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Anguirel 05-28-2011 10:56 AM


Ten years ago, Orlando Bloom created an iconic character with his portrayal of Legolas.
well that's funny isn't it, you do just learn something new every day don't you, I mean I thought Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Raaaaaaarhrkghchrghdeath.

Galadriel55 05-28-2011 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel (Post 655475)

Ten years ago, Orlando Bloom created an iconic character with his portrayal of Legolas.
well that's funny isn't it, you do just learn something new every day don't you, I mean I thought Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Raaaaaaarhrkghchrghdeath.

Do you really think that Orlegolando Bloomleaf is the proper Legolas? He was quite a character on his own, without any help from the Professor, except for the name. :p

What the Leggy-bopper's quote should have said is that Bloom took Legolas, took him apart, and built his own Lego with the pieces. ;)

TheMisfortuneTeller 05-28-2011 06:07 PM

Fathers and Sons
With his elvish gift of foresight, Legolas tells the Dwarf Gloin, "Father of Gimli, you might not believe this, but in the sequel to this tale I fall in love with your son."

Morthoron 05-28-2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel (Post 655475)

Ten years ago, Orlando Bloom created an iconic character with his portrayal of Legolas.
well that's funny isn't it, you do just learn something new every day don't you, I mean I thought Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Raaaaaaarhrkghchrghdeath.

Well, you have to admit it was quite amazing the amount of pathos they got from a mannequin. There was one part where I swear it almost cried real tears!

Galadriel55 05-28-2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Morthoron (Post 655500)
Well, you have to admit it was quite amazing the amount of pathos they got from a mannequin. There was one part where I swear it almost cried real tears!

Those tears were just water. They forgot to add salt.


Thinlómien 05-30-2011 01:03 PM

No actor for Bard and Orlando Bloom returning... does anybody else smell a conspiracy? :eek:

Morthoron 05-30-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 655581)
No actor for Bard and Orlando Bloom returning... does anybody else smell a conspiracy? :eek:

I wasn't sure about a conspiracy until I heard the title of the new movie: Hobbits of the Caribbean.

Mithalwen 05-30-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Morthoron (Post 655500)
Well, you have to admit it was quite amazing the amount of pathos they got from a mannequin. There was one part where I swear it almost cried real tears!

I had a "Tiny tears" doll that did that when I was child... it wasn't high tech.

Ang - I fully expect either Dame Helen, Dame Maggie or Dame Judi to be cast as Lobelia..

Galadriel55 05-30-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 655581)
No actor for Bard and Orlando Bloom returning... does anybody else smell a conspiracy? :eek:

Well, as was already mentioned earlier (I believe) on this thread, Bard only appears in the second halfof the story. And who will watch a movie without Orlando Bloom in it? :eek:

This is really sad.

Tuor in Gondolin 05-30-2011 04:14 PM

Judi Dench as Lobelia
Daniel Craig as Lotho. :p

Of course, neither are in The Hobbit but will that
stop PJ? Not hardly.

blantyr 05-31-2011 05:24 PM

"The Hobbit" films get titles and release dates
Yahoo reports "The Hobbit" films get titles and release dates.


The first of the two films, which are currently being filmed back-to-back in New Zealand, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," arrives in theaters on December 14, 2012.

The sequel, opening December 13, 2013, will be known as "The Hobbit: There and Back Again." Both will be released through Warner Bros...

The sprawling cast includes a number of other "Rings" veterans: Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey; Cate Blanchett as Galadriel; Orlando Bloom as Legolas; Christopher Lee as Saruman; Hugo Weaving as Elrond; Elijah Wood as Frodo; and Andy Serkis as Gollum.
Not quite sure they are precisely following the canon plot... :Merisu:

Galadriel55 05-31-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by blantyr (Post 655650)
Not quite sure they are precisely following the canon plot... :Merisu:

They aren't.

It's possible that they want to add a scene of the White Counsil banishing the Necromancer, which would explain Galadriel and Saruman. And nothing related to the LOTR movies can do without LegoBloom :rolleyes:. But Frodo?

I'm kind of afraid to watch the movie...

Nerwen 05-31-2011 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 655597)
Judi Dench as Lobelia
Daniel Craig as Lotho. :p

Of course, neither are in The Hobbit but will that
stop PJ? Not hardly.

Ye-es... but having a Sackville-Baggins or two appear at the beginning and/or end would actually be okay, particularly if they keep the original ending– it's just the "show, don't tell" principle at work. So if they're going to do that (I haven't heard anything about it, though) it really wouldn't bother me. Similarly, you could legitimately show the White Council bit, at least briefly.

It's the rest of it– what they're trying to make, it seems, is not so much The Hobbit as it is Lord of the Rings: Part 0. Perhaps this was inevitable, after the success of the trilogy, but it's a pretty tall order when the book they're trying to adapt is only quite loosely connected to its sequel.

Galadriel55 06-01-2011 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 655660)
It's the rest of it– what they're trying to make, it seems, is not so much The Hobbit as it is Lord of the Rings: Part 0. Perhaps this was inevitable, after the success of the trilogy, but it's a pretty tall order when the book they're trying to adapt is only quite loosely connected to its sequel.

At least they didn't try filming The Sil! :eek:

Kuruharan 06-01-2011 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 655660)
but it's a pretty tall order when the book they're trying to adapt is only quite loosely connected to its sequel.

I fear that will be the excuse we will hear over and over again to justify all the changes they make to the story.

Inziladun 06-01-2011 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655668)

Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 655660)
but it's a pretty tall order when the book they're trying to adapt is only quite loosely connected to its sequel.

I fear that will be the excuse we will hear over and over again to justify all the changes they make to the story.

You'd think the Ring would be rather an unmistakable connection between the stories. At least, it seems to be adequate for readers of the books. :rolleyes:

Aiwendil 06-01-2011 09:18 AM


Elijah Wood as Frodo

Considering that they already made Frodo much younger in LotR, how could they possibly put him (as an adult, no less - unless they have the medical technology to make Wood rapidly age backwards) in The Hobbit? Wouldn't that make Bilbo's adventure happen just a few years before LotR?

White Council nonsense I was expecting, but putting Frodo in it doesn't seem to make sense even in Peter Jackson Land.

Thinlómien 06-01-2011 11:50 AM

Galadriel, Aiwendil - they plan to have Frodo as the narrator, so it's not worse than that. :)

Mithalwen 06-01-2011 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 655597)
Judi Dench as Lobelia
Daniel Craig as Lotho. :p

Of course, neither are in The Hobbit but will that
stop PJ? Not hardly.

Having located my copy of the Hobbit - The Sackville Bagginses are measuring the rooms to see if their furniture will fit at the end... so they are there albeit for a sentence or two...

Tuor in Gondolin 06-01-2011 02:45 PM

Quite true about the S-B's at the end of The Hobbit.
But frankly, Judi Dench would make a more believable
Lobelia then the over the top harridan in the FotR movie
extended dvd.
And I like the idea of her bossing around Daniel Craig as her
son (after all, he probably has a license to foreclose on homes).

Bilbo finds a hobbit measuring his rooms.
"What are you doing? Who are you?"
Sackville-Baggins, LOTHO Sackville-Baggins!"
(cue scary music)
---Well, maybe not.---

Mithalwen 06-01-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 655695)
Bilbo finds a hobbit measuring his rooms.
"What are you doing? Who are you?"
Sackville-Baggins, LOTHO Sackville-Baggins!"
(cue scary music)
---Well, maybe not.---

The nickname Lotho Pimple might have to go then... that is more Bond villain

Aiwendil 06-01-2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlomien
they plan to have Frodo as the narrator, so it's not worse than that.

Ah, that makes sense. I will revert to my previous, slightly less inflated, level of skepticism about the films.

Kuruharan 06-01-2011 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 655670)
You'd think the Ring would be rather an unmistakable connection between the stories. At least, it seems to be adequate for readers of the books. :rolleyes:

There's a ring? :eek:

I'm just remembering back to the days of Prince Caspian where literally the excuse for trashing the book was "the book doesn't make a very good film."

So if The Hobbit doesn't make a very good film...lets make it into two films and make it up as we go along.

Inziladun 06-01-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655728)
So if The Hobbit doesn't make a very good film...lets make it into two films and make it up as we go along.

Doing that with LOTR and three films seems to have paid off well for PJ. :rolleyes:

If that's indeed his model, I think we'll be getting off lucky not to see:

1. Bilbo falling in love with a female eagle
2. Bilbo getting captured by Beorn, who tries to take him and the Ring to Smaug
3. Armies of Gondor and Rohan heroically saving the day at the Battle of Five Armies
4. Galadriel mysteriously appearing in Mirkwood to help Bilbo, telling him "Even the smallest person can ....well, you know the rest."

TheMisfortuneTeller 06-02-2011 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655728)
There's a ring? :eek:

So if The Hobbit doesn't make a very good film...lets make it into two films and make it up as we go along.

The Hobbit would make a decent enough film. It just wouldn't make as much money as TWO Hobbit films strung out over two successive years.

Kuruharan 06-02-2011 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 655729)
1. Bilbo falling in love with a female eagle

Oooo...kinky! ;)


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 655729)
2. Bilbo getting captured by Beorn, who tries to take him and the Ring to Smaug

I'm expecting to see this.


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 655729)
3. Armies of Gondor and Rohan heroically saving the day at the Battle of Five Armies

I am *definitely* expecting to see this...led by Faramir and Eowyn (respectively).


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 655729)
4. Galadriel mysteriously appearing in Mirkwood to help Bilbo, telling him "Even the smallest person can ....well, you know the rest." ;)

In the interest of gender equality I think Galadriel will have to join Thorin and Company along with Gwaihirina and whatsherfacewhosenamestartswithanI. I mean, they cut all those dwarves which creates a lot of space for "better" characters to take their place.


Originally Posted by TheMisfortuneTeller
The Hobbit would make a decent enough film. It just wouldn't make as much money as TWO Hobbit films strung out over two successive years.

I'm pretty sure from their general attitude the brilliant minds behind this production don't think The Hobbit makes a very good movie.

Galadriel55 06-02-2011 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655744)
I am *definitely* expecting to see this...led by Faramir and Eowyn (respectively).

No, by Eomer, who leads the troops against Theoden's will for no reason whatsoever, just to discover that he is needed on the Battlefield.


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655744)
In the interest of gender equality I think Galadriel will have to join Thorin and Company along with Gwaihirina and whatsherfacewhosenamestartswithanI. I mean, they cut all those dwarves which creates a lot of space for "better" characters to take their place.


I want to add to the list:

5. Thorin falling in love with Mrs. Smaug
6. Bilbo wielding the Arkenstone against the Spider of Mirkwood
7. Itaril teaching Legolas all the tricks he'll show in LOTR
8. An army of wizards flying on Eagles
9. Ents of Mirkwood
10. A Nazgul leading the Orcs in battle.

Galadriel55 06-02-2011 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by TheMisfortuneTeller (Post 655739)
The Hobbit would make a decent enough film. It just wouldn't make as much money as TWO Hobbit films strung out over two successive years.

Sad but true. As much as any film of a Tolkien book made by PJ could be decent.

Kuruharan 06-02-2011 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 655745)
No, by Eomer, who leads the troops against Theoden's will for no reason whatsoever, just to discover that he is needed on the Battlefield.

Gah!!! Non-female character...rejected.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 655745)

Yes, that's the face, but I will continue to refer to her as whatsherfacewhosenamestartswithanI.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 655745)
5. Thorin falling in love with Mrs. Smaug
6. Bilbo wielding the Arkenstone against the Spider of Mirkwood
7. Itaril teaching Legolas all the tricks he'll show in LOTR
8. An army of wizards flying on Eagles
9. Ents of Mirkwood
10. A Nazgul leading the Orcs in battle.

These are all brilliant! I shall have them forwarded to the script department at once!

Galadriel55 06-02-2011 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655747)
Gah!!! Non-female character...rejected.

Then Faramir should be rejected too. Instead, his mother Finduilas should go.

OR, he should have a sister who dies in the Battle of 5 Armies...


Nerwen 06-02-2011 09:59 PM

It wouldn't exactly blow my mind if #7 really does appear in it. And maybe #10 as well.

Morthoron 06-02-2011 10:59 PM


I just got done arguing with some fanboy over at the forums, and what I stated mirrors much of what's been said here lately. Here's my take:


...But turning a story that has been beloved by children and adults since 1937 into some 3D fan-fiction parody that loses all its endearing charm would be the real tragedy.

I've already seen what PJ can do with a script, and I am not enamored in the least. The weakest points of the LotR movies were when he played fast and "loose", but when he stayed closer to the original plot, it was magic. Even when he gave dialogue to one character that was originally said by another, it was very gratifying, and at points very moving and elegiac.

No, I don't care to see Beorn enslaved by the lure of the One Ring and dragging Bilbo off to Dol Guldur, only to have a change of heart at the last minute.

No, I am uninterested in seeing an army of Rohirrim arrive at Erebor in the nick of time.

No, I don't wish to see a 15 minute sequence of Bard falling off a cliff and then french kissing his horse.

No, I don't want to hear Elrond whine that "Celebrian is dying".

No, I am against Itaril teaching Legolas to shield surf.

No, I don't want Bilbo to tell Balin to go home.

No, I don't want a maniacal Thranduil slobbering over a piece of chicken while making Bilbo sing.

And no, I don't want a wave of green scrubbing bubbles to take out Smaug at Laketown.

Am I in the minority? Perhaps. But there is nowhere else I'd rather be. Certainly not in the "majority" if that is where you reside. The Hobbit and LotR are two completely different books for two separate audiences. Make the movie ugly and violent enough, and you'll drive away the very audience it was written for.

Strip the story of its elegant simplicity and linear quality by adding a fan-fic rendition of the White Council (which Tolkien didn't even waste words on), and you eliminate the qualities of the book. Smaug and the greed Smaug engendered are the antagonists of the story, not the Necromancer. Throw in a bewildering array of nonessential characters and lose the heart of the tale.

Kuruharan 06-03-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 655771)
Then Faramir should be rejected too. Instead, his mother Finduilas should go.

OR, he should have a sister who dies in the Battle of 5 Armies...


No, we have to have some beefcake in there to make the gurls happy.

Speaking of which...I have the perfect person in mind to play Bard.

(Yes, I know I am evil.)

Thinlómien 06-03-2011 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655786)
No, we have to have some beefcake in there to make the gurls happy.

Speaking of which...I have the perfect person in mind to play Bard.

(Yes, I know I am evil.)

Aiee! Even though you warned us beforehand, that's just TOO BAD. :eek: I wanted to ask if he isn't too young though but then remembered that with PJ anything is possible... :rolleyes:

Tuor in Gondolin 06-03-2011 04:50 PM

So you're saying PJ will have the Laketown werewolves
battle the Smaug vampires as part of the Battle of
Seven Armies while Legolas tutors Bard on how to shoot
arrows as Leggy's laketown girlfriend is slain by Smaug?
Brilliant! That's a wrap.

Kuruharan 06-03-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 655818)
arrows as Leggy's laketown girlfriend is slain by Smaug?

I'm all for this bit of it at any rate!

Mithalwen 06-04-2011 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tuor in Gondolin (Post 655818)
So you're saying PJ will have the Laketown werewolves
battle the Smaug vampires as part of the Battle of
Seven Armies while Legolas tutors Bard on how to shoot
arrows as Leggy's laketown girlfriend is slain by Smaug?
Brilliant! That's a wrap.

Surely you can fit a balrog or two in there? And more trolls..

And cameos for Stanley Tucci and Kate Witless.

Galadriel55 06-04-2011 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 655828)
Surely you can fit a balrog or two in there?

It's kind of about dragons , but will that matter to PJ?


And more trolls..
So 3 isn't enough, even though they are about to eat 13 Dwarves and one hobbit alive? There has to be some troll in the Misty Mtns, otherwise the story isn't good. And Bibo will slip right under it's nose to get away from the place.

At least one thing is certain: there will be orcs, and not those green-slimy-long-eared-goblins-who-look-more-like-Dobeys.

Kuruharan 06-04-2011 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 655831)
It's kind of about dragons , but will that matter to PJ?


Ahhh...judging from the branches sprouting out of his head it is the reclusive tree-orc!! I haven't seen one in years! :D

Galadriel55 06-04-2011 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 655842)
Ahhh...judging from the branches sprouting out of his head it is the reclusive tree-orc!!

That's where the Ents come in! They will be hoding a moot all the way through the Battle, and by the time they finish Thorin would be dead etc.

So many brilliant *cough cough* ideas! Just takes a little to get them flowing! :rolleyes:

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