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Rune Son of Bjarne 02-09-2008 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 546588)
Aching. 2 full hours of dance practise including going over motions always leaves me with a sore back, and doing about 6 hours of walking today didn't help!

I can relate to that. . . .I always walk alot and then I went for my first run in months, the days following was full of aching.

Manwathiel 02-09-2008 08:11 AM

He may already be in there but...
I'd like to put Piers Morgon in Mordor!

Nerwen 02-09-2008 08:39 AM

My brother's cat. If there was ever a being of pure evil, it's that one.

Aganzir 02-09-2008 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 546620)
My brother's cat. If there was ever a being of pure evil, it's that one.

Surely he doesn't happen to be a Siamese cat? ;)

Volo 02-10-2008 04:27 PM

Countinuiously losing your propelling pencils. I have lost more than five during this year and they're not too cheap either. I haven't got the slightest clue to where I might have lost the most recent pencil, obviously I lost it today. But where, and why?

And also being so used to propelling pencils that I can't use a basic pencil withought getting annoyed.

Nerwen 02-13-2008 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 546625)
Surely he doesn't happen to be a Siamese cat? ;)

No, she's a white cat– but I (seriously) think she has Siamese ancestry.:D

littlemanpoet 02-13-2008 05:00 AM

For Fëanor of the Peredhil:

The USPS, for not delivering a package on time, then failure to notify that it had actually arrived, then losing it once she found out. :rolleyes: Duly assigned.

Aganzir 02-18-2008 02:10 PM

The climatic change. January was 4 degrees (celsius) warmer than average this year, and there has been practically no snow at all. And I have been thinking that the last few winters were somewhat warm! I want the proper winter back. :(

Another thing that Mordor needs is my friend's dog of which I promised to take care while my friend is on a trip. Even though she barks and whines all the time, plays with annoying squeaking toys, wants to go out in the middle of the night and constantly teases my own dog, I guess I'd manage with it.
But - it seemingly didn't matter to my friend that she has inflammation of the eye at the moment, and it's so very very nice to notice she has infected my dog now. That means I must take my dog to the vet's tomorrow (which isn't cheap either), and therefore I won't probably have time to see a friend I haven't seen in ages.
Needless to say, I'm pretty, ah, annoyed. I guess I should be angry with the friend rather than the dog, who is sleeping on my bed and looking cute, though.

Mithalwen 02-18-2008 02:22 PM

Parcels that cost very nearly as much to send as the contents did to buy.
Being so full of static electricity that not only do you shock yourself on every metal surface but your key sparks when you go to lock your car!!! ~I haven't had a static problem for years - since the nasty nylon carpet at work has been a constant for a few months now I can only assume it is related to having washed my hair twice yesterday and using a this special hair masque to stop the chlorine at the swimming pool turning my hair green...

Rikae 02-18-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 547909)
Parcels that cost very nearly as much to send as the contents did to buy.

Oooh, seconded. Or worse, Fed-Ex that charges $37 to mail a $5 card, if you don't want it to take two weeks... :mad:

MatthewM 02-18-2008 05:00 PM

Random fools who flip you off while stopped at a red light for no reason.

McCaber 02-18-2008 06:54 PM

The sidewalks I had to use to get to class. Maybe the inch thick sheet of ice will melt in Mordor.

Thinlómien 02-19-2008 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir
The climatic change. January was 4 degrees (celsius) warmer than average this year, and there has been practically no snow at all. And I have been thinking that the last few winters were somewhat warm! I want the proper winter back.


I could also assign disturbing nightmares. I dreamed about a huge red goldfish that was dying and I tried to save it, but I couldn't and it was a rather disgustingly detailed dream. Then, I woke up and for a fraction of a second the red rose pattern in my sheets looked a bit too much like a dead goldfish. It was rather unpleasant.

Legate of Amon Lanc 02-19-2008 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 547962)

Thirded, thirded.

This is no winter. There was some more complex cover of snow that remained on the ground for no more than two or three days this year.

Wow... this is the first time I assign something to Mordor. This one deserves it, though.


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 547934)
The sidewalks I had to use to get to class. Maybe the inch thick sheet of ice will melt in Mordor.

And this is simply unfair. We should make a change-trade with some people around here.

Rikae 02-19-2008 08:28 AM

Fourthed (?) on climate change. You used to never see the ground between November and March around here, but now, half the time, there's no snow at all. I think my kids will never see a proper winter -- I wonder if I'll ever have another chance to build a snowman with them or take them sledding.

Finduilas 02-19-2008 08:59 AM

but didn't you get a ton of snow last year? Am I right in thinking your are in New York? I thought they got buried...

Azaelia of Willowbottom 02-19-2008 09:41 AM

I'll fifth the climate change. There's no snow at all, and yesterday it was up towards 60 degrees out. This is New England! That's not normal!

I went skiing last weekend, and the conditions were terrible--they'd clearly tried to put down a layer of powder, but because of the temperature and the recent rain, it was really rough going and even icy in patches, unfortunately. *grumble* I miss real winter.

Rikae 02-19-2008 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Finduilas (Post 547983)
but didn't you get a ton of snow last year? Am I right in thinking your are in New York? I thought they got buried...

We got one proper snowstorm (school cancelled, etc.) Just one! That is very wrong.

McCaber 02-19-2008 12:07 PM

Just to spite you I feel like assigning the 75+ inches of snowfall my city's gotten this winter, but I like it too much.

So I'll just assign chem labs instead. You'd think they would be significantly more awesome than they turn out to be.

Macalaure 02-19-2008 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 547967)
This is no winter. There was some more complex cover of snow that remained on the ground for no more than two or three days this year.

Be glad that you had any snow that remained at all. A few flakes over here, none that would have survived on the ground. :(
And what's worse: it's already been the same last year!

Maybe we should assign the climate to Forodwaith? If that doesn't help....


And this is simply unfair. We should make a change-trade with some people around here.
I already asked Rikae whether she would be willing to send me some of her snow, but she refused. :rolleyes:

Rikae 02-19-2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 548005)
I already asked Rikae whether she would be willing to send me some of her snow, but she refused. :rolleyes:

Like I said, we can't spare any! :eek:

Kath 02-19-2008 05:39 PM

I love that fact that you're used to having any snow at all! I live in England, so much as a few flakes is a cause for a snow day. :rolleyes:

But I assign myself for being just so tactless this evening. I went out with my friends for a birthday dinner and they gave me a present which was this gorgeous cami top from a catalogue I like. Unfortunately I already had it, but rather than tell a small white lie and just say thank you I told them I already had it. I really could kick myself sometimes. They were so disappointed and I really didn't need to tell them! There's no way that they would have known I already had if I hadn't said and I just so, so wish I hadn't but there's no way to change it now. I'm so cross with myself.

Mithalwen 02-20-2008 12:53 PM

We used to have snow.... I remember my Dad struggled in to work one snowy day and arrived just in time to hear his boss (who lived in the same village) phoning in to say that the roads were impassable and it would be impossible for him to get in only to get the response "well Colin (my dad) has just got in...". Boss arrived about an hour later......

Any way I assign panic attacks ..... haven't had one for years and my stress levels must have just tipped .. only mild but not fun....:(

MatthewM 02-20-2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 547992)
We got one proper snowstorm (school cancelled, etc.) Just one! That is very wrong.

Indeed. I am in New York, Long Island in specific, and we have had little to no snowfall, and it didn't stick when it fell. Mordor indeed.

Rikae 02-24-2008 08:29 AM

WWII (the war, not the werewolf game) and its unfailing ability to take over conversations. :rolleyes:

(Not that it wouldn't belong in Mordor anyway.)

Kath 02-24-2008 09:47 AM


WWII (the war, not the werewolf game)
I suspect that part of the sentence belongs in the Addicted thread, just for the fact that you have to clarify it. :D

But I will assign housemates who don't wash up. I'm not a clean freak, I leave my washing up on occasion too, especially if I've eaten just before I go to bed. But I do not leave it for a full week and then fail to claim responsibility for it.

Brinniel 02-25-2008 06:26 PM

What's with all the people complaining about warm weather? I've been touring Europe for a month now and I feel quite lucky that I haven't encountered any bad weather except for when I'm back on campus taking classes. People kept telling me Europe is constantly cold and wet during this time of year, but lately it's been warm and sunny. I'm definitely going to appreciate this unusual weather while it lasts. :)

On a completely different note...

I assign having your entire time in Paris ruined because some jerk swiped your digital camera on the very last day in a restaurant. :mad: Over the last ten days, I took about 300 pictures in London, Liverpool, Ireland, and Paris. Cameras are replacable (though expensive), but my photos will never be. :(

Also, I assign getting a blood blister the size of a penny on your heel so that it makes it difficult to walk properly...

Mithalwen 02-27-2008 03:39 PM

Losing your bank card. THis wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't already left it at teh supermarket on Thursday and couldn't retrieve it until Saturday (needed my passport which I didn't have on me when I discovered the loss... funnily enough since ... since Iwas only going to work). This time I didn't know where I had left/ dropped it so had to cancel which involved a long call with someone with a funky accent in an offshore call centre. And of course the only place I could thinkI had left it was a petrol station in a tiny hamlet in the forest poised on the county boundary and a bit of a grey area as to which Post town it belonged to... I can't believe I was so careless so soon after losing it and getting it back... :(

Lalwendë 02-28-2008 11:43 AM

Pathetic injuries which hurt more than they should. Like paper cuts and stubbing your toe. There's a new one I have had the misfortune to discover when I was trying to get the lid off a pot of cheese spread the other day. I ran my thumb under it and there was some foil sticking out and now I have a nice deep cut in the top of my thumb, rendering it useless and which keeps splitting open again and ruddy well stings! :mad:

I also assign rubbish TV scheduling. Who in their right mind schedules a documentary about fantasy when Torchwood is also on at the same time?!

And I assign bad losers. Namely the grown men who went up our road after United lost - yelling, effing and jeffing and stupidly, throwing things like bins and chairs into the middle of the road where they would have caused car accidents if I hadn't gone out to move them.

Mithalwen 02-29-2008 03:57 PM

Myself for being so miserable, grumpy and depressed that I am annoying myself. Oh and being made to feel that four months hard slog was a complete waste of time just at the moment when I should have got the sense of achievement.

THE Ka 02-29-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lal
Who in their right mind schedules a documentary about fantasy when Torchwood is also on at the same time?!

That I can agree with! I came across Torchwood awhile ago and now I try to watch it as much as I can (which isn't much, I never have time for the tele, but still...).
I had a similar conflict with Torchwood being on at the same time as a documentary on Serbia's Balkan brass festival in Guca, I couldn't decide which one to record but I ended up recording Guca because I doubted it would ever be shown again and I could not miss Boban Markovic.

I assign to Mordor having to handle people who have trouble distinguishing between power lust and a simple request, and I being too polite to them.

... Which puts them on edge and then they make things even more difficult.
All I needed was a transcript, not your soul, or job... :(

Sometimes I wonder if age really has anything to do with maturity, or admitting that you're having a bad day.

Also what can go to Mordor is the random bout of rain after two weeks of lovely clear skies and sun. Then again, I guess I ask for it when I live in a "rainbelt"...:rolleyes:

~ Ka

Rikae 03-09-2008 07:41 AM


THE Ka 03-11-2008 02:43 PM

Having a nastry flu virus incubate in your body for nearly two weeks, then deciding to set up camp and throw a party in your stomach, nose, joints, and head on your workday...:mad:
I hate being ill, not only is it boring, but you always have an avalanche of work to do afterwards. Plus, finals are coming up.

~ Ill and snarky Ka

Kath 03-11-2008 02:47 PM

Being sore ... again ... I am not a fan of back basing.

A Little Green 03-11-2008 03:00 PM

Doing too many courses at the same time, leading to a situation where your days at school are long and tiresome (I don't mean boring - it's interesting really, it's just tiring) enough to make you think you have "earned" an evening of lazing around or else are just too plain tired to do anything, which leads to never doing your homework which leads to the days being more tiresome since it's harder to catch up if you haven't worked in the evening at all... :rolleyes:


I should have done something like a million things today but ended up doing only one.

Meaning more work tomorrow, meaning more work the day after tomorrow, meaning eventually more work for the weekend, which is in practise more work left undone, which ends up as more work for the exam week.

And no, I'm not stressed.


Mithalwen 03-20-2008 03:25 PM

Failing to do anything much constructive in you long awaited time off because you have develkoped and unhealthy fascination for programmes featuring Kristian Digby ..... I need help..really

Eönwë 03-22-2008 10:08 AM


McCaber 03-22-2008 10:50 AM

I'll assign the over a foot of snow we just got on the first days of spring. But it does make up for all the lame years we've had in the recent past.

Finduilas 03-22-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by McCaber (Post 550957)
I'll assign the over a foot of snow we just got on the first days of spring. But it does make up for all the lame years we've had in the recent past.

Hm. We got nine inches of rain instead.

Mithalwen 03-22-2008 12:21 PM

Easter being colder than Christmas is weird (given that I am in a temperate region of the Norther Hemisphere) - even I am boring of my habitual black and long to wear pretty flimsier fabrics ... lighter shoes ..and I have a porch full of bedding plants that will freeze to death (as will I) if I try to plant them.

But mainly just now I would like to assign new, high-tech non stick cake tins that stick like billy-oh.
If anyone has a better idea for a fragmented lemon drizzle cake than a citrusy trifle could you PM me ASAP...:rolleyes:

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