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Evisse the Blue 07-03-2004 02:09 AM

I spy with my inner eye...

dances around with her golden hair and white dress flowing in the wind. Don't know why, though.
Bwahahaha! Whatever gave you that impression of me, Nilpaurion??

about the same as I imagine Fleur Delacour from the Harry Potter books, only less snooty by far. Evisse has a skintone that reflects blue light, oddly enough, so although she looks nothing like a smurf, she is most certainly bluish.
Hey, that's partly true...I got a bluish tint...must come from the fact that I've been dead for more than two years... :D

I think that the Saucepan Man dresses in a suit and is very formal. Probably works in an office. He has dark hair and possibly glasses.
Nilpaurion Felagund is a typical rocker dude: complete with long hair and torn jeans. He never leaves home without his walkman.
Firefoot is the Hermione Granger of her class, she is very clever and pretty, although she tends to hide it with tomboyish clothes.
Sleepy Ranger is a computer geek. 'Nuff said. ;)
Guinevere is a lady, she's classy and dresses in a somewhat old fashioned but elegant manner.
Menetarmacil has a tatoo. Yes, I'm sure you do- it's pointless to try to hide this fact from us! :D
The Only Real Estel is the typical pretty boy. You break girls' hearts but confuse them by constantly using Matrix and Tolkien terminology to spice up the conversation.
Nilpaurion Felagund looks ...impish. He's very lively and has dark shining eyes that are a bit mischevious.
Nimrothiel is long-haired, tall, and has a dreamy expression.
Eomer, I imagine you as the lead singer from Travis. You sometimes have a crude sense of humour which scares your dates off.
and the phantom is, of course, a reincarnated god. And is probably a Leo...(I'll go check the calendar, see if I'm right).

Oh, what a tragedy, my inner eye has gone blind! that's it for today, then...

Lhunardawen 07-03-2004 02:18 AM

Forgive me, but I really laughed out loud reading all of Nilpaurion Felagund's descriptions. Believe me, you wouldn't want to see him (and be disappointed). :D
Please don't kill me in my sleep, my dear brother...

If somebody describes me looking like Eowyn, I'm gonna laugh my brains out...and hug that Downer to pieces. :rolleyes:

dancing spawn of ungoliant 07-03-2004 03:25 AM

Funny, I was just thinking that Lhunardawen must look (at least a bit) like Eowyn...well I'll retract my word then...Lhunardawen has brown hair and greenish eyes. She wears comfortable clothes but is quite trendy in her own way. She is about 168cm...that makes 5'7'' (?) I'm not really good at using that kind of measuring scales. Nah, she is still Eowyn in my opinion :p

Evisse the Blue 07-03-2004 04:24 AM

Oops, sorry! I 'described' Nilpaurion twice, my mistake! Actually the second time was for Perky Ent, and I accidentaly typed Nilpaurion! Unfortunately I can't edit my previous post so...
So: Perky Ent looks ...impish. He's very lively and has dark shining eyes that are a bit mischevious.
So, Lhunardawen, Nilpaurion's your brother? Seriously? because I just got a mental picture of you as DeeDee. :D Sorry!

Sleepy Ranger 07-03-2004 05:41 AM


Sleepy Ranger: Male, 5'8"-10", incredibly sleepy most of the time, but not to lazy actually. Loves quote games & has a knack for picking a good sig (bonus points if you listen to the artist you got the lyrics from ). Black hair, which you recently decided to begin partially growing out.
Lets see, heights wrong. I'll give you a clue. I was 5'7 when I was 12. Sleepy most of the time? Yes, Linkin Park is the best and if you'd look at the TT:Quote Game you'd see I've put in a lot of LP puns there.


Sleepy Ranger is a computer geek. 'Nuff said.
Evisse, have we met before?


I could post what Sleepy Ranger looks like,
Well I already forgot what you look like. I must be the most forgetful person since well since me. Surprisingly people are gettng close to getting my hair right and if they'd look back a few pages I actually gave away what it looks like :rolleyes:
But I've changed my hair now so guess you can keep guessing.

Firefoot 07-03-2004 06:08 AM


Firefoot is as close to a thoroughbred equine as I can ever imagine, with her long flowing locks and her proud demeanour.
Hmm, not really.

Firefoot is the Hermione Granger of her class, she is very clever and pretty, although she tends to hide it with tomboyish clothes.
This is definitely the closest so far.

Nimrothiel: You look somewhat Elvish. You have a pretty face and long blonde hair. You are 5'8" give or take two inches.

Dancing Spawn of Ungoliant: You have waist length black hair and dark eyes. You are graceful, and at about 5'6" you have long legs. It seems like you should either be in dance or gymnastics.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 07-03-2004 11:27 AM

Ok, several people to attend to so bear with me (those concerned of course, if you couldn't care less about me then feel free to skip ahead!).

Estel, you may have another shot at me. The things you got right were as follows; brown hair (though you did say "or blonde" so you shouldn't really get that much credit!) blue eyes and near enough 5'10 (actually, I'm 6'0)

I will give another description of you in my next post, so watch out!

Feanor, I stand by my description of you. I think you are side-stepping so as not to reveal your true identity (and I think you do have a dungeon). :eek:

Evisse, 'crude sense of humour'? Moi? Is this because of that thing I posted on the "I hope this is a joke" thread? Ach! If only I could prove otherwise....and I look nothing like Fran Healy (thankfully). Where on earth did you get that idea from!

Saraphim, by far the closest yet. Although there's a crucial element which is wrong. I know this will be hard to take but, as I already pointed out, I do not have blonde hair! It would be awesome but nevermind. Anyway, Faramir's hair was just as cool as Eomer's.

And Saraphim, without actually pinning me down, is way out in front in the race. Congratulations! :D

Nimrothiel 07-03-2004 11:42 AM

*Nimrothiel is long-haired, tall, and has a dreamy expression.*

*Nimrothiel: You look somewhat Elvish. You have a pretty face and long blonde hair. You are 5'8" give or take two inches.*

Wow, very close on my height Firefoot; I'm actually 5'10''. My hair is actually just a couple inches past my shoulders. The slightly Elvish description is also fairly accurate, but I'm afraid the hair color is way off. (Actually, I dye my hair, but my original hair color is at the other end of the spectrum.) I wish the pretty face remark was true, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Evisse the Blue, how did you know I was a day-dreamer? Here are my images of some of you:

The Saucepan Man: Will always look like his avatar to me.
Evisse the Blue: Average height, blue eyes (well, you gave that one away), and long blonde hair. You don't happen to own a white dress do you; because if you do Nilpaurion's description of you will forever be how I imagine you to appear.
Firefoot: Short to average height (now that's a stretch), with green eyes that hold a mischievious light.
The Phantom: I can't picture him as anything but his avatar, which is really freaky. :eek: I mean, can you imagine him walking down the street in broad daylight? Now imagine that at night. *mock shudder* Seriously, I love your avatar. (Hmmm, toned abs and a nice butt...oh, there I go day-dreaming again.) :rolleyes: :p

One of the Nine 07-03-2004 01:23 PM

[QUOTE=Mad Baggins]One of the Nine

Firstly, I do talk online a lot. Very spunky, too. Good job! :)

Let's see. You have a very good sense of humour. You have dirty-blondish hair that is straight and grows halfway down your back. Your eyes are a dark brown, nearly black. They freak people out sometimes until they notice your warm demeanor. People always feel comfortable around you.

Well, everything except for the color of the eyes and the color and length of the hair! Pretty good!

One of the Nine 07-03-2004 02:31 PM

Hey, for those who get images of people on their avie, here's mine! Although, I am a girl, just to let you know. :rolleyes:

The Only Real Estel 07-03-2004 03:14 PM


The Only Real Estel is the typical pretty boy. You break girls' hearts but confuse them by constantly using Matrix and Tolkien terminology to spice up the conversation.
*laughs* Oh I can just imagine it...handing her a dozen roses & then saying "There is no rose"

p.s. I just realized you put me in the same catagory as Orlando Bloom. Now I have to be mad at you :p.


though you did say "or blonde" so you shouldn't really get that much credit
In truth, guessing two colors on one guess was not totally in keeping of the description game, but all the experts agreed that once Eomer had confirmed one of Estel's guesses, Eomer had (knowingly or unknowingly) made the guess legal, whether it was legal in the first place or not (a bit confusing, but it works :p).

Eomer: Hmm, so you have brown hair, blue eyes & you're 6'0". I'm sure I could look back through here & find your age, but I'm not about to, so I'll just take another guess: 16-19? You probably play some sports &...wait a second-there's not much else to describe, is there? :eek:

Saraphim 07-03-2004 03:29 PM

Alright, Eomer. You have short black hair that never stops standing up straight no matter how much expensive gel you slather onto it. You've got a tattoo on your right shoulder that says "FF" in big red letters. You drive a small car with a bumper sticker stating that "My other car is a Warg", and you have the capabilty to smile evilly in direct emulation of Morgoth.


Feanor of the Peredhil 07-03-2004 07:54 PM


Feanor, I stand by my description of you. I think you are side-stepping so as not to reveal your true identity (and I think you do have a dungeon). :eek:
Stand by it all you want, Eomer, but I'll tell you again: parts of the physical description are accurate, most of the mental description is off. Close, but no cigar. :D However, you hold your image as tight as you can (don't let any of my hints as to my true appearance change it), because this is far more fun than if I actually knew what you look like. You stick with the 70s punk rocker (I like that description anyhow, and it's not that far off), and I'll stick with the straightjacket and dictation to Biff.


Durelin 07-03-2004 09:22 PM

Yet another Barrowdowner with psychic abilities!
The Only Real Estel -


Let's see...I'd say you're about 14, but probably nearly 15.
Did you really not look at my profile to answer that one? :D I am astounded, if you didn't peek.


You strike me as male
I strike most people online I do not speak to personally as such.


5'10" or 5'11"… And if you are female...about 5'6"-5'8"
Very good! About 5’9”.


black hair, black/grey eyes, dressing in as much black as you can
Dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, and I like black, but not normally all black. No, I am not a Hot Topic shopper, to those of you who know that this is a clothing store. :D


You seem to be a relative of The Phantom, or at least he has a lot of similarities to him.
The Phantom should be deeply offended right now. Beware his wrath.


Athletic, but you don't mind spending a lot of time on your computer either.
*Ding!* It’s uncanny!


Audreidi 07-03-2004 10:33 PM

Well...gone for a day or so, and this thing explodes. Heh.


Jandalf always seemed like she should have short, bouncy red hair, and have a lot of energy.

I don't really know how I picture Audreidi, but she always has dark hair in my mind. I don't know exactly how that works, but ya know..... strange things happen in my mind. *shrugs*
Well, considering that Jandalf and I are identical twins...Jandalf generally has a lot of energy when she's around other people, but when she's on her own she gets very lethargic. That applies to both of us, really. We both have dark hair--some strands are curly and almost black, and some are poker-straight and light brown. Mix of Mom and Dad...and it causes a lot of frizz...sigh. Anyone else care to take a stab in the dark as to the details of this newb's appearance? Some people can really guess, I see...intuition and all that, what? :p

dancing spawn of ungoliant 07-04-2004 02:49 AM

Wow, Firefoot you got quite close! I am indeed 5'6'' (and 1 cm) and one could say that I have fairly long legs. My name might have misguided you to think that I'm some kind of a sport girl...well, I like dancing and different sport games but I give more interest rather to music. I'd like to have waist lenght black hair but that isn't quite my real look.

Firefoot has very slightly curly brown hair that gets really curly on moist weather. She is sweet and girlish but seldom wears skirts or black clothes.

Evisse the Blue 07-04-2004 03:08 AM


Evisse, have we met before?
Does that mean I'm right, Sleepy? :D
Eomer- I take it you don't think Fran Healey is good looking?? Tsk tsk. :p

p.s. I just realized you put me in the same catagory as Orlando Bloom.
LOL! Now all you have to do is think: 'There is no Orlando Bloom'.
Nimrothiel - you're waaaay off mark. No blue eyes for me, more like ochyi tchornyi ...I meant my skin tone is bluish, like any respectable corpse that's been on the Barrows for two years should look like. (btw - I'll be celebrating my death day soon!)

Let's see...One of the Nine...I get positive vibes from your avatar that you got a cool sense of humour. You like parties, and you're a bit on the wild side. You like spicy foods. You're dark-haired.
dancing spawn of ungoliant you have red, curly hair and you and freckled. But there's also a dark side to your personality, that makes you log on the Barrow Downs at unearthly hours, when you should be doing your homework. ;)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 07-04-2004 11:29 AM

Estel, check out my profile. It's a good read.

Saraphim, I told you how close you were, why did you go off on a ridiculous tangent? :p

Feanor, so we'll leave it at that shall we? :D In truth, I love your insane image of me and I'm perfectly happy to let it stand. After all, that's how I plan to spend some future years of my life so it appears that you can see into the future. Kudos.

Mithalwen 07-04-2004 11:40 AM

So if people imagine others as their avatars, are the avatar-less faceless?

Eowyn Skywalker 07-04-2004 01:58 PM

*coughs, spews coffee all over the computer moniter* Hey, why was I even drinking COFFEE, I HATE coffee!... anyhow... I am hysterical over your guesses of what I look like... SERIOUSLY... and that's not good at the moment, concitering the fact that my hands are all shaky, and I don't feel so great... I really am thinking of linking a picture just so you all can see how misled you are... maybe I'll change my avater for a while. Firstly, to whomever invisioned me as athletic, you are VERY wrong. I am the least athletic girl you will ever see, and my name, to discribe me, should more be Jaina Gamgee... noooo... Marigold Solo, maybe. I look very hobbitiesh, in my opinion, being short (5"2), and slightly overwheight, not to mention the cape that must be glued to me... I always wear it. My hair is not short, nor streaked, it's long, gold-brown, without any trace of dyes... I dyed it once, and that was enough. I look like I should've lived in Middle-earth. Whoever said that I wore a lightsaber... that was close, I do often enough. Also the comment on having a lightsaber, or toy sword and not afraid to use it... that's me as well. I also sometimes wear a tiara to add to the Eowyn look. I look SOMEWHAT like my present avatar, but nothing like any of you think I look like... that's it, I'm making a new avatar! I need to fix these miscomprehentions!!! Does my name really make you think sports girl?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh well... I like the lightsaber-pack'n image of myself though...

Now, my thoughts on what everyone looks like...

Audreidi *I KNOW I'm met you... this is what I thought you looked like beforehand*: Tall, with dark brown eyes that flashed almost gold in the right light, slightly elven, with long dark brown hair like Arwen's, sorta.
Mithalwen *off on a guess to the avatarless*: A mid range height, with silvery grey eyes, a more human appearance, with delicate features.
MadBaggins: Short, like me, but with chopped off brown hair that falls just above her shoulders, to accent her brown eyes. Her hair is slightly curly, and she's full of energy, being bouncy, and cheerful most of the time.

And that's my thoughts.

Must go chat with Jandalf now, she's ONLINE!!!

May the Force be with you all!!

-Eowyn Skywalker

Thorongil 07-04-2004 02:07 PM


Does my name really make you think sports girl?!?!?!?!?!?
I thought all jedis were athletic. Shouldn't you be too? :p

Mad Baggins 07-04-2004 03:05 PM

I am short with slightly curly hair (at the ends), I am a bouncy ball of energy, but no above-the-shoulder brown hair and no brown eyes. I liked that bouncing with energy part. Hee hee hee!

When someone analyzes me, I shall analyze them.

Eowyn Skywalker, now I can't have a fully made-up image of you! Thanks a lot! ;)

Okay...your eyes are hazel and you have a little, rounded nose. You are also a bundle of energy and your sense of humour is crazy. Whenever someone says something you don't like, you smack them with your lightsaber. You're pretty outgoing and you smile a lot.

Am I close? Am I? Am I?

Eowyn Skywalker 07-04-2004 04:06 PM

Heh heh... I'm not an ordanary Jedi... snrk. I'm just plain me, who WISHES she was a Jedi... sigh. I DO have really good reflexes though... just not the Jedi looks.

Okay, Mad Baggins, some of what you say is correct... I DO smile a LOT... there's almost never a time when there's NOT a smile on my face, and I do have a wacko sense of humor... if you've read any of my spoof, you should know. I thwack people all the time. I don't know about the nose... and my eyes are actually dark brown, but overall, that's not a bad guess! I really AM going to change my avatar now... for a while, anyhow. Just to prove what I look like.

Okay... lesse...

Firefoot: She is a mid height girl, with bright hazel eyes, and a nearly gold brown hair that comes past her shoulders. She can appear serious, but underneath that mask, she's actually quite a goofy person.

Agent Evenstar: A tall girl, with dark eyes set in her face, that make her seem as if she's always watching you. More serious in real-life then she is on the net, her hair is darker, and she wears blue nailpolish.

-Eowyn Skywalker

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-04-2004 05:24 PM

Mad Baggins: you said that you would analyze the appearance of anyone who attempted yours, so here goes:

My original concept of Mad Baggins was a 30-something year old male, with a penchant for magic tricks, hence the name "Mad Baggins" who, as we all know, goes around disappearing. However, I then read some of your posts. Mad Baggins is a 15ish year old girl, with dark brown (auburny) hair, that falls loosely just past her shoulders. She is about 5'5", and slender, although not "skinny" persay. She sees a lot of details that most other people don't notice, or do, but take for granted. She's always drinking some sort of caffienated beverage, and if she is asked to turn out her pockets, there will usually be a lighter (you don't strike me as a matchgirl, if you'll excuse the pun), some loose change, and some low-powered explosives (firecrackers, anyone?).

There you go, try me. :cool:

Eomer: No worries on the insanity. If you want, we can lock you and Keeper (for categorizing me as an Orli-bopper) up in my imaginary dungeon to scare the tourists. ;)


Eowyn Skywalker 07-04-2004 05:30 PM

My new avatar should clear up some of the misconseptions... the girl behind the lightsaber is me... and the picture IS unedited, beyond the lightsaber, of course! I don't REALLY have one that WORKS... just a toy... giggle.

All right...

Feanor of the Peredhil: I see you as a slightly taller character, who usually wears black pants, but wouldn't wear a black shirt... you proabaly also wear sunglasses. You like to look things through, and are quite interested in what other people think of you, whether spelling, or so on. Your eyes are blue, and your hair is a silvery blond.

Well, that's my conseption, anyhow. Now, on the OTHER hand, guessing NAMES would be a LOT harder!!!

-Eowyn Skywalker

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-04-2004 06:00 PM


Feanor of the Peredhil: I see you as a slightly taller character, who usually wears black pants, but wouldn't wear a black shirt... you proabaly also wear sunglasses. You like to look things through, and are quite interested in what other people think of you, whether spelling, or so on. Your eyes are blue, and your hair is a silvery blond
Slightly taller... hehe. I spent most of my childhood wishing I was tall... I finally figured out that 5'3" (and a half) is the perfect height for me. I do happen to own quite an excellent pair of black pants, but sadly I haven't worn them in quite awhile because its been so dratted HOT out... and black pants get so dirty, you know? ;) I've certainly been known to rock the all-black look, but not often. I had a most wonderful pair of sunglasses... lost them. Still need to get a new pair, since my eyes are light-sensitive and the sun hurts me. :( You're definately right about my interest in other peoples perceptions of me. I like to know what people think, even if it won't change how I think of myself. (If you can't tell, I've got a lot of self-confidence... I've been called arrogant, but I just like who I am.) The only thing you fully missed is my eye and hair color, but keep your image, since it's yours. :D


Mad Baggins 07-04-2004 06:43 PM

Ah, Feanor!

My hair does fall just past my shoulders, but it isn't auburny. You got my height and build right, and I am very observant. (I never seen so many bleedin' aerials! The man said that their equipment could pinpoint a purr at 400 yards, and Eric...yeah, I'll stop now. :D) I like lighters, but firecrackers? Not so much. Change is good, especially loonies and toonies. :smokin:

Okay, now you are...hmm. About 16-18 years of age and about 5'2". Slightly poofy hair that's a light brown colour and goes down to your shoulders. You have greenish eyes and an awesome sense of humour. Very nice person, and you're a loony! (In a good way.)

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-04-2004 07:07 PM


Okay, now you are...hmm. About 16-18 years of age and about 5'2". Slightly poofy hair that's a light brown colour and goes down to your shoulders. You have greenish eyes and an awesome sense of humour. Very nice person, and you're a loony! (In a good way.)
I won't tell you how accurate you are, Mad Baggins, because I like being somewhat of an enigma (I fully regret telling that I'm a girl now, because that was just fun, having people confused) but suffice to say, my sense of humour has been legendary since 4th grade.


Mad Baggins 07-04-2004 08:41 PM

Darn. Not even a little hint? :rolleyes:

Whoa! :eek: A 30-year-old male? I just saw that and now I feel odd. :D

I like being analyzed! Someone else do it!

Nilpaurion Felagund 07-05-2004 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
Nilpaurion Felagund is a typical rocker dude: complete with long hair and torn jeans. He never leaves home without his walkman.

Rocker dude? Well, I have long hair, and torn jeans, but they were not intended. Nature does destroy your clothes. And hair.

Do I have enough capital to conjure a walkman...none. Wasted all that on HoME! And Tom Clancy! It rhymes!


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
Nilpaurion Felagund looks ...impish. He's very lively and has dark shining eyes that are a bit mischevious.

Now this is me!


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
Oops, sorry! I 'described' Nilpaurion twice, my mistake! Actually the second time was for Perky Ent, and I accidentaly typed Nilpaurion

That wasn't for me? Sob.


Originally Posted by Lhunardawen
Forgive me, but I really laughed out loud reading all of Nilpaurion Felagund's descriptions. Believe me, you wouldn't want to see him (and be disappointed). :D
Please don't kill me in my sleep, my dear brother...

I'll kill you awake!


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
So, Lhunardawen, Nilpaurion's your brother? Seriously? because I just got a mental picture of you as DeeDee. :D Sorry!

COFLGOHAHA!!! That's preciousss!!!

Guess I wouldn't have to kill you, Lhunardawen.


Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil

Meneltarmacil always has a stone to throw at me. Oh, and he used to be a rampaging firestorm.
*flings huge rock at Nilpaurion Felagund*

HA! Missed.

Why do you keep throwing rocks - and thunderbolts, I just remembered - at me? Do I look like I would hurt someone.

Yes, Men! Do the world a favour and give him one in the noggin!


Saraphim is a female Saphiroth. Or a fleming spirit. I dunno. I'm confused.

Thorongil is an evil eagle being with a wingspan of 219 feet, covered with golden feathers. Seen frequenting rock concerts, snatching away those who dare raise their hands and shout "ROCK ON!"

NightKnight...wait. I saw his picture already. Cancel that.

Saraphim 07-05-2004 12:59 AM


Saraphim, I told you how close you were, why did you go off on a ridiculous tangent?
Ah, but ridiculous tangents are my glory, Eomer :D . Seriously, however, I am now thinking of you with short dark hair, straight, that kind of gets in your eyes.


Saraphim is a female Saphiroth. Or a fleming spirit. I dunno. I'm confused.
:D *Snicker*:D

Nilpaurion Felagund 07-05-2004 12:59 AM

I forgot...PICTURES!!!

Baby Kransha:

Teen Kransha:

Adult Kransha:

Kransha's Bane:

Nice pics, aren't they? Now I'll try looking for a Thorongil. Or an Evissë maybe...

Evisse the Blue 07-05-2004 02:18 AM

haha, hilarious pics!
But now you should beware the fury of (adult) Krashna! :D
Perhaps this is the time to say that I imagine Krashna sort of how I imagine Ivan from Brothers Karamazov.

Now this is me!
So my miss was actually a hit? Interesting.

Can't wait to see that pic of me...or do I really want to see it? Oh and it's Evisse, Evisse, I tell you! *anime-style Grrr *

dancing spawn of ungoliant 07-05-2004 03:33 AM


you have red, curly hair and you and freckled.
Umm...not quite. You got one third right...ish ;)

there's also a dark side to your personality, that makes you log on the Barrow Downs at unearthly hours, when you should be doing your homework.
That is so true! But hey, being at 'Downs is very instructive - more instructive than homework :p

paavo 07-05-2004 04:41 AM

Saraphim is a 21 years old girl with short red hair, which reach down to her blue eyes. She has some freckles around her nose and cheeks. She is tall and slender and she spends her time either reading or jogging. She is a vegetarian but every now and then, on some special occasion, she enjoys a big greasy steak. Saraphim is very sharp but she doesn't brag with it and she is always there to help his friends whatever the problem was.

Mad Baggins is a little over 30 years old but his inner child runs freely which can be seen from his many practical jokes he performs to his co-workers. At work, if he is not planning his next prank, he is surfing the "1001 ways to fool your friend" page on the net. in spite of this he is a competent worker and somehow always manages to do his tasks in time and has thus avoided getting fired. He is about 178cm tall and well-proportioned. He has short brown/black hair with a tendency to be a bit curly. He has reading-classes but he rarely uses them since he is a bit forgetful.

Thorongil 07-05-2004 07:24 AM


Thorongil is an evil eagle being with a wingspan of 219 feet, covered with golden feathers. Seen frequenting rock concerts, snatching away those who dare raise their hands and shout "ROCK ON!"
I haven't attended a single rock concert all my life, but I like the evil eagle stuff(Though you might find a few billion people that's more evil than me).

symestreem 07-05-2004 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
I know it's weird but I do imagine people look like their avatars.

Hmm... I'm afraid I'm not that flexible, nor do I own that much silver body paint. And I'd have to lose my limbs... but beyond that, there's a very strong resemblance!

Mithalwen 07-05-2004 12:08 PM

Eowyn....... dare I ask... a more human appearance than what? :eek: .....
Not far off on the eyes..... they are very pale ... with darker grey rims and change with the strength of light from grey to green to blue .... everything else is wrong really ....... my ears are quite cute but sadly not pointy :D

Elennar Starfire 07-05-2004 12:28 PM


Actually, it’s the name I object to more than the description. :p
Apologies, Saucy. I shall leave off the second part in the future.


Eomer I see as Eomer from the LotR films (thanks to his avatar), yet clad in a tartan kilt (thanks to his nationality and my reprehensible tendencey towards stereotyping). Imagine Karl Urban playing William Wallace. Yes, the wode works too.
Oh my...That's funny!

*Imagines other LotR characters in kilts* OH NO! Not Gollum! That was a bit just popped into my head! :eek:

Esgallhugwen 07-05-2004 12:31 PM

Hey! *waves arms frantically about, until panting* ooohh maybe that wasn't such a good idea considering I'm sick...again. *Ahem* anyway, what do you lovely BDer's think of me? I know I havn't really been around alot, so I don't really know any of you that well, which is a shame because you're all such interesting people. :)

Ok here goes nothing;

Sleepy Ranger- You are just that, sleepy even when you try and stay awake it cannot be helped that you nod off from time to time. Your dark hair is chin or shoulder length and slightly wavy, you often use it to shield your light blue eyes from the sun when you want to take a nap and fall asleep before you can make it to the shade of a tree. You are a fair height not too tall, and you are thin but not skinny like a wraith.

Meneltarmacil- So you say you don't have dark hair? Very well, blonde, hhmmm perhaps dark blue or hazel eyes. 5'9" with a smooth complection. Thats all I can really see I'm not very good at this imagining what a person looks like, but I'd like to hear what anyone thinks I look like ;)

*(I meant no offense by what I said, if it could be considered offensive)*

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