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Folwren 11-21-2008 09:42 AM

Groin, I finally having time to answer your inquiries about your characters' relationship with my character, Kenan.


Folwren- Your character Kenan is pretty much in line to Tror's way of thinking. Although he is younger than your character I think that Kenan and him are pretty much alike. Unfortunately I don't know where to go with it, should there be a quiet fatherly friendship between the two?
Well, there are two options. Either we can go ahead with what you just suggested, a quiet fatherly friendship between the which case Kenan would view Tror as somewhat...foolish maybe? to loose his temper a lot - of course, failing to see that is how he is himself. Probably at this point in time (with Kenan being 210 and Tror 140), Kenan does not give advice like a father would a son.

A more likely scenerio would be for the two dwarve's characters to clash - for the two of them to not even like the sight of one another. This could be easily explained - they had a quarrel over something and neither can get over it. This could provide some interesting writing fodder for us, if the game ever gets boring. ;)

So, you decide what you want with these two characters and how they relate to each other. I am not necessarily looking for enemies at this point, I am honestly thinking that Kenan will have no difficulty in making other people mad at him.


Do you think that Nali and Kenan might get along? Being around the same age I thought that they might know eath other, those oldtimers kind of stick with each other.
Yes, I think that this is a likely do. The opposites in character types will help in any friendship we wish to create.


So! When do we start?

-- Foley

Thinlómien 11-21-2008 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 574847)
So! When do we start?

I have asked Groin if we should suggest that pio would open the thread on Monday so that I'd have my first post written already then and could post it rightaway, but he has not replied... I need a few days to write a proper thread for Balin. ;)

edit: like Legate nicely pointed out, I should have written "a proper death", not "a proper thread" :rolleyes: :D

Groin Redbeard 11-21-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 574824)
Trór - well, I already said that above. Most likely, Óin is going to regard Trór in the context of his memories, sort of identifying him unconsciously with Thráin or Thorin Oakenshield, the military leaders he knew (aside from Balin). He also sees him as a young leader who has the pespective to become a "Thorin of Moria" (or Thráin), if the colony continues to exist.

Thorin of Moria? That would be an honor!:D

It sounds like Tror and Oin would have more of an professional understanding rather than a true friendship, this sounds good.


Originally Posted by Mr. Incanonity Guy
Also, there may be somebody who has either problems or on the other hand, who likes his ferret. Óin, for one, is a bit annoyed with the animal popping up at him when he returns from some lonely journey to upper/lower levels.

Well Tror for one would be very anoid by it, Nisa would think that it's cute, and Nali would dismiss it as typical silly younger generation.:)

Lommy, I replied to your PM. Monday it is!:D

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-21-2008 10:34 AM

*cough* Groin, are you sure you are not mistaking me with Lommy? In the post above where you quote "her", that is ;)

Groin Redbeard 11-21-2008 11:00 AM

:o Sorry Legate, I just finished sending Lommy a PM. I quoted and pasted her so much that I must have put her in here by instinct. I fixed it, is it better?:D


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 574847)
A more likely scenerio would be for the two dwarve's characters to clash - for the two of them to not even like the sight of one another. This could be easily explained - they had a quarrel over something and neither can get over it. This could provide some interesting writing fodder for us, if the game ever gets boring.

I like this idea better of the two. Tror and Kenan, for themost part, will be at odds and the friendship part will be left up to Nali. Smart observation with Nali and Kenan, opposites attract in chemistry.:D


Originally Posted by Folwren
So! When do we start?

Hopefully Lommy will have her post done on monday and it will open then.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-22-2008 05:47 PM

Fine now, Groin :) And now, here comes Lóni - we should be complete now:

NAME: Lóni

AGE: 224

RACE: Dwarf of the house of Durin


WEAPONS: A simple shortbow with twenty arrows. The arrowheads are ones made by a smith* in the recaptured Moria. Lóni is a good „sniper“, but for possible close-combat he never forgets to carry a flangless light mace with him, which is not very different from a simple club.

APPEARANCE: Lóni is a bit taller than an average Dwarf, even perhaps an inch or two taller than his brother, even though being the younger one. Like his brother's, his beard is golden, and his one eye is mild grey. He lost his right eye during the Battle of the Five Armies, being slashed (just „touched“, almost, but enough to damage his eye) by an axe – probably Dwarven one, though carried by a goblin. He still has a scar running from the root of his nose towards his right cheek.

Lóni does not have as much liking of jewelry like his brother does, although he wears two silver rings on his fingers. He likes to wear bright yellow cloak with orange hood, since his coming to Moria he wears it over a simple leather armor. Into the battle, he carries a hauberk of bright mail hanging down to his knees and a helmet covering the sides of his head and his nose, and it has a round-shaped honey-yellow stone set in the forehead covering. The helmet is a part of treasure found in Moria, protected from goblin loots by lying along with its former owner in a deep cistern near the entrance to deep mines under Caradhras. Lóni always cares about his arms and armor to be in a perfect condition.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Lóni is an outgoing fellow, friendly and kind to those around him, ready to support them with a helpful remark. He does not have as much wisdom and knowledge as his brother has, nor has he had the patience to study old tomes and scrolls, but he remembers a lot from what his brother had ever told him. When being in a leading place, he tries to do the job well, but at the same time keeping friendly attitude to everyone. He does not desperately wish to lead, but he often ends up in such a position and knows what to do. He is not too talkative, but he knows when it is right to say a few words. Lóni gets hardly ever angry, and overall it is unusual for him to show strong emotions, though his mere presence can be supportive for many.

HISTORY: Lóni was the born the same year when dragon fire descended on the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor. Perhaps this is why his parents both saw Lóni as being born in the times of strife for all Dwarves as a sign of hope, that there will be things which will continue despite all sorrows of the world. Certainly, during all his life, despite the fact that he was not lucky in finding himself a wife, Lóni made his parents and many Dwarves around himself happy. With recounting old tales he learned from his brother, he is a companion sought out by many. Since being young, he mimicked his older brother Náli in many things, consciously or unconsciously, with more or less good results. His brother is very important to him, more important than anybody else. Together, they were in Azanulbizar, in service of King Dáin in the Iron Hills, in the Battle of the Five Armies, later in Erebor, and now in Moria with Balin, whom Lóni had always regarded as a very honorable Dwarf.

*I would like to ask one of you smith-character-owners to be the ones who made Lóni's arrows. It may be a nice feature and the characters may know each other a bit better, perhaps, too. Which will, by the way, mean that your character will have one loss of a friend happening in his life soon (Lóni is going to die relatively early). Any interest?


Gwathagor 11-22-2008 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 575035)
*I would like to ask one of you smith-character-owners to be the ones who made Lóni's arrows. It may be a nice feature and the characters may know each other a bit better, perhaps, too. Which will, by the way, mean that your character will have one loss of a friend happening in his life soon (Lóni is going to die relatively early). Any interest?

Buri could do it.

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-23-2008 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 575047)
Buri could do it.

Sounds good. If you wish, we can do it the way that Lóni and Buri are on quite friendly terms, like being really friends - as Buri seems to me, they could get together well quite easily.

Thinlómien 11-23-2008 12:09 PM

This looks great. :)

And I'm almost working on schedule, too. ;)

One last thing for everybody to chew: please think what was your character's relationship with Balin. (Did they know personally? If yes, why and how? Did your character like Balin or dislike him? Respect him? Has Balin's Moria quest been a disappointment or a satisfactory work for your character?)

piosenniel 11-24-2008 03:56 PM

I just opened the RPG thread.

Everyone - please wait until Lommy has put up her post before you begin posting.

- Please reviews these gaming rules -

Reminders for an RPG in play:
  • Please remove your signature from EVERY post to the RPG thread - including SAVES

  • Don't use smileys in your RPG posts or icons - e.g., etc.

  • Don't highlight any part of the RPG text.

  • Don't use the 'Reason for Editing' function on your RPG posts. If it's critical that other players know that you've changed something, then put a post on the Discussion Thread about your edit.

  • No OOC (out of character comments) on the RPG thread - use the Discussion Thread.

  • SAVES should be filled within 24 hours/48 at the latest and may be removed from the game at the discretion of the moderator.

  • Swearing, sexual conduct, or obscenity of any kind are absolutely prohibited. There are no exceptions.


    . . . I always ask myself if any of these words or euphemisms for cursing would be found in Tolkien's works. So I always say no to cursing and to any 'pseudo-cursing'. They need to keep it clean. -- per The Barrow-Wight

Thinlómien 11-24-2008 04:18 PM

I will submit my post as soon as I've written this.

Now, Groin and I were thinking that Ori, Náli, Lóni and Trór would probably be there when Balin is shot. Foley and Gwath, you may decide whether Kenan and Frar are there (depends on how well they know Balin). There can be a couple of Balin's NPC friends, too, but we don't have to think about them too much. Legate, we were thinking that Óin wouldn't be there, but scouting around and he and his companions could then bring the word of the bigger Orc group.

We will try to get Balin's killers killed and his body to Moria in a few posts so that we are all more or less in the same place (except Boro, who I understand has been making special arrangements with Groin). But you others don't have to be idle while we write about Balin's death and the fight, of course - you may write about your characters' normal life, it will bring a nice (nice?) contrast with the soon coming news of Balin's death and the approaching Orc army...

And lastly, Groin, Boro and Legate, you need to get this Orc army/scouting/where are Óin and Gror stuff solved, I don't want to get muddled in it because Groin was the one who had a clear vision about it. ;) So, basically, we can expect that Groin will talk about these things with you players and inform me when it's solved. ;)

I guess that's all for now. Feel free to post (and ask questions, many things are open even to me at this phase :D).

Thinlómien 11-24-2008 04:21 PM

And just one more thing - whoever writes about the fight next may take Ori into the action, too. His numb staring is to be momentary, he won't stand there for more than half a minute or so... ;)

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-24-2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 575310)
Legate, we were thinking that Óin wouldn't be there, but scouting around and he and his companions could then bring the word of the bigger Orc group.

Sounds fine with me. In that case, if Groin informs me of any plans he has, no problem :)

Ah... this looks just great. Huh! Now, let's see how this runs... And I hope I will be able to post for Lóni soon! (After all, he has a bow, so he actually has probably the first chance to do something...)

Gwathagor 11-24-2008 05:40 PM

I think that I would like to have Frar there. Should I determine myself what his relationship with Balin, or would you (Thinlomien) and Groin like to decide based on what works best with your plans for the story?

Lilly 11-24-2008 10:07 PM

Lommy - I've cued off your the first drumrolls of doom and destruction echoing loudly in the cold autumn air... and made a drumroll of an altogether celebratory nature.

Durin's Day is the birthday for the twins. And once Arry's Vitr has quit the workshop and come home, I hope many of you Dwarves not involved in the outside occurence will drop by and have a drink and a little something to eat.

Arry 11-24-2008 10:25 PM

Nicely done, Lilly! Making Durin's Day Tív and Tíva's birthday!

I'll get a post up later tonight that brings Vitr home to his little family. Gee, I guess he better have thought up some sort of gifts, eh?

- Arry

Thinlómien 11-25-2008 12:58 PM

Great posts, everybody! :D I'm enjoying this RPG so much already - I hope I'm able to get a post up for Vigdis soon. (Lilly, that drumroll thing is very much approved. I always like it when someone comes up with a fitting connection like that. ;))


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 575326)
I think that I would like to have Frar there. Should I determine myself what his relationship with Balin, or would you (Thinlomien) and Groin like to decide based on what works best with your plans for the story?

We trust your judgement. (If we had a special wish, we would have informed you. :))

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-25-2008 02:28 PM

Yea, this far, great posts everybody! I only look forward to what more is to come! I like it the way it goes now.

Ookay... so, I posted a bit, not for the one who is "in the heat", though (Lóni), because I wanted to write something "proper" for him, and I just got a stroke of inspiration when I saw dim's post. (I hope that's okay how I did it? That was classic Onli for you. :) ) Anyway, looking forward to more posting... I think now is the great time to introduce all our characters...

And I should post soon for at least Lóni, too...

Groin Redbeard 11-25-2008 05:39 PM

Great posts everyone!:D This RPG is off to a grand start, unfortunately I don't have time to praise all your wonderful posts, I'll do some repping tomorrow.;)


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 575326)
I think that I would like to have Frar there. Should I determine myself what his relationship with Balin, or would you (Thinlomien) and Groin like to decide based on what works best with your plans for the story?

I talked to Lommy about this and I thought it probable that Frar be with Balin, but Lommy has wisely not imposed upon your character and let you choose for yourself.:)

I have a post ready for Nisa, but first I need to know something. Do any of ya'll think that there would be a feast on Durin's Day?

Arry 11-25-2008 06:30 PM

Groin R

A feast would be good. I should imagine that Dwarves would love the chance to party!

Vitr, Lys, and family would most likely be a little late for the party - it is the twins' 7th birthday.

Anyone who'd like to stop by their place before going on to the feast can raise a cup of Lys' special brewed ale or a cup of Vitr's Dwarven Spirit homebrew. :)



So, there in one off the cuff sentence I've managed to make you a brewer of ale! :p

Gwathagor 11-25-2008 06:32 PM

Exactly what part of Khazad-dum have the dwarves occupied? Just for context, I'd be interested to know where they have set up their living quarters and other such things.

Arry 11-25-2008 11:59 PM

According to the references, the Dwarves from Balin's expedition are living in the Twenty-first Hall.

From the Thain's Book:

In 2989, Balin led an expedition to Moria with a number of Dwarves from the Lonely Mountain, including Floi, Frar, Loni, Nali, Oin, and Ori. When they arrived in the Dimrill Dale, Balin and the Dwarves found Orcs guarding the Dimrill Gate. Floi was killed, but the Dwarves slew many Orcs and took up residence in the Twenty-first Hall. Ori began to keep a record of the colony called the Book of Mazarbul.

Balin set up his seat in the Chamber of Mazarbul and was named Lord of Moria. The Dwarves found mithril in Moria but their colony lasted only five years. On November 10, 2994, Balin went into Dimrill Dale to look into Mirrormere and was shot and killed by an Orc. He was entombed in the Chamber of Mazarbul.

-- For more of the geography/layout of Khazad-dum/Moria see HERE


More about the location of the Twenty-first Hall in relation to the Chamber of Mazarbul:

The Chamber of Mazarbulwas located on the Seventh Level of Khazad-dum, six levels above the East-gate. It was north of the Twenty-first Hall on the right-hand or east side of the corridor. The main entrance from the corridor was a stone door on hinges.

The Chamber of Mazarbul was a large square room. There was a window shaft high in the eastern wall and below it was a second door leading to a downward staircase. Records were kept in wooden iron-bound chests that were set in recesses in the walls.

-- Full Reference - HERE


This is a good reference site for game-players about the layout of Khazad-dum based on quotes from The Lord of the Rings - HERE (see the entries on the Twenty-first Hall and the Chamber of Mazarbul, especially).

Groin Redbeard 11-26-2008 10:27 AM

Thanks for that information Arry, I'm glad to see that some of our players are knowledgable on the subject!:D

If it's alright with everyone I'll get a post up for Nisa this afternoon. It's sad that we have so much merry making at the moment. It will all have to come to an end when the nobles return.:(

Speaking of the nobles, Gwath, have you decided yet if Frar going to be with them?

Thinlómien 11-26-2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 575484)
If it's alright with everyone I'll get a post up for Nisa this afternoon. It's sad that we have so much merry making at the moment. It will all have to come to an end when the nobles return.:(

But that's the main point in all this! It works incredibly well! :D I mean, I think it has been awesome this far - all the merry-making and everyday work contrasted with the few posts about the fight by Mirrormere.

PS. Groin, I edited my post for Ori so that Tror shouts the same words in both our posts, I figured it would make more sense. ;)

Legate of Amon Lanc 11-26-2008 04:17 PM

Looks very, very good to me this far. Only, Gwath, one thing. Perhaps you should edit your post - neither Náli, nor Lóni bear axes. That said - and that goes for everyone - when writing about somebody else's character, you should at least check what equipment he has or how he uses it, when you are already writing about him.

And actually, maybe this is the time to remind - be careful when writing about somebody else's characters. It is one thing to include another character in your post, but a different thing to choose how he acts. Actually, I think it's one of the prime things you should have in mind when writing in the RPG, try to not act for other people's characters as much as it is possible. Let their players do it themselves.

P.S. I thought at first I would post something short for Lóni at least now, but seems I really need more time for that. On Friday I should have time at last. Well, many others can still post meanwhile...

Groin Redbeard 11-26-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 575501)
PS. Groin, I edited my post for Ori so that Tror shouts the same words in both our posts, I figured it would make more sense. ;)

Ahh, did I do that. I specifically told myself to watch out for that and to get the words right. I guess I didn't listen, thanks Lommy.:D

Gwath, glad that you decided to join in the action. I was afraid that it would seem to superhero like if only four dwarves took on an entire band of orcs (not that I'm saying they couldn't do it;)).

I'll get my post up for Nisa now.

Lilly 11-27-2008 05:19 PM


I've left it to you to get us to the celebration. :)

Arry 11-28-2008 08:27 AM

I was wondering what sort of gift Vitr had made for the twins!

Nicely done!!

Alright, then I'll bring us to the Durin's Day party today.

Thinlómien 11-29-2008 07:30 AM

Folwren - do you want Kenan to be there with Balin or not? If he is, I'd like to see you write for him soon-ish so that we can bring the dead Lord in... (no hurry, though. This RPG has been moving on very well this far.)

Arry 11-29-2008 11:15 AM

I've put up a SAVE which I'll fill in later this evening. I'd like our little family to be in the midst of the revelries when when the news comes.

Arry 11-29-2008 09:08 PM

So, said SAVE is now filled. :cool:

Groin R - - Tív and Tív are making their way toward Nîsa, hoping she might have remembered it's their birthday. :p

Others of you Dwarves who are at the party already, I hope you'll say 'hello' to Vitr and Lys as they make their way through the crowd. :)

Folwren 11-30-2008 12:08 PM

I don't see any particular reason why he would be. He's old and is no one in particularly special. I can do it - that would be easy for me. The reason I haven't posted is because I haven't decided how to bring my character in, and I've been too busy with Thanksgiving and guests and all to sit down and think really hard. If I haven't posted by the end of today, then assume that I decided that he wasn't there with Balin.

-- Folwren

Thinlómien 11-30-2008 12:11 PM

Do whatever you will, Foley. :)

Groin Redbeard 11-30-2008 01:44 PM

Sounds good Arry, I'll get a post up for her later today.:)

Folwren, I was going to mention Kenan in my post for Nali, but I read your post here first. If you want I can edit my post and include Kenan in the action, I had a paragraph describing his fighting in the original post.

Things are moving beautifully everyone,:D I just wish that some of the other players might make their intro post soon.:)

Folwren 11-30-2008 05:36 PM

I have fulfilled your wishes, Lommy! I hope I have not exceeded them..:o I have posted for Kenan and brought Balin in. If that's a problem, I could edit it.

Thanks, Groin! It would have been interesting to see what you wrote, but I rather like it this way.

Let me know if anything needs to be changed, anyone.


Kitanna, I have mentioned in my post that the Grandkids would be at the Durin's Day party, if you are looking for a place to post and wondering where your kids would be. :)

Durelin 11-30-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Arry
Others of you Dwarves who are at the party already, I hope you'll say 'hello' to Vitr and Lys as they make their way through the crowd.

Korin has done so! And I gave her a craft! Yeah. :D Kor is maybe just a bum...a bit of a beatnik. :p

Thinlómien 12-01-2008 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 575900)
I have fulfilled your wishes, Lommy! I hope I have not exceeded them..:o I have posted for Kenan and brought Balin in. If that's a problem, I could edit it.

You did well. :) Whoever wants may write about Balin being taken in now...

Although, I think we should wait a few days still and give Kath, Ilya and Himaran chances to post cheerful celebration posts before the news strike. But of course there's no point in waiting them if it's going to take ages. So let's see...

Ilya 12-01-2008 03:37 PM

Hey all! Sorry I've been AWOL for a while. Will make it my goal to put up a post tonight.

Thinlómien 12-01-2008 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ilya (Post 575987)
Hey all! Sorry I've been AWOL for a while. Will make it my goal to put up a post tonight.

Never mind and nice. :)

Himaran 12-01-2008 09:22 PM

Dalin got a little carried away in the forge and has missed (at the very least) the first portion of the celebration. He'll head there next, perhaps arriving during the imminent horror/confusion/pandamonium caused by the news of Balin's death... or before it, makes no difference to me. But do feel free to cart our lord on in!

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