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Naaramare 07-15-2002 09:06 PM

Bethberry, I was teasing you. ^^ As it was so obvious that you were worried. I don't mind, seriously.

Gandalf_theGrey 07-16-2002 11:39 PM


Details still need to be finalized before I can make that announcement, but progress is indeed being made. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Thank you kindly for the welcome. * bows *

Orofacion of the Vanyar:

Congratulations on your new abode. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

I was more right than I realized when I jokingly quoted that comment about how wizards are never late. Phenomenally strange, the synchronicity of the timing, and on two counts.

1) First thing out of the supervisor's mouth was, "You're an hour early! Didn't anyone call you?" Seems they had changed the start time from noon to 3:00 p.m. ... and I showed up at 2:00 p.m., unawares.

2) At 2:30 p.m., I looked up from the blueberries I was eating, startled to see two friends standing before me. They had decided to surprise me by showing up with no advance notice. If I hadn't arrived at 2:00 p.m., I would have arranged to arrive at 3:00 p.m. instead ... and missed my friends by a half hour.

As for your artistic excuse, Orofacion of the Vanyar, how about this as an alternative of yours? "Artists are never late ... they just easel into the day." [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Curiosity killed the cat. ... Satisfaction brought it back. The announcement will be worth the wait I hope, and thank you for your kind interest. * bows *


* blushes at your compliment about being an exclusive Tolkien purist * Best of luck to you on your ongoing house renovations. We at On Patrol eagerly await your return, as your schedule permits. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

~~ Gandalf the Grey

[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-17-2002 12:10 AM



"Artists are never late ... they just easel into the day."
Boo! Boo! Get off the stage!! *Out comes the hook* [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] Just kidding Gandalf. ;16

Thanks for moving us along a bit, I was starting to get ancy. Glad your back, and I hope your brain has un-mushed well.


Unfortunetly, no that excuse didn't work. I suppose it's because my professor wasn't a Tolkien fan. Ah well.


I take it from your exhaustion that your remodeling is, well... going. I echo Gandalf and look forward to your return.

Gandalf_theGrey 07-17-2002 12:39 PM

Vanima Edhel:

With all due respect, what's up with your last post? It sure doesn't seem to fit with what's going on in the storyline, unless poor Meneli is even more befuddled and lovelorn than I thought. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] I've sent you a Private Message.

EDIT: Having gone back and read the posts again, the confusion is generated in the combined wording of both Yours AND piosenniel's posts ... piosenniel states that "MOST" are not paying attention to Holly, Meneli declares that "NO ONE" knows where she went. I interpreted "MOST" are not paying attention, to mean that Gandalf was one of the few who did, since he tends to be quite the observant sort and he definitely did notice Holly sitting with an unfamiliar Hobbit.

I think we can all stand to gain from making our language as clear as possible, eh? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Orofacion of the Vanyar:

Do you have a subplot in mind for Arcon meeting with a head Ranger, or are you just playing it by ear? If you're more comfortable answering in private, please feel welcome to send me a Private Message.

~~ Gandalf the Grey

[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-17-2002 01:13 PM


Well I was planning on starting a new RP to branch off from "On Patrol". This meeting would be an introduction to the new RP, much like you and I have done in creating our RPs. But upon thinking about it, I don't have to time or energy to create another RP, much less post in "On Patrol" and "the other one" [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]. So I will be back with the group soon.

If you would like me to post a little of my council I will be glad to, but to me it seems a little off in the context of the RP.

Gandalf_theGrey 07-17-2002 01:28 PM

In that case, Orofacion:

Can I ask you to edit out / delete the part in your post about your private council meeting? It conflicts with and threatens to upstage the council meeting I had previously planned.



Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-17-2002 01:39 PM

Certainly, I would hate to upstage you friend. But if you recall, I was going to Tharbad to meet with the Rangers there in the first place, so I thought I would go ahead and, well, meet with them.

"Please Mister Gandalf, don't turn me into anything... unnatural."

[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: Orofacion of the Vanyar ]

Naaramare 07-17-2002 01:47 PM

That's not much to ask, Oro. After all, a toad is perfectly natural. ^,.,^

Gandalf_theGrey 07-17-2002 01:59 PM


Yes, I recall. And your meeting with the rangers indeed could have been worked into the story as you originally intended, friend, * bows * ... Frankly, I had been expecting that Arcon would have been present at the same meeting with the rangers that Gandalf and the others were going to attend. To have your own private meeting just seemed a little odd to me ... Since you knew as an author that I as an author had already been planning a meeting with rangers, I would have thought you might have wanted to collaborate with me on it to avoid just this kind of confusion. I guess as threadmaster I'm going to have to keep closer tabs on you when it comes to coordinating things like ranger meetings, eh? [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

But now that you've described your private meeting with the rangers as being "out of context," in your words ..... well, it only makes sense for it not to take place, wouldn't you say? [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Bęthberry 07-17-2002 02:14 PM

*Not meaning to be rude, but butting in anyway*

Yes, I had assumed that we would be meeting the Rangers as a group rather than individually, particularly since Gandalf has just mentioned the possibility of Holly and perhaps also the elves continuing on.

*ducks head*


[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-17-2002 02:21 PM

Well bless me I seem to be outnumbered! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

It appears Arcon will attend the meeting with everyone. I apologize for the trouble.

Tabs on me Gandalf, now why would you need to do that? [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

*sneaks off*

VanimaEdhel 07-17-2002 04:59 PM

Much apologies for my mistake on the board. I need to learn to put in my contacts and not have just woken up when I answer RPG's. I misinterperate things. I thought she said that she CONSIDERED talking to Bird, but thought better of it, since most of the people were deep in conversation. I just reread all my posts from this very early...and found about 14 times when I misread things. Luckily: it's the first time I went online in the morning since I started coming, and I don't plan on doing it again...after all the mistakes it lead me to. Well, I edited the posts, after nearly worries: I nearly cry about not being able to log online when it's to crowded. Haha...

Anyway: much apologies...excuse a 15-year old's groggyness, and carry on!

The Fifth 07-17-2002 05:01 PM

Hello, I'm just checking in. What's this about a misunderstanding?

VanimaEdhel 07-17-2002 05:09 PM

My creature! You bless us with your comment! Haha: I was tired when I first responded to this in the morning, and I misread what pio said in one I reread it this afternoon, and changed my response after rereading it...and a few other things I messed up in RPG's and other forums. Heehee...

The Fifth 07-17-2002 05:19 PM

Ah, okay. I read the actual RP. Gandy, you are doing a great job on my horse-character-thing. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

piosenniel 07-17-2002 06:20 PM

No need for wink-wink, nudge-nudge about Holly going out with Olo. He offered to fill her in a little on the uneasy atmosphere and the two rushing strangers, but declined to do it in the tavern as he doesn't want to draw attention to himself from shadowy character and their snitches. I'm sure she will have all sorts of gossip and stories and opinions from Olo to reinforce whatever is learned from the meeting eith the Rangers.


I think we can all stand to gain from making our language as clear as possible, eh?
I edited that post - took out the possibly confusing word, 'unnoticed' that ended it.

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-17-2002 11:39 PM


Could you possibly fix the one post of yours concerning Arcon's leave. This way there is no confusion for other readers. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Well I guess we can forgive you this time. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] We all make mistakes, and more importantly learn from them. Perhaps Meneli and her friend could join the rest of the group at the table instead of off to the side. I hope you are not too dishearted.

The Fifth,

Good to see you still around and checking up on the RP. I agree, Gandalf has done quite well with the black war horse.

[ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Orofacion of the Vanyar ]

Bęthberry 07-18-2002 04:42 AM

Oro, done! I couldn't understand what you meant until I went to the RP and found you had deleted your post entirely rather than edited it. That's a nice touch, asking VanimaEdhel to join everyone at the table or the fire.

Birdie, you add such well-timed songs!

pio, strange complication developing there!

Gandalf, now, where have I heard of Podo Cotton before? I will have to see how to work in some 'Hamwiches.' *grins*


[ July 18, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

VanimaEdhel 07-18-2002 03:41 PM

*breathes a sigh of relief* Thank you so much for forgiving me! Luckily, it's in the P.M. here in New York, now, so I'm all good! soon as I logged on, I ran in here to check to see if I was forgiven...haha...

Birdland 07-18-2002 09:18 PM

I'll be gone 'til Sunday afternoon. Have fun!

Naaramare 07-19-2002 08:47 PM

Hallo all. Due to illnesses, funerals and so forth, I've been dumped with several extra shifts, babysitting and I have a driver's test on Monday, so although I'll be checking in to read once in a while, I shan't have the energy to post anything coherent/worthwhile (sleeeeep, sleeeeep, I NEEEEEED sleeeep . . . ). If people would be so kind as to haul Naaramare along for the ride until Tuesdayish?

Bęthberry 07-19-2002 08:57 PM

Oops! I left out Olo. I have just edited to include him in the pie fest, and added Naaramare as well, to help carry her character.

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles and extra burdens, Naaramare. I wish you well. Take care, and see you on Tuesday.


piosenniel 07-19-2002 08:59 PM

Bethberry Don't worry about Olo - Holly took care of him!

Gandalf_theGrey 07-20-2002 01:33 AM


Enjoy your weekend of Civil War reenacting! We await your return both to the On Patrol RPG, and also so that you can regale us with tales of your living history adventures. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


Sorry to hear about your illness, the funerals, and other responsibilities piling up in your life to present a challenge. May the weekend bring you health and relaxation. Please feel welcome to rejoin us when you feel ready. * bows *

~~ Gandalf the Grey

Bęthberry 07-20-2002 10:09 AM

Gandalf and pio,

I see you are both online still. The muse demands an edit to my last post, which I will do now. I don't think it will disrupt Holly's latest action, although I will no longer offer her and Olo more pie, as I was going to.

I'll delete this later, as it really doesn't further any comments.


Edit: I guess I won't delete, since you two have replied to it!! I also corrected that embarassing spelling mistake!

[ July 20, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

piosenniel 07-20-2002 10:15 AM

Bethberry - Sorry for posting so much to the story - it is very engaging.
Shall I wait longer between posts?

BTW - is the oliphaunt still with us?

Gandalf_theGrey 07-20-2002 10:20 AM


Au contraire, don't apologize! Please feel welcome to post as you like to the story. It's wonderful to see it flowing with fun and creativity, and you're a big part of the reason why. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

The oliphaunt is no longer with us. It appears that Elenna has gone her separate way on the road, and taken the oliphaunt with her.

Gandalf the Grey

Bęthberry 07-20-2002 10:40 AM

No, indeed, pio, you're not posting too fast!

I concur with Gandalf. Post while the muse strikes. It is so much fun to have the pieces flow together and to see each other pick up points from previous posts and run with them. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

That is the great fun of RPs, taking inspiration from the other great writers around one. I enjoy your contributions.


Bęthberry 07-22-2002 07:23 PM


I deleted my post because I decided that your song deserves a reply in Sindarin or Quenya. All I know is Khuzdul.

*Iglishmek ai-menu.*


[ July 22, 2002: Message edited by: Bethberry ]

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-23-2002 01:10 AM


Beautiful, I loved the song.


I hope that my naming one of the Rangers is ok. I thought a conversation with one of them would make them out to be less "warden-ish" like the one that seems to be keeping all the company inside the inn. (Where's the steel bars and the bread and water?) The name is purely conjecture, it has no real bearing lexiconically, if that's a word. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Birdland 07-23-2002 06:23 AM

Gandalf - (Birdie gives a Neeker-Breeker curtsy) I'm eating the message you sent to the Ranger. (Burp!) 'Scuse me. The ink in particular was delicious!

Seriously, if you don't want me to munch the parchment, I'll remove it.

Gandalf_theGrey 07-23-2002 04:54 PM

Oforacion of the Vanyar:

Yes, it's just fine that you've named the ranger Agluchel. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] * nods approval * However, there are a couple of geographical references you may wish to correct. Gandalf is currently in Sarn Ford, not Tharbad. And Gandalf was headed South from Bree when Arcon met him, so Arcon would have met Gandalf on the road just north of the Trade Inn.

Birdland Neeker-Breeker:

Curiouser and curiouser. Especially since in your post as it stands at this time, while it is clearly stated that Birdie munches "parchment," nowhere is the parchment positively identified as the one which Gandalf had delivered "air mail" by Wyrd. There's another factor which seemingly has not been taken into account as well ... but it's all good. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Please, by all means, leave your post about Birdie in neeker-breeker form munching "the parchment" just exactly as it is. By the power vested in me as official threadmaster / gamemaster, I'm going to determine just how much damage (if any) Birdie has done, and to what, by rolling dice. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]


I expect to be back several hours from now to post on the RP. I haven't eaten dinner yet.

~~ Gandalf the Grey

[ July 23, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

piosenniel 07-23-2002 06:14 PM

Oh, poor Olo, I'm afraid he's quite smitten! & dear Holly has no idea of this. It should make for an interesting breakfast! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Birdland 07-23-2002 06:39 PM


Oh, poor Olo, I'm afraid he's quite smitten!
Levanto says:"Tell him to get in line!" Tee-Hee! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] (Inside joke from other RPG. Sorry.)

Naaramare 07-23-2002 07:39 PM

Hello all, I'm back (sort of), refreshed and happier than I left (due to various happenings too long and personal to go into . . . ^^). I fear I'm horribly behind, and it may be a little bit before I'm quite confident enough of what's going on to post. ^^;;; Oh dear . . .

Orofacion of the Vanyar 07-24-2002 02:48 PM


My apologies, it was farely late when I wrote that, but all has been corrected. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.


Why is Arcon sucking his hand? The Ranger was the one bitten.

VanimaEdhel 07-24-2002 02:50 PM


I depart the day after tomorrow. Feel free to play with my characters all you want, as long as you leave them in fairly good condition for when I come back! Thank you, and I will probably be on tomorrow for a final posting...

piosenniel 07-24-2002 03:11 PM

OOPS! The ranger it is!!!

Gandalf_theGrey 07-24-2002 07:06 PM

On Rolling Dice

Hullo All:

Just thought I'd share with you a little behind-the-scenes information about how it was determined that Birdie had eaten through a letter from Elrond to Galadriel, so you can have a better appreciation of what kind of alternative outcomes may have taken place instead:

To-Hit Dice:

Decided this was not necessary, considering it a given that Birdie succeeded in her chosen action to eat some parchment:

8-Sided Die Roll to Determine Which Parchment Was Affected:

I made a numbered list of eight possible documents (3 of the possibilities I listed twice, since I deemed that these 3 would make for a more interesting storyline than some of the others):

1) Gandalf's message to the Ranger
2) classified (I'm not about to explain just EVERYTHING, since some of these documents might surface at some point in the RPG.)
3) Letter to Galadriel from Elrond
4) classified
... etc, etc

6-Sided Die for Damage Roll:

1) Birdie nibbled the edges of the parchment, found it not to her liking, stopped munching.
2) Birdie ate a modest amount of parchment, enough to leave several holes, however, the document is still quite readable.
3) Birdie ate half the parchment, message can be deciphered enough to get the main idea, but some details are missing.
4) Birdie ate a goodly amount of the parchment, allowing for a few words and phrases to be readable, from which possibly clues could be gathered about the meaning of the message.
5) The message is in tatters and completely useless to communicate anything of value. (I rolled a 5.)
6) Birdie ate the entire parchment, leaving not a single trace of it behind as evidence that it had ever existed. (Good thing I didn't roll a 6, or Birdie would have an even bigger tummyache than what she's got now!)

4-Sided Die Roll to Determine How Many Documents Were In the Ranger's Satchel:

I rolled a one, so the letter from Elrond to Galadriel was the only parchment affected.

Gandalf the Grey

[ July 24, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]

Birdland 07-24-2002 07:38 PM

Gandalf - Does this mean Life is just a crap shoot? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Lucky you didn't roll a One, or Birdie N-B would have stopped munching and decided to READ the parchment. Then she would have been "bugging" you to tell her what the classified message said.

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