The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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Regin Hardhammer 02-08-2004 03:39 PM

Hi! I'm a big Dwarf backer!

I love LotR and have been lurking for a while. I read the book after the movie. I like them both, but I like the book the best.

Hope to see you around!


Regin Hardhammer, Master Craftsman and Student of Telchar

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 4:39 PM February 08, 2004: Message edited by: Regin Hardhammer ]

Eorl of Rohan 02-11-2004 04:45 AM

Welcome to Barrow-downs, Regin Hardhammer! Enjoy being dead! :D

I remember hearing the same thing from Bethberry a week ago, and have been itching to say it to any other new member I come across :rolleyes:

Annalaliath 02-11-2004 12:29 PM

well, I am back, for at least awhile.

For all you newley deads. welcome and enjoy being dead!

Aridia 02-11-2004 12:55 PM

Hi all, I registered about a week ago, but this is my first post. I don't know much about posting and such, I mostly just like to read posts. I love the Barrow Downs, and I've already directed at least four people here and I'm pretty sure they enjoy it as much as I do.
As far as Tolkien, I grew up with The Hobbit and LOTR, I really can't remember a time when I had never heard of anything Tolkien. The strange thing is that I didn't actually read the books until the end of last year, after the third movie came out. When I first found out that they were making live action movies from LOTR I decided to wait until after the third movie came out to read the books, so I wouldn't be disappointed when I saw the movies. Now that I've read the books I wonder why I waited so long.:)

Phervasaion 02-11-2004 03:29 PM

Welcome to the downs Aridia! Im sure you will love it here. I read the books only a couple of years ago to and i wish I could have read them alot sooner.

Hikaru 02-12-2004 01:18 AM

Hello, I was registered at the old forum but just lurked so I'm cautiously sticking my head out of the lurkers' lounge to say hi.
I'm Hikaru, living in Tokyo, Japan, and I'm currently re-reading the trilogy for the 6th or 7th time. I've been a Tolkien fan since the late 70's. I'm also finally struggling through the Silmarillion.
Love the films too.

Finwe 02-12-2004 07:42 PM

Wow... you have been a fan for quite a while! Welcome to the Downs!

chucks888 02-13-2004 02:31 AM

Hello! Newly dead and loving it!

evenstar_0404 02-13-2004 06:26 PM

Hi, I'm from Norway, I have read LotR 2 times, and love both the movies and the books. I'm here to learn and understand more about the books and Tolkien.

Finwe 02-13-2004 06:32 PM

Welcome! It's incredible how many different countries are represented here on the Downs. Wow... Norway... cool! I hope you have fun being dead!

evenstar_0404 02-13-2004 07:03 PM

:) Thank you Finwe.

The Mushroom 02-13-2004 08:02 PM

Hey all! I'm the mushroom and this is my first post here on the Downs. :D I had been hanging around as a guest for a while but now I've finally decided to give up the ghost and join the dead. Oh happy day! I'm a dedicated tolkienite, a violinist, a collector of troll dolls, and I love mushrooms:) . Oh! and I love hedgehogs too (spikey sweethearts). I'm excited about finally joining you all, and I can't wait to start posting!
See ya on the forums!
The Dead Fungus

silma 02-14-2004 01:57 AM

Hi all, I'm yet another dead woman walking!!!
Just thought I'd pop up and introduce myself. I'm an adoring adorer of all thing Tolkien and I've lost count of the times that I've read LotR and The Silmarillion, I just start re-reading as soon as I've finished. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy and a complete nerd because of my obsession so I thought I'd join up to meet likeminded people who won't make fun of me!!
I look forward to getting to know you all!!!

Erebeth 02-14-2004 04:48 PM

I'm a newbie here, and thought I might as well post an introduction. I'm a high school senior now and've been a Tolkien fan since second grade...naturally I've gotten used to being called a dangerously obsessed geek. Looking forward to being around those who love the books equally..

Finwe 02-14-2004 06:02 PM

Haha! Welcome to the board of fellow dangerously obsessed geeks!!!!

Amanaduial the archer 02-15-2004 10:05 AM

Well, add Japan and Norway to the incredible 'Downs list...slowly but surely taking over the world...

The Mushroom - love the name! Glad you finally decided to join us - life isn't for everyone ;) Also..troll dogs?!

Silma - from one dead womann walking to another, welcome to the Downs ;)

Regin - a dwarf fan, good grief! Well, Bethberry will be pleased...may your ghostly axe-wielding days be plentious...

Welcome to all new members :)

The Mushroom 02-16-2004 11:12 AM

Troll Dollls. They were kinda popular about a decade or so ago. They have brightly colored hair that sticks straight up and cute, smiley faces. :)

Amanaduial the archer 02-16-2004 12:45 PM

Ah! Well, less than a decade ago then - I loved those!

Roa_Aoife 02-16-2004 05:48 PM

Hello! I've been registered for about a week, and I've posted in the Books forum, and at the Green Dragon. I thought I should finally introduce myself. I am a college student on the east coast, and I'm "new" to the Lord of the RIngs world. I finished the books just before the first movie came out, and I've been hooked ever since! By the way, it's great to be dead!

Roa ;)

Galadel Vinorel 02-19-2004 07:06 PM

Welcome to all "newbies"! As you have probally had said to you many times before, "Hope that you enjoy being dead!"

Roa_Aife- WOW! :eek: Then you truly are a new one in the world of Tolkien. Well then, welcome, Ranger. I look forward to interacting with you more in the Green Dragon Inn and in other places around the Forum. I do like what you said in your post, and if you would not mind me quoting you,

By the way, it's great to be dead!

A few quick hints for all of you new ones to the Barrowdowns Forum, and then I must be off. Post as often as you possibly can, though do maky sure that all of your posts are meaningful. Visit all of the different parts of the forum, for they all contain their own unique things. The role-playing games are fun to participate in, and though there are no new games open at the moment, you may still post in the Green Dragon Inn, which is located in the Shire. Do, please, go to the Shirefirst, though, beforing moving on to Rphan, which is where you will be able to go after "proving your skills" in the Shhire first. Be patient, and if you have any questions just as me or another Barrowdowner for help, we all certainly be glad to assist you in any way that we can.

For now, if I wish you all good luck and a safe journey navigating the maze of the Downs. Hope to see all of you around the Forum! :D

The Red Arrow 02-20-2004 02:33 AM

I'm The Red Arrow. I've been lurking around this site for a while, but only got to register now. I'm quote new to LotR, being 'converted' by the movie verison of FotR.

Hope to know you all, and know more about our beloved Professor's works. :)

Apocalypse_ForceS 02-20-2004 04:32 AM

hey im also new here, ive been a fan of LotR for a while and my m8s introduced me to dis site during an ICT lesson last week, so i proceeded to sign up myself

Kath 02-20-2004 04:51 AM

I was that mate and I never saw this forum so hello all!

Sakalaru 02-20-2004 08:17 PM

hello! i've been an LOTR fan for the past few years and have been looking for a LOTR forum to join, so here i am!

Firefoot 02-20-2004 09:29 PM

Welcome to the Downs, Sakalaru! As for which forum you picked - great choice. You picked the best. :D You and all the other newbies - enjoy being dead!

Bekah 02-23-2004 08:28 PM

This is certainly interesting.

I'm not at all new, but I've been away for a long time, and the format has changed quite a bit.

Welcome to all you newbies!! Have great fun, but remember to respect everyone else and to post well.


~ Elentari II

Timothy Brandybuck 02-23-2004 08:47 PM

Hello there. I'm new here but not to (I don't know if that's advertising. Forgive me if it is) I have somewhere around 87 posts there. That's a big diffrence. I'm also a hobbit of the Shire. I've had a question: why are we dead when we're new?

Finwe 02-23-2004 08:56 PM

Long story...
In the books, the Barrow Downs were inhabited by the ghosts from Angmar, the ex-realm of the Witchking. Since the ghosts were dead (obviously), we like to consider ourselves dead, since we are the current denizens of the Barrow Downs.

Fordim Hedgethistle 02-24-2004 12:04 PM

I've been posting for a couple of weeks now -- and lurking for months before that -- but I've only just stumbled on this meet and greet site. So, well, hello.

Still thinking about an appropriate avatar.

Nice to see my buddies Roa and Galadel in the forum -- *My Ladies* {bows}


Lindalirien O Lorien 02-24-2004 03:04 PM

Hi eveyone my name is Lindalirien and if I am not mistaken I think that means fair song maiden (If I am wrong please correct me). Well my real name is Jessica and I'm fourteen. I've come to this site for a long time but just recently came upon the forum. I love the Barrow Downs it's one of the best Lord of the Rings websites I have been to. I can actually talk about things that happen in the books, not just the movies which is a rare thing because all my friends only watched the movies and just briefly skim through the books :( I have been a Tolkien fan since I was about nine, when I first picked up The Hobbit. I have read The Hobbit,all three Lord of the Rings books, I have read these all several times to try to fully understand them.Once I finish the current book I'm reading I am going to try to start The Silmarillion. I don't think I can call myself a true Tolkien fan until I have read that. Ok that's about all I have to say. Bye


Bekah 02-24-2004 03:40 PM

Wow. Just reading your post makes me breathless.

Welcome to the Downs, Lindalirien O Lorien. I hope you enjoy them immensely, though I'd advise you to watch out for those run-on sentences of yours.


~ Elentari II

Nirvana II 02-24-2004 08:35 PM

im confuzzled
what do things like "newly deceased" and "hidden spirit" mean.....
and if there like levels or od we get them up??????????? oh and im Nirvana II....i lost the old Nirvana long time here I am.........WATCH FOR THE EYEOFSAURON.COM COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bekah 02-24-2004 09:42 PM


In the books, the Barrow Downs were inhabited by the ghosts from Angmar, the ex-realm of the Witchking. Since the ghosts were dead (obviously), we like to consider ourselves dead, since we are the current denizens of the Barrow Downs.
This is from a few posts ago. Please take the time to read the other posts in a thread before you post, and we will take the time to read your post.

There are levels, and you get to them by posting a certain number of times. But remember that people appreciate posts of quality rather than quantity.

I hope you enjoy the Downs immensely, Nirvana II.


~ Elentari II

Nirvana II 02-24-2004 09:44 PM

then i apologize
then i apologize

Bekah 02-24-2004 09:48 PM

Don't worry about it. Just keep it in mind for the future. ;)

There's a FAQ at the top of the Novices and Newcomers forum, which answers your questions about the levels.


~ Elentari II

Lhundulinwen 02-26-2004 06:01 PM

Hi everybody! My name is Lhundulinwen (or at least it is online!) I am a Freshman in High school. I really love to read, and LOTR is my newest (and most likely final reading obsession!!!) I really like English class and plan on writing a few novels and books of poetry. But then again, I like science too. So who knows.

Lalwendė 03-03-2004 04:04 PM

Another newcomer!

I've just registered so this seemed the right place to start.

I'm a long time fan - just about 21 years - I first read LOTR when I was 12, straight after reading The Hobbit, and I've been hooked ever since. Any more 'old-timers' out there? I'd put bets on it


At the moment I have mini-obsessions with the Rohirrim and Saruman, and my current occupation is irritating people who have no interest in the topic, by wittering on about Tolkien at every opportunity.

Please excuse me now if I make any mistakes, because no doubt I will. Now I'm off to see if I can stick my two-penn'orth into a discussion.

Imladris 03-03-2004 04:11 PM

Welcome, Lalwendė. I'm not an old timer myself, but there is a thread out there for all you people who have been reading LotR for eighteen years or more. ;)

Here it is

Welcome to all you newly dead and enjoy the grave!

Cheers to all! :smokin:

Cynan 03-04-2004 03:02 PM

Hey everybody!
Hey everyone! My name's Cynan. Or Cynan Sam.

So... I'm new.

I haven't read the books, so I've been pretty damn desperate to get a copy. However, I'm reading The Hobbit.

And I'm looking around online to get knowledge on the series, until I save up enough money to buy the book. With the popularity of the movies, the books are all out in my local library.

So... don't be mean if I ask stupid questions.

The Mushroom 03-06-2004 02:34 PM

Hullo again! Looking at some of the posts above, I didn't realize that there were so many people my age on the Downs (but I guess that that shouldn't surprise me). I'm a 14 year old highschool freshman as well, and I'm also the only mushroom in the world who has bones!:D Huzzah for newly deceased freshman! And for all the newbies! Remember, you're only dead once!:D :rolleyes:

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