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Catherine 10-02-2002 12:54 PM

Um...maybe we should turn back.

Kithrčna Greenarrow Legolas 10-02-2002 04:02 PM

Whos the seccond blond haired dude?

Gimli: Good thing I shaprened My ax [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]:

Legolas: OOHHHH!!! LOTS OF TREETS TO FRLOIC IN! *Skips merryly off*
((Whats wrong with Me? I useally dont say things like that about Legolas...))

Aragorn: Whats all those tall brown things with the green leafy things on em?
Pippin: That, My lad, is trees

Lame, I know...FORGIVE ME!???

Robin Headstrong 10-02-2002 05:15 PM

Aragorn: Here we are, then. Mirkwood!
Boromir: Mirkwood!
Frodo: Mirkwood!
Sam: Mirkwood!
Legolas: It's only a model.

Sorry, I just felt like doing a Monty Python reference there.

BTW, I thought Elenna's camera one was funny. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Elven Mistress 10-02-2002 05:22 PM

Aragorn: The forest of Mirkwood!
Legolas: Where? All i see is a blue screen! I don't see-
Pippin: Psss! Your line is "long have i waited to once again look upon my homeland"
Legolas: But it's a blue screen! And i'm english! I don't understand you people!
Merry: That's it...i quit!

~okay, okay...give me a break!~

ElanorGamgee 10-02-2002 09:08 PM


Aragorn: Here we are, then. Mirkwood!
Boromir: Mirkwood!
Frodo: Mirkwood!
Sam: Mirkwood!
Legolas: It's only a model.
That's great! Ah, gotta love Monty Python references... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-02-2002 09:20 PM

Hobbits: Yay! Mirkwood!
Aragorn: Silly Hobbits, Mirkwood isn't in this book... that is Lothlorien...
Hobbits: Oooooooo......

Sorry, but it is Lothlorien.... check when the new extended DVD comes out [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Diamond18 10-02-2002 09:20 PM

Um, just a all know that's Lothlórien, not Mirkwood, right?

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-02-2002 10:42 PM


Um, just a all know that's Lothlórien, not Mirkwood, right?
Ah yes, that what I was saying above...

Diamond18 10-02-2002 11:14 PM

Sorry, missed it. Freaking myself out...and to think I threw an apple at Bill Ferny once for doing that. Fool of a Took's wife! I shall slap myself, or at least think about it.

Er, but you'll notice our posts both say 11:20. You're playing with my mind, which isn't hard to do...ah, I'll go to bed now.

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Diamond18 ]

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-02-2002 11:30 PM


You're playing with my mind
Ah yesssss.... go to sleeeeppp Diamond18. You will awake and remember nothing... then you will cluck like a chicken and call your pillow "my precious", then you will eat it....


Diamond18 10-03-2002 11:00 AM

Mmmmmmmmmmm, my pillow tasted very good thank you. Bwak, bwak, bwak...

Lothiriel Silmarien 10-03-2002 06:41 PM

Merry: Is that...?
Pippin: No
Frodo: Isn't that it..?
Legolas: Can't be
Gimli: Wait, isn't that
Pippin: Nah
Merry: I think it..
Sam: Yeah
Gimli: It is
Aragorn: No
Boromir: I think it is!

Kithrčna Greenarrow Legolas 10-03-2002 08:33 PM

Legolas: Lothlórien!
Aragorn: Lothlórien!
Frodo: Lothlórien!
Sam: Lothlórien!
Pippin: Lothlórien!
Merry: Lothlórien!
Boromir: BATHROOM!!!!! *Runs towards Lothlórien in search for a bathroom*

Ok, that was lame, but I tried [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]

Brinniel 10-03-2002 10:30 PM

Legolas: Wow, would you look at that! I've never seen something so wonderful in my entire life! I'm mean, it just stands out! Look at how the sun just shines on it! It's gorgeous, I tell you. Gorgeous!

Aragorn: Yeah, we get it Legolas. You think the forest is beautiful.

Legolas: Forest? What forest? I was talking about that small rock down there. It's so shiny and polished and.....oh man, I've gotta have that rock!

*Legolas runs down to get the rock*

Boromir: What the....

Gimli: I've encouraged him to start a rock collection. This is his 1,121 rock so far. *smiles proudly*

Evisse the Blue 10-04-2002 02:21 AM


Gimli: I've encouraged him to start a rock collection. This is his 1,121 rock so far. *smiles proudly*
It inspired me to write this:
Gimli: Hooray!! A forest, at long LAST! Green grass under my poor little feet, sore of walking on blasted stonesfor so long! Adios, stones! Hellllo, beautiful forest, here I come! ::runs merrily towards the wood::
The others stare at him.
Legolas: I taught him everything he knows.

Eruwen 10-04-2002 07:21 AM

Omg!! Some of those were hilarious!!


Gimli: I've encouraged him to start a rock collection. This is his 1,121 rock so far. *smiles proudly*

Gimli: Hooray!! A forest, at long LAST! Green grass under my poor little feet, sore of walking on blasted stonesfor so long! Adios, stones! Hellllo, beautiful forest, here I come! ::runs merrily towards the wood::
The others stare at him.
Legolas: I taught him everything he knows.

Salix 10-04-2002 08:43 PM

Legolas: There is the forest of Lothlorien.
Sam: Look Frodo has jellybeans!
*The fellowship dives at Frodo*
Mm, jellybeans. Never underestimate the power of jellybeans.

Eruialiwen 10-06-2002 12:30 PM

LMAO!!!!!!!! Too funny!!!

Aragorn: This is what happens when you try to bury a Balrog.

Hobbits, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir (their eyes wide): Oooooo...

OK very lame, but I can't think of anything! [img]smilies/redface.gif[/img]

Kithrčna Greenarrow Legolas 10-06-2002 12:55 PM

Sam: Wellcome to the Garden I grew wile Frodo was waiting for Gandalf to return!


Legolas: RACE YA THERE! *Runs towards forrest and just as he gets to it, he bumps into one of the cardbord trees and entire set falls on top of him*

PJ: When will these people realize its only a set?...MEDIC!

OK, Lame I know, but what you expect from Me?

Lady_Espel 10-06-2002 01:01 PM

Can we have another picture please? This is to fun to let dry up

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-06-2002 01:46 PM

Kay, new pic...

Diamond18 10-06-2002 02:02 PM

Pippin: "Merry, I'm afraid of heights!"

Merry: "So am I, so are all hobbits...but you're the *smart* hobbit who figured out how to escape from the keep up the good work (snicker) while I rest my feet."

Treebeard: "Hooooooom, now..."

Reyna Evergreen 10-06-2002 02:11 PM

Ooooooooooh! Fun! I think I join in....NOW! just a thought, I put a bit of a "scene" before just to make some sence out of it...

Pippin: Now that was a close escape! Merry?

Merry: X.X

Pippin: *yelling* MERRY! For the love of God, I told you not to eat that Uruk-Hai,s mushroom!

*Merry throws up*
Pippin: What the -?! Ew! Merry! Those AREN'T mushrooms!

Heheh..not incredibly funny...but enough to scare the little kiddies away until Halloween. [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img]

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-06-2002 02:14 PM

Treebeard (thinking): Can't breath, strange little creature holding my nose... perhaps I shall have to be hasty...

Reyna Evergreen 10-06-2002 02:16 PM

*jumps looking over the pic*

Yikes! Didn't notice that was Treebeard....I apologize oh wise one!

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: Reyna Evergreen ]

Nevfeniel 10-06-2002 03:22 PM

Pippin: Merry! The tree's talking to me!
Merry: Oh, it's just you're imagination, Pip.
Treebeard: Oh really? Hoom.
Merry: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *runs away*
Pippin: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *jumps out of tree and joins Merry*
Treebeard: Wait!

[ October 06, 2002: Message edited by: Nevfeniel ]

Kithrčna Greenarrow Legolas 10-06-2002 03:24 PM

Pippin: NICE DOGGY!!!!
Treebeard: DID YOU SAY DOG!!!???

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-06-2002 07:14 PM


.I apologize oh wise one!
Apologize for what?

Zoko Siman 10-06-2002 09:12 PM

Pippin: Guys! it may look like a normal tree on the outside but it's not really! Watch, just break off a peice of the shell and--
Treebeard (in scottish accent): Ouch, ya frekkin' kid! Get off meh! I am not can-day! Cripes!
Fellowship:: *running madly*

...i tried.

Diamond18 10-06-2002 10:20 PM

Pippin: "Oh noooo! It's Old Man Willow all over again!"

Eruialiwen 10-07-2002 11:56 AM


Legolas: RACE YA THERE! *Runs towards forrest and just as he gets to it, he bumps into one of the cardbord trees and entire set falls on top of him*

PJ: When will these people realize its only a set?...MEDIC!
LOL [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

OK, my caption for the new pic...

Treebeard: Ahh...ahhh...ahhhhhh

Pippin: This is no time for sneezin'! *he holds Treebeard's nose*

Treebeard: CHOOOOO!!!!

Pippin: That's all over the mushrooms!

OK that's no good...LOL I tried [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Lady_Espel 10-07-2002 01:22 PM

Ok, major rules have been broken, I'm sorry.

Merry: Come on Pip!
Pippin (To treebeard):I know we haven't known each other very long, but it feels like I've known you all my life. I just feel this connection, you know, tell me you feel it to.
Treebeard (To Pippin): Yes, I love you Pippin.
Sappy music plays, birds chirp, and the light shines down on the happy couple
Merry:Oh for goodness sake.

Lady_Espel 10-07-2002 01:23 PM

I'm sorry, I hang my head in shame.

Zoko Siman 10-07-2002 01:54 PM

Lady_Espel , that sooo by far, is one of them most sick demented things I have heard all day


Your sick humor far surpasses that of mine own! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zoko Siman ]

Diamond18 10-07-2002 03:35 PM

Lady Espel, as Diamond of Long Cleeve aka Mrs. Peregrin Took, I can only say..."How awful, how terribly awful. I think I'll go cry." (boohoohoo).

Elenna 10-07-2002 03:55 PM

So farts really ARE flammable!


You mean THIS is what happens to kids who smoke?

Lady_Espel 10-08-2002 11:59 AM

Omigosh your crying, oh no. I am sooooo sorry, look I just won't post anymore. It always ends up making someone sad.

Elven Mistress 10-08-2002 02:27 PM

Merry: Don't worry, Pip! I'll catch you!
Pippin: Sure ya will! That's what you said last time!!!

And Lady_Espel!!! That was mean! Funny, but mean!!! Hey! And don't stop posting!! [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

Diamond18 10-08-2002 04:21 PM

Lady_Espel, don't worry, I'm over my tears and on to plotting the ruin of Treebeard.

Pippin, after Merry says "Oh for goodness sakes": "Ohmigosh, is that Diamond down there with a chain saw?"

Merry runs away: "I'm staying out of this."

Ooohh, lame.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: Diamond18 ]

Lady_Espel 10-09-2002 11:45 AM

It was not lame, it was funny.

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