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Durelin 03-17-2009 11:19 PM

Okay this is scary.

I think some lynching needs to be done in order for it to be quiet enough to even think.


There is no way I'm going to be heard in this mess. Or seen. *sob*

I demand you heed me and my words!

So...anyone want to start postulating the possible roles involved here? You know you want to. What else is there to do, right? Day 1 and all that? (Riiight, and there's already 3 pages cause......)

Yeah well, I don't care if you want to. I'm going to. At least to divert attention from all these suspicious inside jokes, and get to some more useful not to mention interesting discussion.

Just a few possibilities:
  • There is at least one cobbler, and they are probably a lover. The seer's lover. It's so sordid.
  • If there's a werebear, they're a lover, also of the cobbler.
  • There are 6 wolves, 2 werebear lovers, 2 seers, 1 Grey Wizard, 1 ranger, 1 hunter, a wolf cobbler, a werebear cobbler, and a Grey Wizard minion.
  • Half comprise a wolf team, the other a good team with nightly hunting powers. So basically whoever votes first wins.
  • Actually, half of us are wolves, the other werebears
  • We're all wolves, just on different teams
  • There are no teams, though we all have various werecreature/gifted powers, and it's every man for him/herself.

I'm realistic. And not entirely trusting of our modduckess.

(An all encompassing :p for good measure...)

Durelin 03-17-2009 11:21 PM

Make that a full 3 pages.

Of nothing but one-liners and dead people.

Nerwen 03-17-2009 11:29 PM

YAY!!! FOUR PAGES ALREADY!!!:D:cool::smokin:

Shastanis Althreduin 03-17-2009 11:34 PM

Do I have to translate for people to be able to read Nerwen's posts again? :rolleyes:

Durelin 03-17-2009 11:38 PM

People who have posted so far (who are actually supposed to be alive), in order of...postage?:

Lariren Shadow
Feanor of the Peredhil
Shastanis Althreduin

Post counts (currently my suggestion for lynch order):

Mirandir 27
Lariren Shadow 24
satansaloser2005 24
Nienna 12
Brinniel 9
Feanor of the Peredhil 7
Rikae 6
the phantom 6
Shastanis Althreduin 5
Durelin 2
wilwarin538 1
Nerwen 1

Time: approx. 2:38 into the game.

Summaries of pages 1-3 coming shortly...

Nerwen 03-17-2009 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 589413)
Do I have to translate for people to be able to read Nerwen's posts again? :rolleyes:

kthnx shasta u iz my frend 4 lyfe!!!111!!!:)

satansaloser2005 03-17-2009 11:43 PM

Actually I think it would be more counterintuitive to lynch the moddess first. Certainly the best way to get yourself modfired. So let's go with age before beauty, shall we?


Wait, what do you mean I can't vote? What the....but I'm the moddess. I can do whatever the heck I want! *bottom lip quivers* Oh, fine, I suppose I'll abstain toDay.


(I did tell you all I planned to screw with your heads, so you shouldn't be surprised that I'm helping with the rubbish post count. 'Course I'll probably get bored pretty dern quickly....meh. I need to do laundry.)

satansaloser2005 03-17-2009 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 589415)
kthnx shasta u iz my frend 4 lyfe!!!111!!!:)

No. No, no, NO!

*curls into the fetal position*

I do believe in fangirls, I do believe in fangirls. I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO believe in fangirls!

*shoves together the heels of her flip flops, but nothing happens*

Gwathagor 03-17-2009 11:53 PM

Since it seems to be the thing to do...

A YouTube link.

Shameless mimicry, I know.

Durelin 03-18-2009 12:01 AM

Page 1

Mira accuses both Lari and herself of being wolves. Nienna accuses herself of being a wolf by posting third. Sally is apparently not dead yet. Fea is an emo-ranger. Mira makes the first pointless list. Brinniel shows up. Brinniel accuses Nienna of being evil. phantom is apparently getting better. Mira accuses Mac of being Bubbles, does not like in-character posting.


Page 2

Rikae shows up, suggests the lynching of Nienna and Brinniel and that they are seers. Brinniel's college is cool. Rikae and Mac's Annika is the cobbler. Mira does not like out of context posting. YouTube. Fea breaks out of character. Shasta shows up. Rikae speculates vaguely on roles (darn.). Bratwurst and ice cream.


Page 3

wilwa shows up, gapes, and sleeps. Shasta is confused. Lari translates. Mira, Lari and Nienna are apparently a trio of were-librarians with Nienna as their alpha-wolf. Hamlet. Brinniel likes bandwagon lynches. Mira does not. Fea explains her silence and complains about it.


Page 4 (Why quit while you're ahead??)

Durelin shows up and attempts to get to direct discussion in a more productive direction. Nerwen shows up and shatters any hope of progress. Shasta has déjŕ-vu. Sally attempts to kill herself again because apparently the phantom didn’t do a very good job the first time. Gwath shows up with more YouTube.

satansaloser2005 03-18-2009 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 589420)
Sally attempts to kill herself again because apparently the phantom didn’t do a very good job the first time. Gwath shows up with more YouTube.

Really, does Phantom ever do a good job the first time? ;)

Bah, I think I'm going to bed. You people are amazingly entertaining, but I need some sleep.

The next person who puts up a video link with a fat kid in shorts gets modfired. (Kidding, kidding....or am I?:Merisu:)

Good night, lovelies. May be back later, but hopefully not. :D

Nerwen 03-18-2009 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 589418)
Since it seems to be the thing to do...

A YouTube link.

Shameless mimicry, I know.


*dies and iz ded*

Durelin 03-18-2009 12:09 AM

Updated who's posted, in what order, and post count:

Lariren Shadow 24
Nienna 12
Feanor of the Peredhil 7
Mirandir 27
Brinniel 9
Rikae 6
Shastanis Althreduin 5
wilwarin538 1
Durelin 4 (+1)*
Nerwen 3
Gwathagor 1

Time: approx. 3:09 into the game.

*I warn you, this is not a temporary modifier.

Durelin 03-18-2009 12:16 AM

Those who have yet to show up (likely because they have been sleeping...):

Legate of Amon Lanc
Nilpaurion Felagund


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nilp is in this game?! :eek:


Well, at least things can only get more productive from here. I mean, Nogrod hasn't posted yet. ;) :D

So I'm going to bed.

Isabellkya 03-18-2009 12:18 AM


Four pages already? I might as well go run and hide in a corner. Nobody will escape this thing of Sally's unscathed, me thinks. Dun dun dun.

Maybe I should actually read the pages. Especially since what I have seen so far, looks spammy. xD

X'd with Nerwen and Durelin x2.

satansaloser2005 03-18-2009 12:20 AM

as I lay dying....erm, as I head to bed....

Originally Posted by Durie

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nilp is in this game?! :eek:


Yup. He'd signed up a while ago so I....well, bascially I just didn't add him to the player list right away in case he didn't show. But yes, he's in the game. I just hope he realizes it. Heh.

EDIT: x'd with Izzy. Heh. Suffering. You haven't seen anything yet. ;)

Isabellkya 03-18-2009 12:20 AM

Oh, no. I wouldn't be sleeping. 'tis not even 1130 here. :)

X'd with Miss Moddess.

Nerwen 03-18-2009 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 589424)
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nilp is in this game?!

What? Nilp's playing?


EDIT: X'd with Sally and Izzy.

Durelin 03-18-2009 12:24 AM

I lied.


Originally Posted by ex-Sally
Really, does Phantom ever do a good job the first time?

That's what she said. Yup.

So far:



They're comparatively quieter and more cautious.


One's a cobbler, one's a wolf, but we'll never be able to tell the difference.

Bored and Innocent


Durelin 03-18-2009 12:27 AM

Updated posting list:

Lariren Shadow 24
Nienna 12
Feanor of the Peredhil 7
Mirandir 27
Brinniel 9
Rikae 6
Shastanis Althreduin 5
wilwarin538 1
Durelin 6 (+1)*
Nerwen 4
Gwathagor 1
Isabellkya 2

Those left to post (with over 20 hours of the day ahead of us...):

Legate of Amon Lanc
Nilpaurion Felagund


I wish it was only 11:30 here.....

Durelin 03-18-2009 12:30 AM

Fare thee all well for...a while.

This is going to be a long game...well, for some of us. :eek:

Isabellkya 03-18-2009 01:00 AM


Oh bajeebus. I think we can summarize the pages so far even more. xD

Innuendos. Movie quotes/references. Inside jokes.


I think YouTube is evil.

*lynches youtube*

Nerwen 03-18-2009 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 589433)
I think YouTube is evil.

*lynches youtube*

Izzy, you're a genius! That's the best idea I've heard all Day!


satansaloser2005 03-18-2009 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 589434)
Izzy, you're a genius! That's the best idea I've heard all Day!


Heh. You realize I'm counting that, don't you? ;)

*sinks back under the covers*

Brinniel 03-18-2009 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Durelin
Mira accuses both Lari and herself of being wolves. Nienna accuses herself of being a wolf by posting third. Sally is apparently not dead yet. Fea is an emo-ranger. Mira makes the first pointless list. Brinniel shows up. Brinniel accuses Nienna of being evil. phantom is apparently getting better. Mira accuses Mac of being Bubbles, does not like in-character posting.

Your analysis amuses me. Though I think you have Mira and Nienna mixed up.

Nerwen 03-18-2009 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 589435)
Heh. You realize I'm counting that, don't you? ;)

Hey!:( Not fair! YouTube isn't even playing! (Besides, if it was it would probably only be the cobbler...)

Ah well... I usually mess up the Day One vote anyway...

Thinlómien 03-18-2009 04:13 AM

Sorry to be dreadfully boring, but I'm not exactly impressed with this game this far. Seven hours, 3˝ pages and 99% chatter. Kids, I'm disappointed with you. ;)

Anyway let's start talking SOMETHING (anything) more sensible. Durelin seems like the only one who's made an effort at anything, but then again, she probably did her analysis just as a parody. :rolleyes: And by the way why is it always me (or Nogrod ;)) who has to start the serious discussion?

I'd be inclined to think that at least one of the chatters is evil. Why? Because I can't believe that of half a dozen innocent souls no one would try to say anything sensible in three pages of posting. Seriously. I know bantering is a lot of fun and innocents can get caught up in it just as well as baddies, but one could imagine that if all these people are innocent, the odds that someone would start talking seriously are so high that this situation should not exist. Ergo, we have at least one duck here. If I had to bet, I'd say it's Mira. Just a gut feeling.

I don't know why Nerwen's messing things up. Not like her normal. Maybe she's a cobbler. (I wouldn't be surprised if we had several of those.)

Dury and Izzie seem the most innocent to me this far. Izzie because I kind of sympathise with her attitude and Dury because she's the only one who's been talking any sense.

Nienna 03-18-2009 05:34 AM

*is late for school but wishes to post something of relevance*

Mira likes hockey.

Macalaure 03-18-2009 05:39 AM

Honi soit qui mal y pense
I have to say that those purple asylum people make me mightily suspicious. Could Sally have withstood the temptation to put them into cahoots of some sorts?

Instead of lynching youtube, shall we not just lynch everybody who posts youtube links?


Originally Posted by Durelin
* There is at least one cobbler, and they are probably a lover. The seer's lover. It's so sordid.

I'm sure there could even be multiple cobblers, and seers, and lovers of cobblers, and the other way around... and people in between who're even worse!!


Originally Posted by Durelin
* If there's a werebear, they're a lover, also of the cobbler.

Most certainly. Except that you keep on insisting on the singular. With the sorts of Sally in charge, that is pretty much out of the question.


Originally Posted by Durelin
* There are 6 wolves, 2 werebear lovers, 2 seers, 1 Grey Wizard, 1 ranger, 1 hunter, a wolf cobbler, a werebear cobbler, and a Grey Wizard minion.

Now you're being ridiculous. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Durelin
* Half comprise a wolf team, the other a good team with nightly hunting powers. So basically whoever votes first wins.

:eek:! ++Dur... *calms down again* Let's not be hasty... yet.


Originally Posted by Durelin
Post counts (currently my suggestion for lynch order):

Mirandir 27

Good point. Miri did post a lot. I hope she didn't take her mouth too full.

And Rikae seems to want to bubble on bratwurst.

And Fea seems to have gotten into a habit of choking on things lately.

But don't worry. phantom is resisting his urges and doesn't touch anything. At least that's what he said. Maybe he'll do a better job next time.



Thinlómien 03-18-2009 05:41 AM

Cobbler. Shameless cobbler. :eek:;)

But despite those smileys, I'm actually quite serious. That's what it looks like (and what a lot of other people loo like too).

edit:xed with Mac

Rikae 03-18-2009 06:12 AM

I smell a cobbler afoot.. :D
How do you... ? Oh never mind, this is a family asylum.

Well, it looks to me as if Fea and Phantom (in spite of his pining for the fjords) have posting requirements; Durelin was ordered to spam us with statistics, Lommy was told to act like Nogrod, Nerwen to revisit her fangirl role, and Mac to act like me.

If this means anything, it means that they are all cobblers, making our wereducks Mira, Lari, Nienna and Brinn.

Several people have hinted quite blatently at being the seer, and therefore are probably evil: Nienna, Brinn, and Shasta.

Nienna and Brinn are doubly evil. They are probably wereduck lovers secretly plotting against the rest of their flock.

Or maybe all this is utter nonsense because all speculation is impossible at this point.... who knows..... :eek:. By toMorrow, those of us still alive will probably be considerably wiser. For instance, we don't even know how many deaths there'll be tonight.

Bla bla bla.

Thinlómien 03-18-2009 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae
Or maybe all this is utter nonsense because all speculation is impossible at this point.... who knows..... . By toMorrow, those of us still alive will probably be considerably wiser. For instance, we don't even know how many deaths there'll be tonight.

Bla bla bla.

Sadly, that's true. But it doesn't mean we should waste toDay and not try to do anything useful.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Lommy was told to act like Nogrod

Hey what's that?! I'm not, not, not taking after him I swear! :eek::D

Btw, I just got a beautiful yet terrifying idea... next time I mod, I secretly tell ALL the players to act like Nogrod! :D

wilwarin538 03-18-2009 06:42 AM

Alright, I'm here and well rested. I'm reading and taking notes. You will have my thoughts shortly, if I can get all of this chatter sorted out that is. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-18-2009 07:16 AM

Rikae seems to be curiously logical.

Thinlómien 03-18-2009 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 589451)
Rikae seems to be curiously logical.

I agree that she seems weird. (But so does everybody else.) If she's serious however - not merely joking, that is - she does deserve a closer look, though... her logic's not too sound.

Nerwen 03-18-2009 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 589446)
Well, it looks to me as if Fea and Phantom (in spite of his pining for the fjords) have posting requirements; Durelin was ordered to spam us with statistics, Lommy was told to act like Nogrod,

Rikae, you're another genius! I think you're right!:smokin:

Hey, what about posting YouTube links being a special task? Brinn's, maybe– I think she started it.

I think it's just awesome the way everyone has something to do in this village!


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 589447)
Hey what's that?! I'm not, not, not taking after him I swear!

Oh yes you are!:p Na-na-ni-na-na!

EDIT: x'd since wilwarin

wilwarin538 03-18-2009 07:40 AM

Wow, I feel so lost among all the inside jokes and youTube videos and talking dead people. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 589409)

I think some lynching needs to be done in order for it to be quiet enough to even think.


I agree with the first part. Sooooo much talking. My brain hurts.


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 589444)
Instead of lynching youtube, shall we not just lynch everybody who posts youtube links?

I agree with this also.....I mean, oops....there is sooooo not a youTube link in my post, what are you talking about?? :p

K, now seriously, wow people. So I'm seeing the most logic coming from Durelin, Lommy and Rikae. So I'm re-reading those posts again.....ok done.

So I agree that atleast one of the chatters (who I see as being: Brinn, Mira, Lari and Nienna, the most) are evil, if not more then one. So I'll be keeping a close eye on thems.

I also agree that there is more then one cobbler, just because Sally seems to be like that. For all we know there may be like 8 cobblers and then Sally just picks a random person to die every Night, leaving no actual were-ducks, haha, that would be evil. Or half of us are were-ducks and the other half are all lovers with a were-duck, that too would be evil. Or there is only one were-duck who gets like 4 kills a many possibilities, it's quite interesting. This will be fun...

Since there are many who still haven't posted I'm not gonna post a list right now, depite the 4 pages of posts there isn't actually a lot to go on :rolleyes:.

So I'll be around all day here and there to participate in what ever discussions will occur, and hopefully we get lucky toDay.

Everyone play nice now!

Oh, and I'm quite excited about Nilp playing, I remember him being quite a lot of fun.

x'poster with everyone since my last post

Rikae 03-18-2009 07:54 AM

Hm, maybe Nerwen's special assignment is to use exclamation points?

I feel a bit left out, since I don't have any special posting requirements. :(

Well, folks, I have to go shopping, and by that I mean, I have to go shopping. I won't be around for a while; don't get into any trouble. Unless that's your role.

Gwathagor 03-18-2009 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 589459)
Hm, maybe Nerwen's special assignment is to use exclamation points?

Yes, I was thinking the same thing.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-18-2009 08:42 AM

I can't even tell the inane innocent babble from the inane suspicious babble.

. . .

If I understood half of what you said half as well as I understood half of the rest and half again of what I said, I'll halve myself with a quarter.

A dull one.

All right, I'm getting out for a smoke.

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