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Guinevere 12-23-2021 03:00 AM


"---/ ha--/ ---n/ -nt-/, -/ -in-/, -nt-/ --t/ --/ -an---n/ -----t/, -hich/ in/ ----/ t-n---/ ---/ ca--/ th-/ -nt----/. -i-/ ---/ thin-/ that/ th-/ na--/ -a-/ -i--n/ -n--/ in/ i---/ -anc- ?"

Blind Guardian 12-24-2021 02:33 PM


Guinevere 12-25-2021 03:30 AM


"---/ hav-/ ---n/ -nt-/, -/ -in-/, -nt-/ --t/ --/ -an---n/ -----t/, -hich/ in/ ----/ t-n---/ ---/ ca--/ th-/ -nt----/. -i-/ ---/ thin-/ that/ th-/ na--/ -a-/ -iv-n/ -n--/ in/ i---/ -anc- ?"

Merry Christmas!

Blind Guardian 12-26-2021 08:12 PM

AGH! I know it but I don't know the whole thing and I don't know what book it's in. :(

The last part is "Did you think that thy name was given only in idle fancy?"

"---/ hav-/ ---n/ -nt-/, -/ -in-/, -nt-/ --t/ --/ -an---n/ -----t/, -hich/ in/ ----/ t-n---/ ---/ ca--/ th-/ -nt----/. Did/ you/ think/ that/ thy/ name/ was/ given/ only/ in/ idle/ fancy ?"

You're KILLING me :Merisu:

Blind Guardian 12-26-2021 08:14 PM

Oh, I just realized I didn't give a guess.

How about O?

I know the second word is HAVE, but the fourth word can be ENTS or ONTO, or maybe something else. So let's clear that up.

Blind Guardian 12-26-2021 08:17 PM

I'm leaning strongly towards Lord of the Rings.

You have...something...maybe about Ents? Was it Gandalf that said this?

Guinevere 12-27-2021 03:08 AM


"-o-/ hav-/ ---n/ -nt-/, O/ -in-/, -nt-/ o-t/ o-/ -an-o-n/ -o---t/, -hich/ in/ -o--/ ton---/ -o-/ ca--/ th-/ -nt-oo-/. -i-/ -o-/ thin-/ that/ th-/ na--/ -a-/ -iv-n/ on--/ in/ i---/ -anc- ?"

(O was a very good choice! :) I was wondering why you didn't ask for more vowels...)

Blind Guardian 12-27-2021 01:22 PM

Oohh O was a good one!

"You/ have/ seen/ Ents/, O/ -in-/, Ents/ out/ of/ Fangorn/ Forest/, which/ in/ your/ tongue/ you/ call/ the/ Entmoot/. Did/ you/ think/ that/ thy/ name/ was/ given/ only/ in/ idle/ fancy ?"

Is the last bit "king"?

Guinevere 12-28-2021 04:48 AM

Now you nearly got it!
the sixth word is indeed "King"
posted by Blind Guardian:

And in that first set of commas there is one lone letter. It's not an a or an I. I don't remember Tolkien using O by itself without an apostrophe. Hmm.
and yes, it was Gandalf who said that to Theoden

There are two mistakes though: it's Entwood, not Entmoot! And of course not "thy" name, but "the name"

Blind Guardian 12-30-2021 09:34 PM

Do you want me to continue or should we wait a bit and see if Morsul joins us again?

Blind Guardian 01-06-2022 12:48 AM

Okay I'll just throw one up here in case someone wants to participate

"----, --- ---- -- --- ----, ---- ------- ----. ---- -- --- ---, --- ---- -- --- ----. --- -- ---- --- --- ---- --- ------ -- --- -------. ---- ----- -- -- ---- --?"

Guinevere 01-10-2022 04:55 AM

I'll start rightaway with asking my favourite letter: O

Blind Guardian 01-13-2022 04:02 PM

"----, --- ---- -- -o- -o--, --o- ----- -o ----. ---- -- --- ---, --- ---- -- --- ----. --- -- ---- -o- --- -o-- --- ------ -o o-- ----o--. ---- ----- -- -o ---- --?"

I missed a space at the end of the first sentence. It's corrected now.

Guinevere 01-15-2022 03:15 AM

Let's have some T, please

Blind Guardian 01-17-2022 04:01 PM

"----, t-- T--- -- -o- to--, --o- ----t to ---t. ---- -- --- ---, --- ---- -- t-- ----. --t -- ---- -ot --t -o-- --- ------ to o-- ----o--. ---t ----- -- -o --t- -t?"


Guinevere 01-20-2022 04:22 AM

S please

Guinevere 01-20-2022 04:43 AM

Wait, I think I found it! :) The last sentence seems to be "What shall we do with it?"
and that leads me to the Council of Elrond:

"Well, the Tale is now told, from first to last. Here we all are, and here is the Ring. But we have not yet come any nearer to our purpose. What shall we do with it?"

Blind Guardian 01-23-2022 02:11 PM

Yes it is! Wow that was easy :D

Galadriel55 07-27-2022 11:49 AM

Picking this up upon request. :)

"-------, - -------! ---- --- --- --- -- ---, --- ---- ---- ---- ---? ---- --- --- ---? ---- ---- -- ---- ----- ----? --- ---- --- ---- -- ---------------, --- ---- --- -- ---- --- ----, ---- --- ------ -- ----- ------ ---- -- --- -------?"

Blind Guardian 07-27-2022 09:02 PM

Love you!

Let's start with an N!

Galadriel55 07-27-2022 09:36 PM


"-------, - -------! ---- --- --- --- -- ---, --- ---- ---- ---- n--? ---- --- --- ---? ---- ---- -n ---- ----- ---n? --- --n- --- ---- -- -------n----n-n, -n- ---- n-- -- ---- --n ----, ---n --- ------ -- ----n ----n- ---- -n --- ---n-n-?"

Blind Guardian 07-29-2022 08:22 PM

I sense an ING ending so - G!

Galadriel55 07-29-2022 09:48 PM


"-------, - -------! ---- --- --- --- -- ---, --- ---- ---- ---- n--? ---- --- --- ---? ---- ---- -n ---- ----- ---n? --- --n- --- ---- -- -------n----n-n, -n- ---- n-- -- ---- --n ----, ---n --- ------ -- ----n ----ng ---- -n --- ---n-ng?"

Blind Guardian 08-01-2022 01:17 AM


Galadriel55 08-01-2022 09:41 AM

FNG - no F

"-------, - -------! ---- --- --- --- -- ---, --- ---- ---- ---- n--? ---- --- --- ---? ---- ---- -n ---- ----- ---n? --- --n- --- ---- -- -------n----n-n, -n- ---- n-- -- ---- --n ----, ---n --- ------ -- ----n ----ng ---- -n --- ---n-ng?"

Blind Guardian 08-02-2022 12:37 AM

No F?? :eek: How about W?

Galadriel55 08-02-2022 08:13 AM

WFNG - no F

"-------, - -------! W--- --- --- --- -- ---, --- ---- ---- ---- n--? W--- --- --- ---? W--- ---- -n ---- ----- ---n? W-- w-n- --- ---- -- -------n----n-n, -n- ---- n-- -- ---- -wn ----, ---n --- ------ -- ----n ----ng ---- -n --- ---n-ng?"

Blind Guardian 08-04-2022 10:05 PM


Also I'm getting on a plane tomorrow so you won't hear from me for a couple of days :D

Galadriel55 08-05-2022 01:59 PM

WLFNG - no F

"-------, - -------! W--- --- --- --- -- ---, --- L--- ---- ---- n--? W--- --- --- ---? W--- ---- -n ---- ----- ---n? W-- w-n- --- ---- -- L----l-n----n-n, -n- ---- n-- -- ---- -wn ----, ---n --- ------ -- ----n ----ng ---- -n --- ---n-ng?"

Urwen 08-06-2022 06:33 AM


Galadriel55 08-06-2022 07:14 AM


"-------, - -------! W-a- --- --- -a- -- ---, --- La-- --a- ---- n--? W-a- --- --- ---? W-a- ---- -n ---- --a-- ---n? W-- w-n- --- ---- -- La---l-n----nan, an- -a-- n-- -- ---- -wn --a-, ---n --- ------ -- ---an ----ng ---- -n --- ---n-ng?"

Urwen 08-06-2022 11:27 AM


Galadriel55 08-06-2022 05:06 PM


"-------, - -------! W-a- --- --e -a- -- ---, --e La-- --a- --e- n--? W-a- --- --e -ee? W-a- w--e -n ---- -ea-- --en? W-- wen- --- e-e- -- La--el-n---enan, an- -a-e n-- -- ---- -wn --a-, ---n --e ------ -- ---an ----ng ---e -n --e ---n-ng?"

My apoloies, I have previously missed a W, now fixed.

Urwen 08-06-2022 05:20 PM


Blind Guardian 08-08-2022 02:15 PM

That was a doozy:

"Boromir, O Boromir! What did she say to you, the Lady that dies not? What did she see? What woke in your heart then? Why went you ever to Laurelindórenan, and came not by your own road, upon the horses of Rohan riding home in the morning?"

Blind Guardian 08-12-2022 10:51 AM

'---- --------, ---- -- -----, --- ----- --- ------! --- ---- ---- -- ------- -- --- ----, ---- --- ---- ---- ----- ---? ---- -- ----- ---- --- ------. ---- --- ---- ----- --------? ---- --- ---- -- -------?'

Galadriel55 08-12-2022 11:14 PM

I'm sorry, I somehow missed your guess - but of course that is correct.

I always like to start with an E.

Blind Guardian 08-14-2022 10:37 AM

'---- --------, ---- -- -e---, --- ----e --- -e----! --- ---- ---- -- ------- -- --- ----, ---e --e ---- ---- --e-- ---? ---- -- ----- ---- --- ------. ---- --- ---- ----- --------? ---- --- ---- -e -------?'


Galadriel55 08-18-2022 11:05 AM


Blind Guardian 08-20-2022 12:10 AM

'-a-- -----a--, ---- -- -ea--, --- a---e --- -e-a--! --- --a- ---- -- ---a--- -- --- ----, -a-e --e -a-- --a- --e-- ---? ---- -- ----- ---- --- ------. ---- --- -a-- ----- ---a--a-? ---- --- --a- -e -------?'

EA, the world that is

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