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suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:09 AM

"Yes, but I still feel immensely stupid," came a muffled reply. "And I regret that that question ever came to my mind, and that I even let it form into words that came from my mouth."

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:10 AM

Thengise hugged Collette, while still sobbing. She woke her once more and said,"It will all be ok." She understood the hobbits grief and together they cried for some time.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:11 AM

"Do not worry yourself,"Thengise assured Kalia.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:16 AM

"I can't help but do so. I don't know why, but I worry too much, though some times I don't pay attention to my worries. Since you're my friends, I couldn't help but worry an unusually large amount," Kalia said, coming out of the trees. She had something in her hands behind her back. "Go to bed. I'll watch the whole night. I don't desere any rest. I'm not taking no for an answer, now go!" she commanded, totally against her nature. She stalked off towards the rock where she had been previously sitting. Why had she gotten so worked up? These were her friends, not her father. She grimaced at the thought of him. Oooh, how she hated her father. Such a cruel, undeserving... There was no word to describe the monster he was. She sat just sat there, brooding the whole night.

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 01:17 AM

The dawn shone clearly over the eastern horizon as Collette awoke, still in the arms of her elf-friend Thengise, Realizing with a jolt Kalia must have kept watchall night. Bless her. she bustled about making breakfast remembering clearly what a scene she had caused the earlier night and decided to pretend she couldnt remeber anything at all, fingering her bracelet and tripping over a rock

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:22 AM

Thengise woke up with a fright and accidentally dropped Collette,who seemed to now be in pain. "I am so sorry Collette,"Thengise said as she helped the hobbit to her feat. She wondered what it was Kalia had been hiding behind her back, but didn't say anything about it.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:32 AM

"Good morning, everyone!" Kalia called as she saw them up and about. She was still thinking about the previous night and her father, so she didn't say very much during breakfast. As soon as she finished, she stood up.
"You guys can leave if you want. I'll catch up later. I'm going to, um, do something." She walked into the forest again, but did not come out this time. There was a rustling near the top of the trees and a whole flock of little birds were scared out of their nests and a larger figure popped out of their midst. It was Kalia, her black wings glinting in the sunlight.

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 01:36 AM

* wonders vageuly what Kalia is up to but,then again she had never been around faires so, she knew nothing of there buisness and whether or not to meddle and ate her bacon in peace* Thengise -what happens if she doesnt return before we get to faramir's?

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:40 AM

<<<suicidal: did u leave and fly away or are you just outsretching your wings?>>>

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:43 AM

Kalia felt the wind on her face and smiled through her troubles. Ah, it felt so good to fly again. She looked down and saw her friends below her. She loooked back up and swooped under a flock of crows. She closed her eyes, adrenaline coursing through her veins. When she opened her eyes, she looked down and saw arrows pointed up at her. She realized with horror that these people must not know about fairies, and since the whole field was covered with them, it was too late to get away. The arrows flew up at her.

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:47 AM

<<<Oh no! What happens now???>>>

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 01:53 AM

Collette was just making an effort to scramble into her saddle " okay" she said to the pony as it growled at her " we need to get something straight. rule one. NO BUCKING THE HOBBIT . thats my only rule. oh yeah .also, next time Thengise holds out a cookie, WALK FASTER.are we cool? good." * thengise laughs after collettes speech with the horse * collette looked up into the sky, to see Kalia's beautiful wings, only to see that several archers were fierring arrows at her " no thengise! nooo KALIA!!!!!!!!!!! "

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 01:56 AM

Thengise also looks up and sees the arrows. "NO!"she manages to say.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 02:05 AM

<<<Well, I'm not gonna let myself get hurt, now am I? Well, not that badly anyways [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] >>>

Kalia dodged the arrows as best she could. She swooped back around and landed in a heap in the forest from which she took off. She sat up and grimaced; one of the arrows had cut her arm. She bound it up as best she could and straightened out her clothes, walking out of the forest.
"Well, that's one thing I know I'll never do again," she told herself as he jumped onto her horse and slamming her leg into her horse's side. An excruciating pain came from there too, one had gotten her leg. She then bound that up and, feeling a bit woozy, rode oout to the others.
"Well, uhn, let's go," she said, managing a smile.

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 02:09 AM

"Kalia are you okay?"Thengise said seeing the bandaged leg and arm."I am soooo sorry. Please forgive my people!"she said still in shock.

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood ]

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood ]

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 02:13 AM

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go," Kalia said, grinning rather painfully at Thengise. "I kinda like the pain." She rode to the front of the group and led them off back towards Ithilien.

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 02:15 AM

Collette woozed almost as much as Kalia did at the sight of the blood coursing down her leg, but restained herslef and thought hard about what she could do to be of use.then it dawned on her " I CAN HELP!" and began to rummage through her pack and retrieved a think packet of Hobbiton-made Gauze- cloth. " I almost forgot i had this! need it" indicating the cloth she had used had already been soaked with her blood , adn recalling the memories of how she had nicked all of the medical supplies from the Physicain in Hobbiton with her best friends Pippin and Merry Gamgge, the namesakes of the fellowship ( they are real characters check the appendixes of the LOTR book )

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 02:22 AM

Kalia smiled as she took the thin packet with her good arm.
"Thanks, but I'm good. I don't even want to know how you obtained these," she said, looking at the packet and then handing it back.

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 02:28 AM

I dont think you want to n=know either- but if you insist on not using them im sure they mihgt come in handy later * savoring the memory of the physician finding out things were missing and pippin having to hide the supplies in his breeches, and th physician brining a broom down on his head as he waddled out of the shop and a packet of herbs fell out, and them all running together only to begin to plot stealing fruit and how they would distact the market place to get it...- * collette blinked it off and continied to ride alongside her new friends and what would soon become her family

<< i gotta get off now and thengise already left so see ya tommarow afternoo + i will be oon in the morning!>>

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 02:31 AM

<<<Okay, see ya!>>>

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 07:00 AM

Sorell rode behind the talkative girls on his chesnut horse, Jerain. He had not been to sleep at all that night. He had wandered the moors, flying here and there, practising defence magic. He had listened in on Kalia and Thengise's conversation, and watched Collette in her nightmare. He had peched at the top of a tree and saw the shooting star; wished that he knew his parents. Oh yes, Kalia and Thengise's mothers were dead, and Kalia's father, they had sob stories to tell, but at least they had known what it was like to be held by their mother, to have their parents tuck them in at night, to feel that sense of security. Sorell had only been a baby when his parents died and left him alone in the world. He had been taken in by another family, but they were nothing like parents. Now, as he rode upon Jerain, he wished more than anything that he had at least known his parents. For it was better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.
Sorell shifted on the horse's back; he ached to be flying. Well...they would hardly miss him...they seemed to have forgotten he was there. Well, he was pretty quiet. He gave the side of his horse a quick kick with his boot, and enormous chesnut wings spread out from either side. He took of, with a gasp of delight, and flew above the company, enjoying the wind on his face and the feeling of being as high as the trees.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 12:38 PM

Kalia stared with wonder at Sorell as he soared up on his flying horse.
"Cool, Sorell, how did you do that?" she called up to him. She tried waving, but she needed her good arm to hold onto the horse and her injured arm was dead limp. Hmmm, this might just be a bit of a problem, she said, looking down at her arm. She looked back up and saw Sorell swooping gracefully over their heads, as she had done a little earlier. As the came over a rise in the path, the city of Ithilien was visible to all.
"Everybody, this is our destination and that is where we shall obtain our crazed friend," she called, motioning her head in that direction.

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 12:44 PM

Sorell glumly flew to the ground and rejoined the group.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:05 PM

"Why did you land? It was fun to see you flying!" Kalia said, prompting him to go back up.

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 01:08 PM

"Because you said we were approaching our destination, so I thought I had better come down." said Sorell, in his deep, quiet voice.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:14 PM

"No, Sorell, it's still a way off! Go fly! You've got plenty of time," Kalia said, gently pushing him.

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 01:18 PM

Sorell shrugged, and, leaving his horse to follow the rest, rose slowly into the air, his wings curling out from under his cape.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:24 PM

"Yah know what? I think I'll join you, Sorell," Kalia called. She stood on her horse and jumped. Yet again, before she hit the ground, she swooped. She flew up to Sorell.
"Hi!" she said, rather cheerfully. She began swooping above the others, like a vulture, and then swooped down. As she flew back up, a flower appeared in Thengise's hair.

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 01:33 PM

Sorell raced with Kalia for a while, then flew to his favourite perch at the topmost bit of a tree. He picked a flower and pulled off the petals one by one, tossing them into the wind. He laughed. He was an elemental faery, free as the wind, wild and impulsive. The fresh breeze blew back his long red hair, and his silver eyes flashed. Up in the trees he looked at home, in his element, rosy-cheeked, tanned and almost regal. He thought no-one had ever seen him looking like this, and never would, but he was wrong.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:41 PM

Kalia looked over as Sorell was sitting in the tree. He looked so happy and free. She smiled to herself and flew to a different tree. Let him have a good time. He deserves it. As do I, Kalia thought as she sat on the lower branches. She looked around and saw that she was surrounded by apples. An evil grin appeared on her face. She picked the apples and flew back to her friends. She swooped a lot, dropping in apple on each of their laps. Then she flew back up to Sorell and dropped on in his hands. She then flew back to her tree and bit into the juicy fruit, spraying juice over her hand. Unknowingly, they were watched by a pair of gleaming red eyes. They blinked and disappeared.

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 01:46 PM

Sorell realised that Kalia had dropped the apple. He smiled over at her by way off thanks, then bit into another of nature's bounties. The apple was firm, juicy. When he had finished, he resumed his regal position. Sorell wished that he were handsome, didn't everybody? But he also knew that if he were not handsome, he was striking and unusual. And that was enough for him.

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 01:47 PM

Oooh, I say, I'm a shade of Carm Du^m.

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 01:57 PM

<<<Congrats, Halbereth. So am I! If ya want, I can make Kalia think that Sorell's handsome!>>>

Kalia sat in the tree, her legs swinging from the branch and her hair blowing back in the small breeze. She felt so free here, unrestrained by any person's law, fairy, man, or any else. She swooped to the ground, dug a small hole, and planted the apple inside. She covered it up and thought about what she had just done. It would grow to be another apple tree, and share its bounty with hungry travelers such as they. She flew back up, above all the trees, and looked around. Ithilien was still a distance away. That was good, for she needed to stretch her wings a bit more. Get in a year's worth of flying in one day. So she flew around more, swooping and circling, and finally coming to land on the same branch as before, in the same pose.

[ July 28, 2002: Message edited by: suicidal elf chick ]

Halbereth Diagona 07-28-2002 02:04 PM

>If you can picture him and really think he would be handsome, then write it in, but if not don't.<

suicidal elf chick 07-28-2002 02:27 PM

<<<Okay, maybe in a bit.>>>

ArwenBaggins 07-28-2002 04:22 PM

Nayru told her horse Zaberin to follow the rest, and she flew up to Kalia and Sorell.

"Sorell, I haven't seen you fly for many the years we have been close friends! It almost brings tears to her eyes.

"Yes, i haven't flow for a while. I'm not like you, out every day, flying around, trying to get myself killed." He playfully shoved her, and she shoved back. He continued, "You are so young, so free."

"I'm not so young. Actually.... i don't know how old I am."

The three saw Ithilien and flew around for a few more minutes, and then went to their horses, Sorell riding by Nayru.

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 05:37 PM

Collette was completely awed as seh watched the three traveling fairies fly about, something that a hobbit could boast of seeing. For fleeting minutes, seh wished she was a fairy so she could fly when seh wanted to, They seemed so free.
Instead she was held to they ground, upon the back of a stubborn pony, with a pack upon her back as heavy as herself, next to her best frined and found it was enough for now. They were approaching their destiny where there would be sleep and food.

The Fifth 07-28-2002 05:46 PM

((OOC: Yeah, you people are waay too fast. Unfortunately that is what drives me away from RPGs. I have a question. Where am I supposed to be held?))

Thengise Greenleaf of Mirkwood 07-28-2002 07:21 PM

Thengise also looked up at the fairies in wonder. Oh how wonderful it would be to be able to soar in the sky, she thought. She looked over at Collette and saw that she too was looking up in amazement.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to get you back in the Shire,"Thengise said to Collette. She looked at her friend and smiled. She was glad that she wasn't the only one on the ground.

ColletteTook 07-28-2002 07:40 PM

Thank you for that kind offer thengise, and i would like that more than anything * he voice faltered* But im afraid they might have a warrant for my death * her eyes filled with tears as she remembered the faces of her loved ones - especially merry gamgee's * hey, im happy for doing what i did * memories flashed back, the day they were caught after the fire, Collette took all of the blame, so Neither merry or pippin would suffer consequences, she did only what they would have done for her* i think after this im just going to wander about on my own- i know your father wont be pleased to see me when we return. * thengise laughed half heartedly and they both rode towards ithilien, bright white against the glowing horizon*

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