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Anguirel 12-21-2006 09:35 AM

I'm trying to get one post up before I go tomorrow, but I'm not wholly confident.

By the way, for anyone waiting with baited breath...I got into Oxford. Life Mission #1 completed, providing I avail myself of an A Level or three...

Celuien 12-21-2006 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
By the way, for anyone waiting with baited breath...I got into Oxford. Life Mission #1 completed, providing I avail myself of an A Level or three...

That's wonderful news. :D


Durelin 12-21-2006 10:18 AM

Spectacular news! Congrats!!!!! I'm jealous. ;)

Ang - if you don't have time to do a post, perhaps you could leave either a save somehow or leave directions as to how you want the rest of the meeting carried out? Might be too tricky, and you might want more control over that, so I understand completely if that's not possible. Sorry, it's just my impatience and excitement getting the best of me (Thuringwethil wants out of my head!). :D

Anguirel 12-21-2006 11:08 AM

I've manhandled the characters of CoD, Celuien and Folwren. Do say if you object and I'll be happy to edit on my return, or pio can implement changes if greater urgency is wanted.

Thuringwethil is now free to meet her sweetheart...

I may also try and get up a post in which Drenda talks to Brodda.

Folwren 12-21-2006 05:31 PM

All's well with me. I especially liked the way you had the three sons dispurse at once. :D

Congrats on getting into Oxford. Funny thing is, I was under the impression last Christmas that you were already enrolled and in Oxford already.

My brother went to England as an exchange student. When he found that all they were doing was very simple classes and partying half the time, he was very displeased. He came back after two weeks. But in those two weeks, he visited Oxford. Upon being asked what he thought of it, he paused, grinned and said, "Thou shalt not covet." Needless to say, he wished he could go there.

I am busy with family now, but sometime hopefully in the next..............sometime I'll be able to post. (Maybe shortly after Christmas.)

-- Folwren

Folwren 12-21-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Thuringwethil is now free to meet her sweetheart...

SWEETHEART?!?! Good heavens above! :eek:

-- Folwren

Durelin 12-21-2006 05:55 PM

I quite agree, Folwren. Bat-lady is quite prepared to pop right out of the computer screen of yours, Ang, and "tear you a new one..." :p

Oh, and as for Oxford - I doubt this, but you aren't by any chance going to be there over the summer, are you? It would just be kinda cool to say hello. :D

Noinkling 12-26-2006 03:37 PM

SAVE filled --- sorry it took so long!

Hope everyone had a good holiday!! :)

Child of the 7th Age 01-02-2007 10:18 AM

Ang and everyone,

Hope you all had a great holiday.

I am wondering how time is flowing in the storyline. The Borrim group have structured their story in such a way that they must wait for "dinner" to be able to go ahead with our meeting. Until that point, it's hard for us to do much. I don't have a clear sense of where we are now in terms of time of day or how "long" this day will actually be.

If it is very early in the day and time will advance slowly, one possibility would be for us to go back and edit the invitations to make it a lunch meeting instead. :D
But before we do that, it would be helpful to get some sense of how fast we're going forward.

Many thanks.

Anguirel 01-02-2007 10:22 AM

Well, in the Chieftain's Hall it's still probably afternoon...the talks so far can't have taken that long. Perhaps a change to lunch would indeed be in order?

Brunch?? Lupper?!

I shall post as Drenda quite soon.

Child of the 7th Age 01-02-2007 10:37 AM

Thanks, Ang. I've sent a pm to the other Borrim (also in response to Lalaith's query) and will see how others want to handle this....if we'll wait till the actual evening arrives or go ahead with a "late lunch". :D

Folwren 01-02-2007 12:30 PM

I have very high hopes for getting a post up this afternoon sometime.

I don't care if a meal is served. We can do that if it is wanted. Uldor will be absent, probably.

-- Folwren

CaptainofDespair 01-02-2007 01:24 PM

I do not think I will be able to respond to Drenda today. I may be able to this evening, but that is unlikely. At the latest, tomorrow afternoon there will be a post up (barring any surprises).

Kath 01-02-2007 04:01 PM

I think that your suggestion of a late lunch is a good one Child. I want to see where the Borrim are going.

Celuien 01-02-2007 04:02 PM

Good stuff, Folwren! I've moved my save to after your last post. I'll try to fill it by tomorrow evening.

Nogrod 01-03-2007 07:15 PM

Maybe a late lunch or an early dinner? :)

The problem is, how do we know when it would be the one or the other?

But if it's afternoon in the Chieftain's hall...

Maybe we then should just go with the dinner (as that also sounds more suitable when we have talked about a feast of sorts) as soon as we can get started and just try to finish everyone - people in the chieftain's hall & people at the dinner (and others) - about the same time to go forwards to the night etc. smoothly? I don't think it such a discrepancy that some of us would talk on a couple of hours different plane at a time?

How do you think Ang, Child, others?

I will be able to post something on Monday the earliest, more probably on Tuesday.

Lalaith 01-08-2007 12:42 PM

I'm with Noggie on this one. What say the rest of us?

Kath 01-08-2007 01:46 PM

Sounds fine to me.

Child of the 7th Age 01-08-2007 02:27 PM

I agree.

I've been in other rpg's where the time line on two sides of the story runs slightly differently at certain points. The important thing is that we all end up on the same page timewise by late nightfall when folks go home to their beds. I think we can do that.

I'll try to get a post up late tonight (real time) where the house is prepared for "dinner" and we're waiting for the arrival of guests. I will be suitably vague about precisely what time this "dinner" is. (That covers a multitude of sins.) If someone wants to forge ahead before that and do a post of their own arrival at the house, that would be fine with me as well.....I'll just incorporate that response in my own post. Plus, people can filter in at different times if they have some other business they need to finish up in their writing (Perhaps Fordim?). We will be serving sweet wine and appetizers as a prelude to dinner. :D

At least this will get us all writing. Ang, if you see any serious problems with this slight adjustment, let us know. Otherwise it's full steam ahead.

Nogrod 01-08-2007 04:04 PM

Looks good to me.

I try to make a post or two to the Fellowship-rpg tomorrow (it's now a bit past midnight here) and will then post for my character's entry into the dinner - whether the party is on or not... I will be making Fastarr enjoying the appetizers if nothing has happened so far. :)

Child of the 7th Age 01-09-2007 12:01 PM


The set-up post for the Borrim feast is up.

As you can see, Khnadr will "assign" everyone a particular courtier or household to spy on. Women characters will be assigned to women at court. Presumably Briga will spy on the wife of Ulfang.

Lalaith -- would you be willing to have your character spy on Durelin's bat lady? :D I hope you like living dangerously.

Everyone else ....if you have a preference for your character, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just throw names in a hat and pick.

Lalaith 01-09-2007 12:29 PM

The spying is a splendid idea, Child.

Hehe. Embla would like nothing more than to stalk the batlady. What information she choses to share, and with whom, is another question...

Folwren 01-09-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lalaith
Hehe. Embla would like nothing more than to stalk the batlady. What information she choses to share, and with whom, is another question...

Haha! That is if Durelin's 'bat lady' gives you any information to share. I wouldn't count on it. :p

Lalaith 01-09-2007 01:52 PM

Fair enuffski.... ;)

Nogrod 01-09-2007 03:08 PM

Nice idea Child! You can assign Fastarr to spy on anyone you like.
(I'm little behind with my planned schedual, but I will be trying to catch it soon enough)

Durelin 01-09-2007 08:14 PM


The two girls can have a bit of heart to heart. ;)

Folwren 01-10-2007 08:16 AM

I received the PM from B&S about a banquet in honor of the elves and was directed to post here. :)

I'd say that would be fine. I have no particular plans for Uldor at present. It also seems likely that Ulfang would want to do something like that to honor the ambassadors.



Originally Posted by Durelin
The two girls can have a bit of heart to heart. ;)

Being who your girl is, Durelin, I would personally get deathly sick before going to have a heart to heart with her. :p She's rather evil, I think...and hardly a girl.

-- Foley

Celuien 01-10-2007 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
I received the PM from B&S about a banquet in honor of the elves and was directed to post here.

Me too. :)

A banquet is fine for me as well. I have no particular plans for Ulfast at the moment outside of his general gloominess and plotting.

Anguirel 01-10-2007 08:47 AM

The banquet is an excellent idea. So good to see everyone in motion. I'm afraid I've been slightly slack of late.

I wonder if Lachrandir and Tathren should pay Khandr a visit, out of politeness? That would involve them in the Ulfing supper...

CaptainofDespair 01-10-2007 11:02 AM

I am certainly fine with a feast. How can one have a feast without Ulfang himself, anyway? :)

And I'm sure Brodda can find something to do...

piosenniel 01-13-2007 12:52 AM

SAVE filled.....& sorry it took so long to do so! :rolleyes:

~*~ Pio

Nogrod 01-15-2007 03:23 PM

Fastarr invites you all to a sauna-experience! ;)

I made it a sweatlodge in the tradition of early Finns and native North American plains indians. I thought that could fit the culture here nicely. Feel free to disagree and we can see if something can be done to it.

I have myself indeed bathed in that kind of thing and I can assure you it's great. My sister's husband is a smith/carpenter who's got an interest in the old cultures and we built one of these sweatlodges to our summer-cottage a few years ago. Fun. The washing tent surely is a add-on as at least in Finland one would just jump to the lake or river nearby to wash oneself, but then I thought that this was in the middle of the village and thence there wouldn't be a lake nicely by...

And sorry Child & other Borrim! I thought of making a post where Fastarr gets ready, meets a few ruffians to dirty his nice clothes and then arrive at the feast, but as this sweatlodge-episode turned this long I decided to rethink the things once more.

I'll be writing Fastarr into Khandr's place - with or without any further adventures - in a day or two.

Anguirel 01-16-2007 06:46 AM

Lachrandir and Tathren, uncertain of where to find Khandr, have stopped at the house of Grimr...

Is it alright if I crash the Borrim party? That's where that post seems to be heading. If you Borrim would rather be alone, then I'll find a reason for Mith and I to hang around chatting to Ulfings.

Nogrod 01-16-2007 11:58 AM

Party-crashers! Sounds good to me.

But we should have our party going before it can be crashed... :p
(and surely our host is allowed to decide whether he lets any uninvited guests in in the first place.)

I'll have Fastarr in there pretty soon. How about you others?

Fordim Hedgethistle 01-16-2007 12:01 PM

To my Borrim Brethren

I've sent Hunta back for the party, and he's got a Ruddy Great Cheese with him!

I'm not sure of who's at the house right now and/or where they may be in the house. If there's anyone in the vicinity of the kitchen, however, please feel free to bring Hunta there with the RGC (see above) so he can deposit that. If nobody feels moved to do this before I have a chance to post next I will simply bring Hunta into the party myself later.

Nogrod 01-16-2007 12:06 PM

If I have time to write Fastarr in this evening (RL), should I make the two meet outside and get in together? We might then use the servant-NPC Hugo to take the cheese to where it belongs...

If yes, have you any points to make (besides the ones I can read from your earlier posts and Bio) as to how Hunta would greet his kinsman? If I write something, I'll be doing it within the next four hours time, about.

Child of the 7th Age 01-16-2007 01:34 PM


Crashing the party with Elves is an interesting complication!

Khandr is too much of a diplomat and has too much respect for the old ways to throw out Elves but he'll have to figure out a way to "invite" them to leave at some point in the evening so that the Borrim can plot and plan freely. :D Meanwhile, Khandr will try to worm out what information he can from the visitors. Khandr will be discreet but he may give some indication that he thinks something "fishy" is going on at the Hall. This will not be said directly, but a bright Elf will undoubtedly get the meaning.....

piosenniel 01-16-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Fordim

As he walked from the house he saw coming toward him two tall strangers. He immediately recognised them as Elves, even though he had never seen such people before. He stumbled to a halt for a moment as he regarded them. They were indeed fair folk, tall and graceful, with features that were clear and fresh but also aged and full of wisdom. One of them glanced in his direction and Hunta found himself gazing into two deep eyes that glittered like starlight. He quickly ducked his head, overcome by a queer feeling the likes of which had never yet come to his isolated and callow heart. Rather than face them directly he slunk into a side street and found a different way back to the house of the lord Khandr.

Fordie & Ang --

I'll put a post at the start of Fordim's latest post for Grimr to redirect the Elves to Khandr's hall.

~*~ Pio

Nogrod 01-18-2007 01:50 PM

I've taken Fastarr and Hunta into the dinner-party. And the cheese is taken care of too. :)

Fordim: care to notify me if there is something in my usage of Hunta that does not fit your view of him. I'll make the changes required, certainly.

I hope to see the party gather soon enough...

Nogrod 01-18-2007 02:05 PM

Ang & Child: I hope it sounds reasonable enough to you as I have said in my post that the Borrim hunter-party had been to see Ulfang the first day they had come in to the town to introduce themselves to the local lord. I think that sounds plausible...

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