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Aredhelaran 02-05-2003 10:43 AM


hobbitlass 02-05-2003 01:39 PM

Along the same line as Entmoot's question...
What was the first thing that Gollum said in The Hobbit?

Hirilaelin 02-05-2003 01:51 PM

Is this it?

"Bless us and splash us, my precioussss! I guess it's a choice feast; at least a tasty morsal it'd make us, gollum!"



hobbitlass 02-06-2003 04:07 AM

Yep, your go.

Hirilaelin 02-06-2003 05:28 PM

Really? I got it? Cool... So, any Gollum question huh? Let me think... Hold on a sec, digging a copy of the Hobbit out... Ah!

(Might not be very good, not great at this sort of thing...) What was the riddle that almost stumped Gollum? Not the pocket one mind you, he didn't get that. He got this one, just took him a bit, and was "a nasty poser."

Sorry if this question has been asked before, and if it has, tell me and I'll do a different one. Happy guessing!



[ February 06, 2003: Message edited by: Hirilaelin ]

alaklondewen 02-06-2003 05:56 PM

A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid,

Of course the answer was "Eggses!" [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Hirilaelin 02-07-2003 12:30 AM

Wow, I just realized how pathetically easy that was... Hmmm... Anyway, proceed alaklondawen!

alaklondewen 02-07-2003 10:11 PM

Thank you.

How did Smeagol escape from the Wood Elves?

Hirilaelin 02-08-2003 12:56 AM

Think I've got it...

"In days of fair weather we led Gollum throught the woods; and there was a high tree standing alone far from the others which he liked to climb. Often we let him mount up to the highest branches, until he felt the free wind; but we set a guard at the tree's foot. One day he refused to come down, and the guards had no mind to climb after him: he had learned the trick of clinging to boughs with his feet as well as his hands; so they sat by the tree far into the night.

It was that very night of summer, yet moonless and starless, that Orcs came on us unawares. We drove them off after some time; they were many and fierce, but they came from over the mountains, and were unused to the woods. When the battle was over, we found that Gollum was gone, and his guards were slain or taken. It then seemed plain to us that the attack had been made for his rescue, and that he knew of it beforehand." (Legolas, Council of Elrond)


[ February 08, 2003: Message edited by: Hirilaelin ]

alaklondewen 02-08-2003 08:12 AM

Yes, absolutely correct! You also get a Bozo button and a snowcone for giving the exact passage! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Hirilaelin 02-09-2003 08:32 PM

Oh, thank you, thank you! *bows and gladly accepts button and snowcone*

All righty then, let me think... i need a hard one this time... *digs for copies of Hobbit and LotR*

How long did Gollum dwell under the Misty Mountains until Bilbo met him? Hope this question is okay.



lathspell 02-10-2003 05:31 AM

Gollum got into the Misty Mountains in the year 2470. Bilbo found the Ring and met Gollum in the year 2941. That makes that Gollum had lived in the Mountains for a period of 471 years.

Hirilaelin 02-10-2003 03:07 PM

Good job! (I admit that I did't quite know myself...) Your go!

ElentariGreenleaf 02-10-2003 03:16 PM

Wow, I didn't realise you were keeping tis going! I dug this up from a deeeeeeeeep deeeeeeeep grave a while back! HURRY UP AND POST A QUESSSSTION PRESSSSSSSIOUSSSSS!!!

~elentari I the insane or otherwise indigestable

lathspell 02-11-2003 05:49 AM

To whom did Gollum say that they were so very just?

Hirilaelin 02-11-2003 02:08 PM

Um, the elves? No, Faramir's men? Must think about this...

lathspell 02-11-2003 03:18 PM

ou already said it, Hirilaelin.
Faramir's men is correct.

Hirilaelin 02-11-2003 06:36 PM

Yay! I got another one! Let me think, looking through the books... Hold on... *dramatic pause*

How was Gollum described by Boromir? (Brutally easy I'm afraid.) If you need a hint, I'll try to say it in a different way.

Hirilaelin 02-13-2003 02:50 PM

Come on people! This thread is getting stagnant!

Hiri [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Beren87 02-13-2003 05:59 PM

Instead of doing that, why don't you answer a question? All your doing is spamming.

Hirilaelin 02-14-2003 11:05 AM

It's my question Beren.


Beren87 02-14-2003 02:45 PM

I realise this, but you did that same thing on three threads. Your question will be answered in time, it was only two days. Instead give a hint or such to aid in the answering of your question.

Boromir asked about Gollum in the following way, I don't think they ever met.


"He is a small thing, you say, this Gollum? Small, but great in mischief. What became of him? To what doom did you put him?"

Hirilaelin 02-14-2003 02:48 PM

All right, I apologize. Please don't hold it against me. But yes, that is what I meant, it is now your go.


Beren87 02-14-2003 02:53 PM

Of course I wouldn't hold it against you, just a friendly reminder. And good question! It took me a bit to find as I knew Boromir never met Gollum, but I didn't think to look for him describing Gollum in a question.

Of what Hobbit strain was Gollum?

alaklondewen 02-14-2003 10:36 PM

I believe he was of Stoorish blood.

ElentariGreenleaf 02-15-2003 05:33 AM

Hay, how on eath do you know that?!??!?

lathspell 02-15-2003 08:39 AM

ElentariGreenleaf: Gandalf tells Frodo in 'the Shadow of the Past' that he thinks Gollum was once Hobbitish. I do not have the actual quote but he says something like this:
'I believe he was not so far from Hobbits once, akin to the fathers of the fathers of Stoors maybe.'


Hirilaelin 02-15-2003 12:35 PM

Good job alaklondawen! I was personally stumped on that one.

Thank you Beren!


Beren87 02-15-2003 02:33 PM

O'course, *tips hat*

Your turn alaklondewen.

alaklondewen 02-15-2003 08:18 PM

Thank you.

What did Gollum say he tried in the Dead Marshes that made Sam shudder?

Hirilaelin 02-16-2003 12:35 AM

That he had tried to reach them once? (The faces) Sorry, I don't have the exact quote, am not at home.


alaklondewen 02-16-2003 08:44 AM

You're right! The thought of it makes me shudder, too.

Hirilaelin 02-16-2003 05:05 PM

What were the two "halves" of Gollum called, and by whom? Very easy, I'm not feeling creative.


Beren87 02-16-2003 05:10 PM

Slinker and Stinker, made up by Sam.

Hirilaelin 02-16-2003 07:56 PM

Correct Beren, your question!

Hiri, a.k.a Narwen

Beren87 02-16-2003 08:15 PM

Where was Gollum near? (i.e. what was the Stoor settlement near?)

alaklondewen 02-16-2003 08:40 PM

They lived on the banks of the Anduin, and, of course, near the Gladden Fields, for that is where Smeagol found the Ring.

[ February 16, 2003: Message edited by: alaklondewen ]

Hirilaelin 02-20-2003 10:52 PM

alaklondawen? Are you there? Should we post the next question?

alaklondewen 02-21-2003 07:46 AM

It has only been four days, and Beren87 has yet to confirm my answer.

Hirilaelin 02-21-2003 12:31 PM

Sorry again. I'm too impatient. Just forget my post, please.

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