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Mithalwen 06-16-2009 11:39 AM

OK ye silent ones I must vote in 5 minutes or be modfired..:S

Mithalwen 06-16-2009 11:43 AM


Boromir88 06-16-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 600215)
OK ye silent ones I must vote in 5 minutes or be modfired..:S

If ye ha'e a tough time with pickin' randomly in the dark, just vote me out. Please, it would spare me 'tis misery.

Edit: well...guess I be too late

Rikae 06-16-2009 11:55 AM

Shasta, that be treacherous talk. Arr, I see no point in double lynchin' anybody until doin' so is likely to give us some really useful information. We double lynch Greenie, and we're either rid o' a cobbler (who can't do much harm now anyway) but don't know anythin', or we have proved Nerwen's innocence, but later in th' game, a double lynch o' th' right person will probably benefit us a lot more. I thought ye were bein' framed by th' aggressors, but now I be havin' second thoughts. Arrr.

Boromir88 06-16-2009 11:58 AM

Arrgree Rikae, an' it really wouldn't prove Nerwen innocent...Greenie said she could be a co-conspie...I jus' think fer today I won't consider lynchin' Nerwen.

Mirandir 06-16-2009 12:31 PM

The rum...the rum is gone? :(

I be lookin' at why Greenie was killed an' hopefully formin' a case against...someone as a result. Be back in a bit.

Inziladun 06-16-2009 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 600186)
Edit: spekkin' of which, this is ridiculous we be half way through the day an' whut 6-7 people ha'e posted? An' two o' them be dead an' can't vote! How the blazes are we s'posed to work in these conditions. If ye can't be here, that be fine, say it...but say somethin' for dread pirates sake! 'Tis be the most silly crew me ha'e been act like war be pullin' teeth to ask that ye come an speak.

For meself, I be havin' t' work t'day fer a boss fouler n' more cruel than our late Cap'n. I be on more a few hours afore the DL.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600187)
What worries me now, tho', are th' reactions t' th' drunk - p'ticklarly Eonwe n' Inziladun's, because o' t' way they latch onto th' idea o' a co-conspirator (ef I be readin' them right) revealin' later - plus, I didn't much like their contributions o' yesterday, either.

Well, I was just opinin' tha' if I were the Spy killed so early on, I'd likely ha' waited a bit afore I told folks about it. T' me it'd carry more weight later on. If yer don't agree, that's yer lookout.


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 600200)
Well, me hearties, I be havin' to vote now.

++Gangrenous Inziladun Jones

It be on'y a main weak suspicion, mark, but he ha' said little an' yet be comin' across summat shifty. I ha' shipped wi' he afore this, an' he be a scurvy dog.

'Tis the best I can be doin' fer now. I be needin' to turn in to me berth, else I'll be too wearied wi' lack o' sleep to take a proper sighting. I'll be a-retractin' later if I be seein' the need.

Yar. Bringin' up me scurvy behaviour from long ago? As I recall, I had a helper or three back then. An I c'n think o' one here meself w' a shady past. ;)
Right now I be tryin' to figure out what be goin' on between Mac n' Nogrod.
Boro I'm thinkin' innocent, as well as Gwath.
Rikae I be on th' fence about.
Th' One-Eyed Nerwen bears some watchin', but I'll not condemn her right now.

Annunfuiniel 06-16-2009 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600219)
Shasta, that be treacherous talk.

Aye, me notions exactly! Try an' state yer reasons better fer double lynching Greenie, Shasta, or ye be makin' me more suspicious o' ye.

Mirandir 06-16-2009 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 599934)
Aye! What d'ye want me t' say? Th' ones that be guilty o' th' murder o' me cap'n oughta walk th' plank 'n' get acquainted with th' sharks!

First post Day 1. Nothing to really analyze here.


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 599972)

Seriously, though, we need t' get serious wi' this if we want t' find th' scum that killed th' cap'n. Th' problem wi' th' likes o' me be that I don't know where t' start th' serious talk. Th' sole thing that comes to me mind is that I don't be likin' th' amount of sailors hidin' in their bunks. Whar be Sally? Izzy? Wilwa? Or me powder monkey -comrade Gwathy?

(Ye love th' word 'arr', don't ye?) Dunno if thar be much we can do about those. 'Tis a bit disturbin' that we don't be knowin' whether or not we made th' righ' person walk th' plank -'n' we won't be knowin' how many mutineers we still have amongst us either.

x-ed wi' th' fashionably late

Names sally, Izzy, Wilwa, and Gwath but without any real reason (that I can see, at least).


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 599978)
Me, o' course. Ye be infected, ye know. No un wants t' kiss an infected un. :Merisu:

Meaningless banter.


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 600005)
D'ye reckon I be frightened? I be no dog, I be th' famous Lil' Green the Staggerin' Drunk, an' ye deserve t' be called Gwathy just fer callin' me dog!

I be uneasy 'bout that ol' Shark Tooth - he seems to be fishin' fer an easy lynch of a potentially dangerous sailor. I be goin' to me bunk soon, an' will snore o'er th' decision time. I ain't sure o' who t' vote, but it'll probably be fer ol' Shasty fer th' thingy I just mentioned - unless there'll be a better un emergin' in a minute.

EDIT: x-ed wi' Noggy

Gets a bad feeling about Shasta for going for the easy lynch.


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 600007)
Crap - I'd have hoped t' find a few opinions afore handin' o'er me vote, but no can do. I be goin' t' sleep away me drunkenness now. G'night! *hiccups*

++ Shark Tooth Shasty

Acts on her suspicions and votes Shasta.

Unfortunately, there's not usually a lot to go on on Day 1. So unless Shasta is actually a wolf and wanted revenge (doubtful), the aggressors were probably going for the traceless kill. Thus, it's doubtful that anyone named in any of Greenie's posts (sally, Izzy, Wilwa, Gwath, Shasta) is an evil one.

A Little Green 06-16-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mira
Names sally, Izzy, Wilwa, and Gwath but without any real reason (that I can see, at least).

Arr, I named those scurvy dogs b'cos I hadn't been a-seein' them during th' Day an' wonder'd whar they might be. Nuthin' more spectacular than that.

Boromir88 06-16-2009 01:49 PM


For meself, I be havin' t' work t'day fer a boss fouler n' more cruel than our late Cap'n. I be on more a few hours afore the DL.~Inziladun
Arr, it not be one person, it more be the collective that ar frustratin'. 'Tis hard enough to not know who we be lynchin' unless we decide to kill 'em twice, but when ye get 1/3 t' 1/2 o' the crew who be more silent than our 2 resident ghosts it gets difficult to do anythin'.

'Tis happens to be an off day fer me, an' I realize others are not unlucky, but is it t' much t' expect one rotten post o' suspects or thoughts about anythin'? I mean two-thirds o' th' day be gone already, an' thar be too many people who just haven't shown up. Day 1 be difficult to know what t' say, but this be getting slightly ridiculous.

Me be almost tempted to 'ote Izzy, as me believe we will lose her by the days end if she not 'ote today?

Now. onto thee McCaber lynchin' yesterday, an' I will be away until 2 hours or so 'fore the DL

Annunfuiniel 06-16-2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 600243)
Me be almost tempted to 'ote Izzy, as me believe we will lose her by the days end if she not 'ote today?

Arrr, may be or nay, we'll see... But fer now I must make a decision fer 't may be yer surgeon won't be 'round durin' th' DL... I must be up an' goin' just after five AM, cursed job!


Reasons (weak, I be knowin') given above earlier, or somewhere thar.

Boromir88 06-16-2009 02:21 PM

McCaber waggun
Made the very first (an' be his only post) of the day yesterday.

Lommy says in 9:

McCaber - awful quick t' lick
And then in 64, calls him slippery.

Why I be curious about 'tis be McCaber as a lynch possibility, just came out o' the blue. No one say nothin' about him, except for Lommy, an' suddenly he winds up dead.

An' Lommy's vote explanation looks over-the top:

I dun like it tha' someun has had a chance to post bu' has only posted banter. Grant'd, tha' goes for a good lot o' people - like Mira, Sally n Shasta - bu' I feel the best voting good ol' Cabbie. Cos you know, Sally gives an innocent feel after all, I dun want t' vote Mira on Day1 again (I think I did it quite recently) n I'm too much o' a coward to enjoy th' sorta a responsible position that'd come wi' castin another vote fer Shasta as me vote is after all a lot o' a shot in th' dark. I hope ye mateseys can make more sense o' this mess in these last hours befer th' nightfall. Me's comfortable wi' a silly safe vote like this - n sorry to make un as I be disaprovin o' those in general, bu' there's really precious lil' t' go on - n goes directly to me bunk. Good night!
What's me suspect about Lommy's reason is she simply says sally feels innocent, an' it feel bad to vote Mira on Day 1, cus she seems to do that a lot. But, she doesn't want the responsibility if Shasta be lynched. Defendin'a fella mutinee Lommy? Arr, but she made clear she warn't be here today, so I guess it feel wrong votin' fer her.

Than suddenly an' fer no clear reason he winds up on Mac's guilty list, in post 80.

More guilty than innocent:

Nogrod - see above
Shasta - don't like his vote
But Mac recants 'ote fer Nogrod, and throws it away fer Nogrod again...hmm, mutinee on mutinee? I know ye an' Nogrod like those types of mind triks.

Inziladun adds on the 2nd vote fer McCaber, but his reasoning looks a bit better than Lommy's. While Lommy goes t' th' extent of explaining why she didn't 'ote fer other people, and defendin' Shasta, Inziladun jus' gives his reasons and that's dreg talk to sift through.

Now Nogrod, does quite a nifty job a' tryin' to look like he be steerin' suspicion away from McCaber, but still offerin' as a lynch possibility, an' of course goes to vote fer him:

McCaber sent the first post of the Day and never returned... Suspicious but maybe even too obvious? Anyway I don't like it.~#84

McCaber is the easy one to pick and possibly a good one to try (he's not too helpful), but is it too easy to have chances of succeeding?~#92
I'm Nogrod..."Oh, are ye sure ye want McCaber, he just looks obvious an' an easy chance. Arr his chance o' bein' a mutinee isn't likely."

Arr then comes the backstab!

I have two, McCaber has and Shasta... The usual suspects that is?

From those I'd pick

++ McCaber

just for being a bad sport (and hopefully an evil person trying to sneak through this Day).~#103
Befo'e Nog's vote Rikae pops in to recant on Inziladun, and 'ote McCaber, that be suspicious as well.

With thar bein' ghosts, and us not knowin' o' th' roles, it wouldn't surprise me to see different mutinee tactics either. It may be easier for mutinees to sa'e eachother, if ye see what I mean. I'm jus' spit-ballin here, but if Shasta be a wolf, th' 'ery set up o' th' game (with ghosts an' what not)...the mutineers may feel safe by sa'ing their own...when under 'normal' circumstances (we find out the role after a lynchin'), it is more beneficial to throw a mate under the ship.

Nogrod 06-16-2009 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600219)
Shasta, that be treacherous talk. Arr, I see no point in double lynchin' anybody until doin' so is likely to give us some really useful information. We double lynch Greenie, and we're either rid o' a cobbler (who can't do much harm now anyway) but don't know anythin', or we have proved Nerwen's innocence, but later in th' game, a double lynch o' th' right person will probably benefit us a lot more.

+ if we learnt Nerwen is an innocent she would be dead the next Night - or probably the next.


I thought ye were bein' framed by th' aggressors, but now I be havin' second thoughts. Arrr.
I said already in the morning that Shasta's joke looked fishy. And this will not help our First Mate look good.

Oh, I see some interesting things posted... Just a minute.

Isabellkya 06-16-2009 02:36 PM

When I saw Greenie`s Spy claim, I instantly thought bluff. Lynchin` th` lass` again would solve th` mystery, but I dasn`t think `t such a wise decision.

I be here an` wadin` through th` Seafarin` hearty speak

Nogrod 06-16-2009 02:52 PM

Now me gunner-matey has finally freaked out! Now some alcohol, from anywhere, he's getting conspirational unless he gets boozed-up...

I mean you really can't pick up a pair of people out from thin air (Shasta and MCCaber in this instance) and say that because x voted for the one s/he was trying to help the other as her/his mate in crime - or that anyone who did not vote for your candidate is a mutineer. Please.

On a second note I must say that I think Lommy's explanation of her vote looked more innocent and believble than Inziladun's, but that probably is a matter of taste.

Of the others I'm at the moment very much inclined to lynch Shasta - if I'd have to vote right now he would be my choice. And if Mac continues with that mal-driven crusade of his I see no sense in, I might differ from my principle which states that I should not try to lynch anyone whom I consider really a valuable aid to our cause when the ranks grow thinner and the stakes get higher - unless there really is a case I can believe in. But Mac has been just impossible this far (and what was that play with the votes there in the end Mac?). I hope he gets to his senses sooner rather than later.

On a third note.

Originally Posted by Boro-guns
It may be easier for mutinees to sa'e eachother, if ye see what I mean. I'm jus' spit-ballin here, but if Shasta be a wolf, th' 'ery set up o' th' game (with ghosts an' what not)...the mutineers may feel safe by sa'ing their own...when under 'normal' circumstances (we find out the role after a lynchin'), it is more beneficial to throw a mate under the ship.

You're absolytely right that the mutineers can easily stick together and even help each other out because no-one's role will be known after they die. But that also means that they don't need to even maintain an image they would have suspected a fellow at some point of the game (to look better later when that one turns out a wolf).

It also means that the wolves can go for a full-frontal attack in the bright daylight against anyone they wish to remove as their treachery will never be found out. They just happened to be a few blokes voting for a certain person that Day.

Not knowing the roles of the dead makes this game so different and totally insane... And it looks like it renders every single Day a kind of Day1. :confused:

wilwarin538 06-16-2009 03:20 PM

k, I'm here and reading, have to read all of yesterDay too so this might take a while...

Nogrod 06-16-2009 03:23 PM

Oh you muddy misbehavin' gangstas, down-lying hidin' cowards and rapscallions! Isn't there pirate enough in you to speak! Oh you landlubbers and tenderfeet!

I'll speak no more until someone but us gunners shows guts to play this.

EDIT: X'd with wilwa... ;) but that was not much I daresay...

Kath 06-16-2009 03:30 PM

I just want to make it clear that this post is in NO way related to Nog's little threat there. In fact I was rather inclined to not post on purpose just to annoy him. :D But no, here I am so I shall post.

Anyway, going to have a look at the votes for McCaber yesterDay because there was a bandwagon that seemed to come from nowhere! Then have a look at what's been going on toDay. Back in a bit.

Kath 06-16-2009 03:53 PM

Our first poster. Said Shasta must be evil because he is first mate.

Mentions of McCaber:
Shasta argues back.
Lommy says McCaber was too quick to cast stones.
Mac says he is wrong so maybe Shasta and McCaber should be lynched.
Lommy says he is slippery - no reason.
Mac puts McCaber in his guilty list - no reason.
Nog has McCaber down as especially suspicious for barely posting. Says he is easy to pick to lynch, maybe too easy.
Boro says it's when McCaber is more active that there is any point to lynching him.
sally too calls McCaber slippery but not sure that he's evil.
Mac says McCaber is an easy pick.

Votes for McCaber:
Lommy - because he has posted but only posted banter. Because she didn't want to vote Mira, sally or Shasta who had done the same thing. This really is a pretty throwaway vote.

Inzil - votes McCaber for having only one post. A thin case indeed.

Rikae - retracts her vote for Inzil to vote McCaber. Says it's to weed the silent ones out and means the wolves have fewer possible trailless kills.

Nog - votes McCaber as a choice between him and Shasta for being a bad sport. Given his earlier, better reasoning against others I'm assuming he actually went for McCaber out of a desire to save his own skin.

So not the most fantastic of reasons there! I understand the desire to weed out the quiet ones, it does get quiet when there are only quiet ones left, and sometimes if they're evil it does help them wander through the game. But I think in times when someone has actually got a fairer case or better suspicions about someone ignoring those just to kill off a quiet person isn't the greatest plan ever. Anyway, from the votes I'd say Nog is ok. I think he realised voting McCaber was the only way to save himself. Doesn't mean he isn't a wolf trying to save himself but this early in the game I'm pretty sure an innocent Nog would think himself more worth saving. Rikae I think was trying to make her vote count a bit more, as no one else seemed inclined to go for Inzil. Lommy could be suspicious. An early throwaway vote that ended up getting leapt on later, something she probably didn't expect.

Off to look at toDay now.

Oh yeah, and I just had to mention because it made me laugh so much:

It don't matter much whether he be sound or rotten, he surely wears his Captain Obvious hat and sails in his Captain Obvious ship.
From Shasta about Eonwe ... sorry Eonwe, but it was funny. :D

Shastanis Althreduin 06-16-2009 03:54 PM

Yawn. I'm not going to bother piratifying this post; if you three (Rikae, Annun, Nogrod) want to lynch me for asking a question and making a joke than for any real reason, feel free. You'll notice I didn't advocate lynching Greenie, I asked for what people thought were the pros and cons. Don't twist my words.

wilwarin538 06-16-2009 03:57 PM

Ok, so firstly I have to say that this pirate talk is totally confusing me, I don't know why I'm having such a hard time but I can barely understand anything anyone is saying, it's why I pretty much gave up trying to read everything yesterDay (plus I was practically already asleep) and just voted random. So yeah, if I misunderstand what's happening or just totally miss something completely, that is why. :rolleyes:

So I am inclined to believe Greenie, and therefore trust Nerwen (though she could still be a cobbler right?). But it could help us to kill her a second time cause then we'd either see she is the spy and have a known innocent in Nerwen, or see that she is a cobbler and get rid of a baddie who's oppinion can't sway us negatively any longer. But it may also be a good idea to keep that as an option for when we're more desperate for information. I'd be good with either option, I'd go with whatever the majority decides, which by looks of it is choice B for now.

So I'll be around randomly for the next few hours or so, my vote will be approximately 4 hours before deadline, since DL for me is midnight. It will be more thought out I hope toDay. ;)

x'posted with Kath and Shasta

Eönwë 06-16-2009 04:16 PM

Reading through the thread...


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 600161)
At the moment I don't think it matters much what we think or believe about her alignment, but it may become an issue later...

Tis be true... thar may be a possiblity that she be one of 'em co-conspirators, but she still only be knowin' as much as we do.

edit: Ah! 'Twas sed by Noggie jus' after al'redy

satansaloser2005 06-16-2009 04:31 PM

To the end of page four with ye all!
I be getting to page five later, me hearties.

So th' little green drunk be dead, she be. I says there be several thing she could be aiming for with her reveal whatsit, but not all of them be safe to be saying in front of ye mutinous dogs. She be dead, and she ain't be giving real bearings on crewmember's allegiences yet, so let's be leaving her alone.

The puffy shirt one, she be missing a big post, and she be sad about it. Poor matey, let's all give her a moment of silence. (Or a moment with Silas, the other cabin boy, if ye be the drunken Green or if Nerwen's going deaf as well as blind.) Ye-Not-Really-Ol'-but-I-can't-resist-th'-title-Mith be not talking in our piratey tongue, but that's no reason to be cutting out hers. Still be a lot of banter in this here ship, methinks.

There be a vote for the high-pitched one, and I don't see much point in followin it.

I still think we should hook up un o' them shiny musical devices and listen to some Sinatra. (And because I know not everyone will pick up on my silliness, I'm referring to the song Mack the Knife, which opens with the lines "Oh the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear....")

All in all, be a lot of trouble if ye little hiccuping one be telling th' truth, but we got bigger Kraken (pronounced crackin', ye landlubbers) to fry right now.

Page five ahoy!

Rikae 06-16-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 600258)
Yawn. I'm not going to bother piratifying this post; if you three (Rikae, Annun, Nogrod) want to lynch me for asking a question and making a joke than for any real reason, feel free. You'll notice I didn't advocate lynching Greenie, I asked for what people thought were the pros and cons. Don't twist my words.

I'll take ye up on that, matey.


This "don't twist my words" just seals th' deal. After all, askin' fer th' "pros and cons" when the crew were already agreed not t' lynch her now looks even worse than advocatin' lynchin' her straightforward-like would: puts th' idea out there w'out gettin' yer hands dirty, ye scalliwag.

Eönwë 06-16-2009 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 600165)
#60. (To Cowerin' Gwath Slasher– he were a-threatenin' of her fer callin' him a powder-monkey, which he be, the lubber!)

'Twas fer callin' 'im Gwathy I believe. Sez so in t'quote ye give.

Jus' sayin'...


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600187)
What worries me now, tho', are th' reactions t' th' drunk - p'ticklarly Eonwe n' Inziladun's, because o' t' way they latch onto th' idea o' a co-conspirator (ef I be readin' them right) revealin' later

What that be meanin'? I sed was 'tat if she be not th' real spy then th' real spy probly not be revealin' so early, so we'll 'ave t' make sho' tha' we don' trust Greenie too much. We'll may 'ave t' accept 'er as th' spy (if there be no counter-claims), but what i'm sayin' is not to place all yer trust in 'er, as she may be a-lyin'.

An' latch on? I was th' first 'un to say th't she may not be th' spy.


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 600183)
We know Greenie's be 'acked by the mutineers, which mean she most likely be good, an' even if she be a co-conspier'ator, it would be no use in lynchin' her at 'tis point when no one else has said they be the spy. I say we trus' her, which means fer now I also trust Nerwen...I s'pose 'tis possible she be a co-conspie, but thar be no reason to doubt Greenie, at 'tis point, an' thus Nerwen too is not a mutineer. Nerwen's status could change, dependin' on Greenie's role, an' other behaviors, but fer now...if ye trus' Greenie, I be trustin' Nerwen. Thar be no sense in lynchin' either o' them today.

How does tha' work? Greenie sed she ha' no dream. So that be a-helpin' Nerwen's case?

Kath 06-16-2009 04:49 PM


McCaber - says he is innocent and that he thinks Greenie is likely to be.

Shasta - says he killed Greenie. Could be a joke, could be a Fea-like reveal! I would be more inclined to think it a joke. Not sure Shasta plays that boldly. Asks about the pros and cons of lynching Greenie. Defends himself.

Nerwen - says Greenie's death could have been to try and set up Shasta or that he might be a wolf and it's a double bluff. The latter seems less likely given Shasta's 'confession'. Also pokes Rikae for an explanation. Says would be interesting to know whether the wolves would have known that Greenie couldn't dream Night 1, turns out it was in the rules so they would have known, which again to me makes him look more innocent. Says she thinks Mac is on the wrong track with Nog. Says to Mith that Nog hasn't actually mentioned her since yesterDay - if this is true it is a little odd but then Mith is playing catch up. Defends Greenie a bit, agrees that Eonwe and Inzil look suspicious. Votes Inzil for being a bit shifty.

Greenie - informs us that she is the spy. I must say I'm inclined to believe her. There would seem no point in lying. Unless she's the Cobbler and wants to trip up the real spy very early on ... but even then one lynch later in the game if someone else reveals tells us the truth, we simply lynch Greenie at that point. Says she spied Nerwen but isn't sure of her role.

Eonwe - I'm slightly confused. Seems to say that if Greenie is not the spy then the real one won't reveal so we should take what Greenie says with a pinch of salt ... but then says the wolves were either very lucky or good. Just sort of seems to go against his own point.

Nog - thinks the wolves just got lucky since the spy not having a Night 1 dream was in the rules but wonders about just how lucky they got. Says he smells a rat ... about how the wolves got the spy or whether they actually got the spy I'm not sure. Says Shasta seemed to be taking defensive measures very early on. Interesting, but I think that was more roleplay than pre-defense. Says it doesn't matter what Greenie is yet, which I agree with and said earlier I think. Suspicion of Shasta. Says he'll vote Shasta for earlier reasons or Mac for being 'impossible'.

Inzil - thinks Greenie is definitely not evil, but that if she were the spy she should have held on to the info for later use. Defends himself against Rikae.

Mac - thinks its worth believing Greenie. Says he'll have a look at Nog. Fair enough.

Mith - wonders why Nog is suspecting her and says he's on the wrong track. Says no to double lynching Greenie. Votes Nog ... I assume because he never answered her about why he thought her suspicious.

Boro - says McCaber is likely innocent and that Greenie is likely good, thus Nerwen is likely good. Again I agree. Says Nog, Shasta and Gwath are suspicious and that he'll say why later. Says there's no point in finding out Greenie's role yet, I agree. Says he has some suspicion of Gwath because his vote for wilwa was a throwaway one so late in the Day. Asks to be voted for ... in joke? Says he's tempted to vote Izzy as if she's a no show she's dead anyway. Has a look at McCaber votes, notices similar things to me ... interesting thoughts about wolf plans.

Gwath - says Greenie's role doesn't matter right now. But agrees with Rikae that people have accepted her reveal too readily. Explains rubbish reasons for voting wilwa.

Rikae - is suspicious of Greenie. Thinks Eonwe and Inzil are suspicious for their reactions to Greenie's reveal (I think) and also for how Eonwe reacted to her hunter mention. I must admit I didn't really notice his reaction, what happened there? Says Nerwen looks a bit suspicious for 'stirring the pot' over Mac's confession. Interesting idea. Says Shasta thinking about a double lynch is treacherous. I don't know, I think it's a good idea to talk things through, and he didn't advocate it, he asked for pros and cons.

Annu - says Nerwen and sally look good to her (is Annu a her?). Agrees with Rikae about Shasta, but I think has got the wrong end of the stick there. He didn't actually advocate lynching Greenie, he just asked for opinions about it. Votes Shasta - bad reasoning in my view.

Mira - says Greenie was a safe kill so it's unlikely that sally, Izzy, wilwa, Gwath and Shasta are evil as Greenie mentioned them.

Izzy - ah she is here. Thought Greenie's spy claim was suspicious but thinks double lynching her a bad idea.

wilwa - believes Greenie and thus Nerwen innocent. Thinks double lynching could be good, could be bad.

And that's all folks. So let's see:

Boro - I actually agree with a lot of what he's said.
Inzil - last game I was convinced he was evil and I was right, this game I haven't become that sure.
Nog - he's on his anti-quiet crusade again. It makes him abrasive but no more likely to be guilty.
Shasta - almost more because of the way people have attacked him without great reason than for what he himself has said.
Nerwen - as I'm believing Greenie right now.

No idea:
wilwa - just not enough from her to have any idea.
Izzy - same as above.
Mira - and again.
Mith - not enough.
Mac - in here til he explains his Nog stuff.

Not so innocent:
Annu - I think the way that she jumped on to the suspicion of Shasta was odd. If you actually read his post he doesn't say 'let's lynch Greenie' which is what she says he said. It just seems like she grabbed on to Rikae's suspicion and ran with it.
Rikae - for seemingly twisting Shasta's words there.
Gwath - for really bad voting reasons yesterDay, a throwaway vote when he could have had a deciding one.
Eonwe - weird explanation earlier.

I'm going to vote:


For reasons above.

Eönwë 06-16-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 600151)
Nope. Night 2 was me first spyin' an' those maggots went an' killed me.

There. She had no dreams. The end. Stop saying that Nerwen is a "proven" innocent, people.

I find all o' ye that latched onto it suspicious...

Rikae 06-16-2009 04:52 PM

Ok, Eon, I see ye were sayin' th' opposite o' what I thought. But now I have a question -

Originally Posted by Eonwe
I sed was 'tat if she be not th' real spy then th' real spy probly not be revealin' so early, so we'll 'ave t' make sho' tha' we don' trust Greenie too much.

Why wouldn't th' real spy reveal right away? She'd be dead, so what would she have t' lose, savvy?

wilwarin538 06-16-2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Eönwë (Post 600276)
There. She had no dreams. The end. Stop saying that Nerwen is a "proven" innocent, people.

I find all o' ye that latched onto it suspicious...

No, she had a dream Night 2, even though she was killed she was still given a dream. She even said it at the bottom of page 4 that she dreamt Nerwen and was told she was innocent. So, yeah...

Shastanis Althreduin 06-16-2009 04:58 PM

An' he keeps 'em pearly white, Mac.

X'd with... rather a lot.

Rikae 06-16-2009 05:00 PM

Kath, go back an' look at what I say in me vote post. I think what Shasta did was worse than "advocating a double lynch". I ne'er said he did, so whose words 'r bein' a-twisted now, eh?

Eonwe, Green did claim that she dreamed o' Nerwen an' found her not an aggressor.

EDIT: X'd w' Wilwa n' Shasta

Shastanis Althreduin 06-16-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600273)
I'll take ye up on that, matey.


This "don't twist my words" just seals th' deal. After all, askin' fer th' "pros and cons" when the crew were already agreed not t' lynch her now looks even worse than advocatin' lynchin' her straightforward-like would: puts th' idea out there w'out gettin' yer hands dirty, ye scalliwag.

Really? Point out to me, would you, where "the crew agreed not to lynch her". Someone forged my name, or something, because last I checked, I'm a part of the crew and I agreed to no such thing.

Rikae 06-16-2009 05:03 PM

Eonwe's mistake makes 'im look a little more innocent t' me.

Shastanis Althreduin 06-16-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae
Kath, go back an' look at what I say in me vote post. I think what Shasta did was worse than "advocating a double lynch". I ne'er said he did, so whose words 'r bein' a-twisted now, eh?



Originally Posted by Rikae
Shasta, that be treacherous talk. Arr, I see no point in double lynchin' anybody until doin' so is likely to give us some really useful information. We double lynch Greenie, and we're either rid o' a cobbler (who can't do much harm now anyway) but don't know anythin', or we have proved Nerwen's innocence, but later in th' game, a double lynch o' th' right person will probably benefit us a lot more. I thought ye were bein' framed by th' aggressors, but now I be havin' second thoughts. Arrr.

You wouldn't have been suspicious of me if you didn't think I was advocating a second lynch of Greenie, now would you? I'm thinking accusing Kath of twisting your words when she in fact did not makes you look worse.

Rikae 06-16-2009 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 600283)
Really? Point out to me, would you, where "the crew agreed not to lynch her". Someone forged my name, or something, because last I checked, I'm a part of the crew and I agreed to no such thing.

Th' rest o' th' crew, if you prefer. No one else was considerin' it, but you asked fer th' pros n' cons as if there were a debate 'goin. Nah, I think you just slipped up an' yer only talkin' yer neck into a noose now...

Eönwë 06-16-2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600277)
Why wouldn't th' real spy reveal right away? She'd be dead, so what would she have t' lose, savvy?

Because they'd want time to get more dreams.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 600282)
KathEonwe, Green did claim that she dreamed o' Nerwen an' found her not an aggressor.

Ok yes. I'm sorry about that. I misread her posts.


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 600275)
Eonwe - I'm slightly confused. Seems to say that if Greenie is not the spy then the real one won't reveal so we should take what Greenie says with a pinch of salt ... but then says the wolves were either very lucky or good. Just sort of seems to go against his own point.

The second part is only applicable if she really was the spy.

edit: fixed first quote

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-16-2009 05:06 PM

Yar! in true sea-dog style, I've been tearing the skin,
while idling by, off my ol' vi-o-lin
and emptying bottles of the 40% gold

And in such time as this proudman should
be of a collapsing, here on this island of wood,
My song renders your bones cold

A wailing! And yet more wailing! And thus!
In fear and loathing, shipmates scramble and cuss,
and their minds to Davy are sold -

And now!

Black comes the night, decay and death;
A poor acquaintance shall lose the breath
when his book is bound to fold.

Mirandir! Mirandir! Your scheming redundant
Your actions are a show, simple, transparent,
Green's death had no secrets to behold.

An honest appraisal? Clearly, nay!
Despicable showmanship? Verily, aye!
Your act is seen! The style is old.


Rum is pointless. There's so little time allotted to us and so much whisky to enjoy.

Rikae 06-16-2009 05:08 PM

Ok, one last time:

I thought ye were doin' jus' as I said, Shasta: pushin' th' double lynch (which would be a wasted lynch now) while tryin' t' look neutral.

An' I were accusin' you, not Kath, o' twistin' my words. Or you an' Kath t'gether, as it were.

Rikae 06-16-2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Eönwë (Post 600288)
Because they'd want time to get more dreams.

Methinks dead seers don't dream.

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