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Ithaeliel 05-21-2002 03:20 PM

Ithaeliel is woken up when Galadriel wakes up. She starts crying. "What's wrong, Ithaeliel?"
"I had *sniff* a nighmare... th-they made us do a page and a half on... h-hurricanes!"
GASP!!! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]
Ithaeliel wipes away her tears and smiles. "Anyway, back to the party." She decides not to drink anymore and goes to play spin the bottle with Gimli and the others. "Ech! That wasn't pretty..."

[img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 03:24 PM

Galadriel, still spinning, sees Ithaeliel walk over to the game of spin-the-bottle. being parcial (sp?) to both bottles and spinning, Galadriel dicides to join in. she sits down beside Ithaeliel and waits for someone to spin the bottle...

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 03:28 PM

Auriel quietly returns to inspect the carnage of the party from the night before. Dawn has risen on the field and a cool grey mist swirls around bundles of clothes upon the ground, curled below the trees. On closer inspection she discovers they are creatures, some known to her and some not. In the centre, miraculous in her ability not to fall over the sleeping hordes is Galadriel, spinning and still consuming that magic wine. Somewhere she can faintly hear the sound of the Beatles which has her slightly perplexed, although not as much as The Smiths reforming for the party which is being muttered about by a bundle of rags quite close to her feet. "Strange," she thinks "I met Johnny Marr a couple of months back and he never mentioned it."
The table is now devoid of food and is actually being slept upon by 3 orcs and a rather sparkly dragon. She retrieves the plate her cheesecake arrived on and begins to climb over the sleeping guests to see if she can find any of her friends from last night.

Thinhyandoiel 05-21-2002 03:29 PM

Thinhyandoiel comes stalking out of the little groups of trees, having slept the night up high in a tall birch. She has found the little dragon, and sends him off scurrying to Kuruharan. Then, satisfied with her work, she amuses herself with Galadriel dancing with her wine bottle and magic dress. Finally, she walks over to her.

"I must say, where did you get that marvelous piece of fabric?"

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Thinhyandoiel ]

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 03:33 PM

Galadriel had grown tired of the game of spin-the-bottle, since there was not nearly enough spinning involved. she starts spinning again, but stops when Thinhyandoiel walks over to her. "where did i get it? gosh, i don't really remember. it's kinda old..." She starts spinning again, this time deep in thought... where did she get this dress????

Niere-Teleliniel 05-21-2002 03:34 PM

Niere shrugs and surveys the mess. Heaving a great sigh, she whips several economy-sized trash bags out of her turban (Yeah, I came prepared!) and starts cleaning up the paper plates, broken glass etc. In response to several incredulous cries from nearby partygoers, she says, "Yeah, I know the party's not over yet! Just keeping on top of things!" She makes a mental note to enlist Airetalathwen's help in the near future.

Rose Cotton 05-21-2002 03:37 PM

Finally! Rose says. Some action.

Elanor gives Rose a looks that says 'being chased by fan girls is your idea of acton?'

But Rose has an idea.

"Elanor, Legolas, follow me. Let's try my idea." Rose starts to head for the Barrow Wright's tent.

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 03:37 PM

Galadriel decides she will never be able to figure out where the Magic Dress came from, and spins over to Niere, depositing 3 empty wine bottles into a trash bag. "thanx guys, i had a great time," she says to the bottles as she drops them. "i'll miss you..." she wipes a tear from her eye and pulls out another full bottle from the Mystery pocket, takes a gulp, and continues spinning..

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 03:41 PM

Galadriel stops spinning and scampers off to her tree. She closes her eyes, and falls asleep again..

She's the teenage girl.. her mother has just called her to dinner... she'll be back as soon as possible....

Niere-Teleliniel 05-21-2002 03:41 PM

In a super-fast move (from watching her little sister's countless taekwondo classes) Niere snatches the Wine from Galadriel and deposits it in her trash bag. "If you want something to drink sweetie, try the coffee!" (Entirely selfish, she merely wants someone sober enough to help with the cleanup...)

Thinhyandoiel 05-21-2002 03:43 PM

"Drat. I really wanted one." Thinhyandoiel grumbles and walks over to help Niere clean up.

"I'm sober!" She grins and points to the supposedly "SAFE" Dr.Pepper.

Niere-Teleliniel 05-21-2002 03:44 PM

"Have a trashbag, Thinhya! I'll start at that end, meet me in the middle!"

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Niere-Teleliniel ]

Kuruharan 05-21-2002 03:45 PM


"Kuruharan! If you're responsible for this..."
Awww, that's so sweet of you to instantly think of me when something [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] But I didn't do it, I was gone at the time, I think. I'm not to sure exactly what happened.


She has found the little dragon, and sends him off scurrying to Kuruharan.
Ah, is that where he went. Last time I saw him he was on a frolic with Estelyn. And he's not really so little, something like 30 feet long. Not as big as Smaug, but much bigger than me. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]


pulls out another full bottle from the Mystery pocket, takes a gulp, and continues spinning..
You realize of course that your liver is going to be the size of a watermelon before you're finished.

Goes off to listen to the Beatles...

Thinhyandoiel 05-21-2002 03:48 PM

"You're welcome Kuruharan! But...I thought I saw this dragon run off last night, and so I ran after him. This isn't your dragon!? Uh-oh..." Thinhyandoiel grimaces in obvious worry as she picks up a broken glass. "Let's not tell the Shirrif's, shall we?" And she goes on to meet Niere in the middle.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 03:48 PM

As she can only see someone cleaning up Auriel is slightly at a loss as to whether to stay a while and continue searching for the friends she made last night or leave for good. It was a fantastic party but she was secretly hoping it would be pushing on through dawn. Just because she was an elf didn't mean she wasn't particulary fond of food. Years of wandering with the Rangers and left her with a healthy respect for a good breakfast. (it might be the only meal of the day). She was also particularly disappointed that the music had stopped, the highpoint of the evening had been her dances with Frodo and 'likely looking elf'. "Oh bother, just as I was coming out of my shell."

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 03:51 PM

Heigho, there's always the Beatles.

Frodo Baggins 05-21-2002 03:55 PM

I see you, Rose!!!! *Frodo runt toward Rose Cotton* You give me that pinched chain this miniute or I will tell the shirrifs and have them arrest you!! *Frodo holds out his hand*
As soon as I beat this little pincher you and I can have another dance Auriel.

Rose Cotton 05-21-2002 03:57 PM

Rose runs up to the Barrow Wrights tent. The fangirls would never dare to go inside here.
Rose was sure the Barrow Wright wouldn't mind.
She goes inside................

ElanorGamgee 05-21-2002 03:57 PM

Rose, Legolas, and Elanor run toward the Barrow-Wight's tent. Elanor feels a lump forming in her throat. "I sure hope you have a good plan," she stammers. "The Barrow-Wight keeps mentioning abducting and sacrificing." Legolas mutters something in Elvish.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 04:00 PM

Suddenly Auriel spots Rose running into the black tent. She surprises herself by shouting and thereby alterting Frodo as to what is happening.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 04:01 PM

Unfortuneatly her shout also wakes the sleeping fangirls who begin to stir and their leaders spot their quarry following Rose.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 04:03 PM

AAGh! (Auriel is now slightly hysteric and forced to make a third posting because she has realised the problems she has created.) If only she remained her usual reserved self.

Auriel Haevasawen 05-21-2002 04:12 PM

Terrified that she has angered everyone Auriel feels it would be a good time to leave again. She has a long day of work to face and a plate to wash. She will try to return later and see if she's been forgiven.(In the mortal world she's facing the second bedtime since this party began and wishes she didn't work such long hours!)

Rose Cotton 05-21-2002 04:19 PM

Rose followed by Elanor and Legolas runs inside the tent. It's very dark and cold.

Rose sees where the entrance to the Barrow is and ducks inside it.

Outside the tent, the fangirls are wondering whether they dare go inside.

Rose sees the Barrow Wright slumped on the floor of the Barrow.

"What now?" Elanor asks.

"I figured the fangirls wouldn't follow us in here." Rose answers.

Frodo Baggins 05-21-2002 04:48 PM

*outside* Rose!! YOu give me that chain thin minute!!!!!! I mean it!!! Or i'll tell the BW he can have you.

Ithaeliel 05-21-2002 04:49 PM

Ithaeliel gets tired of spinning the bottle. She goes to help Niere clean up trash, as there's about as much debris as the WTC. Then she gets an idea to play a new game, one of her favorites, prank calls. She gathers some guests and heads to the nearest phone, dialing a random number. "Hello, this is the Cormallen bubble factory, we make lots and lots of bubbles, white bubbles, black bubbles, pink bubbles, blue bubbles, red bubbles..."
BEEEEEEEP. "stupid!"
She does lots of prank calls, and teaches the others to do so, manifesting their brains with dirty habits. But then she accidentally dials the Barrow-wight's tent... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Nevfeniel 05-21-2002 04:51 PM

Struggling against the tight grip of the shirrif, Nev shouts, "I swear! The Dr. Pepper was safe when I brought it!" The shirrif then replies, "Well then, we're arresting you because of the call we got about underaged hobbit drinking."
"But I'm an elf! And I wasn't drinking!"
"That's what they always say. It's off to time-out for you!"

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Nevfeniel ]

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 04:55 PM

Galadriel wakes up, stands, stretches and yawns. "what a strange dream.." she thinks "i was a girl who was eating pasta and writng a history essay..." she shakes her head, and, deciding to take Niere's advice, pulls a thermos full of coffee out of some pocket on her dress. "spinning's no fun if there's no wine involved," she decides, so she sips her coffe and walks over to a bunch of distraught-looking girls outside a tent.
she hears them whispering "he went inside the tent, i'm sure of it." "ya, but do u think it's safe to go in?" "i don't know. but i kinda want to. anything to get a look at him!!"
guessing what's going on, Galadriel decides to give poor Lego a break "hey girls!" she shouts out to them, "I think i saw Legolas go that-a-way" she points in the opposite direction, and the girls run away screaming. Galadriel smiles to herself, sips her coffee, and walks away from the tent...

VanimaEdhel 05-21-2002 05:16 PM

Menelduliniel, by now VERY VERY drunk, comes back in to refill her wine glass, goes and fetches Legolas from the fangirls, and takes him to her pond so they (right...Menelduliniel is drunk: like they're going to talk)!

(this is my way of not conversing, since, as soon as I logged on and read what happened since I left, my mom called me for dinner. *sigh*)

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 05:24 PM

Galadriel, getting very bored, decides that spinning could be fun, even without wine. She starts to spin around, and hears Beatles music, far away. She starts to sing along
"in the town where i was born
lived a man..who sailed to sea.
and he told us of his life.
in the land of submarines.."
which brought her to thinking "were the submarines in Middle Earth?" she quickly gets these thougts out of her head, not being in the mood to think. She picks up an empty Dr. Pepper can from the ground, and tries to find Niere, so she can throw it away into one of her trash bags.
"i wonder if this was 'SAFE' Dr. Pepper.."

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Nevfeniel 05-21-2002 05:44 PM

After being released from time-out for good behavior, Nevfeniel runs to the nearest convenience store to find a few somethings. . .
When she returns, she passes out something to everyone- free straws! Nev is determined to keep people sober, or at least the people drinking her Dr. Pepper. . . *shoots a look at Birdland*

Ithaeliel 05-21-2002 05:44 PM

Ithaeliel leaves the phone to the guests and giggles girlishly as she sneaks over to the tent where Legolas is hiding. She pokes her head in and sees him lying there with a bunch of girls around him. "All right, all of you, scram! He's MY husband!"
They refuse to move, so she goes in anyways and joins their fun. She picks up a can of Code Red and, without suspecting anything, swigs it. But soon she begins to feel tipsy. "Oh, lookit all the pretty flowers." Legolas picks up the can. "Somebody spiked the Code Red, too!"

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 05:50 PM

Galadriel looks at Nevfeniel. "free straws? woohoo!!!! thanx, Nev! (do u mind if i call u nev?)" Galadriel stuffs the free straw into some pocket on her dress, sips her coffee, and begins spinning again..

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Nevfeniel 05-21-2002 05:54 PM

You can call me Nev, Galadriel. By the way, I didn't know the straws were long enough to drink from the pocket. Maybe it's the magical dress.

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 05:55 PM

Galadriel looks at Nev. "Oh, Nev," she says, laughing, "i'm not drinking from the straw. you can't drink coffee with a straw! i'm just saving it for later, you see?"

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Nevfeniel 05-21-2002 05:57 PM

"OOOOOh. Okay!" Nev replies, and starts spinning with Galadriel.

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 05:59 PM

Galadriel stuffs the thermos of coffee into the Mystery Pocket, and grabs Nev's hands, spinning Titanic-Stlye (with your hands crossed, ya know?).

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Niere-Teleliniel 05-21-2002 06:08 PM

Niere finally is in the middle, waiting for Thinhyandoiel. Patience not being one of her virtues, she begins passing out garbage bags (magically hidden in her turban) to everyone, dubbing them, "The proud, the few: The trash crew!"

And, just to disprove Cimm's guess that she is "prim and proper," she hands a bag to Galadriel and sees how many "baskets" she can make while Galadriel is still spinning. (Dang, missed! Sorry about that! I don't think it stains!)

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 06:12 PM

Galadriel stops spinning to glare at Niere. "too bad you don't know the Magic Dress repels stains!!! mwa ha ha ha!" She throws the Dr. Pepper can in the trash bag, throws it (gently) at Niere,looks down at her perfectly clean dress, and continues spinning.

[ May 21, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Galadrie1 05-21-2002 06:40 PM

Galadriel suddenly falls back to sleep. she dreams...
the teenage girl must eat dessert....

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