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Nogrod 04-16-2012 03:51 PM

Haha. I've actually never done this before!

++ Nogrod

EDIT: Good Hours...

EDIT2: forgot highlighting

Loslote 04-16-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 669264)
Why is it that you people turn in ten minutes before the DL?

If you're going to play that way in the future, then please lynch me and get me out from this miserable game where trying turns into suspicion by those who turn in at the last minute.

I mean this is quite pathetic indeed.

Mondays are bad for me. The DL is 6:00pm, and I have classes all day (and another in a couple of hours, too, which I have to prepare for during my free time). The weekend would have been better, but I forgot I was playing. The next few days should be much better, and I'll have more time to participate.

EDIT: xed with Nog and Zil

Inziladun 04-16-2012 03:53 PM

Here goes.


EDIT: Oh come on, really Nog? :rolleyes:

satansaloser2005 04-16-2012 03:54 PM

My cupcakes for a highlight, Nog.

Loslote 04-16-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 669266)
Haha. I've actually never done this before!

++ Nogrod

EDIT: Good Hours...

...if you're a committee member, nicely bluffed! Either way, I'd have to raise an eyebrow at your reaction to suspicion.

Loslote 04-16-2012 03:57 PM

You know what?


Your points against Zil and Mac are stretches at best, and look suspicious to me. Your self-vote screams "overly defensive", and I can't see an innocent reacting like that to suspicion.

Nogrod 04-16-2012 03:59 PM

Lottie: Take a look at the game. It has been the worst ever and I'm pretty happy to get away from it as nothing one says seems to mean nothing, however hard you try to find holes from your schedual to play when no one else basically does... This Day was the epitome.

Good luck then.

Rikae 04-16-2012 03:59 PM


Eönwë 04-16-2012 03:59 PM

There's very little to go on, but for the people that are still alive and posting:

Rikae - Herself, as ever, but no inclination either way.
Dun - Well, he essentially killed us a wolf, so I'm going to treat him as innocent for now at least.
Nog - Makes me uncomfortable. Some of his points seem a little bit stretched and assumptive, which are words I'd never think I'd use to describe him in a game. Also, the way he pushed the idea that the wolves might not know each other quite strongly seems bad. I mean, to have that sort of certainty would suggest that either he was a wolf that had information that this was a case, or it wasn't the case but he checked the rules carefully to look for a loophole to exploit for his own ends.
Greenie - I did see Nog's point about her praise of Wilwa's play, though his actual accusatory posts seems pretty bad. She hasn't said enough at all.
Mac - I've never played with him so I have no idea about his style. But the Wilwa connection isn't looking that great.

The submarines (and disappearers):
Lottie - She responded to one comment, but that's it.
Shasta - Said he is around, but hasn't posted anything. Why not?

People I won't vote thisHour: Inzil, Rikae
Most suspicious: Nog
Need to get out of the shadows or we should get rid of them: Shasta, Lottie

edit: x-ed with everything after Rikae's #111

Nogrod 04-16-2012 04:00 PM

My prediction for the posts the next Hour: 3.

Have fun with that. :rolleyes:

Eönwë 04-16-2012 04:00 PM

Well, I was going to go for him anyway


Rikae 04-16-2012 04:01 PM

I don't know what's going on, so many posts came so fast, but as far as I can gather Nog's a cobbler, and at any rate I don't want my vote randomized.

Nogrod 04-16-2012 04:02 PM

Bleurgh.... :rolleyes:

Heh. I realised I was a goner immediately when people came in ten minutes before the DL.

Had I been like you others I would be alive.

So part of what I said was not noly bluff but actually true.

Rikae 04-16-2012 04:03 PM

Ok, read this flurry of posts, and I still don't know what's going on. :(

satansaloser2005 04-16-2012 04:03 PM

Nog, pack your bags. You may or may not be leaving momentarily.

I have to get my dice.

Eönwë 04-16-2012 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 669275)
My prediction for the posts the next Hour: 3.

Yeah, I was having second thoughts about voting you for that very reason. I mean, at least you're posting, which is always important. But then I realised that it was DL, refreshed the thread and saw the inevitable.

Nogrod 04-16-2012 04:05 PM

Sally: there are five vote for me. No need to take the dice... as three votes won't change anything against five.

Rikae 04-16-2012 04:07 PM

Except that Lottie didn't post until I said Nog was reaching, then jumped on it and voted that way.

And now that I have a chance to think about it it looks no better than Nog's behavior did in the first place.

It makes sense that the game might be slow on the first day when some people didn't realize we had started, but yet another day of this - I don't like it either. I wasn't home much of the day myself, but it's not just me - this looks like a second Day 1.

Eönwë 04-16-2012 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 669278)
Had I been like you others I would be alive.

You're right though. The silence is painful and empty and lets people stay alive unseen. If Shasta's a wolf, I'll be annoyed.

Rikae 04-16-2012 04:10 PM

Even though I agree with Mac and Inzil on Night-posting, I believe I'll stick around and talk just in hopes of having some kind of actual game here.

Eönwë 04-16-2012 04:11 PM

I'm going to retire to my room for a while now, I expect to see that there has at least been some decent discussion by the time I return.

satansaloser2005 04-16-2012 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 669282)
Sally: there are five vote for me. No need to take the dice... as three votes won't change anything against five.

Never mind. I missed Rikae's vote upon first glance.

No word from Shasta yet, so I'm guessing his internet access is still kaput.

Nogrod 04-16-2012 04:15 PM

As I seem to not be dead yet...

Originally Posted by Eönwë (Post 669284)
The silence is painful and empty

How about you do something about it? Just a hint.

I mean this was the worst game I have ever played (nothing against you Sally). 140 posts in three playing-days! And many have just one or two posts... Really? A game? Not.

EDIT: Okay Sally has reached the conclusion I suppose? Off then I am. Try to have more fun the next Hours, fex. by playing the game.

satansaloser2005 04-16-2012 04:25 PM

In the Cobbler:

Checked out:
Boro (guest, left to attend to canine commitments)
Wilwa (committee member, realized she left the oven on)
McCaber (guest, expelled for hogging the almonds)
Nog (committee member, rescheduled his flight)
Agan (guest, found the night's entertainment to be pretenders)

Rikae 04-16-2012 04:33 PM

Scratch that, this strategy seems to be working.

Inziladun 04-16-2012 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 669290)
Scratch that, this strategy seems to be working.

I'll say.

Well! I think we got more votes than yesterday, thought that isn't saying much. Greenie and Mac missed voting, the former for the second consecutive Hour, I believe. Shasta too, but at least his absence is explained. Where the blazes is everyone? Tied up in the basement? :eek:

Shastanis Althreduin 04-16-2012 07:47 PM

Hi guys. I don't know if Sally told you, and I don't know if I should be posting this on the admin thread, but we had some extremely bad weather about two days ago, and I only just got internet back recently. I'm still excited to play, but if you guys feel like you need to lynch me because I haven't been here at all yet, I'll totally understand if you want to do that. If not, I'll actually be playing now, although I'm not sure what phase we're in. If this is a Night phase, then I got the impression we shouldn't be talking much?

Inziladun 04-16-2012 07:56 PM

Good to know you made through that patch of rough weather, Shasta!

This is the "Night" phase, but we're allowed to talk. There hasn't been as much activity thus far as one might expect, as a perusal of the thread thus far will reveal. :rolleyes:

There have been some interesting events, though. ;)

Loslote 04-16-2012 09:52 PM

This has been going rather well! I feel like I've even got a good grasp on who's who in this village, something I'm really, really not used to. ;) I'll abide by custom and not say the things of import thisHour, but I can't wait to see what tomHour brings! :D

Inziladun 04-17-2012 07:43 AM

I hate to see that in addition to Agan, Greenie has now bowed out. :(

Well, that leaves the ratio at 6:1 then, with perhaps one of us leaving this Hour. Still pretty good odds.

Shastanis Althreduin 04-17-2012 09:44 AM

Oh, I hadn't really looked around too much yet. I was thinking there were an awful lot of people already gone for how early into the game it is. :(

satansaloser2005 04-17-2012 03:38 PM

I'm calling the Day early because I'm going to see a movie with a friend.

Inziladun, a regular guest, has left the Cobbler.

Greenie has departed as well. She too was a regular guest.

Please enjoy the remainder of this evening's entertainment.

Eönwë 04-17-2012 04:02 PM

Well, I suppose we should have expected this. I mean, he did look the most innocent after finalising the lynch of a known committee member. AND he was our most vocal player, which is very bad because now our game is mostly made up of submarines.

Ok. There are only 5 of us left (interestingly, 1 of each role). At worst, we could lose the game if we choose incorrectly thisHour (If we pick the sore loser, i.e. hunter, and they pick anyone but the committee member). So it's time to get serious, and get out of the shadows. What shall we do?

Rikae 04-17-2012 04:14 PM

No one else is taking this game seriously, so I don't see why I should.

Go ahead and lynch me if you like.

Rikae 04-17-2012 04:22 PM

I mean, I should have something useful to say this hour, but I don't, because our moddess doesn't apparently think it's necessary, and my hour two dream decided to quit.

Oh yeah, and Nogrod pm'd me when he left, apparently trying to get me worried about Mac and complaining about how people didn't notice his clever hints. Seems his post before dawn was supposed to illustrate his uncertainty that he would survive, and his odd remarks about Inzil were supposed to point toward it.

Lottie was my dream last hour, and I don't know anything because our moddess is busy. Nog's comment about Mac could easily be a double bluff but I suspect Mac is innocent and it just amused Nog to mention him in particular, and Shasta's confusion when he joined us looks innocent as well: Steve or Lottie, then.

You know, if I was the remaining committee member this would be brilliant - wish I was.

Rikae 04-17-2012 04:43 PM

Ok, I've got info now.

Lottie is not a committee member.

Rikae 04-17-2012 04:50 PM



If you choose to believe me, we give one the boot now, and (unless that one should out of sheer cussedness decide to be the ranger, or I have through some bizarre circumstance been protected twice already), I can dream again next hour and find the final dirty rotten party pooper in our midst.

Or else I'm evil, in which case, real seer, step forward...

Loslote 04-17-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 669310)
Oh yeah, and Nogrod pm'd me when he left, apparently trying to get me worried about Mac and complaining about how people didn't notice his clever hints. Seems his post before dawn was supposed to illustrate his uncertainty that he would survive, and his odd remarks about Inzil were supposed to point toward it.

I would agree that this makes Mac look more innocent. Yes, Nog must have known that his role would be revealed upon his death, but that looks like too obvious a double-bluff. I doubt Nog would have gone for something as...unsubtle as that.

In which case, Steve is the only person I'd really consider lynching today - Shasta could be a committee member, but since we haven't seen anything from him yet whereas we've seen several suspicious things from Steve (the vote for me Day 1 and his suspicion of Nog, which amount to "oh, well, yes, he is suspicious, funny you pointed that out...but I was going to go for him all along"). Plus, I would like to give Shasta at least one Day to play.

Macalaure 04-17-2012 05:25 PM

When I saw that Nogrod was lynched my first thought was "No! Why?", then I saw he was indeed a wolf, and then I read through the thread and saw what an amazing hole he dug for himself.

Killing Inzil was the best choice I suppose. He looked innocent, was vocal, and made sense. I don't think they thought he looked seer-ish.

Sad thing is that Nogrod absorbed all attention yesterHour, and focused on Inzil (and lesser: me), so I don't think there's anything pointing towards the last wolf.


Originally Posted by Eonwe
A thought I've just had is that if Mac is a committee member, he may have been trying to set up an early distancing between him and Wilwa by lightly suspecting her and then voting her, yet suggesting a tied vote so that no-one actually died. It would probably be quite a good tactic. If this is the case, then in one sense it backfired horribly, but in another it means that Mac now looks quite innocent by being half responsible for her death.

I don't like this too much. Wolfgrod already mentioned something similar before and I addressed it. Apart from missing that, the wording in the end doesn't sit right with me.

He brings it back with:

Originally Posted by Eonwe
But the Wilwa connection isn't looking that great.

Wilwa-connection? He started out by an assumption (if I'm a wolf), then he starts treating it like a fact.

While Eonwe lists Nogrod as most suspicious, he still seems most reluctant out of everybody to actually go after him.

I don't see a reason to doubt Rikae's claim at the moment, which means:
Rikae: seer
Lottie: not-wolf
Mac: not-wolf (hoping you believe me there)
Shasta or Eonwe: wolf
Also, two out of Lottie, Shasta, and Eonwe are gifted.
If Shasta or Eonwe is the hunter, he should pick the other one to kill.
If one of them is the ranger and we lynch him, then... that would not be so good.

Barring any more reveals, I'm leaning towards voting Eonwe right now. Of course, we barely heard anything from Shasta so far.

Macalaure 04-17-2012 05:26 PM

PS: sorry about missing the vote last night, by the way. I thought I had time but ended up being busier around the deadline than I thought I would.

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