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HerenIstarion 05-05-2004 10:26 PM

Of course I'm trying to trick you. If it were easy to guess out the riddle, it would be no fun!

Not Radagas, and not Saruma. Somewhat earlier and to the east (again :))

radagastly 05-12-2004 10:55 AM

Well, it's been several days, and no one else has ventured a guess, so I think by now it's fair for me to have another try.

Could this be Barliman Butterbur quoting Gandalf to Frodo as he presents him with Gandalf's letter in Bree?

'"Barley," he says, "I'm off in the morning. Will you do something for me?" "You've only to name it," I said. "I'm in a hurry," said he, "and I've no time myself, but I want a message took to the Shire. Have you anyone you can send, and trust to go?" "I can find someone," I said, "tomorrow, maybe, or the day after." "Make it tomorrow," he says, "Bid him hasten that he may come hither in a short while."'

That's a bit of a stretch, since Gandalf doesn't talk about Frodo coming until the next paragraph, but it's all I can think of.

HerenIstarion 05-13-2004 12:00 AM

Nope, For Barliman supposedly was not in the know what kind of message was contained in Gandalf's letter (unless under 'him' you mean the messanger?)

Well, another hint - the non-existent quote was not uttered by man (nor woman at that - i.e. not human)

And again, earlier and to the east :)

The Saucepan Man 05-13-2004 12:14 PM

H-I, I'm beginning to see a pattern in your use of "earlier and to the east". ;)

If I am right, I believe that the non-quote wasn't said by Thorin to the raven Roac:

"But go specially to my cousin Dain in the Iron Hills, for he has many people well-armed, and dwells nearest to this place. Bid him hasten! Bid him hasten that he may come hither in a short while.

HerenIstarion 05-13-2004 11:25 PM

Yes, SpM, Thorin wanted Dain on the spot as soon as possible. Proceed :)

The Saucepan Man 05-16-2004 07:02 PM

As you wish. :)


I am not sure that I know myself what it is. But I would rather be in more comfortable surroundings before I think further on it.

HerenIstarion 05-17-2004 01:55 AM

Bilbo in Samug's Hall as he found an Arkenstone?

The Saucepan Man 05-17-2004 02:40 AM

No, that's not the occassion. The non-quote was not said in conversation with others.

HerenIstarion 05-17-2004 02:57 AM

Ah, probably Bilbo to himself, as Gollum kept yelling "what it got in its-s pocketses-s-ss', than?

The Saucepan Man 05-17-2004 03:02 AM

Sorry. My previous post was misleading. What I meant to say was: had the quote been said, it would have been said in a conversation with others.

HerenIstarion 05-17-2004 03:26 AM

Frodo, than, at the Bucklebury Ferry:


What in the Shire is that?’ exclaimed Merry.
‘Something that is following us,’ said Frodo. ‘But don’t ask any more now! Let’s get away at once! I am not sure that I know myself what it is. But I would rather be in more comfortable surroundings before I think further on it.

The Saucepan Man 05-17-2004 04:09 AM

Oh, he's good. Yes, he's very good. By golly, he's got it!

Well done, H-I. You're up.

HerenIstarion 05-17-2004 04:35 AM

* H-I flushes

thanks :D

next one up:


they will be hard put to it, harder maybe than we are, for the strength he sent there is no less than one awaiting us

Evisse the Blue 05-19-2004 03:01 AM

Is it maybe Aragorn speaking, in a moment of clairvoiyance:

"..when I mastered the Stone I learned many things. A grave peril I saw I coming unlooked for upon Gondor from the South that will draw off great strength from the defences of Minas Tirith. If it is not countered swiftly, I deem that the City will be lost ere ten days be gone. they will be hard put to it, harder maybe than we are, for the strength he sent there is no less than one awaiting us ." Referring to the Paths of the Dead.

HerenIstarion 05-19-2004 05:03 AM

Hola Evisse, long time no see :) good to have you back

Your guess is relevant indeed (though not correct), so I'm forced to provide you with the hint as to neither of the speakers is human. Besides, the time and place of the conversation is also very nearly guessed

Try your luck :D

Evisse the Blue 05-20-2004 12:17 AM

Thank you, it's good to be back :)
Then I'll try my luck and say it's Legolas to Gimli talking about their kinsfolk arriving to war:

I don't think that any would come. They have no need to ride to war, war already marches on their own lands. they will be hard put to it, harder maybe than we are, for the strength he sent there is no less than one awaiting us

HerenIstarion 05-20-2004 12:27 AM

indeedy :) You serve!

Evisse the Blue 05-21-2004 04:33 AM

спасибо :)
Next non-quote:

Yes, breakfast can be as good a time as any.
Have fun!

HerenIstarion 05-21-2004 04:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Gandalf to Bilbo when he tried to usher him onტო his there and back again walking party?

PS. ძვირფასო, ქართველი ვარ, ქართველი! ქართული კი ერთ-ერთი უძველესი ენაა, თანაც საკუთარი ანბანი აქვს. რაც შეეხება რუსულს, რუსული ჩემი მშობლიური ენა არ არის, თუმცაღა, რა დაგიმალო, ვაფასებ მცდელობას მასიამოვნო. დიდი მადლობა, გაიხარე! თუ რამეა, აგერ ფონტია მიბმული და ნახე, როგორ გამოიყურება.

Evisse the Blue 05-21-2004 11:18 AM

Haha, HI, now please translate what you said! I speak neither Russian nor Georgian, save for a few scattered words...(are those fonts Kyrillic, btw? just to give you an inkling of my complete ignorance)

As for your guess, incorrect! :p

HerenIstarion 05-22-2004 05:30 PM

well, well
Dear Evisse, you thanked me in Russian (which is quite pleasing effort on your behalf, thank you :)), so I assumed that, maybe, like so many other worthy and honest people, you believe we of former Soviet Union all speak Russian and use Cyrillic alphabets. Yet that is not so, not the least!

With the high and noble purpose of enlightenment and education in mind, I have given you example of what Georgian looks and sounds like, and, in case your browser does not support Georgian encoding (which, I suspect, would be the case, so you will probably see meaningless characters instead of aesthetically pleasing Georgian letters) I provided you and all passing by who may find themselves interested, with the font itself. It is modified to go with the latin typeset of the PC keyboard, so you can install it (unless you do not work on MAC) and amuse yourself (just like I do sometimes typing something with tengwar, which, I have to confess, I never learned and can not read, unless the same text in English is not placed before my very eyes)

Furthermore it is to be added that said alphabet is one of existing fourteen independently created, and is not related neither to Cyrillic or Latin, nor even Greek, but, allegedly, proceeds directly from Phoenecian, is rumored to be created in 4th century BC by first King of united Georgian realm (prior to that having two realms which said king, according to legend, has united after fighting off remnants of Alexander the Great's garrisons), Pharnavazi, which can not be proven, since written samples discovered so far are no older than 4th century AD. Probably it had some influence from and given some influence to Armenian, (though languages are not related whatsover), which was created sometime around 4th AD by monk under the name of Mesrop Mashrotz (spelling in English being unknown to yours truly, subject to 'sp?'), though Armenian claim of said monk creating it alongside their own is to be rejected, since it is untrue and groundless.

One way or another, it is one of the oldest written languages, which is an issue we down here find ourselves very proud of.

Ah, almost forgot - Georgian word for 'thank you' is madloba.

so, didi madloba for trying to please me with спасибо :D, I appreciate the effort

as for the quote, alas, I have no idea , than...

Evisse the Blue 05-23-2004 06:58 AM

madloba, for the lesson ;)
Thank you, HI, that was very instructive! I confess my ignorance and stand corrected. :) I downloaded the font. The letters look very artistic, drawing-like, so I can see how it's related to Phoenician. Ok, I guess I'll send you a PM now before the mods tell us off for off-topic chatting. :D

Hint: The non-quote is from FOTR.

HerenIstarion 05-24-2004 12:45 AM

I think I figured that out (probably).

That would be Frodo:


And now leave me in peace for a bit! I don’t want to answer a string of questions while I am eating. I want to think!’

‘Good heavens!’ said Pippin. ‘At breakfast?’ He walked away towards the edge of the green

Yes, breakfast can be as good a time as any

Evisse the Blue 05-27-2004 12:27 AM

Well done, HI. Treat us with the next!

HerenIstarion 05-27-2004 01:03 AM

Next one up, than:


Even if I'm retired now, youngsters like you should never forget the respect you owe me

Evisse the Blue 06-01-2004 03:00 AM

Maybe Saruman in 'The Scouring of the Shire'.

Kill him if you think there are enough of you, my brave hobbits!Even if I'm retired now, youngsters like you should never forget the respect you owe me

HerenIstarion 06-01-2004 04:41 AM

Nay, I doubt Saruman would refer to himself as retired, rather 'bereft of legitimate property', or "driven out' etc. The speaker of imaginary quote was indeed retired, and prior to his retirement was superior of one he speaks to

Morsul the Dark 06-01-2004 06:13 AM

sounds like Bilbo....?

during his birthday speech perhaps? i dont know half of half as well... though i am now retired... im going now good bye

HerenIstarion 06-01-2004 07:05 AM

Welcome, Morsul, it is nice to see new faces around :)

Your guess, though, is incorrect

Therefore, hints:

Superior as hierarchy, not in a sense of being better. And is being better defined by visits to elves? ;).Besides, the speaker of imagary quote is less pleasant character than one he speaks to. I daresay he's quite arrogant. And the most important hint, both were working in the same office prior to speakers retirement, thereof follows that he was other's superior litarally. After his retirement the person spoken to took the office over.

Morsul the Dark 06-01-2004 12:25 PM

well then perhaps here is my second guess...........master of lake town to the bard when the bard takes over?

or the guy samwise repplaces as mayor of hobbiton....

or the gaffer to sam when sam becomes frodo's gardener.....

hmmmmmmmm..........can decide which one is my guess seein how theyre all probably wrong ill just say all 3

HerenIstarion 06-01-2004 11:32 PM

1. Again, as in Saruman situation, master of the Lake-town was not retired, he was forced out

2. Normally, the imaginarey quote is copntinuation, or should preceed, or should be inserted into existing one. As Sam's conversation with former Mayor is not given anywhere, + hobbits are far more amicable (most of them), than person insisting on due respect, that can not be the case

3. Gaffer - same as above - he was not arrogant, just grumbling

Think broader :) Say, they both lived in a village

Morsul the Dark 06-02-2004 07:24 AM

farmer maggot to the hobbits sounds like something he would say jokingly while theyre reacalling old times "you used to pick around my mushrooms frodo but now that im retired..." but he wasnt arrogant....(i like guessing hobbits huh?):rolleyes: i know thats not the exact quote but its close

Grima to the three hunters right before he leaves for orthanc...hes arragant he was replaced as advisors (sort of) andhe would be one to claim that he left on his own accord vs being sent away.

again both wrong :mad: but theyre my newest guesses

HerenIstarion 06-02-2004 07:33 AM

Nice tries, yes. But you omitted 'the same office' and 'village' thingies :)

I'll extend my hinting: the first speaker was always fat, but after the conversation in question he grew thin very quickly

Morsul the Dark 06-02-2004 12:35 PM

hmmm fat then got skinny... definetely not a hobbit lol... lets see.....

it might not be from lotr or the hobbit because if its not then i definetely wont know it...

fat->thin arragant...Beorn((spelling?) but he lived alone in the middle of nowhere...

someone else guess please. and guess right so i can stop hurting my brain about this

HerenIstarion 06-02-2004 11:04 PM

Not that skinny, rather bag of bones - he himself became thin, but his skin remained as it was, and he was laughed at by children afterwards (as another hint, that is)

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 06-03-2004 05:12 PM

That sounds like the sort of thing that was on the tip of Nokes' tongue during his conversation with the King of Faery. Certainly his nickname in later years was 'old Rag-and-Bones'

HerenIstarion 06-03-2004 11:26 PM

So very true, Squatter :). Have a go (and nice to see you around again)

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 06-04-2004 01:05 PM

Nice to be back, old bean.

Continuing with the general theme of finishing work forever, who might have said: "I'm not ready to retire, and no tramp can replace me."

Morsul the Dark 06-04-2004 01:12 PM

perhaps denetor to gandalf....

"i will not bow down to this ranger from the north im not ready to retire and no tramp will ever replace me"

The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 06-06-2004 09:29 AM

Spot on, Morsul.

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