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Gwathagor 04-10-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 592653)
Nogrod decided it would be wise to get a little farther away from the splashes of vomit, at least if there would be more of that kind and settled beside Gwath to the corner.

"Howdy cowboy! What's up? Nice to see you." But Gwath didn't respond. Nogrod lifted the stetson a bit only to realise Gwath was in deep sleep. Bugger...

The stranger woke up with a start, and had his pistol drawn and the hammer pulled halfway back before he realized it was only Nogrod. He holstered the pistol and leaned back again.

"You best be careful how you wake up a man with a gun," he said. "I kinda thought you was trying to rob me, and I wouldn't have thought twice about shooting if you had been. Wouldn't be the first time."

He offered Nogrod the bottle.


Kuruharan 04-10-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 592651)
"Would I get a bucket of water on myself if I came here tomorrow dressed up as a cavalry officer?"


"Given that the first result of my experiment was nudity and this is (or was until...this get together) a family friendly site, its unlikely," said Kuru with a wink. "And please remember this is all in the interests of furthering my understanding of hydrology as part of a complex plot to take over the world. This is science!"


"Except for that one. That one was not for science, old boy," said Kuru, as another shower of freezing water drenched the phantom. "That one was purely in the interests of helping you get cleaned up!"

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 06:27 PM

Considering that "cleaning up" seems to involve getting naked in this group, I'm not wholly sure that that was wise.

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-10-2009 06:28 PM

Fea, a bit hungry, but nauseated by the smell of saurkraut that for some reason wafted by her, coughed a bit and shivered. She was never warm enough until about mid-July. She avoided physical contact with people because shaking hands with them would inevitably invite their comments about how ice cold her fingers were.

She ordered hot cocoa with whipped cream - a throwback to her childhood - to wrap her fingers around, to warm them. "And can I have a veggie omelet please? No peppers..."

Not quite the right time for dinner, no doubt, but she'd eaten a few hours ago and it was definitely time to refuel.

"Phantom, love," she asked, noting her favorite narcissist still in drag, "you know I love you no matter what you're wearing, but I can't help but think your dress is going to get in the way of the festivities. I do love ballgowns, but nobody has ever accused them of being functional."

Chocolate, she said to herself smiling. Definitely want chocolate. Warm, nice, rich, chocolate... It would help prepare her for the morning, when she was slated to do something she couldn't remember ever having done before: spending a day with her dad, doing something they were both interested in.

Nogrod 04-10-2009 06:29 PM

"Sure... That could freshen me up." Nogrod took the bottle and had a fair draught. "Old Kentucky? Four Roses? Ahh... this feels good in the veins. The blood's on the move again"

Nogrod turned towards Gwath and handed the bottle back.

"So how are you mate? We've gotten together in rpg's and ww-games but it's sure nice to sit here beside you sharing a bottle. Sadly I don't have any vodka with me and the Finninsh beers are just lousy, like drinking dishwater..."

Kuruharan 04-10-2009 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 592659)
Considering that "cleaning up" seems to involve getting naked in this group, I'm not wholly sure that that was wise.


the phantom 04-10-2009 06:40 PM

Phantom decided that the timing was right for his Bond impression.

"Let's get out of these wet things."

Kuruharan 04-10-2009 06:44 PM

Kuruharan dives out the window.

...after hastily setting up a camera to take pictures for future blackmail.

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 06:48 PM

Mnemo hastily removes her contacts, hoping that her nearsightedness will create something close to pixellization. She would rather not lose her eyesight once more, but attempting to avert her eyes from a mobile object such as the phantom so as to retain it would be tantamount to disaster.

Nogrod 04-10-2009 06:48 PM


Nogrod jumped on Gwath and took him along under the table. Gwath was about to protest but Nogrod explained him: "It's to your own good. You don't want to witness what is to follow..."

Eyeing around from the floor level - and hearing Kuru jump out through the window - they realised they were not the only ones making that decision.

Aganzir 04-10-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 592658)
"Given that the first result of my experiment was nudity and this is (or was until...this get together) a family friendly site, its unlikely," said Kuru with a wink. "And please remember this is all in the interests of furthering my understanding of hydrology as part of a complex plot to take over the world. This is science!"

"Aww Kuru you're so sweet. But well, thus far your results look promising. If everyone reacts in the same way those guys have, I'm sure you'll succeed in taking over the world. ...And that's a big if."

When phantom starts undressing, Agan takes her sketchbook and a pencil. Her eyes search the room but she cannot find what she is looking for. "Hey Nilp darling would you come here, too?" she shouts. "I so enjoy homoerotic art," she explains to those close enough to hear.

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-10-2009 07:39 PM

Fea watched, entertained, and waited expectantly. :Merisu:

Kuruharan 04-10-2009 07:48 PM

To the surprise of absolutely nobody. :rolleyes:


Firefoot 04-10-2009 08:02 PM

This all is too weird to even be a dream. :rolleyes:

*Joins Nogrod and Gwath under a table* "Somehow I imagined that my first time meeting either of you would occur under... slightly different circumstances - but well met, regardless. Though I don't see why we let him get away with this; someone ought to do something. Like magic a trap door beneath him, or throw a sheet over his head, or knock him out or something."

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 08:13 PM

"Ah, there's a table to be hid under? Excellent!" Mnemo joined the group of refugees.

"Okay, that's obviously Nog in the yellow boots; Gwath's the westerner, and you're... Footie, right?" She flashed a somewhat nervous grin. "I'm all for stopping the great Uncloaking Threat, but considering that last time something went wrong I lost my eyesight... well... Unfortunately I just don't think I have the capacity to do anything."

Brinniel 04-10-2009 08:50 PM

Brinn was a bit overwhelmed by her surroundings. Distracted by other things, she unintentionally remained the quiet one among them. But it did amuse her to simply observe the events put into motion in front of her. She had long given up on her drink, as it seemed to all just come back out of her nose from laughing so hard. Lucky for her, Brinn had brought her digital camera to document it all. This would lead to some interesting discussions on the "I met a fellow BDer" thread, as she would most certainly be posting these photos, no matter how embarrassing. ;)

Kuruharan 04-10-2009 08:51 PM

Here, catch!
*gingerly hoists a sheet through the window*

Boromir88 04-10-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 592651)
"You're being rather intolerant," she points out to Kuru and Boro in a disapproving voice. Talking to little brothers again. "What's wrong with him dressing up like a princess? Would I get a bucket of water on myself if I came here tomorrow dressed up as a cavalry officer?"

Boro, stared up at Agan, stomach still aching, and imagined Agan coming in the next day magically growing a JEB Stewart
What he had for breakfast came up next.

Kent2010 04-10-2009 09:14 PM

"I'll get the mop" Kent said. He didn't mind having to clean up vomit, some people might think its gross, but he was used to it. Working the Friday graveyard shift at a campus diner, and having to clean up after the 'Thirsty Thursday party' crowd came in, was the norm. I bet Boro is the first sober man to puke in a bar, and twice too. Kent laughed and went to find a mop.

the phantom 04-10-2009 09:15 PM

After hastily changing into the extra clothes he brought along (I always have extra clothes in my car/bag- seriously, always do), Phantom came back into the main room and sat down next to Mira.

"So, when are we playing Werewolf?" she asked.

"Oh, have people been asking?"

"A few," she answered. "Things have gotten a bit out of control. I think it might be good to have a structured activity."

"Well, if we're playing, I want to be ModGod," said Phantom.

"Then you'd better go ahead and call it, or someone will beat you to it," advised Mira.

Phantom stood on his chair and called out in a booming voice, "Okay, everyone, let's get ready to play some Werewolf!"

(note: Day -1 ends in 1 hour and 45 minutes)

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 09:38 PM

"I'm in! Are we starting out with Standard Rules, O Phantom?"

Mirandir 04-10-2009 09:44 PM

"Dibs on making sure phantom doesn't get completely out of control!" Mira yelled excitedly, shooting a hand up in the air for no apparent reason.

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 09:45 PM

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that, Mira?"

Mirandir 04-10-2009 09:47 PM

"...I have no idea."

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 09:50 PM

"...Sit on him, maybe?"

the phantom 04-10-2009 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mnem
Are we starting out with Standard Rules, O Phantom?

"Actually, I have some special rules here," replied Phantom, opening his blue notebook.

"I'll pass them around so everyone can see. I have a couple copies."


Nerwen 04-10-2009 10:13 PM

Nerwen, having failed in her attempt to confiscate Shasta's weapon, had settled down to watch the show, which had proved to be amusing beyond her wildest dreams (and she had some pretty wild dreams).

And to think I promised Mum they were all perfectly nice, normal people... she thought.

In spite of her earlier misgivings, she could not resist the prospect of a real-life WW game.

"Oh, can I play, phantom? Please?":Merisu:

the phantom 04-10-2009 10:35 PM

"Sure you can play Nerwen!" answered Phantom, pleased that he was getting such an immediate response.

Boro, Lommy, and Nogrod each grabbed a copy of the rules and began reading, while yet more Downers came up behind them and attempted to peek over their shoulders.

As Phantom, still standing on his chair, looked out over them, he noticed an elderly gentleman stumble in from the entry hall. The man looked confused- perhaps a bit crazy even.

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 10:41 PM

Mnemo turned over and looked at the new arrival. She thought everyone who was supposed to be here had arrived--except Alonariel--but maybe someone else on the 'Downs had found out about it and dropped in? But he didn't exactly look like a 'Downer type, not that she could judge. Tentatively she walked over to him.

"Excuse me... This is a private party... Are you part of the Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum, sir?"

the phantom 04-10-2009 10:47 PM

While everyone was busy reading his rules, Phantom approached Mnem and the stranger. He heard Mnem ask if he was a Downer, but the man ignored her and looked around with a curious expression on his face. Was it excitement, desperation, or both with a bit of dementia thrown in?

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 10:48 PM

"Hey, phantom, don't we have some way to throw this guy out? I don't think he's entirely right..."

satansaloser2005 04-10-2009 10:53 PM

Sally walked in and yawned loudly.

"Hey, people, is it too late for me to join the party?"

She looked about and saw Phantom in a dress, Formie waving at her, Nilp wearing....well, she'd rather not think about that....and Fea being a hoor....ible person.


OOC note: Sorry, I've been ill for the last few days and have been a terrible person and not read the thread. Never fear though, I'm now here. :)

the phantom 04-10-2009 10:56 PM

Suddenly the elderly gentleman broke his silence. "This is it. This is the place. We feels it. Father spent much time here. But why here? Because this is where it happened, or did it happen because he figured it out here? Or can it happen anywhere, but it's just easier here, because he did it here so often?"

Phantom and Mnem looked at each other. The man was obviously off his rocker. "Come on, sir," began Phantom. "Why don't you come over here and I'll call-"

"It doesn't matter!" growled the man, still looking around as if he couldn't see Phantom. "All that matters is that we can go from here! It will work! We knows it!"

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 10:58 PM

"We knows it... Is this someone's idea of a sick joke?"

the phantom 04-10-2009 11:00 PM

"You know, this guy looks kind of familiar," said Phantom to Mnem. "I just can't place him."

"I can sure place some of his choices in wording, though," returned Mnem. "Though I've seen much better Gollum impressions than this."

Gwathagor 04-10-2009 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 592668)

Nogrod jumped on Gwath and took him along under the table. Gwath was about to protest but Nogrod explained him: "It's to your own good. You don't want to witness what is to follow..."

Eyeing around from the floor level - and hearing Kuru jump out through the window - they realised they were not the only ones making that decision.

Gwath just about lost his hat on the way down - but held on, and snagged the whiskey bottle at the last moment. It was, unfortunately, empty.

"Pity about the Finnish beer," he said to Nogrod, oblivious to the goings-on and entrances and departures. "I'm an ale and stout man myself. The blacker the better."

He called for a pint. And another bottle of whiskey.

"Hair o' the dog what bit ya," he explained.

Mnemosyne 04-10-2009 11:04 PM

Mnemosyne's mind raced. "Father, father--he said father! Father used to be here, he talks like Gollum, he looks kind of-- Oh, holy Valar, phantom, please tell me I'm going crazy!"

the phantom 04-10-2009 11:05 PM


Roles will be PMed soon. The narrative will go up a little bit at a time during Night 1. Remember, Night 1 is 36 hours.

the phantom 04-10-2009 11:19 PM

The story begins...

Originally Posted by Mnem
Mnemosyne's mind raced. "Father, father--he said father! Father used to be here, he talks like Gollum, he looks kind of-- Oh, holy Valar, phantom, please tell me I'm going crazy!"

Phantom looked closely at the man. "Well, he does kind of... but really, I mean... why in the world would Christopher Tolkien be here?"

At this, the man jerked his head so that he was facing Phantom and looked directly into his eyes. "Christopher... yes... that's what he used to call me. But he didn't know everything. He was wrong about it. He said it couldn't do anything here. But no, no, he didn't know. We've kept it longer. It got in our head, and we wants it out!"

The man grabbed Phantom's shirt and pulled him closer. "We've gots to do it! He said never to open it, or to try to find how, but we must! It hurts... in the head... and it won't let us take it off!" He waved his hand in front of Phantom's face, and on his finger was a simple golden ring.

Mnem rolled her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be invisible?"

"It doesn't work like that here," answered the man, and Mnem jumped in surprise, not expecting to be addressed. "Not in this world. Father didn't think any of it worked at all here. Thought it had no power at all, since it couldn't make him disappear. But no, it still has power. Just slower, and less. But it's too much for us! It told us to take it back, and if we don't...."

At this point such a look of pain and fear crossed his face that Phantom waved off the possibility of a joke. This man was clearly crazed. Just then Mira approached with her laptop.

"I thought he looked familiar," whispered Mira, "And look!"

On her computer was a picture of Christopher Tolkien. "Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Mnem. "He looks just like him!"

"Just like him?" said Mira. "It IS him."

the phantom 04-11-2009 12:10 PM

the story continues...
While the three of them were staring at the computer, Christopher Tolkien pulled from beneath his jacket an old battered piece of parchment, and proceeded to read from it in a low voice.

"What's he doing now?" wondered Mira aloud.

"It sounds like Elvish!" exclaimed Mnem, who knew a little bit herself.

"Can you tell what he's saying?" asked Phantom, but Mnem didn't answer. A strange bluish glow had begun emanating from a point in midair directly in front of Christopher. All three Downers stepped back from it and stared with wide eyes. Indeed, all the Downers in the room plus the pub staff were now giving their full attention to the perplexing scene.

There was a collective gasp as the small glowing point expanded quickly. It was soon several feet in height and breadth, every bit of it giving off the same eerie glow. It rippled, like a sheet of water suspended sideways in the air. Others recalled a flag in the wind, though no flag had ever looked so curious.

Phantom slowly edged around to the other side, and Mira followed. There they saw Christopher staring straight ahead, wringing his hands, his face changing back and forth between awe and disgust. Phantom could think of nothing to say, but it did not matter, for Christopher began conversing with himself.

"We mustn't do this. We mustn't!"

"But we doesn't like it! We must be rid of it!"

"No, we can't. Father said we must always keep it, and never seek to return unless they come for it. It would kill them all!"

"But they're not from here. We'd never have to see them. They don't matter. They're not even real. This is only a dream."

"It's not a dream! Father told me all about it. It's real!"

"No, it isn't. How can this be real? It's all in our head. And if we do this in our head, we'll be rid of the madness forever."

Christopher bent over and covered his head. Phantom slowly approached him. "Sir, are you okay? Christopher, do you-"

But Phantom was interrupted by Mira tugging on his shirt. "Look, look, look!" she hissed in an excited whisper. Phantom turned towards Mira, but stopped dead facing the blue glowing disturbance, or rather, what he expected to be the blue glowing disturbance. For on this side, it was not a glowing watery thing at all, but a window into someplace other than the pub. A rocky hill rose up out of sight, pines thick upon its slope. At the foot, thirty or forty feet straight ahead, a heavy wooden door was set in the stone, no doubt covering some sort of cave. Two sentries stood before it, mail clad with spears and girt with swords and shields slung upon their backs.

Even as Phantom and Mira stared, the sentries seemed to see them. The one upon the left lowered his spear but did not advance. The other turned and vanished through the door, so quick that the onlookers barely saw it open and shut.

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