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Daniel Telcontar 01-21-2004 11:17 AM

A small question from me: are Khalad and Melost currently outside the farmhouse now, with the rest of them inside? That seems to be the case, though I am unsure if the outlaws would really leave these two alone outside while doing some plundering inside.
So what are the positions of these two?

Durelin 01-21-2004 04:51 PM

Woopsies! Cleared.

Hmmmm...I guess Khalad would have stuck with Melost, and, as Cuthalion pointed out to me in a PM, Melost would not have gone along with it...and there really isn't any way the outlaws could force him to. But if someone stays with Khalad and Melost to watch them, that leaves only three to take care of things. I think we might have to trust Khalad and the elf! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Now I'm not so sure my post makes any sense at all...

Daniel Telcontar 01-22-2004 11:58 AM

I understand what you mean, Durelin. We will see what happens from this. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Maikadilwen 01-22-2004 11:44 PM

Aylwen, Durelin, please check your PM's!

OK, people, we have some problems we need to work out. Durelin and I had worked out some changes for her post to fit in with some already planned stuff, but before she could edit, Aylwen posted (Not your fault, Aylwen, you couldn't know).
I know, I know. I could've been here, I could've posted.

Anyway, to avoid further confusion, I call for a halt for outlaw posts until this has been solved. Feel free to post anything not concerning the outlaws (within the game's storyline, of course! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ).

Amanaduial the archer 01-23-2004 12:28 PM

Can I ask what we're doing with Arthain, Dorlas, Thelian, Gil-Galad, Isildur and the army in general then? I'm not really sure what we're meant to be doing on that side..

Durelin 01-24-2004 08:31 PM

Okay! My edit is up!!

Sorry again, everyone. No more will I jump the gun.

Aylwen Dreamsong 01-25-2004 10:56 AM

My edit for Jaheira and the bandits is up, with Maika's consent. Also, I second Aman's question about the 'good' guys! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


<font size=1 color=339966>[ 5:22 PM January 25, 2004: Message edited by: Aylwen Dreamsong ]

Maikadilwen 01-25-2004 12:19 PM

Ladies, you have both done a great job. Now I only hope I'll be able to match that.

Concerning your question(s) I can only say, I have no idea! Not my area! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 2:33 AM January 29, 2004: Message edited by: Maikadilwen ]

Maikadilwen 01-29-2004 01:35 AM

Aman, please check your PM's.

Durelin 01-29-2004 06:30 PM

EDIT: I'm back!

Maikadilwen 02-25-2004 08:31 AM

Just wanted to let you know that I am working on a post. I just have a lot of extra work at the moment so it takes some time. But I haven't forgotten or abandoned you guys!:D

Cuthalion 03-12-2004 10:01 AM

I've posted..and I'm taking Melost in a new direction. Hopefully Khalad will be able to convince Vlad of the error of his ways and at least he and Khalad will follow Melost as he tries to join the Elven host.

VanimaEdhel 03-12-2004 04:01 PM

I'm off to see the wizard...
...the wonderful wizard of Z's. Well, Spring Break has come upon me, so I am off on vacation tomorrow morning. Perhaps I'll actually sleep for a change.

I apologize for my lack of "being here"-ness recently. I also regret to say that after my vacation, my attendance will not improve. Besides college visits the second week of break, my new play will be moving into full swing. Luckily, at this point Menelya could very well disappear for at least a time, since her role is not the most important thing at this stage of the story. If you want to use her at all, go right ahead. *Quietly exits the room*

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-13-2004 01:56 PM


There goes half the team of bandits! :eek:

Jaheira will have something to say to this, and I'll post today sometime.


P.S. Aman, dear, you mistook the outlaw Jaheira for an easterling named Jerika in your posts. :) Jerika is long gone, though I take part of the blame for making so many of my characters have J names!

Durelin 03-13-2004 09:34 PM

Jerika... Now that brings back memories. :D

This quite a surprising twist. Snyd will not know how to handle this one. I tried to make that very clear in my post, and so...perhaps it was not entirely clear itself...

So how will Vlad, Jaheira, and Snyd now make it to Lorien? Is Vlad going to have a delayed change of heart?

Oh dear...Snyd's going to die of confusion... I might too.

Snyd does not like these plot twists!



Maikadilwen 03-13-2004 11:25 PM


Snyd does not like these plot twists!
Neither do I... *sigh*

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-14-2004 07:19 AM


Jerika... Now that brings back memories.
Aye, that it does...:)


Snyd does not like these plot twists!

Neither do I... *sigh*
So...what does this mean? Are we going to call for a mass editing spree or are we going to try and make it work somehow? Where were the bandits supposed to be in the end anyway, or was it just a "figure-it-out-as-we-go-along" kind of thing? Because I wasn't really sure so I didn't do anything in my post but have Jaheira look confuzzled.


Amanaduial the archer 03-14-2004 03:44 PM

And confuzzled is not something that comes easily to Jer- sorry, Jaheira ;) And the references are now edited, Aylwen :)

Although the emphasis is now nicely on the outlaws and this RPG has come back from being dormant (hooray!), can I just ask...what are the soldiers supposed to be doing at this time? I am a little confused as to the status of play with Arthain and Ananwelme, as with Arthain and Gil-galad...

Cuthalion 03-14-2004 06:45 PM

The armies are nearing atate of readiness...Arthain is now with the Elven army, having been barred from his own. Whatever is going on with Anwen is between the two of you.

The splitting of the outlaws was never my intent...but there it is. Those who are following Melost will be following him to certain death, for he has no intention of surviving. Those who follow Vlad must consult with Maika.

Amanaduial the archer 03-16-2004 12:23 PM

Nice post there, Cuthalion :)

Durelin 03-20-2004 10:34 AM


I understand what you mean, Durelin. We will see what happens from this.
Hmmmm...And now I understand what you mean, Daniel. :)

Cuthalion 03-20-2004 11:18 AM

OK, people...time out!

We all need to get on the same page here. To that end, let's take a step back at look at the situation as it stands...

Discounting the characters with the armies, we are now two parties, one under Vlad, one under Melost. Here's what still needs to happen:

1. Melost is still out to kill Arthain, though he will not succeed. he will come close, then realise that he love he bears for his friend won't allow him to and they reconcile.

2. Vanima...please PM Maika.

3. Both Melost and Arthain will die...Melost first. I had originally intended for Vlad to take the news of their deaths to Anwen...but am not sure if that's still happening now.

I need to hear from ALL of you about how to finish this out. All questions and comments are welcome. My thanks!

Amanaduial the archer 03-20-2004 12:55 PM

Cuthalion, you said you originally wanted Vlad to carry the news of the deaths to Anwen: wouldn't this still work if Vlad was to change his mind by some 'awakening of his warrior's soul' ;) and follow Melost? This would involve a fairly explosive arguement with Jaheira though...

Bęthberry 03-30-2004 02:38 PM

Absence does not make the heart grow fonder
Cuthalion, Maika, and all the gamers on Brotherhood,

It has been two weeks since the last post on the game and ten days since anyone replied to the Game Manager's suggestions about how to wrap up this game.

It is a good game but it has been running for a year now. Such a slow pace puts great demands on gamers' time committments and also holds back the forum in that it allows little room for new gamers to move into games. This kind of pace does not create a healthy, vibrant forum.

Please respond on the discussion thread as quickly as possible to plan for the game's conclusion. If no one replies within three days, I will lock the game thread and then consider retiring it to Elvenhome, where it can await its fate.

Moderator for Rohan

Amanaduial the archer 03-31-2004 02:40 PM

I reply for the sake of continuing this game, although I have already given my initial responce to Cuthalion's question.

The game will still be able to end how it was planned, and it is an ending I like very much - I believe the initial idea was probably for Melost's 'curse' to come true, and for the person Arthain loved most in the world to die in his arms, that person, ironically, being Melost. Vlad and the rest of the outlaws could join the war, to some extent, and it could be Vlad to carry to news of the deaths to Anwanelme, as you wished before: alternatively, the game could maybe end in parallel, with Anwanelme on one side of the story and the battle on the other, ending with the dramatic peak of the two best friends' deaths.

I thought this was the sketchy initial plan - what do you think?

Aylwen Dreamsong 03-31-2004 06:29 PM

I think Dorlas should die. Die a slow, and painful death, and learn the hard way that war isn't cool. :D

In any case, I like the idea, but I think Jaheira will follow along if only to be with Vlad. I don't think she'd feel special if he went off and she was left alone and deserted by the former guys. Nope, don't think Jaheira would like that...;)


Durelin 04-01-2004 06:44 AM

I know that the outlaws were all originally going to end up in Lorien, is that going to happen now? It almost seems that Vlad, Snyd, and Jaheira are out of the story...unless Vlad decides to follow Melost and the 'deserters'. I'd like to see the end of this game with you's been lots of fun.


In any case, I like the idea, but I think Jaheira will follow along if only to be with Vlad.
And Snyd most certainly won't be left alone. :)

Please forgive the shortness of this post; I will be back to give more input, but I must go to school in a few minutes...

And sorry for the lack of posts lately... :(


Amanaduial the archer 04-01-2004 09:31 AM

I'm afraid I will be away from this Saturday until Sunday 11th. Sorry :(

Maikadilwen 04-01-2004 10:29 AM

Sorry to hear that, Archer.

Aylwen, I took some liberties after you said Jaheira would stay. Tell me if it's wrong and I'll change it.

Cuthalion 04-03-2004 12:32 AM

We're not dead yet, Bethberry! Hang in there with us...if I have to write the entire ending myself'll be done by the end of the month, you have my word.

Aylwen Dreamsong 04-03-2004 02:38 PM

Hmmm, I'll get a post up sometime tonight.

Maika - It's all good, your post is fine as far as Jaheira goes. :)


Durelin 04-03-2004 03:58 PM

Howdy all! Things have been really slow around here, lately. I think it's because everyone's pretty busy.

Anyway, I am afraid I will be absent from this Wednesday April 7th till the following Monday, April 11th. I will have internet access, but not very often, and I most likely will not be able to post anything of substance...visiting grandparents, you see.


And I will see this RPG to the end, Cuth! I promise!


Bęthberry 04-03-2004 04:09 PM

All's well that ends well
Very glad to hear that, Cuthalion, and everyone.

If I can help in any way, let me know.


Maikadilwen 04-07-2004 09:35 AM


Hmmm, I'll get a post up sometime tonight.
Uhm....Aylwen? What happened? :confused:

Aylwen Dreamsong 04-07-2004 03:52 PM

Apologies...things got hectic. But enough excuses...

Post is up. :)


Cuthalion 04-12-2004 12:05 AM

Whew..ok, people...we're in the home stretch. Here goes!

I 've PMd Archer with some very specific stuff to follow as Arthain. so she's good...

All outlaws: Continue will be captured by a joint party of Elves and men, then brought to Melost who will by that time have reunited with Arthain. He will then plead for the outlaws to have their freedom to do as they please.

Khalad will follow Melost...Fid will choose for himself.

Thelian and Dorlas will follow Melost and Arthain to their deaths.

Vlad and Anwen are the only ones at the last.

This will all take place in the last day of our heroes lives.

Cuthalion 04-14-2004 10:48 AM

OK, people...we have 16 days left. Let's put the puppy to bed, shall we?

Daniel Telcontar 04-16-2004 07:56 AM

Fine with me.

But I am unsure of what happens now. Do we get them to the battle now and kill 'em off? Is there still some delicate sub-plots that we need to post about?

Cuthalion 04-16-2004 09:38 AM

Right now I need you to play Thelian as much as possible.

Daniel Telcontar 04-16-2004 10:14 AM

Alright, I'll let Khalad slide away then, he has nothing to do until the battle anyway, where he can die. :D

But what am I supposed to do with Thelian? sorry for slowing you down, but I'm just unsure about what direction to take him, since I don't know what happens now in the plot, except that in the end they die. And I don't know what the rest of you have planned with especially Melost and Arthain; so I'm afraid of messing up your plans with those guys if I post something with Thelian about them (and there isn't much else for Thelian to do).

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