophia, everyone, my apologies.

alaklondewen 10-11-2003 05:33 PM

I have filled in my SAVE on the last page. Please accept my apology for my tardiness. The Queen now knows that the heir was targeted.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 10-17-2003 01:33 AM

I have put in Beruthiel's reaction. She's getting a little crazier than she has otherwise been, and I'm a little out of practice with writing, so if anything in there is terribly incoherent, I'd appreciate a note up here and I'll read back over it again in the morning.

Beruthiel (as a black Numenorean) is not above taking her own life if things become unbearable. I don't think she'd actually do it, but she is beginning to toy with the idea. Because of this, when we have Tarannon find out that Beruthiel was involved in the Earnil plot, we need to make sure that she is taken into custody (or at least separated from her dagger) right away so that she can't kill herself before she can be abandoned at sea.

Nice post, Alak. Beruthiel, if you could edit yours and make it a bit longer that would be spectacular.


Bęthberry 10-17-2003 06:32 PM

Gamers of A House Divided,

Unfortunately, your Game Manager, Sophia, is still having serious computer problems and cannot say when she will be able to return to full time status.

Consequently, I am closing temporarily both the game and the discussion threads. This seems the best choice to make at this time. As soon as Sophia can return, the game will be reopened. You will be notified when the game reopens by a post from me on this thread when I reopen it.

I hope that will be sooner rather than later as this is a most interesting game. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me via PM.

Moderator for Rohan

Bęthberry 01-01-2004 03:36 PM

To All gamers here,

A couple of weeks ago, Sophia had asked me to open this game for the holidays, but she has not contacted me since then. This game has been abandoned far beyond what is reasonable, I think, in terms of computer problems.

If neither Sophia, Alaklondewen nor XPhial contact me within 48 hours with a plan to finish this game, I will be moving it to Elvenhome, incomplete. It will be Mithadan's discretion to keep it there or delete it.

Sorry to all gamers who put so much effort and creativity into their characters and posts and especially to Pio and Child, the Shire moderators, who worked so hard on the original proposal to help the game founders come up with a unique idea.

Moderator for Rohan

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