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Nevfeniel 07-30-2002 07:10 PM

It's a video that's supposed to be for small children, but my friends and I think it's cute and kinda funny.
Here's a picture:
They like to sing songs, and my friends and I especially enjoy the "Silly Songs with Larry" segment, and my personal favorite is "Oh Where is my Hairbrush?" It sounds strange until you actually see it, then it's less strange. Emphasis on 'less'.

[ July 30, 2002: Message edited by: Nevfeniel ]

NazgulNumberTen 07-30-2002 07:13 PM


Nevfeniel 07-30-2002 07:15 PM

Don't look at me like that. . . *whimpers*

NazgulNumberTen 07-30-2002 07:16 PM

(looks at the pic, then turns back to nev)
you poor, poor girl...

Nevfeniel 07-30-2002 07:19 PM

Hey! I don't make fun of you! Much. I'm just kidding. If you saw the video, you would understand. You would also understand if you were a girl who, like me, has a soft spot for stuff meant for little kids. So there.

NazgulNumberTen 07-30-2002 07:22 PM

hmmmmmmmm, sorry. nazguls don't have human emotions. we also don't have kids videos. the closest we have is "Hobbit's are NOT your friends" and "Orcs and fireworks DO mix"

Nevfeniel 07-30-2002 07:27 PM

You should consider yourself lucky that I'm buying that explanation. But I swear, I'm NOT insane! I just like little-kid stuff! What can I say? I was born to become a mother.

NazgulNumberTen 07-30-2002 07:28 PM

and i was born to kill hobbits and blow up orcs for fun. hmmmmmmmmmm, now if a was only a nazgul in real life...

Lush 07-30-2002 07:41 PM

Oh kids, must you muck up this thread so much? *Sigh* Well, once again, getting back to the topic at hand:

Feanaro: "Who is this loser that everyone keeps talking about? Fëa-who? Oh that guy? What a snot-nosed weakling!"

Child of the 7th Age: "Females in the LotR? Eh. Let's talk about something a little more exciting, shall we?"

NazgulNumberTen: "You want me to do what? Oh, stay on topic? Right-o!"

VanimaEdhel: "No, boys don't really like me."

Gimli Son of Gloin: "Personal title? Nah. Not interested."

P.S. Daniel and Maikadilwen, you know me all to well! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Nevfeniel 07-30-2002 07:43 PM

I appologize, Lush. *motions for NN10 to do the same*

NazgulNumberTen 07-30-2002 07:43 PM

nn10: i'll stay on topic just so that lush won't yell at me. anyways, whats with the nazgul stuff? oh, if i could just let out the hobbbit inside me...

steve 07-30-2002 07:47 PM

This is Hi-larious
Just about everyone : Lotr Fuc* that, Harry potter is much better

me : just about anything that isnt a dumb question

The Fifth 07-31-2002 08:29 AM

Wow, someone made fun of me... hey, are you making fun of my obsession with dragons and Nazgul? Oh well.

Veggie Tales? That is strange. Disturbing. I think it will just traumatize the children.. in fact, I almost feel.. sorry... for them. I mean, vegetables with huge, bulging eyes screaming, "I LOST MY HAIRBRUSH" just isn't a good idea for a children's show. Perhaps it is a "special" children's show.

Wow, I spent a lot of time ranting over a show about... vegetables, I think I'll stop before I scare anyone away.

NazgulNumberTen 07-31-2002 09:53 AM

lol! i think after veggie tales, the kids will hate to eat greens even more

Amanaduial the archer 07-31-2002 10:07 AM


I mean, vegetables with huge, bulging eyes screaming, "I LOST MY HAIRBRUSH"

Lush 07-31-2002 10:45 AM

Kids, kids, kids. Let me remind you that this was once a very funny thread. It has gone on for a whole page now without anything funny being uttered. Some of that is my fault of course, but come on. You can always PM each other, you know.

The Fifth 07-31-2002 11:17 AM

Hmm... I need to say something funny.. but I just can't think of anything funny (or at least slightly humourous) to say.

Estelyn Telcontar 07-31-2002 12:17 PM

Then why post, The Fifth??


I think (first), therefore I post.

Gorothlammothiel 07-31-2002 12:55 PM

Gladrie1: Music? Play an instument? Sing? are you mad?!

NazgulNumberTen: Curse this undead body! I want to live and love again, I want to feel all the human emotions you all have *sigh*

Githalion: RPG? We don't like RPG's on here, go somewhere else to play your fantasy games....

Humm, mine weren't funny, but they were on topic [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] Actually i'm suprised no one has had a go at me yet, but then that can't be a bad thing....

NazgulNumberTen 07-31-2002 01:03 PM

i have to say, the one of me made me laugh.

The Fifth 07-31-2002 01:44 PM

obloquy: I think I'll just act nice for once. I love you people!!

Bethberry: RPGs? RPGs are for stupid, drooling neanderthals! Goodbye, suckers!

NazgulNumber10: Yesterday I had such fun.. I skipped in a flower field in slow motion, picked some strawberries.. ugh, I hate these black robes. From now on, my robes will be floral-patterned with pink roses! *giggle*

Okay, that's all I can think for now.

Lothiriel Silmarien 07-31-2002 01:55 PM

Lush, I saw that one! I went a page back. Oh Lush, that's SO not me [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Samwise: Sam? Ew, I hate that stupid little hobbit.

nn10: I love hearing about Nickelback! Oh, Harry Potter too!

Lush: Cursing? Soccor? German guys?? Nope, hate them all. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Lothiriel Silmarien 07-31-2002 02:28 PM

Got some more.

Daniel Telcontar: I hate quizzes. And guessing quotes. Can never figure them out.
Lindolirian: Yeah me too.


"If it's not Scottish, it's crrrap!"
Lush, I saw that on snl yesterday. It's so funny! I say the same too.

NazgulNumberTen 07-31-2002 02:34 PM

i saw that episode too.
"hi, um, do you have any of those earthenware scooty dogs?"
"Iye, we have 'em in 3 sizes. Wee. Not so wee. And FRIGGIN' HUGE!!!"
but back to subject
Sharku: thats it, i don't care what the b-w sez, there is now a non-tolkien section.
lothiriel: nickleback? you mean the jefferson memorial on the back of a nickle?
me: i think i'll be nice to people now.

Lothiriel Silmarien 07-31-2002 02:41 PM

Yeah, that's definetly something I wouldn't say!!!!

Daniel Telcontar 07-31-2002 02:59 PM

Lothiriel: of course I got that question correct, who do you think you are dealing with? I NEVER guess wrong.

BW: I am feeling depressed. I need those monkey guys to cheer me up, where did that club go to?

Halbereth: I have never started a topic, and I am certainly not going to start one in the RPG room!

NazgulNumberTen 07-31-2002 03:50 PM

Lush: THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!! make it funny, slaves, do ith my bidding! i am queen of the downs, entertain me!

Ithaeliel 07-31-2002 04:35 PM

<<The following phrase is my reaction to almost the entirety of the last page>>: Oooookaaaayyy...

Durazor: Noooo! Not the little flashy-lightning-bolty picture thing again!!! AUGH! The horror!

Suicidal elf chick: RPGs stiiiiink. Hey, let's just sit around idly and talk about sushi! <<that was totally random>>

The Fifth: Raw fish??? RICE??? SEAWEED????!! Ewww! Hate sushi! Hate ninja sounds! Can't cook sushi! Nonononononoooo!!!

Me today: Snzzzz... I'm *YAWN* sleeeepy... I dink I'll go take a nap... snzzzzzzzz....

The Fifth 07-31-2002 05:05 PM

That's a good one! * starts munching on raw fish * Do not mock the ninja! Or the fish... bwahahaha!

Nevfeniel 07-31-2002 08:20 PM


Veggie Tales? That is strange. Disturbing
Hey! Don't knock it till you try it! (Okay, back on topic)

NazgulNumberTen 08-01-2002 04:03 PM

Lush: NEV YOU HOUND OF SAURON!!! how many times must i tell you to stay on topic!! blah blah blah soccer blah blah blah

Lush 08-03-2002 01:05 PM

burra: "Guys, should I read the Silma-whatever it's called? I heard it's kinda hard. Meh."

Feanaro: "Well, the origin of the Witch King of Angmar is obvious..."

oblo: "I know exactly what this forum needs: another Who is Tom thread."

Mithadan: "Oh screw this! %$#@ all of you, you little bastards! Patience, shmatience."

Sindacuion 08-04-2002 12:41 PM

Estelyn: Princess? Nah, I'm just a humble hard-working maid.

Wil: Ooh, veggies! Let's all become vegetarians!!

Durazor: Mustard? Pfffft. I prefer ketchup.

Sharku: Talk what? Tolkien? Yeah right, let's talk about Legolas's smooth, silky hair!

Gayahithwen: Nah, I hate cooking. Let's all have frozen TV dinners!

Estelyn had a nice quote.. Let me add mine..


I attract, therefore I am.
[img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] *hint hint nudge nudge* [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

NazgulNumberTen 08-04-2002 09:06 PM

time for something else i wouldn't say...i think the pic says it all...

Amanaduial the archer 08-05-2002 07:45 AM


Mithadan: "Oh screw this! %$#@ all of you, you little bastards! Patience, shmatience
how is it u can actually get away with that Lush!

NazgulNumberTen 08-05-2002 08:40 AM


Halbereth Diagona 08-05-2002 11:32 AM

Hey someone made fun of me....hehhehehehe do it agian!!!!!
Daniel, are you trying to discreetly say something? So I start many topics...i like to....hoooooooo.......

I feel like freaking you out...THE END IS NIGH!!! WE'RE ALL DOOOOMED!!!! DOOOMED I TELL YOU!!! DOOOOOOOMEDDDD!!!!!
The fifth: Black is sooo not my colour.
The green ringwraith: Green is sooo not my colour.

Elenna 08-05-2002 01:52 PM

2 things. Just 2.

1) Fifth: I LOVE JOHNNY!!!!

2) Why is nobody saying what I would never post? Am I that unpredictable?

Ithaeliel 08-05-2002 02:52 PM

Don't fret, Elenna, nobody quotes me either. Frankly I'm surprised.

Elenna: Give me more elven shieldmaidens!!! They are vital to my sucky RPG!! (The second part is a compliment as well. You never have sucky RPGs.)

NN10: How could you possibly accuse me of shameless self-advertising??!! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

[ August 05, 2002: Message edited by: Ithaeliel ]

NazgulNumberTen 08-05-2002 02:55 PM

nn10: DO NOT BUY MY BOOK!!!!
(reverse pychology? i never use that, or do i?)

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