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Nilpaurion Felagund 09-15-2005 07:13 PM

My first Werewolf-related dream.
(And, of course, it involves Kath.)

I dreamt that Shelob was passing a letter to Kath. But since I was one of the Shiriffs, I knew this correspondence wasn't innocent.

That's why I thought you were a werewolf!

Oddwen 09-15-2005 08:04 PM

I think I might be getting a cold after all.

Last night I dreamed that the phantom was chasing Robert DeNiro who was fleeing in a flying pay toilet.

And the phantom ate my deodorant stick.

Egads, I should stop visiting this forum. :eek:


Hookbill the Goomba 09-15-2005 11:57 PM

I had a Downs / Lord of the Rings dream last night.

It started with myself, Nilp, Eomer and Gil-gallad wandering around Shelob's layer. We found Frodo and Sam looking for each other and were trying to help them out. But soon, Shelob and Ungoliant came chancing after us. We all ran back to The Barrow Downs and shut ourselves into a Barrow. But the spiders were trying to break down the door, so we piled up random things in front of the door to try and keep them out. In the end, I think that Gil decided to get a giant slug to help on the idea that spiders were afraid of slugs... yes...

I woke up after Nilp and Eomer began digging a tunnel to get away while Gil tried to use the slug... I think I need to drink less tea; it must be doing something to my brain.

THE Ka 09-16-2005 12:08 AM


In the end, I think that Gil decided to get a giant slug to help on the idea that spiders were afraid of slugs... yes...
Well, wouldn't you find a slimy grub of a creature detesting in your webs, whilst you were about to prepare a wonderful meal? ;)

Wonderful dream though, and an excellent read.

~ Aesthete

THE Ka 09-16-2005 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Encaitare
I had a dream in which THE Ka came to my house with a bunch of my RL friends... it was really weird because she didn't look like what she really looks like. She had brownish-blonde hair rather than black, but it was still her. I forget what exactly happened in the dream, although I think her mom was there too.

My mother?! Oh dear Oscar, I hope that wasn't a nightmare instead!

She's a tricky one... Happy one moment, then suddenly wants to accuse you of some forgotten chore or miss-doing... Then there's the hour long monologue of yelling... :(

Brownish blonde? Hmm, I have a few relatives with this characteristic. Interesting...

~ Aesthete

Meneltarmacil 09-16-2005 02:49 PM


As I (very carefully) walked past a frog jumped into my path and somehow I knew that it was Menel (I think because his avvie reminds me of a frog).
Ah, I've finally appeared in sombody's dream. My avatar, by the way, is a giant snake thing, one of several "inside joke-type things" between me and my family/friends that I'm usually responsible for coming up with.

(It is more properly known as an Evil Giant Snake Thing Named Bob)

Another one of those "inside jokes" happens to be a giant slug, which strangely found its way into Hookbill's dream. How exactly his subconscious managed to get inside my brain is beyond me.

BTW, nothing, no matter how hungry, would eat something as slimy as one of my giant slugs. They're generally avoided like the plague. So Gil-Galad's plan would probably have worked.

Kitanna 09-21-2005 07:19 AM

I actually eneded up having two Barrow Downs dreams last night. The first was nothing more than Anguirel running around with a huge block of cheese screaming like lunatic.

In the second I was standing with a friend of mine at this big buffet table eating a carrot and my friend said if we didn't eat all this food her mom was gonna kill us. So I turned and looked down the buffet line and this chef was standing on the opposite side of the table showing people this mountain of pasta and he said "Come here Azaelia! You know you want some!" And Azaelia was slowly backing away from the table in fear.

Nilpaurion Felagund 09-21-2005 08:05 AM


I had a Downs / Lord of the Rings dream last night.

It started with myself, Nilp, Eomer and Gil-gallad wandering around Shelob's layer. [. . .] In the end, I think that Gil decided to get a giant slug to help on the idea that spiders were afraid of slugs... yes...

I woke up after Nilp and Eomer began digging a tunnel to get away while Gil tried to use the slug... I think I need to drink less tea; it must be doing something to my brain. (Hookbill)
Hehe, I love the giant slugs. You mean like this one?

The Perky Ent 09-27-2005 12:06 PM

Woah. I just had the weirdest dream! I was sitting at my computer on the downs, when The Saucepan Man banged me over the head with his saucepan, and dragged me off. When I awoke (in the dream. I'm still asleep, mind you) I was tied to the Eifel tower. After screaming for about a minute, Saucepan man came back, and climbed up the tower like King Kong. He tried to swipe me with his pan, but he missed, I grabbed it, and he fell to his death. Inside the pan was a button, I pressed it, and I turned into the Saucepan Man! But the pan must have been evil, because I started closing and deleting all the threads. Go figure :D

Lhunardawen 09-28-2005 06:16 AM

It seems to me Sauce's busy every night... ;)

dancing spawn of ungoliant 09-28-2005 01:30 PM

I've had quite a few Werewolf dreams lately but last night I dreamt that I suddenly got ten text messages from different Downers. The first one was from Squatter whose "real" name spun on the phone's screen with Beren87's avatar. That name was Latent MacSomething and he told me to ignore a post that Fordim had made (not sure why). The next message would have been from Fea but I didn't have time to read it before my alarm clock went off.

Glirdan 09-28-2005 08:30 PM

I had a wierd dream the other night which I'm not going into detail about o much. I was at the mall with my friends sitting on a bench when out of nowhere, the phantom glides by!!! I said outloud (in my dream of course) "Oh my gosh!! It's the phantom!!!" And my friends gave me a wierd look which plainly said "What are you talking about?" and when I saw that look, I said "Uhhhh, never mind that. Now what were we doing?" and that's when that part ended.

Thinlómien 10-06-2005 07:38 AM

I had my first WW dream last night. I dreamed that I got minus reputaion points for being too much absent and not voting. Mithalwen and a renowned downer called Banished Buck gave me those minus points and that BB was even saying I broke the rules by playing half-elven half-hobbit character... It's quite obvious where all this came from...

the guy who be short 10-06-2005 11:02 AM

I had an odd dream. It stemmed from somebody repping my Quenya Poetry thread - something that was completely and utterly unexpected. I dreamt that various people pos-repped me for it, including Alatar. Bucktardo also neg-repped me for it three or four times, each time condemning the idea as "crap," but luckily he had no rep sway.

Oddly enough, after the dream, two more people did pos-rep me for it.

wilwarin538 10-06-2005 01:47 PM

I had a weird dream last night.

I was at my computer and noticed that my PT had been activated, but when I read it it was something completely different than what I had asked for. Plus every few minutes it would change to something else, never being the right one. So I send a PM to Mr. Wight asking him what was going on. Suddenly Mr. Wight appears right beside me while I'm on the computer. He took my place in the chair and starts fiddling away until he gets up, says "That should do it" and then dissapears.

It was strange. :rolleyes:

Eonwe 10-11-2005 06:36 AM

this is a bit old. but it had to do with a werewolf game, so i couldn't post it.

i had a dream that i wrote a long, long pm to malkatoj explaining who TORE and Fea knew to be innocent and waht that would mean for us, and who we should kill, and all this stuff. it was really long. and i dreamed that i posted it instead of pming it. i woke up believing it until i actually got on and checked. thankfully, i didn't need to be really really embarrased! ;)

Thinlómien 10-11-2005 06:43 AM

This is not actually a WW-dream, but because of WWJ I had a dream that I was a werewolf... :rolleyes:

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-11-2005 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Eonwe
this is a bit old. but it had to do with a werewolf game, so i couldn't post it.

i had a dream that i wrote a long, long pm to malkatoj explaining who TORE and Fea knew to be innocent and waht that would mean for us, and who we should kill, and all this stuff. it was really long. and i dreamed that i posted it instead of pming it. i woke up believing it until i actually got on and checked. thankfully, i didn't need to be really really embarrased! ;)

That would have been sweet, somthing i would realy love to see. :D

Lhunardawen 10-12-2005 01:40 AM

I had a dream with Eomer of the Rohirrim in it. Again.

I'm never sleeping for the rest of my life. :p

Eorl of Rohan 10-12-2005 02:04 AM

Wow, lots of detailed dreams. For some reason, my dreams are few and far between, just a mass of tangled images. As this thread came up, I thought I'd put in a vague dream I had a few monthes ago that involves Barrow-downs. Not a very flattering one, but dreams are like that.

Shire Mod Piosenniel was chasing me across a plain of black and green - it was an eerie neon kind of green glow, not the shade of grass, and I remember vaguely wondering why the world was colored like it. I decided that the soil was charred black and the grass stained by the result of a Nuclear bomb that the USA had finally dropped onto N.Korea after years of threatening. And meanwhile I was still running away with Pio after me, but he grew smaller as I ran on, but then agigantic paper airplane hurtled out of nowhere with Pio on top and hit me on the head with 'PM Aviation Co.' written on the wings.

We're all paranoid.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-14-2005 09:43 AM

Another dream about me? To quote Franz Ferdinand, "You're lucky, lucky, you're so lucky!"

Most of my dreams at the moment consist of visiting the Downs. I had one dream where a bunch of trolls turned out to be my friends, which was extremely embarrassing for me. I was getting angry looks from the other Downers (yes, looks: because I could see you as you posted).

Bêthberry 10-14-2005 03:24 PM

Not a euCATastrophe
I wonder if this dream--nightmare really-- means I'm missing rèd?

I dreamt I was reading over threads, catching up, after missing most of the action all this week, but everywhere I looked, I saw, well, maybe the proof's in the details.

I went to The White Horse Inn thread in Rohan, and there was Imladris posting post after post about Goldwine the cat, after, like, being away for months and months. Then I checked in on the long and winding road that is the Reunification of the Entish Bow and there I saw the gamers catching it from Game Manager Esty. Thinking I was suffering from a surfeit of seriousness, I decided to check out Mirth.

And oh the shock I had there! On the 'How do you imagine other BDers' thread, Downers were being described as cats! davem was a large, self-satisfied persian who merely flicked his tail insouciantly at others while Lal was said to be a British Angora! the phantom was padding around like a smug siamese. Rimbaud had become an American long hair while Fordim, a Canadian hairless. Lhuna was a beloved burmese and Eorl of Rohan was a skittish Kasmir. The Barrow Wight himself had become an Egyptian Mau and Mister Underhill was a Singapura while Sharkey had become a Ruffle! And lo and behold I was being called a Manx!

Shaking my head in disbelief, my dream self then sought out the Reputations list, hoping to find some sort of normalcy there. But what did I find! On the reputations list, burra had changed his name to tabbyhobbit while Squatter had become The Squatter of Brooklyn Rex.

A quick review of Active Topics showed me that Eomer's Warg thread had become The Feline Appreciation thread and Crazy Cattions was devoted entirely to screen shots of Orlando Bloom with fluffy creatures, while in Books, the hottest thread was What colour was Legolas's cat's hair?.

A new thread in Mod G (the moderator's forum) had been started to discuss not trolls and monkeys but feral cats and the moderators had chosen to rename themselves the gypsy cats.

Worst of all, Tig's--and oh how that name took on new meaning--photogallery had become The Barrow Downs Pet Cemetary, with pictures of Lush's and Estelyn's dearly deceased cats.

I tossed, I turned, I pulled the sheets over and over me, incurring the wrath of my pet cat, who sleeps by my pillow. She walked all over me!

I woke in a chilled sweat. Was this the beginning of the end for the Barrow Downs? Were we in truth "posting the cat"? A deep sense of emptiness incarnate filled me as I rose to let my cat out the door.

Eorl of Rohan 10-14-2005 06:25 PM

Skittish Kasmir? That's flattering. :p

THE Ka 10-14-2005 09:05 PM


moderators had chosen to rename themselves the gypsy cats.
Do not ask why, (this immediately means yes, you should) but that has me thinking about the play Cats. Which makes me think of the book it was based upon, which leads to a strange thought that some of these felines will try to start a thread similar to: The *NEW, NEW* Barrow-Downs Felinus Photograve Page... Where the felines would post their human 'pets' and try to have each other guess who's is who's.

~ Aesthete

The Only Real Estel 10-14-2005 09:14 PM

I had a rare, though short, dream a few nights ago.

All I can remember is it had to do with Fea starting up another Avatars thread. Something along the lines of "Favorite BDers Avatars" where you listed the BDer who's avatars you liked best of something. :confused: You know, not quite a duplicate but close enough that the B-W shut it down. Suprisingly, the thread had 35 replies before it was closed. :eek:

Again, strange dreams...when I have them.

Lhunardawen 10-16-2005 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Another dream about me? To quote Franz Ferdinand, "You're lucky, lucky, you're so lucky!"

:rolleyes: Will you get the Mordor out of my subconscious? If I ever see you in my dreams again I'll...I'll...:p


Originally Posted by Bêthberry
Lhuna was a beloved burmese

Me a feline? How luuurrrvvvely. :D

And how could you do that to your poor cat?

the guy who be short 10-16-2005 05:49 AM

I dreamt that the dead author Asimov rose again to join the Downs. He pos-repped me for a post, but I can't remember what.

Shelob 10-16-2005 03:14 PM

Alright, the dream's a couple of days old...I actually had it three nights ago, but I haven't had computer access until now...


Some of my school friends and I (enough to be a class of about 12 kids) were on a field trip for school at this large, and apparently important, house. While in this house we all suddenly, and for no apparent reason, die. Due to our sudden demise we're told we have to go down to hell, and convienently there's a staircase to hell just through the next door.

So we troop down to hell where we find out that we need a certain number of points to get in (orginially I think theses were amusement park tickets, eventually they warped into Barrowdowns Rep-points). Everyone else of my friends had enough points to get in, but I didn't and I was really annoyed about this so I stomp off in anger.

At that point all my friends decided that they'd rather go play werewolf with me than stay in Hell. So they all troop out of hell and we go to this room, just around the corner, that's been specifically designed to play werewolf in.

AbercrombieofRohan then chimes in saying "Well have fun with that, 'cause it HURTS when you die." We're then informed that there's something wrong with the room and that we're not actually supposed to feel anything.

While debating whether or not to play in the broken room a murder takes place right near our group (think about 1/3 to 1/2 of an average city block away). Of course we all turn to watch. When the murderer's done he turns to start running away and we all turn to go back to our discussion when out of nowhere (also, conviently, the middle of our group) appears The Phantom who proceeds to tackle the murderer to the ground.


At that point my brother woke me's not directly Barrowdowns Related, but it does connect and it was far too entertaining to pass up...

Bêthberry 10-18-2005 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lhunardawen
And how could you do that to your poor cat?

Do what to my 'poor cat'? Let her sleep by my pillow? I have no choice. She surveyed the territory and settled where she willed. :D

Lhunardawen 10-18-2005 09:44 PM

This, Bêthberry:

...I rose to let my cat out the door.
I was assuming you did that in the middle of the night...

Hookbill the Goomba 10-18-2005 11:46 PM

Last night I had a rather disturbing dream. It involved Mormagill (looking like his avatar) and Nilp who had just set fire to one of the Barrows in the Barrow Downs. Everyone was running around and wondering whom it was that had just set the Downs on fire. Then, all of a sudden, three Nazgûl came onto the Downs and began to chase Mormagill and Nilp over the hills, they had aparently set fire to Barad-dur also.
What was stranger was the fact that some Wights were blaming me for starting the fire. I believe my alibi was that I was having tea with Tom Bombadill at the time. Very strange.

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-19-2005 04:00 PM

I knew that I'd had a dream, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was until just now. I had a dream that I was looking at the best signatures thread and that Esty had posted a shortlist of her favorites. It contained seven names, almost none of which I can remember, but mine was at the bottom in very small font. I think it was probably brought on by taking such pains to get a picture of "Esty St." from a moving vehicle then linking it into my sig...

Firefoot 10-19-2005 05:36 PM

I had an altogether odd dream last night.

So me and some other people (some of them were Downers, but I'm not sure who, and some of them were people I've never met before) were slaves, and we were the entertainment at this party, except all we did was sit in the garage - they were showing us off or something - we were important. So we decided to escape while they were doing other things by going through their house and out the back door, which was a very risky attempt for some reason. Somewhere in this escape that house turns into my house, and it's me, Regin Hardhammer (he was a Dwarf), and my RPG character Sondo Brandybuck all trying to escape from these people who are trying to make us be slaves again. We fought them for awhile, they might have been Orcs for that segment of the dream. Regin and Sondo both killed one, I just sort of directed. The dream ended with us just dashing through a door.

Hookbill the Goomba 10-27-2005 05:36 AM

I had an interesting dream last night. It was where Christopher Tolkien had agreed to do a question and answer session on the Downs. The first question was, of course, "Do Balrogs have wings?" to which he replied, "Would you like them to?"

There were other things like "Did you like the films." to which he replied, "No. But I liked the free pop-corn". It seemed to my mind the he was just having a laugh. Oh well.

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-27-2005 05:42 AM

I mentioned this on the WWXII thread, but I thought I'd put it here as well. On our last night, with Underhill, Esty, Encai, and me alive, (morm was busy being killed), I had a dream that Encai successfully convinced me that Underhill was guilty. I couldn't help but laugh, as when I woke up, I had to go through and double check the entire thread to make sure that dream-Encai wasn't right. If anybody wondered about my sudden "homework assignment" to accuse each other of guilt, I wanted an excuse to look for Underhill's and see if it was there. It was a convincing dream. :rolleyes: ;)

Thinlómien 10-27-2005 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
I had an interesting dream last night. It was where Christopher Tolkien had agreed to do a question and answer session on the Downs. The first question was, of course, "Do Balrogs have wings?" to which he replied, "Would you like them to?"

There were other things like "Did you like the films." to which he replied, "No. But I liked the free pop-corn". It seemed to my mind the he was just having a laugh. Oh well.

Great! I wish I had that funny dreams...

the guy who be short 10-27-2005 07:51 AM

I dreamt that the phantom added me on MSN. He then made some egotistic comment before the conversation died out.

TOREstel was also there... somewhere...

The Only Real Estel 10-28-2005 06:40 PM


TOREstel was also there... somewhere...
Hooray! Pity you can't remember...:)

Gothmog 11-02-2005 11:13 AM

I've been quite ill lately, just laying in my bed with a fever. Tonight I've hardly slept at all. But when I finally dozed off for a few minutes, I found myself arguing on the Downs. Can't remember what I was discussing, but it was an endless discussion against someone else and neither me nor he/she wanted to back off even an inch. It was almost like a nightmare, but not quite... And after that I dreamt about elves fighting each other. Guess I've spent too much time here lately ;)

Orominuialwen 11-02-2005 03:52 PM

I'm not sure if this could actually be called a dream, since I think I was at least sort of awake at the time, but early yesterday morning, I dreampt/thought in a very confused way that Gurthang was sick and something had to be done about that fact. Actually, it turned out that I was the one who was sick, and I ended up staying home from school.

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